Paradigm Future and the Model Mode for FUTURLOGICS a system of prospective thinking

FUTURLOGICS a system of prospective thinking:

by james n. hall COPYRIGHT © 1983 BY JAMES NORMAN HALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatever without express written permission of the publisher ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Printed in the United States of America SELF TEACHING PUBLICATIONS WEST JORDAN, UTAH 84084 USA Previous Next Table of Contents of FUTURLOGICS

Chapter IX



     Knowledge of the future seems to be instinctive.  None of us are
completely void of any knowledge of the future.  We may not know
details, but the general notion of its existence is well accepted.  All of
us have a degree of prescience.  Even if this prescience is vague and
general, it points our mind to look forward.  From this vague knowledge
we can shape and see the future as if it were a mode.  The future
we see through our "instinctive" knowledge is the paradigm future.
The paradigm future is our estimation of the future from the non-specific
form of intuition.  It is also the sense of the future we have
gained through using the other modes.
     The historical mode, the observational mode, the imaginary mode,
the assumptive mode, and the creative mode all give us a
certain degree of prescience, enabling us to relate to the future.  The
accumulation of data gained through the modes gives us a sense that
we can use to determine future events.  Using what we already know
of the future to determine more is the essence of the prospective cycle
which generates the mode producing the paradigm future.


     The prospective approach to the future is both a modal and a model.
In the divided futures we have analyzed it stands as very important.
It is a mode because we use partial knowledge to obtain
further knowledge of the future; it is a model because of the success of
achieving some knowledge of the future gives us an ideal to pattern
further approaches.  Because this mode is at the same time also a
model, it has special importance to Futurlogics.
     The prospective cycle can be a mode if we realize that most
persons divide the future into the short range and the long range.  If we
use only short-range future facts to determine long-range future
events and conditions, then the modal properties of distortion are
possible.  Also, if we take the long-range facts to determine short-range
events and conditions, then the modal characteristics are again
evident.  In order to prevent our knowledge of the future from becoming
a mode, we have to let the future naturally piece itself together.
Being over-zealous with a little knowledge and attempting to squeeze
this knowledge into a comprehensive foreknowledge in the beginning
changes the model properties of the prospective cycle from a model
to a mode.
     If we have a good knowledge of the future--nearly a foreknowledge
in definition and specification of dates and events--then the
modal effect is minimized and the model aspect is maximized.  In
simpler words, the more we know of the future, the more we can
know.  Conversely, the less we know, the less we can know.  Ignorance
breeds confusion.


     To a Californian, New York is real but cannot be directly
experienced.  If he doubts that New York exists, he need only visit the
state and see for himself its actuality.  For the most part we accept the
maps and reports of those who have been there.  We have learned to
prove parts of the future we know by waiting for some aspect of it to
test its actuality.  After a few such tests we find it is expensive and
unnecessary to test all the things we know of the future, so we accept
them as we would a map of New York state.
     The whole map of the earth is accepted by random sample test
of some part of the earth to see if it is in compliance with the map.  It is
not necessary to go to every part of the planet to see if the entire map
is correct.  After we gain a confidence level, we are assured the entire
map is true.  The prospective mode of approaching the future is also
this kind of confidence build-up.
     The confidence tests we use will give us the trust we need to learn
of the future from the known parts of the future.  We say that the sun
will rise tomorrow.  We learn to accept this without question.  Prolonged
thought to prove that the sun will rise can cause doubt, and
even a flash of fear.  We learn to laugh at such fears and say everybody
"knows" the sun will rise tomorrow.  This is seen as unnecessary
     Because of this, most of what we know of the future remains at
the subconscious level of thought.  Simply, the usual logic we use to
prove things generally does not work and always causes trouble and
anxiety when we deal with the future.  Dealing with present realities,
we find the work fine and tend to give us a sense of certainty.
However, only our subconscious mind can handle the seeming "unrealness"
of futurity.
     Things learned through prospective cycles are self-evident and
intuitively obvious.  They must be seen by a non-objective method.
Again, this is where the model of Futurlogics and DMP can be seen in
the prospective approach to the future.
     We know that eventually the sun will burn out and the earth will
freeze.  But to use this knowledge as a basis of action is not practical
because of the billions of years between now and that event.  By that
time man will have found another planet and sun to take its place.  If
our knowledge of the future directly applies to the present and we can
relate to it, it is a model.  If, however, we try to work out 
everyday-problems and events from a remote future, the modal effect is
present.  Foreknowledge should put us into harmony with reality, not 
cause discordance.  The Bible states, "take no thought for the morrow
. . . the morrow will take thought for itself."  We must not concern
ourselves with things beyond that which we can relate to, unless the
object is pure research of the future.  The saying that "a little
knowledge is dangerous" is true here.  Vague notions of the future, even
though true, are sometimes worse than no knowledge at all if we
over react to them.
     The amount or quality of the knowledge of the future decides
whether it is mode or model.  If the foreknowledge is extensive and
action sure and positive, then the paradigm future is a harmonious
model.  But without meaningful behavior the prospective cycle is a
mode.  Finally, when Futurlogics is learned, the paradigm future
becomes a model.
    All foreknowledge begins as subconscious prescience.  Indeed by
definition FOREKNOWLEDGE is conscious knowledge of the future and
prescience is the subconscious inklings of foreknowledge.  In the
Paradigm Future if we use foreknowledge to further study the future
it is a model approach, or if the vague subconscious prescience is 
used as a source it becomes a mode of approach.


     Perhaps other ideas can be made into divisions of the future, and
then into modes; but what we have studied will be of general application
and can serve in a broad discussion of the future and how we deal
with our beliefs concerning it.
     To briefly summarize the divisions and the modes, we make some
concise definitions for purposes of reference: absolute future is that
described in the parameters of the retrospective thought and linear
extension of the past; natural future is the future described in the
parameters of sensory observation where personal objectivity is strictly
observed; imaginary future is all that man imagines the future to be;
artificial future is the internal future generated by the subconscious
levels of thought spawned by the forces which cause us to act;
synthetic future is described in terms of the mind's extension, the
hand--it is the act of creativity; paradigm future is the foreknowledge
we have which lacks definition and detail, but which shapes our view
of the future.  It is precognition.  It becomes both a mode and a model.
     The above divisions become symbols and terms of the parametric
descriptions of the future that we have referred to as modes.  Modes
are the results of cycles--or closed circuit thinking--as in the 
see-know, the see-believe.  Very often when we are exposed to new
things we interpret them by language we are familiar with, and we are
often misled because of the mechanics of the familiar terms.
     Futurlogics is the balanced use of the modes which neutralizes the
modal distractions as we envision the future.  It becomes the DMP
contact to the study of the future.  It points to truth, which is
knowledge of the three phases of the temporal environments--the past,
present, and future.  Futurlogics is the perfected mode.
     None of us have a perfect knowledge of how we conceive the
future, nor do we have complete foreknowledge.  But the "future" we
do understand can be improved.  DMP is the only "contact" we have
with the ulterior realities we call futurity.  DMP has been left
purposely ambiguous, because the exact nature of this "contact" is not
clear until we perfect the system of Futurlogics.  Futurlogics will set
up such an attitude of mind that full contact with the future through
DMP can be achieved.
     Four stages of growth can be recognized in our orientation to the
future.  First, innocence; second, proxy future, or "any future is better
than no future;" third, futurlogics or prototype future; and fourth,
foreknowledge; DMP.
    The essential point of this is that we don't have a perfect knowledge
of the future, or a perfect foreknowledge.  So we come up with a
proxy future, subject to revision when we discover its limitations.
How we revise it is the thrust of this book.  Futurlogics is the 
systematic revision of these proxy futures toward a prototype that will
point to the truth, which becomes the final objective--FOREKNOWLEDGE!
     Traffic signs indicate road conditions and maps guide us through
unknown territories.  So we must use Futurlogics as a guide to direct us
toward our objective.  Futurlogics is not the future--it is a means, a
guidepost, a map to help us on our way.
     We must always be conscious of how the parameters of thinking
about the future lead us away from DMP contact with future
realities.  DMP is our most intimate contact with the future and to
allow any distraction will result in a distorted view of things to
     The minimum requirement of Futurlogics is to be able to use more
than one mode.  This freefloating effect of transferring awareness to
the mode in which one is operating is necessary to see ahead clearly.
Discerning the origin of any idea, notion, or feeling is the key to
accurate prediction.  Tracing each idea to the mode in which we are
thinking will develop this ability.  DMP will be the final result.
Remember to use only one mode is to have others think for you.  DMP is
truly thinking for oneself.


     We live surrounded by academic disciplines. All the sciences set
forth points and areas concerning the future.  If we have been able to
detach ourselves from the narrowness of the views that any specific
approach to the future might produce, the special patterns of thought
to which Futurlogics ascribes enables us to objectively look at these
various allusions.  Any futurist must be able to detach himself from
the present and see from another point in space.  This detached,
freefloating perspective is necessary to probe the future, and it is the
outcome of Futurlogics.  If a futurist cannot free himself from his
method of obtaining data, the procedures and logics of the methods
will inject themselves into the resulting scenario of the future.
     In order to look at the future from the standpoint of a generalist
rather than that of a specialist, an overall attitude must be acquired so
all the predictions of the specialized fields of research can fit into the
larger scheme of things.  In the academic role, the futurist will
eventually come in at the end of all the other studies.  Since the future
is a result of all kinds of causes, the futurist must have the most
expansive view of all the disciplines in education.  Unbalanced input
from the academic system of today from a dominant discipline is catamount
to the modal effect that we have been discussing in the distorting 
effect of the six modes.  The psychology and mentality of today's
futurist will eventually arrive at the implied meaning of DMP as it
has been outlined.
     Another side note is that each person's personality will necessitate
that DMP be the result of intuitive discovery.  This has been the thrust
of this study and must remain so as long as the techniques and
teaching methods of futurism are in their infant stages, before a
structured teaching system for studying the futurist psychology can
     DMP is an intuitive discovery.  It cannot be taught, nor can we
However, these process or perceptions are a natural and inherent part of
all our thinking.  We use them all the time, but we are rarely in control
of them.  Futurlogics offers a way to tap and use the natural abilities
of the mind to derive information from the future and our conceptions
of it.  Although DMP cannot be taught, Futurlogics can, and Futurlogics
leads to the discovery of DMP.
     Futurlogics enables us to alternate from one mode to another
freely so that we can approach the future from many perspectives and
evade the distortion of a narrow approach.  Even though the beginnings
are mechanical, when the process is internalized we should find
the emergence of DMP.  How do we internalize the procedure of
Futurlogics?  It is by practice and conscious effort that it will
eventually become habit and unconscious procedure.  It is during these
stages that the sense of DMP will be felt and is discernible in our
thought process.
     We must try the different modes and be able to use them all.
Also, we must wean ourselves from excessive favoritism of one mode.
Resistance upon leaving favorite mode is the biggest obstacle to
DMP we will encounter.  But it is essential that our thoughts be clear,
candid, and impersonal.  The future is everything new and not yet
colored by prejudicial bias.  We must be childlike to look toward the
future effectively.
    It is best to study the modes and thought processes that precipitate
their use and adherence in thinking about the future (or any other
subject of an abstract nature for that matter).  Thorough understanding
of the ways people think about the future can help us avoid the
pitfalls inherent in undertaking the prediction of the future.  Sometimes
it is just as good to understand why we have failed as to succeed and
not understand why.
     Futurlogics helps us understand our failures and points us to
success.  DMP contact with the future is the most positive experience
we can have, because it liberates the mind to think as it was meant to.
     Being able to use the different modes, we can become able to
recognize the origin of each idea.  When we can trace each idea
concerning the future, then any idea that is a product of DMP is
recognizable.  DMP is itself a discerning ability to trace the source of
our ideas.
    Again, when we first try to investigate the future it is as though
we are looking through a kaleidoscope--every time we move, it
changes.  But if dissembled if is exquisitely simple: a few pieces of
colored glass, a diffusing medium to destroy fine detail and enhance
general form, and a tube to direct the line of vision to the mirrors . . .
DMP, then, is understanding this kaleidoscope of our mind seeing the

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