Mental Models and Modes for FUTURLOGICS a system of prospective thinking

FUTURLOGICS a system of prospective thinking:

by james n. hall COPYRIGHT © 1983 BY JAMES NORMAN HALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatever without express written permission of the publisher ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Printed in the United States of America SELF TEACHING PUBLICATIONS WEST JORDAN, UTAH 84084 USA Previous Next Table of Contents of FUTURLOGICS Chapter III CYCLES AND MODES HOLISTIC VS. FACTIONAL THINKING Sometimes a subject is best understood when contrasted against its opposite. DMP is such a subject. But what is its opposite? We are unable to see the future, we don't hear the future, we don't touch things of the future, and we can't smell or taste what has not occurred. We are unable to remember what has not yet happened. Any thinking that contains the operation of the senses, memory, etc., that is beyond the limits of a pure mental grasp is a cycle. DMP is cycle free thinking. A cycle is thought which uses any of the observational channels of the senses or process of memory. Seeing is believing and observation is experience. If we see what we believe or think about what we see, then we are using a cycle that is the see-think cycle. If we think about what we remember, and remember what we think about, we are cycling namely the think-know cycle. In fact, the scientific method uses cycles of observation and thought. Philosophy is based upon the cycles of logic and reason. (Note: In a philosophical discussion it is not sufficient to say that an object exists simply because one sees it. There must be logical proof that it exists. In such a style of thinking certain methods of learning are excluded to enhance the use of others. i.e., reason and logic, and the purpose of philosophy is to use these methods only to attain knowledge.) When a learning approach based upon a cycle is used to the exclusion of the other means of learning it becomes a mode of approach. Total learning is DMP where all the mind is used to intuitively arrive at knowledge. A mode is an approach to learning where only a portion of the mind process is used to arrive at knowledge. DMP is Cycle and Mode free thinking. Cycles and modes are not as strange as they might seem. Cycles are a common part of thought. When we concentrate on something to exclude extraneous thoughts we produce a cycle. We want to focus on every possible aspect. Don't we close our eyes to hear and concentrate better? Don't we study where we will not be distracted? Cycles are problems only when we try to learn the future with them. Or attempt to think creatively. How often do we ignore an idea that pops into the mind because it does not fit into our box of knowledge? Because we are trying to pay attention to a particular subject of thought or a particular object of perception, we cast our thoughts away from new or different ideas. Many inventions and discoveries have come from the accidental and 'illogical' thought. Seldom does the new knowledge we marvel at come from the logical effect. We must pay attention to the new ideas that apparently intrude into our consciousness, seemingly at the wrong time. Once in a wile we have to suspend logic and allow a voice to these new ideas. Logic is important and indispensable to clear thinking, but it should not dominate learning. It has a time and a place. Logic is the rule of thought we use to maintain a cycle that so often eludes DMP of intuition. We will always have to use what we already know to learn new things. This is especially true of learning of the future. Using what we already know to discover and describe the future employs the principles of parameter, simile, metaphor, parable, types, allegories, analogy, etc., to approach the future. Using what we have learned through a cycle causes the modal effect, and what we know interferes with what we will yet learn. Cycles and modes should be viewed as tools to produce not the finished product. BASIC MODES Looking at the future in the light of the see-think and the think-know cycles gives our research new meaning. Our notion, beliefs, perceptions and knowledge obtained through a cycle, or limited approach to learning, can affect the way (and the things) that we can learn about the future. It can prevent us from from thinking clearly about the things that have not happened yet. When knowledge gained from a cycle is used as a base to further research the future, it is called a mode, which is simply a shortened form of "mode of approach." Simultaneously, mode means the knowledge gained from cycle thinking and it means the knowledge gained from the same cycle used to study the future. It is the bank of knowledge used as a base to study and describe the unknown elements of the future. A mode can be thought of as the perspective of the future as viewed through a particular cycle of learning technique. Since modes derive from cycles and cycles are the limited use of the mind and its processes, modes essentially limit the intuitive learning, or DMP. If we do not know the origin of our knowledge we cannot think clearly. Tracing the source of what we know and how we came to know it is fundamental to DMP. Futurlogics requires that we be able to look back and see how we came to know anything we use as data or information to research the future. We must ask: did we learn this from observation, authority, reason, hearsay, imagination, insight, or some other source? Knowing when an idea first entered the mind and the circumstances surrounding it can help develop DMP. Not knowing which cycle we have come from, we fall victim to interpreting everything from a narrow perspective. Science alone is not enough. Religion, philosophy, or history alone are not enough. Any narrow approach to learning that excludes other ways of learning is not enough. We must adopt an overall approach, understanding that how we learn is not more important than the knowledge itself. The end must not be frustrated by the means. In Futurlogics the end justifies the means. Heuristics finds its employ here. Or use whatever work and gets the job done. All modes of learning, all methods of science, religion, philosophy, history, psychology, imagination, and the total mind must be used to study the future. MODES AS MENTAL BLOCKS We all have moments when our mind fails to serve us well-- those annoying occasions in which we can't remember something, or else we can't keep our mind "on it." Something distracts us or we are occupied with worries. The common, everyday "mental block" has special interest because this annoyance is similar to the subtler workings of the mode. Simplistically, we could say that the mode is a mild mental block. However, instead of preventing some thought or idea to surface to consciousness, the mode will only distort the thought to conform to the thought pattern it uses. These distortions, though slight, will have an accumulative effect. When this effect is present in any learning method we have the modal effect. Modes are not new. We hear that we should be objective in dealings and avoid the subjective approach. Personal feelings, emotions, and opinions sometimes prevent us from seeing things as they really are. We commonly seek counselors to help us make objective decisions. (There is nothing inherently wrong with being subjective with reality if it is done with balance and interplay.) To be completely objective is to be nothing. If there were not opinions, creeds, philosophies, hopes--then living would be sterile. We must be subjectively objective and objectively subjective to think clearest. No human knows everything, and complete objectivity is impossible. We have to fill in the missing parts of reality with our own subjective input. As living, thinking beings, "how we think" influences "what we think." Modes are a manner of thinking that influences what we think in a predictable way. 1. The mode is somewhere between the solid hard core prejudice and the mild predisposition. When we engage in the study of Futurlogics, we will use this concept of the mode. We want to avoid the effect of "old knowledge" either preventing the learning of "new knowledge" or some how COLORING it so that true understanding is not achieved. Futurlogics, then is a way of being as objective about the future as possible--realizing that the future is not within the objective range of the senses, and that the subjective faculties of the mind must be used through a special technique. 2. A mode is only a mode when we are swallowed up in it. If we are conscious that we are in a mode, then we can take measures to prevent the effect of such a narrow perspective upon thinking and learning. Part of Futurlogics aim is to become conscious of the various modes that we use so clear and open-minded thought can take place. Then the intuitive learning of DMP is possible. 3. Modes are approaches to learning where the old existing knowledge overlays a pattern and COLORING to the knowledge acquired by that pattern, or cycle. We know of open-minded and closed-minded personalities. A mode is a compartmentalized version of closed-minded thought except that it does not concern itself with life in general. Closed-mindedness is like looking at the world through a knothole. A mode is like looking at the future through a keyhole. SIX MODES IN FUTURLOGICS In beginning a study of the future it would seem we have limitless starting points. Not all of these will develop into a mode. The possible attitudes, opinions, frames of mind, and definitions subject to the concept of modality eventually limit themselves. But man, being a creature of habit and economy, will settle on favorite cycles which will feedback into themselves and generate the modes we have discussed. Since we have common personality traits with similar motivations and common experiences, there are common grounds from which modes spawn, and it is because of this that special or dominant modes persist. There are six major modes which are common approaches to the future. Imagine looking through a kaleidoscope--every time we move it, it changes. There is an infinite variety to its color and designs. But when we take the kaleidoscope apart, we discover that there are just a few pieces of colored glass, a diffusing medium to destroy fine detail and enhance general form, and a tube to direct the line of vision to the mirrors. The cycle mode concept, though infinite in variation, is similarly simple. Only six basic modes appear when we take things apart. Each of the modes common to thinking about the future must be investigated individually. As we do this we can know when we are thinking in a particular mode. When we can be conscious that we are in a mode, it becomes easy to use DMP and system of Futurlogics. ANALYSIS OF THE SIX MODES Modes are not only a method of learning, they are also the knowledge produced by a cycle used in the mode. Each one of these six modes produced a conception of the future with characteristics drawn from the various cycles and knowledge derived through the mode. The six modes will be referred to interchangeably as follows: 1. Retrospective mode.............Absolute future 2. Observational mode..............Natural future 3. Imaginary mode................Imaginary future 4. Assumptive mode..............Artificial future 5. Creative mode.................Synthetic future 6. Model mode.....................Paradigm future For example the Artificial future is the "future" "seen" through the assumptive mode. This is true respectively for the other "futures" as seen through their modes. Futurlogics takes the above modes and puts them to special use in a systematized mental process developed as a learning ground for DMP. But we must first learn the separate modes of approach to the future before we can synthesize them in the system called Futurlogics. When we can use all the above modes separately, then simultaneously, by using Futurlogics we can achieve DMP (Direct Mind Perception; Direct Mental Process). But the modes must be learned first as separate components. They must not only be understood, but the must be used. They then take on the role of a model of thought or a "future". Someday we will have to stand on our own and be accountable for everything we have been taught. As we learn to drive an automobile we realize that eventually we would have take our first solo drive. Futurlogics must likewise train its students to go out on their own eventually. Futurlogics demands we become self-reliant. Before we arrive at the time where we are able to leave our teachers behind and learn on our own we will have to learn the system. When all the modes are learned and used interchangeable and alternately so that the become a multi-faceted view of the future, then we are ready to fully understand Futurlogics and DMP as a system to "see" what lies ahead.

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