FUTURLOGICS a system of prospective thinking:
by james n. hall COPYRIGHT © 1983 BY JAMES NORMAN HALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatever without express written permission of the publisher ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Printed in the United States of America SELF TEACHING PUBLICATIONS WEST JORDAN, UTAH 84084 USA Previous Next Table of Contents of FUTURLOGICS PART THREE Application Chapter X PREDICTION ACTIVITIES RELATIVE TO THE FUTURE PREDICTION, FORETELLING, AND PROPHECY Before we get into a discussion of the general theory, terms must be defined. Generally speaking, the term prediction can be used for all the prognostication we do. We will emphasize certain aspects of the prognosticating process with a separate and distinct term. However, prediction, foretelling and prophecy will generally mean the same thing (loosely defined), and for most practical purposes they can be used interchangeably. When the term prediction is used, we stress the conscious aspects of the forecasting process. Prediction is the mental processes normal introspection of the forecasting efforts would reveal upon conscious reflection. Do not think prediction does not use subconscious thought, or that intuitive and insightful processes might not be present and operating. Prediction is merely a shortened reference to the conscious aspect of forecasting and prognostication. Foretelling might then be used to represent and accentuate the subconscious factors and operations in the forecasting process. Although prediction and foretelling are essentially the same, when we mention foretelling as a special prescience, we will be stress a feature of the forecasting process. Foretelling, then, is suggestive of the subconscious means to view the future. Foretelling, in its special sense, de-emphasized the conscious and logical processes. Prophecy is used to classify that region of mental activity beyond the normal operations of the mind. Prophecy suggest that the mind is assisted by higher or extraordinary powers or perceptions. The tenor of most religious principles are present in the prophetic approach. With few exceptions, those classifications will be used to allude to these special features. PREDICTION WITH A MODE The six modes will all produce a future if they are used to the exclusion of the futurlogical method. The difference is the distortion or incompleteness of the future obtained through a specific mode. This is because by definition the previous knowledge or pattern of approach will overlay and influence succeeding knowledge. That is, the retrospective mode will produce a future that is characteristic of the absolute future. Also, the observational mode will produce a future that is profiled as the natural future, etc. The most accurate prediction then would logically be to avoid the use of only one method of obtaining data. Before we can avoid using a particular mode, we have to be conscious of that mode. We must then determine the tendency we have to depend on particular patterns of thinking inherent to particular modes. When we can think in all the patterns of approach, then we will get a "feel" for Futurlogics and the action of DMP in prediction and thinking of the future in general. Foretelling might then be used to represent and accentuate the subconscious factors and operations in the forecasting process. Although prediction and foretelling are essentially the same, when we mention foretelling as a special prescience, we will be stress a feature of the forecasting process. Foretelling, then, is suggestive of the subconscious means to view the future. Foretelling, in its special sense, de-emphasized the conscious and logical processes. Prophecy is used to classify that region of mental activity beyond the normal operations of the mind. Prophecy suggest that the mind is assisted by higher or extraordinary powers or perceptions. The tenor of most religious principles are present in the prophetic approach. With few exceptions, those classifications will be used to allude to these special features. PREDICTION WITH A MODE The six modes will all produce a future if they are used to the exclusion of the futurlogical method. The difference is the distortion or incompleteness of the future obtained through a specific mode. This is because by definition the previous knowledge or pattern of approach will overlay and influence succeeding knowledge. That is, the retrospective mode will produce a future that is characteristic of the absolute future. Also, the observational mode will produce a future that is profiled as the natural future, etc. The most accurate prediction then would logically be to avoid the use of only one method of obtaining data. Before we can avoid using a particular mode, we have to be conscious of that mode. We must then determine the tendency we have to depend on particular patterns of thinking inherent to particular modes. When we can think in all the patterns of approach, then we will get a "feel" for Futurlogics and the action of DMP in prediction and thinking of the future in general. This does not imply that the future produced by the modes is not partly true. It is true in some degree history will repeat itself. And to a large degree we can direct and create our own future. Assuming a future is a beginning of making the future as we want it to be, we must be aware of the limitations of each mode and not forget there may be other ways. THE SIX MODES ARE THE RESULT OF SUBCONSCIOUS FORETELLING Each of the favorite modes that have been discussed is the product of subconscious process. Even though the modes may have begun as a conscious process, through constant use they become habits, so that finally an approach which began without any awareness of the other ways of approaching the future becomes ingrained and the other ways are discounted. Since foretelling in such a limited fashion will not produce a complete picture of the future, essential to prediction, foretelling, or prophecy by the futurlogical method, narrow modal approaches must be brought to consciousness. From this conscious awareness of the modes we can then expand to prediction through all the modes simultaneously. This is, at first, a conscious effort fraught with excessive logical thought and conscious manipulation of the modes, though constant practice will eventually bring the process and system to the subconscious habit. When this happens, we set the stage for subconscious processes using all the modes in a futurlogical means. Foretelling through Futurlogics when it is an automatic operation makes DMP contact with the future possible. Futurlogics begins as a conscious system of prediction, but as it becomes habitual it proceeds to a subconscious transition of foretelling which is the beginning of DMP. Once DMP is experienced, then the only better way of learning of the future is through the high-altitude method of prophesy. Prediction through the futurlogical approach expands perception and produces a clear discernment of the imaginary and artificial contents which are the sources of false notions of the future. Becoming especially aware of what is imaginary and what is artificially accepted as a "future" we then can see clearly what is NOT the actual future. Prediction or foretelling, if they do not show us the actual future, are of no practical use, but only mental exercise. TWO KINDS OF PREDICTION Organization and definition might be an additional help to clarify some general properties of prediction patterns. The future can be described and studied without the reference to time and place. This type of prediction might be called "general" since no demands are placed upon the events and conditions that are forecast. The other type of prediction pattern is the opposite. We demand that the time and place of the event and condition be known, or "specific" information be given. Specific prediction is intended to discover and know the time and location of events, places, and conditions within some future frame. In general prediction, we state the facts and laws of ulterior reality, i.e. futurity; this is done without mention of specific time or place. For example: "All persons will grow, age, and die," or "Life will be discovered in some solar system of our galaxy." In each of these predictions no time or specific place is mentioned yet they are statements of the future. General predictions describe conditions and elements of futurity. Examples of specific prediction are: "It will rain in the downtown area at ten o'clock tomorrow morning," and "By the year 2000, the governments of the earth will be centralized and headquartered in the state of Missouri," etc. We can see the relationship of general and specific prediction by the following analogy: when a sculpture is undertaken, the general shape of the stone is analyzed. Then the outline of the form is cut into the stone. Once this foundation is formed and hewn out of the stone, then details are delicately chipped in and the finishing touches are cut away. General prediction is the rough stone that outlines the main structures of the eventual statue. We cannot sculpt a rock without making the large cuts that break the stone to the rough form that will finally be refined by progressive action of chipping and polishing. IMPROVING WHAT WE CAN ALREADY DO We all predict in one way or another. The fact we know there is a future proves that we have done some general prediction. (There are many subjects in the study of mathematics that concern probabilities and chance evaluated in a quantitative manner. We are not going to reiterate these as many fine books have been written on this technique of evaluating the future.) Our purpose is to reinforce the idea that we all predict in one fashion or another, and sometimes these predictions are perfected to the degree of a science. Indeed, the scientific method is designed to certify the cause-effect relationship of natural phenomena so that when a given condition is encountered, the effect can be anticipated. Our present abilities can be improved. Prescience and foreknowledge can and must be thought of as a possible goal. However, the existing bank of knowledge always seems to be accompanied by its own survival instincts. It tries to maintain the status quo. We fight against change almost as instinctively. Learning new things means change, therefore improving or present abilities to look ahead and forecast will be similarly blocked. But now we should be able to learn new patterns of thought. The modes we have discussed are the examples of old ways that will prevent or distort new views. Before we can improve we must know where we are now. If in doubt, start somewhere and call it the beginning. It is suggested to then write our beliefs of the future. this can be written in one sitting, or from notes accumulated over period. The main thing is to begin, for it is difficult to operate from a vacuum basis. After general statements concerning the future are made, we can make specific references to events we know will happen. At this point, we are not too concerned with the validity of the predictions. We are simply beginning the game and "getting the ball rolling." Reserving our negative thought should keep us from becoming mired in doubts. Now that we have something to work with, we can put things into the true and false categories. Obviously, some things will feel "farout" and others will be self-evidently true, but getting too wrapped up in judgments of truth will hamper the freeflow of thought. We will pursue this effect when we discuss other techniques. UPDATING AND REVISING This working future of prototype nature can be looked upon as a starting place. Prediction in this sense takes on the form of updating and revision. We take this future and change it and add to it until we have the ideal mode of Futurlogics. This process brings us to the best level of foreknowledge we can have. The principle of updating and revision is that of adding to our real future and discovering our artificial future; mapping out the imaginary future; learning to distinguish the absolute, natural, and the synthetic futures. In short, it focuses the vague notions we have into hard, workable designs. Updating comes from the new things we learn that add to our present foreknowledge. As we grow in the are of Futurlogics, updating should be expected on a regular basis. Updating does not correct past assumptions, but it emphasis is upon expanding and enlarging. Revision suggest the result of a discovered error. Many times when we find wrong information we then revise our plan or change our mode of operation to fit the new look. This means that it is a change of "future" which cause our realization of error or inconsistencies. Therefore, revision differs from updating in that it does more than add--it correct false percepts. In the words of the modes, it separates the real from the unreal. MODES, FUTURLOGICS, AND PREDICTION The "futures" work in varying degrees in all of us. By deciding which of these futures come from predominant modes we can get a better understanding of ourselves and the frame of reference we use to foretell and predict. Our theories of the future simply will be like a frame to our study. The modes limit and channel our inquiries. Futurlogics is the ability to freefloat these modes so that we do not settle on one or two narrow perspectives, thus making diverse foretelling or prediction possible. The varieties and hues possible through combinations of the modes is easily seen as we become more detached from any one mode and think in the futurlogics mode, which points us toward the true future. Whatever our position, we will interpret data to support our primary view. When we set out to learn the workings of the universe we relate it to our lives or we describe it in the parameters of our selves. To ourselves, we are the most important things in the universe; therefore, we pay attention in terms of ourselves. It is most difficult to express the phenomena of nature directly. We use language and terminology with which we are already familiar to describe the previously unknown. DMP and Futurlogics puts us in the most direct contact so we will think of the future in terms of the future. CHANGING GENERAL PREDICTION TO SPECIFIC PREDICTION General prediction is prescience without reference to time or place. Specific prediction uses both time and place as their main emphasis. The future is infinite. There are no limits to time and space. It staggers the mind to look at all time and place and future at once. If the future has no natural demarcations and topology, then we must make them in order to apply our thought process to it. Time and place have natural cycles and locations. Days, years, months, etc. are time periods that come from describing the phenomena of nature. Place is located because we are confined to the earth and this solar system at the present (except for the rare excursions of our astronauts). These circumstances are inherent to the physical environment. These natural demarcations point our mind to the future of the planet Earth and some particular time span, like a year, or a century. The future of the planet, or even a continent on the planet, may not be specific enough for the average person to utilize in his daily life. Therefore, we assign limits of convenient time and place. Anyone using a map must find landmarks and reference points to correlate with the map. We first find out where we are, then where we are going, and finally the best route to get there. Prediction is the same; we must realize where we are, then to what time frame we have reference, and then we work to discover where we will see the event occurring. The more advanced our civilization is, the greater is our need for time measurement and place measurement. Everyone carries a watch. Also, everyone has an address from which to base operations. Even if home is the entire city there is an address for communication purposes. How specific our predictions must become is the test of how much the predictions will fit in to our daily routine. But some general predictions can also influence daily activity. The point is that the future can be broken up to provide us with an analytical approach. Subconscious foretelling, however, will be hampered by exact time and place, as subconscious processes often work independently of reality. But the zone of attention can be channeled, and therefore our subconscious will be directed through this means. (Incidentally, there are certain biologically-timed events that influence our subconscious and finally our conscious moods, that will add to the possible selection of prediction periods.) When we restrict conscious prediction, we also affect the zone of subconscious foretelling. Before a concentrated attempt at specific prediction, it is advised that we obtain groundwork in the general form of foretelling and prediction. This is not a strict rule, but a suggestion. A bank of general foreknowledge from which to judge specific prediction is desirable. Each person must find the technique that fits individual personality and needs. What works well for one person may confuse another. This is especially true when we consider that each of us may favor a certain mode and a particular style that is personal to the individual. SUGGESTIONS THAT MAY IMPROVE YOUR PREDICTIVE ABILITIES We cannot improve what we do not try. Exercising the methods we use now will be a beginning. It might be best to take notes, however, to compare the gain objectivity in the technique and thus discern the mode that dominates our concept of the future. 1. Spare moments offer a chance to scan ahead of current events and to orient ourselves to the time necessary to predict. This is also a time when the subconscious mind is free to problem-solving and can be more easily tapped and used. Prediction should be done in a relaxed state. 2. Learn the words that express future tense so that notes can be described correctly. 3. Watch how people refer to future events, and how they express themselves to gain a "feeling" for oncoming events. 4. Periodically guess at things where no risk is involved to keep the mind active in prospective thought. One needn't broadcast these guesses so as to attract ridicule from others. Many a guess has led to sure foreknowledge as subsequent events proved intuitive insights. 5. Try to free the predictions from specifics and get the most general meaning and description. This prevents the prediction from becoming a self-sustaining mode. Use similes and metaphors to express the prediction. The literature of the Bible is at its most powerful when parallel thought is used to express meaning. The greatest effort of prospective thought is found in the Bible, and it should not surprise us that there are verbal arts involved in these exercises that generalize our thoughts. 6. Use the techniques of brainstorming to break up rigid patterns of thought that block clear thinking. Start with the wildest flights of fancy, then work toward the concrete and practical. Brainstorming can bring to consciousness many subconscious ideas which facilitate the art of foretelling, particularly of an artificial future. Reserve criticism to a specified time and place. 7. Trace the origin of your thoughts to see if the ideas come from within or without. ESP and DMP may be found to be real factors in your insights, and if so, being able to discern where the idea began may be a valuable clue to "contact" with futurity. Remember that no one has yet disproved these awareness'. To those who know of the reality of such things, trying to explain them to one who denies their existence is like describing color to a blind man. 8. Wait for different moods to balance the effect that emotions play in prediction. Moods are important, because they influence the content of our thoughts. 9. Assume a different role in society. Our self-concept has much to do with the direction our thoughts take. Identification with strong religious or political figure will influence our interests in special aspects of the future, which, if we identify with a condemned murderer, for instance, we may never consider. We change our opinions of ourselves with each new mood. Therefore, self-image is another dimension of DMP. 10. Do not let immediate circumstances overpower you to see things in terms of the moment. During times of prosperity people tend to see the future as prosperous. During difficult times people tend to see the doom of days to come and are pessimistic. Try to break from these overwhelming inputs of environment. Keep your head above water so you can see which way you are swimming. Don't let yourself drown in the momentary. 11. Respect others so that it will be easy to accept the self you will become. If you are tolerant with others then you will be tolerant with your potential self. We hope to be able to admire the person we will become. Be good to yourself and do things now to make it easier for you in the future. Procrastination will alienate you from your potential self. Sacrificing now can make things easier for you later. 12. Study the source and origin of all information that you come across to be able to validate your predictions. 13. Believe in yourself. If we have doubts we set up internal blocks that will "verify" the doubts. Belief deliberates our mental capacities. We find that using our bodies is easy as we learn to walk and function in the physical surroundings. It only takes a few years. It may take the rest or our lives to learn to use the greater percentage of our mental capacity. Essential here is that if we can learn to believe in out abilities; that, in itself, frees latent abilities within that are inherent but undeveloped. Any growth of hidden talent must first begin with belief. Every belief has its negative side: doubt. If you believe you will succeed, then at the same time, you doubt that you will fail. Belief and doubt are two sides of the same coin. In this operation of belief-doubt, we should be aware which side of the coin we seem always to call. Pessimism, skepticism, and negativism form attitudes that will stultify the natural operations of the mind. We must approach prediction with a positive attitude for maximum results. The future is an abstraction. The only contact we have with it until it happens is mental. It has no physical basis that we can experience in the usual ways. The future is experienced in the same manner in which an abstraction is experienced, and that is within the mind. The acronym DMP is the "contact" we want to finally achieve. DMP, through Futurlogics, is the ideal experience mode for the future, and it is the best predictive technique. But we have to grow into this thought process. As with other thought processes, it takes time to learn. It will take the whole heart and mind of man to search ahead and to come to terms with futurity. Imagination is useful to DMP as it is the most natural avenue to the conscious mind of the strange, unusual, atypical or anomalous ideas. Logic and reason are based on present circumstances and observations. The future is often irrelevant to immediate surroundings. By imagination the unexpected or the unthinkable can be envisioned. The imaginative processes can extend beyond the routine and mundane influences to five new perspectives. Although we cannot experience the future as we commonly know experience, we can simulate it by the imaginative process. Imagination is the screen upon which we can, with DMP, view the future. Creative imagination will be essential to a study of the future and its ulterior reality. The believing mind will naturally have a more flexible imagination. Imaginative creativity is strong stimulus to future thinking. It is a breath of fresh air. To be skeptical and to regiment the imagination. is to thwart progressive growth and learning. Modes and mental blocks, which, if they do not prevent free thought will certainly modify it, are the extreme examples of the inhibitions of mental attitude upon learning. THE PARADIGM MODEL VS. THE PARADIGM MODE The paradigm mode is exceptional because it can also become a model from which knowledge of the future patterns subsequent knowledge. As we successfully obtain information of the future through Futurlogics and DMP the knowledge gained helps us discern and further foreknowledge. This is the model effect of this mode and its more perfect than the others. A greater amount of knowledge of the future can be obtained. The only time the paradigm approach is a mode is when there is very little knowledge, or when that knowledge is highly specialized, as when knowledge of the extreme distant future is used to determine the immediate or the known future is used to determine the far distant future. The more we know for certain the more we can know. Foreknowledge is the yeast in the bread dough. Foreknowledge is certain knowledge, and it will serve as a basis upon which we will collect insights and mind-expanding DMP experiences. DMP uses existing knowledge to absorb and collect new knowledge in a form that builds forethought. This is to be see as a tool that builds a forward-looking mind. Simply thinking about the future may not be enough. We must grasp on to new things because they will expand our minds and cause the above law to operate: the more we know, the more we can know. PITFALLS AND BLOCKS The past has greater inertia and it will tend to make the new become old and familiar very quickly. It seems impossible to view everything new as a child who has little past to draw upon, but we must learn to do this so that the future is not described overpoweringly in terms of the past. Children do not worry about the future, following the admonition naturally that we should "take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow will take thought for itself." We should be childlike, looking positively ahead. The attitude of prediction must be positive to prevent depression which blocks the freeflow of thought. Because of their unbiased attitudes, children learn more in the first few years of life than they will throughout their adult lives. Man is not only aware of his life before death, but can contemplate many things beyond his life span. It is common for grandparents to plan for the futures of their grandchildren. We all consider and predict things beyond our lifespan, because most of us do not know the exact date of our death. One mind-expanding technique in thinking of the future is to come to positive terms with death. We must think beyond mere selfish survival. Thinking of a future far distant to our own survival will expand and enrich everything we do now. Thinking only within the limits of our life span will restrict clear-headed prediction. The mind of man contains all things because it holds simultaneously the past, present, and future. Life can be ten thousand years long if we can add this dimension through a vivid foretaste of the future. Instead of ignoring the future because it may hold unpleasantness, look beyond to better days. It would be no surprise to find out that the optimist thinks further into the future than the pessimist. The future should be motivating, not depressing. Besides, being prepared makes life safer. FORWARD THINKING The forward-thinking mind should be the goal of all persons who wish to develop their entire mind. As paradoxical as it is, the conscious, logical process is a block to prediction unless the system of Futurlogics is used. Since the future is often a new and different thing, the best way to face it is through the intuitive faculties we possess. In ancient times, the prophets were students of dreams and visions. The dream is know to reflect the operations of the subconscious mind. Yet conscious logical thought is also a product of the subconscious mind. But no one knows how the mind works; therefore, ALL mental processes are below conscious investigation. We are aware of only a fraction of what the minds is doing, thus, the major obstacle to thinking about the future is lack of knowledge of how we think. Regardless of how ignorant we are of things, this is no excuse for doing nothing. On the contrary, it should be an incentive to learn at a pace that will fill this void of knowledge. We have to go ahead, even with inadequate knowledge. In this respect, the artificial future is better than no future at all; we then can view our assumptions of the future as an EXPERIMENT AND A LEARNING TECHNIQUE. Standing still is no way to use the mind. It is better to begin than to wait. We all make assumptions concerning the future. We cannot avoid it. Most of our assumptions come from foretelling, therefore understanding our assumptions gives us a good idea of the nature of foretelling and its subconscious workings. We are reminded again of the man who exclaimed that he bet handled the problems of the future by "just not thinking of it." He doesn't consciously consider the future and considers it illogical to do so because of its intangible nature. This does not mean that we can't consciously consider the future, but that we must be aware of side effects and built-in obstacles. We can operate all day long on the unconscious presciencing and not notice excessive doubt or perplexity. But subject our behavior to conscious thought and the demands of objective certainty and we will experience the limits of certainty. We may not think of the future in order to remain "certain," as action requires distinct accuracy. Much like the ostrich hides his head thinking he is hid. The sun will shine; the earth will continue to orbit; the planet will still support normal life; these and other predictions are stock foretelling. They are taken for granted. They are assumed to continue to occur. There is no way we can prove absolutely that the sun will shine tomorrow if we accept that the rules of certainty will apply and what worked in the past will also work for the future. As long as we don't consciously think of the unconscious prescience, they are as good as absolute certainties--because we never DOUBT them. In other words, "what you don't know won't hurt you." Here is the reason some persons refuse to study or think of the future: as long as their prescience is not consciously thought, they are secure and certain however false their security is. Conscious analysis of the assumptions and unconscious prescience of the future throws them into a spin of doubt and hesitation that will stultify action. Be believing or develop a new kind of logic, or proof. Learning how to prove the occurrence of events of the future is a problem that should be dealt with. We are raised in a past-oriented culture. We have to use prospective thought process instead of the retrospective forms which surround us. Most foretelling is done on the unconscious level of thought. We take for granted and do not realize it is prediction. We do not recognize a conscious effort to make statements about the future. We are accustomed to the fact that we live in a temporal environment and we don not see our prescience. Yet or plans and preparations are based on a few conscious predictions and many subconscious assumptions. When we consciously predict it is often just the making ourselves aware of our unconscious prescience, and we experience anxiety in prediction. Part of this is due to our need for certainty, distinction, security, and safety. The other reason is the subconscious nature of the origin of ideas. We cannot see our subconscious processes but we can, by inference, recognize that some assumptions and foretelling have taken place. Actions and plans are based upon a premise arrived at through mental processes we don't understand, but the really are expectations of things derived from the subconscious assumptions, or foretelling. The system of Futurlogics guides our subconscious foretelling and makes it modal free. Therefore, the accuracy of our predictions increases. DMP can be thought of as the subconscious thought processes perfected by the futurlogical system of modal free intuitive thought. Futurlogics is the means to control our subconscious foretelling in a simple way. The obstacles in dealing with the subconscious are taken care of automatically, and DMP is the final result.