Self Teaching Publications

                  VECTOR MATHEMATICS
                  a two and three dimensional algebra

                  by james n. hall

                  copyright © 1987 by James Norman Hall

                  United States of America


        All Mathematical and Vector conventions as defined

   in current math texts  are assumed.  The following small

   presentation of VECTOR MATHEMATICS which is subtitled the One

   Two and Three Dimensional Algebra does not challenge what has

   been presently developed.  Several new definitions in VECTOR

   MATHEMATICS should add another view point to Vector Analysis.

   The main purpose of this treatise is to increase our understanding

   of Algebra.  By introducing an expanded view point of the imaginary

   operator "i" common to Algebraic Theory, an enhanced and extended

   understanding of Algebra's connection with the real world is


        Let us begin our discussion of VECTOR MATHEMATICS by

   discussing the general topic of the square root of any real


        Let "+/- r" be the square root of any real number "x"

        or ( r )^2 = x or ( -r )^2 = x:  so long as a number

        "r" can be found among the real number system.  If

        x < 0, then no real number can be found in the real

        number system. By convention the imaginary operator

        "i" has been assumed to alleviate this dilemma. Therefore

        ( x )^(1/2) = ri if x < 0, where "i" is the imaginary

        operator "i" which is defined as ( -1 )^(1/2) or

        ( i )^(1/2) = -1 or ( ri )^2 = x when ever x < 0.

        Note: ( +i )^2 = -1 and ( -i )^2 = -1 also it is true

        +i =/= -i (( =/= will be used to represent: NOT EQUAL TO ))

        even though ( +i )^2 = ( -i )^2 = -1. Again to express

        the imaginary operators properties in other forms,

        ( -1 )^.5 or ( -1 )^(1/2) = +i or -i = +/- i.

        ( x )^.5 = ri or ( ri )^2 = x when x < 0.

        Again ( +i =/= -i ) means that +i + -i = 0.

        What operators must be defined then when one takes the

        square root of "i" iteritively? Or the square root of

        the square root of the square root of the square root of

        the square root of . . .  the square root of "i"?  That is

        the "n"th level root of "i".


         ( . . . ( -1 )^.5 )^.5 )^.5 )^.5 )^.5 )^.5 . . . )^.5


     ( . . . ( -1 )^(1/2) )^(1/2) )^(1/2) )^(1/2) ) . . . )^(1/2)


                 ( -1 )^(1/2n) as n --> t --> OO


                 ( -1 )^(2n) as n --> t --> 0

                   where "t" is chosen as larger

                   than any other number T as many

                   times as desired. The constant "2"

                   is necessary to maintain an even

                   root of the  real number "-1".

        Please note the important binary series characteristics

   of the above treatment of successive root levels of the real

   number "-1".  If "n" is an integer then the expression "(2n)"

   creates the binary sequence of:

   "0,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096, . . . 2n"

   or the binary fraction of:

   "1/2,1/4,1/8,1/16,1/32,1/64,1/128,1/256,1/512,1/1024,1/2048 . . . 1/2n"

   The above two series suggest an application of the roots levels on the

   imaginary operator to computer logic and machine level code.

   (More will be discussed later concerning the use of binary relationships

   with the imaginary operator "i" or any of its roots ( i )^(1/2n) for

   any integer "n".)  For now let us continue our investigation of the roots

   of "i".

        Since ( -1 )^(1/2) or "i" is not in the real number system

   then ( ( -1 )^(1/2) )^(1/2) or ( i )^(1/2) is not in the real

   number system.  This applies to any root level also as the square

   root  of "i" is the same as ( -1 )^(1/4).  The square root of

   the square root of the square root of "i"  or in symbolic form

   ( i )^(1/8)  = ( -1 )^(1/16).  Let us define the root level of

   "i" with the following convention:

        let ( -1 )^(1/2) = i_2 , ( -1 )^(1/4) = i_4 ,

        ( -1 )^(1/8) = i_8


        (  . . . ( -1 )^(1/2) )^(1/2) )^(1/2) . . . )^(1/2) = i_2n

        where n in the number of root levels that "-1" is taken

        to by the expression.

                            or in general:

                         ( i_2n )^(2n) = -1

        Multiplying the vector "A" or A_{x,y} or | a |_{x,y} by "-1"

   rotates the vector pi radians or 180 degrees.  pi = 180 degrees.


                 ( -1 ) * A_{x,y} = A_{x + pi,y + pi}


        ( -1 ) * A_{x,y} = A_{x + 180 degrees,y + 180 degrees}

        In the above examples "x" represents not the x axis but

        the angle A is from the x axis and likewise the "y" is

        the angle to A from the y axis.  A_{x,y} = | a |_x,y

        where "a" is the magnitude of the vector and "x" and "y"

        are the angles from the x axis and the y axis respectively

        Now ( ( i )^(1/2) )^2 = -1 therefore substituting in the

        above expressions:

               ( ( i )^(1/2) )^2 * A_{x,y} = A_{x + pi,y + pi}


    ( ( i )^(1/2) )^2 * A_{x,y} = A_{x + 180 degrees,y + 180 degrees}


                 ( i_2)^2 * A = A_{x + pi,y + pi}

        Again if ( i_4 )^4 = -1 or ( i_n )^n = -1 then

                 ( i_n )^n * A_{x,y} = A_{x + pi,y + pi}

        Graphically represented see opposing  page figure 1.

        If "-1" in all its various forms rotates  a vector 180

    degrees or pi radians, then (+i_2) * (+i_2) or (-i_2) * (i_2)

    also rotates the vector 180 degrees or pi radians as per

    figure 2 on the opposing page in graphical form.

        Definition:  "-1" rotates the vector A pi or 180 degrees.

    then "+i" rotates the vector A "pi/2" or 90 degrees.  Also

    "+i_4" or +( i )^(1/2) rotates the Vector A "pi/4" or 45 degrees.

    Thus for every binary root level of the operator "i" the vector

    A is rotated per the following table:

        Vector "A" with magnitude "a" is rotated 360 degrees or 2pi


        ( -1 ) * A rotates A 180 degrees or pi radians counter


        ( +i ) * A rotates A 90 degrees or  pi/2 radians counter


        ( +i_4 ) * A rotates A 45 degrees or pi/4 radians counter


        ( +i_8 ) * A rotates A 22.5 degrees or pi/8 radians counter


        ( +i_32 ) * A rotates A 5.625 degrees or pi/32 radians

        counter clockwise

        ( +i_64 ) * A rotates A 2.8125 degrees or pi/64 radians

         counter clockwise

        ( +i_128 ) * A rotates A 1.40625  degrees or pi/128 radians

        counter clockwise

        ( +i_(2^n) ) * A rotates A 180/(2^n) degrees or pi/(2^n)

         radians counter clockwise for all integer values of "n".

        And general for negative values of "i" the vector A

        is rotated clockwise per the following rule:

        ( -i_(2^n) ) * A rotates A 180/(2^n) degrees or pi/(2^n)

        radians  clockwise for all integer values of "n".

         Example 1:

                What root levels of "i" rotates a vector 30 degrees?

                or find "q" such that A rotates 30 degrees

                ( q  ) * A_{w} = A_{w + 30 degrees}

                ( i_8 + i_32 + i_128 + i_512 + s ) * A = A_{w + 30}

                where s = a small imaginary operator.

                q = ( i_8 + i_32 + i_128 + i_512 + s )

        Example 2:

                What is the vector resultant of these two vectors?

          ( +i_2 ) * A_{90 degrees,0} + ( +i_32 ) * B_{45 degrees,-45}

                | A | = 6

                | B | = 10

                +i_2  = +( -1 )^(1/2) which rotates a vector by

                multiplication in a ccw direction pi/2 radians or 90


                +i_32 = +( -1 )^(1/32) which rotates a vector by

                multiplication in a ccw pi/32 radians or 5.625


                The x axis and y axis are assumed the common

                directrixs of the vectors A and B:

                ( i_2 ) * A_{90 degrees,0} = A_{90 + 90 degrees,0} =

                A_{180 degrees,90 degrees}

                ( i_32 ) * B_{45 degrees,-45 degrees} =

                B_{45 + 5.625 degrees,-45 + 5.625 degrees} =

                B_{50.625 degrees,-39.375 degrees}

                substituting | B | = 10 and | A | = 6

  6_{180 degrees,90 degrees} + 10_{50.625 degrees,-39.375 degrees} =


        Example 3:

                What is the limit of the following expression?

   Limit [( -1 )^(1/(2^n))] * A_{c,d} = A_{c + pi/(2^n),d - pi/(2^n)}

      n --> oo

                As "n" becomes larger the value of "2^n" small

                and "pi/(2^n) approaches 0.

                Letting n --> oo then pi/(2^n) --> 0 then the

                above becomes:

   Limit [( -1 )^0] * A_{c,d} = A_{c + 0,d - 0} = A_{c,d}

      n --> oo

                Note: ( -1 )^0 = 1 therefor   1 * A_{c,d} = A_{c,d}

                This suggest that the limit of "i_(2^n) = 1 as

                n --> oo

                Remember i_(2^n) = ( -1 )^(2^n)


                Let the complex number (-1,0) be square rooted as

                many times as need to see the limit of the complex

                number as the square roots continue.

                first level    (0,1)

                second level   (.70710678,.70710678)

                third level    (.92387953,.38268343)

                fourth level   (.98078528,.19509032)

                fifth level    (.99518472,.09801714)

                sixth level    (.99879546,.04906767)

                seventh level  (.99969881,.02454122)

                eighth level   (.99992470,.01227153)

                ninth level    (.99998117,.00613855)

                tenth level    (.99999529,.00306795)

                . . .

                thirtieth level (1,.00000000292583615853)

                no rounding off of numbers, the imaginary part

                and real part was truncated in the calculator

                used to calculate the square root.

                See the figure 3 on the opposing page for a

                graphical representation of complex numbers as

                they represent a vector.

        Example 4:

                What complex number rotates the vector D the same as


                i_8 * D = ( a + bi ) * D

                what is "a" and what is b in the complex expression "a + bi"?

                i_8 = ( -1 )^(1/8)

                ( a + bi) * D = a * D + bi * D

                i_8 rotates the vector D 22.5 degrees or pi/8

                radians.  Therefore a * D + bi * D must equal

                 D_{x + pi/8,y - pi/8}.  Since the magnitude of D is

                not  changed when i_8 rotates the vector D.

                ( | a *  D | )^2 + ( | bi * D | )^2 = ( | D | )^2

                after dividing the above expression by ( | D | )^2

               ( ( | a *  D | )^2 + ( | bi * D | )^2 = ( | D | )^2)


                                 ( | D | )^2

               a^2 + ( | bi | )^2 = 1  and tangent of angle of the complex

               number (a , b) = tangent(pi/8 or 22.5 degrees).

               tangent(pi/8) =.414218738744

               b/a = .414218738744

               b = .414218738744 * a

               substituting .414218738744 * a for b

               a^2  + ( .414218738744 * a )^2 = 1

               solving for a:  a = .840894876315  ;  b = .348314415083

               therefore ( .840894876315 + .348314415083i ) rotates the

               vector D the same as "i_8" or ( -1 )^(1/8)

        The convention of angle rotation in  a clockwise direction for

   negative values is accepted with the following qualification:  All angle

   rotations in a counter clockwise are negative as seen from a left-hand

   viewing space; but, the same angle rotations as seen from right-hand

   viewing space are positive.  What is the difference between RIGHT-HAND

   VIEWING SPACE and LEFT-HAND VIEWING SPACE?  Refer to the opposing page

   and figure 4.  A right-hand viewing perspective sees the directrix end at

   the right of the initial point and the initial point on the left.  Where

   the left-hand viewing space sees the opposite orientation for the same

   vector or the initial point is seen at the right and the directrix is

   seen on the left.  Therefore what rotates clockwise in a RIGHT-HAND

   VIEWING SPACE  is rotating counter clockwise in a LEFT-HAND VIEWING

   SPACE.  What is left directed in a right-hand viewing perspective is left

   directed in a left-hand viewing space.  To have this graphically

   demonstrated have an associate on the other side of a window draw a

   vector from a figure in this book or rotate the hand with a marker in a

   clockwise direction.  Then do the same from your side of the window and

   note the apparent directions as you view the motion from the opposite

   side of the window.

        Notation in the treatise will be exclusively right-hand space

   perspective denoted as follows:

        Vector "A" in RIGHT-HAND VIEW SPACE is A_{x,y,z,...,w} or

        | a |_{x,y,z,...W} the directrixs "x" "y" "z" "w" and others

        will be at the right.

        Vector "A" in LEFT-HAND VIEW SPACE is {w,...,z,y,x}_A or

        {w,...,z,y,x}_| a | the directrixs "x" "y" "z" "w" and others

        will be at the left in the curly brackets.

        A vector in LEFT-HAND VIEWING SPACE is also a vector in RIGHT-HAND

        VIEWING SPACE or in symbolic form:

                {x}_A = A_{-x} or {-x}_| a + b | = | a + b |_{x}

       Angles on the left of the vector magnitude denote left-hand viewing

       perspective and angles on the right denote right-hand viewing

       perspective or space.  What is seen as left in one space is seen as

       right in the other space if the same vector is the subject of


        Vectors represented graphically are as illustrated in figure 5 on

   the opposing page for RIGHT-HAND VIEWING SPACE.

        Vectors represented graphically are as illustrated in figure 6 on

   the opposing page for the LEFT-HAND VIEWING SPACE.

        Vectors can be reference using Cartesian, Polar, or other reference

   systems.  No matter what the Reference System a vector is at minimum a

   number pair.  One number specifies magnitude and the other number

   specifies direction or a special relationship to its reference system.

   Since there can be many reference systems for the same vector all

   operations and functions on vectors may be either REFERENCE SYSTEM


   function of of a vector is reference system dependent or (rsd) it must

   be so specified. Therefore operations and functions will be assumed as

   reference system independent or (rsi).

        Example 5 of a (rsi) vector operation:

                let "a + bi" be vector defined by a complex number.

                let "c + di" be a second vector defined by a complex

                number.  n = an integer.

                Add the vectors:

                ( a + bi ) + ( c + di ) = ( a + c ) + ( b + d )i

                Rotate vectors "a + bi"; "c + di" by i_(2^n) or

                i_(2^n) * ( a + bi ) = i_(2^n) * a + i_(2^n) * bi

                i_(2^n) * ( c + di ) = i_(2^n) * c + i_(2^n) * di

                Add the rotated vectors:

                i_(2^n) * ( a + c ) + i_(2^n) * ( b + d )i

                Now rotate the sum of the unrotated vectors or

                complex numbers by (2^n).

                i_(2^n) * [ ( a + c  ) + ( b + d )i ] =

                i_(2^n) * ( a + c ) + i_(2^n) * ( b + d )i

        Since the sum of the rotated vector is equal to the rotated sum of

   the unrotated vectors, the operation of addition of complex number

   represented vectors is REFERENCE SYSTEM INDEPENDENT or (rsi).

        Example 6 of a (rsd) or reference dependent operation operation:

        Let vector "A" be defined in terms of complex numbers or

        a + bi = A.

        Let vector "B" be defined in terms of complex numbers or

        c + di = B.

        Now rotate vectors "A" and "B" by "i_(2^n)" individually.

        i_(2^n) * A = i_(2^n) * ( a + bi ) or

                      i_(2^n) * a + i_(2^n) * bi

        i_(2^n) * B = i_(2^n) * ( c + di ) or

                      i_(2^n) * c + i_(2^n) * di

        Now multiply the rotated results as follows:

        [ i_(2^n) * A ] * [ i_(2^n) * B or

        ( i_(2^n) )^2 * ( ac + adi + bci + bd( i^2 ) )

        Compare by multipling the unrotated vectors "A" and "B" or

        A * B = ( ac + adi + bci + bd( i^2 ) )

        Now rotate the results by "i_(2^n)" or

        ( i_(2^n) ) * A * B = ( i_(2^n) ) * ( ac + adi + bci + bd( i^2 )

        Since the before and after rotations are not equal as below:

        ( i_(2^n) )^2 * ( ac + adi + bci + bd( i^2 ) ) =/=

        ( i_(2^n) ) * ( ac + adi + bci + bd( i^2 )

        The operation of multiplication of vectors defined by complex

        numbers is not REFERENCE SYSTEM INDEPENDENT or (rsi) but is

        (rsd) or reference system dependent.  Dividing the above equation

        by ( ac + adi + bci + bd( i^2 ) we have the following inequality

        except for one case:

                i_(2^n) =/= ( i_(2^n) )^2 or

                      1 =/= i_(2^n) if n --> OO per example 3


                                           1 = i_(2^n)

                When n --> OO the "2n"th level of "-1" is representable

                by the complex number (1,0) = 1 and any number multiplied

                by 1 is unchanged thus proving the above example.

        Refer to the opposing page for numerical illustrations for four

   cases where modulus and direction of a vector "B" is defined by

   complex numbers.

        Example 8:

        Let "b" be the Modulus or absolute magnitude of the vector

        "B" defined by defined by imaginary operators.

        First Case: Where "B" is at 0 degrees or 0 radians.

                    and "b" equals 5.

                    | b |_{0,-90} or B_{0.-90}

                    B * B = B^2

                    if b = 5 then B^2 = | 25 |_{0,-90}

                    no change in direction indicated by

                    the multiplication.

        Second Case: Where "B" is at 90 degrees or pi/2 radians.

                    and "b" equals 5.

                    | b |_{90,0} or B_{90.0}

                    B * B = B^2

                    if b = 5 then B^2 = | 25 |_{180,90}

                    A change in direction indicated by

                    the multiplication.

        Third Case: Where "B" is at 180 degrees or pi radians.

                    and "b" equals 5.

                    | b |_{180,90} or B_{180.90}

                    B * B = B^2

                    if b = 5 then B^2 = | 25 |_{360,270}

                    A change in direction indicated by

                    the multiplication.

        Forth Case: Where "B" is at 270 degrees or 3pi/2 radians.

                    and "b" equals 5.

                    | b |_{270,180} or B_{270.180}

                    B * B = B^2

                    if b = 5 then B^2 = | 25 |_{180,90}

                    Reverse change in direction indicated by

                    the multiplication.

        If all of the above examples of the vector "B" were the same vector

  but the reference system was rotated as seen from an independent vector

  reference system, then this vector rotates depending upon the describing

  reference system.  This means that the references to a vector must include

  the reference to the reference system itself.  Yet the basic definition of

  a vector is a number pair where one is the modulus or magnitude and the

  other number signifies the direction.  To simplify Vector translation from

  one reference system to another the operations upon the vectors must be

  (rsi) functions and operational expressions.   If an absolute reference is

  possible then all operations on the vector will be seen as the same.

        Let us define a vector multiplication of vectors which is (rsi) such

   as vector addition.  To do this we will normalize the vectors so the

   multiplication is actually an addition.  This requires the concept of



        Note: if a number "a" is raised to the power x and y then

        if b = a^x and c = a^y it can be shown that

        b * c = a^x * a^y = a^( x + y ) = b * c




        | this expression reduces multiplication to an addition operation

        which is the definition of normalization as referred to in the above

        description of EXPONENTIAL NOTATION.  Now to define the meaning of

        the word POLARIZED in the above description.

        Let "a" be a number and let "E" be a vector then " a^E " is a

        Polarized number such that

        a^E = | a^e |_[ E/e ] = | a^e |_{direction of "E" }

        Which means the vector with modulus "a^e" and has the same direction

        as "E".  The notation " [ some vector ] "  refers to the array of

        vectors which result in some vector.  Therefore if  vectors below

        were to use this notation then

        | 34 |_{90} = B

        | 23 |_[ B/b ] = | 23 |_{90} = | 23 |_[ (| 34 |_{90})/34 ] =

        | 23 |_[ | 1 |_{90} ] = | 23 |_{90}

        Also it will be here set as  convention to represent an array

        of vector after the following manner:

        [ X Y Z ] = | absolute value of "X + Y + Z" |_{x,y,z} =

        | absolute value of "X + Y + Z" |_[ ( X + Y + Z )/(| X + Y + Z |) ]

        A numerical example can be illustrated as follows:

        [ 1 2 34 ] = vector  1 along x axis

                     vector  2 along y axis

                     vector 34 along z axis

        [ X  Y  Z ]

          ^  ^  ^

          |  |  |__ z axis magnitude of 34.

          |  |_____ y axis magnitude of  2.

          |________ x axis magnitude of  1.

        [ 1 2 34 ] = | 34.073 |_{88.318 deg,86.635 deg,3.7627 deg}

        [ 1 2 34 ] = | 34.073 |_[ .0293 .0587 .9978 ]

        .0293 .0587 .9978  are the cosines of the x,y,z angles of

        {88.318 deg,86.635 deg,3.7627 deg} of {x,y,z} directrixs.

        {x,y,z} =/= [ X/x Y/y Z/z ]


                    {x,y,z} is an array of angles

             [ X/x Y/yZ/z ] is an array of vectors

        { x,    y,   z }

          ^     ^    ^

          |     |    |______ angle from z axis toward the x axis

          |     |___________ angle from y axis toward the z axis

          |_________________ angle from x axis toward the y axis

        See the opposing page for the graphic representation of the

   above convention.

        The power in mathematics is in its notation; and the difficulty

   in mathematics is in its notation.  The digression just taken is to

   simplify the definition of vector multiplication through normalization

   by exponentiation and logarithms.  Too facilitate the symbolic notation

   by the standard keyboard characters, the following notation will also

   be followed:

        e^n       = exp[e](n)

        ln n      = log  base "e" of "n"

        log[10] n = log  base "10" of "n"

        log[e] n  = ln n

        alog[e] n = e^n

        aln n     = alog[e] n = exp[e](n) = e^n

        Now let us define vector (rsi) multiplication through normalization

   by exponentiation and logarithmics operations.

        Given two vectors "A" and "B" such that

   A * B =

   | exp[r]( | log[r](| A |) |_[ A/a ] + | log[r](| B |) |_[ B/b ] ) |_

   [    | log[r](| A |) |_[ A/a ] + | log[r](| B |) |_[ B/b ] /

   | | log[r](| A |) |_[ A/a ] + | log[r](| B |) |_[ B/b ] |  ]

   Where "A" and "B" may be any vector with "n" directrixs or components:

   A = [ W . . . X Y Z ] or | a |_{w,...x,y,z}

   B = [ W . . . X Y Z ] or | b |_{w,...x,y,z}

        Example 9:

        Find the (rsi) product of the following vectors.

        1.  4_{45,45} * 8_{45,45} = P

                                 per the above angle measurement.

            normalizing the vectors by selection base or radix 2

            log[2] 4 = 2

            log[2] 8 = 3

            The product becomes the addition of following vectors and

        its exponentiation of the resultant.

            2_{45,45} + 3_{45,45} = | 5 |_{45,45}

            P = | 2^5 |_{45,45} = 32_{45,45}

        2. 23_[ X Y Z ] * 55_[ X1 Y1 Z1 ] = P

        What is the product value of "P" ?

                        where X = cosine of angle from x axis

                              Y = cosine of angle from y axis

                              Z = cosine of angle from z axis

                             X1 = cosine of angle from x axis

                             Y1 = cosine of angle from y axis

                             Z1 = cosine of angle from z axis

                        or direction cosines of vectors.

        Let X  = cos(44)  for the 23 magnitude vector in degrees.

        Let Y  = cos(14)  for the 23 magnitude vector in degrees.

        Let Z  = cos(49)  for the 23 magnitude vector in degrees.

        Let X1 = cos(144) for the 55 magnitude vector in degrees.

        Let Y1 = cos(14)  for the 55 magnitude vector in degrees.

        Let Z1 = cos(149) for the 55 magnitude vector in degrees.

        Normalizing the two vectors using base "e" or natural logarithms.

   ln(23_[ cos(44) cos(14) cos(49) ]) = | ln23 |_[ cos(44) cos(14) cos(49) ]

ln(55_[ cos(144) cos(14) cos(149) ]) = | ln23 |_[ cos(144) cos(14) cos(149) ]

        The intermediate product becomes the addition of the normalized

        vectors and subsequent exponentiation.

        ln 23 = 3.13549421593

        ln 55 = 4.00733318523

        unit vector for 23 magnitude vector =

        [ .719339800339 .970295726276 .656059028991 / magnitude of the

        sum of X Y Z vectors ]

        unit vector for 55 magnitude vector =

        [ -.809016994375 .970295726276 -.857167300702 / magnitude of the

        sum of X1 Y1 Z1 vectors ]

        Once the unit vectors are found the logarithmics sum is taken:

        3.13549421593_[ .52333451203 .705910113963 .477296448268 ] +

        4.00733318523_[ -.529923003767 .635563936711 -.56146245861 ] =

        4.84365385369_[ -.099649090899 .982789785971 -.155545155079 ]

        exponentiating the above sum the product becomes:

      e^( 4.84365385369_[ -.099649090899 .982789785971 -.155545155079 ] )


      126.932297491_[ -.099649090899 .982789785971 -.155545155079 ]

        using the same parameter of input as output the answer is

126.932297491_[ cos(95.7189639361) cos(-10.6452457619) cos(81.0515851808) ]

        3. Using the Vectors in Example 9.2 the perspective independent

        version of angular parametered vectors is as follows:

        ( Note before hand that vector directed or unit vector directed

        vectors are perspective independent and do not rely on a

        perspective to determine which direction the angles rotate for

        positive or negative rotation, such as counter clockwise is

        see as a positive angle.  Below the example is that all angles

        are measured toward a neighboring axis are positive regardless of

        the perspective. )

        23_[ cos(44) cos(14) cos(49) ]) =

        [ 12.0366937767 16.2359326211 10.9778183102 ] or


             ^             ^             ^

             |             |             |

             |             |              -- likewise z axis to x axis

             |              -- angle y axis toward z axis

              -- angle measured from x axis toward y axis

        55_[ cos(144) cos(14) cos(149) ]) =

        [ -29.1457652072 34.9560165191 -30.8804352236 ] or


             ^             ^             ^

             |             |             |

             |             |              -- likewise z axis to x axis

             |              -- angle y axis toward z axis

              -- angle measured from x axis toward y axis

        23_{58.4438090541,45.0968822492,61.4910228451} *

        55_{122.000252651,-50.5381768421,124.156996953} =

126.932297491_[ cos(95.7189639361) cos(-10.6452457619) cos(81.0515851808) ]



        The above answer is both perspective independent and

        reference system independent or (p-i) and (rsi).

        (note the hyphen in p-i is to distinguish the acronym from

        "pi" the angular measurement in radians or half the

        circumference of the circle)

        4. Compare the (rsi) product of the following complex numbers

        with the (rsd) product of the complex numbers?

                   ( 3 + 45i ) multiplied ( 33 - 3i )


        ( 3 + 45i ) X ( 33 - 3i ) = ( 234 + 1476 )

        absolute = 1494.4333672 angle = 80.991496258 deg


        ( 3 + 45i ) * ( 33 - 3i) = ( 121.312143295 + 113.004404959i )

        absolute value = 165.790927529 angle = 42.9694176819 deg


        The DOT product of two vectors results in a number which represents

        the product of the magnitude of the two vector times the cosine

        of the angle between the vectors.  Thus

        A . B =  a  *  b * cosine(angle between "A" and "B")

        also if

        A = | a |_[ X/a   Y/a   Z/a ]   where [ X  Y  Z ] = A

        B = | b |_[ X1/b Y1/b Z1/b ] where [ X1 Y1 Z1 ] = B

        A . B = ab( (x/a)(x1/b) + (y/a)(y1/b) + (z/a)(z1/b))

        (by definition of DOT product)

        dividing both side by "ab" we have

        cos(A to B) = (x/a)(x1/b) + (y/a)(y1/b) + (z/a)(z1/b)


        cos(A to B) = cos(X to A) * cos(X1 to B) +

                      cos(Y to A) * cos(Y1 to B) +

                      cos(Z to A) * cos(Z1 to B)

        see figure on opposing page for illustration



               e^[(r)i] = cos(r) + (i)sin(r)

        The above formula is known as Eulers formula in most math

   text books.  It was derive by taylors series approximations of "e"

   "cos" and "sin".  No reproof or iterations will be done here as it is

   beyond the scope of this treatise.  Yet a salient point concerning the

   effect of notation upon mathematical conclusions can be learned here.

   The (rsi) multiplication highlights an interesting property on the

   effects of notation.  The product of to vectors represent in eulers form

   are as follows:

   e^[(r)i] * e^[(s)i] = (cos(r) + (i)sin(r)) * (cos(s) + (i)sin(s))

        Now the exponential side of the equation can be written in two forms

   as next follows:

        e^[(r)i] * e^[(s)i] = e^[(r + s)i]  or  e^[((r + s) / 2)i] * 2

                                    ^                  ^

                                    |                  |

           --------------------------                  |

          | (rsd) reference dependent multiplication   |




         | (rsi) reference independent multiplication

        The choice of multiplying and dividing by 2 results in "1" yet one

   form of vector notational treatment ADDS the arguments or angles and the

   other notational form AVERAGES the arguments or angles.  Please note


  e^[(r)i]  =  (cos(r) + (i)sin(r)

  e^[(s)i]  =  (cos(s) + (i)sin(s)

  e^[(r)i] + e^[(s)i] = (cos(r) + (i)sin(r) +  (cos(s) + (i)sin(s)

  e^[(r)i] + e^[(s)i] = (cos(r) + cos(s) + (i)sin(r) + (i)sin(s)

        With the trig identities of

        cos(x) + cos(y) =  2cos((x + y) / 2)cos((x + y) / 2)

        sin(x) + sin(y) =  2sin((x + y) / 2)cos((x + y) / 2)

        The right hand side of the equation becomes:

        2cos((r - s) / 2)(cos((r + s) / 2) + (i)sin((r + s) / 2)

        Now  the equation becomes:

             e^[(r)i] +e^[(s)i] = 2cos((r - s) / 2) * [cos((r + s) / 2) +

                                  (i)sin((r + s) / 2)]

        Note: e^[((r + s) / 2)] = [cos((r + s) / 2) + (i)sin((r + s) / 2)]

            e^[(r)i] + e^[(s)i] = 2cos((r - s) /2) * e^[((r + s) / 2)]


         e^[(r)i] + e^[(s)i] = 2cos((r - s) /2) * e^[((r + s) / 2)]

         e^[((r + s) / 2)] = ( e^[(r)i] + e^[(s)i] ) / 2cos((r - s) / 2)

        Therefore  the (rsi) form of Eulers form of vector multiplication is

        is as follows:

e^[(r)i] * e^[(s)i] =

       ( [cos((r + s) / 2) + (i)sin((r + s) / 2)] / 2cos((r - s) / 2) )^2


        e^[(r)i] * e^[(s)i] = e^[(r)i + (s)i] =

         e^[(r + s)i]  or  e^[((r + s) / 2)i] * 2

               ^                  ^

              (rsd)              (rsi)


        Axiom 1: Any vector added to itself results in a vector in the same

   direction as itself and magnitude twice the original vector.

        Axiom 2: Any vector multiplied by itself results in a vector

   in the same direction as itself with a magnitude according to the

   square of the root magnitude in any 'reference system independent'

   multiplication. Therefore for (rsi) multiplication:

       ( [cos((r + s) / 2) + (i)sin((r + s) / 2)] / 2cos((r - s) / 2) )^2

   does not rotate when squared.





        1. A = A                        This property states equality is

                                        tautological and reflexive.

        2. if A = B then B = A          This property states Identity is

                                        symmetric to both sides of the


        3. if A = B and B = C then      This property states substitution

           A = C                        of identities are transitive

        4. if A = B and C = D then      This property states substitution

           A + C = B + D                is applicable to vector operations

           A * C = B * D

           A . C = B . D

           A X C = B X D

        5. A + B = C                    This property states vector

           A * B = C                    addition or multiplication has

           A X B = C                    a closure properties such that

           A . B = c    *(number)       two vectors under and operation

                                        can be represented by single

                                        vector and visa versa

                                      * ( The dot product is exempt of

                                        this property as the resultant

                                        "operation" results in a number

                                        which is a "vector" with always

                                        and only one direction.)

        6. (A + B) + C = A + (B + C)    Associative property of Vector

           (A * B) * C = A * (B * C)    operations work only with the

           (A . B) . C  = ?             addition and (rsi) multiplication

           (A X B) X C  =/= A X (B X C) The dot product is undefined and

                                        the cross product fails.


       a * b * sin(angle A to B) * [ unit vector 90 degrees A,B plane ]


       b * a * sin(angle B to A) * [ unit vector 90 degrees A,B plane ]

           Since sin(angle B to A) = -sin(angle A to B)


                A X B = -1 * ( A X B )

        7. A + B = B + A                This property states that vector

           A * B = B * A                operations are commutative except

           A . B = B . A                for the cross product which is

           A X B = -(B X A)             equal to minus the commuted product.

                                        (that is rotated 180 degrees)

        8. A + (-1)A = 0                Two vectors with equal absolute

           A X A = 0                    magnitude but with opposite

                                        direction added define zero.

                                        (cross product of equal vectors

                                        defines zero)

        9. A + 0 = A                    Zero or Null vector property for

           A * 0 = 0                    vector operations defined.

           A . 0 = 0                    A Null vector is a vector of zero

           A X 0 = 0                    magnitude and a real argument of

                                        direction | 0 |_{x,y,...,z}

       10. A . (B + C) = A . B + A . C  Distributive property applies for

           A X (B + C) = A X B + A X C  dot and cross product only and

           A * (B + C) =/= A * (B + C)  fails for the (rsi) multiplication

                                        or normalization form of


       11. m(A) = | ma |_[ A/a ]        scalar multiplication increases

                                        magnitude and angular moment when

                                        m < 0 or imaginary.


        1. A vector is at least a number pair of magnitude and direction.

        2. The vector magnitude is always greater than 0.

        3. Any vector where the magnitude is less than 0 or has imaginary

           component has implicit direction.

        4. A null vector is a vector with 0 magnitude and one direction.

        5. Zero is a number if no direction specified.

        6. The sum of two null vectors result in a null vector of angle

           equal to the sum of the two angles divided by two.

        7. Vector division results in a vector.

        8. A vector can be represented by either a vector product or a

           vector sum or both.

        9. The absolute value of a vector is greater than zero regardless

           of any implicit direction to the angular direction.

       10. The absolute value of a vector magnitude is a positive number

           ALWAYS or is equal to the magnitude of the absolute value of

           the vector.

                The absolute value of the vector is represent by the

                following notation:

                    abs(A)   = absolute value of vector "A"

                removes the direction of "A" and leaves the positive

                magnitude only.

            A / abs(A) = unit direction vector of | 1 |_[ A / abs(A) ]

       11. A pure vector is a vector with no implicit direction in the


                We will use the functional notation to represent the

                different factored values from the vector parameters

                    pur(A)   = removes the implicit direction in the

                               magnitude and places the implicit direction

                               in the argument or angular parameter of "A"

                pur(A) is a pure vector but may not have the same angular

                       argument as "A"

                pur(A) =/= A

                      (if the magnitude of "A" has implicit direction)

                mag(A) removes the direction from "A" and leaves the

                       magnitude only even if it has implicit direction.

                mag(A) = a

                arg(A) removes the magnitude from A and equals the direction

                parameters or angles only.

                if A = | 23 |_{ 356 degrees } then arg(A) = 356 degrees

                if A = | 24 |_[ (any unit vector) ] then

                arg(A) = [ (any unit vector) ] or the angle of the

                unit vector.

                | mag(A) |_{ arg(A) } = A = | a |_[ A / abs(A) ]



        Since multiplication of two vectors produces a vector and

    the addition of two vectors results in a vector,  conversion from

    addition to multiplication and visa versa is possible.

          let A + B = C and D * E = P and P = C then

                A + B = D * E  where arg(A) = arg(D)

                                     arg(B) = arg(E)

          Find the Magnitude of "A", "B", "D", "E" such that

                A + B = D * E

        Refer to figure () on the  opposing page.

   P = e^( | ln(abs(D)) |_[ D / abs(D) ] + | ln(abs(E) |_[ E / abs(E) ])


   ln (P) =  | ln(abs(D)) |_[ D / abs(D) ] + | ln(abs(E) |_[ E / abs(E) ]

   Per the figure across the similar parallelograms are formed therefore

   all sides of the vector differ by the ratio of:

                        abs(P) / abs(ln (P)) = r


abs(e^( | ln(abs(D)) |_[ D / abs(D) ] + | ln(abs(E) |_[ E / abs(E) ]))

----------------------------------------------------------------------- = r

    abs(| ln(abs(D)) |_[ D / abs(D) ] + | ln(abs(E) |_[ E / abs(E) ]))

e^( | ln(abs(D)) |_[ D / abs(D) ] + | ln(abs(E) |_[ E / abs(E) ]) = D * E

| ln(abs(D)) |_[ D / abs(D) ] + | ln(abs(E) |_[ E / abs(E) ] = ln(D) + ln(E)

                D * E = r ( ln(D) + ln(E) )

                D * E = r(ln(D)) + r(ln(E)) = P = C


               [ D / abs(D) ] = [ A / abs(A) ]

               [ E / abs(E) ] = [ B / abs(B) ]

        then:  A = r(ln(D)) and B = r(ln(E))

        substituting below renders the following equations which was to

        be found.

               D * E = A + B = C = P


        To convert an addition A + B to product D * E  such that:

e^(ln(abs(A + B)) / abs(A + B))A * e^(ln(abs(A + B)) / abs(A + B))B =

       A + B = D * E

       set D = e^(ln(abs(A + B)) / abs(A + B))A

       set E = e^(ln(abs(A + B)) / abs(A + B))B


       To convert a product A * B to addition D + E such that:

(abs(e^(lnA + lnB)) / abs(lnA + lnB))( lnA + lnB ) = A * B = P = D + E

       set D = (abs(e^(lnA + lnB)) / abs(lnA + lnB))( lnA )

       set E = (abs(e^(lnA + lnB)) / abs(lnA + lnB))( lnB )

                            POINTS IN SPACE

     Two vectors described by the logical OR statement can define two

points in space.

                A (OR) B = points (A,B)  if A = B then Point (A) (AND) B

     Two vectors describe by the logical AND statement can define only

one point in space.

                 A (AND) B = point (C) C is a unique point

      A + B, A * B are specific applications of the AND function if

A,B are arbitrary constants.

      X + Y, X * Y are specific applications of the OR function where

"X" and "Y" are variables defining only one of a se are selectable.

      Therefore Vectors (OR)'ed describe a set;

                Vectors (AND)'ed describe a unique vector.

                         LINES IN SPACE

     Given a line in cartesian form or the general line:

                ax + by = c

                let | x |_{ 0 }  = x-axis

                let | y |_{ 90 } = y-axis

     Solving the line equation for "y" or "f(x)".

                f(x) = y = (c -ax) / b

                therefore a line in vector form is

                | x |_{ 0 } + | f(x) |_{ 90 } = set of vectors C

                see figure () across page.

    Lines  can also be represented by the vector constant "A" plus

a vector representing the slope of the line or | f(s) |_{ slope angle }.

Where "A" is the Distances from the initial point to the line.  "S" is

the direction of the slope of the vector per the figure across from the


                | f(s) |_{ q } where q = slope angle

                | a |_{ p }    where p = perpendicular angle to q

                        q = p + 90 degrees

                        q = arctan( a/b ) where the line is

                        describe by the cartesian line ax + by = c.

                (s) is a variable that spans the length of the line.

                a   is a constant or the closest distance to line from

                the initial point.

   Lines can also be expressed as vectors with its magnitude as a function

of the angel argument.

                | f(q) |_{ q } where the q is in radians.


                given the line ax + by = c in cartesian form

                and converting to the polar form by setting

                        x = r * cos(q) y = r * sin(q)

                then line ax + by = c can be express as below

                r * ( a * cos(q) + b * sin(q) ) = c


                r = c / ( a * cos(q) + b * sin(q) )

   Therefore the vector form of the line in terms of (q) is per figure

across the page.  And expressed below:

                line (q) = | ( c / ( a * cos(q) + b * sin(q) ) |_{ q }

                where line(q) = vector R

                for all values of q such that

                a * cos(q) + b * sin(q) =/= 0

                           CIRCLES IN SPACE

   The cartesian form of a circle is:

                x^2 + y^2 = h^2   where h is the radius of the circle.


                        x = r * cos(q) y = r * sin(q)

                converting to polar form the equation becomes:

                  ( r * cos(q) )^2 + ( r * sin(q) )^2 = h^2

                solving for r in the above equation

                r = ( h^2 / (( cos(q) )^2 + (sin(q))^2 ))^(1/2)

                since ( cos(q) )^2 + (sin(q))^2 ) = 1

                r = (h^2 / 1)^(1/2)  and r = h

   The general form of the vector with center at the initial point is:

                | h |_{ q }

   The general form of the vector with center at "A" distance from the

initial point is:

                | h |_{ q } + A or | h |_{ q } + | a |_ { arg(A) }

                         ELLIPSE IN SPACE

   The cartesian form of a ellipse is:

                          (x^2)/(a^2) + (y^2)/(b^2) = 1


                        x = r * cos(q) y = r * sin(q)

                converting to polar form the equation becomes:

            ( r * cos(q) )^2 / (a^2) + ( r * sin(q) )^2 / (b^2) = 1

                solving for r in the above equation

         r^2  = ( 1 / (( cos(q) )^2 / (a^2) + (sin(q))^2 / (b^2) ))^(1/2)

         r = ( (a * b) / ( a * (cos(q))^2 + b * (sin(q))^2 ) )^(1/2)

   The general form of the ellipse centered at initial point is therefore:

         | ( (a * b) / ( a * (cos(q))^2 + b * (sin(q))^2 ) )^(1/2) |_{ q }

   The general form of the ellipse center "A" distance from the initial

point is therefore:

     | ( (a * b) / ( a * (cos(q))^2 + b * (sin(q))^2 ) )^(1/2) |_{ q }

      + | a |_{ arg(A) } = ellipse "A" distance from initial point.

                        PARABOLA IN VECTOR SPACE

   The Cartesian form for the Parabola opening up the y-axis is

                         y^2 = 4 * a * x

        Converting to polar for to prepare for vector equivalent

        where:  y = r * sin(q)  and x = r * cos(q)

            (r * sin(q) )^2 = 4 * a * r cos(q)

            r = 4 * a * cos(q) / (sin(q))^2

            Therefore a parabola in vector form is

            | 4 * a * cos(q) / (sin(q))^2 |_{ q }

            Note: "q" cannot be pi/2 radians or magnitude of the

            vector must be infinite.  Therefore the parabola opens

            up at the "0" degrees or "0" radians.

     note: add any angle "h" to "q" to rotate the parabola.

            | 4 * a * cos(q) / (sin(q))^2 |_{ q + h }

            Also we can rotate vectors by multipling by rfi vector

            multiplication therefore the parabola can be rotated as

            below method shows:

            (i_2n + i_2t + ...) * | 4 * a * cos(q) / (sin(q))^2 |_{ q }

            Adding a vector "M" to the parabola translates its location

            the magnitude and direction of the vector "M" rotated "h" or

            i_2n + i_2t + ... .

            M + | 4 * a * cos(q) / (sin(q))^2 |_{ q + h }

            M + (i_2n + i_2t + ...) * | 4 * a * cos(q) / (sin(q))^2 |_{ q }

   Solving the equation (r * sin(q) )^2 = 4 * a * r cos(q) for q or:

           q = Arccos(-4a +/- ((4a)^2 + 4 * r^2)^(1/2) / 2r)

   The Parabola can be represented in terms of r as follows:

           | r |_{  Arccos(-4a +/- ((4a)^2 + 4 * r^2)^(1/2) / 2r) }

           rotated by "h" and translated by "M" as below:

           M + | r |_{  Arccos(-4a +/- ((4a)^2 + 4 * r^2)^(1/2) / 2r) + h }

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