FUTURLOGICS a system of prospective thinking:
by james n. hall COPYRIGHT © 1983 BY JAMES NORMAN HALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatever without express written permission of the publisher ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Printed in the United States of America SELF TEACHING PUBLICATIONS WEST JORDAN, UTAH 84084 USA Previous Next Table of Contents of FUTURLOGICS Chapter XII PREPARATION PURPOSE A fundamental law of physical science states that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. All matter is motion interacts with itself and adjacent material. This interaction is immediate. This law applies except in the interaction of living organisms with material or with other organisms. In life, action upon material existence is prompted either by a knowledge of the future or an instinct. The cause-effect principle is important to the concept here developed: mere existence causes things to happen. These effects of our existence are willed or they are involuntary. When they are willed, we enter a special category of material interaction. Whenever we alter conditions and cause specific effects to occur, we are preparing. Anything that causes a desired effect, and is done purposely, is preparing. When we learn to control who we are and how we do things--engineering them to specific designs and plans--we are preparing, even if our preparedness has become habitual and below awareness. As defined in the section on waiting, foreknowledge is knowing what to do with the knowledge of the future we have, and using this knowledge to benefit or control conditions we would desire or intend to be. Perfect foreknowledge (if we could achieve the ideal) would conceivably reflect a natrurally purposeful action in everything we do. (We would, by the natural effect of knowing who to relate with the presen, based upon what we know of the future,--do everthing to cause all to work for our good. The key word to preparation is purpose. Without intent there can be no preparation. With no idea of the future we have no design or plan. The more we know, the more our acts become purposeful. Also, being prepared for the future in itself frees the mind to think further ahead, because preparation allows us more time and freedom as we enjoy the fruits of our preparedness. THE FIRST MOTIVE OF PREPARATION IS SURVIVAL The squirrel gathers nuts and the bear eats himself fat. Some biological clock triggers an instinct that impels activities essential to ready the animals for the winter. Many of the things we do to ready ourselves are as crucial. We gather the harvest, fill the store houses to meet our needs of the seasons changes. These activities are so familiar they become custom and routine. We often do not realize they are in reality preparations to survive change. But a moment's reflection tells us, were we to have two winters back to back, how difficult life would be if we had only been ready for one. Our formulas to meet change are so fragile any change in the economy of the times and seasons upsets a delicate balance. If nature were not so regular and predictable life and civilization as we now know it would not be known. All preparatory action strengthens and gathers resources to meet a foreseen condition or event. In a dangerous environment most of the activities of man is to get ready for the next test of survival. It is constant practice and exercise to strengthen and quicken the reflexes. The soldiers life exemplifies readying with an eye for the possible battle. The the soldier preparation and survival are the same. Safety and comfort is the time we should use to prepare for the day when danger and hardship come. All too often we become lax during the good times letting go the rigorous action of preparatory exercise. THE SECOND MOTIVE OF PREPARATION IS PROGRESS After we gain more power over our environment we then seek to use the principle of preparation for progress. We learn how to do things which will offset or eliminate the effect of nature. After we learn to survive, we then use the techniques of preparation to advance ourselves. Through our desire to improve ourselves, we turn preparation to progressive action which enhances our standard of living. Preparation for progress requires time from our needs to apply ourselves to enhancement of our lifestyle. Many students have discovered this when they have had to drop our of school to earn enough money to get back into school. Unfortunately, many never earn enough to return. To break the yoke of working or preparing only to meet the needs of survival is an age old problem. It has been theorized that slavery in ancient times gave free men the time and resources to discover things that enable modern man to overcome his basic needs. A more positive theory is that man learns to produce a surplus by resorting to the techniques of specialization, which makes production more efficient and, therefore, overproduction could supply others who also specialized. Then this freed man to use his resources to prepare and learn. In either case, it is necessary to have extra resources and extra time to apply the preparation activity to progress and creativity. If we have prepared well, we shall soon see that our preparations will bring returns that enable us the time and means to further prepare and progress. ACCURACY IN PREDICTION MAKES PREPARATION MORE EFFECTIVE If we imagine the future through the retrospective modes we arrive at the absolute future. History dictates that we prepare for things which are generally perpetual and recurring. No one will say that this in unnecessary, but we omit the fact that new things are happening now for which there are no precedents. The observational mode of the natural future which results restricts the future to the interpolation and extrapolations of what is observed. Since we cannot see or hear the future as it really is, we are limited, and it is so with the rest of the modes. Preparing for everything we imagine the future to hold would soon deplete the time and means we have to apply to progressive and creative pursuits. But if we prepare for the real future, as it is gained through the techniques of Futurlogis and DMP, then we use our efforts in the most efficient way possible. The rewards are increased, and the increased time and resources make progress more available. The old saying that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself makes sense if we realize that preparing for everything we see in the imaginary future is impossible. Specific and accurate prediction will eliminate the all-direction type of preparation that this kind of future will produce. If we knew the exact time a thief would break into our house, we then could have a fitting welcome for his intrusion. Since we don't know when we might expect him, we live every moment in fear he might come tonight. We then expend time and money for the just-in-case type of preparation. If we fear the future generally we will need assurances to dispel the barricades which deplete our resources, and find ourselves back to the survival level of preparation. If we stored all the basic needs of survival such as water, food, clothing, etc., enough to last for six months, the fear that drives us to the activity of preparation only for survival can be changed. In fact, persons who have done this find that they progres more and can concentrate on activities that help them to move forward. When we are motivated to prepare by creativity instead of fear, we can use this important activity to improve and enhance our style and standard of living. Responding to only the negative aspects of the future depresses growth and creativity. Having a storeroom of necessities through an artificial measure can alleviate fear and can be a means of optimism. Preparation helps us predict, as it frees us from the necessary routines that bury us and prevent our looking ahead. Prediction, on the other hand, helps us prepare more effectively. Futurlogics and DMP should make all preparation progressive and creative. PREPARATION HELPS US TO UNDERSTAND THE PRESENT Few of us can meet sudden occurrence with instant response. In order to build reflexive speed we have to practice the action to some cue or stimulus to ready us to meet the actual event. Practice on the piano readies us for some perfect rendition to come. Fire drills are for the possibility of real fire. The training of soldiers is to harden the civilian personality to the confusion and stress of combat. These kind of preparations are everywhere. If a student would study his lessons in such a way that he learned everything he could on his own, and then he would take notes of the parts he could not learn by himself, then when he gets to the lecture hall he could ignore the material he already knows and concentrate on the teacher's presentation and could ask the questions which ming ease his difficulties. By freeing the mind from the obvious before class in his preparations, he can be more attentive to the less obvious and more difficult aspects of the lesson. Proper preparation can make the mind see things that ordinarily escape on the first observation. How many of us have seen a movie the second time and seen many things we missed in the first viewing? Today as a new report flashes across our television screen we know that we will hear the follow-up newscasts for weeks to come, explaining all that the event means. It is true when something happens to us we will then spend time to analyze and evaluate the implications of the event. It seems that we cannot fully appraise the present without a time to fully absorb the relevance and impact it has. The present is understood in terms of the past because we wait until it has solidified into pass experience. We are retrospectively oriented and we need to look at everything as if it were past. Preparation helps us get the jump on events so we are able to witness as trained and proficient observers. Today things are changing so rapidly that we can't fully understand most of these things except in a superficially scanned form. We are in an age of specialization. One expert declares what we have to take for granted or we will not be able utilze his knowledge. Then again, we have mind robots (computers) which take the labor out of vast computations. These machines are another kind of expert, and we take their 'word' because it takes too much of our time to figure it all out by ourselves. We believe from the surface level of experience or we spend more time than we are allowed to relate to the new generation of machines and training programs. Besides believing what the experts tell us, we must by necessity take alternative of preparing ourselves to be more efficient. Today we would be overwhelmed by the daily course of life if we did not prepare ourselves. Living itself can be interpreted as a form of preparation. STAGES OF PREPARATION There is a natural order to the phase of preparation, and though all of them may be fused into one, then can also be seen as distinct and definitely separate. For the purpose of analysis we will break the process into component parts. Later we will study the operation as a synthesized whole. The essential elements of preparation are as follows: 1. By prediction or other means we are informed of the future and the events that are to come. Reflecting, we realize that we have not ready resources nor the powers to meet an oncoming event. If we decide that events cannot be changed, then the action of preparation is initiated. 2. To structure the preparation activities we should determine the time period allowed before the event is upon us. A precise statement of the amount of time will make the arrangement of preparation much easier to coordinate with present activites. 3. We must evaluate the nature of the event or environment to come so that the problem is not misunderstood. This encourages definitive action and thought to generate the types of things we must do to meet and endure events that will be unchangeable, if we do not prepare. 4. We must then decide the kind of change needed to meet the event. Here, we review the present resources we can draw upon to begin the change. We determine the things we can change that will make a difference. We compare this to what would happen if we did nothing. 5. Timing--When to start the things we will do is the nest step in building up to preparation activity. Procrastination and delay caused many plans and preparations to fail. Getting started is crucial to any activity concerning the future since delay will bring the future to the fore where advantages of advanced warning are lost, and then it is beyond our control. Foreknowledge is of no importance unless we are able to implement and exercise it to obtain control and efficiency while there is time to effect change. 6. Feedback, seeing the development of the preparatory activity progress according to expectations and design is next. Check for errors or changes in the goals of the total activity. Any changes will throw us back to the beginning stages of preparation--at least for reappraisal. 7. There may be pure waiting or stalled activity just before the event arrives. Examples of this are quite dramatic, as in the case of the areospace venture with a pause for the countdown. At these times we are very conscious of the passage of time. However, this is not always the case, and a general statement can be misleading. This is the preparatory build-up to meet future events. The more general the pattern we use to plan our preparatory activities, the better. Specific behavior is not conducive to the awareness of the full temporal environment. Preparation is either for the natural future or the synthetic future that comes through the activities of man. Preparing for the future we think will be will shape the quaility and effectiveness of any preparatory activity. The general phases of preparation follow through the same steps for any given future, however, the feedback from any specific mode but the mode of Futurlogics will be more discordant. Preparation will be positive and progressive if we will study the Futurlogics system of prospective thought. REASON FOR PROCRASTINATING PREPARATION First, the more we can handle the abstract and intellectual, the more we are able to think prospectively, Self-dicipline and intelligence make preparations more real and meaningful because we can see the results easier. Lack of intelligence brings about procrastination. Secondly, since it takes energy to prepare, we should then find the law of physics which tells us that for every force there exists and equal and opposite force. Sometimes we lack the resources to accomplish the object of our preparation. The hand-to-mouth existence that some are forced into makes the extra energy to face the future beyond their means. Thirdly, habits are a big part of everything we do. If we constantly put off preparation for tomorrow soon we find that it is a habit. We procrastinate until the reality of the event is upon us and we then experience the sudden stress of urgency and lack of time to adequately prepare. Forthly, we get into the habit of putting off for tomorrow because the event is so far into the future its remoteness tempts us to say that we have "plenty of time." This suggestion to our subconscious may also start the habit we mentioned. Vague and poor prediction will often make the defined need of preparation diffuse and unusable. This fuzzy look at the future will stultify action and this, in itself, will produce the stall of procrastination. Each stage of preparation will have problems attached to it, and this is enough to prevent activity. If we see clearly the stages of preparation, we can overcome such inherent problems with less resistence. SUMMARY What must we do to prepare? We must create a synthetic future that counteracts the natural future. Nature provides the oncoming event, and the laws of nature are the key to what we must do. The synthetic future impacts on the natural future. The more we know, the greater the bearing it will have on what we do and how long we have to do it. Preparation is work, and work is subject to the laws of physics. Therefore, work is the essential ingredient to preparation. Information of the future is the first step. A clear view of the future enables us to more closely experience present conditions. The reverse is also true. The more we know of what is presently happening the easier we can see the flow of inertia of present situations. The future has a schedule and a time separation between each level of ulterior reality. A significant event in the future will happen in a certain passage of time and then that event will become present. The amount of time is the framing and limiting factor of all considerations to preparation. Obviously, if there is not time before an event will occur it will be impossible to prepare. A good feeling for the temporal extenion of reality to its ulterior forms will make preparation definitive. When and where a thing will happen is essential to stuctured preparation activity. Preparation is work and work requires energy and force. The next step is the employment and deployment of forces and resources to bring about change. UNDERSTANDING CHANGE If brute force alone solves opposition, then brute force is all that is needed. But it solves only a few problems. Force is always limited-- we always apply force with some intelligence. Seldom is brute force the best answer, as the cure is usually worse than the ailment. Technology offers a wise application of force to bring about change. Also, where people are concerned we must consider emotions and ideas. Engineering social structures is a case in point where it is obvious that brute force--or any force-- will cause increasing opposition. Changing material is one thing, and changing people is something entirely different. The ration of force to intelligence is a formula in every operation that must be considered in the light of long range effect and consequences. Opposition to change is not always detrimental because it can be used as a pivot to effect changes that would not otherwise be possible. All change is met with oppositition and this principle cannot be escaped, so the best thing we can do is use the opposition to further produce the desired goal. This is where intelligence is a prime factor in preparing. Pure intelligence is a force with no opposition. We should be aware of opposition, and this suggests the next step--feedback. We must be able to get information about our progress toward the overall goal. Communication between the implementors form reasonable assurances of acquisition of desired goal is necessary. This all suggests a self-consciousness of action with a cognizance of all that is ongoing. Waiting as a step in preparation should be such that constant readiness is in the background. We must remain alert even through normal activities occur. The activities of preparation may be so absorbing that consciousness is lost. We must develop and alarm system that will bring us to attention. Awareness of time in relation to future reality must not be lost. Concentration is a way of emphasizing force, and it is also a way of diminishing intelligence in other ways. It is a real art to know when to concentrate and when to scan the entire panorama. Sometimes we must see the forest to understand the tree; also we must understand the individual tree to really know the forest. While the Bible says that we should "take no thought for the morrow" it also says that we should be looking forward to that better day--in hope. We should balance all the phases of truth: past, present, and future--experience, knowledge, and foreknowldedge. THE PREPARED INDIVIDUAL We esteem the individual who has become prepared with many degrees of university certification. The training he received makes him ready to meet the most advanced lifestyles the future has to offer. Education is the fundamental element to preparation. We must make available for our children the best knowledge handed down to us through books. A person who has an understanding of the best books is esteemed by our culture. Democracy is founded on education. To give the government to the people requires that they be prepared to make decisions to conduct affairs of government. We must be equipped with knowledge to meet with equanamity the future as it emerges on the shores of time. The tides of the future are like the tides of the ocean. On the very shore we meet with the power and force of the waves. Futurlogics hopes to be the boat that takes us out beyond the shoreline to where conditions are generated. We cannot stand upon the shore. For the ocean is best know by the sailors of the deep.