Journal of Discourses Volume 19

          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19
                               Journal of Discourses,
                                      Volume 19
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Brigham Young, April 29, 1877
                            Brigham Young, April 29, 1877
                  Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City,
                          Sunday Afternoon, April 29, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          I am thankful to my Heavenly Father for the privilege of meeting
          with you again and am happy to say that I am as well satisfied
          with my labors during the last six months as any of the labors of
          my life. Here let me ask, are you, my brethren and sisters,
          satisfied with the labors you have performed during the same
          length of time? This is a question you will have to answer for
          yourselves to your own consciences. If you have done well you
          will be blessed, and you will feel satisfied; if you have
          suffered yourselves to do that which is wrong towards yourselves
          or towards any other person on the earth, or to the providences
          of God, or to our Heavenly Father, your consciences will judge
          I am aware that you wish to hear something of our labors in the
          South. I will say that we have had a blessed time, such a time as
          no other people on the earth have enjoyed for many centuries,
          that we have any knowledge of. We have been permitted to enjoy
          privileges for the possession of which we have been striving and
          laboring for many years. For almost half a century we have been
          exerting ourselves that we might have the privilege of entering
          into a Temple of God, there to officiate and receive the
          ordinances of his holy house, both for ourselves and for our
          friends that have slept without the Gospel. This privilege and
          blessing we have not enjoyed until within a very few months past.
          The feeling experienced by those who have participated in the
          blessings administered in the Temple is something which cannot be
          described to your understanding. Those only who have shared with
          us in the Temple ordinances know for themselves the satisfaction
          there is in realizing that we are indeed co-workers with our Lord
          and Savior; that we bear a humble part in the great work of
          salvation; that we have the privilege of receiving and obeying
          the truth, and of securing to ourselves that happiness which the
          Gospel alone affords; and not only of performing these ordinances
          for ourselves, but of doing the necessary work for our parents
          and forefathers who have slept without the Gospel, that they may
          partake also of the waters of life, and be judged according to
          men in the flesh. This is a privilege, a blessing, which no one
          can sense unless he is in possession of it. We are happy to know
          by our faith and feelings through the spirit of revelation within
          us that our labors have been accepted of the Lord. We have
          enjoyed ourselves exceedingly in the society of each other; the
          aged, the middle-aged and the youth have rejoiced and been made
          glad in this glorious work.
          When I look upon the youth, our young brethren and sisters, who
          are more or less unacquainted with the great principles of life
          and salvation, I wish that they could enjoy what a few of our
          young people did this past winter, their minds would be detached
          from the trifles and follies of this weak world, and they would
          be placed upon more sacred things, upon the principles that are
          calculated to exalt them and ennoble every feeling and desire of
          the heart.
          The Latter-day Saints present a strange spectacle to those that
          enjoy the spirit of revelation. To see them following after the
          spirit of this world and gratifying the lust of the eye and of
          the mind, like the rest of mankind who have never enjoyed the
          spirit of the Gospel of life and salvation; and yet not so very
          strange when we realize the power of the enemy and the thousands
          of snares which he lays for the feet of the unwary to draw the
          people astray from the things of God. Still, when we view the
          great object of our life, our being here upon the earth, being
          brought here expressly to receive that experience by which we can
          discover between right and wrong, between good and evil, between
          light and darkness, and obtain that experience that angels have,
          that the gods have, and that all exalted beings have, and
          remember that we are put in possession of those principles that
          make us wise unto salvation, that we should stoop to the sinful
          deeds and sinful reflections that many do, is marvelous and
          strange. When I think of these things I am impressed with the
          great importance of this life and of exercising ourselves in the
          privileges that God has granted to us to prepare our hearts
          through obedience to the Gospel of the Son of God, for a high
          station, for a high exaltation in worlds to come, such as we
          cannot receive whilst clothed in this mortal tabernacle. But
          still, in this life we can receive little by little, and more and
          more, growing in grace and in the knowledge of the truth, until
          our minds are able to comprehend many of the great things of
          eternity; and thus prepare our hearts, by overcoming sin and the
          weaknesses of humanity, for that exaltation already awaiting the
          Sometimes I am so exercised that I chastise the people very
          severely; but I will say to the Latter-day Saints that I have no
          chastisement for any unless they deserve it, and if I myself am
          found guilty of the same wrongs, I receive to myself a portion of
          the rebuke which I give to others. But my feelings are very
          acute; what I see and hear ofttimes causes me sorrow and wonder,
          and I feel to exclaim, "O Lord, have mercy upon us, thy people!"
          How easy it is for us to forget the Lord who atoned for us, and
          to depart from his ways, giving way to the false influences that
          are continually prompting our minds to lust after the things of
          this world in their corrupt condition. All this is strange to the
          mind opened to see and understand the things of God and the
          things of eternity as they are. If we possessed that power, that
          influence over ourselves, a proper portion of that stability that
          belongs to the heavens, when we once embraced the truth there
          would be no necessity for our being chastened, no necessity for
          our being called upon to refrain from this or that wrong; but the
          weakness of the flesh is so great that we need continually the
          influence of our Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
          to hold us to the truth, in order that we may not fall away
          therefrom and finally wander into the darkness of the world,
          forsaking God and the faith we have embraced.
          It is astonishing that men should do so when we consider things
          as they are, and witness the continued love and kindness of our
          Heavenly Father, in again speaking from the heavens, revealing
          himself and his everlasting Gospel to the children of men, as
          well as the ordinances, laws, rules and regulations of his House
          which effect the salvation of both the living and the dead.
          How is it with my brethren and sisters here? Are they awake to
          the things of God? If they are we shall have no need of calling
          upon them from day to day, from week to week. Brethren, will you
          put forth your hands and rear these Temples, these buildings
          wherein we can enter and officiate for ourselves and our
          progenitors, preparatory to the coming of the Son of Man, which
          coming draws near? Will be build up the Zion of God before
          entering into the millennium of rest, when wickedness will be
          taken away from the earth? Then the Latter-day Saints will be
          able to go forth without being persecuted by their enemies, and
          opposed on every hand by the alluring spirits that are constantly
          tempting them away from the things of God to follow after the
          things of a fallen world. Then the Saints will enjoy the
          privilege of building their Temples unmolested, redeem their
          friends, and make ready for the time when the nations shall come
          up to the presence of God the Father, to be judged according to
          the deeds done in the flesh. There are a few of the brethren and
          sisters who understand things as they are, and who are ready and
          willing to devote their time and their means for the salvation of
          the human family. If there are any hearts or spirits in this
          city, or elsewhere, that are fearfully wondering whether or not
          we are going to be destroyed, or whether this Church will endure
          and become the mighty power in the earth, according to the
          predictions of the servants of God, I will say to all such
          trembling souls, You need entertain no such fears. You need have
          only one fear, and that is with regard to yourselves, lest you
          should leave the light that the Lord has imparted to you and
          wander into darkness, returning to the beggarly elements of the
          world, lusting again after the things of the world in their
          sinful state. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof;
          even the very things which we are so tempted to covet, through
          lustful desires, in and of themselves are pure and holy, for they
          are the Lord's; but we wish to possess them unrighteously and not
          according to the will of God. This is the sin which is upon man.
          Everything which we see and which pertains to this little earth,
          belongs to the Lord, and the whole of it will be given to his
          Saints and they will enjoy it forever and ever. But at present
          the earth is groaning under sin in consequence of the wickedness
          of the children of men, and it is longing to be delivered, as are
          the Saints that have slept, whom the Apostle John saw and heard,
          when he was an exile on the Isle of Patmos. When will the earth
          be redeemed, when will Jesus come to receive the Church as a
          bride, when will he come to reign King of nations as he now
          reigns King of Saints, when will he banish wickedness from the
          earth, and when will the Saints have power to overcome sin? When
          we learn to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts. As fast as we
          learn to conform our individual wills to his will, overcoming sin
          within ourselves, will we have power to subdue sin in those that
          surround us, and in this way the whole earth will be redeemed
          from wickedness. The curse which has been brought upon the earth
          through the Fall will be removed through the faith and virtues of
          the Saints. When we become sanctified in the truth, and our
          faith, through the Gospel of the Son of God, becomes sufficiently
          powerful we will be able to remove the thorns and thistles and
          obnoxious weeds that grow immediately around us, and to bless and
          sanctify our gardens and farms, so that they will bring forth
          spontaneously the fruits and flowers, the cereals and vegetables
          that sustain life; and upon this principle as righteousness
          extends will the whole earth eventually be redeemed and
          sanctified, when all things will be as they were in the
          beginning, when the Lord finished the earth and pronounced
          everything to be "very good." This is the nature of the great
          latter-day work in which we are engaged, and were it not for the
          confident assurance that we have of successfully accomplishing
          it, I would tremble, and fear might enter my heart.
          Why is the whole Christian world concerned about your humble
          servant? They say Brigham Young is not fit to live, that he ought
          not to be allowed to remain upon the earth. Would they remove him
          if they had the power to? Yes, many who call themselves
          Christians would join in the act, and many others would consent
          to his death! Not the highminded and honorable of the earth, and
          those who serve God and his Christ; but the bigot, the hypocrite,
          the wicked and the ungodly would. Why? Simply because they
          represent their master, the devil, who is carrying on a warfare
          with the heavens, and their hearts are opposed to God and to all
          that represent him. This conflict always has been, and will be
          until the winding up scene. If I had to depend upon my own wisdom
          and power, in connection with that of my fellow-laborers, I might
          well tremble and fear. But I depend not upon human wisdom or
          human power. I occupy the position that God our Heavenly Father
          has placed me in, and while I exercise myself in the duties that
          he has committed to me, seeking to build up his kingdom and
          establish righteousness upon the earth, holding the dominion for
          him and for the family of Christ, I tremble not, I fear not,
          neither do I care for the insults of the world, for the Lord is
          my bulwark, my shield and my deliverer. But have not some of the
          wicked succeeded in removing others from the earth? Yes, they
          killed Joseph and Hyrum Smith, while under the pledged faith of
          the State of Illinois; and at Haun's Mill, Missouri, they
          massacred about eighteen of our brethren and sisters, innocent
          men, women and children, without the first cause or provocation;
          and furthermore, the perpetrators of these and other murders were
          never brought to justice; in fact, the press of the nation
          advocated the destruction of "Mormonism," and on the death of the
          leaders of our Church, all the consolation that public opinion
          afforded their bereaved families, as well as the members of the
          Church, over which they presided, was that that would put an end
          to "Mormonism." But will the Lord overlook and forget such
          crimes? No, for the blood of the innocent is continually crying
          unto him for vengeance, which he will administer in his own due
          time. He has already vexed this nation and given the people time
          to pause and consider their conduct; and if they repent not by
          turning from their corruptions and wickedness, he has only to say
          to the innocent, and to the Latter-day Saints, "Wait a little,
          wait a little, and their cup will be full to overflowing." I have
          said to my brethren and sisters, and I say it now, Go to Jackson
          County, and to Caldwell County, where the lives of Latter-day
          Saints have been taken and from where they have been driven; go
          to the region of Haun's Mill, where so many were massacred
          because they had come up to the western part of Missouri, and it
          was said they were "Mormons," and you will find that we, in all
          our persecutions, have not suffered so much as the characters who
          executed judgment upon the innocent. If I were asked to-day if we
          as a people had suffered persecution, I would say, "No, nothing
          worthy mentioning." This has ever been the case with the
          righteous, and it ever will be. For when their lives are taken
          for the Gospel's sake, they go to the Father, to the paradise of
          rest, where they are free from the influence and power of sinful
          and wicked men. But how different with the wicked and ungodly!
          When they die their suffering which cannot be described, only
          commence. But we have received enough to understand that the
          wicked are a rod in the hands of God to chasten his children? If
          you do not, it is time that you had learned it, for it is even
          so; and if we are chastened, it is for a purpose, probably to
          bring us to a sense of our duty that we may know the hand-dealing
          of the Lord towards us. But were we ever destroyed? No, neither
          will God permit us to be, so long as we are desirous of being his
          servants, and of doing the work given us to do. Although it was
          necessary that Jesus should suffer on the cross for the sins of
          the world, still it might be said of those who took an active
          part in the deed, as well as those who consented to it in their
          hearts, "Woe unto them by whom this offence came." Many of the
          Prophets have sealed their testimony with their blood, that their
          testament might go forth with force and to return void. As in
          ancient days, so in modern days. When Joseph Smith sealed his
          testimony whit his blood, his testament from that moment was in
          force to all the world; and woe to those who fight against it.
          What will we do to them? Nothing at all, but preach the Gospel.
          They may lie about us as they please. If we will faithfully mind
          our own concerns, live our religion, go good to all men, preach
          the Gospel to the nations of the earth, gather up the honest in
          heart, build up and establish Zion in the earth, send the Gospel
          to the House of Israel, and live and serve God in all things, all
          will be well with us, we have no cause for fear in the least.
          When the Lord deems it necessary that his servants should seal
          their testimony with their blood, in order that his word may be
          strengthened and of greater force in the earth, so let it be;
          they are received into the arms of Jehovah, they rejoice in the
          society of those who are waiting patiently until the trump shall
          sound, when the sleeping nations shall awake and their bodies
          come forth to be reunited with their spirits, and the faithful
          enter into a fullness of his glory. With them all is well, all is
          But do we live our religion? The only fear I have is that we are
          not as faithful as we should be. We give way to passion, we yield
          to temptation; whereas, we ought to live so that the Lord can
          strengthen the position of his people and multiply the righteous,
          how fast and to what degree is not for me to say. But if the
          Latter-day Saints were as righteous and as holy as we are capable
          of being by reducing to practice the doctrine we have received, I
          am sure that the Lord could hasten his work, and he would cut it
          short in righteousness, it would be consummated much quicker than
          he can in our present condition. The acts and condition of the
          people here on the earth must be considered, the same is held in
          remembrance before the throne of God, for he requires of his
          people to act with him in all things pertaining to the building
          up of his kingdom upon the earth. But his grace is always ready,
          his Spirit is always waiting, and the light that Jesus brought
          into the world is always with the people, teaching them the right
          from the wrong. He is the light of the world that lighteth every
          man that cometh into the world, and if the whisperings of his
          Spirit and its dictates were hearkened to and obeyed, all men
          everywhere would grow in the truth, much faster than we
          Latter-day Saints are doing. It is a source of mortification to
          know that men and women who have been in this Church from twenty
          to forty years should still be so prone to the weaknesses of the
          flesh. What do I see? If I do not witness it with my own eyes, I
          hear of it through those who do--men, ofttimes of long standing
          in the Church, drink a little, they swear a little, smoke or chew
          a little, and indulge their appetites in those things which the
          Lord has warned us against, and which he has said are not good
          for man. They, too, can spend their time wandering about these
          mountains hunting for gold and silver, they can mingle and
          associate with those whose lives are records of vice and
          immorality, and who are ready to oppose God and traduce the
          character of his servants. Can Saints of God, Elders in Israel,
          who are exercised by the power and spirit of their holy calling,
          who have within them the gift of eternal life, can they be guilty
          of such things and stand approved before God? No, they cannot;
          and I say, shame upon such men, they are a disgrace to
          themselves, and their actions are a disgrace to the name of
          Saint. It is a disgrace, too, to the sisters, as well as the
          brethren, who thirst after the vain fashions and foolish
          practices of the world. Cease to pattern after those who know not
          God. How would such conduct compare with the conversation and
          deportment of the angels whom we expect to meet? Would they want
          to adopt the practices and fashions of the wicked world? No, they
          have higher aims and holier aspirations, they live above vanity;
          so should the Latter-day Saints. Our hearts should be pure,
          entertaining such things only as are comely, chaster and praise
          worthy before him. This is the curse of life that he expects of
          I have a great many reflections, especially when alone, I
          converse with myself upon these eternal things, things which the
          frivolous, the vain, and those who are engaged only with the
          things of this world, never think of. With regard to the society
          of heaven, their conversation and deportment, consider the
          magnitude and greatness of the character of holy beings,
          contemplate the expanse of eternity and the life that is before
          us, and then how insignificant appears this world as it now is!
          Still, in our humanity, in our fallen condition, that divine
          influence is more or less with us, and if we would preserve
          ourselves to dwell with the holy ones of heaven and have joy in
          our being, we must faithfully adhere to and practice the
          principles of eternal life, and in doing so, he will add for our
          comfort and enjoyment all things necessary pertaining to this
          Fear not with regard to the success of this Church and kingdom.
          Rather fear you should not be counted worthy to be numbered among
          the sanctified when Jesus comes to make up his jewels; rather
          fear lest you should be found in the condition of the five
          foolish virgins whose lamps had gone out and who were unprepared
          to meet the bridegroom because they had no oil. Remember,
          Latter-day Saints, there were five wise and five foolish, and
          equal division, and yet they were all virgins. The application is
          a just one and has a direct bearing on us, as Latter-day Saints.
          The wise among us will take heed, will hearken to the
          instructions and counsels of the servants of God, will pattern
          after Christ, and thirst after the things of God, and our lamps
          will be trimmed and burning, and we will be prepared to meet the
          bridegroom when he comes, and they that are ready will enter in
          with him to the marriage; and whether or not the door be shut
          upon those not so well prepared is a matter that belongs solely
          to him, and he can do just as he pleases about it. I want to have
          oil in my vessel, so that in case I should, in consequence of the
          weakness of the flesh, slumber a little, on arising my lamp would
          be trimmed ready to burn. This is doubtless your desire. Then
          live for it; mingle not your voices with the wicked seek not
          after the delusive things of this world in their present state.
          But is not the Lord going to give the earth and the riches
          thereof to his Saints? Yes, that is the promise, and he has
          spoken it by the mouth of many of his Prophets. But when will
          this inheritance pass into the hands of his people? When we shall
          have sanctified the Lord in our hearts, sanctified our bodies and
          spirits in the ruth, and we become pure and holy, free from
          selfishness and from every sin; and until we shall have reached
          this state of perfection, we never need expect these things
          committed to our care, for he will not do it. When the judgment
          is given to the Saints, it will be because of their
          righteousness, because they will judge even as the angels and as
          the Gods, and not as the wicked do at the present time, who care
          not for God nor for justice, who care not for truth nor mercy,
          love nor kindness, who judge according to the wickedness of their
          hearts. I am very thankful that it is not our province, in our
          present condition, to judge the world; if it were, we would ruin
          everything. We have not sufficient wisdom, our minds are not
          filled with the knowledge and power of God; the spirit needs to
          contend with the flesh a little more until it shall be successful
          in subduing its passions, until the whole soul is brought into
          perfect harmony with the mind and will of God. And we must also
          acquire the discretion that God exercises in being able to look
          into futurity, and to ascertain and know the results of our acts
          away in the future, even in eternity, before we will be capable
          of judging.
          Let us live so that we shall be ready for any dispensation of
          providence. It is said He will come as a thief in the night. We
          had better be on the watch-tower, waiting in readiness for him,
          than to be putting off the time, for peradventure we might put it
          off until it is too late.
          I have something to say to the Latter-day Saints about their
          temporal affairs, how we should live temporally, taking proper
          care of that which is committed to our charge, and using it for
          the benefit of ourselves and others, which I will tell you on
          some future occasion.
          On the second Saturday and Sunday in May, the 12th and 13th, we
          will hold a two days' meeting here, or, if you choose to call it
          so, a District Conference of this Stake of Zion, to which you,
          and as many as can make it convenient to attend, are invited. If
          you will come with clean hands and pure hearts, full of faith, so
          that the Lord can pour out his spirit upon us, we will have a
          time of rejoicing. God bless you. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Pratt, May 20th, 1877
                             Orson Pratt, May 20th, 1877
                At a Special Conference, at Logan, on Sunday Morning,
                                   May 20th, 1877.
                             (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs)
          I will read a few items from scripture spoken by Mormon, which
          will be found on the 484th page of the Book of Mormon, European
          "And now there cannot be written in this book, even a hundredth
          part of the things which Jesus did truly teach unto the people;
          but behold the plates of Nephi do contain the more part of the
          things which he taught the people; and these things have I
          written, which are a lesser part of the things which he taught
          the people; and I have written them to the intent that they may
          be brought again unto this people, from the Gentiles, according
          to the words which Jesus hath spoken. And when they shall have
          received this, which is expedient that they should have first, to
          try their faith, and if it so be that they shall believe these
          things, then shall the greater things be manifest unto them. And
          if it so be that they will not believe these things, then shall
          the greater things be withheld from them, unto their
          condemnation. Behold I were about to write them all which were
          engraved upon the plates of Nephi, but the Lord forbid it,
          saying, I will try the faith of my people; therefore, I, Mormon,
          do write the things which have been commanded me of the Lord."
          The reason why I have read these words is to show to the people
          more fully, or to impress upon their minds the way and manner in
          which the Lord deals with his people. It is within his power, if
          he see proper to do so, to pour out upon the people a vast amount
          of knowledge all at once, that their minds may be completely
          surfeited with the abundance of the knowledge communicated to
          them. But the Lord has not seen proper to thus deal with the
          Latter-day Saints. He has another object in view than this. He
          intends to instruct them little by little, here a little when it
          is needed, and there a little when it is needed; giving them a
          line upon this subject when it is necessary, and there a line
          upon another subject, leading them along, step by step, just as a
          wise, careful parent would his little children, until they become
          instructed in every principle that would be for their good. It is
          not because the Lord is not willing that his intelligent children
          should enjoy this greater amount of knowledge; it is not because
          he does not desire the human family to placed in possession of
          all the wisdom that their hearts are prepared to receive. He is
          willing, on his part, that the people should become very
          intelligent in regard to everything, pertaining to their future
          welfare. He is willing that they should know more concerning
          himself, his attributes and their own, to learn concerning the
          glories of his kingdom and the mysteries thereof and everything
          that would be essential for their comfort and happiness in this
          world. This the Lord is willing to do in behalf of his children.
          But he knows far better than we do, what the people are prepared
          to receive, and what they are not prepared to receive; and we can
          see this illustrated by the words which I have read. Mormon
          informs us that he was about to write all the things which Jesus
          had taught, but the Lord expressly forbade it, and the reason, as
          given to Mormon for not permitting this was, that he intended to
          try the faith of his people in the latter-days, and of whom he
          said that if they would believe these things and hearken, then
          should the greater things be made manifest to them; but if, on
          the other hand, they should not believe these few things, then
          should the greater things be withheld from them, to their
          This reminds me of a certain saying, given in 1829, before the
          rise of this Church. Hyrum Smith had left his home in Manchester,
          N. Y., and had gone down to Susquehanna, Penn., about a hundred
          miles, to visit his brother Joseph, the Prophet, who was then in
          the act of translating the Book of Mormon. When Hyrum arrived he
          felt very anxious to know about his calling and ministry--whether
          he could not go forth to preach these glorious things. It would
          be very natural for a person to feel very anxious about this, for
          the things contained in the manuscript, so far as he had become
          acquainted with them, were so glorious, that he wished everybody
          to know about them. As will be found on page 98 Doctrine and
          Covenants, the Lord told Hyrum not to be in a hurry. In other
          words, the Lord had his own time to ordain to the ministry, his
          own time to send forth missionaries among the people. "Don't you
          be in a hurry in this matter." But said the Lord to him, "I will
          tell you what you may do; you should study my word which has gone
          forth among the children of men, and also that which shall come
          forth, even that which is now being translated." "Seek first to
          obtain my word, then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you
          desire, you shall have my spirit, which shall enable you to
          convince men of the truth." Another lesson to be learned from
          this is, that Hyrum, instead of being in a great hurry in this
          matter, was required to store up the word of God in his mind, to
          be thoroughly acquainted with the Jewish record, as well as that
          which was then being translated, until he had obtained all that
          the Lord should grant to the children of men in the generation
          that was then living--1829. We may learn that the Lord did intend
          to give only about so much to the generation then living.
          A great many have supposed that there must be a great lack on the
          part of the Latter-day Saints, because spiritual knowledge is not
          all the time being poured down from heaven, like a flood in their
          midst; some become doubtful and feel to murmur and complain one
          to another, carrying the idea among the people that God has
          forsaken Zion, that God has, in a measure, withdrawn his spirit
          from us: saying, "Where are the revelations such as were given in
          the days of Joseph? The Lord then poured out upon us of his
          spirit continually; we then received record after record, book
          after book, etc." The reason is clearly defined here; the Lord,
          in his own time, will fulfill and accomplish his purposes, and he
          was determined, not only in these days, but he had the same
          determinations some fifteen centuries ago, when he talked with
          Mormon the Prophet, that a people who should live on the earth in
          the last days, should have just about so much information, and no
          more, as far as sacred records and books are concerned. Do not
          misunderstand me by this expression, and carry it to the other
          extreme, and say, that God determines to give about so much, and
          then shut down the gate and give no revelation at all. But he
          intended, so far as the great principles of the Gospel are
          concerned, the fundamental principles of salvation, that we
          should have the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Then he determined,
          still further, that there should be a sufficiency given from year
          to year, during the life-time of the Prophet Joseph, to know how
          to properly organize the Church. These further revelations were
          published in the Doctrine and Covenants. These having been given
          as a pattern, for the commencement of the organization, the Lord
          has seen proper to withhold, for the time being, the giving of
          additional sacred records, that the Saints might show their
          faith. "I will try the faith of my people, I will see whether
          they will be obedient to my commandments, and the laws which I
          have revealed to them. If they will be faithful--if they will
          practice upon that which I have given, then shall the greater
          things be made manifest to them. But if they will not do this,
          they shall be withheld from them, to their condemnation." There
          will be a point, in the history of this people, when they will be
          counted worthy to receive all that knowledge and intelligence
          which the Lord has held in reserve for them, from before the
          foundation of the world. Such is the glorious destiny of this
          people, to be realized in due time. But our present work is to
          comply with that which God has already given, and which he may
          hereafter give, through the living oracles that he has placed
          within our midst.
          Now the Lord has not shut down the gate; he has not closed up the
          spirit of inspiration, as all these people are witnesses. What
          man, unless he had been under the spirit of inspiration, and the
          wisdom that comes down from heaven, could have led forth this
          people from the midst of the wicked, and established them here in
          this mountain desert, and created the wonders we now behold? No
          man, however great might be his natural wisdom and ability, could
          have accomplished a work of this nature, unless aided by direct
          revelation. The Spirit of the living God, from the time of the
          death of Joseph to the present, has rested upon President B.
          Young, urging him forward, first to organize the people and lead
          them forth from the midst of their enemies, and, second, to
          establish them here in these mountains. He had not the
          experience, beforehand, to do this; he had never lived in a
          country where the people were accustomed to irrigate their farms;
          he had never lived in a country where the people necessarily were
          compelled to live compactly together, as we have to do here. But
          he had been accustomed to live in a country where the people
          spread abroad wherever they took a notion to; consequently it was
          just as new to him, when entering these valleys, as to the rest
          of us. And nothing but the Spirit of the living God, the
          inspirations of the Holy Ghost, could have enabled him to do what
          he has done, and to direct all this people throughout this
          Territory, in regard to their settlements, not only here, but
          wherever the Latter-day Saints have been located. Consequently,
          you perceive that God has not forsaken us, the spirit of
          revelation has been with us. But then it has not been wisdom in
          God, that all this revelation should be written and published;
          because many things the servants of God are inspired to do under
          one set of circumstances, would not be required of them, under a
          new condition of circumstances; hence, such revelations would not
          become a standing law for all future time. For instance, in order
          to form new settlements, the circumstances are very different
          from what they are after you have enlarged your settlements and
          become numerous in population, and other duties become necessary.
          Consequently the Lord has imparted a little here, and a little
          there, and instructed and counselled the people, through his
          servants, what should be done in the incipient stages, or in the
          forming of settlements, in this mountain region.
          In the midst of all this continuous organization that has been
          going on, ever since the rise of the Church, it is not to be
          wondered at, that many things have been left apparently at loose
          ends, for the time being, in order that the people might prove
          themselves. Men have been sent, year after year, to form new
          settlements, and to do this kind of work, and that kind, without
          being specially ordained to accomplish those particular duties.
          What for? To see whether they would manifest that the Spirit of
          the living God was with them, and that they were worthy or
          ordination; and if so, then afterwards they should be ordained
          and set apart, as Bishops, as presidents of Stakes, etc. But one
          may inquire, "Why not perfect these organizations at once?"
          Because there is a day of calling, which is distinct from a day
          of choosing. And when the Lord has called his servants and
          appointed them to perform a certain work, if they manifest a
          willingness, on their part, to exercise the wisdom that comes
          from God, in the performance of their duties, then perhaps the
          day of choosing may come, and they be set apart and ordained,
          according to the law contained in the Book of Covenants. It
          means, at this present stage of the work, having toiled now about
          thirty years in these mountains, that the Lord is about to "right
          up" the people; and he has inspired him who presides over us, to
          organize us more fully. Let those be chosen who have fulfilled
          their appointments in faithfulness; let them be ordained, and
          have their counselors; let them act now in a higher sphere, with
          more power, because they have proven themselves faithful over a
          few things, therefore let them be made rulers over many things.
          This is after the order of heaven; this is after the order of
          that judgment that will be more fully carried out in the great
          day of the Lord. Things will pass along here in time, as a
          pattern of things in regard to his future kingdom. They will pass
          along for years, until, by and by, in the great judgment day,
          these persons will have gained an experience and knowledge that
          will qualify them to act efficiently in the duties and callings
          to which they have been called; and they will act, not as those
          who are ignorant, but as men who have had a practical experience,
          year after year, having used their stewardship to the glory of
          Brother Erastus Snow spoke to us very plainly, last evening, in
          relation to all the officers, from the commencement of the Church
          down to the present time. When we have done all we can do,
          towards organizing as far as possible, according to the written
          law of God, as given to us, in our weakness, have we completed
          the organization? By no means. The organization is only perfect
          as far as the people are prepared to receive it, and no further.
          To say that there will be a stated time, in the history of this
          Church, during its imperfections and weakness, when the
          organization will be perfect, and that there will be no further
          extension or addition to the organization, would be a mistake.
          Organization is to go on, step after step, from one degree to
          another, just as the people increase and grow in the knowledge of
          the principles and laws of the kingdom of God, and as their
          borders shall extend. For instance, to illustrate my ideas more
          fully upon this point. We read, in the Scriptures of truth,
          concerning the latter-day Zion; we read that Zion is to become a
          great people, "a small one to become a strong nation." We also
          read that out of Zion shall go forth the law. We also read that
          Zion is to become so glorious, in times to come, that the nations
          that are afar will say to one another, "Surely Zion is the City
          of our God, for the Lord is there; his power is there, his glory
          is there," etc. Now if there be a time, in the history of the
          latter-day Zion, that the power of God will be made manifest in
          their midst, so as to stir up the nations afar off, causing them
          to exclaim that Zion is truly the City of God; her laws are
          divine; let us become subject to her laws; do you suppose that
          we, with our present organization, after perfecting it as much as
          we can expect to, could be ready and prepared to send forth laws
          to foreign nations for their government? No. There would then be
          persons ordained and set apart for various purposes, not to
          bestow any new Priesthood, for it is all included in the
          everlasting and eternal Priesthood, after the order of the Son of
          God; but to set apart persons already holding the Priesthood in
          the great organization; to receive divine laws; or, in other
          words, to regulate the nations, according to the laws of Zion;
          that they may understand her laws, and know what the divine
          government is, by which they are to be governed; in other words,
          ministers or plenipotentiaries are to be sent forth to transact
          business among all nations and peoples who willingly shall become
          subject to the laws of Zion. As to the rebellious nations, there
          will be none left alive. As it is written, "that nation or
          kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish." "Those nations
          shall be utterly wasted away;" consequently, the nations left,
          who are not totally destroyed will be anxious to be governed by
          the laws of Zion. Hence there will be an organization before the
          winding-up scene that will control the nations politically,
          giving them the privilege of remaining in their own land if they
          choose to do so, but subject to the laws of Zion.
          I will not, however, confine the future organizations of the
          Church of God to the political matters of the nations. There is
          to be a more perfect organization between the living and the dead
          of all former dispensations, which organization is just as
          necessary as that which exists among the living, on this side of
          the grave. This organization will be fully completed, at a
          certain period, pointed to by the Prophet Daniel, who says, that
          he saw in a night vision, and beheld until the Ancient of Days
          came; and he describes his great and glorious appearance: his
          face was like a flaming fire, and the hair of his head was white
          as wool; his chariots were like unto chariots of fire, and
          thousand thousands ministered unto him and ten thousand times ten
          thousand stood before him; and the books were opened. And many
          things are to be accomplished when this great general assembly of
          immortal beings come from heaven, communicating with those who
          are mortal here upon the earth. In other words, every man in that
          immortal host, among those that shall come down from heaven, and
          every man among the mortal host will understand his place and
          calling in this great, grand organization of the Ancient of Days;
          and you will find no unbroken links there. The Ancient of Days is
          the father of all; he is our first progenitor, and when he shall
          reveal himself, to set in order all of his righteous sons and
          daughters, he will not forget those who have already passed
          through former dispensations. Every dispensation will be
          connected; and the last dispensation of the fullness of times
          will have given to them the keys and powers, knowledge, and
          understanding, and revelations to know how to weld every link, in
          order that the entire chain may be completed and made perfect.
          Moreover let us now come back to the living. We are commanded to
          build Temples? Why? what is the great object of building Temples
          in this dispensation? It is to effect the accomplishment of the
          very work I have hinted at; the very work of organization that
          must be completed, by the time the Ancient of Days shall come;
          the very work that must be introduced, that the children may be
          more perfectly connected with the fathers of all the former
          dispensations; and that the Saints of all former dispensations
          may understand the work that is being done by their children on
          their behalf, so that when the heavens shall reveal them, they
          will find things ready to receive them. Before that time, I have
          no doubt, the generation will have passed away that were living
          in 1829; but all things will be added to those revelations that
          the Lord gave to that generation, namely, the records of the
          ancient Nephites; they existed in great numbers and are of great
          importance, records kept by their Kings, records of the history
          of the Nephites for over a thousand years, records of their
          proceedings and of the things that God had revealed to them,
          records that were secret, and not permitted to come forth in the
          days of weakness, records that revealed all things from the
          foundation of the world to the end thereof, records that were
          kept when Jesus administered to the Nephites, the ninety-ninth
          part of which was not written by Mormon, all of which are to come
          forth. What for? To teach the Latter-day Saints how to organize,
          how to be prepared for the things that are coming. Then we will
          know something about what is termed the United Order, when we get
          hold of these records of the experience of the Nephites for 165
          years in the Order; the experience of the people of this great
          western hemisphere, from the northern to the southern extremity;
          they will have left some records of their acts and doings that
          cannot fail to be of great worth to the people of these latter
          But first, says the Lord, "I will try my people; I will perfect
          them; I will see whether they will be obedient to my
          commandments; I will reveal to them little by little; I will give
          them line upon line; I will impart a little light upon this
          subject and upon the other subject; and if my people shall
          enquire of me, in relation to these things, then I will teach
          them still more, giving them another line and another precept, I
          will issue forth another commandment; but if they do not inquire
          of me, and their hearts be found full of covetousness, and they
          feel in their hearts to slight these things which I have given to
          them, then I will withhold the greater information; I will not
          let them know the law which I gave to the ancient Nephites; I
          will withhold many things calculated to benefit them, until they
          learn the things that they are already taught. But when they
          become obedient students, obedient men and women of God, obedient
          to my commandments, hearkening to the voice of my servants,
          giving heed to the whisperings of my spirit, doing away with
          covetousness, then I will reveal more; I will introduce more and
          more of the principles of the United Order, necessary to govern
          the people, and to prepare them for the great day of the Lord,
          which is to come.
          In the beginning of the dispensation it is necessary that there
          should be chosen vessels, raised up on purpose to bear witness of
          the things of God, to lay the foundation, and to establish the
          Gospel in the earth. To do this, it is necessary that these
          witnesses, though inexperienced, should receive revelations and
          administration of angels, that they may testify, that there may
          be sufficient evidence, or sufficient number of witnesses sent
          forth, that the Lord may be justified, in the great day of
          judgment, in judging the people. But how dangerous it is for
          people to see heavenly visions, and receive the ministration of
          angels in their ignorance. How dangerous for people in their
          ignorance to obey the Gospel! Yet shall we say that they shall
          not obey it, because they are very ignorant? No. Let them step
          forth with all their hearts and obey the Gospel, that they may be
          put in possession of the Holy Ghost; then if they will seek to
          cultivate their minds, cherishing that Spirit in their hearts and
          developing every principle of righteousness, and doing away every
          iniquitous practice, they shall receive more and more of the Holy
          Spirit, with its gifts. So in regard to these heavenly
          In the year 1829 Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris
          were chosen as witnesses to behold the angel of God; to behold
          the plates in the hands of the angel; to gaze upon the ancient
          engravings, and to hear the voice of the Lord, at the same time,
          proclaiming to them, that the plates had been translated
          correctly, and commanding them to bear record of the same to all
          peoples, nations and tongues, to whom the work should be sent.
          Now this was truly a great manifestation. But who was Oliver
          Cowdery? who was David Whitmer? who was Martin Harris? Poor,
          weak, frail men; two of them quite young, one of middle age. They
          had but very little experience; they knew nothing about the
          arrangement of the organization of the Priesthood, as we now
          know; they had no Teachers to visit them from week to week. Yet
          in the midst of all this ignorance, what a glorious manifestation
          they received from heaven! They lacked experience; they had not
          been prepared as Joseph was. He was prepared by a series of years
          of experience, in beholding visions and angels.
          In the year 1823 the angel first came to him, telling him about
          the plates, also telling him that he would return one year
          afterwards, when he would give him further instruction. Why this
          delay? why not commit to his charge the plates at once? It was
          because of his want of experience. It is true, he had previously
          received a heavenly vision some four years before, in which he
          had seen the face of God, the Father. But he lacked all other
          qualifications; he was left more or less to himself, and the
          angels was determined to impart to him experience, year after
          year, for the space of four years; during which, whenever Joseph
          needed chastisement he received it at the appointed time; his
          failings were corrected; he was shown wherever he had erred; and
          he was taught what to do: he was instructed little by little,
          until he learned, by practice, to do the will of God. Then the
          sacred records were committed to him; but not so with the three
          witnesses referred to, and hence they kept not the holy
          commandments as they ought to have done. They had too much
          knowledge for their limited experience. You recollect what the
          Lord has said upon this subject--Where much is given, much is
          required; and where but little is given, but little is required.
          Much was given to these three witnesses, and much was required at
          their hands. Hence a sin that they might commit would throw them
          into tenfold more darkness than any man who had never seen so
          great things. This accounts for their apostacy, not for their
          denying the truth, for they never did that; they held fast to the
          truth; they declared that the Book of Mormon was true and never
          denied their testimony. It is not a matter of mere faith with
          them; they knew it. But how great is the darkness in them that
          sin against so much light! The Lord told us, when we were living
          in the State of New York, to go to the Ohio; there to build a
          Temple to the name of the Most High. And there the Lord
          condescended to bestow upon his servants and people a great
          endowment, a blessing such as was not known among the children of
          men. And from thence they should go the nations of the earth, and
          publish these tidings. We went to the Ohio; and after we had been
          sufficiently taught and instructed, the Lord commanded us through
          Joseph, to build a Temple, giving the pattern thereof, and the
          size thereof, the size of the inner and outer courts, the size of
          the several rooms and apartments, and the form of the pulpits and
          everything pertaining to it, was given by the inspiration of the
          Almighty that rested upon Joseph, and upon those associated with
          When the Temple was built, the Lord did not see proper to reveal
          all the ordinances of the Endowments, such as we now understand.
          He revealed little by little. No rooms were prepared for
          washings; no special place prepared for the anointings, such as
          you understand, and such as you comprehend at the period of the
          history of the Church! Neither did we know the necessity of the
          washings, such as we now receive. It is true, our hands were
          washed, our faces and our feet. The Prophet Joseph was commanded
          to gird himself with a towel, doing this in the Temple. What for?
          That the first Elder might witness to our Father and God, that we
          were clean from the blood of that wicked generation, that then
          lived. We had gone forth according to our best ability, to
          publish glad tidings of great joy, for thousands of miles, upon
          this continent. After this we were called in, and the washing of
          hands and feet was to testify to God that we were clean from the
          blood of this generation. The holy anointing was placed upon the
          heads of his servants, but not the full development of the
          Endowments in the anointing. These administrations in the
          Kirtland Temple were revealed, little by little, corresponding
          with what I have already been saying, that the Lord does not give
          the fullness at once, but imparts to us according to his own will
          and pleasure. Great were the blessings received. We were
          commanded to seek to behold the face of the Lord; to seek after
          revelation; to seek after the spirit of prophecy, and the gifts
          of the Spirit; and many testify to what they saw. But yet they
          were inexperienced; they had not proven themselves in their
          religion long enough. They obtained blessings greater than some
          of them were prepared to receive. They perhaps might have been
          faithful if they had exercised the agency which God gave them.
          But how easily are mankind toppled first this way, then that way,
          and are led astray, even after the heavens were opened and
          chariots and horses of fire, as well as angels were seen: still
          many of these brethren apostatized.
          Now perhaps some of you may say, "Withhold these things; do not
          send angels; do not bestow the gifts of prophecy, if by being so
          blessed we are in danger of apostatizing from our religion." This
          is the other extreme; on the other hand, we are commanded to seek
          the face of the Lord always, that we may possess our souls in
          patience. Again, about three years after the organization of the
          Church, the Lord gave a revelation contained in the Doctrine and
          Covenants, saying, "It shall come to pass that every soul that
          comes to me, obeys my commandments, and hearkens to my voice, and
          calls upon my name, shall see my face, and know that I am." He
          has ordained that in his holy House, in a Temple built to his
          name, these great blessings shall be made manifest to his
          servants and people. He has told us also the privileges of these
          two Priesthoods. The privilege of the lesser Priesthood is to see
          angels. How should they seek after this blessing? By merely
          praying, and acting dishonestly, full of covetousness, and all
          manner of evils clinging about us because of our traditions? Is
          this the way to seek for so great blessings? It is by giving heed
          to the instructions and laws that pertain to the teaching of this
          lesser Priesthood; and when this is done, we may claim the
          ministrations of holy angels.
          Again, what are the promises made to the high Priesthood of the
          order of the Son of God? We are told, in the revelation given on
          the 22d and 23d days of September, 1832, that without the
          ordinances of this high Priesthood the power of godliness could
          not be made manifest to men in the flesh. For, says the
          revelation, "Without this Priesthood, no man can behold the face
          of God the Father and live." Again, says the revelation, "This
          Moses plainly taught to the children of Israel in the wilderness,
          and sought diligently to sanctify his people, that they might
          behold the face of God. But they hardened their hearts, and could
          not endure his presence."
          Here then we perceive that one blessing of this high Priesthood
          is to behold the face of God the Father and live. And this
          blessing is, not merely for the persons holding the Priesthood,
          not merely for those who have been ordained, after the order of
          the Son of God; but every one that keeps "my commandments and
          obeys my voice," etc. This is the privilege of the whole Church;
          it is the privilege of all the people of God, to sanctify
          themselves, to be obedient to his laws, and to behold his face,
          not only the face of Jesus, but of God the Father, and still
          What means, says one, that passage in the Book of Moses, where
          the Lord, speaking to Moses, says, "Thou canst not see my face:
          for there shall no man see me and live," etc. This very passage
          is explained by new revelation. The Lord at that time became
          angry with the children of Israel, and he decreed that no man of
          that whole congregation should behold his face at that time.
          Hence the Lord said to Moses, "Thou shalt not behold my face as
          at other times." How plain that little sentence of new revelation
          is, showing that Moses had, at other times, enjoyed that
          privilege, and that it was the privilege of the Children of
          Israel to become sanctified, and to behold the face of God; but
          at that time, in consequence of their wickedness, he in his
          anger, forbade them that privilege. Soon after, he made a decree
          that all that congregation should be left without this privilege,
          and he took his presence away from them, because of their
          transgressions and rebellions, that, had not the Lord withdrawn
          his presence from them, they might have been totally destroyed.
          The Lord desired to remember his covenants with Abraham, Isaac
          and Jacob; for he promised them that he would bring up their seed
          to the promised land; and in order that he might do this he
          determined not to go up in their midst; for should he do so, he
          might break forth upon them, and utterly destroy them.
          Now we have a promise given to us, that when we are redeemed, and
          permitted to return to our promised land, his presence shall go
          with us.
          We have a promised land, as well as Israel. The Lord said, on the
          2d of January, 1831, "And I hold forth and deign to give unto you
          greater riches, even a land of promise, a land flowing with milk
          and honey, upon which there shall be no curse when the Lord
          "And I will give it unto you for the land of your inheritance, if
          you will seek it with all your hearts:
          "And this shall be my covenant with you, ye shall have it for the
          land of your inheritance, and for the inheritance of your
          children forever, while the earth shall stand, and ye shall
          possess it again in eternity, no more to pass away." Here, then,
          was a covenant made, that the Latter-day Saints should have for
          their particular portion a promised land. We were commanded to
          purchase the land for the time being; for it was to be signally
          our land of promise, and our children's land of promise, while
          the earth should stand, and then they should have it to all
          We are at present cast out of that land, the same as the
          Israelites were in the land of Egypt, being away from their
          promised land. We are here in these mountain valleys. It is a
          goodly land which the Lord has pointed out for us. We are making
          preparation for our great redemption to go back to the promised
          land, the same as the Israelites are to gather back to their
          promised land. And a further promise is made unto us, in this
          connection, that when the time shall come, the Lord will raise up
          a man like unto Moses who shall deliver this people out of
          bondage, the same as the children of Israel, their fathers, were
          delivered. And he tells us that he will do this with a mighty
          hand and an outstretched arm. And he also says, that his angels
          shall go before us, and also his presence. Here then is a promise
          made to the Latter-day Saints, that the presence of the Lord, as
          well as his angels, should go before their camp.
          I mention these things to show you what the Lord intends to
          bestow upon you, that your hearts may not faint, while
          encountering the trials of reclaiming the desert country; that
          you in the midst of difficulties and tribulations may still have
          faith in regard to the promises of the future.
          In another revelation given in an early period of the history of
          the Church, the Lord commanded his people to build unto him a
          House, promising that if they built a house unto his name,
          according to the commandment and pattern which should be given,
          and providing they suffered no unclean thing to enter it, so that
          it should not be defiled, the Lord himself would appear in it;
          his presence would be there; his glory would be there; and all
          that should go into that House, who were pure in heart, should
          see him. Here then you perceive that there are certain places
          appointed, and certain provisions to be complied with, before the
          face of the Lord can be seen. He has said that his people are
          always to build unto his name a house. What for? That his name
          might be there; that his angels might be there; that his presence
          might be there; and that there the fullness of the holy
          Priesthood might be more fully revealed, and that there all the
          ordinances might be performed, that were ordained from before the
          foundation of the world. This is the object of Temples. It is to
          connect the children to the fathers: it is to bring about an
          organization between the living and the dead. It is seen that
          when the seventh angel shall sound his trumpet, preparatory to
          the coming of the Son of Man; when the Saints shall receive their
          inheritances and be made equal with him, they, the dead, as well
          as the living, receive their inheritances; that will be a perfect
          organization. When Adam, and Enoch, and his Zion, and all the
          righteous men before the flood, and all the holy patriarchs and
          Prophets of the eastern and western Continents, men who lived on
          the earth as strangers and pilgrims, but who through the eye of
          faith were permitted to behold, that in the dispensation of the
          fullness of times, all things would be gathered in one that were
          in Christ, even all things which are in heaven and which are on
          the earth; I say that when all these receive their inheritances,
          this will be an organization that takes hold of eternity, that
          takes hold of the children of God in all ages, that unites all
          dispensations in one, that brings all the kingdoms, and
          authorities, and powers, of all other dispensations, and unites
          them in one; and upon whom knowledge like a flood will be poured
          out even upon the vast congregations of the Church of the First
          Born, the living and the dead, for the dead will then be living.
          Ought not these things, Latter-day Saints, to stimulate every
          individual to be diligent in the work given him to do, lest he
          fall out by the way; lest his crown be taken from him and placed
          upon the head of another; lest the talent he may have hidden in
          the earth be taken from him and be given to him that hath more
          abundantly? How diligent we should be! How faithful in the
          performance of our several callings, and how willing to hearken
          to the counsels and instructions of those placed over us? By and
          by we will have Temples, with a great many things contained in
          them which we now have not; for with them, as with all other
          things, the Lord begins little by little; he does not reveal
          everything all at once. He gave the pattern of these things in
          Kirtland, Ohio, as the beginning; but there were not rooms for
          the washings, no rooms such as we have now, and such as were
          prepared in the Nauvoo Temple; and in other respects, there was
          something added to the Nauvoo Temple. Why; Because we had greater
          experience, and were prepared for greater things. There was no
          font in the basement story of the Kirtland Temple, for baptismal
          purposes in behalf of the dead? Why not! Because that principle
          was not revealed. But in the Nauvoo Temple this font was
          prepared, which was something in advance of the Kirtland Temple.
          We have, of late, constructed a Temple at St. George. Blessings
          have been administered in that Temple, that were totally unknown
          in the two former Temples, namely, endowments for the dead.
          Again, by and by, we build a Temple in Jackson County, Missouri.
          Will it be built according to the pattern of our present Temples?
          No. There will be, according to the progress of this people, and
          the knowledge they receive, and the greatness of the work that is
          before them, many things, pertaining to the pattern, that will
          then be given, which will differ materially, or will be, at
          least, in addition to that which is in these Temples now built. I
          think if you will go and search in the Church Historian's office,
          you will find a plan of a Temple, that is to be built in Jackson
          County, which will be very different from the little Temples we
          now build. By and by there will be a Temple built at Jerusalem.
          Who do you think is going to build it? You may think that it will
          be the unbelieving Jews who rejected the Savior. I believe that
          that which is contained on the 77th page of the Book of Mormon,
          as well as in many other places, in that same book, will be
          literally fulfilled. The Temple at Jerusalem will undoubtedly be
          built, by those who believe in the true Messiah. Its construction
          will be, in some respects different from the Temples now being
          built. It will contain the throne of the Lord, upon which he
          will, at times, personally sit, and will reign over the house of
          Israel for ever. It may also contain twelve other thrones, on
          which the twelve ancient Apostles will sit, and judge the twelve
          tribes of Israel. It will, very likely, have an apartment, with a
          table, on which food and drink will be prepared, such as are
          suitable to the taste and happiness of immortal resurrected
          beings, thus fulfilling the words of Jesus--"Ye that have
          followed me in the regeneration shall eat and drink at my table,
          and sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
          Israel." Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Joseph
          F. Smith, April 2, 1877
                           Joseph F. Smith, April 2, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY ELDER JOSEPH F. SMITH,
            Delivered in the Tabernacle, at St. George, Sunday, April 2,
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                            INDISPENSABLE--POSSESSION OF
                                      OR LOST.
           F. Smith
          During the time I may occupy, I desire to express my feelings
          with regard to my faith in the Gospel, and the great latter-day
          work in which we are all more or less engaged, that you as well
          as my brethren may know how I stand before God and man.
           F. Smith
          I was born in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
          but not under the sealing covenant; that principle was revealed
          to this Church subsequent to my birth. I have been reared in the
          midst of the people called Latter-day Saints, receiving most of
          my limited education in their society, and that during my
          childhood under the guidance of my mother. Since the age of 15
          years, I have been engaged more or less in the ministry, and have
          received instruction through having the counsels and teachings of
          the servants of God, as you all have; but some, perhaps, have not
          enjoyed this privilege to so great an extent as others who have
          been less abroad. In my childhood I learned to believe the
          Gospel, and in the divine mission and calling of the Prophet
          Joseph Smith, in the visitation of the angel Moroni, in the
          establishment of the kingdom of God on the earth, and also in the
          gathering together of the people of the Lord, and many important
          things connected with this great latter-day work.
           F. Smith
          On my first mission I began to learn something for myself; I had
          hitherto believed the testimonies of the servants of God whom I
          had heard converse and preach, as well as the instructions I
          received from a most kind and affectionate mother, as also what I
          could comprehend through reading the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine
          and Covenants, and the Bible. But in the ministry, where I
          labored earnestly, I began to comprehend more fully, through the
          inspiration of the Holy Spirit, what I had read and been taught,
          and so they became in my mind established facts, of which I was
          as absolutely certain as I was of my own existence; and from the
          beginning of my experience as an Elder in the Church until the
          present, if there has been a moment in my life when I have
          doubted the divinity and truthfulness of these things, it has
          escaped my notice, and it is to-day as much a matter of fact with
          me, as it is that I live.
           F. Smith
          I long ago learned to prize the principles of the Gospel, as of
          far greater importance than all earthly things; they are of more
          value than this present life, for without the Gospel it is
          valueless, the grand object and purpose of life being attainable
          only through being obedient unto the Gospel.
           F. Smith
          A saying of the Savior is here forced upon my mind, "For what
          shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose
          his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
          Again, "I am the door, by me if any man enter in, he shall be
          saved," but only upon this plan can he be saved.
           F. Smith
          By the principles of the Gospel, as revealed through the Prophet
          Joseph Smith, we are privileged to secure unto ourselves the gift
          of eternal life, which is the greatest gift of God. Without these
          principles we are as the dumb animal, so far as relates to the
          knowledge of God, for our fathers were unable to teach us, they
          knew no more of the ways of God, or the plans of salvation, than
          the children, notwithstanding their boasted enlightenment and
          their possession of the holy Scriptures. They were not acquainted
          with the principles of life, they knew not the law of the Lord,
          and neither did we until we received and obeyed the Gospel,
          thereby obtaining heavenly light through the channel of the
          Priesthood. Before this we were as they were, clinging to dead
          forms, puzzled to divine the meaning of many things which under
          the light of inspiration have become plain and easy to be
          understood. "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee
          the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent."
           F. Smith
          It behooves the Latter-day Saints, and all men, to make
          themselves acquainted with "the only true God, and Jesus whom he
          hath sent." But can we through our own wisdom find out God? Can
          we by our unaided ingenuity and learning fathom his purposes and
          comprehend his will? We have, I think, witnessed examples enough
          of such efforts on the part of the intelligent world, to convince
          us that it is impossible. The ways and wisdom of God are not as
          the ways and wisdom of man. How then can we know "the only true
          and living God, and Jesus Christ whom he has sent?" for to obtain
          this knowledge would be to obtain the secret or key to eternal
          life. It must be through the Holy Ghost, whose office is to
          reveal the things of the Father to man, and to bear witness in
          our hearts of Christ, and him crucified and risen from the dead.
          There is no other way or means of attaining to this knowledge.
          How shall we obtain the Holy Ghost? The method or manner is
          clearly marked out. We are told to have faith in God, to believe
          that he is, and that he is a rewarder of all who diligently seek
          him; to repent of our sins, subdue our passions, follies, and
          improprieties; to be virtuous, honest, and upright in all our
          dealings one with another, and enter into covenant with God that
          we will from thenceforth abide in the principles of truth, and
          observe the commandments which he has given us, then to be
          baptized for the remission of our sins, by one having authority;
          and when this ordinance of the Gospel is complied with, we may
          receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands
          of those clothed with the authority of the Priesthood. Thus the
          Spirit and power of God--the Comforter, may be in us as a well of
          water springing up unto everlasting life. He will bear record of
          the Father, testify of Jesus, and "take of the things of the
          Father and reveal them unto us," confirming our faith,
          establishing us in the truth, that we shall be no longer tossed
          to and fro by every wind of doctrine; but shall "know of the
          doctrine" whether it be of God or of man. This is the course--it
          is simple, reasonable, and consistent. Who is there with common
          abilities that can fail to see, or comprehend it? Indeed, in the
          language of the Scriptures, it is so plain, that "the wayfaring
          man, though a fool, need not err therein."
           F. Smith
          Having entered into this covenant being cleansed from sin, and
          endowed with the gift of the Holy Ghost, why should we not abide
          in the truth, continuing steadfast before God and firm in the
          great work he has established on the earth? We should never cease
          to serve Him, nor thwart his mercy and goodness towards us; but
          ever live so that the Holy Spirit may be within us as a living
          spring, calculated to lead us to perfection in righteousness,
          virtue and integrity before God, until we accomplish our earthly
          mission, performing every duty that may be required at our hands.
           F. Smith
          In this way I have learned the Gospel which I was first taught to
          believe, which belief is now superseded by knowledge. For now I
          know that God lives, and that Jesus Christ was sent into the
          world to atone for the original sin, and also for the actual
          transgressions of mankind, inasmuch as they themselves will
          repent of their sins and humble themselves before Him in their
          pursuit of the gift and blessing of eternal life. We should not
          be satisfied with the testimony alone of our brethren. It is well
          and good, it is indeed encouraging and cheering to the heart to
          hear the testimonies of the servants of God,--to believe that God
          has raised up men in this dispensation and made them witnesses of
          Him and his Son Jesus and who have been shown the mysteries of
          heavenly things, and commanded to bear record of what they saw
          and heard; yes, it is a joy to the soul to have men among us who
          are inspired by the Holy Spirit and full of the light of truth
          and of the power of God, bearing their testimony unto us that
          this is the work of God, that God lives, that Jesus is the
          Christ--the Savior of the world, and that he has spoken to the
          inhabitants of the earth in the day in which we live, but is this
          sufficient to satisfy me? No. It will not suffice me to believe
          that you know the true and living God, etc. I must receive this
          knowledge for myself as you have received it. Is not the way open
          to me to comprehend the purposes and the will of God concerning
          my salvation, as to you? Certainly it is. It is for all, yea,
          every son and daughter of Adam to learn the will of God, to
          receive the testimony of the Spirit for him and herself, and not
          to depend alone upon the testimonies of these good men that God
          has raised up to fill the positions they occupy. And if we should
          pin our faith to them, although we might realize consolation and
          even joy and satisfaction in hearing their testimonies, yet,
          unless we receive the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the time
          will undoubtedly come when the winds will blow and the storms
          beat upon the house, we thus may build and it will fall. What a
          deplorable condition we would then find ourselves in!
           F. Smith
          Is it not necessary for all to be capable of judging as to
          whether the testimonies of these men are of God or man? How can
          we know that what they testify of, is true? How can we know that
          they bear witness of the Almighty, or that they possess the holy
          Priesthood authorizing them to minister in the ordinances of the
          Gospel? I answer, only by and through the inspiration of that
          Holy Spirit which is given to all who diligently seek and obtain
          it according to the promise.
           F. Smith
          Then if we would know the Lord Jesus Christ, and his servants,
          who are in our midst, and that their testimonies are true, we
          must enjoy the light of the Spirit of the living God
          individually. The possession of this heavenly knowledge is
          absolutely necessary to keep us in the paths of life and truth,
          for without it we cannot distinguish the voice of the true
          shepherd, which is spiritually discerned; and although we may be
          in fellowship with the Church, fully believing the counsels of
          our brethren to be dictated by wisdom, yet without something more
          than mere belief or supposition we cannot stand; and furthermore
          under such circumstances we cannot consistently claim that we
          have part or lot in the kingdom of God. For as it is written, "An
          actual knowledge to any person, that the course of life which he
          pursues is according to the will of God, is essentially necessary
          to enable him to have that confidence in God without which no
          person can obtain eternal life. For unless a person does know
          that he is walking according to the will of God, it would be an
          insult to the dignity of the Creator were he to say that he would
          be a partaker of his glory when he should be done with the things
          of this life. But when he has this knowledge, and most assuredly
          knows that he is doing the will of God, his confidence can be
          equally strong that he will be a partaker of the glory of God.
          Then let us search after truth--for the light of the Spirit which
          leadeth into all truth, that we may comprehend the Gospel, be
          able to sustain the hands of the servants of God in their efforts
          to build up Zion, and work out our own salvation. Though all the
          world should be saved but ourselves, we being excluded from the
          kingdom, what will it profit us? To see our fellow-creatures
          enter into salvation and be exalted into the presence of God, and
          the door closed against us, would indeed be poor consolation or
          comfort. But if we would enter in, we must do the will of the
          Father, keep his commandments, possess the gift of the Holy
          Ghost, enjoy the testimony of Jesus, and become witnesses of the
          truth for ourselves; we then may build upon a foundation more
          lasting than the solid rock. That when trials come and
          temptations surge against us, as they will do, we may stand and
          endure to the end. For not every one that saith Lord, Lord, shall
          enter into the kingdom, but he that doeth the will of the Father,
          etc.; or, as the wise man once said, "the race is not to the
          swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the
          wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to
          men of skill" Nevertheless, "he that endureth to the end shall be
          saved." I cannot believe for a moment that any of us will attain
          to the gift of eternal life, unless we shall qualify ourselves
          through the truth, in the manner God has prescribed, and in that
          way become worthy of it. We must obtain this light by revelation,
          we cannot do it by our own wisdom. God will give us knowledge and
          understanding, he will lead us in the path of truth if we put our
          whole trust in him and not in man. He then can and will preserve
          us, and all the powers of the earth combined cannot destroy us,
          for we are in His hands. Here are our fathers and leaders that
          have passed through the school of experience; they have seen what
          the enemies of this kingdom have tried to do, and know full well
          what they would do if they had it in their power. It has ever
          been the desire of the wicked to destroy the people of God. They
          have never slackened their efforts, nor failed to use all the
          means in their power, nor hesitated to resort to the most cruel,
          foul and fiendish acts to accomplish their nefarious purpose.
          This same cruel enmity, although for the time being, to some
          extent subdued or held in check by the Almighty, still shoulders
          and rankles in their hearts, awaiting a favorable opportunity to
          burst forth as fiercely as at any time during the life of the
          Prophet Joseph. This is one of the strongest evidences we can
          have of the divine mission of President Brigham Young. Because of
          the inspiration of the Almighty and power of God which has rested
          upon him and accompanied his administrations, he has been the
          very centre of the target at which all the deadly weapons of the
          enemy has been aimed ever since the death of the Prophet Joseph.
          I say this is one of the strongest evidences we can have of this
          fact, aside from the testimony of the Holy Spirit, which bringeth
          knowledge. It is unmistakable. The hatred of the wicked always
          has and always will follow the Priesthood and the Saints. The
          devil will not lose sight of the power of God vested in man--the
          Holy Priesthood. He fears it, he hates it, and will never cease
          to stir up the hearts of the debased and corrupt in anger and
          malice towards those who hold this power, and to persecute the
          Saints, until he is bound. He delights in apostacy and in
          apostates, and uses them for his purpose, but what does he or his
          emissaries care for their organizations? Do they hate them? Is
          the world moved with anger or malice against them? No. They
          become a part of the world, fraternize with the people of the
          world and lose their distinction or identity, as the people of
          God notwithstanding their claims and pretentions to being
          believers in the Prophet Joseph Smith, and the Gospel which he
          was instrumental in restoring to the earth.
           F. Smith
          What a host of apostacies there have been since the organization
          of this Church! There have been Rigdonites, Strangites,
          Benemites, Wightites, Gladdenites, Cutlerites, Morrisites,
          Josephites, and the duce knows what ites? But what does the world
          care about these? Nothing. Why? Because they have forfeited the
          Priesthood, they have not the power, nor the principles of
          salvation only in part; they have deserted the cause, have struck
          hands alike with the infidel and the bigot, and formed an
          alliance with the maligners and persecutors of the Saints, and
          therefore they are harmless in the eyes of the world and of their
          master whom they have blindly listed to serve. While these men
          who hold the keys of the Priesthood of the Son of God, who have
          lead forth the Saints out of bondage and oppression, such as
          could not be endured in the States, who have gathered the people
          from afar, and planted them in happy homes and peaceful
          dwellings, who have reared cities, towns and villages well
          organized, well governed and prosperous, and in short wrought
          miracles in the deserts, and who still counsel and direct the
          Saints in the paths of life, are held up to the ridicule and
          contempt of the world. Their peace, good names, honor,
          possessions and lives as eagerly and persistently sought after,
          but with less effect, by the blood-thirsty hearts and crimson
          hands of relentless persecutors as during the lifetime of Joseph
          Smith the martyr, when the Saints were driven from Ohio, expelled
          from Missouri, or banished from their homes in Illinois. Such has
          always been and such is to-day the spirit of the world towards
          us. This alone is sufficient evidence to demonstrate the loyalty
          of this people to the kingdom of God, and their possession of the
          Gospel which is the power of God unto salvation. Do you want any
          stronger proof of this, when you contemplate the sayings of the
          scriptures, "If ye were of the world the world would love his
          own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you
          out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." (John xv, 19.)
          "And ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake." (Matt. x,
          22. "If they have persecuted me they will also persecute you."
          (John xv, 20.) "In the world ye shall have tribulation." John
          xvi, 33.) "Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and
          persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for
          my sake." (Matt. v, 11.) "Yea and all that will live godly in
          Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim., 3, 12.)
          Therefore, "Marvel not my brethren if the world hate you." (I
          John iii, 13.) "Yea the time cometh that whoever killeth you will
          think that he doeth God service." (John xvi, 2.) This was the
          nature of the legacy the Savior left his disciples and followers.
          Is it strange that we should inherit the same? Certainly not, if
          we are the disciples and followers of Christ, for the same
          warfare continues between him and Belial, and will until Satan is
          bound and righteousness triumphs upon the earth.
           F. Smith
          It is a consolation therefore to know, that, notwithstanding our
          many shortcomings, frailties, and imperfections, the Evil one,
          with the world at his back, considers us of sufficient importance
          to oppose and persecute us with such bitter hatred as he does.
          Yes, I say it is encouraging to know, that, as a people we are
          sufficiently faithful and worthy before the Lord, notwithstanding
          our opportunities for improvement, to arouse the indignation and
          hatred of the wicked, and to entitle us to the chastisement of
          God, through his servants, for our improprieties, for "whomsoever
          the Lord loveth he chasteneth." But we should not provoke the
          displeasure or incur the chastisement of the Almighty--presuming
          upon his forbearance and mercy by neglecting to perform those
          duties and responsibilities so justly required of us--but we
          should be most diligent, putting forth every energy in our power
          to correct our ways, and thus increase our faith that we may
          become more worthy of the blessings and protection of God, than
          hitherto. He is more willing to bestow blessings upon us than we
          are to use them properly when we obtain them, thus by our
          unworthiness we may prevent ourselves often from receiving the
          very blessings we desire, and that he is not only abundantly
          able, but willing and ready to shower upon us if we were worthy,
          for he cannot consistently bestow "pearls upon swine." No
          blessing or good will be withheld from those who are prepared and
          worthy to receive and make a wise use of it. The kingdom of God
          is to be enjoyed by the Saints--those who are righteous, not
          those who are wicked. If we prove unworthy, Zion will have to be
          redeemed by our children, who may be more worthy, while we may be
          kept, like the ancient children of Israel, wandering in the
          wilderness, enduring hardships, persecution and trials, until we
          shall have suffered the penalty of neglected, not to say broken
          and unfulfilled covenants.
           F. Smith
          May the Lord bless us all that we may prove ourselves faithful
          and efficient servants unto him, is my prayer in the name of
          Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Charles C. Rich, May 12, 1877
                            Charles C. Rich, May 12, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY ELDER CHARLES C. RICH,
                  Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City,
                          Saturday Afternoon, May 12, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                                IMPORTANT GENERATION.
          I am glad to enjoy the opportunity of meeting with the Latter-day
          Saints in this Tabernacle in Conference, under circumstances so
          favorable. I have been much interested in listening to the
          instructions we have heard this day. They are words of
          encouragement to the faithful, they strengthen the weak, they
          enkindle within us all the fire that burns yet not consumes; and
          we are stimulated to continue in the good fight of faith despite
          every opposing power.
          We embraced the principles of the everlasting Gospel in various
          lands, and we gathered here for the express purpose of learning
          further of his ways that we might walk in his paths. It therefore
          is plain and easy to understand the great obligation that we have
          placed ourselves under, and obligation that becomes the more
          serious and important as we count the years of our membership in
          this Church, and as we have had opportunity. To become efficient
          laborers in the kingdom, is that we learn the mind and will of
          God concerning us, and then go forth and do it to the very best
          of our ability and power. Unless we seek the Lord with our whole
          heart, willing to sacrifice all for him and his cause, we cannot
          be wholly accepted of him.
          We are told by revelation that all blessings are to be enjoyed
          upon the principles by which his kingdom can be built up, and
          upon no other. It would be in vain for us to imagine that we are
          going to enjoy the blessing of the celestial world by adopting
          any principles we may choose, or that may be suitable to our own
          peculiar ideas and feelings. Then the first lesson for us to
          learn is how we can best become acquainted with the wishes of our
          Father, how we can best use our time and our talents to subserve
          the interests of his cause here upon the earth. We have entered
          the door of the kingdom, and that is about all. The actual work
          we have only commenced, and who cannot see that it is of the
          greatest importance that we organize ourselves that we may the
          better prosecute our labors! We pray that the will of God may be
          done on earth as in heaven. What does it avail us if we do not
          seek first the kingdom of God and all its righteousness? And how
          can we obey this divine injunction unless we seek in the right
          and proper way to establish its principles in our hearts and
          lives, giving that kingdom and its government a foundation, a
          chance to develop itself into the proportions it eventually will
          The tendency of mankind generally is to gratify a craving for
          this world's goods, adopting such ways as will best secure to
          them their heart's desire; this really is their aim and object of
          life. When we reflect that we live in this important age, when
          God our heavenly Father has again spoken to the children of men,
          revealing to them his designs and purposes and the only way to be
          saved, it is time for us to awake to a sense of duty and prepare
          ourselves in all readiness, for he does not speak in vain; all
          must be fulfilled even as it is written, whether we individually
          take part in it or not.
          The Lord will have a people trained in the school of experience
          until they shall be prepared to receive him when he shall come to
          dwell upon the earth for the space of a thousand years. This we
          understand; we have been taught it by divine instruction, and it
          is for us to be willing to be taught and to be used in
          accomplishing the preparatory work. He has also declared by the
          voice of his servants whom he has raised up, and by his own
          voice, that the wicked and those who delight in abominations he
          will overthrow as individuals and as nations; and in the place
          thereof he will have a righteous people who will fear and obey
          him in all things. This has been preached to the world now for
          nearly half a century, and we are still declaring it. We know not
          how many will hearken to this warning voice, but we do know that
          history informs us that Noah preached one hundred and twenty
          years, warning the people of threatened judgments, preaching to
          them the way of life, with but very little success. The word of
          the Lord through Noah was verified and fulfilled even as he had
          declared it.
          The words of the Lord were lamentably fulfilled on the heads of
          his chosen seed, because they rejected the same Gospel message
          which was sent unto them. And the Lord has said that in the last
          days his word should be verified as in former times. True, the
          message might be lightly esteemed, and they that bear it, as well
          as those that receive it, may be set at nought, just in the
          manner that his word and people always have been treated by the
          world of mankind generally.
          This Latter-day work has been commenced by an illiterate,
          unlearned boy; but like the leaven that was put into the measures
          of meal, it has worked until already it attracts not only the
          attention of men of high and low birth, but of nations. And
          although its advocates have, as a general thing, been persons of
          humble birth and of limited education, where has appeared the man
          that has succeeded in gainsaying them, and proving false the
          principles they teach? That individual is yet to be found; he
          cannot be found nor never will be, for it is the truth, we bear
          the new and the everlasting Gospel which is incontrovertible. And
          still, with all this before the world, how few comparatively
          hearken to and obey the message! and how many imperfections we
          find existing among us! We need careful and gradual training, to
          be taught a little now and again; and many times we find
          ourselves almost ready to relinquish our hold on eternal life,
          having need to be converted again to the truth; and yet we call
          ourselves Latter-day Saints.
          The question that oft times arrests my attention is, if we
          receive not the truth as it is presented to us here, will we be
          willing to hereafter? Some people imagine that when we pass from
          this stage of our being we shall all be in a condition to receive
          truth whether we received or rejected it while upon this earth.
          It is by reason of our agency that we reject truth and accept
          evil; and we will find when we go hence that we shall still be
          possessed of the same agency; and if we were not willing to
          receive the truth in this world, what assurance have we that our
          agency will not lead us to reject truth hereafter. If Latter-day
          Saints cannot endure to the end, if they cannot in their hearts
          receive as well as practice all of the principles of the Gospel
          as they are made known to them by his servants, it is folly in
          the extreme for us to allow ourselves to believe that by
          rejecting certain principles here we will be able to practice
          them in the world to come.
          We will also find that there are certain things that can be
          performed in this world, that peradventure cannot be attended to
          anywhere else. Baptism by immersion is an ordinance essential to
          salvation; it is the door to the kingdom and none can be saved
          without it; and it is an ordinance that strictly belongs to this
          life. There are also certain ordinances essential to our
          exaltation in our Father's kingdom that can be performed only in
          Temples, except in certain peculiar circumstances; and in order
          that we should derive their benefit we are called upon to erect
          these sacred edifices. These are ordinances all-important in
          their nature that belong to this life, they must be attended to
          here, that we might be prepared to enter upon the duties of the
          life to come.
          There is one matter that has received a great part of my
          attention particularly of late, that is the conforming of my will
          to the will of God, not only pertaining to things spiritual but
          also to things temporal associated with my every-day life. And it
          appears to me that we as a people have now reached that stage of
          the latter-day work when this same question is brought right home
          to the minds of all who claim membership in the Church and
          kingdom of God. There is one things he will require of us, that
          is to prove by example as well as precept that we love him beyond
          any and everything else; he will require that we establish beyond
          a doubt that our affections and hearts are his, and that to do
          his bidding and further the interests of his cause is our
          greatest and fondest desire.
          There seems to be throughout the world a great love for wealth.
          It is true that riches oft-times secure ease, comfort and
          enjoyment. But then these are indulgences that belong only to
          this life; as no man brought anything into the world, so none
          will take anything away. What then may we expect to enjoy in the
          hereafter? Such blessings only as are secured unto us through the
          sealing ordinances of the holy Priesthood which reach behind the
          veil. While reflecting on this, would it not be well for us, as
          Latter-day Saints, to also imagine, if we can, our feelings if
          through unworthiness on our part we should find ourselves in the
          next world disappointed. I think that when we consider these
          things, that compared with our eternal happiness everything else
          is small and of little moment.
          There is much required at our hands, we have not only to labor
          for ourselves, but for our dead friends, whom we shall meet
          sooner or later. If when we renew our acquaintance with them we
          can tell them that we officiated in the Temple ordinances for
          them, it will afford us joy as well as them; but if when we shall
          meet them we are not the bearers of such welcome intelligence,
          feelings of remorse will overtake us in not having done our duty,
          when opportunity was afforded us to do so. These are some of my
          reflections relative to some of our present and immediate duties.
          I am pleased to say that wherever I go I perceive a willingness
          on the part of the people to build Temples, and also to become
          united in establishing ourselves upon such a basis as will make
          us independent of the surrounding world, producing and
          manufacturing everything we need for use and wear, and thus
          become self-sustaining; so that when Babylon shall fall we may
          sustain no loss.
          There has never been a generation of time so important as the one
          in which we live. Our prospects too are peculiarly and unusually
          encouraging, for the Gospel we preach will never be taken away
          from the earth, and as long as we prove faithful we will maintain
          our rights which God has given us. There is a prospect too of our
          posterity living when peace for the space of a thousand years
          shall be on this earth, when the Savior and holy beings will
          visit with men in the flesh, and then his glory will surround the
          habitation of the Saints. I know of no previous dispensation that
          had such encouraging and glorious prospects. Then let me say to
          the Latter-day Saints, let us practice the principles of our holy
          religion, be willing to be directed and used for the good of our
          Father's cause, in whatever capacity we may be placed, and be
          servants and Saints of God in very deed. And that this may be our
          happy lot is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Pratt, May 18, 1877
                              Orson Pratt, May 18, 1877
                            PRAYER BY ELDER ORSON PRATT,
            On the Occasion of Dedicating the Temple Site at Logan, Cache
              County, Utah, on Friday, at 12 m. o'clock, May 18, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          O God, the Eternal Father, in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ,
          thy people and thy servants have met together upon this ground,
          for the purpose of dedicating the same unto the Lord our God, for
          building a house to thy name, even a Temple, wherein thy servants
          and thy handmaidens may receive such blessings as thou hast
          ordained to be bestowed upon thy people, that are pure in heart.
          We desire, our Father, that we may do this work with holiness of
          heart, that we may have the Spirit of the Lord our God to rest
          upon us, that we may dedicate and consecrate this place to be
          most holy--a sacred and holy place unto thee, whereon may be
          erected a Temple that shall be acceptable in thy sight. By virtue
          and authority of thy holy Priesthood, we do dedicate and
          consecrate this Temple site, and its immediate surroundings. We
          pray that it may be sanctified, that the foundation thereof may
          be steadfast, that it may be permanent, even as a rock.
          We pray that thou wilt bless those who shall labor thereon; those
          that shall make the necessary excavation for the basement story;
          those that shall quarry the rock, either from the quarries of the
          mountains or of the valleys; those who shall be engaged thereon
          and have the superintendence of this place; those that shall
          shape and cut the rock and prepare them to be placed in their
          proper places on the building; those who shall be engaged in
          drawing the sand, the lime and the clay, and in working the
          mortar; and all those that shall be engaged in any way on the
          erection of the building, whether in cutting and preparing the
          timbers, in quarrying rock, or in whatever work they may be
          engaged, pertaining to the building of this Temple, that they may
          be preserved by thy power, that thy protection may be over them,
          that thy holy angels may be with them, and that they may labor
          with their mights upon the edifice, until it shall be finished,
          until it shall be prepared for a still further dedication; that
          it may be built according to the instructions and inspiration and
          revelations of thy Holy Spirit, that shall rest more especially
          upon the First Presidency of thy Church; that thou wilt reveal to
          them the pattern of this building, and all things appertaining to
          its entire construction, that the same may be given to them by
          the inspiration of thy Spirit; that thou wilt raise up those who
          shall be skilled workmen to adorn and beautify the various
          apartments, and beautify and adorn the pulpits that shall be made
          for the various orders and presidents of thy holy Priesthood, and
          for all the work that shall be placed upon this holy Temple; that
          for strength, and for grandeur, and for beauty, it may be a house
          which thou shalt delight in. For, O Lord, we know that thou hast
          promised to place thy name in the House that thy people build to
          thee, if they shall do the work with holiness of heart. But thou,
          O Lord, dwellest in heaven, in thy celestial abode, and thou art
          clothed with greatness, glory and power, but yet thou dost
          condescend to have holy places here upon the earth, where thou
          canst more fully manifest thyself to thy servants and
          handmaidens. We therefore pay that the house which thy people
          shall erect upon this spot may be a holy place, where the
          inhabitants of Logan, of Wellsville, of Hyrum, and of all the
          towns and counties round about, that shall assist in the work of
          building, may be abundantly blessed therein; that it may be a
          place, a holy place, a holy sanctuary to them; that those of thy
          people who shall seek thee in thy house, and shall offer their
          prayers and their supplications to thee, may be heard in heaven,
          thy dwelling place, and their petitions be answered to them,
          according to the righteousness of their hearts.
          We pray that thy blessing may be upon all those upon whom thou
          hast laid this duty of erecting this Temple, that they may be
          stirred up with great energy and much faith, to devote their
          means, and their ability and talents, and all that thou hast
          given to them, to perform the work that thou hast, through thy
          servants, required at their hands; that they, when it is
          completed, may have a place in this House; that they may receive
          ordinances therein; that it may be a house wherein they can
          minister for themselves, in their washings, in their anointings,
          in their endowments, in their baptisms for their dead, in their
          confirmations, and in their sealing ordinances; that in all of
          these things thy people may accomplish the work which is required
          of them, in this House; and that records thereof may be kept, and
          that there may be a place in thy House for the holy records of
          thy Church--records that shall be acceptable in thy sight,
          records that shall be most holy, and stand to the justification
          of thy people who administer therein, and those who receive
          ordinances therein, whether for themselves or their dead; that
          out of all these books thy people may be judged, according to
          their works, according to that which they do, in thy name, with
          uprightness of heart.
          Now, holy Father, we ask thee to bless this Temple site, this
          land on which this House shall be erected. Bless the elements
          thereof, that the same may be sanctified and purified and made
          holy. Bless the waters that come down from the mountains, whether
          they shall be conveyed in ditches, or aqueducts, or canals, that
          they may be blessed and made pure, for the purposes for which
          they shall be used, in thy holy Temple. We pray that thou wilt
          not only bless the place of the building, but all its
          surroundings; bless this plane or bench, and the streets around,
          and the shade trees which are for the purpose of ornamenting,
          that thy blessing may be upon them, that they may grow to
          beautify the place of this sanctuary, that there may be a place
          where thy people shall delight to congregate themselves, and
          wherein they shall delight to enter into holy communion in
          supplication to the Most High, and to hold holy converse one with
          May thy blessing be upon all those of thy people who reside in
          this county and the surrounding counties, that shall do this
          work, that they may be blessed in their basket and
          stores--blessed in their orchards and gardens, in their farms and
          fruits. Wilt thou, O Lord, restrain the coldness of the climate,
          the frosts and the snows, that they may not fall upon the earth
          out of season, that the earth may not fail to yield to thy people
          rich harvests, that they may reap and gather in great abundance?
          May thy blessings be upon all the labors of their hands, and
          grant that their flocks may be greatly increased and multiplied.
          Wilt thou bless their labors in their endeavors to beautify their
          habitations, and in planting out shade trees to make this a
          delightful place, upon this thy footstool?
          O Lord, bless him whom thou hast inspired, even thy servant,
          President Brigham Young, to say to thy people, "Build to the Lord
          a house in this part of the Territory." Bless him, O Lord, with
          long life; bless him with exceedingly great health and strength
          of body. Remove from him all the infirmities of old age. Grant, O
          Lord, that he may live to see this House erected, finished and
          set in order, according to thy righteous will, that within its
          walls he may rejoice in the midst of his brethren, and not only
          live to see the finishing of this Temple, but to behold the
          completion of the Temple to be erected in Salt Lake City, and the
          one commenced at Manti, in Sanpete County; that he may rejoice
          and be made glad in all thy goodness, and in beholding the beauty
          of the works of the hands of thy people, and thy blessings that
          shall be in their midst. Bless, O Lord, his generations after
          him, that they may rise up and be mighty men in the earth; that
          they may be clothed with the power and the spirit, so abundantly
          manifested upon their respected father; and may his descendants,
          in all generations, enjoy, even more abundantly, superior wisdom
          and knowledge and understanding from the heavens, to discern in
          their several callings all things which shall tend to the
          blessing and glory and future exaltation and progress of mankind
          on the earth; and that there never may be a time or period, in
          all the generations of this world, when he shall not be
          represented by a numerous posterity, who shall enjoy the fullness
          of the holy Priesthood, and the powers, blessings, and keys
          Bless, O Lord, his Counselors and the Council of the Twelve
          Apostles, and bless all who preside, not only in this Stake of
          Zion, when it shall be more fully set in order, but in all the
          Stakes of Zion throughout these mountain regions. Bless this
          whole community, that they may be prepared to enter into thy
          House, when it shall be completed, with clean hands and pure
          May blessings, and heavenly manifestations, and excellency of
          wisdom, and fullness of knowledge be the portion of thy
          Priesthood and of thy Saints, throughout all their dwelling
          places, but more expecially in those holy places, appointed and
          dedicated unto thy great name, wherein thou wilt dwell among thy
          people forevermore. Hear, O Lord, these humble petitions of thy
          people, and mercifully accept the dedication of this ground, by
          thy servants. All of which we humbly do, and ask for, in the name
          of thy beloved Son, even Jesus Christ. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Brigham Young, May 18, 1877
                             Brigham Young, May 18, 1877
                         REMARKS BY PRESIDENT BRIGHAM YOUNG,
                Made at the Close of the Foregoing Dedicatory Prayer.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          Brethren, if you will give me your attention, I will say a few
          words to you. We have dedicated this spot of ground upon which we
          expect to erect a Temple, in which to administer the ordinances
          of the House of God. Into this house, when it is completed, we
          expect to enter to enjoy the blessings of the priesthood, and
          receive our washings, our anointings, our endowments, and our
          sealings; and the brethren will be sealed to brethren to connect
          the links and make perfect the chain from ourselves to Father
          Adam. This is the object of the Temple which we are about to
          commence building at this place. We require the brethren and the
          sisters to go to with their might and erect this Temple; and from
          the architect to the boy that carries the drinking water to the
          men that work on the building, we wish them to understand that
          wages are entirely out of the question. We are going to build
          this House for ourselves, and we shall expect the brethren and
          sisters, neighborhood after neighborhood, ward after ward, to
          turn out their proportion of men to come here and labor as they
          shall be notified by the proper authorities.
          This may be called a temporal work, but it pertains to the
          salvation of ourselves as well as our friends who have passed
          behind the vail, and also to the generations that are to come
          after us. We can carry this Temple forward with our labor,
          without any burden to ourselves if our hearts are in the work,
          and we will be blessed abundantly in doing so. We will be better
          off in our temporal affairs when it is completed than when we
          commenced, or than we would be if we did not build it.
          The time we enjoy is the Lord's, but we have the permission to
          dictate its use according to our own good pleasure. When the
          brethren come to work on this Temple they may expect to be
          blessed of the Lord in proportion to their faith. We feel to ask
          the brethren to go to as they may be called upon by those who
          shall be placed to take charge of the work, and complete the
          building in three years from next fall--I think it can be done
          within that time-- that we may come up and commence to give
          endowments. This work can be done with all ease in that time if
          we are disposed to.
          We pray for you continually, that you may be blessed. I feel to
          bless you according to the power and keys of the holy priesthood
          bestowed upon me, and my brethren with me, heart and hand, and
          all the Saints feel to say "Amen," feel to bless each other, feel
          to do the work of the Lord, and dismiss the narrow, contracted,
          covetous feelings that are so interwoven with the feelings of our
          natures. It seems hard to get rid of them, but we must overcome
          them and unite ourselves together in the holy order of God, that
          we may be Saints of the Most High, with our interests, our faith
          and labors, that our hopes and the results of our labors may be
          concentrated in the salvation of the human family.
          Brethren and Sisters, try to realize these things. Awake and lay
          these things to heart. Seek to the Lord to know his mind and
          will, and when you ascertain it also to have the will to do it.
          God bless you, Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, May 18, 1877
                              John Taylor, May 18, 1877
                            REMARKS BY ELDER JOHN TAYLOR,
                                On the Temple Ground.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          I feel to rejoice to see the work of God progressing as it is
          to-day, and to witness the spirit and feeling that are being
          manifested among the Saints everywhere throughout the Territory
          for the advancement of His Church and Kingdom on the earth. In my
          visit south to attend Conference, I felt to rejoice exceedingly
          in seeing the Temple completed at St. George. It is a most
          beautiful building, pure and white as the driven snow, both
          outside and in. It is elegant in design, and there is a manifest
          propriety and adaptability in all its arrangements. The labor and
          finish exhibit talent and artistic skill of the highest order,
          and it is chaste, exquisite, appropriate, and beautiful in all
          its appointments.
          Approaching from the north, with the black basaltic lava mountain
          frowning on the background, and the grim red sandstone nearer its
          base, relieved indeed by the beautiful city of St. George, with
          its shrubberies, its gardens and orchards, its vines, its trees
          and flowers, it stands as a chaste memorial, a sweet elysium, a
          haven of repose, in this beautiful oasis of the desert; and is a
          proud and lasting monument of its originator and designer, the
          fidelity of the architect, the skill of the mechanics, and the
          faith, self-denial, liberality and devotion of the Latter-day
          When I visited that holy Temple, accompanied by my brethren who
          were with me, we experienced a sacred thrill of joy, and a
          solemn, reverential sensation. As we entered its sacred portals,
          we felt that we were standing on holy ground, and experienced,
          with one of old, "Surely this is the House of God, and the gate
          of heaven." That is not simply a metaphorical expression, but a
          reality, for it is in that House, and it will be in the House to
          be built on this ground, that the most sacred ordinances of God
          are to be performed, which are associated with the interest and
          happiness of the human family, living and dead. I felt to rejoice
          in my heart that we had been thus far successful in the building
          of one temple to the name of our Father and God.
          On our return from St. George, when we came to Manti, in Sanpete
          County, we found a place dedicated and set apart like this ground
          has been. Again I felt to rejoice to witness the spirit and
          feeling that were manifested among the brethren in that district
          of country; everybody seemed desirous to commence the work of
          building the Temple. When I heard of the one to be erected here
          my joy was still greater, and I am indeed very happy for the
          privilege of meeting with you, of taking part in this dedication,
          of listening to the prayer of Brother Pratt and the remarks of
          President Young, all of which were dictated by the Spirit of the
          living God, all of which have their meaning, and ought to
          influence our hearts and minds, and lead us to take a deep and
          abiding interest in the great and important things that are going
          on in our midst and around about us. They are things in which the
          angels and gods are interested, and in which God our Father is
          interested, and all the ancient prophets and holy men of God that
          have ever lived; all feel interested in these things which we are
          now engaged in, and all stand ready to approve of our works. If
          we go to work with all our hearts and with all our souls, we can
          accomplish it within the time the President has given us. Yes, I
          will venture to say we can do it in two-and-a-half years. If we
          can lay aside our narrow, contracted ideas, and feel that we are
          servants of the living God, that we are operating and
          co-operating with Him and with the holy Priesthood behind the
          veil for the accomplishment of this object, then the power and
          blessing of Almighty God will be upon us and be within us, and we
          will feel like giants refreshed with new wine, and the work of
          God will roll on, Zion will arise and shine, and the glory of God
          will rest upon her.
          I say "Amen" to the prayer of Brother Pratt, and to the remarks
          of President Young, and I say God bless our President and his
          Counselors, God bless the Twelve, and God bless the Presidents
          and Bishops and every good man that fears him and keeps his
          commandments. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Brigham Young, June 17, 1877
                            Brigham Young, June 17, 1877
            Delivered at a Special Conference Held at Farmington, for the
           Purpose of Organizing a Stake of Zion for the County of Davis,
                         on Sunday Afternoon June 17, 1877.
                             (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs)
                              OFFICERS--FINAL RESULTS.
          I esteem it a privilege to meet with the Latter-day Saints. I
          have visited Farmington many times, and I can say that, as a
          general thing in attending your meetings, I have felt much of the
          peace and blessings that flow from heaven to this people.
          I have no doubt that the majority of the people called Latter-day
          Saints desire really to be Saints; were it not for this I might
          feel partially discouraged. The people who are honest, who are
          seeking to know and to understand the truth, they are the ones
          who, so far as their faith and good works, and their influence
          and ability are concerned, sustain the kingdom that God has
          commenced to establish on the earth. When we consider the
          condition of the Latter-day Saints, and see how many there are
          who seem to have their eyes fixed upon the things of this world,
          things that are not lasting, but that perish in the handling, and
          how anxious they are to obtain them, how do you think I feel
          about it? We see many of the Elders of Israel desirous of
          becoming wealthy, and they adopt any course that they think will
          bring them riches, which to me is as unwise as anything can
          be--to see men of wisdom, men that seem to have an understanding
          of the world and of the things of God, searching after minerals
          throughout these mountains; they traverse the hills, and they dig
          here and there, and keep digging and picking, and rolling the
          rocks from morning till night. This chain of mountains has been
          followed from the north to the south, and its various spurs have
          been prospected, and what do they find? Just enough to allure
          them, and to finally lead them from the faith, and at last to
          make them miserable and poor. Ask the brethren why they do this,
          and the ready reply will be, "Is it not my privilege to find a
          gold mine, or a silver mine, as well as others?" As far as I am
          concerned I would say, "Yes, certainly it is your privilege, if
          you can find one." But do you know how to find such a mine? No,
          you do not. These treasures that are in the earth are carefully
          watched, they can be removed from place to place according to the
          good pleasure of Him who made them and owns them. He has his
          messengers at his service, and it is just as easy for an angel to
          remove the minerals from any part of one of these mountains to
          another, as it is for you and me to walk up and down this hall.
          This, however, is not understood by the Christian world, nor by
          us as a people. There are certain circumstances that a number of
          my brethren and sisters have heard me relate, that will
          demonstrate this so positively, that none need doubt the truth of
          what I say.
          I presume there are some present who have heard me narrate a
          circumstance with regard to the discovery of a gold mine in
          Little Cottonwood Canyon, and I will here say that the specimens
          taken from it, which I have in my possession today, are as fine
          specimens of gold as ever were found on this continent. A man
          whom some of you will well know, brought to me a most beautiful
          nugget. I told him to let the mine alone.
          When General Conner came here, he did considerable prospecting;
          and in hunting through the Cottonwoods, he had a inkling that
          there was gold there. Porter, as we generally call him, came to
          me one day, saying, "They have struck within four inches of my
          lode, what shall I do?" He was carried away with the idea that he
          must do something. I therefore told him to go with the other
          brethren interested, and make his claim. When he got through
          talking, I said to him, "Porter, you ought to know better; you
          have seen and heard things which I have not, and are a man of
          long experience in this Church. I want to tell you one thing;
          they may strike within four inches of that lode as many times as
          they have a mind to, and they will not find it." They hunted and
          hunted, hundreds of them did; and I had the pleasure of laughing
          at him a little, for when he went there again, he could not find
          it himself." (Laughter.)
          Sometimes I take the liberty of talking a little further with
          regard to such things. Orin P. Rockwell is an eye-witness to some
          powers of removing the treasures of the earth. He was with
          certain parties that lived near by where the plates were found
          that contain the records of the Book of Mormon. There were a
          great many treasures hid up by the Nephites. Porter was with them
          one night where there were treasures, and they could find them
          easy enough, but they could not obtain them.
          I will tell you a story which will be marvelous to most of you.
          It was told me by Porter, whom I would believe just as quickly as
          any man that lives. When he tells a thing he understands, he will
          tell it just as he knows it; he is a man that does not lie. He
          said that on this night, when they were engaged hunting for this
          old treasure, they dug around the end of a chest for some twenty
          inches. The chest was about three feet square. One man who was
          determined to have the contents of that chest, took his pick and
          struck into the lid of it, and split through into the chest. The
          blow took off a piece of the lid, which a certain lady kept in
          her possession until she died. That chest of money went into the
          bank. Porter describes it so [making a rumbling sound]; he says
          this is just as true as the heavens are. I have heard other tell
          the same story. I relate this because it is marvelous to you. But
          to those who understand these things, it is not marvelous.
          You hear a great deal said about finding money. There is no
          difficulty at all in finding money, but there are a great many
          people who do not know what to do with it when they do find it.
          This is the great defect with the human family. I could relate
          many very singular circumstances. I lived right in the country
          where the plates were found from which the Book of Mormon was
          translated, and I know a great many things pertaining to that
          country. I believe I will take the liberty to tell you of another
          circumstance that will be as marvelous as anything can be. This
          is an incident in the life of Oliver Cowdery, but he did not take
          the liberty of telling such things in meeting as I take. I tell
          these things to you, and I have a motive for doing so. I want to
          carry them to the ears of my brethren and sisters, and to the
          children also, that they may grow to an understanding of some
          things that seem to be entirely hidden from the human family.
          Oliver Cowdery went with the Prophet Joseph when he deposited
          these plates. Joseph did not translate all of the plates; there
          was a portion of them sealed, which you can learn from the Book
          of Doctrine and Covenants. When Joseph got the plates, the angel
          instructed him to carry them back to the hill Cumorah, which he
          did. Oliver says that when Joseph and Oliver went there, the hill
          opened, and they walked into a cave, in which there was a large
          and spacious room. He says he did not think, at the time, whether
          they had the light of the sun or artificial light; but that it
          was just as light as day. They laid the plates on a table; it was
          a large table that stood in the room. Under this table there was
          a pile of plates as much as two feet high, and there were
          altogether in this room more plates than probably many wagon
          loads; they were piled up in the corners and along the walls. The
          first time they went there the sword of Laban hung upon the wall;
          but when they went again it had been taken down and laid upon the
          table across the gold plates; it was unsheathed, and on it was
          written these words: "This sword will never be sheathed again
          until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God
          and his Christ." I tell you this as coming not only from Oliver
          Cowdery, but others who were familiar with it, and who understood
          it just as well as we understand coming to this meeting, enjoying
          the day, and by and by we separate and go away, forgetting most
          of what is said, but remembering some things. So is it with other
          circumstances in life. I relate this to you, and I want you to
          understand it. I take this liberty of referring to those things
          so that they will not be forgotten and lost. Carlos Smith was a
          young man of as much veracity as any young man we had, and he was
          a witness to these things. Samuel Smith saw some things, Hyrum
          saw a good many things, but Joseph was the leader.
          Now, you may think I am unwise in publicly telling these things,
          thinking perhaps I should preserve them in my own breast; but
          such is not my mind. I would like the people called Latter-day
          Saints to understand some little things with regard to the
          workings and dealings of the Lord with his people here upon the
          earth. I could relate to you a great many more, all of which are
          familiar to many of our brethren and sisters.
          Now, should you go prospecting for gold or silver, you will find
          just enough to allure you and to destroy you. But it might be
          said, "Are not the earth and the treasures the property of the
          Lord who created them, and will he not, according to the promise,
          give them to his faithful disciples?" O yes, this is strictly
          correct; but you mark this--the man who is faithful to his
          calling and to this holy Priesthood, never goes hunting for gold
          or silver, unless he is sent. Such men are found following their
          legitimate pursuits, working in their fields, in their workshops
          and gardens, making beautiful their habitations; in other words,
          engaged building up and assisting to establish the Zion of God on
          the earth, with their minds centered on the true riches and not
          upon the things of this world. People do not know it, but I know
          there is a seal set upon the treasures of earth; men are allowed
          to go so far and no farther. I have known places where there were
          treasures in abundance; but could men get them? No. You can read
          in the Book of Mormon of the ancient Nephites holding their
          treasures, and of their becoming slippery; so that after they had
          privately hid their money, on going to the place again, lo and
          behold it was not there, but was somewhere else, but they knew
          not where. The people do not understand this; I wish they did,
          for they would then do as I do, pay attention to the legitimate
          business that God has given them to perform. Do I run after mines
          or digging holes in the ground? No, not at all. It is like the
          will-o'-the wisp, a jack o'-lantern. You ask our business men, or
          go to California, and enquire there whether it pays to hunt for
          gold. I will venture to say there never was a dollar taken from
          the mountains of California, neither from these mountains west,
          nor from out of this Territory, but what cost from ten to one
          hundred dollars. Do you believe that? It is said a great deal of
          money has been made here and there. Who has made it? Considerable
          lead has been taken from here, and a little silver; but when you
          count the time that has been spent, and after putting a fair
          valuation upon it, you will find what I say to be a fact, to say
          nothing of the lives and property that are lost. A little town
          directly west of here, some fifteen months ago, contained a
          certain number of men, who followed mining. We calculated their
          time at the rate of what was paid for common labor; and then we
          ascertained the amount realized from the treasure taken out of
          the earth, which was well known; and it was shown that they spent
          in the neighborhood of seven hundred dollars a day, and got in
          return about thirty. What they did get was just sufficient to
          allure them.
          The Lord has permitted our enemies to come among us, who would
          destroy us if they could. They are only allowed to allure the
          minds of the foolish and those who lack judgment and who know not
          the things of God. But when we, as individuals and as a people,
          learn things as they are, we will find this fact--all truth is
          worthy and worth possessing, while all untruth is not worthy nor
          worth running after, nor working for, nor spending our lives for.
          The Gospel of life and salvation which God has revealed to us,
          incorporates all the systems there are. Every true principle and
          every true science and every truth there is, are incorporated
          within the faith of the Latter-day Saints. This is something
          worth possessing, this is worth spending our time for; but the
          religions of the day, independent of their moral worth, are
          nothing but a myth, a shadow; there is no reality in them. But
          when you come to the philosophy of the religion of heaven, you
          have facts in your possession that are worth having, they are
          worthy the admiration of the wise, the prudent, the noble, the
          great and those that seek after the wisdom that comes from God,
          and the Latter-day Saints are in possession of this treasure!
          What are we doing? If we were the people of God, as we profess to
          be, there would not be a dissenting voice in all Israel in
          obeying the Priesthood. It was observed this morning by brother
          Cannon with regard to yielding obedience, that we were called
          upon to yield obedience because it was a command of God, and our
          faith demands obedience. To what? Why? Wherefore? Obedience to
          every principle of truth. What for? So that we may become
          possessors of all truth. Why should we do it? Because it gives us
          health, it gives us wealth, it gives us knowledge, it gives us
          power, it gives us beauty, it gives us excellency, it gives us
          treasures on the earth and treasures in heaven, it gives us a
          knowledge of God and of the love of God, it gives us fellowship
          with the Saints that are sanctified and glorified, and it gives
          us all things that will promote happiness and peace. These are
          the reasons why we do it. Should you take the other road, what do
          you get? Nothing. When persons turn away from the Gospel of the
          Son of God, what do they turn to? Nothing. And what do they turn
          from hereafter? All things worth possessing, everything that men
          and the Gods can possess in time and in eternity. Take the other
          road, and you get a shadow for the time being, and you may think
          you have the substance, but sooner or later you are left as a
          feather floating in the air, or worse than a ship upon the ocean,
          without compass or rudder, deprived of the light of the sun, the
          moon and the stars, tossed hither and thither until it sinks to
          rise no more. In order to yield obedience to the truth, you must
          love the truth and have the fear of god in your hearts. All who
          feel the true spirit of this latter-day work delight in the
          truth, they delight to hear the truth, and they delight to obey
          the truth; it is their delight to know the mind and will of God,
          that they may render obedience to it. This is the experience of
          every faithful man and woman in this Church. But take the
          experience of the apostates, and the experience of those who have
          risen up in opposition to the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Gospel
          brought forth and contained in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants
          and in the Book of Mormon, and the revelations that he was the
          honored instrument in the hands of God of revealing to the
          people; those that rise up in opposition to this, who are they
          and what is their end? You will hear one fact from
          them:--"Brother-- --, have you enjoyed yourself since resigning
          'Mormonism?' Now speak the truth. Come, tell us just as it is.
          Have you experienced joy and happiness since leaving the kingdom
          of God? Come, now, don't lie!" Brother -- -- answers, "I have not
          enjoyed one day's peace since I left the Church." This is the
          declaration of the apostates today, when they tell the truth
          about it. Look at their countenances--is there happiness depicted
          there? No, it is sorrow; they choose error instead of truth, they
          love darkness rather than light, and the end thereof, to use
          Scripture language, is death. The sorrow thereof they feel every
          day, for man's spirit is operated upon continually. We are as
          independent in our organization as the Gods are, but still we are
          creatures of circumstances, influenced by the spirits and by the
          powers of eternity that are here and round about us. We are here
          and are operated upon by them in our organizations. This is the
          place where every man commences to acquire the germ of the
          independence that is enjoyed in the heavens. These influences, in
          comparison, are like the cooling breezes from the mountains that
          are so grateful to us, that revive and refresh us, that give us
          life. But on the other hand, here comes the miasma from the
          swamp, bringing disease and death, and without knowing we inhale
          the poisonous air, we become conscious of weakness, we feel that
          we are taking fever, that we are getting sick--we become a prey
          to the enemy, and death ensues. That is the difference between
          the two influences that operate continually on mankind. It is
          either enjoyment or suffering. All are subject to these elements
          in which we live. Here is the good operating, all the time
          telling men and women, before passing the ordeals of redemption,
          that they must repent, that then the light of Christ will be upon
          them from time to time, to operate upon their minds, teaching
          them--you are doing wrong, you are saying that which is not
          right, you have renounced the Book of Mormon, you have renounced
          the Doctrine and Covenants, you have renounced Joseph, your
          endowments, or Celestial Law. When they reveal the truth of their
          hearts, they will say, as Lyman E. Johnson said, at one of our
          Quorum meetings, after he had apostatized and tried to put Joseph
          out of the way. Lyman told the truth, He said, "Brethren--I will
          call you brethren--I will tell you the truth. If I could believe
          'Mormonism'--it is no matter whether it is true or not--but if I
          could believe 'Mormonism' as I did when I traveled with you and
          preached, if I possessed the world I would give it. I would give
          anything, I would suffer my right hand to be cut off, if I could
          believe it again. Then I was full of joy and gladness. My dreams
          were pleasant. When I awoke in the morning my spirit was
          cheerful. I was happy by day and by night, full of peace and joy
          and thanksgiving. But now it is darkness, pain, sorrow, misery in
          the extreme. I have never since seen a happy moment.."
          Lyman E. Johnson belonged to the Quorum of the Twelve; he was the
          first man called when the Twelve were called; his name was first,
          Brigham Young's second, and Heber C. Kimball's third. The
          testimony that he gave of his bitter experience is the testimony
          that every apostate would give if they would tell the truth. But
          will they acknowledge it? No, because they do not want to tell
          the truth.
          There is no enjoyment, no happiness, no comfort, there is no
          light to my path, for me there is no real pleasure or delight
          only in the observance of truth as it comes from God, obeying it
          in every sense of the world, and marching forward as a good
          faithful soldier in the discharge of every duty. The man or the
          woman--perhaps you may think it presumptuous in me, but I will
          promise you that what I am going to say is the truth--who has
          embraced what is called "Mormonism," but which is nothing more or
          less than the Everlasting Gospel of the Son of God, who when
          counseled by men of God holding the eternal Priesthood to do thus
          and so, and who will indulge in a spirit that will prompt him to
          say, "O yes, I think I will use my own judgment. I think I have
          discretion as well as you, and I will take my own course. I can
          attend to my own business as well and perhaps a little better
          than any one else, and therefore I don't need any one to advise
          me." I say the man or the woman that will do so, thereby taking
          to himself or to herself strength and wisdom to counsel
          themselves, unless they repent, turn round and do better, they
          will go into darkness, and sooner or later each person or persons
          will apostatize and go to destruction. Do you believe it? It is
          just as true as the sun that shines. Is it hard to believe? No,
          it is the easiest thing in the world to believe the truth. It is
          a great deal easier to believe truth than error. It is easier to
          defend the truth than to defend error. It is necessary that the
          religions and creeds of the Christian world be defended by the
          most able and learned students, in order to make them popular and
          to appear as true. But after these Christian students have been
          through academies and colleges, and the most famed seminaries in
          the world, and after they have studied and studied, spending a
          life-time in the acquisition of a theological education, it takes
          but one of our boys, with the aid of the Bible and the little
          Catechism, to wind them up as you would an old clock. This has
          been the experience of many of our boys, and when they started
          out from their homes to preach the Gospel, they did not know that
          they could say anything at all about its principles; but when
          they have come in contact with those who have professed much and
          who have undertaken to disprove the Gospel as taught by the
          Latter-day Saints, their minds have become enlightened and
          passages of Scripture have come to them, and they have
          discomfited their opponents, so that they have had nothing to
          say. I have done so many times myself, and that too with a few
          words; and the conversation would be turned to something else.
          With all their study and learning, and with all the philosophy
          and science there is brought to the aid of false theories, how
          easy it is to believe the truth! It is much easier than to
          disbelieve it. Truth commends itself to every honest person, it
          matters not how simply it is told, and when it is received it
          seems as though we had been acquainted with it all our lives. It
          is the testimony of the majority of the Latter-day Saints that
          when they first heard the Gospel preached, as contained in the
          Bible and Doctrine and Covenants, although entirely new to them,
          it seemed as though they already understood it, and that they
          must have been "Mormons" from the beginning.
          Well, before I sit down I will present to the congregation the
          names of three of our brethren whom I shall recommend to form the
          presidency of this Stake of Zion, which will comprise Davis
          County, and the name of which will probably be Farmington Stake
          of Zion. (Here Pres. Young proposed the names of Wm. R. Smith of
          Centreville as President, and Christopher Layton of Kaysville as
          his first and Anson Call of Bountiful as his second Counselors).
          I know some of you wish it otherwise, or that some one else was
          chosen for President; but as we cannot suit everybody's desire in
          a matter of this kind, we have to centre on one, and I have felt
          to suggest the name of brother Smith. (Each name was put
          separately, and each vote was unanimous).
          Before presenting the names of brethren to compose the High
          Council, which would be in order to do, I propose for President
          of the High Priests' Quorum the name of Thomas S. Smith, who was
          once Bishop of this place. (brother Smith was unanimously
          sustained; and brothers Thomas Steele and Job Welling were
          elected as his Counselors, without a single dissenting vote. The
          names of the brethren to act as members of the High Council were
          also presented and sustained in a similar manner).
          The Wards will be organized hereafter; Bishops will be placed
          over them, with their two Counselors, all of whom will be
          ordained High Priests, if not already so ordained, and then be
          set apart to act in their several offices. They then will form a
          court; and then all the other quorums of Priesthood will be set
          in order. For what? Paul says, "For the perfecting of the Saints,
          for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of
          Christ." But whether this will be the result here I do not know.
          All I know is that it should be so, and if every one does his
          duty and lives his religion, it will be so. (The brethren chosen
          and elected to fill the several offices herein named, were then
          set apart to act therein. The President then continued--)
          Just a few words to the Presidency of this Stake of Zion. It is
          now their duty to see that the officers within their jurisdiction
          perform their several duties, it is sufficient work for them too
          if they will attend to it. The High Council I hope will not have
          much business to do. I am told that there have only been three
          cases during the last twenty-three years, that have gone for
          trial before the High Council from Farmington. That is doing very
          well. To the now acting Bishops, who will be ordained Bishops, as
          well as to brother Hess, who I believe is the only ordained
          Bishop in the country, I will say that you will now be required
          to look after your several Wards more assiduously than
          heretofore; see that Teachers are diligent in the performance of
          their duties, and that all difficulties that may arise among the
          brethren of the Ward be settled, if possible, by the Teachers;
          and also see that all who claim membership in this Church observe
          the moral law of our religion. We shall not expect to hear of
          people breaking the Sabbath, and a hundred other things all of
          which are inconsistent with our holy callings, and opposed to the
          accomplishment of the work that the Father has given us to do.
          You are called upon now to make yourselves familiar with the
          revelations and commandments that have been given us of the Lord
          for our perfection, for our sanctification preparatory to our
          exaltation, and so live that our acts and conversations may
          conform to the same. We expect to see a radical change, a
          reformation, in the midst of this people, so that, when the
          proper authorities shall call upon you to do thus and so, every
          one may be found willing and ready to respond, placing himself,
          with all he commands, for the up-building of the kingdom of God.
          This is in accordance with a revelation given to this Church
          before the law of Tithing was revealed; but in consequence of
          unbelief and imperfection on the part of the people it was not
          observed, and hence a law more adapted to their condition was
          given, namely, that of Tithing. You are called upon now to
          improve your ways, to seek with all earnestness for an increase
          of faith that you may live according to the higher laws, which is
          your privilege to do, and which is so necessary for our peace and
          comfort and for the good order of society and for the salvation
          of the Latter-day Saints. We shall look for this change, and I do
          not think we shall be disappointed; if at all, I believe it will
          prove a happy disappointment to all Israel, because of the great
          reformation that will be effected among the Latter-day Saints.
          Brethren and sisters, we feel to bless you, we are blessing you
          all the time, and God is blessing you. See how he has tempered
          the elements; how he has held our enemies in check, and delivered
          us out of their grasp and power; how he has prospered us when we
          have confined our attention to our legitimate business; and I can
          say with all propriety that if we had strictly followed the
          counsels that have been given from the commencement until to-day,
          instead of being in such poverty, as we are in one sense, we
          would be a self-sustaining, independent people, commanding
          millions just as easy as we now command thousands. But how
          unwise, how foolish some of our brethren are! I am ashamed of
          them, and their condition is deplorable. Instead of beautifying
          their homes and improving their farms, and helping to reclaim the
          community and build up the Zion of the latter-days, they have
          done--what? Dug holes in the ground? and, I do not know how it is
          with you, but go to Salt Lake City, and you will find men whose
          experience and judgment should have taught them better reaping
          the results of their folly--their houses and lots mortgaged,
          their farms, also many are in this condition, and most of them
          will lose their property. They wanted a little more money, they
          allowed themselves to be allured and they lose all. I myself was
          the means of making several brethren by employing them, letting
          them have business to attend to until they became wealthy; and
          now they are in poverty. Whereas, if they had taken my counsel
          they could have added to their wealth and been in good
          comfortable circumstances to-day, success and prosperity would
          have attended them, peace and blessing would have been their
          portion, and they in turn would have been in a position to bless
          others of their brethren. This I say, with all confidence and
          assurance; but no, selfishness and covetousness blinded them,
          they wanted more and they coveted that which was not their own;
          and if they have not already sensed it, I can tell them that
          weeping, mourning and lamentation will overtake them, and this
          they bring upon themselves.
          Let us take the course pointed out and we will avoid trouble; if
          we pay attention to our calling we will be blessed abundantly,
          both temporally and spiritually; and when it shall be said to the
          people, Let us do this or that, it will be done. We require
          nothing more of the people than the Lord requires of us. And what
          is that? It is this, "Son, give me thine heart." Let us truly and
          in reality be servants of God, holding ourselves with all we have
          subject to the will of God, to be used, if necessary, for the
          building up of his kingdom on the earth. This is what the Lord
          requires, this is what the Priesthood require, and is the course
          I endeavor to pursue.
          I say God bless you; I bless you. I say peace be with you.
          Brethren, one and all, be faithful, be diligent. We have all
          plenty to do; it remains for us to live so that by the light of
          the Holy Spirit, we can see the work before us. Do not let our
          minds run after gold and silver, nor upon houses and lands; what
          the Lord gives us take the very best care of, putting the same to
          a wise and proper use, or our hearts cannot be for the kingdom.
          Never have I seen to so great an extent that willingness to labor
          for the cause of righteousness, as was witnessed in the Temple,
          at St. George, last winter. The Spirit of God pervaded the hearts
          of the brethren and sisters, and how willing they were to labor!
          This work will continue, and the brethren and sisters will go
          into the Temples of the Lord, to officiate for those who have
          died without the Gospel from the days of Father Adam to the
          winding-up scene, until every one is officiated for; who can or
          will receive the Gospel so that all may have the opportunity and
          privileges of life and salvation.
          Don't you think we have a work to perform? Yes, and it will take
          a thousand years to accomplish it. In the Temple last winter the
          brethren and sisters enjoyed themselves the best that they ever
          did in their lives. So they said. And our children, just old
          enough to work, how happy they were! They would exclaim, "I never
          knew anything about 'Mormonism' before!" If you were in the
          Temples of God working for the living and the dead, your eyes and
          hearts would not be after the fashions of the world, nor the
          wealth of the world. Yet the whole of this world's wealth belongs
          to the Lord, and he can give to whomsoever he pleases. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Brigham Young, May 27, 1877
                             Brigham Young, May 27, 1877
          Delivered in the Tabernacle, Ogden, Sunday Morning, May 27, 1877.
                             (Reported by James Taylor.)
          I can offer a few of the reflections of my own mind with regard
          to the discourse of brother Geo. Q. Cannon. I will take his text:
          "We have a great work to perform." Not that I have time to take
          up item by item, and explain and give you correct views, so that
          you can understand all things pertaining to this great work; but
          I will give a few words, hoping that you are prepared to receive
          them in good and honest hearts, and digest them by the spirit of
          revelation, and understand what I have in my own heart.
          The improvement that we are undertaking is not a small labor. It
          is not the work of a day, or a week, or a month, but the work of
          a lifetime; and when we end our career here, we hope to leave
          those behind us on the earth, of our own posterity, who are
          better calculated to go on with this work, and who will do so
          until it is completed. What is this work? The improvement of the
          condition of the human family. This work must continue until the
          people who live on this earth are prepared to receive our coming
          Lord, and dwell with the sanctified, and to associate with angels
          and with our Savior, preparatory to entering into the presence of
          our heavenly Father.
          Now this is the work; and how are we to perform this work is the
          question which I hope you will be able to understand. I wish you
          had the spirit of revelation. I would delight in the Latter-day
          Saints living so that the Spirit of God would be within them, so
          that they could see and understand and judge all these things for
          I will commence by drawing attention to the philosophy of man
          here upon the earth. We see ourselves here to-day. Here are old,
          grey-headed men, aged ladies, infants in their mother's arms, and
          persons in the different conditions and stages of life, with
          varied looks, feelings, sympathies and passions. We see this
          variety before us today. But we all commenced at the foot of the
          hill. We see the infant in its mother's arms. What is this infant
          here for? What is the design in the creation of this little
          infant child? It lies here in its mother's arms; it would not
          resist, in the least, if it were dropped into a caldron of
          boiling oil; if it were thrown into fire it would not know it
          until it felt the flames; it might be laid down here, and the
          wolf might come and lick its face, and it would not know but that
          its mother was soothing it. You see this foundation, the starting
          point, the germ of intelligence embodied in this infant,
          calculated to grow and expand into manhood, then to the capacity
          of an angel, and so onward to eternal exaltation. But here is the
          foundation. Sent to school the child learns to read, and
          continues to improve as long as it lives. Is this the end of the
          knowledge of man? No. It is only the beginning. It is the first
          stage of all the intelligence that the philosopher in his
          reflections, taking the starry world before him, and looking into
          the immensity of the creations of God, can imagine. Here is the
          first place where we learn, this is the foot of the hill.
          Now the object is to improve the minds of the inhabitants of the
          earth, until we learn what we are here for, and become one before
          the Lord, that we may rejoice together and be equal. Not to make
          all poor. No. The whole world is before us. The earth is here,
          and the fullness thereof is here. It was made for man; and one
          man was not made to trample his fellowman under his feet, and
          enjoy all his heart desires, while the thousands suffer. We will
          take a moral view, a political view, and we see the inequality
          that exists in the human family. We take the inhabitants of the
          civilized world, and how many laboring men are there in
          proportion to the inhabitants? About one to every five that are
          producers, and the supposition is that ten hours work by the one
          to three persons in the twenty-four hours will support the five.
          It is an unequal condition of mankind. We see servants that labor
          early and late, and that have not the opportunity of measuring
          their hours ten in twenty-four. They cannot go to school, nor
          hardly get clothing to go to meeting in on the Sabbath. I have
          seen many cases of this kind in Europe, when the young lady would
          have to take her clothing on a Saturday night and wash it, in
          order that she might go to meeting on the Sunday with a clean
          dress on. Who is she laboring for? For those who, many of them,
          are living in luxury. And, to serve the classes that are living
          on them, the poor, laboring men and women are toiling, working
          their lives out to earn that which will keep a little life within
          them. Is this equality? No! What is going to be done? The
          Latter-day Saints will never accomplish their mission until this
          inequality shall cease on the earth.
          We say but very little about politics. If we have laws, we should
          have good laws, and we should get good men to adjudicate those
          laws. And if we are at variance with our neighbor, and are in
          want of better judgment than we have to settle our difficulties,
          let us call three or twelve men, and leave it to them to decide
          between us. Adopt this course, and it would save an immense
          amount of time, and set the lawyer to raising his own potatoes
          and wheat, instead of gulling the people. The non-producer must
          live on the products of those who labor. There is no other way.
          If we all labor a few hours a day, we could then spend the
          remainder of our time in rest and the improvement of our minds.
          This would give an opportunity to the children to be educated in
          the learning of the day, and to possess all the wisdom of man.
          But we are to revolutionize the world. Do you think these
          Latter-day Saints can do it? I do not know. It is the work of the
          Almighty; and if he sends forth his Spirit to teach the people
          true principles, we have a right, a moral right, a religious
          right, to tell the truth to the people without interruption; and
          men have no business to raise their anger against this people,
          when we are merely telling the truth to the inhabitants of the
          earth, and instructing them how they can better their condition.
          But we have something more than morality alone to teach the
          people. What is it? It is how to redeem the human family. In
          Adam--that is, if we believe this book (the Bible), and believe
          the history that Moses gave of our first parents, and of the
          inhabitants of the earth, which indeed we have to depend upon,
          for we are not in possession of any other history of our first
          parents, and are consequently obliged to refer to this
          history--if we believe this, I can say that as in Adam all die,
          even so in Christ all are made alive. If we can believe Moses and
          the Apostles, we die in consequence of sin in the conduct of our
          first parents, in eating that which they were forbidden to eat;
          that we are shut out and cannot see and understand heavenly
          beings. We cannot see their faces. We cannot hear their voices.
          We cannot behold their glory. We are shut out from this. The vail
          of mortality being dropped between us and the Creator, something
          has to be done so that we may return and behold those that are
          There is a difference between the Latter-day Saints and the
          professed Christian world. Shall I remark on this difference? We
          teach our children that we are serving a God who has an ear to
          hear, and eye to see. He has a mouth to speak, a hand to handle.
          He has a body. He has the component parts of man. He moves in his
          own sphere. He dwells at his own dwelling-place. His presence and
          his power fill immensity. He has filled the heavens and the earth
          with his works, and placed man here upon the earth, and brought
          forth in the latter days his greatest work. It is the greatest
          work for the salvation of the human family that has been revealed
          to man since the fall of Adam. I hope you teach this in the
          Sunday school, that we are serving a God who has a body, parts
          and passions, and who has feelings, and a fellow-feeling. Well,
          you startle at this. You have a fellow-feeling. If the Christian
          world were to hear me declare that our Father in heaven could
          know and sympathize with this mortality by experience, and has a
          fellow-feeling, and deals kindly and sympathetically and
          mercifully with those who are forward, they would be startled.
          Yet this is our Father. We believe in him. Yes. Ask the Christian
          world, Do you believe in such a God? No, they say. What kind of a
          being do you believe in? Such as was described in the inscription
          which Paul saw written on the altar at Athens, "To the unknown
          God." But the God that the Latter-day Saints are worshiping, and
          that we teach our children to worship, is the God and Father or
          our Lord Jesus Christ and the Father of our spirits, the author
          of the existence of our bodies, He who placed them here upon the
          earth. He gave existence to us all. He gave breath and being to
          all. And yet man has his agency; this truth we must never lose
          sight of. We must teach our children that Christ came in the
          meridian of time; that he suffered and died for the original sin
          Adam committed in the Garden of Eden, and tasted death for every
          man. He suffered for every man upon the earth.
          This is the character of him whom we receive as our Savior. 
          We want you to believe in Him, my son, my daughter. Believe in
          His Father, and that they have compassion upon us, and we should
          hearken to His counsel. What is required of us as soon as we come
          to the years of accountability? It is required of us, for it is
          an institution of heaven, the origin of which you and I cannot
          tell, for the simple reason that it has no beginning, it is from
          eternity to eternity--it is required of us to go down into the
          waters of baptism. Here is a fountain or element typical of the
          purity of the eternities. Go down into the waters, and there be
          baptized for the remission of sins, and then have hands laid upon
          us to confirm us members of the Church of Jesus Christ of
          Latter-day Saints. Then receive the Spirit of truth, or the Holy
          Ghost. Then live according to every word that proceeds out of the
          mouth of God, through those men whom he has appointed here upon
          the earth, until we are perfect.
          If we go and preach the Gospel, men and women of age, youths and
          children believe our testimony, come forward and desire to
          receive a remission of their sins by obeying the ordinances of
          the house of God, that are placed in that house for the express
          purpose of remitting sins. Then they commence to live moral
          lives, as becometh those who have embraced the truth, and
          continue to live by the truth until they are prepared to enter
          into an exaltation. How long will they live here? No matter if
          they live as long as Methuselah lived, if they commence that
          moral reform required in their lives. Those who have been in the
          habit of swearing, swear no more. Never use the name of the Deity
          without his authority. If we are in the habit of telling that
          which is not true, learn to speak the truth. If we speak evil of
          our neighbors, cease to speak evil. Covet not that which is not
          our own. Keep the Ten Commandments, and then go on until we are
          perfect, loving our neighbor more than we love ourselves,
          imparting to all that kind fellow-feeling, that we can take those
          who are in this poor and stricken condition of life, and raise
          them, that they may come up and possess the fruits of the earth,
          and enjoy all that we can enjoy in raiment, food and possessions.
          Raise our own horses, our own food, and let every one be a
          producer, and then we can with a good grace, be consumers.
          Infringe upon no one. Instead of making any poorer, make all
          A few words upon the minerals found in our mountains. We have had
          a great many men examining among the mountains, and through the
          plateaus and ranges in the south. The whole scientific world, a
          few years ago, would have pledged their reputation that there was
          not any mineral in the sandstone range along the Rio Virgen
          River. Now they are finding it in many places. A great many have
          told me that there was no mineral there, but it is now found in
          various parts of the southern portion of this Territory. What can
          I say about it? The Lord, in Isaiah, says, "For brass I will
          bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass
          and for stones iron." I can attribute it to no other agency than
          the power of God diffusing it in these mountains. I will refer it
          to the scientific world. You may as well take a piece of wood and
          say that it shall become a piece of sandstone, as to say that you
          will find silver in sandstone. Did you ever know sandstone to
          become a petrifaction. It is hard to say where it will not be
          found, now that it is found in the barks of petrified trees. It
          is no matter, the Lord is managing all this, and he does just as
          he pleases with regard to the treasures of the earth, and we may
          look for them, but if we are not to find them, they will be hid.
          When God says to his agents, remove this gold, this silver, this
          copper, it will be done. You do not understand this philosophy,
          but I do. And my philosophy outreaches the philosophy of men that
          study books. I have said enough with regard to the minerals of
          the earth.
          I see a man grow up from the infant stage to be a scholar, and by
          and by he has an empire, and can give laws to the people, that
          can equalize them, and bring them to a state of happiness and
          excellency, and give them all the advantages that man can possess
          upon the earth, and make every man happy and comfortable. This is
          the work that we have upon our hands. Teach the people the faith
          of the Gospel. Teach them what God is, and what His work is, and
          that there never was a time such as many of our philosophers
          speak of, who drift back and back, and come to this theory and
          that theory, and go back, and back to the time when we were all
          reptiles. When was there a time when there was not a God? But,
          say they, there must have been a time. Then you declare to me, do
          you, that there was a time when there was no time. And this is
          the philosophy of a great many of the scientific in this day.
          They see the heavens stretched out, but they comprehend them not.
          And why do they not say, if there was a time when there was no
          time, there will be a time again when there will be no time. What
          a condition for man to be in! Can we look onward and upward
          through the immensity of space, and behold the worlds on worlds
          that we call stars, and imagine that they will be blotted out
          forever? What an idea! What a philosophy! Why, it ought to be
          laughed at by the ignorant, and those who are children in their
          reflections. A time when there was no God, no eternity! It cannot
          be possible, and the philosopher who tries to establish such a
          doctrine cannot possess any correct ideas of his own being. Will
          there ever be such a time? No. But forever onward and upward. So
          it is with the religion we have embraced.
          Teach the Sunday School children with regard to the heavens, with
          regard to their faith, with regard to their mortal lives, and
          reach out to that higher life, far above this, that we may, if we
          will, enjoy upon the earth. This is the condition of man. This is
          the road for men to walk in, to be obedient to the principles of
          eternal truth, those immortal principles that God has revealed to
          With regard to the ordinances of God, we may remark that we yield
          obedience to them because He requires it; and every iota of His
          requirements has a rational philosophy with it. We do not get up
          things on a hypothesis. That philosophy reaches to all eternity,
          and is the philosophy that the Latter-day Saints believe in.
          Every particle of truth that every person has received is a gift
          of God. We receive these truths, and go on from glory to glory,
          from eternal lives to eternal lives, gaining a knowledge of all
          things, and becoming Gods, even Sons of God. These are the
          celestial ones. These are they whom the Lord has chosen through
          their obedience. They have not spurned the truth, when they have
          heard it. These are they that have not spurned the Gospel, but
          have acknowledged Jesus and God in their true character; that
          have acknowledged the angels in their true character. These are
          they that work for the salvation of the human family.
          I say to the Latter-day Saints, all we have to do is to learn of
          God. Let the liars lie on, and let the swearers swear on, and
          they will go to perdition. All we have to do is to go onward and
          upward, and keep the commandments of our Father and God; and He
          will confound our enemies. It is for you and me to improve our
          children, and teach them to bring forth the elements here, until
          we possess all things that are on the earth, and then prepare to
          possess the things that are in Heaven, and go on from glory to
          glory, until we are crowned with God the Father.
          May the Lord bless you, Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, June 17, 1877
                             John Taylor, June 17, 1877
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER JOHN TAYLOR,
             Delivered at Farmington, on Sunday Morning, June 17, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          The following passage is found in the Doctrine and Covenants,
          page 266, new edition--
          "Which Priesthood continueth in the Church of God in all
          generations, and is without beginning of days or end of years.
          And the Lord confirmed a Priesthood also upon Aaron and his seed
          throughout all their generations;--which Priesthood also
          continueth and abideth for ever, with the Priesthood which is
          after the holiest order of God. And this greater Priesthood
          administereth the Gospel and holdeth the key of the mysteries of
          the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God; Therefore in
          the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest; and
          without the ordinances thereof, and the authority of the
          Priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in
          the flesh. For without this no man can see the face of God, even
          the father, and live."
          There are some ideas associated with these principles which I
          will briefly refer to. We have assembled here to more perfectly
          organize the Church of God in this place; to establish a Stake;
          to select, appoint and set apart the necessary officers there
          for. Our President has been moved upon to call upon the Twelve to
          go through the Territory and attend to these matters, in
          accordance with a revelation which makes it the duty of the
          Twelve "to ordain and set in order all the officers of the
          Church;" to see that the Church is "righted up" in all its
          various departments, and in the organization of its various
          quorums; where it is necessary that Stakes should be organized
          organize them; and to see that all the quorums and officers be
          placed in their proper position so that they will work
          harmoniously and according to the revelations and order of God.
          The growth of the Church and the changes continually taking place
          render it necessary that this work to which we have been called
          be attended to. It is very desirable and necessary, too, that
          every man should understand his true position in the Church; that
          he may the better magnify his calling, and attend to every duty
          devolving upon him. In the organization of a Stake of Zion, as
          revealed, there should be a President with two Counselors, to
          preside over all the officers, authorities and people of that
          Stake. There should also be a High Council consisting of Twelve
          Councilors presided over by the President of the Stake and his
          two Counselors. There should also be a High Priests' Quorum, with
          a President and two Counsellors to preside over all the High
          Priests in the Stake.
          The Elders' Quorum should be composed of ninety-six Elders,
          presided over by a President and two Counselors, and when more
          than ninety-six, other quorums should be organized.
          The Priests' Quorum should be composed of forty-eight, presided
          over by a Bishop. The Teachers' Quorum should be composed of
          twenty-four, and the Deacons of twelve, each with their
          respective Presidents and Counselors. The Bishop necessarily
          presides over the whole of the lesser Priesthood in his Ward, and
          they are under his special guidance and direction, while he is
          presided over by the Presidency of the Stake, and the Presidents
          of the Stakes, in their turn are presided over by the First
          Presidency and the Twelve; thus all are amenable to proper
          authority in their various organizations and there is no schism
          in the body. All Bishops should be properly ordained with their
          Counselors, in order to be qualified to act efficiently in their
          offices, and to be qualified to sit as common judges in Israel.
          We have frequently heard that "Order is heaven's first law." In
          no earthly government is there so much order evinced as in the
          Church and kingdom of God, and for that we are indebted to the
          revelations of God. The office of the Priesthood is really to
          rule and govern in that government which is recognized as the
          Lord's, whether it be in heaven or on the earth. And as the Lord
          has restored the everlasting Gospel and the keys of the
          everlasting Priesthood which administers in time and eternity,
          when we elect officers to fill positions in this Church we choose
          men whose authority through their faithfulness will hold good not
          only on this earth, but in the heavens, and not only now but
          hereafter. And when these things are carried out to their fullest
          extent, then will "the will of God be done on earth is in
          heaven," and the meek will rejoice in the administration of his
          If I had time I might refer to accounts given of various men who
          stood at the head of the Priesthood in the different ages of the
          world, showing how it has been handed down from one to another,
          agreeably to the will of God, for the accomplishment of his
          purposes and the benefit of the human family. He has given unto
          us a very good and perfect organization; quite as perfect I
          think, and I am prepared to say, as any organization that ever
          existed upon the face of the earth. And it is indeed reasonable
          that such an organization should now exist, for we are living in
          what is called the dispensation of the fullness of times; and it
          embraces all other dispensations that ever did exist on the
          earth. It embraces also all the powers and privileges, rights,
          keys and Priesthoods ever known to man.
          In relation to organizations, there has been a great deal of
          carelessness exhibited in many instances; we have failed to sense
          the importance of the serious responsibilities that attaches
          itself to this Priesthood, this delegated power of heaven. We
          have found more or less confusion among the churches wherever we
          have gone; and hence the wisdom manifested by the President in
          requesting a more perfect organization seems the more to be
          appreciated, because of the necessity that exists for
          improvement. Says the Lord, "Without the ordinances thereof, and
          the authority of the Priesthood, the power of godliness is not
          manifest unto man in the flesh; for without this no man can see
          the face of God, even the Father, and live." The Lord having
          given unto us this divine law and revealed certain principles
          unto us, he expects us to govern ourselves accordingly; that
          every ordinance in connection with the Priesthood may be
          administered properly and in accordance with his law. We find
          many departures however from this law. In the bishopric we find
          many irregularities. In some instances we have found that a
          Bishop has no Counselors, in others he has had one Counselor
          perhaps, and sometimes we have found the Bishop with two
          Counselors, but he himself not ordained to the office, but had
          only been appointed, and in some instances we have found that the
          Counselors have not been properly authorized and qualified to act
          in their calling. Whereas there is a law regulating these things
          which we hope to comply with. Every Bishop should be first
          ordained a High Priest, and then set apart to the Bishopric by
          the proper authority; and the Bishop's Counselors, if not already
          ordained to the High Priesthood, should be, and then set apart to
          act in their capacity, as first and second Counselors to the
          Bishop. These three then form a quorum, and a court and are
          qualified to sit in judgment upon all matters that may come
          before the Bishop, as a common judge in Israel which pertains to
          his Ward. They are then properly authorized to act in this
          capacity, and they ought to be upheld and sustained in the
          position they occupy, and in all of their doings, inasmuch as
          they are characterized by righteousness and sound judgment, and
          as the Scriptures say, with humility and faith, and longsuffering
          and wisdom, and according to the principles laid down in the book
          of Doctrine and Covenants, which the Spirit of God would dictate
          to men occupying such a position.
          And then if there is an appeal from this court it goes to the
          High Council which is also composed of High Priests, set apart to
          this office, by the First Presidency or the Twelve, to be
          presided over by the Presidency of the Stake. For the lack of
          this more perfect organization all kinds of confusion has
          prevailed among the brethren in many instances; all kinds of
          little differences are taken to the High Council, which ought to
          be taken to the Bishop's court. People sometimes quarrel about
          little things, very trivial affairs that do not represent more
          than ten or twenty dollars in monetary matters, and they are not
          satisfied unless the High Council try such cases. And what is the
          result? Instead of having these little matters settled by the
          Teachers or Bishops in their own Wards, they occupy the time of
          the fifteen men composing the Council besides their own and that
          of the witnesses, who generally number from five to fifteen. But
          these men work for nothing and board themselves, and therefore it
          costs the disputants nothing for the adjudication of their
          differences, whereas in such cases the High Council would prefer
          to put their hands in their pockets and pay the amount in dispute
          rather than listen to their nonsense. And it would seem that some
          men are so inconsiderate, that they would impose upon them,
          because they are willing to give their time.
          Such cases should not come before the High Council; they more
          properly belong to the lesser Priesthood, to the Priests and
          Teachers and to the Bishop's court.
          Such men do not realize their position before God and their
          brethren. If men have differences they should try to settle them
          amicably among themselves. But if they cannot do this, let them
          take the first steps as directed in the Church Covenants, let
          them then come together as brethren having a claim upon the
          Spirit and power of God which would attend them if they lived
          their religion, and then, provided the Priests and Teachers did
          their duty and were filled with wisdom and the spirit of their
          office and calling, ninety-nine cases out of every hundred might
          be satisfactorily settled without either troubling the Bishop's
          court or the High Council. But because these duties of the lesser
          Priesthood are not faithfully performed or sufficiently
          estimated, they are not carried out according to the laws laid
          down for our government and thus many of these differences and
          difficulties exist in our midst.
          When the Church is organized in all its various departments with
          the President at the head, the Twelve in their place, the High
          Priests, Seventies and Elders in theirs, together with the
          Bishops and lesser Priesthood, the local aids and governments
          each acting in their appointed sphere and calling, and all
          operated upon and influenced by the Holy Spirit, then the whole
          becomes as the body of a man, sound and complete in all its
          members, and everything moves harmoniously and pleasantly along.
          For the body, we are told, has not one member but many: "And the
          eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee; nor again
          the head to the feet, I have no need of you;" but every man in
          his place acting in his office and calling. And there is as much
          devolving upon the Priests, the Teachers and Deacons and those of
          the lesser Priesthood as there is upon any other members of the
          Church. When they do not fulfill their duties, what is the
          result? People go to the Twelve, or to the First Presidency, they
          pass the more immediate authorities, and confusion and disorder
          exist, and valuable time is occupied almost needlessly, and those
          who will work may work until they are broken down ready to cease
          their earthly labors, and all this for the want of men's knowing
          their duties and doing them.
          But while we are contending over little things what becomes of
          us? We are losing sight of our callings, we forget that this
          kingdom was established upon the earth for the purpose of
          introducing righteousness and the laws and principles of truth,
          the laws of heaven upon the earth, and of blessing mankind and of
          saving the living and the dead. We forget what we are here for,
          and what the kingdom of God is established for. It is not for you
          or for me or anybody else alone; it is the interests of the world
          and the salvation of mankind. We are expected, every one of us,
          to perform the various duties and responsibilities devolving upon
          us. If we neglect them are we not guilty before God? Whence come
          the difficulties that we have in our midst? Because as I have
          said in many instances the Priesthood do not perform their
          duties, are not vigilant and faithful. The Teachers sometimes
          come to visit us and sometimes they do not. I do not know how it
          is with you, but they rarely visit me. When they do come, am I
          pleased to see them? Yes. I call my family together, and then
          addressing the Teachers I say to them; "Brethren, we are all very
          glad to see you, we are ready to listen to you and if you have
          any instructions for us we shall be happy to hear you." These are
          my feelings with regard to men who act as Teachers. And are they
          prepared to teach me? Yes. If I have been negligent or careless,
          they will enquire into it; and the same with the members of my
          family. Or are there ill feelings existing among any of the
          members of the household; or between them and our neighbors. If
          so, they should find out. It is their business to know whether I
          and my family are living our religion or not; and the same with
          everybody else's family in the Church. But how is it now? They
          come perhaps once in three months, or nine months as the case may
          be. And when they do come they have a few words and questions
          which, to say the least, are very formal. Is that the spirit and
          calling of a Teacher? No! They should be full of the light and
          revelation of God, quick to discover everything and know
          everybody and their standing in their jurisdiction. And they
          would too if they performed their duties and were faithful to the
          welfare of the people. What is the result? The wards are not
          attended to. What follows? We have drinking in our midst. Yes,
          Elders and High Priests and Seventies are tempted to drink and
          humiliate themselves before God and the people. We have others
          that lie and cheat. And who pays any attention to it? Some think
          it would not be polite to attend to some of these matters; but I
          tell you God will take hold of them by and by, and they will know
          whether he will be polite or not. If a man does wrong, let him be
          held accountable for that wrong, no matter who he may be. If he
          cheats, bring him up; if he lies, let him be treated as a liar;
          if he breaks the Sabbath bring him to an account for it; let the
          proper officers of the Church see that they do their duty, or God
          will not hold them guiltless. Let all the Elders, the Priests,
          Teachers and Deacons and other officers thoroughly and faithfully
          perform their duties, and then we will see whether there is any
          power in the Priesthood or not; then we will know whether the
          blessings of the Lord attend the ordinances or not; then we will
          know that God rules in Israel, and that the honest in heart, the
          truthful and those who love righteousness are in reality his
          people, and that they will maintain the right and purge the
          Church from evil of every kind. We do not want to become
          partakers of other men's sins; the First Presidency will not,
          neither will the Twelve; the Bishops should not, for God will
          require it at their hands.
          God intends to build up a Church here after the pattern of the
          one that exists in heaven; and to come down and associate himself
          with man upon the earth. Are we prepared? No. Shall we be by the
          course we are going? Never, while the world stands. Therefore we
          are going forth and wherever we find things disorganize, we
          organize them, and then call upon the various organizations to
          perform their duties in fidelity, honesty and faithfulness, that
          every man may be felt after to the utmost extremity of the
          Territory, that it may be known what they are doing, whether they
          are for God and the principles of truth or not. We do not want
          any more "Good Lord and good devil;" the line will be drawn and
          we will know who is for the kingdom and who is not. If we do not
          those things which are required at our hands, what is the use of
          our profession? Why should men who do not want to do right, who
          break the Sabbath, who steal, defraud and impose upon their
          neighbors, why should they court the fellowship of the Saints? Do
          you think they will get into the kingdom of God? No. We read of
          ten virgins, five of whom were wise and five were foolish; and I
          think both the wise and the foolish ones got into rather a bad
          condition--they went to sleep. By and by, at midnight, the cry
          was heard, "Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet
          him." Then they all awakened, rubbed their eyes a little, I
          suppose, looked around for their lamps, some of which contained
          oil and some were empty. Those who had no oil in their lamps went
          to those who had, requesting them to give them of their oil, for
          their lamps had gone out. But those who had oil had none to
          spare, and the foolish were told to go to those who sold oil and
          buy. When the bridegroom came those who were ready went in with
          him to the marriage, and the others did not, and--that's all. We
          might as well look at these things squarely and see how we stand,
          and what our position is before the Lord. "Be not deceived. God
          is not mocked; that which a man sows he will reap; if we sow to
          the flesh, we shall of the flesh reap corruption; if we sow to
          the spirit, we shall reap life everlasting."
          Why should men who do not want to do right stop in our midst? If
          I did not want to be a Latter-day Saint, I would say, Gentlemen,
          I will leave you, success to you." But then I do not know what I
          might do or might not do were I in such a condition. At any rate,
          why do men palm themselves upon the community as Latter-day
          Saints, when they are not? And we hear of them grumbling and
          growling about the Priesthood. If the Priesthood are such
          rascals, why do they not leave them, and seek more congenial
          When these organizations are completed there will be a President
          with two Counselors and they will preside over all other Councils
          in the Stake. And it will be expected that all the others under
          their presidency will listen to their counsels; and it will be
          expected that they will listen to the instructions of President
          Young and the Twelve. And it is then expected that the Priests,
          Teachers and Deacons will hearken to and obey the counsel of
          their Bishop; and it will be expected that the people will listen
          to the voice of their Priests and Teachers and those whose
          business it is to look after their interest and welfare. We are
          now approaching a very important stage in the history of this
          latter-day work; we may try to dig around our duties and
          responsibilities, but we have to meet them. We have got to walk
          according to the laws of God, or abide by the result for not
          doing it. God expects these things at our hands, and they are
          things which we have a right to expect from one another; it is
          expected that we all will do our duty, and God the Father of
          Jesus, and all the eternal Priesthood in the heavens expect the
          Presidency, the Twelve, the Presidents of Stakes, the High
          Priests, High Councils, the Seventies and Elders, the Bishops,
          Priests, Teachers and Deacons and all the Priesthood and all the
          people to be governed by the law of God, and to help faithfully
          to build Zion and establish the kingdom of God that we may be one
          in all things temporal and spiritual; that we may be welded and
          united together on earth and not only on the earth but in the
          heavens also. This is what the whole thing points to, that the
          Priesthood on the earth should operate and co-operate with the
          Priesthood of heaven in the accomplishment of the purposes of
          God. We are building Temples that we may labor therein for
          ourselves and also become saviors on Mount Zion. How can we
          operate with the Priesthood of heaven unless we are governed by
          the Priesthood God has given us on the earth? We cannot do it; we
          must be governed by the laws and principles he has revealed for
          our guidance, and for our salvation. And that God may help us to
          do his will and perform the work given us to do, is my prayer, in
          the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Hyde, April 5, 1877
                              Orson Hyde, April 5, 1877
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ORSON HYDE,
                 Delivered in the Temple, St. George, April 5, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                                  OUR OPPORTUNITY.
          I have not language, my brethren and sisters, to express the
          feelings and emotions of my heart on coming into this Temple
          yesterday morning; I could not describe them if I were to
          undertake to do so, and consequently I will sum up in short by
          saying, that the sentiments of my heart were, Thank God for such
          a place in which to worship and to reverence his high and holy
          We have been listening this morning to some very interesting and
          truthful remarks, and I have felt edified, instructed, and
          comforted in my feelings. And I think, if we all remember our
          prayers in the season thereof, in sincerity and truth, that our
          light would shine before us according to our needs and wants. It
          is too often the case that this important duty is neglected. I
          look at the rivers of water, I trace them to their source, and I
          find that many times the places where they originate are small
          and ofttimes hidden from the popular gaze. But, notwithstanding,
          they flow down and the waters increase, until by tributaries the
          main channel becomes a mighty river. So our prayers in private
          and family circle are secret and retired from the public, but
          they keep the fire burning upon the altar of our hearts. And it
          is not often that persons who faithfully attend to this duty walk
          in darkness, it is seldom that they apostatize and turn away from
          the faith, especially when we couple our solemn prayers with a
          short sermon or lecture of comfort and of peace to our wives and
          children, sanctifying our prayers by words of consolation, and
          then we have a little heaven on earth. And I have noticed that
          those who do this can generally give a reason for the hope that
          is in them. Where these things are neglected, however small they
          may appear in the estimation of some, there is a want of the
          vital principle that feeds the soul, that keeps the leaves and
          branches green, that imparts beauty and loveliness to all nature.
          I have thought that if we were a little more punctual in the
          discharge of our obligations one with another and to all men, it
          would be the means of opening wider the door of light and truth
          to all pursuing that course. It is too often the case that we
          sometimes contract duties and make promises to discharge them,
          when our present condition and future prospects are altogether
          too slim to justify our doing so. Yet we feel we must go in debt
          to supply our immediate wants. And when the time comes for
          payment to be made, it is not at all an unfrequent chapter in our
          lives, that at that particular time we were not so well prepared
          to meet the obligation as we were the day we made the contract.
          This I apprehend is a barrier to our success and our prosperity.
          And I feel that if there was more punctuality manifested by us in
          paying our obligations than now exists, we would have more
          confidence in one another than we already have. I do not
          recommend any person to take his neighbor in hand and say, "Pay
          me that which thou owest me." So far as my memory serves me, in
          such cases as when persons owed me who failed to pay me according
          to promise, and I believed them honest and upright in their
          feelings, seeking not to take advantage, I do not recollect ever
          having crowded such persons, or putting them to the least
          inconvenience. I think it is good and honorable on the part of
          the creditor to establish his name and character by showing mercy
          and easing the burden of those who may be indebted to him. For
          there should be a disposition on one part to avoid contracting
          debts, and a disposition on the other to be as lenient as
          circumstances permit, to move away all the obstruction we can
          from the path of each other's prosperity. However small these
          matters may seem, they are important.
          At the time our Prophet and Patriarch were killed, or at least
          soon afterwards, when the Twelve returned to Nauvoo, their
          immediate circumstances were not altogether agreeable and
          pleasant or profitable. But suffice it to say we had a meeting, a
          Conference, at which President Young was the centre of
          attraction. On his rising to speak, and as soon as he opened his
          mouth, I heard the voice of Joseph through him, and it was as
          familiar to me as the voice of my wife, the voice of my child, or
          the voice of my father. And not only the voice of Joseph did I
          distinctly and unmistakably hear, but I saw the very gestures of
          his person, the very features of his countenance, and if I
          mistake not, the very size of his person appeared on the stand.
          And it went through me with the thrill of conviction that Brigham
          was the man to lead this people. And from that day to the present
          there has not been a query or a doubt upon my mind with regard to
          the divinity of his appointment; I know that he was the man
          selected of God to fill the position he now holds.
          I have found in my experience that there is a good deal in a
          man's having confidence in himself. A person having little
          confidence in God and more in himself is not good; the capital
          stock should be in the Lord our God, and the smaller portion in
          the creature operating.
          When the Lord created man, I believe he placed in him a portion
          of himself, that is a portion of every qualification that he
          himself possessed. And in our sphere we are to act independently;
          but under and by the power of those principles of natural
          inspiration. There is a good deal of natural inspiration in man;
          and when that is touched by the finger of the Almighty, it makes
          the cup a delicious one, it makes the mind truly enlightened.
          Brethren and sisters, I have all confidence in the Lord our
          God--I say all confidence, perhaps that calls for a little
          qualification. At any rate I believe in him, and that he is just,
          wise and merciful. If I did not believe he was merciful, I could
          not believe my own eyes while looking upon this vast congregation
          of his people, assembled in this isolated place, here in the
          southern portion of our Territory.
          I tell you how I feel in relation to the matters that have been
          spoken of here to-day. If I had more confidence in myself, and in
          my own ability, limited though it may be, I could venture farther
          and do more, and perhaps overcome my natural timidity and become
          a more efficient agent in the hands of our Father of doing good.
          This I desire with all my heart. I can say that what little I
          possess of this world's goods are subject to the orders of my
          superiors in the Priesthood, myself and all that I command are at
          their dictation to be used in the service of our God for the
          advancement of his kingdom. I labored with my hands until I
          reached my seventieth year, when I had to cease working; and for
          the last two years I have not been able to do anything, not even
          to cut a stick of wood or fetch a bucketful of water. But I feel
          thankful that my health is as good as it is, and that I have
          lived to see this day, and to behold this elegant structure
          reared to the honor of our God, and to have the privilege of
          meeting and joining with so many of my brethren and sisters to
          worship within its walls.
          Brethren, I rejoice in the service of God, and I want to continue
          in it; and if our religion had no more consolation than it now
          affords, it would be ample to inspire us to honor it and to live
          it. I look around me and see a great many heads as white and many
          whiter than my own. I ofttimes wish, Oh, that I were again active
          and able to work manfully and energetically in the cause of
          truth! But no; like many others of my age, I am subject to
          rheumatism and pains in my limbs, which at times disable me; I
          have commenced to feel the infirmities of increasing age and
          years; and so many of us now, after these many years of toil,
          have to struggle with the going down sun of our earthly
          existence. But we have the consolation of knowing that our mortal
          body will not always impede our progress, we shall not forever
          suffer its inconveniences; we are gladdened in the hope of either
          laying down this mortal tabernacle or undergoing that welcome
          change which will free us from all afflictions and annoyances.
          And we hail the day when we shall be free from sorrow and death,
          to forever rejoice in the joys of everlasting lives. But while we
          remain let us struggle on, and continue the good fight of faith
          until we are called home. I calculate, the Lord being my helper,
          to do the very best I can. How long I may live I know not,
          neither do I feel much anxiety, feeling as I do that I am in the
          hands of my Heavenly Father, who will do with me as seemeth him
          good. But yet if I could be spared in health, I would like to see
          the adversary bound, to trouble and harass no more the children
          of our God. I would like to live to see myself entirely redeemed
          from the tradition of our forefathers, which we have inherited
          through entailment, and completely baptized in the element of
          life everlasting. These are my heart's desires. I pray that God
          may continue to bless us and help us to walk day by day in
          obedience to the requirements of heaven. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Brigham Young, July 24, 1877
                            Brigham Young, July 24, 1877
                         ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT BRIGHAM YOUNG,
           Delivered to the Sunday School Children, in the New Tabernacle,
                           Salt Lake City, July 24, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          If I can have quiet and the strict attention of the congregation
          I think all can hear me. The children, as well as those of older
          growth and manhood, will please cease their talking one to
          another, cease the rubbing of feet on the floor, cease to make
          noise. I have a few words for the children. The larger portion of
          this congregation have been born in this Territory; they know
          nothing of the outside world; they know but little in comparison
          as to the cause of their birth and education within the valleys
          of these mountains. A short recital of the reasons, why these
          children before me were born here instead of being born in the
          States, I can give you, and will endeavor to do so in a few
          In 1830, forty-seven years ago last March, the Book of Mormon was
          printed and bound. Joseph Smith had received revelation, and
          plates on which were engraved characters from which the book was
          translated. Before the book was printed, before Joseph had the
          privilege of testifying to the truth of the latter-day work,
          persecution was raised against him. On the 6th day of April of
          the same year the Church of Jesus Christ was organized.
          Persecution increased and continued to increase. He left the
          State of New York and went to the State of Ohio. The Gospel was
          preached there and many received it. A settlement was formed, but
          Joseph had not the privilege of staying there long before they
          hunted him so determinedly that he was forced to leave Kirtland
          and the State of Ohio. He then went to Missouri. In the year
          1838, in the month of March, in company with a number of
          brethren, myself included, Joseph arrived at Far West, Caldwell
          county, Missouri. We had not the privilege of staying there more
          than for a few months before the cry was raised against Joseph
          Smith, that he was guilty of high treason. This aroused the
          people and the government of the State; and in October,
          thirty-five hundred of the militia of the State of Missouri were
          marched against a few of us in Far West. They succeeded in taking
          Joseph and Hyrum and sixty-five others and putting them in
          prison. When Joseph had his trial, the great accusation against
          him was that he believed in the fulfilment of prophecy--the
          prophecies that had been made by Prophets of old and contained in
          Holy Writ. When Judge King asked Joseph if he believed the
          predictions of Daniel the Prophet, that in the latter-days the
          God of heaven would set up a kingdom which should succeed and
          finally rule and hold dominion over all other kingdoms, Joseph
          replied that he did believe this scripture as well as the rest.
          This was considered treason! Joseph's lawyer turned to Judge King
          and said, "Judge, I think you had better write it down that the
          Bible is high treason," and this was all they found against him.
          But the mob continued until they drove the Latter-day Saints out
          of the State of Missouri. We were told if we remained there the
          people would be upon us. What we were guilty of we did not know,
          only that we believed in the Bible and the fulfilment of
          prophecy, or, in other words, in the literal reading of the word
          of God. They succeeded, after killing many of the latter-day
          Saints--men, women, and children, cruelly massacring them, in
          driving us out of the State to the State of Illinois, where the
          people received us with open arms, especially the inhabitants of
          the city of Quincy; for which kindness the hearts of our people
          who passed through these scenes have ever been lifted to God,
          petitioning for blessings upon them. And they have been blessed.
          We lived in the State of Illinois a few years; and here, as
          elsewhere, persecution overtook us. It came from Missouri,
          centering itself upon Joseph, and fastened itself upon others. We
          lived in Illinois from 1839 to 1844, by which time they again
          succeeded in kindling the spirit of persecution against Joseph
          and the Latter-day Saints. Treason! treason! treason! they cried,
          calling us murderers, thieves, liars, adulterers, and the worst
          people on the earth. And this was done by the priests, those
          pious dispensers of the Christian religion whose charity was
          supposed to be extended to all men, Christian and heathen; they
          were joined by drunkards, gamblers, thieves, liars, in crying
          against the Latter-day Saints. They took Joseph and Hyrum, and as
          a guarantee for their safety, Governor Thomas Ford pledged the
          faith of the State of Illinois. They were imprisoned, on the
          pretense of safe keeping, because the mob was so enraged and
          violent. The Governor left them in the hands of the mob, who
          entered the prison and shot them dead. John Taylor, who is
          present with us to day, was in the prison too, and was also shot,
          and was confined to his bed for several months afterwards. After
          the mob had committed these murders they came upon us and burned
          our houses and our grain. When the brethren would go out to put
          out the fire, the mob would lie concealed under fences, and in
          the darkness of the night, they would shoot them. At last they
          succeeded in driving us from the State of Illinois.
          Three congressmen came in the Fall of 1845, and had a Conference
          with the Twelve and others; they were desirous that we should
          leave the United States. We told them we would do so, we had
          staid long enough with them; we agreed to leave the State of
          Illinois in consequence of that religious prejudice against us
          that we could not stay in peace any longer. These men said the
          people were prejudiced against us. Stephen A. Douglass, one of
          the three had been acquainted with us. He said "I know you, I
          knew Joseph Smith; he was a good man," and this people was a good
          people; but the prejudices of the priests and the ungodly are
          such that, said he, "Gentlemen, you cannot stay here and live in
          peace." We agreed to leave. We completed our Temple far enough to
          give endowments to many. We left Nauvoo in February, 1846. There
          remained behind a few of the very poor, the sick and the aged,
          who suffered again from the violence of the mob: they were
          whipped and beaten, and had their houses burned. We travelled
          west, stopping in places, building settlements, where we left the
          poor who could not travel any further with the company. Exactly
          thirty years to-day, myself, with others, came out of what we
          named Emigration Canon; we crossed the Big and Little mountains,
          and came down the valley about three quarters of a mile south of
          this. We located, and we looked about, and finally we came and
          camped between the two forks of City Creek, one of which ran
          south-west and the other west. Here we planted our standard on
          this Temple block and the one above it; here we pitched our camps
          and determined that here we would settle and stop. Still our
          brethren who tarried by the way were toiling through poverty and
          distress. At one time, I was told, they would have perished from
          starvation, had not the Lord sent quails among them. These birds
          flew against their wagons, and they either killed or stunned
          themselves, and the brethren and sisters gathered them up, which
          furnished them with food for days, until they made their way in
          the wilderness.
          Children, we are the pioneers of this country, with one
          exception, west of the Mississippi river; we established the
          first printing press in every State from here to the Pacific
          Ocean, and we were the first to establish libraries, and the
          first to establish good schools; we were the first to plant out
          orchards and to improve the desert country, making it like the
          garden of Eden.
          I will not prolong this recital; but will ask the children if
          they can now understand why they were born here in this far off
          land? You might just as well have been born in Missouri or
          Illinois, if your parents had been treated as they should have
          been. If let alone to enjoy the rights and liberties in common
          with our fellowmen, we would have beautified the land, made it an
          Eden and adorned it with everything desirable. But we were not
          allowed to stay there to possess the homes we had made; and
          consequently we are here and this has been your birth-place. And
          now that we are here, we are followed by a set of men who are
          ready to re-enact the scenes that we have already passed through.
          But we are now where we can keep and preserve ourselves in the
          possession of our homes and property. They drove us to the
          fastnesses of the Rocky Mountains, and it will be a hard matter
          to dispossess us again; it will prove a job, if undertaken, that
          they would be glad to let out before they get fairly into it. But
          still they are after us; and when you hear of this and that with
          regard to myself, being guilty of this and that wrong; I would
          have you look at those who make these accusations, look at
          certain characters we have and have had in our midst who are
          called ministers of justice, ministers of the law; they are bosom
          companions of thieves, liars and murderers; but the honorable and
          upright they hate because their deeds are evil; and they believe
          they have a mission, but it is a hard one to accomplish.
          You can now understand, my children, why you were born in Utah,
          and not in either Missouri or Illinois. If they had let us alone
          we would have made those lands an Eden, and we would have
          molested or hurt no one. For there are no people that preserve
          the laws of our government as well as the Latter-day Saints.
          Now, permit me to cast one reflection before closing this part of
          my address. You have been reading of the great and alarming
          "uprising of the Mormons!" what a terrible time they are
          experiencing in Utah! etc.
          Wonderful! Wonderful! You have seen your fathers, who are
          farmers, go to their farms, and those who are mechanics, to their
          workshops, and our merchants to their place of business, without
          molesting any person, and what a terrible state of affairs this
          is. You have read, too, in our late papers about the uprising of
          the railroad strikers, which has really taken place; does it not
          seem singular to you why these characters, who are so afraid of
          trouble, do not go east and lend their aid and moral influence to
          quell the riot? You can understand that if we had been let alone
          we would have done justice and preserved the laws. Who pay their
          taxes as well as do the Latter-day Saints? No people. Who honor
          so well the laws of our government? No other people. This is the
          speech that brother George Q. Cannon was expected to have made.
          He wanted me to make it and I have to make the two speeches in
          Now, a few words of counsel to the children. Do you feel,
          children, that you can remain patient and endure my talk a little
          longer? I think you can. A few words of counsel to you, to you
          that understand what I am saying, I hope you will observe what I
          say and remember it, and carry it out in your lives. The first is
          to love the Lord your God with all your hearts. And the next is
          to honor your parents, that your days may be long in the land
          which the Lord your God has given us. Observe, children, and
          hearken. You are taught to worship the Lord, so are the children
          of the Christian world. They have their Sunday schools, and
          churches and meeting-houses, and their ministers and teachers who
          instruct the children. You go to them and ask them if they know
          anything about that Holy Being whom they worship, and whom they
          call God. Not that the comprehension of children is equal to that
          of the aged philosopher, but still you have some understanding.
          Children, when you ask the ministers of Christendom whom they
          worship, they will tell you, "Oh, we worship God?" Who is that
          God? Can you tell us where he lives? The answer is, "No." Can you
          tell us anything about his character? He is a personage without
          any body at all; he has neither body nor parts, he has no head,
          he has no ears, he has no eyes to see, he has no nose to smell,
          no mouth to speak, no arms to handle anything, nor a body to
          which these arms can be attached; he has no legs, he therefore
          cannot walk; and finally they say, to sum him up to our entire
          satisfaction, he is a personage without body, parts or passions.
          Now, little children, can you conceive what kind of a being this
          is? You say, "It's nothing at all." That is just what it is; it
          is a myth; it is nothing to look at, nothing to adore, nothing to
          worship, nothing to admire, nothing to appeal to for help. He has
          no arms to either handle us or our enemies; he has no legs, he
          can neither walk to them nor to us; he has no eyes to behold
          their follies or ours. And this is the god that the Christian
          world worship, and teach their children to worship.
          Now, children, remember this. We teach you that our Father in
          heaven is a personage of tabernacle, just as much as I am who
          stand before you to-day, and he has all the parts and passions of
          a perfect man, and his body is composed of flesh and bones, but
          not of blood. He, therefore, has eyes to see, and his eyes are
          upon all the works of his hands; he has ears, which are open to
          hear the prayers of little children, and he loves you, and knows
          you, for you are all his offspring; and his knowledge of you is
          so minute that, to use the language of the ancients, not a hair
          of your head falls to the ground unnoticed. This is the kind of
          God we worship. Children, call upon him in your childhood and
          youth, for from such as you he has said he will not turn away.
          Ask the Father to protect you; always ask him, in the name of
          Jesus, for his spirit. The youth, the child, those who are
          partially grown, as well as the aged, cease not to call upon God
          with all your hearts. Remember this. Obey your parents, honor
          them and seek to do them good. And parents, seek to honor your
          children; bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the
          Lord. Teach them truth and not error; teach them to love and
          serve God; teach them to believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God
          and the Savior of the world, who is a personage of tabernacle. He
          was to all appearance like other men, and he was the express
          image of the Father. If he were here, to-day, as he appeared at
          Jerusalem, he would pass through this Congregation, and no one
          would suppose but what he was an ordinary stranger visiting us. 
          Children, believe in this character, he is the Savior of the
          world, and the Father has appointed him to act in his exalted
          position. It is not my business nor yours to question the Father
          why he appointed this Jesus to be the Savior of the world. If you
          do not now fully comprehend this, the time will come when you
          will. Remember, too, the great principle of improvement. Learn!
          learn! learn! continue to learn, to study by observation and from
          good books! Listen to the instruction of your parents, and of
          your brethren who hold the holy Priesthood, and they will teach
          you the ways of happiness and of life eternal. If any of you are
          so unfortunate as to have parents who wander into by and
          forbidden paths, and who do things that are wrong, follow not
          after them, but honor them and be kind to them, and teach them by
          example the better way. Study the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the
          Doctrine and Covenants, read the sermons that are published in
          the deseret News, as well as all the standard works of the
          Church. Such reading will afford you instruction and improvement;
          but novels allure the mind and are without profit.
          Little girls, permit me to ask you, Wont you be so kind and so
          good as to take those pins or the india rubber cords out of the
          back of the skirts of your dresses, so that you will look comely.
          They make you look uncomely, to see your dresses drawn around
          you, showing your form. Mothers ought to be ashamed of teaching
          their children such things. Dress your children and yourselves in
          that comely, angelic manner that, were an angel to visit you, you
          would not feel ashamed. I am very pleased to say that there are
          some of our girls, and numbered among them are some of my own,
          whom you could not get to adopt these follies. Ask your mothers,
          then, to make your clothes suitable and becoming; and keep your
          hair smooth and nice. The hair is given to the female for
          adornment; and therefore let the ladies, young and old, adorn
          their heads with their hair. Mothers should study and children
          should study to preserve the skin of the children from being
          ruined by dirt, and the heat of a scorching sun, and to keep
          themselves clean and pure; but children, now remember, study
          those books that teach you the way of life and salvation.
          You see that the infant and the children die. How many of you
          witness the infant lying in its little coffin, and here lie the
          child and the youth; they pass away in death. And again, here are
          the middle-aged, many of them pass away into eternity; the old
          people must die. And the world is but a span.
          Are we going to cease to exist? No, this world is only a
          preparatory place to gain a knowledge of God, that we may be
          prepared to enter into a higher state of existence and glory, and
          grow up unto Christ our living head. Learn the ways of the Lord
          in your youth, and continue therein all the days of your life,
          that you may be prepared for that higher state of glory that
          awaits the faithful children of our God.
          I have said enough to answer my own feelings, for this occasion,
          and perhaps to satisfy you. I say to all, God bless you, my
          children, my little ones. I love you, I am a great lover of
          children and innocence and purity, and I am a hater of iniquity,
          just as much so as the Lord, and perhaps more than I should be. I
          do not know this. I think very frequently, in looking upon the
          actions of men, that I do not have compassion enough; but when I
          see the wolf among the lambs I am after them, to see that they do
          not destroy the lambs. And when you are told that you do not know
          anything about "Mormonism," you may know it is wrong; you know
          something of it every day. I would have given worlds if I could
          have known the truth in my childhood, as I now hear it. I had a
          great desire to know it, and the priests were after me from the
          time I was eight years of age. I was infidel to their creeds, but
          not to the Bible, not to God, not to holiness, but to the creeds
          of the children of men I was infidel, and am to this day. I say,
          God bless you, my children. I give all of you an invitation to
          attend the meetings on the Sabbath day, to hear the preaching and
          to worship God, and to spend the Sabbath day prudently in the
          love and fear of God. Try to adopt in your whole lives that code
          of morals which our religion teaches, and which we urge upon the
          people. God bless you. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Brigham Young, July 19, 1877
                            Brigham Young, July 19, 1877
           Delivered in the Tabernacle, Ogden, at a meeting of the Relief
                      Societies of Weber County, July 19, 1877.
                             (Reported by James Taylor.)
          [The following discourse was delivered by President Brigham
          Young; it was not revised by our respected President, but is
          presented as reported by brother James Taylor, of Ogden.]
          I expected to attend a meeting of the Relief Societies of this
          Stake of Zion to hear reports, and comments from the Presidency,
          the Secretaries, and from those that they would call upon to
          speak. I learn from the President that the calculation was to
          invite the brethren to come here and talk to them, instead of
          their talking to us, and to give them instructions, point out
          their duties, and direct them with regard to their future course
          of life. This we are willing to do, on conditions. Were I to ask
          you if you are willing to comply with those conditions, I have no
          doubt but what you would at once answer me in the affirmative,
          and believe that you would carry out the declaration of your own
          voices, for this would be your mind. The question is, will you
          carry out our instructions? We leave each and every one to
          determine that by their future lives. We hope that the people
          will hearken and by their acts respond to our requests.
          The people called Latter-day Saints say that they wish to know
          and understand how to order their lives before Him when we serve
          and acknowledge as our Father and our God. If I were to give you
          my own feelings with regard to instructions, many of you would
          perhaps consider it egotism; still, I take the liberty of saying
          to these my sisters, if the counsel and instruction that your
          unworthy servant has given to the inhabitants of the earth had
          been obeyed and carried out, I have taught them enough to have
          saved the nations of the earth, and to have made every one of
          them to be Latter-day Saints.
          We are professedly Saints. What is the difference between a Saint
          of God and an angel of God? One is clothed upon with mortality,
          the other has passed through mortality and has received the
          celestial glory of our heavenly Father, and is free from the
          contaminating influences of sin that we have to contend with.
          This is the difference. We ask the question, can mortal beings
          live so that they are worthy of the society of angels? I can
          answer the question for myself--I believe that they can; I am
          sure that they can. But in doing this, they must subdue the sin
          that is within themselves, correct every influence that arises
          within their own hearts that is opposed to the sanctifying
          influences of the grace of God, and purify themselves by their
          faith and by their conduct, so that they are worthy. Then they
          are prepared for the society of angels. To be Saints indeed,
          requires every wrong influence that is within them, as
          individuals, to be subdued, until every evil desire is
          eradicated, and every feeling of their hearts is brought into
          entire subjection to the will of Christ. Now you all believe this
          just as much as I do.
          The first thing I am going to introduce to my sisters is the
          condition of this community. Since I have come into this place I
          understand that you have a great deal of sickness here. "It is
          very warm weather," one says. "A great deal of sickness," says
          another. I want to say to you that warm weather is very healthy
          weather. And I can say still further, with regard to our climate,
          a dry climate is a healthy climate, much more so than where a
          damp miasma arises from swamps and decayed materials, which is so
          frequently the case in low lands, especially in the Mississippi
          Valley, but not so on this western slope. Now I want you to
          understand what I am talking to you--this weather is beautiful
          weather to enjoy health.
          Now I will talk to you mothers. If I were invited to your houses
          to take supper, or breakfast to-morrow morning, if you have it
          within your reach you will have a platter of meat cooked, and
          will put this before your children. They are hungry, and require
          something to satisfy the demands of nature. You place this before
          them, and, if they choose, in our country, they may gorge
          themselves to overflowing. You do not stop to ask them if they
          have eaten sufficient, and ask them now to desist, and eat
          moderately. You will let your children eat green apples and
          berries of any kind; sit down and eat fat meat, if they choose it
          and like it; and fill their systems with swine's flesh which is
          more susceptible of diseases than any other flesh that we eat. It
          is not like fish or fowl. It is susceptible of disease of every
          kind, and will impregnate the system with disease far quicker
          than any other food that we eat. Now, mothers, it is well for you
          to think of these things. I will tell you how you can enjoy
          health. You let your children have a little milk in the morning.
          I would prefer putting it over the fire and boiling it, and put
          one-third water in it, with a little flour and a particle of salt
          to make it palatable. Give them a little bread with it--not soft
          bread, teach your children to eat crust--hard baked bread, that
          the Americans would call stale, but the English would not. Teach
          them to eat this, and go eat sparingly. Instead of drinking
          unhealthy water, boil such water, and let it stand until it is
          cool. If the children are in the least troubled with summer
          complaint, and are weak in their bowels, make a weak composition
          tea, sweeten it with loaf sugar, and put a little nice cream in
          it; and let the children make a practice of drinking composition
          instead of cold water. Mothers, keep the children from eating
          meat; and let them eat vegetables that are fully matured, not
          unripe, and bread that is well baked, not soft. Do not put your
          loaf into the oven with a fire hot enough to burn it before it is
          baked through, but with a slow heat, and let it remain until it
          is perfectly baked; and I would prefer, for my own eating, each
          and every loaf to be no thicker than my two hands--you tell how
          thick they are--and I would want the crust as thick as my hand.
          Now for experience. You see I am creeping up into years; and I
          have been from my boyhood a person of observation. I have many
          and many a time said to children when they begged for the soft
          bread, that was not baked thoroughly, "Look here; you will not
          live very long; you will probably come to a premature grave." I
          have noticed invariably the child that selects the soft bread to
          be a short-lived person. The children that hunt around after the
          crust and eat it, I have noticed endure, live, and continue to
          live on. Have you ever noticed this? I have quite aged sisters
          here; and I am talking to many that have children, grand-children
          and great-grand-children, like myself. Have you ever observed
          this? If you have not I wish you would commence to reflect upon
          You say you are improving. These societies are for the
          improvement of our manners, our dress, our habits, and our
          methods of living. Now, sisters, will you take notice, and
          instruct those who are not here to-day, to adopt this rule--stop
          your children from eating meat, and especially fat meat; let them
          have composition to drink, instead of unhealthy water; let them
          eat a little milk porridge; let them eat sparingly and not
          oppress the stomach so as to create a fever. No matter whether it
          is a child or a middle-aged person, whenever the stomach is
          over-loaded and charged with more than is required it creates a
          fever; this fever creates sickness, until death relieves the
          sufferer. Now the people do not think of this. You ought to have
          thought of it. I have taught this for years and years to the
          people. When we commence to shape our lives according to the
          judgment that is given to us, and we exercise a proper portion of
          thought, and study the laws of life, to know what to give, and
          how to guide and direct our children and ourselves, we shall find
          that the longevity of this people will increase. Although it is a
          fact that the longevity of this people is as great perhaps as
          that of any other people at the present time; yet we shall find
          if we will hearken to the wisdom our Heavenly Father has given
          us, this will increase; and we shall learn at once that we are
          enjoying better health, we shall have a greater amount of
          vitality, and a stronger development of ability, and by
          temperance and moderation lay the foundation for the development
          of the mind. Now, here let me throw in a side remark. I do not
          mean to go without food and go to fasting. This is the other
          extreme. A sufficient amount of food that will agree with the
          stomach is healthy, and should be partaken of. Aged or middle
          aged, youth or children, never should go without food until their
          stomachs are faint, demanding something to sustain their systems,
          and continue to undergo this; for this lays the foundation of
          weakness, and this weakness will tempt disease. But keep the
          stomach in a perfectly healthy condition. Now I do not mean
          fasting, but eating moderately; and if my sisters will go home
          and commence to adopt this rule, you will find that you begin to
          get better, your children and neighbors will get better. We do
          not expect all to be free from sickness. I have had a great deal
          of sickness in my life. I do not expect to be free from the ills,
          the weakness, debility and disease that prey upon the human
          family, but we can amend our ways, and amend our life by being
          prudent; and I wish the sisters to understand this, and to adopt
          these instructions; and if you do not learn before the month of
          July is gone that your sickness has departed, I shall be very
          much disappointed. So much for the health of the people. Will you
          Here are mothers. Who give the key to the nations of the earth
          with regard to their feelings, pride, prejudices; their religion,
          habits and customs, and, I may say, who, in a great degree,
          govern, that lay the foundation for the ability that is exhibited
          among the nations of men? It is the mothers. Who have laid the
          foundations in the hearts of children to prepare them to be great
          and good men? It is not the fathers--it is the mothers. It is
          like the saying of the Savior with regard to the poor. Speaking
          to his disciples, he says: "For the poor always ye have with you,
          but me ye have not always." Now the children are always with the
          mother, and the mother is always with the children, but the
          father they have not. He is in the field, at his work; and the
          mother is all the time making impressions upon the minds of the
          children. Permit me here to say, mothers, and my sisters, you who
          are young, it will do you good if you will only observe it. You
          see, hear and witness a good deal of contention among
          children--some of you do, if not all--and I will give you a few
          words with regard to your future lives, that you may have
          children that are not contentious, not quarrelsome. Always be
          good-natured yourselves is the first step. Never allow yourselves
          to become out of temper and get fretful. Why, mother says, "this
          is a very mischievous little boy or little girl." What do you
          see? That amount of vitality in those little children that they
          cannot be still. If they cannot do anything else they will tip
          over the chair, cut up and pull away at anything to raise a row.
          They are so full of life that they cannot contain themselves; and
          they are something like ourselves--boys. They have so much
          vitality in them that their bones fairly ache with strength. They
          have such an amount of vitality--life, strength and activity,
          that they must dispose of them; and the young ones will contend
          with each other. Do not be out of temper yourselves. Always
          sympathize with them and soothe them. Be mild and pleasant. If
          you see a child with knives and forks, playing with them, it
          might put out its eyes. It will not do to give it a hammer and a
          looking glass. What will you do? I am a person of experience, and
          know to deal with children. If the child has in its hand that
          which it should not have, let the mother or the father, or
          whoever has charge of the child or has the right, take such
          things from it, and put them away where they belong. Now, mother,
          listen to this--never ask a child to give up that which it should
          not have. Step up kindly and put the article where it belongs.
          The child will not say anything. A little circumstance took place
          in Salt Lake City. I had business in a house where I had
          understood there had been considerable trouble occasionally; and
          the mother would not let the father speak to the children, to
          chastise them. I went into the house and talked to the man. The
          lady came in and sat down. I pretty soonsaw a little girl, about
          two years old, with a tip thimble in her mouth, sucking it. I
          went up to the girl, took the thimble from her and put it on the
          mantle shelf. Says I to the mother--"you must not allow the child
          to have this thing; if it should go into the stomach it will
          decay." The man looked at me as if he would faint away. He was a
          large man, but I suppose he never attempted to say such a thing
          to his wife in his life. I said it; and the mother was so
          confounded that she did not say a word; and it would not have
          done her any good if she had. Now, if you will mind this--You
          bring up your children correctly, and teach them those principles
          and habits that are correct, and you will find that you will
          improve very materially in your families. If you find that the
          children are cruel, do not contend with them, soothe them, and
          invite those who through accident have injured a little sister to
          pity her. "You have accidentally hurt your little sister, go and
          kiss her." By taking this course you will have good children, and
          they will not contend with each other. I am talking to you of
          that which I know. I have had an experience in these matters.
          I will relate a little incident that occurred in my own family. A
          little boy about three and a half years old was very ill. His
          mother would feed him bread and milk, or whatever he wished. As
          soon as he could stand by her, every day he wanted his bread and
          milk. Just as soon as he had got what he wanted, he would throw
          up his hand, and away went the basin to the floor. His mother did
          not know what to do. Said I, "If you will do just as I tell you,
          I will tell you what to do. The next time you sit down to feed
          this little boy, when he has got through he will knock the dish
          out of your hand." Said I, "Lean him against the chair, do not
          say one word to him, go to your work, pay no attention to him
          whatever." She did so. The little fellow stood there looked at
          her, watched her; then he would look at the basin and the spoon,
          watch his mother, and look at the basin and spoon again. By and
          by he got down and crept along the floor and climbed up to the
          chair, and then set the basin on the table, and crept until he
          got the spoon and put it on the table. He never tried to knock
          that dish out of her hand again. Now she might have whipped him
          and injured him, as a great many others would have done; but if
          they know what to do, they can correct the child without
          One of the nicest things in the world is to let an enemy alone
          entirely, and it mortifies him to death. If your neighbors talk
          about you, and you think that they do wrong in speaking evil of
          you, do not let them know that you ever heard a word, and conduct
          yourselves as if they always did right, and it will mortify them,
          and they will say, "We'll not try this game any longer." I have
          seen men, and women also, that are never happy until they are
          miserable, and never easy until they are in pain.
          These are little things; but is not the world made up of little
          things? The whole earth is composed of these small atoms of sand.
          Our lives are made up of little, simple circumstances that amount
          to a great deal when they are brought together, and sum up the
          whole life of the man or woman; and yet in our passing from one
          to another our little acts and incidents seem to be very minute
          or simple, but we find that they amount to a great deal.
          Now, sisters, will you learn these things. I want to see the
          children of this people grow as they should; and I want to go a
          little farther with regard to our children. Commence, mothers,
          just as quick as the child is old enough to understand, which is
          quite young. They observe the acts and doings of the mother, and
          whoever is present. From these acts they imbibe their first
          impressions. Now, mothers, do you want your children to be
          Saints, when they are grown up? Do you want your sons and
          daughters to be good and great, and their lives filled up with
          usefulness? "Certainly, with all my heart." Then lay that
          foundation for their future life by teaching each little child
          what it should do. Teach that child honesty, uprightness and
          truthfulness. Never permit a falsehood to be told, nor the color
          of a falsehood without correction. Train that child by your own
          acts and words, from its infancy, so it may imbibe the principle
          in its own heart to be perfectly honest. Teach that child to
          believe in God our Heavenly Father. Teach it to believe, to have
          confidence in Him.
          "Why, he is the author of your lives. Here are your father and
          mother with regard to your natural body." As soon as they can
          understand anything at all, teach them--"Yes, my little child,
          but you have a spirit within you. Were it not for this spirit,
          you would not have life in you. Here are the father and mother of
          your tabernacle; but you have a spirit in you, and the father of
          that spirit is our Heavenly Father, whom we serve as our God. You
          must have implicit confidence in this Being. You must depend upon
          Him always. If you are in danger in the least, you must believe
          in God, and ask Him to rescue you, to preserve you; and your
          faith must be in the name of Him that He has given, whom He calls
          His only begotten son, to die a ransom for our sins." And as soon
          as they can understand, teach them with regard to the original
          sin. Teach them to have implicit confidence in the Father through
          our Lord Jesus Christ; and every time they need wisdom, to ask
          for wisdom, and ask for understanding; and every time they are in
          trouble, ask our Heavenly Father to give them comfort, and they
          will feel joyous instead of grievous, and will feel a buoyant
          feeling, instead of being cast down. Teach the children to pray,
          that when they are large enough to go into the field with their
          father, they may have faith that if they are in danger they will
          be protected. Teach them that those good angels that are
          ministering spirits, and their angels, to guard and defend the
          just and pure watch over them continually. And teach them--I am
          sorry to say there are not many mothers who do teach it--that
          they may grow up with this understanding, that our Heavenly
          Father takes cognizance of all our acts and doings, and of us, as
          individuals, and that His eye is over us, and there is not so
          much as a hair of our heads falls to the ground without the
          notice of our Heavenly Father. Teach them these things and they
          will grow up into this habit. You may call it tradition, but it
          is an excellent one. You can sow the seeds of infidelity and they
          will grow there. Teach the children so that when they go out from
          the presence of their father and mother, God is in all their
          thoughts. Can you come to this understanding, mothers? If I were
          talking to the brethren, I should say no man in this Church has
          the privilege or right to enter into business, or go at anything
          without having God in his thoughts, and asking for guidance and
          direction in all his ways. And I will say to the mothers and
          sisters, now give your children this correct tradition in their
          youth. As I was talking to one of my wives, she said, "Who is
          there that teaches her children these things?" I turned to one
          and said, "There is one of my wives; she has children full of
          faith, because she made it her business to teach them the
          tradition to believe in God the Father, to call upon Him
          continually; and God was in their thoughts from morning until
          evening, all the time they were awake. Says I, "There is the
          woman; she has taught her children." Now I know that mothers can
          teach their children; and they ought to teach them, and this is
          my duty to tell you what to do in this case. Remember to
          traditionate your children in the nurture and admonition of the
          Lord. Teach them as they ought to be taught, that they will have
          faith from their youth up, and the Spirit of the Lord to direct
          them, that they may never lose sight of this faith in Christ, and
          our Heavenly Father; and when they are old they will not depart
          from the good path. I am firm in the faith, and verily believe,
          that if mothers will bring up their children aright, and give
          them that early training that they should have, their children
          will grow up and never depart from the path of rectitude and
          The mothers are the moving instruments in the hands of Providence
          to guide the destinies of nations. Let the mothers of any nations
          teach their children not to make war, the children would grow up
          and never enter into it. Let the mothers teach their children.
          "War, war upon your enemies, yes, war to the hilt!" and they will
          be filled with this spirit. Consequently you see at once what I
          wish to impress upon your mind is, that the mothers are the
          machinery that give zest to the whole man, and guide the
          destinies and lives of men upon the earth. Now, then, I want to
          talk upon other matters. You can do just as you please; you can
          rule this Stake of Zion. Why, here are brother Peery and his two
          Counselors, they cannot move one step unless you say so. You do
          not understand this, do you? Why, all the men in this Stake of
          Zion can go to some other country, but when the ladies say thus
          and so, all the men have to come to the standard. "But, we have
          an independence, you know; and I would not like to pin my destiny
          to any woman's apron string." But you see the force of this
          education, which is forced upon them by the teachings received in
          early childhood.
          Now I want you to guide and direct to our benefit. I want these
          my sisters to take into consideration what we can do with regard
          to sustaining ourselves. Say you, "let us go to work and lay the
          foundation of it." In a great many places there is a foundation
          of it laid out, which is very good. Now, I want you to go to work
          and say, we will make all our head-dresses, we will make all the
          hats that the men need to wear; we have plenty of straw and
          materials, we will do this. "Now you have an object, brother
          Brigham." Yes, I have, more than one object; and the great object
          is to show to our heavenly Father that we have come out from
          Babylon, and are capable of taking care of ourselves. When we
          come to finances, I want the people to be rich, instead of poor.
          The course we are now taking is beggaring the people--running
          into debt for this folly and that folly, and everything that they
          can see. Why, let the merchant come and bring the follies of
          Babylon, we want them immediately. "Why, yes, we can make all the
          straw hats, if you will take them." I will tell you what else I
          want, I want the sisters to say to themselves, and then to their
          daughters, sisters and friend, "We will wear that which we will
          make, or we will wear nothing; we will make what we wear on our
          heads; we will make our own hats and bonnets." Now men, will you
          patronize this? "Yes." Then get your husbands to say, "we will
          not buy one of the hats from these stores, if they bring them by
          the car load." Well, there will be a great deal saved to this
          Stake of Zion; probably more than twenty thousand dollars. Then
          say to your husband, "now, go and build a tannery, that the hides
          that come off our beef cattle, can be made into leather." And
          then, say to your husband, "I want you to understand that I am
          perfectly, absolutely opposed to your course of life, unless you
          make some leather." Then, sisters, go to work and make up this
          leather. The labor is in the shade, and a great deal of this work
          can be done by machinery; but it can be done by hand. We have one
          sister in Salt Lake City, who started twenty-three years ago boot
          and shoe making; she has made herself a little fortune; she has
          plenty to live on; she has worked with her own hands until she
          has accumulated property enough to sustain her. My young sisters,
          instead of sitting continually at the piano and getting the
          consumption, take hold and build up Zion. The first thing is to
          do something for yourselves, and learn to labor; and when one
          thing is done, take up another item, and continue until we
          manufacture every thing that we need here.
          I will say to those who are raising sheep, do not send your wool
          away. Why, it will be said, "a fool and his money are soon
          parted." Save your wool, and send it to the factory. If we want a
          little cotton cloth, we can raise it in the southern country; and
          we could raise some here as well as in some other places. We can
          raise about two gatherings. In the best of the States they will
          gather from three to four. We can raise our cotton in the south,
          and save our wool here. Go to and save your wheat. Tell the
          people of this Stake of Zion not to sell their grain. "We are in
          debt," says one. What brought you in debt? "Oh, I wanted a
          thresher and a mowing machine." Where do you live? How much grass
          have you to cut? "One hundred and fifty acres." How many mowing
          machines have you got? "Only eight." Buy another, and another
          machine, and clothing from the stores that is nothing in the
          world but shoddy, with but enough of wool to hold it
          together--buy these, and buy more than you can pay for. Go into
          debt, and pauperize the whole community, instead of building up
          Zion. I want you to stop. When we are in a position to build up
          ourselves, we are building up Zion. Let us sustain ourselves.
          Well, I may say there are a hundred and one things we have to
          talk about; and as the sisters will give no reports, we will tell
          them what they should do. Now, recollect what I have said to you.
          Go to, from one thing to another to make for ourselves what we
          need. Stop this buying, so that we can have something on hand.
          Another item. I will say to the Presidency of this Stake of Zion,
          if you could take one-fourth the time of the men who are idle
          here and put it on the Temple, and take the other three-fourths
          and go to the Railroad Companies and say, "Gentlemen, we will
          turn you out a hundred hands who will work for one dollar a day,"
          we would have the railroads in our hands, and have every dollar
          that they spend for five hundred miles. We might bring every
          dollar in here, and live within fifty cents on the dollar, and
          save the other fifty cents. How long would it take the men to go
          down to the bed rock, where we were brought up? I can see women
          who, when they were twenty years old, six yards of calico was all
          they asked for for a gown, and that was good enough to wear to
          meeting or to a party; good enough anywhere. If my mother and her
          grandmother got one silk dress, and they lived to a hundred years
          old, it was all that they wanted. I think my grandmother's silk
          dress came down to her children. She put her silk dress on when I
          went to see her. It was, I think, her wedding dress, and she had
          been married some seventy years. 
          Some of the ladies wear a silk dress and say, "Husband, I want
          another silk dress, I have had this four years." Learn to be
          prudent. It is no skill to get money; but, it is a skill to know
          how to preserve it and make it increase, and bring to you an
          abundance to build up Zion, and purchase what we want.
          I wish to say a few words to my sisters in regard to raising
          silk. I would like to talk just enough to have you do something
          in this direction. This is a matter that I have talked upon for a
          great many years. Soon after I first came to the valley, I sat on
          a load of hay in Salt Lake City, and said, "this atmosphere is
          full of silk and all good things; and we will prove it to be one
          of the best places for raising silk." We have proven that we can
          raise it. There are sisters here who can reel it and make it into
          cloth. There is a sister before me with a silk dress on; she
          raised the silk, and made it herself; and I warrant it will wear
          four times as long as any you can buy in the stores. (By
          invitation the sister arose that the congregation might see the
          dress.) I want to encourage you in this industry. If you want a
          little change you can very easily get it by raising silk. Silk
          that we raise here, when it is reeled, is worth from $8 to $14 a
          pound. It is always a cash article, and finds a ready market.
          There is no day in the week or month in the year but what you can
          find a market for silk, and get the money for it. I wish the
          sisters would think of this. A few pounds of silk gives you a
          little money. It is easily raised; where there is a little care
          taken you can preserve the eggs so that you can raise two crops
          of cocoons in a year. There is no trouble to preserve them in our
          ice-houses, until the first are disposed of, and so you can keep
          the crops growing along. You can raise more money than the
          farmers, and beat them in the production of wealth. Take a woman
          with her children, and they will make twice the amount of money
          by raising silk that the man can make with the farm. If you will
          try it you will say it is true.
          If you have not the mulberry trees--I have proffered for years to
          give the trees and if you want a thousand you are welcome to
          them, or a million, I am ready to give them to you. Some twenty
          years ago I sent for mulberry seed. I have raised thousands and
          tens of thousands of trees, and they are in this Territory. I
          have a large cocoonery that I built twelve or fourteen years ago.
          I have given the use of that--a building about 20 x 110 feet, and
          I have given the use of the mulberry trees, and the fruit is
          good. A great many people are fond of the fruit; it is healthy
          for children.
          When you feel disposed to make a little money, go into the
          raising of silk, which is one of the easiest branches of business
          that was ever followed. There is no other work the women can do
          that will yield the same amount of profit. This is a matter that
          I wish you to hearken to. Will you bless yourselves, and do good
          to yourselves? We have plenty of weavers who can take the silk
          and know how to manufacture it; and they will give you all you
          could reasonably ask for it.
          Now let the beauty of your adorning be the work of your hands.
          Will you not, Presidents, ask your Societies to enter into this
          agreement, and go to work and make what you want to wear. Then we
          will appeal to the brethren and say, "Come, let us wear the head
          dresses that our wives and our sisters can make; and it would be
          very healthy for the men if they would wear straw hats winter and
          summer. We would not see so many bald heads as we now see around
          here. Straw hats are perfectly healthy to wear. I have worn them
          through winter; and the only objection I have to them is that
          they are a little too tight and close. Let the sisters go to work
          and make these things.
          Now, sisters, I plead with you to stop these fashions. They are
          nonsense. Brother Carrington has given you a fine detail of them,
          They are miserable looking. I dare not tell you how they look to
          me, and how the vanity looks that is in the minds of the people.
          How long is it since my family said to me of hoops, "They are so
          nice and comely; how would we look if we were to take those hoops
          off? why we should look like the town pump. Would you not be
          ashamed of us?" I am ashamed. I am ashamed to see the tight
          clothes--to see the shape of the ladies. How long is it since the
          sleeves were so loose that you go into a store, and the gentleman
          says, "Are you not going to buy a pair of sleeves?" "O, if I buy
          a pair of sleeves I shall have to have a new dress." "O, I will
          give you a dress." Eighteen yards in the sleeves, and three yards
          in the dress! These foolish fashions, what good do they do? I
          have asked my sisters what they would think if a lady who lives
          in heaven should pay them a visit. Would she come with these
          large sleeves on--a mutton leg sleeve, with dress pulled right
          out in front of her? Now, it is pinned back here. It is very
          unwise. It is nonsense and uncomely. It is the best looking of
          anything in the world when brother Carrington sees his wife in
          her new calico dress. "You look just as you did when I courted
          you." Now there is another fashion. You see a girl with her hair
          clipped off in the front of her head; she looks as though she had
          just come out of a lunatic asylum. The hair is for an ornament.
          You can love a woman with a comely dress on of her own make, just
          as well as though she had on a dress that cost five thousand
          We do not seem to realize that we have to give an account of the
          days we spend in folly, and that we will be found wanting if we
          spend our time foolishly. When you come to the wheat and the fine
          flour, to the gold and the silver and the precious stones, the
          Lord owns them. But what have we? Our time. Spend it as you will.
          Time is given to you; and when this is spent to the best possible
          advantage for promoting truth upon the earth, it is placed to
          your account, and blessed are you; but when we spend our time in
          idleness and folly it will be placed against us. Here is the
          Now, sisters, take hold; do this that we ask you to do. It is for
          your own benefit, and health, and life, and for the comfort of
          the people, and the building up of Zion. And let us go to, and
          establish the Zion of God upon the earth, that we may be prepared
          to enjoy it, which I most earnestly pray for every day, in the
          name of Jesus, Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, July 29, 1877
                             John Taylor, July 29, 1877
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER JOHN TAYLOR,
           Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, July 29, 1877.
                            (Reported by Rudger Clawson.)
          In relation to the great principles of eternal life, as developed
          to us in the word of God, and through the various revelations
          that he continues to give unto us, there are many things that are
          of great importance to the human family. In regard to the ideas,
          theories and notions of men, it would seem that they, in former
          ages, have been of very little avail in thwarting or overturning
          the purposes of the Almighty, nor will they be in these days any
          more efficacious then they have been in the days that have past
          and gone. Before this world rolled into existence, or the morning
          stars sang for joy, He purposed, in his own mind, to accomplish
          certain objects that he had designed in relation to the world in
          which we live, and the inhabitants that dwell thereon. He has
          never swerved, changed or altered his views or opinions in
          relation to this, no matter what our feelings, ideas and theories
          may be concerning these matters. In the organization of the world
          and all creation as it now exists in the various dispensations of
          his providence that have been inducted in the different ages, in
          the manifestation of his will to the human family, he has had one
          design, one purpose, and one set of ideas to accomplish
          pertaining to the whole matter, and everything he intended
          concerning these things will all be accomplished, whether it
          relates to the early history of man, to the middle ages, or, to
          the ages in which we live. There are eternal principles
          associated with God, with his laws, with his Priesthood that are
          as unchanging as the eternal heavens; yea, more so, for the
          heavens may pass away, but the Scriptures say, "His word shall
          not fall to the ground." There is something great and
          comprehensive associated with the plans and purposes of Jehovah
          in connection with the human family, which very few men care to
          take the trouble to investigate or reflect upon; and, as "No man
          can know the things of God, but by the Spirit of God;" and as
          very few place themselves in a position to obtain this spirit,
          the result necessarily is, that there is a large amount of
          ignorance in relation to the things of God and consequently a
          large amount of evil prevailing everywhere and which has existed
          in every age. I suppose, associated with these matters, there is
          a grand overruling destiny, and that it was necessary that this
          set of things should exist. There have always been two grand
          powers in juxtaposition, or rather in opposition to each other.
          There was in the heavens a conflict, and one-third of the angels,
          we are told, were cast out of there. That conflict has existed
          here upon the earth, and will continue to exist for a length of
          time yet to come, until, as we are told, Satan shall be bound.
          The conflict is between right and wrong, between truth and error,
          between God and the spirit of darkness, and the powers of evil
          that are opposed to Him; and these principles have existed in the
          various ages. No sooner was man placed upon the earth, than Satan
          commenced his work and his operations. God, it is true, created
          the world; God, it is true, is the Father and Spirit of all
          flesh; God, it is true, has a right to demand obedience from his
          children, and the observance of the laws he has given unto them;
          but that right has been contested from the very first. Satan
          placed a demurrer in the way immediately, and from the two sons
          of Adam, one of which feared God and the other did not, the
          wicked one killed the righteous, who himself appeared to be
          master of the field under the guidance and direction of Satan,
          and he held this position and this influence for a length of time
          upon the earth, until Seth was introduced to represent Abel, to
          represent God, and also to represent all the principles of truth
          and righteousness; and Satan with his influence and those that
          yielded to him, under the influence of Cain and others associated
          with them that had wrought wickedness, bore sway; and iniquity of
          every kind prevailed, they fought against God and the principles
          of truth and righteousness, and it was then as it is to-day, and
          as it was in the days of Jesus. Says he: "Straight is the gate
          and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that
          find it; while broad is the gate and wide is the way that leadeth
          to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat." It would
          have seemed, at some time, as through the purposes of God were
          thwarted in relation to the organization of the earth and the
          salvation and exaltation of the human family, and it was
          necessary, as has been referred to, on a certain occasion, to
          sweep off the inhabitants of the earth and start anew. "For the
          imagination of the thoughts of the hearts of the people, was only
          evil, and that continually," and they were raising up a people
          that were prepared for wrath and destruction, having power to
          propagate their own species they were doing it and teaching them
          the laws of death instead of the laws of life. God in his mercy
          to those spirits yet unborn, thought proper to sweep them from
          the earth and then commence another state of things under the
          direction of Noah. It was necessary that these opposing
          influences, these contending powers, should be in existence; that
          this antagonism should prevail; that there should be a devil,
          that there should be all the influences associated therewith.
          There was a degree or design of God in relation to the human
          family from the commencement, to save all that were capable of
          it, in the celestial glory. All that were not capable of this, in
          a terrestrial glory, and all that were not capable of receiving
          that, or prepared for it, in a telestial glory. It was necessary,
          according to certain unchangeable and eternal laws, that existed
          with Christ in the eternal world, that man possessing any of
          these glories should be prepared to receive them, or they could
          not inherit them, therefore, it was necessary that man should be
          placed in a state of trial or probation, having to contend with
          evil that he might, through the power of God, and the strength
          that he would give to him, if he was sought unto, that he might,
          through that power, overcome and inherit a celestial glory, and
          dwell with God in his celestial kingdom. For this purpose, he
          gave the priesthood, which is spoken of as being after the order
          of Melchizedek, after the order of the Son of God, and after the
          powers of endless life; which is the power that exits in the
          heavens, and the wisdom and intelligence that dwell with the
          Gods; and is the principle by which the Gods in the heavens and
          men who are under its influence upon the earth are governed. It
          is called in the Scriptures, the "everlasting priesthood, without
          beginning of days or end of years," and that those who have it,
          administer not only in this world, but in the world which is to
          come; and it is the privilege of those who have it, to come, as
          the Scriptures say, "to the general assembly and Church of the
          first born, which are written in heaven, to God the judge of all,
          and to the spirits of just men made perfect, unto Jesus the
          mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that
          speaketh better things than that of Abel." It is this principle
          spoken of in the Scriptures that brings life and immortality to
          light, that enables mankind, when living according to its laws,
          to overcome the powers of darkness, to combat successfully with
          the errors of the world, to triumph over evil of every kind, to
          subdue the world, the flesh and the devil, through the aid,
          guidance, power and spirit of God; to come out triumphant and
          obtain an inheritance which is incorruptible and undefiled, that
          fadeth not away, reserved in the heavens for those that are
          obedient thereto, and live according to its requirements. It is
          in view of this, and of the strength and power and communication
          with God that the Priesthood is imparted to man, and it is that
          which, according to the Scriptures, "brings life and immortality
          to light;" and men in the possession of these principles know and
          understand their relationship to God, unto the eternities that
          were and unto the eternities that are to come, bringing life and
          immortality to light; it chasteth away darkness, confusion,
          mystery and doubt and uncertainty; it draws aside the veil of the
          eternal world, enabling men, who are in possession of it to
          comprehend their standing and relationship to God, to each other,
          to the past, present and future, and to all intelligent beings
          that ever have existed, that now exist, or that will exist; hence
          this principle is given to men to lead them in the paths of life,
          to instruct and prepare them for that celestial glory where God
          the Father dwells, and Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant,
          and those of the holy Priesthood who have lived before in
          different ages, who exist now and who will exist throughout the
          eternities that are to come. It places us in relationship to all
          these beings, and we feel that we are one with God, one with
          Jesus, one with the ancient Apostles, Prophets and Patriarchs,
          one with the men of God that have had the holy Priesthood in the
          different ages of time, and expect to be one with them in the
          eternal worlds. We should also be one in accomplishing the
          purposes of God pertaining to the earth whereon we live. It is
          not easy for men, without a knowledge of these principles, to
          comprehend those things of which I speak, for as I said before,
          and so say the Scriptures--"No man knows the things of God, but
          by the spirit of God;" and the Lord has reveled unto us, through
          very simple methods, the way whereby we can approach unto him.
          Who is there among men, with all their wisdom and intelligence,
          that can comprehend God? Who understands his laws and his
          doctrines? Who knows anything about his purposes and designs?
          Why, it is as high as the heavens, it is deeper than hell, it is
          as wide as the expanse of the universe, it circumscribes all
          subjects, and comprehends all intelligence. Who knows it? Nobody,
          but those who are enlightened by the spirit of revelation that
          proceeds from God. How did men in former times obtain a knowledge
          of these things? By obedience to the laws of God, by submitting
          to his authority, by taking up their cross and following him, and
          by searching diligently to obtain a knowledge of his laws.
          We read a little about Abraham, as given to us in his history.
          What does he say about himself? "I, Abraham, having been a
          follower of righteousness, desiring also to be one who possessed
          great knowledge, and to be a greater follower of righteousness,
          and to possess a greater knowledge, and to be a father of many
          nations, a prince of peace, and desiring to receive instructions,
          and to keep the commandments of God, I became a rightful heir, a
          high priest, holding the right belonging to the fathers. It was
          conferred upon me from the fathers from the beginning of time;
          even from the beginning or before the foundations of the earth,
          to the present time; even the right of the first-born, or the
          first man, who is Adam, or first father, through the fathers unto
          me. I sought for mine appointment unto the Priesthood, according
          to the appointment of God unto the fathers concerning the seed."
          We read in the revelations given unto us by Joseph Smith, that he
          was ordained by Melchizedek, and the Bible tells us that he was
          blessed of Melchizedek; and Paul in speaking of Abraham and
          Melchizedek, says: "The less is blessed of the greater," and
          that, although Abraham was a great man, and had great
          intelligence, great knowledge and many communications from God,
          that Melchizedek was yet greater than he, and had more
          intelligence, and knew more of God. What is the result? Why, the
          Lord gave to him the Urim and Thummim, whereby he was enabled to
          inquire of the law of God. What law?" The same principles that
          existed in that day were the same that existed in the days when
          Jesus came upon the earth. Jesus says, that "Abraham saw my day,
          and was glad." The Apostle tells us that "God foresaw that he
          would justify the heathen through faith, and preached before the
          Gospel unto Abraham." Then Abraham had the Gospel, and a
          knowledge of the laws of God. Life and immortality are brought to
          light where the Gospel exists, and he had it; hence it brought
          him to God, and the Lord revealed himself unto him and told him,
          that in blessing, he would bless him, and in multiplying, he
          would multiply him, and in him and in his seed all the families
          of the earth should be blessed. There was something very
          remarkable about these things, something that shows a
          determination on his part to do the will of God, to obey his laws
          and keep his commandments, and to carry out his purposes and
          designs, so far as he was able to do it. Among other things he
          said: "I desire to be a follower of righteousness, and to have
          more righteousness. Then I desire that I may be a prince of peace
          and a father of nations." He sought this at the hand of God, and
          God promised him that in him and in his seed all the families of
          the earth should be blessed. But did he give it to him? He did.
          Did he fulfil his word to him? He did. Who were Moses and Aaron?
          Moses led the children of Israel, under the guidance and
          direction of the Almighty, with a mighty hand and stretched-out
          arm, and delivered them from the hands of the Egyptians. Who were
          they? They were the descendants of Abraham. Who were the old
          Prophets we read of in the Bible here? They were the descendants
          of Abraham? Who was Jesus? A descendant of Abraham. Who were the
          Twelve Apostles? They were the descendants of Abraham. Who were
          the seventy that existed in those days? They were the descendants
          of Abraham. What were they told to do? To damn mankind? No. What?
          To go and preach the Gospel to all the world, to lift up a banner
          of life and salvation to the nations, and call upon them to
          repent. Who were the Nephites that came to this continent? Lehi,
          Lemuel, Nephi, etc. Who were they? They were descendants of
          Abraham. Who were the Twelve Apostles that were on this
          continent? They were descendants of Abraham. What was their
          mission? It was to preach the glad tidings of salvation to the
          people, which they did. Who was Joseph Smith? We are told in a
          revelation in relation to him, that his name should be Joseph,
          and that he should be the son of Joseph, who was a descendant of
          that Joseph who went into Egypt. God saw proper to reveal unto
          him the ancient records of the people that lived on this
          continent, as a descendant of Abraham, and what was his message
          to the people? "Go ye unto all the world and preach the Gospel to
          every creature; he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved,
          and he that believeth not shall be damned." Has this message been
          communicated? It has to a very great extent. There are around me
          and before me, men who have traveled thousands and hundreds of
          thousands of miles, without purse or scrip, as they did formerly,
          trusting to the help of the lord, in the midst of contumely and
          reproach, to proclaim the glad tidings of salvation to a fallen
          world. Have they done it? They have so far as it was in their
          power, and they have continued to do it up to the present day.
          Will they accomplish the work that was designed of the Almighty?
          They will. Will the Zion of our God be built up? It will, and I
          prophesy it in the name of Jesus Christ. Will the kingdom of God
          roll on? It will. No power on this side of hell or in hell can
          stop it. God is at the helm, and I know it, and his work will
          roll forth and continue to roll until the kingdoms of this world
          shall become the kingdom of our God and his Christ, and he will
          reign forever and forever. The Priesthood in this day are
          assisted by the Priesthood that existed in former days, who lived
          and operated and withdrew, and are operating with Him. These are
          things that many people reflect very little upon, but they are
          nevertheless true.
          Who was it that appeared with Jesus when he was transfigured upon
          the Mount with Peter, James, and John? Moses and Elias. Who were
          Moses and Elias? Prophets who had existed before, and still
          continue to exist, and to administer on the earth as well as in
          the heavens. How was it of John the Baptist? I speak of these
          things particularly for the information of those who may be
          present who are not acquainted with our revelations, and,
          perhaps, in many instances not much acquainted with the Bible.
          But John, we are told, when on the Isle of Patmos, had great,
          important, and glorious visions presented to him. There was a
          glorious personage who stood before him, and he was about to fall
          down and worship him. But says he, do not worship me. Why! who
          are you? I am one of thy fellow servants, the Prophets that have
          kept the testimony of Jesus Christ, and the word of God; worship
          God, says he, do not worship me. I am one of those that, perhaps,
          wandered about in sheep skins and goat skins, dwelling in deserts
          and dens and caves of the earth, of whom the world is not worthy;
          but I have been exalted, and glorified as you now see me, and I
          have come to administer to you. Who was it that administered to
          Joseph Smith? Moroni and Nephi, men who had lived upon this
          continent. Who from the other continent? John the Baptist for
          one; Peter, James, and John for others; Moses and Elias again for
          others, who revealed certain principles that God designed they
          should reveal, and imparted unto him the powers of the Priesthood
          which existed in the heavens, that it might be again conferred
          upon men on the earth, and that the blessings of the everlasting
          Gospel might be again restored.
          We have been organizing Stakes of Zion for a length of time, and
          placing things in order under the direction of President Young
          and Council. What order is that? The order given by the
          revelations of God for the guidance of his people, not of man nor
          by men, but by the will of God: a pattern of things in the
          heavenly world. That is the thing that is now being introduced
          here among the Saints. Why are we building Temples here? Because
          it is part of our mission. Elias was to come to turn the hearts
          of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to
          the fathers, lest, say the Scriptures, I come and smite the earth
          with a curse. In this is the wisdom of God made manifest, and the
          power of God displayed. In this he shows as he has represented in
          the revelations that he would show, that the wisdom of God was
          greater than the cunning of the Devil, for those that Satan
          thought he had destroyed, that were cast into prison, Jesus went
          and delivered, and preached unto those spirits in prison who
          sometime were disobedient in the days of Noah. Again, in relation
          to the position that we occupy here upon the earth. We are
          gathered to Mount Zion. We are spoken of as being saviors. "
          Saviors shall stand upon Mount Zion, and the kingdom shall be the
          Lord's." How can men be saviors unless they save somebody? That
          would be a matter of impossibility; hence we go to work and build
          our Temples. Why? That we may carry out that mission that Elias
          came about, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
          and the hearts of the children to the fathers; that our fathers,
          who have lived without the Gospel, and without the light of truth
          thereof, that we may administer for them in these Temples, and be
          baptised for them, as the Scriptures say: "If the dead rise not,
          why are ye baptised for the dead?" and "Why," says the Apostle,
          "stand ye in jeopardy every hour?" We go to work then and build
          Temples, and is this message that we have come upon a message of
          terror, trouble, misery, and confusion? No. It is a message of
          life to the people.
          God told his disciples to go to the ends of the earth; and, says
          he, "I will go with you, and mine angels shall go before you, and
          my spirit shall accompany you." Has it been so? It has. It has.
          Whence comes our gathering? Because we are introduced into a
          Gospel of gathering, because we are living in a gathering
          dispensation, because that is one of the dispensations that
          existed in former days, and has been restored in the latter days
          wherever this Gospel is preached, that spirit accompanies it. You
          cannot prevent it. Go and preach to the people, baptise them, lay
          hands upon them for the reception of the Holy Ghost, and the
          first thing that exists among the people is the feeling to go to
          Zion. A feeling of that kind universally prevails. Where did it
          come from? It comes through the administering of Elijah to Joseph
          Smith, and through the things that he imparted to him, and is one
          of the dispensations which is embodied in the dispensation of the
          fullness of times; hence, say the Scriptures, "I will take them,
          one of a city and two of a family, and bring them to Zion." What
          do you with them there? "I will give them pastors after my own
          heart, and shall feed them with knowledge and understanding." Our
          mission is not a mission of death, it is a mission of mercy and
          As has been remarked, whom have we injured? Whose life or
          liberties have we interfered with? Are we the enemies of mankind
          because we tell them the truth? If God has spoken, and has
          certain purposes to accomplish, can we hinder him? No. If we obey
          his will, we must be subject to the inconveniences resulting
          therefrom. We go forth in the name of Israel's God, trusting in
          him, "bearing precious seed, and returning again bringing our
          sheaves with us." Well, what then? Those who are being taught and
          instructed, are sent out again. To whom? Why, as saviors to their
          own people, and then our nation, as elders in Israel, to proclaim
          the unsearchable riches of Christ unto the nations, and gather
          out all who are honest and willing to obey the truth. What then?
          Then they return again. Then go to work and build Temples, and
          then administer in them. "I will take them," say the Scriptures,
          "One of a city and two of a family, and bring them to Zion, and
          they shall be saviors there;" hence we have representatives here
          from among the different nations of the earth. We are building
          Temples. What for? For ourselves? Yes, for our fathers, mothers,
          uncles, aunts, friends, associates, and ancestry. Yes, for
          thousands and tens of thousands of others. That is what we are
          doing. We have built one Temple down at St. George; we are
          building another here; we are building another in Sanpete, and
          another in Cache Valley. Well now then how do we act as saviors?
          We first build Temples; we then go in and administer in them, and
          do for others what they cannot do for themselves. We become,
          then, saviors in that respect here upon Mount Zion; and hence the
          nations of the earth have their representatives here, who are
          representing those different nations in the Temples of the Lord
          of Lords. Well, what next? How are we assisted in this? By all
          the intelligences that have lived before us. Could we have
          stemmed the amount of opposition and overcome the evils with
          which we have been surrounded if there had not been an invisible
          power sustaining us? We could not. But all the Priesthood that
          have existed before, with God and Jesus at the head, are on our
          side and assisting us; and he is all the time crying, "Touch not
          mine anointed, do my prophets no harm." He still cries the same.
          They are operating in the heavens while we are operating on the
          earth; "They without us cannot be made perfect, and we without
          them cannot be made perfect." It needs a grand controlling power
          associating and uniting the heavens with the earth; uniting them
          together in indissoluble bonds that cannot be broken. Uniting
          them together in one grand phalanx for the accomplishment of the
          purposes of God. When Satan thought he had got the inhabitants of
          the whole world, did God give them up? No! No!! When Jesus "Was
          put to death in the flesh, he was quickened by the spirit, by
          which he went and preached to the spirits in prison that were
          sometime disobedient in the days of Noah." When men have been
          destroyed and nations led into iniquity and overcome, are all
          going to be lost and destroyed? No. God has introduced a plan
          whereby all that have lived upon the earth, that are worthy in
          any respect or honorable, and all that have desired to do right,
          who have lived without the Gospel, shall yet have the privilege
          of it, and they shall be baptised for, according to a certain
          order that God has indicated in relation to these matters to his
          Priesthood here upon this earth; and will God be thwarted? No. He
          will accomplish his designs, and the earth, by and by, will be
          purged from iniquity; and Zion will grow and increase and spread,
          and no power can hinder it, for God is at the helm, and he will
          guide and direct all things according to the counsel of his own
          Are we the enemies of mankind? No. We are their friends. No men
          living ever exhibited more friendship to the world than we have.
          I have travelled thousands of miles, and hundreds of thousands,
          as President Young and many brethren around me have, thousands
          and thousands of miles without purse or scrip, without hope of
          earthly reward, to carry forth those principles that we knew God
          had revealed for the salvation of the human family, and we know
          it to-day. I know these things are true. I know that God has
          spoken. I know that the heavens have been opened. I know that the
          truth of God has been revealed, and I bear record of it before
          this people, before God, angels, and men. I know of what I speak,
          and therefore testify of it in the name of Israel's God. I call
          upon men everywhere to repent and be baptised in the name of
          Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and they shall receive
          the Holy Ghost. I call upon the Latter-day Saints to be one, and
          to be united in temporal and spiritual things, to seek after God
          that they may learn of Him and His laws; then shall your light
          shine like the sun, and then shall Zion rise and shine, and the
          glory of God rest upon her, and the power of God be made manifest
          among his people. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Daniel
          H. Wells, August 18, 1877
                          Daniel H. Wells, August 18, 1877
               Delivered at a Special Conference held at Brigham City,
                       on Saturday Afternoon, August 18, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          I discover it is here, as it is in other places through the
          Territory which we have visited, that there is an increase, a
          strengthening of the Stakes of Zion. The prophecy which refers to
          the strengthening of the stakes and the lengthening of the cords
          of Zion is continually being fulfilled in the efforts made in
          this direction by the Latter-day Saints. In the world's history
          some of the greatest events that have taken place, in their
          inception attracted but little of the notice or attention of the
          children of men. The coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
          was known to but few people who then dwelt upon the face of the
          earth; and yet it was the greatest event in the history of the
          world. The coming forth of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon,
          and the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
          Saints, attracted but little of the attention of the masses. Of
          course it was considered of the greatest importance by the few,
          but in the course of time we shall see in this land of Zion the
          assembling of millions. Methinks I sometimes hear the sound of
          their footsteps approaching; and when they come they will be for
          Zion, for God and His kingdom, and they will sustain and uphold
          the holy and righteous principles of eternal truth which have
          been revealed, and the institutions of Heaven which our Father
          has established in this day and age of the world. And God's
          purposes will be accomplished with triumph, for victory will
          crown the efforts of the Lord and his people.
          In our day we are permitted to witness the occurring of some of
          the greatest events that have ever transpired since the days of
          Adam upon the earth. The ushering in of this great and glorious
          work of the last days, the coming forth of the Gospel to the
          nations of the earth, and the assembling of the people, the
          gathering together to sustain these principles, and carry out the
          work of the Lord, to bring to pass His great and glorious
          purposes and establish His kingdom in the earth, as he shall lead
          forth, guide, and direct from time to time. It is the great and
          glorious kingdom of our God that shall stand for ever. In these
          things we are co-workers with the Lord our Father in Heaven, so
          far as we will let Him work with us, for He stands at the helm,
          He guides the ship, directing the affairs of the whole earth, as
          well as those of His covenant people. It has come forth in the
          in regard to this matter. I suppose the Lord knew and understood
          the time of bringing to pass, and commencing to bring to pass His
          purposes in the earth in regard to His kingdom, as well as, and
          no doubt a little better than, anybody else, and He also knew
          there were those living upon the earth who would receive it when
          He should reveal it unto them. All these events have their times
          and seasons. I expect He knew also that in the days of Jesus the
          world would be accepted by but few--yea, that it would be
          trampled out by the wicked who would gain the ascendancy; and
          that the Priesthood and authority thereof would be received back
          again to the heavens, there to remain until the times of
          restitution should set in, which times it is our happy privilege
          to live in. This is the commencement of the restitution; the
          Gospel has come again, but never more to be taken from the earth.
          It is now to be sustained and upheld, to grow, to increase and
          multiply and become mighty and powerful, and the way prepared for
          the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, who will rule from the
          rivers to the ends of the earth.
          We do not fully realize, my brethren and sisters, that this work
          in which we are engaged is the kingdom, the government of God if
          you please, handed down to the children of men, with all its
          officers. A people, a kingdom surrounded with all the elements
          necessary for the advancement and prosperity of the people of the
          kingdom; the government being established here in the earth, men,
          women, and children under the government of Heaven are sustaining
          and upholding and carrying it forward, with the power and might
          with which the God of Heaven endows them; seeking to establish
          the principles of truth and virtue upon His earth, here in the
          period of time in which it was to come forth--the set time to
          favor Israel. A stripling came forth with the message from
          Heaven, leading out, guiding, and directing the affairs of the
          kingdom as they were made manifest to him by the Lord from time
          to time, until it has grown to become a great people. It has gone
          forth and continued to grow until we find it as it is this day
          here in these valleys of the mountains--with a people dwelling in
          a hundred towns, cities, and settlements. Poor people? Yes, in
          the majority of cases; I might say in all cases. Poor people,
          laboring people, who have come here, a good many of them, without
          anything excepting their hands to obtain a subsistence; all poor
          alike, very little difference, to find an inheritance. I do not
          suppose that a parallel can be found since the God of Heaven gave
          Israel their inheritance in the land of Palestine. We see many
          people who have received inheritances; poor people that had
          nothing of this world's goods have received inheritances and been
          blessed in a temporal point of view. I presume and believe that
          President Brigham Young has done more to obtain inheritances for
          the people, the poor among men, in the last thirty years than all
          the emigrating and philanthropic societies in the world, putting
          them all together, existing at the present time. I do not think
          it has been equalled since the days of Israel, when Palestine was
          divided out and given to the sons of Jacob. If it has I have no
          knowledge of it, and I read a good deal.
          It is said "in that day"--looking forward to the day in which we
          live--that the "poor among men should rejoice in the holy one of
          Israel." Is this being literally fulfilled? Yes, it is. We have
          demonstrated this fact, we have fulfilled it and are fulfilling
          it all the time. It is one of the signs of the latter times, when
          the Gospel is preached to the poor. What is the Gospel to the
          poor? It is the power of God unto salvation. Cannot we see the
          power of God demonstrated to the salvation of the poor among men,
          that lifts them out of the poverty in which they have been
          brought up, and places them in a land where they can get
          inheritances both for themselves and their posterity? Then most
          assuredly this Gospel is the power of God to the salvation of all
          such at least. It has proven itself the power of God to this
          whole community, not even President Young himself excepted. We
          came here stripped of everything, as the poor among men; we can
          now lift up our hearts and rejoice in God who has wrought out His
          salvation, temporal as well as spiritual. We were brought here to
          these valleys of the mountains, a land held in reserve by Him,
          where He can plant the feet of His Saints and strengthen Israel.
          Has he done it? Witness ye this day! Here in this little nook and
          corner, a place passed by, by the traveller who journeys over the
          great highway, almost unnoticed. Yet in this little place the
          children were strung along the sidewalk greeting our coming, from
          the railroad depot to the bridge, a distance of half a mile. One
          would not suppose there were so many in the whole country round.
          Here we behold the results of the emigration from the heavens, as
          well as that from the various nations of the earth, a grand
          assembling of the Saints of the Most High. What for? Without a
          purpose or design? No, not by any means. The God of Heaven, our
          Father, never planted a single individual upon the earth without
          a purpose and design. Well would it be for us to find out that
          purpose and design concerning us, and then truly live to it and
          fulfil it, that our existence upon this earth might be
          accomplished, that our existence here might not be a failure,
          that we might return to our Father and receive that welcome
          plaudit, "Well done, good and faithful servants."
          He has given us the opportunity of filling the full measure of
          our creation with credit to ourselves and honor to His name. And
          this can be done simply by living our religion, the religion of
          Heaven. He is inviting everybody who will to come and partake of
          the waters of life freely, without money and without price. And
          yet it will cost you all you have; but then there is one thing
          also to be thought of: you did not have much when you commenced.
          Those who have riches are the last to receive the Gospel. They do
          not see anything to rejoice over in the revealed will of God to
          man upon the earth. If they do, they are so full of the cares and
          love of the world that the good seed is chocked by the weeds that
          grow up around them, so that they cannot attend to it, and place
          for the word is not found in their hearts.
          It is the poor who receive the words of truth, who are the most
          ready to do the will of God. When John sent one of his disciples
          to the Savior to ask Him if He was the Son of God, etc., He said
          tell John--"The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the
          lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up and
          the poor have the Gospel preached to them." That is the sign he
          gave to John. It seems that even he was in some little doubt
          concerning the divinity of Jesus' mission. The Gospel is preached
          to the poor; it is also preached to the rich so far as they will
          receive it, but they will not hear it. "O, (say they) go your
          way, we do not want anything to do with it or with you." This is
          what they say to the Elder who bears the message of life and
          salvation to the children of men. It is among the poor they find
          the readiest access. And such are the ones that the Lord can use
          to bring to pass his purposes; they are the ones who need
          redemption, and who feel that they need it, and who obtain it.
          Feeling their dependence upon Him, they appreciate the great
          good, the blessing that God is pouring out upon them from time to
          time; they realize that it is he who is doing this work for them.
          But they could not arrogate to themselves this honor, inasmuch as
          they know that they are, merely instruments in our Father's hands
          of establishing his kingdom. The rich if they attempted to
          perform this work would go forth in their own power; they would
          say I have done it; it is I who have accomplished this great
          work." They would not acknowledge God in all things, nor give the
          honor to whom it really belongs, for who does not know that they
          themselves only exist by God's power and beneficence? But how is
          it that while the great majority feel and realize these things,
          there are many who very soon arrogate to themselves greatness and
          power, and think that they have accomplished great things, and
          that the Lord can scarcely get along without them; I wonder
          sometimes how he did happen to get along before they were born. I
          have seen a great many of this character. You know those who get
          fat quickly are very apt to kick.
          What is there to hinder the blessings of heaven flowing to this
          people to the full extent of their hearts desire? I do not know
          of any reason, unless we are not prepared and worthy to receive
          it, and make a wise and proper use of it when it does come. How
          many do you believe there are in Israel to-day who, if the wealth
          of the world were turned towards them, would not consign it to
          the hands of the devil about as fast as the Lord handed it to
          them? Do you know that I believe there are a good many; our
          experience teaches us there are a good many, because they part
          with it just as fast as it comes to them. I will say that no
          Latter-day Saint has any right to dispose of the blessings that
          God bestows upon him; he has no right to bestow his patronage
          upon the outside world, and especially upon those who are in the
          midst of Israel, whose interests are separate and apart from
          ours. It only fosters an agency in our midst calculated to
          undermine the faith of the Latter-day Saints; it nourishes a
          viper in our midst; a power that is calculated to lead astray the
          young and unthinking. I said a Latter-day Saint had no right to
          dispose of the blessings that God bestows upon him; they are not
          given to us for any such purpose. What are they given us for? To
          strengthen the Zion of God upon the earth, not to destroy it; to
          send forth the Gospel to all nations, to build Temples to God's
          holy name, wherein those who are faithful may receive the
          blessings of time and eternity for themselves and their dead;
          they are given to us to sustain and uphold righteous principles,
          and the institutions of heaven; to gather the poor from afar, who
          are seeking to be delivered from a state of bondage, to come up
          and participate in the blessings you and I enjoy in these
          mountains. And so when the Lord finds out that he has a people
          who will be thus zealous of good works, who will make a good use
          of the wealth of the world, so fast and so soon will the kingdom
          be delivered to the Saints in greatness and power.
          It cannot be given any sooner, and should not be if it could.
          Then if we want to see advancement and progress, let us be
          diligent and faithful over the few things committed to our trust,
          using them for God and for his kingdom, and not distribute them
          to the wicked, nor sift our ways to strangers, nor to those who
          know not God, and who give no heed to the principles of truth he
          has established in the earth. It is suicidal in the highest
          degree for the Latter-day Saints to take such a course, and it is
          treasonable against the Government to which we have sworn
          allegiance. There is a warfare, but who institutes it? The Devil;
          he is against the authority of the holy Priesthood, seeking to
          trample it from off the face of the earth. What do the Latter-day
          Saints do? Nothing, only stand in their own defence, contending
          inch by inch for the right. The Adversary is found all the day
          long seeking to overthrow us, his agents are continually making
          their insidious approaches to undermine the faith of the Saints,
          and destroy the authority of the holy Priesthood, their aim and
          object being to drive it from the earth as they did anciently.
          Then for the Saints to give aid to those who would destroy them,
          by giving them our patronage, even the means that God has placed
          in our possession! Yes, we do it all the day long, we are doing
          it continually. The people here in Brigham City not so much
          perhaps as in other places. You have a better order of things I
          presume; yet it is done more or less everywhere. Supposing for
          instance, nations at war with each other should find any of their
          citizens giving comfort and aid to the enemy, giving munitions
          for war, rendering service or information, or betraying any trust
          whatever, such person would be strung up for treason. This is the
          law among the nations; and why should it be counted anything less
          than treason for those who have sworn allegiance to the
          government of Heaven to be found giving their patronage to the
          enemy. I tell you in the name of the Lord, you cannot do it with
          impunity; such acts will be counted against you, no matter who
          you are, and you will have to meet it! It behooves the Latter-day
          Saints, above all people upon the face of the earth, to stand
          shoulder to shoulder, presenting an unbroken phalanx for the
          enemy to meet, a phalanx that they cannot penetrate or destroy.
          It is our duty to God and to one another to fortify our walls of
          defence. How? By living our religion, by sustaining through our
          faith, integrity, and good works the government which the God of
          heaven has so kindly bestowed upon us. There is necessity enough
          for this government to be established in the earth. There was no
          rallying point in all the earth for the Saints, until the Lord
          revealed the truth. But now there is a rallying point, and the
          people are gathering to it. What for? To pull it down? No! but to
          uphold it, to keep it and to hold it, unfurling its banner to the
          mountain breezes, and in the strength of Israel's God to stand by
          and defend it! To stand by and sustain each other in all good
          works, not to seek to pull each other down; but to put down sin
          and iniquity, and trample it out of our midst, sustaining purity
          and upholding and maintaining righteousness, and God and his
          kingdom forever. Let the wicked howl; heed them not! What matters
          though we are unpopular; Jesus and his disciples were unpopular
          in their day; but our Savior passed the ordeals. Have we any
          ordeals to pass? Not many. We have more or less difficulties to
          encounter it is true, which is all right, in fact it is the only
          way we can be tested. If we "fly the track" the moment a
          difficulty presents itself, what good are we? Where is our
          integrity? It is given unto us to overcome every difficulty and
          continue on our way rejoicing, having our hearts fixed like a
          flint on the prize before us; yes, no matter what devil stands in
          our way to prevent our onward march, or to beckon us this way or
          that way, let us not be moved either by fear or temptation, but
          exclaim like one of old, "As for me and my house, we will serve
          the Lord!" Let us all, young and old, make our resolves, and then
          live to our resolutions, notwithstanding the inducements and
          allurements the evil one may bring to bear to prevent us walking
          in the strait and narrow way.
          The Gospel incorporates everything calculated to do any good
          whatever, and it is the power of God unto salvation both here and
          hereafter; and you will not find any real pleasure or salvation
          outside of it. Now remember that! Both the old and the young can
          find suitable and satisfactory enjoyments within the purview and
          elements of the Gospel. Real enjoyment is such as can be
          participated in without offending the Lord. There is no enjoyment
          in taking a course calculated to injure and offend Deity. There
          is no real enjoyment in the intoxicating cup, it brings misery
          instead of joy. And so are all these things that are used to
          their abuse. The Gospel teaches us better things, a better way;
          and still it furnishes us everything necessary for our pastime
          and for our encouragement to go forward in the path that leads to
          honor and renown in time and eternity.
          There is a great work to be done! The Lord has designed to
          accomplish a mighty work through the instrumentality of his
          children who do and will exist upon the earth. It is through this
          means he does accomplish his purposes; he always has and I expect
          he always will. The redemption of our dead friends, of our
          progenitors who never knew the Gospel; the resurrection of the
          dead to come forth clothed in immortality and eternal lives, will
          all be brought about through the Gospel. What, all the human
          family? Yes, pretty nearly all. It is a great undertaking; the
          Lord is susceptible to great undertakings. He undertook to people
          this earth with spirits that were begotten in heaven and who
          dwelt in his presence. Consider that undertaking for a moment,
          and perhaps it will be found to be as vast as our comprehension
          is of the redemption of the dead and the accomplishment of the
          resurrection of the dead. He is capable of great enterprises of
          this kind. And just as sure as he brought forth man upon this
          earth, organizing it for them to dwell upon, so sure will he
          bring them forth again in the resurrection. I do not know that
          one is greater than the other; however he is capable of
          accomplishing all. I have heard people talk about the utter
          impossibility of bringing about the resurrection of the dead. We
          read there is nothing impossible with God. I am quite sure of it
          in this respect. We see how natural, how easy it is to bring
          forth the great work of peopling the earth; and I see no reason
          why the other should not be just as easy for him to do as this
          seems to us. He has all time and eternity at his command; the
          heavens are full of days, and the work will continue onward when
          you and I rest and sleep in the dust. There is something to be
          done, we have the opportunity and blessed privilege of laboring
          in the cause; and it is well for us if we do it while the day
          lasts, for "behold the night cometh wherein no man can work."
          Therefore we should be diligent in the performance of our duties,
          divesting ourselves of the errors and traditions we have imbibed,
          and which are in opposition to truth and righteousness according
          to the revelations of Jesus made known to us in this our day and
          generation. We should control ourselves; our passions are given
          to us for a good and wise purpose, not to be our masters, not to
          be given way to, allowing ourselves to quarrel, to speak harsh
          and unkind words and to mistreat our wives and children as some
          do. Our passions are implanted within us to give strength and
          energy of character, to serve a good and wise purpose; and it is
          expected that we hold them in proper subjection, instead of
          allowing them to master us. No man is able to control or is fit
          to govern, even a family, unless he can govern and control
          Let us give heed to the requirements of heaven, and perform them
          regardless of the consequences, trusting in God who will sustain
          even to the death. If we have to meet obstacles, what of it?
          "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him," let this be the
          word in the heart and mind of every man and woman before the
          Lord. Because we know he is the wise giver of all good things,
          the wise controller of all events who does all things well. Let
          us put our trust in him, and go forward in the righteousness of
          the God of our salvation, in the performance of the work allotted
          to us his Saints upon the earth. If we do this and endure
          faithful to the end, great will be our reward; and great is our
          reward as we pass along. It brings peace of mind in the assurance
          that we are doing the Lord's will, and taking that course which
          is pleasing unto him.
          That the Lord may add his blessing unto us while we sojourn in
          the earth, and at last save us in his kingdom is my prayer, in
          the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Brigham Young, August 19, 1877
                           Brigham Young, August 19, 1877
          Delivered at a Special Conference Held in Brigham City, Box Elder
            County, for the Purpose of Organizing a State of Zion in Said
                    County, on Sunday Afternoon, August 19, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          Previous to attending to the business to be presented to the
          congregation this afternoon, I feel to exhort the Latter-day
          Saints before me to try to realize the sacredness of the
          ordinance that is now being administered to them, which was
          introduced by our Savior, that his disciples might witness to the
          Father that they were truly his followers. On the last time that
          our Lord met with his disciples, previous to his being betrayed,
          he administered to them the sacrament. Instead of eating as at
          other times, he took the bread and blessed and brake it and gave
          to his disciples, saying to them that he should require of them
          to meet together to break bread in remembrance of his body, that
          would suffer for them and for the sins of the world. So when he
          had blessed and broken the bread, he administered the same to
          them, saying, "take, eat; this is my body." When his disciples
          had eaten, he then took the cup of wine and gave thanks, and gave
          it to them, saying, "Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of
          the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of
          sins." He came here to redeem fallen man, he being the heir of
          the family that receive bodies on this earth, that they, through
          obedience to his requirements and commandments and the ordinances
          of his house; may be sanctified and prepared to return unto the
          presence of the Father and there sit down with Jesus, where he
          will administer to them again in fulfillment of his saying to
          them, "I will not drink, henceforth of this fruit of the vine,
          until the day when I drink it anew, with you, in my Father's
          I would exhort my brethren and sisters to receive this ordinance
          every Sabbath, when they meet together, as is our practice; not
          following the customs of others, for with some denominations this
          is administered once a month, with others once in three month,
          with others never, they not believing in outward ordinances. This
          is the way with the Christian sects; they teach that portion of
          the Bible which seemeth right unto them and add such doctrines,
          views and opinions as suit their own creeds.
          We are in the habit of partaking of the contents of the cup each
          Sabbath when we meet together, and I do pray you my brethren and
          sisters to contemplate this ordinance thoroughly, and seek unto
          the Lord with all your hearts that you may obtain the promised
          blessings by obedience to it. Teach its observance to your
          children; impress upon them its necessity. its observance is as
          necessary to our salvation as any other of the ordinances and
          commandments that have been instituted in order that the people
          may be sanctified, that Jesus may bless them and give unto them
          his spirit, and guide and direct them that they may secure unto
          themselves life eternal. Impress the sacredness of this important
          ordinance upon the minds of your children. Many of you who are
          aged, have witnessed the strength and power of tradition, whether
          it be correct or false. The power of tradition upon the minds of
          the inhabitants of the earth is most potent, I might say it is
          almost almighty. We know the way of life, we have the keys of
          life in our possession; and if we do not take the pains to train
          our children, to teach and instruct them concerning these
          revealed truths, the condemnation will be upon us, as parents, or
          at least in a great measure. We do not want this sin to rest upon
          us; we want the people, each and every one to understand their
          duty and then discharge that duty fearlessly, without favor or
          hope of earthly reward, having in view the doing of the Father's
          will alone and the receiving of the heavenly reward.
          Let me here call the special attention of the mothers to what I
          am going to say: If you mothers will live your religion, then in
          the love and fear of God teach your children constantly and
          thoroughly in the way of life and salvation, training them up in
          the way they should go, when they are old they will not depart
          from it. I promise you this, it is as true as the shining sun, it
          is an eternal truth. In this duty we fail; we do not bring up our
          children in the way they should go, or there would be no turning
          away, wandering here and there from the society of the Saints. We
          let our children do too much as they have a mind to; if they want
          this or that their wishes must be gratified; if they want to go
          here or there, the mother, in very many instances, is too ready
          to urge upon the father directly or indirectly, the necessity of
          accommodating the young mind to the path of folly.
          By some it is very well understood that in the days of ancient
          Israel while in the land of Palestine they were not blessed so
          profusely as we are with the crystal streams from the mountains.
          They were in the habit of drinking a great deal of wine, and
          among the few who have continued to inhabit that land, this habit
          I believe has been kept up to the present time. It is a wine
          country. But the Lord has said to us it mattereth not what we
          partake of when we administer the cup to the people, inasmuch as
          we do it with an eye single to the glory of God; it is then
          acceptable to him. Consequently we use water as though it were
          wine; for we are commanded to drink not of wine for this sacred
          purpose except it be made by our own hands.
          In some of our wards and settlements the administering of the
          sacrament has been introduced in the Sunday schools. It is very
          pleasing and gratifying to the spirit that I possess, for the
          parents to see that their children attend Sunday school and
          receive the proper instruction with regard to their faith. After
          the Sunday school is over, let the parents take the pains to
          bring their children to meeting. This would be very pleasing to
          me. An idea seems to have gone abroad among the parents, and
          consequently descends to the children, that when the little ones
          have been to Sunday school, the remainder of the day is for them
          to enjoy themselves the best way they can. No more duties, no
          more obligations to attend meeting. They have been to the Sunday
          school and the mothers and probably the fathers think this is
          sufficient. But if we do our duty, each and every one of us, and
          as communities, and perform the duties required of us, we will
          see that our children attended all the preaching meetings and
          meetings for instruction, which it is proper for them to attend,
          where they, as well as the parents can be taught pertaining to
          God and to his religion on the earth, for the salvation of the
          human family. If my brethren and sisters will accept of this
          exhortation and try to carry it out in their lives, my heart will
          say to them, "God bless you, peace be with you, love be
          multiplied upon you.
          We will now attend to the business before us pertaining to the
          organization of this Stake of Zion in this county of Box Elder.
          When the people are fully organized we shall expect them strictly
          to attend to the duties devolving upon them. Brother Franklin D.
          Richards, in his remarks has drawn out the thread of the
          organization of the Priesthood and the duties devolving upon the
          Bishops and upon the Priests, Teachers and Deacons in advancing
          the faith of the Gospel and seeing that there is no iniquity
          among the people. We expect this will be carried out. There are
          many things wherein the people will need instructing, they will
          receive these instructions from time to time, adding instruction
          to instruction with regard to the faith, ordinances and
          commandments of the house of God; our faith in the religion we
          possess or hope to possess, and in the faith we should possess in
          the name of our Savior and through him in the Father. And we
          expect to see an exhibition thereof that will be brighter, that
          will be more beautiful, more permanent and lasting throughout all
          the organizations of the Stakes of Zion, that we have heretofore
          seen. We have a multitude of traditions to overcome, and when
          this people called Latter-day Saints will be free from these
          traditions, so that they can take hold of the Gospel and build up
          the kingdom according to the pattern, I am not able to say; but I
          hope the time will soon come. I can say I am encouraged, I think
          there is an improvement, I can perceive a growth in the knowledge
          of God among the Latter-day Saints. And yet I see many old
          members of the Church, fathers in the Church and kingdom of God,
          of long standing, who have been teachers and have been taught,
          and have exercised themselves in the different duties of the
          Priesthood, and also in municipal affairs among this people, to
          direct, to counsel; and yet they seem to have no brightness
          within them concerning the Priesthood; no knowledge with regard
          to the dealings of God with his children. We see this; but still
          on the whole there is an increase of faith, of knowledge, of
          wisdom, of understanding. When we get to understand all
          knowledge, all wisdom, that it is necessary for us to understand
          in the flesh, we will be like clay in the hands of the potter,
          willing to be moulded and fashioned according to the will of him
          who has called us to this great and glorious work, of purifying
          ourselves and our fellow-beings, and of preparing the nations of
          the earth for the glory that awaits them through obedience. Here
          is mystery, here are the hidden mysteries that God has reserved
          for the latter times, and they are coming forth; the work we have
          upon us is an immense one, it is great, powerful and divine; it
          is an almighty work. And with regard to the conduct of this
          people--if an angel should come here and speak his feelings as
          plainly as I do, I think he would say, "O, Latter-day Saints! why
          don't you see, why don't you open your eyes and behold the great
          work resting upon you and that you have entered into? You are
          blind, you are stupid, you are in the dark, in the midst and fog,
          wandering to and fro like the boat upon the water without sail,
          rudder or oar; and you know not whither you are going." But we
          run first this way, and then that way, turning here and turning
          there, strewing our ways to strangers and doing that which we
          should not do. I will refer to a little incident.
          I used to travel this road running through here several times
          during the season. I recollect, not many years ago, there was a
          little gold found in Montana. The inhabitants of Utah, called
          Latter-day Saints, took everything that the Lord caused the earth
          to bring forth that they could pack in their wagons, and carried
          it away to those who would not even speak a good word for them.
          Brother Staines referred to and relates facts to us yesterday. He
          told us that there were a great many people in these mountains,
          and a great many had been here, who had become acquainted with
          this people, whom they acknowledged to be an industrious and
          honest people; that some had said to him they would rather trust
          themselves with the people of Utah than any other community,
          feeling safer with them. But when the hue and cry was raised that
          the "Mormons" were rising against the law, and against the rules
          and regulations and all that is good pertaining to the society of
          this great republic and were in open rebellion, where could be
          found the man to open his mouth or to write a word saying, "This
          is false, it is not true." Did you find or hear of any such men?
          But very few, and they will be blessed for so doing. Are we at
          all astonished at the silence of the great majority under such
          circumstances? No. It has always been so; it is so now, and will
          continue to be so; for there is no union, no affiliation, no
          fellowship between Christ and Baal. Baal will fight the Savior,
          the enemy will fight against the law of God, and he will never
          give up the contest until he is taken and bound and cast into
          "the bottomless pit." And these honorable men, these good men who
          with their families have received the blessings from the hands of
          this people; those to whom we have given our substance, our flour
          and breadstuffs, our money and whatever we had, were there any of
          them who opened their mouths in justification of the innocent,
          the pure and good, and denounced the falsehoods and the slanders
          of those that raised the cry against us? If there were any I do
          not know it. But they say to the liars, "lie on about those
          "Mormons,' we like to hear it." Whilst on the other hand these
          Latter-day Saints are giving everything that the Lord bestows
          upon them just as fast as they receive it; not resting satisfied
          until they hand everything over to the laps and hands of our
          enemies. A great many will say, "But we are not your enemies. Why
          then do you not speak out and tell the truth about us?
          Regarding the brethren carrying their substance north to Montana,
          I will say I knew a man who undertook to head off all this, by
          trying to organize the Elders of Israel into a society to raise
          an influence by which they might control the northern market; but
          no, they rebelled against it. But what I was going to mention, go
          into the northern settlements, and you would see the wagons by
          hundreds and thousands hauling off the provisions to those who
          would never speak a word in our favor. Yes, we are generous
          enough to feed them, and clothe them, and give them money. And
          then, when the enemy would raise persecution against the
          Latter-day Saints, they can sit and laugh at it. All the
          merchants among us we have made rich. Do you know of any that
          brought money here? If you do, you know more than I do, and I
          think I am as well acquainted with them as any one. Who brought
          capital here and spent that capital? They came here poor, and
          made their capital, but they never lifted their voice in behalf
          of any one; but they laugh and sheer around the corner and in
          their sleeve when they see the storm of trouble coming upon the
          Latter-day Saints. I will not tell their doom, they will find it
          out quick enough; a good many have found it already. Our
          persecutors too who die, and they keep dying, their end is
          sorrow, both priests and people.
          There is a good deal of money spent; I know of one man who spent
          many thousands of dollars trying to organize the Elders in such a
          manner that they could hold the control of the market. But no.
          Wild as the deer upon the mountains, running by day and by night,
          oft-times under the shades of night, to get away from this and
          other towns, lugging off the blessings that God had poured into
          their laps. We have counseled the people to save their grain.
          Supposing we had a few million bushels of grain on hand, would it
          do us any hurt? To say the least, we certainly might as well have
          kept it, for we got nothing for it; we did not even pay for the
          transportation of our substance.
          Will famine come? Yes! Will plagues come? Yes! Will distress come
          upon the nations? Yes, and upon this nation, and that, too,
          before a great while. When they made war upon us some eighteen
          years ago, how it pleased and tickled the masses who thought that
          now destruction was to overtake the Latter-day Saints. I told
          many, and sent word to Congress saying, that it would prove the
          opening wedge for the struggle of war between the North and
          South. But some gentlemen took the liberty of saying, time after
          time, "No, no, that cannot be." Said I, "It will be so, and I
          tell it to you in the name of Israel's God." And when the press
          delight in publishing such falsehoods about the Latter-day Saints
          as they have done, and the people delight to read them, you will
          see real trouble crop out in and among themselves. Is there power
          enough in the Federal Government to put down mobocracy. No! And
          it is a truth that they whom the Lord makes weak are weak indeed;
          and those whom the Lord makes strong are strong indeed. Strength
          was given to the North in the last struggle, and the South
          suffered extremely. But the time will come when the North will be
          weaker than the South was, and they will have no power to muster
          their forces against the tide of folly that will come upon them,
          that they bring upon themselves, and they themselves must receive
          the results.
          But say the Latter-day Saints, "How are we living?" If you were
          to hear an angel talk to you, and tell just what he sees and
          understands, you would say, that is as sharp preaching as brother
          Brigham's; his words are sharper than brother Brigham's. And they
          would be. And still we are improving a little; but oh! what
          improvement we have yet to make in order to acquire such victory
          over ourselves as to bring ourselves into perfect subjection to
          the law of Christ. Let us take heed, and teach our children by
          precept and example to love and serve the Lord. What a glorious
          sight was presented to us yesterday on our arrival at your depot,
          to witness the hosts of children that lined the side walks. You
          have here in this little city the buds, the beginning of a
          nation. Be careful my brethren and my sisters how you conduct
          yourselves. See that you bring yourselves in subjection to the
          law of Christ, and then teach your children in the spirit of love
          and affection the way of life, so that they will not stray away
          from you, becoming heady and high-minded, wandering after the
          foolish fashions of the world, the pleasures of the world; but
          let them make their delight in that which is virtuous and true,
          for this is more pleasurable than all the vanities of the world.
          Real wisdom is real pleasure; real wisdom, prudence, and
          understanding, is real comfort.
          (The Presidency of the Stake were then unanimously
          elected--namely, Oliver G. Snow as President, and Elijah A. Box
          and Isaac Smith as his counselors, who also received their
          ordinations. Elder William Box was ordained a Patriarch. The
          names of the members of the High Council were presented, and that
          of the President of the High Priests' Quorum, together with the
          names of the Bishops of the several Wards, all of which were
          unanimously sustained. The President then continued:)
          I have a few words to say to the Latter-day Saints concerning
          these young men we have called to preside over the people of this
          Stake of Zion. They are young--they have not the experience that
          older men have; but if they do not possess more wisdom than a
          good many of our old experienced men, I am sorry. There are a
          good many that do not profit by the experience they have got,
          they do not know how to do so. I want to tell you the reason why
          we have made the selection of brother Oliver G. Snow to preside
          here. He is the son of brother Lorenzo Snow, who has hitherto
          presided here. By appointing brother Oliver to this position, I
          think he will be under his father's care, and where he can get
          the wisdom his father possesses. And I will say to the credit of
          the people here, they have done well. And brother Lorenzo Snow,
          who has had charge of you, has set the best example for the
          literal building up of the kingdom of God of any of our presiding
          Elders. There is one man in the South who I think will come up to
          this standard, and continue on. But brother Snow has led the
          people and guided them and counseled them in the way that they
          should go, apparently without their knowing anything about it,
          until he got them into the harness; and I like this very much.
          Our motive is to make every man and woman to know just as much as
          we do; this is the plan of the Gospel, and this is what I would
          like to do. I would like all the Latter-day Saints to come up to
          this standard, and know as much as I do, and then just as much
          more as they can learn, and if they can get ahead of me, all
          right. I can then have the privilege of following after them. If
          they keep up close to me, so that they will understand as I do
          the workings of the Spirit, they will do a good deal better than
          they do now. But the beauty and excellency of the wisdom that God
          has revealed to us is to fill everybody with wisdom, bringing
          them up to the highest standard of knowledge and wisdom,
          purifying us and preparing us to enter into the highest state of
          glory, knowledge and power, that we may become fit associates of
          the Gods and be prepared to dwell with them. This I say is the
          beauty and glory of the great knowledge that God has revealed
          unto the Latter-day Saints. You may ask in what particular? In
          every particular. For the knowledge men possess of every science,
          every art, every study there is, and every branch of mechanism
          known to men, they are indebted to the Lord. True men may have
          been taught it by his fellow man and he may have discovered much
          himself; but all originated with God our Heavenly Father, through
          his agents to the children of men. The faith and philosophy of
          our religion comprehends all things, believes all things, hopes
          all things, and I wish I was able to say a little better than I
          am, endures all things. But we must endure all things that we
          cannot help, enduring patiently until we are counted worthy to be
          I want to say this with regard to brother Oliver G. Snow;
          virtually we leave brother Lorenzo to overlook you. Can you
          understand this? If you cannot you cannot see as I do. Brother
          Snow has exhibited splendid talent in what he has done towards
          making this people self-sustaining. Shall I give you my ideas in
          brief with regard to business and business transactions. Here for
          instance is a business man, a merchant, comes to our
          neighborhood, with a stock of goods; he sells them at from two to
          ten hundred per cent above what they cost. As a matter of course
          he soon becomes wealthy, and after a time he will be called a
          millionaire, when perhaps he was not worth a dollar when he
          commenced to trade. You will hear many say of such a person, what
          a nice man he is, and what a great financier he is! My feeling of
          such a man is he is a great cheat, a deceiver, a liar! He imposes
          on the people, he takes that which does not belong to him, and is
          a living monument of falsehood. Such a man is not a financier!
          The financier is he that brings the lumber from the Canyons and
          shapes it for the use of his fellow man, employing mechanics and
          laborers to produce from the elements and the crude material
          everything necessary for the sustenance and comfort of man; one
          who builds tanneries to work up the hides instead of letting them
          rot and waste or be sent out of the country to be made into
          leather and then brought back in the shape of boots and shoes;
          and that can take the wool, the furs and straw and convert the
          same into cloth, into hats and bonnets, and that will plant out
          mulberry trees and raise the silk, and thus give employment to
          men, women and children, as you have commenced to do here,
          bringing the elements into successful use for the benefit of man,
          and reclaiming a barren wilderness, converting it into a fruitful
          field, making it to blossom as the rose; such a man I would call
          a financier, a benefactor of his fellow man. But the great
          majority of men who have amassed great wealth have done it at the
          expense of their fellows, on the principle that the doctors, the
          lawyers and the merchants acquire theirs. Such men are
          impositions on the community, and they ought to be taken and put
          to some honorable labor such as raising potatoes, raising grain,
          cattle and sheep, and performing other useful and necessary
          labors for the good of mankind. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Erastus Snow, September 9, 1877
                           Erastus Snow, September 9, 1877
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ERASTUS SNOW,
              Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday,
                                 September 9, 1877.
                            (Reported by Rudger Clawson.)
          While Elder Richards was addressing us, a certain Scripture
          presented itself somewhat forcibly to my mind, that I will call
          attention to, as an illustration of the difference existing
          between us at the present time, and the condition, feelings and
          spirit of the Apostles and disciples of Christ at the time of His
          The students of the Bible are aware how the feelings and faith of
          the disciples anciently centered in Christ, with the expectation
          that he was at that time to restore Israel to the possession of
          their promised inheritances, and establish himself upon the
          Throne of David for ever, and that the kingdom which he came to
          establish, was not only to be spiritual but also temporal in its
          character. And notwithstanding the many plain sayings of the
          Savior, pointing at his death and his resurrection, and the work
          He came to perform for the redemption of man, there seemed to be
          a veil over their hearts that they comprehended it only in part.
          When He was taken and crucified, that veil still covered their
          minds. Notwithstanding that on the morning of His resurrection,
          the holy women reported to His disciples that they had seen Him
          and that He was verily risen, they could not seem to sense it.
          When two of their number traveled out into the country the same
          day, Jesus overtook them, and they knew him not, and they related
          to Him what had happened, adding that they had expected that He
          was the one who should have redeemed Israel. Then He began to
          expound unto them the Scriptures, and show unto them that it was
          necessary for Christ thus to suffer, to fulfill the words of the
          Prophets. Yet even these two, after hearing Him and his
          explanation of the Scriptures, returned and reported to the rest
          of the disciples what they had seen and heard, and even these
          could not dispel the doubts from the hearts of the disciples or
          take off the veil from their minds. Still they hesitated; still
          the vision of their minds was not fully open to comprehend the
          true nature and character of His mission and their own true
          calling. Finally, after a day or two, and the depth of their
          grief and mourning began to subside a little, Peter says to his
          brethren: I propose to go a fishing. John says, I go with you;
          and so one after another they who had followed the occupation of
          fishermen before they were called to be Apostles, concluded they
          would turn again to their former occupation and go fishing. They
          tried it, but the Lord did not bless them in their labors. They
          toiled all night, but the fish would not come, and they caught
          nothing. In the morning a voice called to them from the sea side,
          saying, "Children have ye any meat," and they answered Him,
          "none." Now, said He, "cast your net over on the other side of
          the ship." They cast their net on the other side of the ship,
          straightway, and their net was full of fish, so much so that they
          could not bring it into the ship, and they were under the
          necessity of rowing to shore and drawing the net after them. But
          about this time, a thought penetrated Peter's heart that this was
          very much like the many deeds of Jesus; this was like one of
          Jesus' miracles, and straightway he cast a look toward the shore
          and exclaimed to his brethren, "Truly it is the Lord." Then his
          faith and hope revived, and such joy filled his bosom that the
          impetuosity of his nature led him to leave the ship; he could not
          wait its progress to the shore but plunged into the sea, to meet
          his Lord. You remember what followed; Jesus knew they were
          hungry, and had breakfast prepared for them; he did not wait for
          their seine of fish to be brought ashore and cooked, but when
          they arrived he had it cooked, and the fish ready, and he invited
          them to sit down to breakfast with him. No one durst ask him who
          he was for by this time, God had opened their eyes and they knew
          him. You remember the peaceful yet keen rebuke administered to
          Peter on the occasion, because he had forsaken the injunctions
          that he had previously received, and the commandment that had
          been given unto him, and turned his attention again to his
          fishing. After they had filled themselves with the fish and
          cakes, Jesus asked him: "Simon Peter, son of Jonas, lovest thou
          me more than these?" pointing to his fish. "Yes, Lord, thou
          knowest I love thee." "Then feed my lambs." Again the Lord says,
          "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?" "Yes, Lord, thou knowest I
          love thee." "Then feed my sheep." Again, the third time, Jesus
          asked, "Simon Peter, lovest thou me more than these?" Peter was
          grieved because the Lord asked the same question with renewed
          earnestness the third time, as if he doubted his assurance, and
          said, "Yes, Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest I love
          Thee." Jesus saith unto him, "Feed my sheep. Now you have tried
          your hand at fishing, Peter, and you see that when the Lord was
          not with you, you caught nothing. I called you from your fishing
          in the beginning, and said to you henceforth to leave your nets,
          and I would make you fishers of men." This reproof sufficed Peter
          the rest of his life. We have no account of his ever wishing to
          go fishing again, at least not to neglect the flock of Christ.
          In the epistle which Peter wrote to his brethren in the latter
          end of his life, he refers very delicately to that period of his
          career, when as he says, in his own words, "We buried our hope
          with Christ, but thanks be unto God that it is renewed again by
          the resurrection of our Lord from the dead." The hope they had
          cherished seemed to have been lost when they buried him, but it
          was renewed again unto them by the resurrection of the Lord from
          the dead, and by his ministrations among them during a period of
          forty days after his resurrection, showing himself repeatedly and
          giving them instruction, telling them, at the same time, "not
          until I have departed from you will the Holy Ghost come upon you
          and endow you with power from on high, revealing all things unto
          you which the Father hath prepared; but if I go away the
          Comforter will come, and he will guide you into all truth and
          show you things to come. 
          It is interesting to reflect upon and contemplate the influences
          and surroundings of the early disciples and the manner in which
          the Father performed his works in their midst and after the
          resurrection of the Savior; how their eyes were opened to see and
          comprehend the true nature and character of his mission upon the
          earth; the true nature of his kingdom, and the work which he was
          sent to perform, in which they were his helpers and fellow
          workers; called and ordained to the holy Apostleship, to be his
          witnesses in all the earth, to bear witness of him and baptize
          those who believed in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy
          Ghost, teaching them to observe all things which he had commanded
          them. It seemed wise in the providences of God to conceal it,
          measurably, from their minds until after his resurrection from
          the dead. His last entrance into Jerusalem, when he rode upon the
          foal of an ass, and the believers spread their garments and palm
          branches in his pathway, for him to ride upon in token of the
          great esteem and respect they cherished for him, and their
          assurance that he had come in the name of the Lord, to establish
          the Throne of David and redeem Israel from the oppression of the
          Gentiles and the bondage that was upon their necks as a people;
          and they cried "Hosannah, blessed is he that cometh in the name
          of the Lord," while some of the over-righteous ones or those who
          thought they were making too much ado about him were rather
          inclined to rebuke them and asked Jesus to rebuke them and tell
          them to be quiet. His answer was, "If these should hold their
          peace the very stones will cry out," as much as to say, it is the
          Father in them that is crying. It was the promptings and
          inspiration of the Almighty that were moving the hearts of the
          people to call the attention of all Judea and Jerusalem, and all
          the people around about, that their eyes might see and their ears
          might hear and all the people know him who cometh in the name of
          the Lord, riding upon the foal of an ass, according to the
          predictions of the ancient Prophets. He would not rebuke them,
          but let the spirit flow; let their mouths utter praise; let them
          show their respect; let them show their respect, and do honor to
          him whom the Father had sent. And all this that when he should
          suffer, and the curtain should drop, and he should be executed,
          the Lord should cause the sun to be darkened, and the earth to
          quake, and the vail of the Temple to rend, that all Israel might
          have a testimony and an assurance that the Son of God was
          Those who are familiar with the early history of the Latter-day
          Saints, with the life, career and death of the Prophet Joseph
          Smith, with the scenes that surrounded the people at that time,
          and the mighty strides that he seemed to take in the last years
          of his life; the force with which he seemed to push forward the
          work that was upon him, and the feeling that hurried him forward
          to confer upon the Apostles and a few others the keys of the
          Priesthood and the Holy Endowments, which God had revealed unto
          him, and his efforts to set in order all things pertaining to the
          Priesthood; also his communication on the powers and policy of
          the Government of the United States, and the purposes of God
          concerning them, putting his name before the people as a
          candidate for the Presidency of the United States, and the
          recommendations which he made to save them from the civil war
          that has since overtaken them, the results of the slavery
          question, that was agitating the nation, all these great and
          important subjects were kept prominently before the people, and
          while the Elders and people of Israel labored diligently to carry
          out his teachings and execute his plans and designs, he stepped
          behind the vail almost as suddenly and unexpectedly, to the
          people, as did Jesus when he was crucified. I repeat, it was
          almost as sudden and unexpected to the vast body of this people
          as the crucifixion of Jesus was to his disciples, who were
          looking for him to be placed upon the throne of his father David,
          to rule and reign over the House of Israel.
          The Apostles of this dispensation did not, however, leave the
          work of the ministry to which they had been called, and go a
          fishing; but there were some in Israel who seemed to have buried
          their hope with the Prophet Joseph. And it has been said of some
          that they died with him; and though they continued to live years
          after, yet their faith and hope seemed to have died with him. Not
          so with President Brigham Young, and the Apostles that were with
          him. They were mostly abroad ministering in their calling, but
          two or three of them were at home. Among the latter number was
          Elder John Taylor, who is with us to-day, as you who are familiar
          with the early history of those times are aware. He and Elder
          Willard Richards were with the Prophet Joseph and Hyrum, in
          person, when they were assassinated, and John Taylor received
          four balls. The rest of the Twelve were abroad attending to their
          ministry, holding Conferences in various parts of the country,
          nor did they leave those labors and turn again to their former
          occupations as did Peter and his brethren. A profound sensation
          was produced among all the Latter-day Saints throughout the
          world, and among their enemies, many of whom loudly condemned the
          shocking manner in which their death was accomplished. Time will
          not permit, nor does it appear to me a suitable time to dwell
          upon it; but great was the impression produced throughout the
          land. Deep was the sorrow and mourning, and the query arose in
          the minds of many, what shall be the result of these things?
          Especially among that class whose hopes seemed to have been
          buried with him, whose faith seemed to have been centred in him;
          who did not look beyond him.
          But the response of the Spirit to those whose faith centred in
          God was this: The Prophet Joseph has organized the quorums, has
          set in order the Priesthood, and conferred the keys and powers
          thereof upon his brethren, and said to the Twelve Apostles, "Upon
          your shoulders shall rest the burden of this kingdom, to bear it
          off in all the world. The Lord is going to let me rest." His
          words were before the people, and in the hearts of those who were
          living and walking in the light of the Holy Ghost, whose faith
          reached beyond the Prophet Joseph, and looked to the source from
          whence he received his power and influence.
          We have often heard our late President, Brigham Young, who was
          President of the Twelve Apostles by seniority, and who had been
          placed there by the voice of his brethren, to preside over his
          quorum, which had also been confirmed by the Lord, say that he
          was attending a Conference in Petersboro, New Hampshire, when he
          heard of the Prophet's death. The query arose in his mind: Where
          now rests those keys of the holy Priesthood which the Prophet
          Joseph received and revealed unto us? Where now on this side of
          the vail are those keys deposited? The answer came to him by the
          Holy Spirit resting upon him with a power and influence and
          peaceful assurance which caused him to bring his hand to his
          thigh with the utterance, "They are here. They are here!" The
          voice of his brethren responded, and the echo reverberated not
          only among the Apostles, but among the Seventies, the High
          Priests, the Elders, Bishops, Teachers, Deacons, and all the
          people. They are here, with brother Brigham, with his brethren
          the Apostles, who have been called and charged by the Prophet
          Joseph with the duties and responsibilities of bearing off this
          kingdom and building it up, and setting in order and regulating
          the affairs thereof in all the world. This revelation of the
          Spirit to our beloved President, Brigham Young, on that occasion,
          and which also rested upon his brethren, and was diffused among
          all the people and responded to with such universal voice,
          sentiment and feelings, was not a fresh call, a new revelation,
          but it was bringing to their minds one previously given,
          refreshing their minds and understanding in the word of the Lord
          that had been spoken unto them through the Prophet Joseph
          himself, making more fully and clearly than ever, those words
          that had been previously spoken to them, the charge that he gave
          to them to bear off the work which now rested upon their
          shoulders. From that day until the present time has this
          revelation been clear and prominent before the people, and in
          their hearts, and in the mouth of President Brigham Young. How
          often has he said, "Joseph is still my leader; he is still my
          President; he still bears the keys before me. I am still
          following after him to carry out his counsel, to accomplish the
          work of which he laid the foundation, under God. I am still as he
          appointed, and Apostle to bear off this kingdom, to bear witness
          of the work which God by him did accomplish, and to carry it
          forward by the power of God and the help of my brethren and
          fellow laborers, and I am still an Apostle and President of the
          Twelve Apostles."
          But the Lord signifies to me that these Quorums of the Priesthood
          shall go forward in their respective spheres of labor, and as one
          passes beyond the vail, following his file leader, the next
          Apostle will follow after, treading, as it were, in his
          footsteps, to bear off this kingdom. The work is of God and not
          of man, and no number of martyrdoms or death, and no amount of
          persecution nor slaying of the Lord's anointed, can put a stop to
          it. How often we have heard it proclaimed that the keys of the
          Apostleship, which had been committed to men on the earth,
          together with all the keys of the Holy Endowments, and every
          blessing which the Lord has provided and promised to men in the
          flesh, are placed within our reach through the keys of this
          Priesthood, and that this Apostleship will continue upon the
          earth until it has accomplished that which the Lord has ordained
          and appointed, and until Israel shall be gathered, and the people
          be prepared for his second coming, and that, if one passes beyond
          the vail, another follows in his footsteps, and if persecution
          rage, and many witnesses of the Lord are slain, still he will
          preserve witnesses upon the earth, with the keys of that ministry
          and Apostleship to bear off the kingdom triumphantly, and fulfill
          and accomplish all that the Lord has predicted. These utterances
          have often been made in our hearing, within the last thirty-three
          years, since the death of the Prophet Joseph, and have become
          household words with those who have been alive to their calling
          and duties, and whose eyes and ears have been open to hear the
          word of the Lord and remember it. How calm and peaceful the
          spirit and feelings of Israel on this memorable occasion, when
          our beloved President, who has led the van for the last
          thirty-three years, quietly gathered up his feet and was gathered
          to his fathers. How different was the spirit and feelings of
          Israel on this occasion from the other occasion I have referred
          to, and from the Apostles and disciples of Jesus when He
          departed! It shows to our minds the education of the people, and
          their advancement in understanding and faith. It shows the
          stability of our institutions and their power over the feelings
          and hearts of the people. In every department of the Priesthood,
          in every branch of the Church, through all the Stakes of Zion,
          and in every department of our labor, there seems scarcely a
          ripple upon the smooth surface of the waters.
          Last Sabbath, when a vast congregation of the people came from
          the east, west, north and south, and from this city and its
          suburbs, to pay their last respects to the honored dead, the
          quiet, the order, the silent and discreet feeling of resignation
          and peace that prevailed, should be a lesson to the Saints and a
          testimony to the world of the purity of faith that we have
          embraced, and the influence that had been exerted upon the hearts
          of the people by our departed leader, and his brethren who have
          been laboring with him. We find no confusion, no running to and
          fro, nobody dropping their tools or neglecting their labors, and
          nobody wishing to go a fishing. When we had finished the last sad
          rites, and completed what duties we owed to the honored dead, we
          found every one, on Monday morning, resuming his duties; business
          assumed its wonted course in every department of our public as
          well as our private labors. The Saints everywhere, as well as our
          Elders abroad, move forward in the discharge of their duties with
          calmness and serenity, with assurance that Brigham is still our
          leader. Joseph is still our Prophet, and Brigham is leader as
          much as he was in life, but not on this side of the vail--he has
          gone into another sphere, to engage in the labors of the Gospel
          with Joseph, Hyrum, and all the holy ones that have gone before
          in this dispensation, to assist them in rolling on the work of
          this dispensation among the dead, and prepare the way for the
          final consummation of all things spoken of by the Prophets, while
          his brethren on this side the vail tread softly and diligently
          after him, as it were in his footsteps, to move on the cause of
          Israel, and send the Gospel to the ends of the earth. What a
          commentary on the stability of the institutions of Zion! The
          power of that faith that we have received, the strength of that
          union, and the perfection of that organization which God has
          established among us, which gives us the re-assurance that
          instead of the cause of Zion weakening, it will gain additional
          power and strength; and the Priesthood that remain on this side,
          having lost a tower of strength in him who has gone, must exert
          themselves and their faith, and renew their strength in the Lord,
          and magnify their calling, that the work of the Lord be not
          hindered. That this may be the feelings and determination of
          every one of the Apostles, Seventies, High Priests, Elders,
          Bishops, and Presidents in Zion, and all the people, that we may
          strive more diligently to magnify our calling, until we meet
          again those who have gone behind the vail, where already there
          seems to be almost a majority of the early Apostles and first
          Elders of the Church, preaching the Gospel and preparing the
          hearts of those that receive it, while we who remain continue our
          labors in building the Temples of the Lord, and entering therein
          and officiating in the baptisms, endowments, and ordinances, and
          sealing blessings upon our dead, that the promises of God may be
          fulfilled which he has made, namely, that in this dispensation of
          the fullness of times He would gather in one all things that are
          in Christ Jesus, which are on the earth and which are in heaven,
          which may God grant and help us to accomplish, through Jesus.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / George
          Q. Cannon, September 16, 1877
                        George Q. Cannon, September 16, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY ELDER GEO. Q. CANNON,
           Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, September 16,
                            (Reported by Rudger Clawson.)
          Those who have listened to the discourse of Elder Woodruff and to
          the testimonies which he has borne concerning this work, must
          have been interested in his recital, in his explanations and in
          the doctrines which he has advanced, and which have special
          interest for the Latter-day Saints. If it were not for the new
          revelations received from the Almighty, this people called
          Latter-day Saints would not be in existence. If it were not that
          the Lord has revealed in great plainness his mind and will unto
          his people, they would not be an organization, neither would his
          Elders have gone forth bearing testimony of the truths of the
          everlasting Gospel. The rock upon which this Church is built, and
          the foundation stone thereof, is new revelation from God to men,
          and that revelation being of divine origin it must of necessity
          agree with the revelations which have already been given; hence,
          as he has said, the doctrines taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith,
          and the organization of the Church as he was directed to
          accomplish it, was all in perfect harmony with the truths
          contained in this book (the Bible). It can not be otherwise and
          be what it professes to be. It made no difference to Joseph Smith
          whether he read and was familiar with every doctrine taught by
          the Apostles; he was under no necessity of framing his teachings
          therewith that there should be no difference between that which
          he taught, and that which had been taught, because the same
          spirit that revealed to the ancient Apostles and Prophets, and
          inspired them to teach the people, and leave on record their
          predictions and doctrines, taught him also and enabled him to
          teach exactly the same truths.
          I remember hearing related brother Parley P. Pratt's first
          interview with the Saints at Fayette, Seneca County, where the
          Church was organized. Those of you who remember brother Parley
          know his familiarity with the Scriptures, especially with the
          prophecies. On that occasion he was called upon to speak; the
          Prophet Joseph was not present at the time. He brought forth from
          the prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and other prophets,
          abundant proofs concerning the work which the Lord had
          established through his servant Joseph, a great many of the
          Latter-day Saints were surprised that there were so many
          evidences existing in the Bible concerning this work. The Church
          had then been organized some five months, but the members had
          never heard from any of the Elders these proofs and evidences
          which existed in the Bible. And, if I remember correctly, he told
          me that Oliver Cowdery and the Prophet Joseph himself were
          surprised at the great amount of evidence there was in the Bible
          concerning these things. The Prophet Joseph was inspired of God
          to teach the doctrines of life and salvation, and he did so
          without reference to what the ancient prophets had said. I have
          heard President Young make the same remarks. He said that he
          never consulted the Book of Covenants, he never consulted the
          Bible or Book of Mormon to see whether the doctrines and counsels
          which he was inspired to give, corresponded with these books or
          not. It was a matter that gave him no particular concern, from
          the fact that he endeavored always to be led by the Spirit of the
          Lord, to speak in accordance therewith; hence these men have had
          very little care resting upon their minds as to whether their
          doctrines and counsels were in harmony with the doctrines and
          counsels of those who preceded them. It was for them to seek to
          know the mind and will of the Lord and comprehend his Spirit as
          it rested upon them, to speak in accordance therewith; and the
          doctrine that has been taught under the inspiration of that
          spirit will be found to be in perfect harmony with the doctrines
          which have been taught by men inspired of God in ancient days.
          There are no two modes of baptism, there are no two methods of
          organizing the Church of Christ; there are no two paths leading
          into the kingdom of God our heavenly Father; there are no two
          forms of doctrine. "There is one Lord," as the Apostle Paul says,
          "one faith and one baptism." There is one form of doctrine, and
          when we all meet, (those of us who shall be so fortunate as to be
          redeemed and sanctified in the presence of our Father and the
          Lamb,) we shall find that our doctrines will precisely agree; our
          obedience will be of a similar character, we shall all discover
          that the doctrines that we have received and bowed in submission
          to are precisely the same doctrines, whether we were baptized
          into Christian America, in Asia, in Africa or any other part of
          the earth, and it will be found when we all come together, (that
          is the family of our heavenly Father,) that we have all received
          the same faith, the same doctrines, and have partaken of the same
          Spirit and the same gifts, the Spirit having rested down upon all
          alike according to his or her faith. If it were not so heaven
          would be full of clashing sectaries; it would be full of
          confusion, strife and division and every kind of contention;
          because the same spirit that characterizes men here, and that
          creates division and contention among them here, if they could
          reach heaven in the possession of it, as some claim they do,
          would turn heaven itself into a pandemonium, and make it no
          better than this earth so far as confusion is concerned. This is
          not the Gospel of the Lord Jesus; this is not the path that he
          marked out. He marked out a plain path and all the inhabitants of
          the earth must, if they ever come into the presence of the Lamb,
          walk in that path to the end, or they never can reach there. And
          the millions of the dead, to whom allusion has been made by
          brother Woodruff, they also shall hear of the glad tidings of
          salvation. And the unnumbered millions who have died without ever
          having heard the name of the Son of God, and without ever having
          known anything concerning the redemption which he wrought out for
          them; they who died in ignorance of the law will not, of course,
          be judged by or held accountable to the law, having never known
          it. This would be contrary to the justice, the eternal justice of
          our Father in Heaven, to hold any man or being accountable for
          the law which they violated without their first having been made
          acquainted with it, hence, if they die in their ignorance they
          will be judged according to the light they received. But will
          they forever, through the endless ages of eternity, remain in
          this ignorance? Certainly not. The work of our Father is not
          confined to this earthly existence, it extends throughout the
          eternities: it extends from eternity to eternity; it is without
          beginning and without end; it is as indestructible and enduring
          as he himself. But all of the sons of our Father who ever dwelt
          upon the earth, and his daughters also, will hear at the proper
          time and under the proper circumstances the glad tidings of
          salvation, the name of our Redeemer and the plan by which they
          can be redeemed and be exalted into his presence. There are
          several plain allusions to these doctrines in the Scriptures.
          Peter talks about them very plainly. The Savior himself alluded
          to the same idea when he spoke to the thief on the cross, when he
          said to him-- "This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise;" when
          it is a well known fact that he did not ascend to his Father in
          Heaven. But while his body lay in the earth his spirit went
          elsewhere, and was absent from that body. The Apostle Paul also
          alludes to it in the 15th chapter of his Epistle to the
          Corinthians, and our minds have been set at rest by those
          glorious revelations and doctrines, because they explain to us
          the goodness, mercy and justice of our Father in Heaven, and
          enable us, who have received these doctrines and believe in them,
          to glorify Him as we could not if we believed these unnumbered
          millions that I have alluded to were condemned to endless
          perdition, without ever having a chance to be redeemed therefrom.
          It has always been a mystery to me, since I have been old enough
          to comprehend the truth, how it is that men, with the ideas which
          they entertain concerning the Gospel, can reconcile their belief
          with the fact that our Father is a God of truth, a God of mercy,
          and a God of perfect justice. I do not wonder at men becoming
          skeptical in view of the ideas which prevail in the so-called
          Christian world. A man must, in some instances, throw away his
          feelings and reason, and surrender his judgment, and accept the
          theories which prevail upon this subject, without reasoning and
          without questioning, in order to flow along with the orthodox
          stream. This is the only way in which many do, to go along
          without difficulty. But if the Gospel was taught in its plainness
          and in its fullness, and if men and women understood the Gospel
          as it is, there would be nothing that would be in contradiction
          to those truths to which I have alluded; but all would be
          harmonious therewith, and everything would tend to increase the
          faith, strengthen the love, and heighten the feeling of
          admiration in the breast of the human being in contemplating the
          character of our Father in the light of the plan which He has
          revealed for our salvation from the power of sin. And this is
          what the Gospel (or as men choose to call it in these days
          "Mormonism") has done for us. It is this that has enlightened
          this people; it is this that has gathered them from the nations
          of the earth, and has enabled them to submit to the privations
          and persecutions that they have had to contend with; and it is
          this that will carry them forward, until they are brought back
          into the presence of our Father in Heaven.
          I pray that the blessings of the Lord may rest upon the people,
          and that the revelations of the Lord Jesus may be in their
          hearts, and in their souls, to guide them in that path that will
          bring them back into the presence of our Father, which I ask in
          the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / George
          Q. Cannon, September 23, 1877
                        George Q. Cannon, September 23, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY ELDER GEO. Q. CANNON,
           Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, September 23,
                            (Reported by Rudger Clawson.)
                         AS INSTRUMENTS IN THE HANDS OF GOD.
          I have listened with a great deal of pleasure to the remarks
          which have been made by our brethren, and the instructions which
          they have given unto us upon the principles of the Gospel. The
          interesting remarks of brother Brigham Young must have appealed
          very strongly unto all of us, and impressed us with their truth.
          First, he has said if our professions are greater than those of
          the rest of the world, and if we testify that we have received
          truths in advance, and authority greater than that possessed by
          others, our lives should correspond with our professions, or we
          can never justly expect that we will receive any greater reward
          than they; and this is a truth that should be taken home to the
          hearts of all the people who are called Latter-day Saints. The
          Lord requires of us that our acts, and that our desires, and that
          all our labors shall be in harmony with our professions, and that
          when we testify that we know that God lives, and that he has
          restored the everlasting Gospel to the earth, in its primitive
          simplicity, purity, and power, with the authority to administer
          in the ordinances thereof for the salvation of the children of
          men,--that making these professions and bearing these
          testimonies, we should exhibit in our lives the fruits of the
          glorious doctrines and truths that we profess to have received.
          In no other way can we truly bear testimony to the veracity of
          these things. "A tree is known by its fruits; a good stream does
          not send forth bitter waters; men do not gather grapes of thorns
          and figs of thistles." And so with us and the rest of mankind.
          When we profess to have received the truth, we should exhibit the
          fruits of that truth in our lives. When we profess to have
          received the everlasting Gospel and the Spirit of God, we should
          rejoice in the gifts of that Spirit. We should live so as to
          enjoy them, and in times of trial, of difficulty, of perplexity,
          and of affliction, we should exhibit a self-control and power and
          strength that might be expected from a people situated as we are,
          and having the blessings that we enjoy. Do the Latter-day Saints
          exhibit these fruits as they should? In some respects they are to
          be seen, and in others they are not so fruitful as they should
          be. There is an abundance of room for improvement on our part.
          There is room for an increase of exertion and an exhibition of
          greater faith, as a people, than we have ever yet exhibited. The
          Lord is ready, according to our own testimonies, to pour out upon
          us every blessing that we need. Are we sick? Are any of our
          households sick? What is the privilege of the Latter-day Saints
          according to our doctrines, according to the teachings of these
          books (the Bible and the Book of Mormon), and according to out
          own belief? It is our privilege to exercise faith in the name of
          Jesus Christ, to have the sick, where not appointed unto death,
          restored to life. This is the privilege of the Latter-day Saints,
          the privilege of every faithful man and woman in the Church of
          Christ upon all the face of the earth. If there be a misfortune
          impending that is fraught with difficulty, or disaster, or
          trouble of any kind, what is the privilege of those who are the
          servants and hand-maidens of the Lord Jesus Christ? It is the
          privilege, and has been the privilege in all ages of the world,
          according to the records that have come down to us, for those who
          live godly in Christ Jesus to have revelation concerning those
          events, that they may be prepared for them, and not be taken
          unawares. I would not give much for a religion that did not
          prepare me for events of that character; I would not think it the
          religion of Jesus Christ. I would not give much for a church, to
          me it would have no attractions, in which God did not manifest
          his power, in which there were no evidences received of God's
          power and of God's ability to deliver in the hour of trial and
          difficulty. It is this which makes the Church of Christ, it is
          this which makes what men call "Mormonism," so attractive to me.
          It is because it is a system of power; it is because there are
          gifts connected with it; it is because I was told when a child
          that if I would be baptized for the remissions of my sins and
          repent of them, I should receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. It
          is because there are in this Church Prophets and Apostles, the
          gifts of revelation, of healing, and discerning of spirits, and
          all the other gifts, that were ever enjoyed by the ancient people
          of God. It is these gifts that make the Church of Jesus Christ a
          power in the earth, and that makes the teachings and doctrines of
          this Church so attractive to all the inhabitants of the earth who
          believe truthfully and sincerely the doctrines contained in the
          Old and New Testaments. It supplies the want that is felt by
          every honest heart, a yearning after a knowledge of God, a
          yearning after the things of God, and a yearning after that
          certainty that dispels all darkness and unbelief, and is a rock,
          which is like the rock of ages, upon which the foundation being
          built, the building is forever without fear of being shaken or
          overturned, when the storms and tempests shall beat upon it.
          This is the secret of the union that has always characterized
          this Church of Jesus Christ, and yet we do not live up to our
          privileges. What is the privilege of the Latter-day Saints? Are
          the privileges of this Gospel confined to a few individuals?
          Revelations have been given to our departed President--President
          Brigham Young--but were the gifts, powers and qualifications of
          this Gospel confined to his person alone? Were they confined to
          his Counselors? Are they confined to the Twelve? Are they
          confined to the Bishops or to any other class in this Church?
          Certainly not. They are like the air we breathe; they are like
          the light that enlightens our understandings and give light to
          our intellects. They are free to all who will live so as to
          receive them. There is none so old, none so learned, none so
          high, neither is their any so low, nor so young, nor so
          illiterate, unto whom these are denied. They are the free gift of
          God to all His children; to all who keep His commandments. They
          shall receive these gifts, and enjoy them if they will live so as
          to have them in their hearts, so that the Holy Spirit will bestow
          them upon them, and it is this also that causes this Church and
          this Gospel to be so delightful, there is an equality about it.
          It is not, as I have said, confined to a few, but it is extended
          to all the inhabitants of the earth, who will place themselves in
          a position to receive it. "Repent and be baptized every one of
          you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye
          shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, for this promise is
          unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off, even
          as many as the Lord our God shall call." Even all. Whom does he
          call? Go preach this Gospel to every creature, therefore every
          creature is called, at all times and in all generations
          throughout the earth. None are excluded from its glorious
          benefits. It is therefore the privilege of every member of this
          Church to enjoy revelation for himself or herself, to know the
          mind and will of the Father, to know concerning the doctrine
          whether it be of the Lord or whether it be of man, and I would
          not give much for a people or an individual who is destitute of
          this knowledge. Sooner or later unless they repent and feel after
          it, they will stand in slippery places, and when the floods come
          and the tempests beat upon them, they are in danger of falling
          away and becoming cast away from the Church of Christ; but the
          man who receives his knowledge from the Father, and the woman who
          can come to the Father in the name of Jesus and ask and receive
          for herself a testimony concerning this work, and concerning the
          government of God, in times of trial and difficulty, they are
          safe, because they know where their strength is and unto whom
          they can apply for light and guidance in the hours of temptation,
          trial and difficulty. They know then the voice of the true
          My brethren and sisters let me address myself more directly to
          you upon this point. We have been bereft of our President. We
          have been bereft of the man who has stood at our head and guided
          us for thirty-three years, and we have learned to look upon him
          as the mouth-piece of our Father to us, but we ought, also, to
          have learned, as I have no doubt the majority of this people have
          learned, that he was but an instrument in the hands of God to
          accomplish the work entrusted to him, and that he being gone, the
          Lord will raise up and strengthen those who remain, and give them
          the power necessary to accomplish his work and carry it forward
          in the earth; and if they fall too, as they likely will, the
          column of humanity, the column of the Priesthood will still press
          forward, until all that the Lord has appointed to his people, he
          will accomplish on the earth, and Zion will be established and
          fully redeemed according to all the words of the Prophets. And
          further, it will cause us to draw nearer unto the Father and live
          so that we shall receive revelation from him for ourselves, that
          the knowledge of the Spirit shall be in our hearts, that the
          voice of the true Shepherd will be known to our ears, that when
          we hear it we will know it, that we cannot be deceived or led
          astray. This is the privilege of the Latter-day Saints, and the
          man and women in this Church who does not live so as to enjoy
          this privilege comes short of being what he should be. It is
          these blessings that compensate for the falsehoods, for the
          contumely and for the persecution to which the Latter-day Saints
          are subjected. If it were not for these gifts and blessings our
          case would not be a very enviable one; but in possession of these
          blessings, and knowing for ourselves the truth, and understanding
          the will of our Father in heaven and rejoicing in the blessings
          of peace, quietude, union and love, such as cannot be obtained
          elsewhere, with those other gifts to which I have alluded--having
          these in our possession we can look calmly upon the efforts of
          the wicked. We can, without being afflicted in our souls, receive
          the persecution which they may seem fit to heap upon us; to have
          our names cast out as evil, to be accused of all manner of
          wickedness and crime. We can submit to these things cheerfully,
          knowing that the day will come when these lies shall be swept
          away; when the will of the Father and the glorious light of truth
          will shine upon us, and we shall be vindicated in the sight of
          the inhabitants of the earth, in the sight of heaven and angels.
          This being our condition, we can rejoice under these
          circumstances, and look forth to the time when we shall receive
          the happiness and reward alluded to. Brethren and sisters, live
          so that each of you can go to the Father and ask and receive from
          him the blessing that you need. He has said, "Cursed is he that
          putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm." Do not build
          upon man. Do not lean upon him, but lean upon our Father in
          heaven. Seek unto him; implore his blessing; ask for light and
          strength from him; humble yourselves before him, and confess your
          sins; be of a broken heart and contrite spirit, and he will visit
          you with his Spirit, and bestow upon you gifts such as you have
          never yet received.
          That you may do this, and that we all may do it, that we may be
          eventually saved and exalted in the kingdom of our Father, is my
          prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Pratt, October 5, 1877
                            Orson Pratt, October 5, 1877
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ORSON PRATT,
                  Delivered at the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City,
                              Friday, October 5, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                          PRIESTHOOD--THE KIRTLAND TEMPLE.
          I will read a few words of our Lord and Savior, at the time of
          his last personal appearance among the Nephites, or rather, the
          last account of His appearance in their midst, so far as the Book
          of Mormon has given the history.
          "Write the things which ye have seen and heard, save it be those
          which are forbidden. Write the works of this people which shall
          be even as hath been written, of that which has been; for behold,
          out of the books which have been written, and which shall be
          written, shall this people be judged; for by them shall their
          works be known unto men. And behold all things are written by the
          Father; therefore, out of the books which shall be written shall
          the world be judged. And know ye that ye shall be judges of the
          people, according to the judgment which I shall give unto you,
          which shall be just; therefore, what manner of men had ye ought
          to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am."
          These words of our Lord and Savior, to the ancient Israelites of
          the American Continent, are written, not only for the benefit of
          the descendants of the Israelites, who inhabit the Continent, but
          also for the benefit of all people, that all might know something
          in relation to the authority that God bestowed upon His servants
          in ancient times. The Priesthood is not a delegated authority
          from heaven to be merely exercised in this life; it is a divine
          authority intended to be exercised in the next life, as well as
          this: its exercise here is only the beginning.
          Before dwelling upon this subject, I wish to say to the
          Latter-day Saints, that I have been permitted by the counsel of
          the servants of God, to perform another but very short mission
          abroad, having left Salt Lake City on the 18th July, and returned
          again after about two months and nine days' absence, traveling,
          during this period of time, about thirteen thousand miles, by
          land and ocean. I feel very glad, and rejoice, that I have had
          this opportunity of going out once more among mankind abroad.
          Although my mission was not specially a preaching mission, to
          declare to the people the things of the kingdom of God, yet I
          endeavored, so far as opportunity permitted to bear my humble
          testimony among the people.
          My mission, as is well known, was to go to England, for the
          purpose of printing the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Doctrine
          and Covenants, according to the phonotype system of Pitman. I
          will here state, that Pitman's system of phonetics has been
          changed and re-changed, in England, so many times, that it has
          finally and almost entirely dropped out of use in that country.
          Pitman still continues to publish a periodical in which he gives
          his present forms of type or characters, and present forms of
          spelling, but his paper is more particularly advocating the
          system of short-hand writing, or phonography, which is quite
          popular in England. By making inquiry, I found that one of the
          brothers, Benj. Pitman, in consequence of the numerous
          alterations that were being made, was disgusted, and came to
          America to see if he could establish a system upon a little
          different principle. A certain wealthy gentleman in our country
          became interested in the enterprise, and he, by will, advanced
          money to publish an extensive dictionary upon the phonetic
          principle. A little different alphabet was adopted in our country
          from that which was used in England. After examining these
          different systems, I concluded that, in some very few respects,
          they were all in error. These errors consisted mostly in the mode
          of spelling. Some have adopted one standard, and some another;
          and having examined the different systems closely and carefully,
          I finally concluded to accept the American phonetic alphabet,
          with the exception of two or three characters, and also to spell
          according to the American phonetic dictionary, with some slight
          I made arrangements with a house in London to furnish the
          phonotype, and most of it had arrived in Liverpool, just as I was
          called home.
          These preliminary preparations for printing were made just as
          fast as possible before learning the sad news of the death of our
          beloved President, which we received some seven hours after he
          breathed his last. A few hours later we received another telegram
          from the Council of the Twelve Apostles, instructing brother
          Joseph F. Smith and myself to arrange matters in Great Britain,
          pertaining to the European mission, and come home immediately. We
          have complied with the request.
          We feel, with all our hearts, to mourn with the Latter-day
          Saints, in the loss of so great and good a man, as the President,
          who has led us, with marked success, for one-third of a century.
          He was the instrument, in the hands of God, of bringing the
          people forth, some 1,400 miles from the great Mississippi River,
          over wild, barren, and trackless plains, and locating us here, in
          the great American desert. He has been the instrument, in the
          hands of God, of giving counsel and instruction for the numerous
          towns, cities and villages, through our mountain region; he has
          been foremost in the encouragement of home manufactures, and home
          industries, introducing at his own expense, much machinery into
          the Territory, so as to make the Latter-day Saints, as far as
          possible, a self-sustaining people; he has labored diligently
          during the last years of his life, to bring about a greater
          degree of union among the Latter-day Saints, in regard to
          temporal things. And near the close of his useful life, he was
          wrought upon by the spirit of God, and more especially on his
          last mission at St. George, to give counsel to the Twelve
          Apostles, to go into all parts of the Territory and more fully
          organize the people according to the revelations and commandments
          and institutions of heaven, as given by revelation, through the
          Prophet Joseph Smith. Having accomplished so great a work, in
          leading forth the people of God, in locating them here in these
          mountains, so far from what is termed civilization, and having
          redeemed the desert, established academies and school-houses,
          Tabernacles and Temples, home manufactures and home industries,
          and finally having organized the Saints into Stakes, appointing
          Bishops, and having them ordained, in all parts of our Territory,
          having fulfilled and completed the work, the Lord has taken him
          home to himself.
          We heard this forenoon, respecting the Prophet Elijah; the Lord
          had a great work for him to perform; he lived to accomplish it,
          and he knew then that the time had come for him to depart and
          leave the children of Israel. He was taken up to heaven. The
          Prophet Brigham, too, had his work to perform; he lived to do it,
          and he has passed away in peace, beloved by his people.
          This is the second time in the history of the Church of Jesus
          Christ of Latter-day Saints, when the Twelve have stepped forward
          as the proper authorities, to bear off this kingdom, and to
          preside over the Church. Joseph was in our midst but a few years.
          The Lord called him to lay the foundation of this work; he gave
          him revelations before the rise of the Church. He ordained him
          and Oliver Cowdery to the Apostleship, giving them the authority,
          and power, and office, and Priesthood, to perform the things
          necessary in the future organization of the Church, giving line
          upon line, precept upon precept, from time to time, to instruct
          the various Councils of the Church in regard to their several
          duties. He having performed the work, God required at his hands,
          was taken away; the Lord saw proper to remove him from our midst.
          The authority then devolved upon the Twelve, and upon the
          Priesthood of the Twelve. Another First Presidency was appointed
          about three years and six months after the martyrdom of Joseph.
          During that time the Lord was with the Twelve, in every duty, and
          a great work was accomplished, during that period, by them. The
          greater part of the Temple in Nauvoo was built by the Twelve,
          after the death of the Prophet. Endowments were given in that
          Temple, by the Twelve, while presiding over the Church. Sealings
          and blessings in behalf of the living and the dead, were
          performed in that Temple. All the ordinances necessary on that
          occasion were administered, under the Presidency and jurisdiction
          of the Twelve. And not only this, but the Lord enabled them to
          lead the people forth, through an unexplored country, to select a
          location for them. Having done this, they returned in the latter
          part of the year 1847, to the camps located on the Missouri
          I mention these things to show you, that the twelve were not idle
          after the death of Joseph, but took the lead, and organized the
          camps of Israel, and presided over all the authorities in the
          midst of these camps.
          In those days, some persons, ignorant of the authority of an
          Apostle, questioned the right of the Twelve to preside, but I
          would ask, what authority ever existed in the Church that the
          Twelve do not hold? I would further enquire, had the First
          Presidency any office that the Twelve had not? If they have,
          where did they get it? Do you know? Another First Presidency of
          the Church were organized, three years and a half, after the
          death of Joseph. If they held any higher authority, then they
          must have received it by direct communication from the heavens.
          But it is known that they received it by the voice of the Council
          of the twelve, with all the authorities of the kingdom of God to
          back them up. We have been taught, ever since the Twelve were
          chosen, that they held all the power of the Melchizedek
          Priesthood, all the power of the Apostleship that could be
          conferred upon mortal man, Hence, when Hyrum Smith was taken out
          of the First Presidency and appointed to another calling, not to
          another office in the Apostleship, was it not the province of the
          Twelve to set him apart? It was, because they held that
          authority, that Priesthood, that Apostleship, that gave him the
          right to do this. By what revelation you may ask? I answer, by a
          certain revelation contained in the Book of Doctrine and
          Covenants, where it says that the twelve shall ordain in all
          large Branches of the Church, evangelical ministers. When this
          was first given, the word "evangelical" was not there. But Joseph
          was wrought upon by the Spirit to erase the word patriarchs and
          substitute the words "evangelical ministers." Hence the Twelve
          have so ordained patriarchs, as Hyrum Smith. But inquires one,
          should the Twelve ordain Prophets, Seers and Revelators? Yes.
          Were they not appointed in the Kirtland Temple, in the year 1836,
          after its dedication by the voice of Joseph, and the first
          Presidency, and the united voice of the Church to the Prophets,
          Seers and Revelators to the people? Yes. Then they could ordain
          such; or in other words they could set apart such to these
          duties. They could set apart Patriarchs, to such an office as
          brother Hyrum Smith held, when he was taken out of the First
          Presidency and placed in the Patriarchial office.
          Then, again, there is another revelation given concerning the
          Priesthood, which you can read in the Doctrine and Covenants.
          After having mentioned the various offices and callings, the Lord
          required it as a duty enjoined upon the Twelve, though the First
          Presidency was then alive, to organize all the officers in Zion.
          What! The Twelve, a traveling High Council; the Twelve, who hold
          the keys of all nations, to the Gentiles first, and then to the
          Jews, to be at home attending to such work? Yes. The Twelve had
          duties to perform, both abroad and at home. Having fulfilled
          important duties abroad, they were not relieved from the duties
          specified in the commandment, to act at home, and they have been,
          from that time to this, in the midst of the people of God, at
          home, at the gathering places.
          In the revelation given on the 19th day of January, 1841, Brigham
          Young was called by name, and appointed the President of the
          Twelve, and also, in another revelation, given not far from the
          same time, he was required to remain at home. Instead of being a
          traveling Councillor, to be sent abroad among the nations, his
          services were required at home, which was also the case with
          several of the Apostles, and especially since the death of
          There is another subject, while dwelling on the Priesthood, which
          I wish to speak of; I refer to the Counsellors that may be left,
          when the President, the First President of the Church is taken
          away from our midst. We are informed that the Counsellors that
          existed in the day of Joseph could not act as Counsellors to
          Joseph after he was taken away; to be Counsellors to him would be
          impossible, unless they themselves should go the other side of
          the veil. Hence when the President was taken away their duties as
          Counsellors to the Prophet, the First President, ceased. Just the
          same with a Bishop's Council under the same circumstances.
          Supposing the Bishop were to die, his two Counsellors could not
          legitimately step forward claiming to be Bishops themselves; and
          furthermore their duties as Counsellors to the deceased Bishop
          would at his death cease. And so it would be if the Bishop,
          instead of dying, were called to some other location or should be
          cut off the Church. So it was considered, in the days of the loss
          of our Prophet and Seer, Joseph Smith. The two Counsellors that
          then existed had the privilege, if they chose to do so, of being
          associated with the Council of the Twelve to assist us in the
          work of bearing off the kingdom; not as members of the Twelve,
          but acting with and assisting them. The same order has again been
          carried out; and it is just as I believed it would be, when I was
          in Liverpool, after learning of the death of President Young. The
          question came up there, and I took the liberty of instructing the
          Saints making the inquiries. I told them, that when the First
          Presidency left, the Twelve would lead forth the Church, until
          such times as the Spirit of God, and the desires of the people,
          universally, should be to select and set apart and sustain by
          their prayers and faith, a First Presidency again. Furthermore,
          it was published in the papers, particularly in America, and also
          in England, and there seemed to be a great anxiety on the part of
          our enemies, to know who was going to lead the Church. They
          seemed to have far more anxiety than you upon this subject. For
          the Saints generally have been instructed on this matter, and
          have, in a measure understood it. We knew that President Brigham
          Young, and his two Counsellors, received no new office, by being
          taken from the Quorum of the Twelve, and appointed to other
          duties. The same as brother Joseph F. Smith has been appointed
          and set apart not to a new office, but to go to Great Britain and
          preside over the European Mission. That did not devolve upon
          brother Richards, nor brother Rich, nor any other member of the
          Twelve; he alone can perform this duty. It is not a new office,
          but merely a new duty required of him. So in relation to the
          First Presidency. They carry no new office, but new duties are
          required at their hands, when they are chosen by the Priesthood
          and set apart, not ordained to a new office, but set apart to
          I wish also to speak a few words, in regard to the ancient
          Priesthood. I find, from the Book of Mormon, concerning the
          ancient Twelve--the twelve Nephites of this land; that Jesus
          chose them and called them by name, and set them apart and
          ordained them. Prior to this time, before this death, he chose
          twelve in the land of Jerusalem. These officers, the Twelve on
          the Eastern, and the Twelve on the Western continent, did not
          lose their office by death; but as was clearly stated by brother
          Snow this morning, and as is plainly set forth in the revelation,
          they retained their office. For instance, we will take the Book
          of Mormon; and in the vision and prophecy of Nephi, given almost
          600 years before Christ, the Lord showed to that Prophet, that
          there would be Twelve Apostles in some five or six hundred years
          after his day. And instead of the Lord pointing out what should
          be the duties of these Apostles, while here in this temporal
          existence, he pointed out the more important duties that would
          devolve upon them in the next state. The simple duties of this
          life were nothing compared to those of the world to come. Hence
          the angel said to Nephi that these Twelve Nephite disciples, all
          descendants of Nephi and his brethren. Said he, these twelve
          disciples of the Lamb shall be judged by the Twelve Apostles that
          shall be chosen in the land of Jerusalem. Here then was another
          and most important duty assigned to that particular Council of
          Apostles, after this mortal life. First, it is said, they shall
          judge the whole House of Israel; secondly, they shall judge "the
          twelve ministers of thy seed." Also from the language of the text
          I have read, we learn that the Twelve Nephite Apostles had a
          knowledge of some other, future duties to be performed in the
          world to come. "Know ye, that you shall be judges of this people.
          What manner of men ought ye to be. Verily, I say unto you, even
          as I am." In other words, If you are to be judges of all this
          people, to whom you are administering; if you are to sit in
          judgment in the great and coming day, and if the words which are
          written in the books which you keep, and which are also written
          by the Father, are to be the records out of which the people are
          to be judged, sure enough, you should be as pure and holy as
          Jesus himself. We are told too that it should not depend upon
          their weak judgment, but they should judge according to the
          judgment which the Lord their God should give unto them. In other
          words, after they leave this present life, and the time comes for
          them to sit in council in the midst of the Nephites, that instead
          of judging according to human wisdom and imperfect knowledge,
          that God would give them the spirit of judgment, or the spirit of
          inspiration more abundantly than what they were in possession of
          in this life; and in order that they may be entitled to judge all
          people, they were required to be pure and holy.
          Let me say a few words in regard to another revelation that the
          Lord gave in the year 1830, on this same subject. He says, "The
          decree has gone forth from the Father that mine Apostles, they
          who were with me in my ministry in the land of Jerusalem, shall,
          at the time of my coming, sit upon twelve thrones, clothed in
          glory, even as I am, to judge the whole House of Israel, they
          that have loved me and kept my commandments, and none else."
          Again, we will appeal to the New Testament, "You that have
          followed me in the regeneration, when the Son of Man comes in his
          glory, you also shall sit upon twelve thrones, and shall judge
          the twelve tribes of Israel; and shall eat and drink at my
          Here, then, we have a number of evidences and witnesses from the
          Book of Mormon, from the Doctrine and Covenants, and from the New
          Testament, concerning the future duties of the servants of God,
          in the world to come. In relation to the Twelve Jewish Apostles,
          have they a First Presidency independent of the Twelve, a
          separate body? They have not. Why were there twelve Apostles
          chosen instead of nine, or thirteen, or any other number? Why
          that particular number? Because it so happened in the economy of
          the Most High, that a certain servant of God had power to prevail
          with him, and by four wives he had power to beget twelve sons,
          and the Lord ordained that through them the twelve tribes should
          spring up in the earth, and he would have regard for them. He
          intended that they should not only be organized as tribes in this
          life, but also in the world to come. And in order that all may
          have judges, twelve were chosen to perform the work, instead of
          any other number. Had these twelve Apostles, in ancient days,
          that had no separate First Presidency, so far as we have any
          record, power to preside over the Church? They had. If they had
          no power there was none upon the earth.
          Again, these twelve men among the Nephites, that were to sit in
          judgment, had a great many successors, probably sixty or seventy
          in number. Had these successors all equal power on this earth? I
          think they had, so far as apostleship, or discipleship was
          concerned, they held equal power with those who preceded them.
          But in the next world, can these sixty or seventy successors
          stand in the position of the first chosen? No. So it is in regard
          to the latter-day Apostles. In this Church we have had ordained
          to the Council of the Twelve Apostles, twenty-eight persons. Six
          of the original Twelve Apostles apostatized, and three of their
          successors apostatized, making nine apostates that once had hands
          laid upon them, ordaining them to the Apostleship. These
          apostates are mostly dead. Me cannot suppose that they can hold
          an office in eternity which they have forfeited. We are told to
          the contrary in the Doctrine and Covenants; the Lord saying,
          through a revelation given to the Prophet Joseph in Missouri,
          that his servants John E. Page, Wilford Woodruff and Willard
          Richards should take the place of those who had apostatized. And
          Oliver Cowdery, although never one of the Twelve, had his place
          filled up; and the keys and the glories and the promises
          conferred upon and made to Oliver Cowdery were taken from him and
          bestowed upon brother Hyrum Smith. But there are nineteen
          Apostles that have not apostatized. Out of this number there are
          seven dead and twelve living. If the Lord, in the world to come,
          should follow the examples given in regard to the former Twelve,
          suppose these nineteen should remain faithful and obtain their
          crowns, yet there would be only twelve, I think, that would be
          placed in certain positions, the same as the Twelve at Jerusalem,
          and the ancient Twelve on this american land. This is something,
          however, not revealed, not made manifest to any of us in the
          latter days, what the future of the Twelve will be, as it is in
          regard to the ancient ones who have gone.
          In the year 1829, the Lord told David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery
          to search out the Twelve, and pointed out how they should be
          known, etc. In the same revelation he speaks of their duties, and
          also informs them how great was the trust and blessing conferred
          upon them, if they prove faithful in all things; that the
          blessing upon them was above all. How far this extended I do not
          know; that is all which is revealed, so far as I know, in all of
          the revelations of God, in regard to the future of the Twelve
          Apostles in the last days.
          Now we hope these nineteen Apostles will be faithful. Thomas B.
          Marsh, the oldest of the original Twelve, chosen in 1838, and who
          stood at the head, apostatized, and left the Church. David W.
          Patten was the next in age, and the Lord took him to himself, as
          we are informed in the revelation given on the 19th of January,
          1841. The Lord says: "My servant David W. Patten, who is with me
          at this time." The Lord accepted of him. He died in the faith--a
          martyr in Missouri. "I have taken him to myself." Yet, says the
          Lord, "another may be appointed to the same calling;" and further
          says that "my servant Lyman Wight is appointed to succeed him."
          Did that give Lyman Wight power to preside over the Twelve
          Apostles? No. David W. Patten died in the faith, and so far as we
          know holds the keys of the Presidency of the Twelve, in the world
          to come. But there may be changes in that world. The original
          Twelve, first chosen, were all made equal, by the Prophet Joseph
          Smith. And he said to them in the basement of the Temple as they
          were to be sent as a Council on their first mission, that the
          oldest should preside in the first Conference, in the following
          Conferences, the next in seniority, and so on, until all had
          taken their turns in presiding. And you shall be equal, showing
          respect to the oldest. They were arranged according to their
          ages, while all their successors were arranged, according to the
          date of their respective ordinations.
          I have given you some of these items in relation to the
          Priesthood, in relation to the Twelve at Jerusalem, and the
          Twelve Nephite disciples, and the Twelve of these latter times;
          and now let me say in regard to the various authorities and
          Councils of the Priesthood, there has not been a time since the
          rise of this Church, when the people have been so completely and
          fully organized as at the present time. Go where we will, through
          all these mountain valleys, and wherever we see a family, or
          wherever we can find a small Branch of the Church, if you make
          inquiry, you will find it is included in a regular Stake of Zion;
          it belongs to some Stake, and you will find, too, that they are
          looked after, if the officers are doing their duties, for they
          are considered a part and portion of the great family of God. I
          feel to congratulate the Latter-day Saints, on this occasion, in
          regard to the perfect organization, as it were, that exists in
          all our mountain region, and hope that every man will strive to
          learn his duty, and faithfully and honorably perform the same.
          I wish to state still further in regard to the Priesthood, while
          upon the subject, that in the Kirtland Temple when the
          authorities were presented before the people, they were called
          upon to vote by quorums. Not that it occurred always in that
          manner. That was the way Joseph ordained in the Temple; each
          Council voting separately, by standing upon their feet in order
          that their votes might be better known than they could be by
          keeping their seats. After one Quorum had voted for the highest
          authority of the Church, then another Quorum or Council would be
          called upon to give their vote, and so on, until al had voted for
          the different authorities, and then it was presented to all the
          Church, male and female. Why? It is because God ordained, on the
          6th day of April, 1830, as you can read in the Doctrine and
          Covenants, that all things in this Church should be done by
          common consent. This is the reason for the voting. Although the
          Lord may give a revelation upon the subject, although he might
          say, Let my servant Hyrum Smith be Patriarch; or Let my servant
          Brigham Young be President of the Twelve Apostles;
          notwithstanding the Lord may give this by revelation, yet he
          himself was anxious to carry out the principle he had revealed a
          long time before that; namely, that all this I have named may be
          brought before the General conference to be sanctioned and
          approved, or not to be sanctioned. What! the people have a right
          to reject those whom the Lord names? Yes, they have this right,
          he gave it to them. "Let them be approved of or not approved of;"
          showing that he had respect to the people themselves, that they
          should vote and give their general voice to either sustain or not
          to sustain. I do not know why, only in the latter days the
          kingdom is in a little different circumstances upon the face of
          the earth, than it has been in during any former dispensation. We
          are living in a free Republican Government, wherein the people
          vote, and the Lord established this great American Government and
          gave the Constitution, and he wished the people to have a voice
          in the officers named; he wished the people to exercise their
          agency; you may call it a democratic principle. Notwithstanding
          He himself may point out the persons, and call them by name, yet
          you may approve of them or disapprove of them at my General
          Perhaps I have said enough; there is a great field open when
          Priesthood is spoken of. May the Lord bless you. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, October 6, 1877
                            John Taylor, October 6, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY PRESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR,
              Delivered at the Semi Annual Conference, Held in the New
                Salt Lake City, Saturday Afternoon, October 6, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          I am very happy to find so great an unanimity of feeling in the
          voting, as has been manifested at this Conference. There is a
          very common axiom in the world, "Vox populi, vox dei," or "The
          voice of the people is the voice of God." Although the voice of
          the people is very important, we do not believe in that action
          separate and alone. It was usual among ancient Israel for the
          Lord to speak, presenting his laws, ordinances, and commandments
          to the people, then they were presented to the people, and then
          all the people said "Amen." Then it was the voice of God and the
          voice of the people; or, in other words, the voice of the people
          assenting to the voice of God.
          In relation to the duties devolving upon the Twelve, in
          consequence of the changes that have recently taken place, I can
          say, in behalf of myself and my brethren, that their full weight
          and responsibility are felt by us. Unless we had the sanction of
          the people we would be unwilling to assume them, and, were it not
          that these things are plainly laid down in the law of God, we
          would not have accepted the situation that we find ourselves
          placed in to-day. We feel now that unless God is with us we can
          accomplish nothing that can in anywise be for the welfare of
          Zion, or the building up of his kingdom on the earth. Those are
          my feelings, and those are the feelings of my brethren. It is not
          with us as viewed by the world generally, that there is something
          so very honorable in office, for we have learned that in order
          that any office in the government of the Church and kingdom might
          be made honorable, the office itself must be honored, and that,
          too, by faithfully complying with the laws of God governing it.
          Then it is a high honor conferred upon man from the Lord, and the
          Twelve so appreciate it. Whilst they thank you for the confidence
          which you have manifested in them, at the same time they feel to
          rely upon God, and to ask that you will remember them before the
          throne of our heavenly Father in your prayers and daily
          supplications, that we may be guided by that wisdom and
          intelligence that flows from above, for without the aid,
          guidance, and direction of the Almighty, we can do nothing
          acceptably to him.
          I have said very little, very little indeed, since the death of
          our esteemed President, Brigham Young. I have had various reasons
          for that. One is, my heart has felt sorrowful and pained, for we
          have lost a man who stood prominent in Israel for the last
          thirty-three years, yes, for upwards of forty or forty-five
          years. He is taken away, and all Israel felt to mourn the event.
          This is one reason why I have been so silent. Another is, a great
          many questions have had to be decided, arrangements made and
          investigations had, in regard to the proper course to pursue
          pertaining to these very important matters. Still another reason
          is, I did not wish to put myself forward, nor have I, as the
          Twelve here can bear me witness. [The Twelve unanimously gave
          their assent.] I have not had any more hand in these affairs than
          any of the members of my Quorum; but I am happy to say that in
          all matters upon which we have deliberated, we have been of one
          heart and one mind. When brothers Pratt and Smith returned from
          England, as you will have learned from their published letter,
          their sentiments were precisely the same as ours, and also the
          Counselors of President Young, whom we esteem and honor in their
          place, are also united with us. We are glad to have them with us,
          as our friends and associates, and Counselors to the Twelve. I
          pray that the blessing of God may rest upon them, and lead them
          in the paths of life, and that they with the Twelve may unite
          together as a grand phalanx, not in our own individual interests,
          but in the interests of the Church and kingdom of God, and the
          building up of his Zion on the earth; for the Priesthood is not
          instituted for the purpose of personal aggrandizement or personal
          honor, but it is for the accomplishment of certain purposes of
          which the Lord is the Author and Designer, and in which the dead,
          the living and the unborn are interested. We ought, brethren, all
          of us, to feel and act as though we were the servants of the
          living God, feeling in our hearts an honest desire to do his will
          and establish his purposes on the earth. If we can be united in
          our faith, our acts and labors, as we have been in our voting, as
          manifested at this Conference, the heavens will smile upon us,
          the angels of God will manifest themselves to us, the power of
          God will be in our midst, and Zion will arise and shine, and the
          glory of God rest upon her.
          [By request, Elder Geo. Q. Cannon read from the Doctrine and
          Covenants the following extract from a communication entitled, A
          Prayer and Prophecies, written by Joseph, the Seer, while in
          Liberty Jail, Clay County, Missouri, March 20, 1839, commencing
          at the 34th paragraph:
          "Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are
          they not chosen?
          "Because their hearts are set so much upon the things of this
          world, and aspire to the honors of men, that they do not learn
          this one lesson--
          "That the rights of the Priesthood are inseparably connected with
          the powers of heaven, and that the powers of heaven cannot be
          controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness.
          "That that may be conferred upon us, it is true; but when we
          undertake to cover our sins, or to gratify our pride, our vain
          ambition, or to exercise control, or dominion, or compulsion,
          upon the souls of the children of men, in any degree of
          unrighteousness, behold, the heavens withdraw themselves, the
          Spirit of the Lord is grieved; and when it is withdrawn, Amen to
          the Priesthood, or the authority of that man. Behold! ere he is
          aware, he is left unto himself, to kick against the pricks, to
          persecute the Saints, and to fight against God," etc. See page
          87, new edition.]
          I wanted to have this excellent instruction read over in your
          hearing, for it was true and profitable at the time it was
          written, and it is so today. If we possess the Spirit that flows
          from God, and that dwells in his bosom, we shall possess the
          spirit of kindness and love and affection, that will eventually
          bind us in the bonds of eternal union. It becomes us, as servants
          and handmaidens of God, to seek after these things, that we may
          be full of light and life, and the power and intelligence of God,
          and feel that we are indeed children of the Most High, that he is
          our Father, and that, with the ancient Prophets and Apostles, and
          the Gods of the eternal worlds, we will unite in accomplishing
          the work God designed from the commencement of the world. No man
          or set of men need think that the work will stop, for God has
          decreed that it shall go onward, and no power this side of hell
          can stop its progress. The Lord is with us, the great Jehovah is
          our shield and our buckler; the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is
          our King, the Lord is our Ruler, and he shall rule over us.
          May God help us to be faithful in the observance of his laws,
          that we may secure to ourselves eternal lives in his kingdom, is
          my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, October 7, 1877
                            John Taylor, October 7, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY PRESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR,
               Delivered at the Semi-Annual Conference Held in the New
                   Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon, Oct 7, 1877.
                             (Reported by Geo F. Gibbs.)
                                    UNITED ORDER.
          There are one or two items I wish to present before you in
          relation to the Trusteeship. I have been appointed to that
          office, and I feel that I need some assistance in regard to the
          duties devolving upon me in that capacity. I am desirous to have
          the matter laid before this Conference. One thing I refer to is
          the auditing of the accounts of the Trustee-in-Trust. I therefore
          beg to present three names, as an auditing committee, for the
          sanction of this Conference--namely, Wilford Woodruff, Erastus
          Snow, and Joseph F. Smith. [On motion, they were unanimously
          There is another subject that I wish to present, one which
          pertains more particularly to my brethren of the Twelve. I
          suppose that most of you know that they have traveled and labored
          for a very long period, some of them for forty years and upwards,
          without purse or scrip, while almost everybody else has been paid
          for his services. It does seem proper to me that they should be
          placed, at least, on an equal footing with other people,
          particularly as their labors necessarily increase. In consequence
          of our present organizations, necessitating their frequent visits
          to our quarterly Conferences, in addition to other duties
          accumulating upon them, rendering it impossible for them to pay
          any attention to their own private affairs. My proposition, and I
          know it will meet with the hearty response of the brethren
          generally, is that they have a reasonable recompense for their
          services, and that the Trustee-in-Trust be authorized to arrange
          this matter. I would wish these same remarks to apply also to the
          Counselors of the Twelve. [The motion was put and unanimously
          As has been remarked, the condition we occupy to-day is a very
          important one. There has been a change of Presidency, and
          necessarily a change of administration. In the providence of God
          our heavenly Father, he has seen fit to take from us our beloved
          President Brigham Young, who has so long labored in our midst. It
          is one of those occasions that cause reflection and thought,
          casting a degree of gloom among this whole people. We have felt
          sorry to lose his counsel, to be deprived of that wisdom and
          intelligence that have characterized him in all of his
          administrations. For they have been of such a nature as not only
          to interest the Latter-day Saints, but his name has become famous
          throughout the world. Brigham Young needs no factitious aid to
          perpetuate his memory; his labors have been exhibited during the
          last forty-five years in his preaching, in his writing, in his
          counsels, in the wisdom and intelligence he has displayed, in our
          exodus from Nauvoo; in the building of cities throughout the
          length and breadth of this Territory, in his opposition to vice
          and his protection of virtue, purity and right. These things are
          well known and understood by the Latter-day Saints, and also by
          thousands and millions of others. But, as with his predecessor,
          Joseph Smith, who had to leave, while we are called upon to mourn
          a President dead, angels announce a President born in the eternal
          worlds; he has only gone to move in another state of existence.
          But then in speaking of these things we would not eulogize only
          the man, for Brigham Young, although so great a man could have
          done nothing towards developing the purposes of God unless aided
          and sustained by him. Joseph Smith could have done nothing,
          neither, as I have already said, can the Twelve Apostles
          accomplish anything unless they receive the same divine support.
          The work we are engaged in emanated from God, and what did Joseph
          Smith know about it until God revealed it? Nothing. What did
          President Young, or the Twelve, or anybody else, know about it
          before the heavenly messengers, even God himself, same to break
          the long, long silence of ages, revealing through his Son, Jesus
          Christ, and the holy angels, the everlasting Gospel? Nothing at
          all. We were all alike ignorant until heaven revealed it. Then in
          the administration of these things the heavens are interested.
          These my brethren before me, this Priesthood that assembled
          yesterday in their various quorums, all of them have assisted in
          this work, all have more or less been preaching and laboring in
          the interest of Zion, in the building up of this the kingdom of
          God upon the earth. So that it is not by any means an individual
          affair, as many totally ignorant of it suppose and say it is; it
          is not in the wisdom of this man or the intelligence of the
          other, but it is the wisdom and guidance of God, and by his
          sustaining hand, that this whole people are led forward, and that
          this kingdom has an existence upon the earth. For my part, I
          would say to-day as Moses did on a certain occasion, when God
          said he would not go up with the children of Israel because they
          were rebellious people, "If thy presence go not with us, carry us
          not up hence;" or, in other words, I want nothing to do with so
          great an undertaking as the leading forth of this people without
          the Lord's assistance. I would say to-day, if God be not with us,
          if we are not sustained by the almighty power of Jehovah, if his
          guiding and protecting hand be not over us, I want nothing to do
          with it. But he is with us, and we know it. The feeling that was
          manifested here yesterday, is most creditable to Israel, it is
          approved of by the Gods in the eternal worlds; and if we carry
          out in our practice and daily lives that union which we
          manifested in our voting, the Lord God will continue to pour upon
          us his blessing until we shall be united in all things, temporal
          and spiritual, which unity we have got to come to. When this is
          achieved, Zion will arise and shine, and then the glory of our
          God will rest upon her, then his power will be made manifest in
          our midst.
          You heard this morning a good deal said, and that very correctly
          too, in relation to Priesthood and the organization thereof, and
          the position we occupy in relation to these matters. You voted
          yesterday that the Twelve should be Prophets, Seers, and
          Revelators. This may seem strange to some who do not comprehend
          these principles, but not to those who do. The same vote was
          proposed by Joseph Smith and voted for in the Temple in Kirtland,
          so long ago as that; consequently there is nothing new in this.
          And, as you heard this morning, this is embraced in the
          Apostleship, which has been given by the Almighty, and which
          embraces all the keys, powers and authorities ever conferred upon
          man. I do not wish to enter into the details of this matter; you
          will find them in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, very
          clearly portrayed, and I refer you there for the evidences on
          these points.
          You heard too that although the Priesthood held certain powers
          and privileges, the manifestations and powers thereof were only
          conferred according to the exigencies of the case and the
          necessities and requirements thereof. God has conferred upon us
          these blessings, but here are certain manifestations and powers
          that must come directly from him, and it is the duty of the
          Twelve to hunt up, search after, pray for and obtain them; and it
          is also the duty of these Presidents of Stakes, Bishops, High
          Priests, Seventies, and all men holding prominent positions, to
          seek after and comprehend God, whom to know is life everlasting.
          We need, all of us, to humble ourselves before the Almighty, for
          we are before him, and all creation is, and hell and destruction
          are also without a covering before him. As mortal and immortal
          beings, as men holding the holy Priesthood that the Lord has
          conferred upon us for the establishment of his kingdom the
          building up of his Zion, the redemption of the living and the
          dead, it is of the utmost importance that we stand forth,
          everyone of us, and magnify our several callings; for with all
          our weakness, with all our infirmities, God has given unto us
          great treasures, which we hold in these earthen vessels.
          As has been referred to, the President was operated upon to
          organize the Church throughout the Territory more completely; the
          Twelve were called upon to visit every part of the Territory and
          organize it, which they have done. There are now twenty different
          Stakes fully organized with their Presidents and Counselors, with
          their High Councils, with Bishops and their Counselors, who
          operate as common judges in Israel, and with High Priests,
          Seventies, Elders, and the lesser Priesthood, that they may
          administer in all things in their several Stakes under the
          direction of the Twelve. As was remarked this morning, the Church
          never since the day of its organization was so perfectly
          organized as it is to-day. What has this been done for? Is it to
          place some men in positions of honor or emolument? No, but it is
          to organize the Church and Kingdom of God according to the
          pattern that exists in the heavens, that we may be prepared to
          comply in all things with the ordinances of God, for, as we are
          told "In the ordinances, the power of godliness is manifest, and
          without the ordinances thereof, and the authority of the
          priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in
          the flesh; for without this no man can see the face of God, even
          the Father, and live."
          It is expected that these Presidents of Stakes be full of the
          Holy Ghost and the power of God, that they feel and realize that
          they are the servants of Jehovah, engaged in his work, and that
          he will require at their hands an account of their stewardships.
          It is necessary also that the High Councils and the Bishops act
          in the same way, together with the High Priests, Seventies,
          Elders, and all those of the Aaronic Priesthood, and that all
          operate together in the fear of God, for his eye is over you, and
          he expects you to work righteousness and purge the Church from
          iniquity, and teach the people correct principles and lead them
          in the paths of life. This is what God requires at your hands.
          Hence, while we are looking at these things and are engaged in
          these organizations, there are other things necessarily connected
          therewith. There has been a feeling working gradually upon the
          minds of the Saints that many could not comprehend, nor tell
          where it came from, and that is to build Temples President Young,
          the Twelve and the people generally have felt drawn out in their
          feelings with an almost unaccountable desire for the
          accomplishment of this object; and why? Can you tell me the
          reason? It is very difficult sometimes to explain some of these
          matters to the human mind. You heard this morning about Moses
          appearing in the Temple at Kirtland, committing to Joseph Smith
          the Keys of the Gathering Dispensation, over which Moses presided
          anciently, and over which he presided to-day. Unless those keys
          had been restored and you had partaken of that influence and
          spirit, would you have been here to-day? No, you would not. When
          the Gospel went forth among the people, after the appearing of
          Moses in the Temple, and the committing of the Keys of the
          Gathering, when you Latter-day Saints received the Gospel of
          baptism for remission of sins and the laying on of hands for the
          reception of the Holy Ghost, you also received the spirit of the
          gathering. You Elders before me to-day might have preached until
          your tongues had cleaved to the roof of your mouth, but if the
          Spirit of God had not accompanied your administration in this
          regard, you could have accomplished nothing of any worth. At the
          time this messenger came, there appeared another, even Elijah,
          whose mission was to turn the heart of the fathers to the
          children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest
          (says the Lord) I come and smite the earth with a curse. He
          committed these keys. But before they were committed, what was
          done in the Temple? Did we baptize for the dead there? No, we did
          not. Why? Because the keys were not given. When they were given
          and afterwards when the Temple was built in Nauvoo, then that
          spirit accompanied it, and we began to feel after our fathers
          behind the vail, and they likewise began to feel after their
          children. Brother Woodruff, who has been ministering in the St.
          George Temple, could relate to you if he had the time, many
          things of great importance, associated with these matters.
          Suffice it to say that the purposes of God pertaining to the
          human family, which he had in his mind before this world rolled
          into existence, or the morning stars sang together for joy, all
          have to be accomplished in the salvation of the living and in the
          redemption of the dead. These things you are acquainted with: it
          is not necessary for me to talk much upon these subjects. But I
          merely wish to refer to the spirit and influence and power that
          have operated upon the Saints, and which are operating upon them
          throughout the length and breadth of this Territory. That comes
          from the Priesthood which existed before; it comes because the
          keys of that Priesthood have again been restored to man. What is
          the result? Why, a desire to build Temples. What for? That we may
          administer therein in those ordinances in which they and we are
          so greatly interested. You heard through brother Woodruff how
          many more administrations there had been for the dead than for
          the living. This is because Elijah has been here and has
          delivered the keys that turn the hearts of the children to the
          fathers, and we are beginning to feel after them. Hence we are
          building a Temple here, one in Sanpete, another in Cache Valley,
          and we have one already built in St. George, all of which I think
          will be quite creditable buildings, which the Lord and holy
          angels will accept. Do we devote our labor and our means? Yes, we
          do; and it is this spirit which rests upon us that is prompting
          us to do it, and it will not let us rest until these things are
          done. Why? Because the keys of the Priesthood have brought us in
          connection with the Priesthood in the heavens, of which we are a
          part, belonging to the Church of the First Born, whose names are
          written in heaven. They are interested in their children, whose
          children are our fathers. We have been called together for the
          purpose, among other things, of operating with them in this work;
          for they without us are not made perfect, as the Scripture tells
          us. Therefore it is necessary that we should be here, building
          Temples and ministering therein, that their seed and posterity
          may be hunted up and looked after. We without them cannot be made
          perfect, for we need the help and assistance and the power of God
          to sustain and guide and direct us in our labors and
          This is the thing Prest. Young has been engaged in with all his
          might, mind and strength; this is the thing my brethren of the
          Twelve have been engaged in, and what we are engaged in to-day.
          This is the thing that all Israel ought to be engaged in, for we
          are living only for a short time here, and by and by we shall
          pass away, as our President has done but it will only be to
          associate with another Priesthood, or the same, if you please, in
          the eternal worlds, for the one is combined and united with the
          other. The Priesthood that has lived before, and that which lives
          now are eternal, and administer in time and in eternity; and the
          principles which God has revealed to us draw aside the curtains
          of the eternal worlds, giving us a glimpse within the vail, where
          Christ, our Forerunner, has gone. We are gathered together, "one
          of a city and two of a family," as the Prophet said they should
          be. And he says, 'I' will bring you to Zion." What will he do
          with them when he has brought them there? "I will give them
          pastors after my own heart, which shall feed them with knowledge
          and understanding." Again, "Saviors shall come up on Mount Zion,
          to judge the Mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord's."
          Some talk about empires and kingdoms being built up by man. This
          is the Lord's kingdom and not man's. The Lord is our God, he is
          our king and our lawgiver, and he shall rule over us; and we will
          seek for and obtain his help and power.
          Saviors shall come up on Mount Zion, say the Scriptures. What is
          a Savior? One who saves another, is it not? How could any man
          save people if he knew not how, and how could he know except the
          Lord teach him? The world often finds fault with us. There are no
          greater benefactors to the world in existence than the Latter-day
          Saints are. There are no persons who have done more for the
          benefit of mankind, according to their number, than this people
          have. President Young, who is dead, and a number of others who
          have passed away, as well as the Twelve and thousands of others
          who still tarry, have traveled the length and breadth of the
          earth, without purse or scrip, to preach the glad tidings of
          salvation which heaven revealed to them. Do you find anybody else
          that has done it, or that is doing it, outside of this Church?
          No, such a thing is unheard of. We have gone forth, as the
          Scriptures say, bearing precious seed, and have returned again
          rejoicing, bringing our sheaves with us. Is this anything to hurt
          anybody? Does it interfere in the least with the rights of any?
          No. Are there any in this city, who are not of us, that can show
          that their religious rights, privileges, or principles have been
          interfered whit or infringed upon by the Latter-day Saints, or by
          the authorities of this Church? No, not one. If I knew of any
          that were in any way being interfered with, I would be the first
          to protect them. These are our feelings towards the world, and to
          those who say all manner of evil against us.
          We have expended millions upon millions in gathering the poor to
          this land, by what is known as the Perpetual Emigration Fund. We
          may ask why did this people in these valleys expend such large
          sums? Was it because they were sending for relatives and friends?
          No, but because they were of the family of Christ, the sons and
          daughters of God, and desired to come to Zion. We have sent as
          much as five hundred teams at a time to help out the poor. You
          have done it, and many of you have either sent your sons or gone
          yourselves, and you have carried provisions for them as well as
          bringing them here. I do not think there is very much harm in
          that. And what then? When these same men who had received the
          message of truth in far off lands, and who had been gathered
          there, had been further instructed, we have sent them back again
          to the nations from whence they came, to proclaim to their
          kindred and friends, to their tongue and nation, what God had
          done for them. After fulfilling their missions they return again.
          What to do? To slumber and sleep away their time? No, but to
          continue their work in reclaiming the waste places, and to build
          Temples in the interest of humanity, as the friends of God and of
          the world.
          There are, to-day, engaged working on our Temple, one hundred and
          fifty men. What for? That a place may be found that will be
          acceptable to God, and in which we may administer, in the name of
          the Lord, for our dead as well as for our living. We do not want
          to do this grudgingly, but with willing hearts, desiring to
          operate, with the Priesthood behind the vail, in building up and
          establishing the kingdom of God upon this earth. These men, after
          preaching and returning again, can then go into these Temples and
          minister in them as representatives of the nations form whence
          the came, and in the interest of these nations we are operating.
          Will God be pleased with this work? Yes, if we continue faithful
          in well doing. There are not less, I presume, than 500 men at
          work on the Temples now being erected in this Territory, and
          probably more than that. This seems foolish to the outside world;
          but we know in whom we have believed, and we know the work in
          which we are engaged--and who is injured by it? None.
          Some of our brethren feel sometimes that these things draw
          heavily upon them. Of course they do; and God expects to try us,
          to see what we are made of, and see whether the right ring of
          metal is in us or not, and whether we are prepared to stand up to
          the rack and walk forth in the name of Israel's God. Is it the
          desire to oppress anybody? No, never, nothing of that kind. In
          speaking on this, I would say to the Presidents of Stakes, and to
          the Bishops, see that there is no oppression of any kind, or
          anything approaching arbitrary measures, or anybody interfered
          with; let everything be done righteously, properly, and
          voluntarily. Instead of oppressing the poor, feed them. Instead
          of taking from the naked, clothe them. Be merciful to the widow
          and the fatherless and the orphan, and all who may be in
          distress; dry up their tears, and pour balm into their wounds,
          and be full of compassion, and kindness, and the love of God, and
          let it bubble and flow from you like a river of life. These are
          the feelings that ought to exist among the Saints; nothing like
          oppression or wrong of any kind should find place in our hearts.
          Let me pass from this to another thing which was touched upon
          this morning, which is, but which I really wish was not, true.
          Many of these my brethren have sent out their teams, and have
          subscribed their means to send for the poor, bringing them to
          these valleys. According to the provisions of the Perpetual
          Emigration Fund, the people who are thus assisted are expected to
          repay the means advanced to them when they have earned it, so
          that others may be helped with the same money, and thus that the
          fund in its operations, as was desired, may be perpetual. I am
          told that there is upwards of a million dollars of indebtedness
          to this fund to-day. This is a sad reflection upon the gratitude
          of men thus assisted. I am afraid the heavens will not smile upon
          such proceedings, and that God will not sanction it. It is time
          we waked up and attended to these obligations and duties, and
          felt that there was somebody else in the world besides our own
          selves; and if we have been assisted that we will be at least
          honest enough to meet that amount, and others who need its
          assistance may find it through the proper channel.
          We are engaged in this place in building a Tabernacle, in which
          we can meet during the Winter season. We do not call upon you
          outside brethren to assist us in this undertaking, because it is
          local and belongs to this Stake. This is a matter that was
          designed by President Young before his death; and we have been
          desirous, as brother Cannon said this morning, to carry out the
          views of our venerated President, as far as we can. We have
          commenced to build this house, we want to put it up without
          delay. In this, as in every other matter, we do not wish anybody
          to contribute his means or labor towards it, unless he feels free
          to do it; for there are plenty that will do it willingly, and it
          will be built; and we shall have a nice, comfortable place to
          worship in through the Winter, and it will serve the Priesthood
          for all necessary purposes, as well as the public. The building
          will be 116 x 64 feet inside, with gallery all around. It will be
          a little larger than was at first contemplated; and we have also
          departed a little from the original intention respecting the kind
          of building material. Instead of adobie, we have concluded to use
          rock. I now invite the people of this Stake and the masons
          especially to come forward and exert their energies, and let us
          do the work. It will be done by voluntary donations and by
          utilizing labor tithing. Some people may say, Why do it by
          voluntary donations? Why not use the tithing for all such
          purposes? Is not that sufficient? Yes, if all of you strictly
          paid it, but then you do not all do this, and consequently we
          have to resort to other means. But, as I have before said, in
          this and everything else, we do not wish to press the people, nor
          place any in unpleasant positions; but as we sometimes sing, it's
          "all free grace and all free will."
          I wish to make a few remarks in relation to what we term the
          United Order. We are united to-day with God, and with the holy
          Priesthood that existed before us, with Jesus the Mediator of the
          New Covenant, and with the ancient Prophets and Apostles and men
          of God, in building up the Zion of God upon the earth. They, in
          their different spheres and callings, are operating with us, and
          we with them, and the whole thing is a grand Co-operative
          Society; and everything we do here should be with the view of
          uniting our earthly interests, that we may be one in things
          temporal and one in things spiritual, one on the earth and one
          with those in the heavens, helping with our united efforts to
          roll on the Kingdom of God according to his purposes, and not
          according to our erratic notions. In speaking of these things I
          would address a few words to our sisters of the Relief and of the
          Mutual Improvement Societies. You are performing a good work in
          Zion. I am pleased with the paper you publish, and have been very
          much interested in the reports you have made, in witnessing the
          energy and zeal you display in endeavoring to introduce
          home-manufactured goods and articles of different kinds, in
          looking after the poor and necessitous, and in trying to elevate
          the community generally. To our Young Men's Mutual Improvement
          Societies I say, God bless you, and all who are operating in the
          interest of Zion, forever.
          Now let me say to parents, let us see that our youth are properly
          cared for and taught, and that honesty, truthfulness, virtue and
          good morals are inculcated, that they may grow in the faith of
          the Gospel and in the fear of God, to be useful in their day, to
          carry on the great work in which we are engaged. We already
          perceive a great improvement among our young men in their
          administrations; they are stepping forth, manifesting an
          excellent spirit, and many of them promise to become mighty men
          in Israel, who will roll forth the work when we get through. I
          will say to the Presidents of Stakes, encourage and foster these
          institutions; and to all the people I would say, love God and
          fear him and keep his commandments. Be honest with yourselves,
          honest before God. Be virtuous, be truthful and full of
          integrity, and fear the Lord your God in your hearts, and his
          blessing will be with you, and his Spirit will attend you, and
          your generations after you, worlds without end. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Erastus Snow, October 13, 1877
                           Erastus Snow, October 13, 1877
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ERASTUS SNOW,
          Delivered at the Quarterly Conference of the Utah Stake of Zion,
               in the Provo Meeting House, Saturday, October 13, 1877.
                          (From the Territorial Enquirer.)
          The Lord in his revelation to the Prophet Joseph, forty-seven
          years ago, required the Elders to meet together in Conference
          once in three months, or from time to time as appointed, for the
          purpose of transacting necessary business connected with the
          work, and for giving and receiving instructions in relation to
          the duties of the Priesthood. This commandment has been published
          in the book of Doctrine and Covenants, and is a standing
          revelation which has not been generally observed. We have had
          General Conferences of all the people--Priesthood and
          laymen--twice a year since our settlement in these valleys, which
          only a small portion of the people and a few of the general
          authorities of the Church have been able to attend. We have had
          occasional Conferences in some places in the Territory, and in
          various places abroad. It is time now that Stakes of Zion are
          organized, to hold our Conferences with more regularity and in
          their order, for the Saints to come together to be instructed,
          that reports may be heard from the various Wards, and the Elders
          enter into counsel and learn their duties. The last summer's
          labors of our late President, Brigham Young, and of the Twelve
          Apostles, were mainly devoted to this work--organizing the Stakes
          and the Priesthood therein, and arranging a system of reports
          with a view of holding the people to closer responsibilities, to
          awaken them to a better understanding and appreciation of their
          obligations. At the same time this rendering an account of
          stewardship in the various districts, Wards and Stakes of Zion,
          is calculated to encourage those who are doing right, and reprove
          such, if there be any, as do evil. You may be sure that if these
          arrangements are carried out, and good counsel is given to the
          people, they cannot fail to produce good results. Those who love
          the truth and hate iniquity, and who keep their covenants with
          God unbroken, are not afraid of their works being made manifest
          before the people. If they live in the faithful discharge of
          their duties, they have nothing to fear from this system of
          rendering reports of their stewardship. Presidents of Stakes,
          Bishops, Counselors, Priests, Teachers, Deacons, and Presidents
          of Quorums, who are doing well and performing their duties, need
          not shrink from giving reports of their actions, lives, and
          general conduct. It is pleasing to me, and to every right-minded
          man and woman, to hear these reports. They are not uninteresting
          nor dry to those who have the welfare of Israel at heart, and are
          watchful of the progress made among us. We have been instructed
          by the revelations of God to keep records of our organizations
          and councils, of everything brought before the Priesthood in
          their respective Quorums, of the attendance of members, who are
          speakers, what they say, and all things pertaining to the
          business and general welfare of the Quorums. Our various
          organizations should keep clerks, whose duty it should be to
          record the acts of its members, whether or not those members are
          living up to their requirements, and whether, instead of
          attending their meetings, they are engaged in fishing, hunting,
          freighting, gold-seeking, or anything else that is contrary to
          what is expected from them as laborers in the Church and kingdom
          of God. It is the duty of the Teachers to report to their Bishops
          the relative standing of those under their supervision--whether
          their houses are houses of order--whether the wife is good to the
          husband, and the husband is good to his wife--whether the
          children are obedient to their parents, and whether the parents
          are training their children in the way they should walk,--if
          there is strife where there should be peace, if there are
          jealousy and discord where love and unity should exist,--whether
          the mother poisons the mind of her daughter instead of teaching
          her correct principles; in short--whether the house is what it
          should be--a house of God.
          A Bishop should necessarily be a man of sound judgment, full of
          the Holy Ghost and capable of adjusting matters in a manner that
          will work the least injury possible and for the accomplishment of
          the greatest good. There are matters of a delicate nature which
          sometimes arise in families, and which should be properly
          understood by the Bishop and his Counsel before heralding them
          abroad. It might not be necessary to publish them among the
          people to the detriment and injury of the parties interested, but
          be considered in a proper spirit and not reported in a general
          sense, to the ward. At the same time, nothing that may have a
          bearing on the union and fellowship of the Saints, should escape
          the notice of the teachers; and no Bishop should ever betray the
          confidence and trust imposed in him through a knowledge of these
          tender and delicate matters, but manifest that fatherly love,
          tenderness and anxiety that parents feel for their offspring.
          Sunday School Teachers also ought not to exercise any undue
          severity and harshness toward those under their care, but should
          be actuated by feelings of tenderness and love. Every presiding
          officer of a quorum should do likewise, and every mother in her
          house should govern her children in gentleness, and filial love
          and kindness should be a part of their nature.
          The Holy Spirit will impress us with these matters, and on the
          other hand, the powers of evil will endeavor to influence us to
          act contrary to those impressions, to give way to anger, jealousy
          and envy. This is warfare--it is with ourselves, whether we
          conquer or yield to our evil passions. In our family circles, our
          daily associations with our wives, and children, friends and
          neighbors, we should be actuated and governed by feelings of
          tenderness and love. We should strive to become perfect in every
          great and good work and be examples worthy of imitation in our
          home and before our neighbors. We can never be truly great until
          we become truly good.
          If we would have a good people to associate and labor with, or to
          preside over; if our Wards, towns, divisions, sub-divisions and
          families must be in order we must not neglect any duty or leave
          any place uncared for. We cannot so neglect our responsibilities
          without feeling the effects afterwards. If a wound afflicts the
          body a scar is left as the effect of that wound. If we allow evil
          to dwell in the midst of the community it will manifest itself in
          the fruits thereof in after years. In the words of the Apostle
          Paul, "Whatsoever man soweth, that shall he also reap." No farmer
          expects to raise wheat when he sows oats, nor can a man gather
          figs from thorn threes that he may plant; neither can we expect
          to enjoy the fruits of love unless we have sown the seeds of love
          in our hearts and in the hearts of others. Every careful and
          reflecting mind will appreciate the Apostle Paul's words.
          Have we not seen children flee from their parents? and why?
          Because they have not sown in the hearts of their children the
          seeds of love, respect and good will, but have themselves given
          way to evil passions, and, by such a course have driven away
          their offspring. On the other hand, you may see men and women
          who, by their kindness, gentleness and love, have drawn towards
          them not only their offspring but the offspring of others. Like
          cleaves to like. Those, therefore, who lead the Saints must be
          men who have within them these same feelings. Can the wicked lead
          them? No! Jesus says, "My sheep know my voice and a stranger they
          will not follow."
          The object of our Conferences, Priesthood meetings and reports,
          is, not only to ascertain how we stand according to statistics,
          but that we may be able to learn what our individual condition is
          as members of the Church, to see ourselves in a glass, as it
          were, and find out wherein we need improving; and that men who
          have the charge and general oversight of the people may see at a
          glance the condition of the people in the different Wards. They
          may by this means form correct ideas of the feelings, faith and
          works of the Saints, how far the laws of God are observed, and
          whether the members are keeping their covenants, attending to
          home duties, paying their tithes and are engaged in all the
          laudable works required at their hands, so that if the Lord
          commands any service at our hands, there will be a unity of
          purpose and a concert of action, on the part of the people, in
          carrying it out.
          The people in this territory are classed into three grand
          divisions for the purpose of Temple building. There are a certain
          number of stakes grouped together to build a Temple in Manti,
          another to build a Temple in Logan, and others of the more
          central stakes to build one in Salt Lake City. The presiding
          officers of these Stakes and the various quorums will vie with
          each other in the accomplishment of this work, that the people
          may officiate in the ordinances of the house of God for
          themselves and their dead.
          These things being necessary for working out the Lord's purposes,
          and for the general welfare of Israel, have another good effect
          in the experience they give to us. They are valuable in the
          training of the people and give an increase of power that will
          prove of benefit to the Saints in years to come. That experience
          and increase of power we shall find necessary in our future
          warfare against evil. There is and always will be, until the
          Savior appears again, a great battle fought between the
          Priesthood and the powers of darkness. The wicked do not
          comprehend this. They witness various manifestations of unseen
          powers operating in the human family, but whether they are good
          and truthful or vile and deceptive they are unable to comprehend
          satisfactorily, because they have not applied to the fountain of
          light, truth and knowledge. The Saints, on the other hand, can
          comprehend these manifestations and judge this wicked world by
          the light of the Holy Ghost. We shall see the manifestations of
          the powers of darkness in an increased degree in the future,
          deceiving the children of men. So far as this generation is
          concerned it has been since the Prophet Joseph came forth and
          declared his belief in revelations, visions and angels that the
          powers of darkness have operated by external and supernatural
          manifestations, and as the power of God increased with the people
          and extended throughout the earth and was felt by other nations
          besides this, the Evil One manifested his power among men to a
          greater extent. When the Prophet Joseph appeared, announcing his
          belief in these things, there was a general unbelief among
          religious sects in regard to them. Professed Christians
          disclaimed any belief in manifestations from heaven, had no faith
          in visions or angels, and considered the claims of any man to be
          absurd who professed to have communication with the unseen world.
          Those who had faith in visions and dreams where looked upon as
          superstitious beings. Joseph's professions were viewed as
          inconsistent with the spirit and enlightenment of the age. But
          how great is the change! We find men and women seeking
          communication with the unseen world, with spirits of departed
          friends, and receiving spiritual manifestations in various forms.
          In the days of the Prophet Joseph there were only a few who
          entertained any faith in such manifestations, but now they are
          numbered by millions. What has all this effected? Has it produced
          any more unity in the world than existed before? Is there an
          increase of happiness or aught that is praiseworthy? The effect
          it has produced is evident to the reflecting mind. Infidelity has
          increased as the powers of darkness have spread their influence
          over the minds of men.
          I do not expect many of the Latter-day Saints to be able to fully
          contemplate the subject, not having mingled with the world since
          these great changes have occurred, but there are some who possess
          a general knowledge of such things by seeing, hearing and
          reading. The testimony of the Elders is that the world is almost
          universally infidel--priests and people. Religion is used as a
          cloak with the great majority of professing Christians. There
          appears to prevail an almost general disbelief in Jesus and his
          Apostles. The Bible is counted unworthy of credence or attention,
          and religion is deemed a farce. This general tendency to
          infidelity is also the result of men's efforts to put down
          Mormonism. The world rejected the power of God made manifest by
          the visitation of holy angels, but when the devil manifested his
          power through the visitation of evil spirits, assuming all sorts
          of fantastic shapes, the people eagerly ran after them and became
          blind, bewildered and stupefied. Such persons would rather
          "believe a lie and be damned;" they willingly follow after the
          "strong delusions" that the Apostle Paul referred to. These
          powers of darkness will continue to come upon them and spread
          over the earth, as we advance in truth and righteousness. We that
          have this warfare to meet, should keep ourselves prepared for any
          and every attack of the evil one. It becomes us to draw ourselves
          together in the bonds of unity, to cling to each other, our
          covenants and our God. We are called upon not only to uphold and
          sustain the Priesthood over us but each other. If we do this, and
          perform the duties we owe one another, we shall perform the
          duties we owe to the Priesthood and to God. God bless you. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Wilford Woodruff, October 13, 1877
                         Wilford Woodruff, October 13, 1877
                                    SYNOPSIS OF A
               Delivered in the Provo Meeting House, October 13, 1877.
                          (From the Territorial Enquirer.)
                             ALL OBEY THE LAW OF DEATH.
          It was with pleasure I listened this morning to the remarks of
          brother Snow, and wish that all the people in this Stake had
          heard them. We have had a great deal of preaching, and need a
          great deal, and I don't know that a people ever lived who had
          We are in the valleys of the mountains for a special purpose--to
          establish righteousness and live in accordance with the
          principles of truth. There never was a generation of people who
          had so much to perform as the Latter-day Saints have. This work
          is progressing, and it will continue to advance. I have seen the
          time when you could get the whole Church into this room--when
          there were a few High Priests, no Apostles or Seventies, and only
          a few Elders. I am as thoroughly satisfied now as I ever was in
          my life, that this is the kingdom of God. I am as firm a believer
          in God, in the revelations of God, in the Books of Mormon and
          Doctrine and Covenants, as I ever was. I have read the prophecies
          of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and other inspired writers, and
          have seen some of them fulfilled, and expect to see others have
          their literal fulfillment. God worked with the children of men
          through revelation, and he will continue to do so in this
          generation. With him there is no change; his ways are one eternal
          The Lord has directed and guided this work from the beginning.
          The prophecies relating to the present dispensation--to Zion
          being established in the tops of the mountains--to the building
          of cities and Temples--are being fulfilled. We have nothing to do
          but build up the kingdom of God, and the more light and
          understanding we get, the less our hearts will cling to outside
          things. While we are engaged in this work, we can realize that
          holy angels are watching us. The Lord told us, forty-seven years
          ago, what would take place, and we are now fulfilling that which
          he spoke of. Brothers Joseph and Brigham are gone into the spirit
          world, but there are a few of us left to continue the work laid
          out by the Almighty. We have preached to the world, organized the
          Priesthood and the Saints, and angels have borne record of this,
          and it is recorded in heaven--our toil, our preaching, and our
          testimony. We have filled these once desert places with Saints of
          the living God, and many thousands are here who never saw the
          world. We have to build Temples--one is almost completed and is
          dedicated; we have laid the foundations of others, and the work,
          like a panorama, is before us. This labor is not to be performed
          by other hands. God looks to us to build these Temples, and to
          bring about the redemption of the earth. He holds us responsible
          for this work; we have to preach to the house of Israel--to the
          Lamanites--to gather together the honest in heart from all parts
          of the earth. We are chosen to perform this great and important
          work--we, a small handful of people compared with the millions of
          human beings on the earth. The Lord does not expect any other
          people but the Latter-day Saints to do this work; there is nobody
          else preparing.
          One after another of our brethren have left us and gone to labor
          on the other side of the veil. President Brigham Young, brother
          George A. Smith, and others before them, have all gone, and the
          few that are left of the Twelve will also go by and by; but while
          here, it is our duty to labor on the foundation they have laid.
          President Young labored hard and faithful during the last few
          years of his life in organizing and building up Zion. We have to
          continue the work they were engaged in, and when our time comes
          to take our departure for that life behind the veil, none of us
          will regret having devoted our time, talents, and labor for the
          accomplishment of this great object. The riches of the world will
          appear as the dust under our feet compared with the eternal
          reward before us.
          This kingdom will never be given into the hands of another
          people. We may pass away, but our sons and daughters will have
          the labor on their shoulders of building up the kingdom.
          Many of you may have read, years before it was fulfilled, the
          revelation and prophecy of the Prophet Joseph in regard to the
          trouble, anarchy, and war that should befall this nation. Wise
          men said its fulfillment was a matter of impossibility--that the
          government was too sound and too well established for such a
          calamity to occur, but the fulfillment came. When the Lord
          undertakes to perform a work, he is certain to carry it out. It
          would not take the Lord twenty-four hours to cause war, anarchy,
          confusion, and judgments to come upon the nation. He is
          withholding these calamities until his purposes are accomplished.
          The set time has come, and the world is preparing itself for
          these things. The Church and kingdom of God must adorn itself,
          and prepare for the coming of the Great Bridegroom. Every key
          relating to this dispensation was given to the Prophet Joseph,
          and they remain with the Priesthood to-day. We have no right to
          walk in the dark. The burden is now resting upon us, and, holding
          the Priesthood, our aim should be the building up of the kingdom
          of God. We hold the Priesthood for that purpose, and we have no
          business to use it for anything else but to officiate in the
          ordinances of the house of God.
          Sooner or later we shall have to obey the law of death. As it is
          written, "In Adam all died, so in Christ shall all be made
          alive." We shall have to pass through the ordeal--there is no
          escape from it. We have, consequently, no time to throw away. It
          may be asked, "How much longer will it be before the winding up
          scene takes place? It is not for me to say. How much longer have
          the Elders to suffer violence at the hands of the wicked? It
          appears to me that the world is about ripe for the judgments of
          the Lord, and that the testimony will soon be sealed. He is
          already working with the Lamanites, and he will accomplish a
          great deal in a little time.
          Some people entertain the idea that because wheat is plentiful
          and selling at exceedingly low figures, the probability of a
          famine is more remote than ever; but the Lord makes no mistakes
          about what is going to transpire. He has decreed the visitation
          of judgments, and they are certain to take place. President Young
          has for years repeatedly impressed upon the brethren the
          necessity of preparing for a period of famine by storing their
          wheat, and, before his death, was impressed to speak to the
          sisters and urge them to look after that matter. Let us be united
          in our labors, and in all the branches of industry that males or
          females may be engaged in. The raising of silk may be rendered an
          important item in the industry of this Territory. It is a
          business that our wives and children can engage in, and there is
          nothing to hinder the people from becoming rich from this branch
          of industry alone. There is an improvement in the United Order,
          or Co-operation. The Saints are preparing themselves for that
          event when Jesus shall come as a thief in the night. For our own
          sakes let us do the best we possibly can. We must observe and
          keep the laws of God, in order to inherit the rewards promised.
          Let us not set our hearts on the riches and vanities of this
          earth. It is very convenient, it is true, to have the comforts of
          life around us, but we shall be better without them, if by
          hoarding up the riches of the world we forget the things of God.
          I pray God to bless you and our sons and daughters, that their
          minds may be led and prepared for the work they will be called
          upon to perform.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, October 14, 1877
                            John Taylor, October 14, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY PRESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR,
          Delivered in the Provo Meeting House, Sunday Morning, October 14,
                          (From the Territorial Enquirer.)
          It is the first time that I have been permitted to meet with you
          since the death of our beloved President and Prophet. We all feel
          sad and sorrowful on account of our bereavement. He had been our
          guide, director, Prophet, Seer and Revelator for the last
          thirty-three years, and his departure caused feelings of gloom
          and sorrow throughout all the Territory. We all felt to
          appreciate our President and mourn his loss, and we still have
          some feelings of sorrow lingering about us; yet, at the same
          time, we cannot ignore the fact that there are certain duties and
          responsibilities resting upon us that call into operation our
          best energies, thoughts, reflections and actions. And while we
          mourn his loss we are impressed with the responsibilities that
          rest upon us as individuals, in connection with the work of God,
          and are led to reflect upon the changing vicissitudes of human
          life and the various events that have transpired among us.
          There is a satisfaction in the reflection that God is at the helm
          and guides, controls and dictates according to his own plans and
          designs, and that the Priesthood is not confined to this earth
          alone, but that, after having performed our various duties here
          and passed away, we shall be called upon to operate for the same
          grand purpose in another sphere. The Priesthood we have received
          on the earth is everlasting, it administers in time and eternity,
          and to that Priesthood are we indebted for the revelations of
          God's will to man; for with the introduction of the Priesthood to
          men on the earth came the development of the principles of truth
          and, by that means, light, knowledge and intelligence were
          communicated to this people. We cannot do anything of ourselves,
          unless aided by the spirit of the Lord. We are in communion with
          not only the Prophets and Apostles who lived anciently, but with
          brother Joseph, brother Brigham, brother Heber C. Kimball,
          brother Geo. A. Smith and others who held the holy Priesthood and
          have passed away, and are operating with them in behalf of fallen
          humanity, in behalf of the people who live now on the earth and
          the myriads of dead who have left us. We are engaged in a work
          that nothing but the combined action of the Priesthood on the
          earth and in the heavens can bring about. It is not in the power
          alone of any one man, whether it be brother Brigham, brother
          Joseph or any that exist, to accomplish the redemption of the
          human family, unless aided by the Almighty. We are not only
          working in our own interests, but in the interests of mankind,
          and we should seek that light, intelligence and knowledge
          necessary in the carrying out of the designs of Jehovah, and
          associate ourselves with that grand combination and union between
          heaven and earth for the accomplishment of His purposes.
          We have lately been organizing ourselves according to the
          revelations of the Almighty. Our organization is not entirely
          perfect, but we shall continue to approach nearer to that
          condition until every man is placed in his right position and we
          are properly organized, whereby all matters connected with the
          work of God can be placed in their proper working order, all of
          which will be accomplished if we follow the directions of our
          late venerated President. By continuing in this good work we
          shall go on from intelligence to intelligence, and from knowledge
          to knowledge, until we shall see as we are seen and know as we
          are known. These organizations of Stakes and Wards are not made
          for the purpose of putting men in positions, neither are
          positions in the Priesthood given to men to enable them to strut
          about and lord it over their fellows, but in all their
          administrations, men should have the fear of God, understand His
          mind and realize their responsibility to Him for their acts and
          doings. Men holding the Priesthood should not be governed by
          personal ambition, but feel full of the love of God, the Holy
          Ghost, light, revelation, mercy, kindness and long-suffering
          toward all with whom they are associated. These are the kind of
          feelings that ought to be expressed and manifested by all those
          holding the Priesthood. We are not to act as lords over God's
          heritage, but ought to act in the fear of the Almighty, aided by
          the Holy Spirit, in seeking to carry out the various duties
          devolving upon us, for little or insignificant as these things
          appear to us, they are of the greatest importance. God
          understands better the wants of the people than we do, for he has
          had experience that we have not yet acquired. In all his
          operations He is governed by love, and he desires to see those
          who hold his authority here on the earth exercise it for the
          welfare of the human family, and to act as he would, with the
          same parental solicitude. For this purpose He has delegated his
          authority to man, as described in the Scriptures, "first,
          Apostles, secondarily Prophets," etc, that the Saints might be
          perfected, "until we all come to the unity of the faith." This
          was said in former times for the organization of the former-day
          Saints, and is applicable to the case of the Latter-day Saints.
          Through these ordinances come the blessings of the Gospel, and
          without them the power of God cannot be made manifest to man in
          the flesh. Now there is more in this than is apparent to the
          superficial observer.
          We have and have had various organizations of the holy
          Priesthood. We have had a First Presidency, and sometimes we have
          not. It was sometime before a First Presidency was organized in
          the early days of the Church, and then it was quite a number of
          years before the Twelve Apostles and the several quorums now in
          existence were organized. The Lord has been developing us in
          these matters, and there is a beauty and a harmony in the
          organization of the Church that cannot be found any other
          community in the world. Before the Prophet Joseph departed, he
          said, on one occasion, turning to the Twelve, "I roll the burden
          of this kingdom on to you," and, on another occasion, he said
          their place was next to that of the First Presidency, and he
          wished them to take their place that he might attend to other
          duties, such as translating, etc. At the time he was taken away
          he was in the bloom of life and the vigor of health, and although
          his departure was sudden and unexpected our organization rendered
          it no difficult matter to decide who should assume the leadership
          of the Church. There was no difficulty in the matter; it was
          understood that the duty rested on the Twelve. Why? The
          revelation stated that the Twelve were to hold the keys of the
          kingdom in connection with the First Presidency, which were
          handed down under various circumstances. You will find in the
          history of the Prophet Joseph Smith, that this matter is made
          perfectly plain. He said there was no authority or power of
          presidency over the Twelve except the First Presidency, and where
          he was not there was no presidency over the Twelve. Hence
          President Brigham Young said, when the Prophet Joseph was taken
          away, "Thank God the keys of the kingdom are not taken from us,"
          and being head of the Twelve, he assumed his position and so
          acted on the authority he held and according to the rules laid
          down. Thus there was no scattering, confusion or difficulty that
          might otherwise have existed if the organization of the Church
          had not been perfect. When President Young was taken away the
          same condition of things were presented again, the circumstances
          being similar. There is no contention, strife or difficulty,
          because we all understand the principles that God has ordained
          for the government of his people. The Twelve have not assumed the
          Presidency of the Church to suit themselves, but as a duty which
          they could not ignore. Men of the world cried out "The Mormons
          are all scattered now," but they don't know anything about the
          character and mission of this Church. I don't think we have been
          much scattered. Our last General Conference in Salt Lake City
          proved how much scattered we were. Our voting on that occasion
          showed a cementing--a uniting together of the people, that could
          not be equalled by any other people on the earth. It may be asked
          why we voted at Conference in the manner we did. Because it was
          the way that God ordained. Under the inspiration of the Almighty,
          Joseph Smith organized this state of things at a General Assembly
          held in Kirtland, when the people were called upon to vote, and
          they did so in the same manner that we did at our last General
          Conference. You will recollect that about the 19th of January,
          1841, a revelation was given defining the various positions of
          men called to act in the Priesthood. First, the Lord gave to the
          Church Hyrum Smith to be Patriarch, then Joseph Smith, Jun., to
          be Prophet, Seer and Revelator to the people, and Sidney Rigdon
          and William Law for his Counselors, Brigham Young as President of
          the Twelve, which Twelve he called by name--then the High
          Priests, Seventies and Elders--then again the Bishops and lesser
          Priesthood. Now, says he, at the next General Conference present
          this organization to the Conference for its acceptance or
          rejection. At the next Conference the various quorums were
          presented in that form and the people voted as quorums and with
          uplifted hands. Some of these men that the Lord had named,
          however, were rejected: One man named Hicks, and another Bishop
          Ripley. John E. Page, one of the quorum of the Twelve, was also
          rejected, but after a hearing was afterwards restored. The
          Prophet Joseph told the people to vote in that manner, as the
          majority of the several quorums would form a quorum or authority
          that would be decisive. This manner of voting was observed at Far
          West also; and even after Joseph's death this same rule was
          observed, though not with the same unanimity as at our General
          Conference. There is no log-rolling--no seeking for office, but
          our idea is that the voice of God should dictate and then the
          voice of the people. He respects our rights, as he did the rights
          of the people thousands of years ago, when the congregations of
          ancient Israel stood up and said Amen to the voice of God through
          his Prophets. There is no compulsion--no forcing the human
          mind--no driving; but every one should have a full, frank, free
          and unfettered opportunity of expressing his wish for or against,
          but we always ought to consent to that which is right. I never
          saw more unanimity on the part of the people than was displayed
          at the General Conference two weeks ago; there could not possibly
          be more. The Twelve stand as they did after the Prophet Joseph
          was taken away. I and others of the Twelve, now living, were with
          them. Now a second time it devolves upon the Twelve to take the
          presidency of the Church. Will there be anything else? I cannot
          say; there may be, when the Lord deems it necessary. We should
          feel as Jesus did when he exclaimed, "Lord, not my will, but
          thine be done." It devolves upon the Twelve to attend to the
          duties the Lord has placed upon them, but they need the faith and
          confidence of the Saints and the sustenance of the Almighty, for
          they will not be able to do anything of themselves.
                 I would like to have been at the High Priests' meeting
          held here last evening, but could not attend in consequence of
          ill-health. There is a quorum of High Priests in this Stake, and
          it is proper that they should fully understand the duties of
          their office and calling, which the Book of Doctrine and
          Covenants plainly states. It is an ordinance, as therein shown,
          that has been instituted for the purpose of qualifying men for
          Presidents of the different Stakes scattered abroad. Many
          circumstances have occurred since the commencement of our recent
          organizations which show how little prepared the High Priests
          were to take upon themselves the duties of their office, in
          presiding over Stakes, Wards, etc. We have had to take hundreds
          from the Quorums of Seventies and Elders and ordain them High
          Priests and make Bishops, Bishops' Counselors, Presidents of
          Stakes and High Councilors of them. Now it seems to me that if
          the High Priests had understood and performed their duties, we
          should not have been in the position we were and compelled to go
          outside of these quorums to find men suitable for presiding. I
          draw their attention to this matter; and you Presidents of High
          Priests should instruct your quorums on the principles of
          Presidency, that when called upon they can be used in positions
          of that character. Let us not be negligent in time to come. I
          say, get your people together, instruct them in the duties of
          their calling, have them seek after light, knowledge and
          intelligence as to the requirements of their exalted positions,
          that when we want qualified and capable men we may know where to
          find them. Now, then, is it wrong to take others? If one, who by
          the Priesthood he holds has a priority of claim in a case of this
          kind, is otherwise unqualified, we must select the wisest and the
          best, whether he be a Seventy or an Elder, to fill such position
          and to administer correctly in the things of God.
          Now let us go on to the Seventies. There are large numbers of
          them, and there has been a great desire to push men into quorums,
          without regard sometimes to their worth and fitness. Now what is
          their duty? Why, to go abroad and preach the Gospel to all
          nations. How many do this? Very few. Well, say some, we go when
          called upon. That is all true; the Seventies have, as a rule,
          been on hand to go forth and preach; but I am speaking more
          particularly, of the nature of the Priesthood they hold and the
          duties which devolve upon them. They should be always ready, a
          kind of minute men under the immediate direction of the Twelve,
          to go forth as the messengers of life and salvation to all
          nations on the earth. Are you Seventies preparing yourselves for
          this? Are you prepared to stand forth as men of God, clothed upon
          by the power of the Holy Ghost, to go into the world to warn the
          people, calling them to repentance? A great deal has been
          accomplished for the salvation of the human family, but we are
          only starting in. We have sent a few here and there, and although
          we think we have done a great work, there is but a small handful
          of people to show for it. There will be great and wonderful
          changes on the earth; war, bloodshed and desolation will stalk
          through the land, and we have got to pursue our work and seek
          after the light of revelation to guide us. We talk about and
          wonder who the biggest man is--the Seventy or the High Priest?
          Let us seek to know who of us is living nearer to God and acting
          in such a manner as to call down upon us the power of God, and
          angels will administer to us. We cannot tell which member of the
          body is most useful to us, which we can best afford to spare--the
          leg or the arm, the eye or the nose. All are necessary to render
          the body perfect.
          Moses appeared to the Prophet Joseph to confer upon him the keys
          for the gathering together of the dispensations and the house of
          Israel from all portions of the earth. We have got to preach to
          the Lamanites, to the house of Judah and by and bye the ten
          tribes. We must be prepared for thee things and realize the
          importance of this duty and the responsibilities resting upon us
          as God's holy Priesthood. Now, Elders, you ought to be diligent
          in observing the laws and keeping the commandments of God. These
          are the leading features of the Melchizedek Priesthood, including
          the Patriarchs. In England we ordained a few Patriarchs, and I
          remember that the people on occasions used to get together and
          have a feast, and then the Patriarch would bless them. This is
          the way some of the ancient Patriarchs did. The people ought to
          be liberal with them, but men holding the Priesthood should be
          governed by higher and more exalted feelings than that of using
          their callings for the purpose of merchandizing. The Elders
          should stand in their positions as men of God. We are really
          to-day a kingdom of Priests, and ought to wield a powerful
          influence for good in the earth. We should get our spirits right
          and act in righteousness.
          The Presidents of Stakes have important positions; they preside
          over all the interests of the Church where they are placed, and
          they should feel like acting for God, and they and their counsel
          should have continually with them the light of revelation, be
          full of the Holy Ghost, and quick to discern. There is no officer
          in the Church, who acts with a single eye to the glory of God but
          what will have wisdom given him according to his capacity. The
          President of the Stake presides over the High Council, a set of
          men appointed and ordained to adjudicate all matters in dispute
          that may come before them, and they should act in all meekness,
          humility and wisdom, seeking intelligence from the Foundation of
          Light, so that they can act in righteousness and give righteous
          judgment. Then the Bishop is a common judge in Israel, acting in
          the interests of the people; his duty is to put down evil and
          root out iniquity. What is the duty of the Priests? Only to hold
          office? No; it is to visit the members of the various Wards, and
          to see that there are no hard feelings, troubles or difficulty
          among the people, to anticipate the occurrence of anything of
          that sort, put things right and see that the ordinances of the
          Church are carried out. Then the Teachers, who are helps to the
          Priests, whose duty it is to go among the people and talk to them
          on their duties--not like so many parrots, but full of the spirit
          of God. And where there may be difficulties to settle, and it is
          not within the power of the Teachers to satisfactorily adjust
          them, report them to the Bishop, who sits as a common judge in
          Israel, and to adjudicate all such matters. If thy brother offend
          thee, go and say to him, "Brother, you have done so and so," and
          if he will not listen to you nor ask forgiveness for the offense
          he has given you, take another man with you--one whom you think
          has influence with him, and one whom you think he will listen
          to--and let him talk, and if the offending person will not listen
          to him, report him, to be dealt with according to the order of
          the Church, and if he continues obdurate and stubborn, then he
          does not belong to us. Let us always feel like operating together
          for the good of each other and for the kingdom we are identified
          We have other societies,--the Young Men's and Young Ladies'
          Mutual Improvement Associations and the female Relief Societies.
          A great deal of credit is due to our sisters. God has provided
          them as helpmates to their husbands, and it is the duty of the
          latter to cherish and protect those whom God has given unto them,
          and show them how to make themselves happy,--teach them--our
          wives and daughters--the pure principles of the Gospel, that the
          daughters of Zion may be lovely and shine as the light and glory
          of the age in which we live. Sisters, put away from you the
          vanities and frivolities of the world, administer to the poor and
          the afflicted. The sisters know how to sympathize with and
          administer to those who are poor, afflicted and downcast; and let
          the brethren help them in their kindly ministrations. The young
          men should be encouraged in the work they are engaged in, and
          their Mutual Improvement Associations ought to be nourished and
          their interests promoted. The Lord has encouraged these things
          from the commencement. The first sisters relief society
          instituted in the Church was presided over by sister Emma Smith;
          sister Whitney was her Counselor, and sister Eliza Snow was the
                 The spirit of Temple-building seems to have taken
          possession of the people. One Temple has already been built, and
          it is designed to build three more. We are prompted by holy
          influences to embark in this labor. The Lord said he would send
          his servant Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the
          children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, and
          this matter of Temple-building is in fulfillment of his word. We
          are seeking not only to administer for the living, but for the
          dead. There are many queries come up in relation to the manner in
          which the various works we are now engaged in shall be
          accomplished. Shall we pay our Tithing? Yes. Shall we sustain the
          building of Temples? Yes. And anything outside of this? Yes, we
          should do the best we can to build up the kingdom of our God. A
          case came up recently in Cache Valley, where a leading man wanted
          to know if he could not have the Tithing for putting up the
          Temple in that Stake. Now, if this privilege is given to them in
          Cache County, they will want it in Sanpete, and if they have the
          privilege there, they will want it in other places where Temples
          are being erected, and what next? What are we going to do to meet
          all the expenses, and they are various, which occur in the
          carrying on of the work? By and bye the Tithing may be sufficient
          to meet all requirements. We do not wish to oppress and crush the
          poor and faithful of God's people,--we would rather say, "Break
          every yoke, and let the oppressed go free!" There is nothing
          contributed for the work of God but what should be accounted for.
          We intend to tell you all what becomes of your Tithes and
          offerings. Through these ordinances come the blessings of God.
          Brotherly love should prevail among all the people of God, and we
          should be more united in our temporal and spiritual matters, and
          thereby claim the promised blessings.
          May God bless you and lead you in the paths of right. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, October 21, 1877
                            John Taylor, October 21, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY PRESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR,
                Delivered at the Quarterly Conference, Held in Ogden,
                                   Oct. 21, 1877.
                             (From the Ogden Junction.)
          [This report is from long-hand notes, and though not verbatim, is
          as nearly so as possible.--ED.]
          I am happy to meet my brethren and sisters at this Conference.
          Since I was last here, we have had to mourn the loss of our
          venerated President, Brigham Young. It has cast a gloom over the
          Saints throughout the Territory, and all feel sorrowful. He led
          Israel for a long time--the past 33 years, and in leaving us we
          have felt his loss. His demise was among the events necessarily
          associated with human affairs, for the Lord manages such things
          by his own will. I remember when Joseph was taken, but his death
          was not like that of Brigham Young, but by the hands of a
          ruthless mob. It was a matter of great importance to us
          relatively, but not great with the work in which we are all
          engaged. When the Lord revealed the Gospel unto Joseph Smith, and
          unfolded His purposes and designs to the earth--when He gave us a
          knowledge of the laws, ordinances of the Gospel and doctrines, it
          was not for the object of elevating him as a man, but was done in
          the interest of society and the world in which we live--in the
          interest of the living and the dead, according to the decrees of
          Jehovah before the world was rolled into existence, or the
          morning stars sang together in joy. In the last days He saw it
          was proper to restore the new and everlasting Gospel--new to the
          world because of its traditions, follies, weaknesses, etc., but
          everlasting because it existed with God, with Him before the
          world was, and will continue when change shall succeed change,
          and when all things are made new the things of God will endure on
          and on forever. So it is an everlasting Gospel, though new to the
          world. It was introduced in the interest of humanity: our
          fathers, the Prophets and men of God who once administered on the
          earth and are now administering in the heavens, had a hand in
          introducing this work. To-day they feel interested in rolling
          forth the work and purposes of God assigned to them before the
          foundation of the world. It is to them, to God, to Jesus, that we
          are indebted for the light, life and intelligence communicated,
          and we shall look to them throughout all time for instructions to
          sustain and direct us. We talk about the organization of the
          Church being better attended to lately than formerly; but from
          whom did we receive it? What did we know about the Apostles till
          God revealed it? Nothing. We talk about the Patriarchs, the First
          Presidency; who knew of them till God revealed it? No one? The
          High Priests, Seventies, Elders--who knew about them or their
          calling, duties and labors till God revealed it? No one. It is
          the case with the Bishops, Counselors, High Councilors, the
          Lesser Priesthood, and with all the organizations and Quorums;
          the light was all from God, and not from man. It came through
          revelations from God to Joseph Smith, the Prophet of God; hence
          we are indebted to the Lord for all these things, for all the
          knowledge we have in relation to those principles. Who taught the
          gathering principle and why are we here to-day? Under what
          influence did we come? Many Latter-day Saints themselves hardly
          realize it. We read in the history of the Church that at a
          certain time there was a revelation given in the Temple which was
          built at Kirtland, Ohio; when Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
          were seated in it, several important personages appeared and gave
          certain keys, powers and privileges; among them was Moses, who
          represented what is termed the Gathering Dispensation, which was
          to gather Israel from the four quarters of the earth; you will
          find it in the edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, and I refer
          you to that, where it is positively stated. Why did we gather?
          Because the keys of this dispensation were given to Joseph Smith,
          and conferred by him on the Twelve, the Seventies and others, and
          they received this as a part of their ministry, their endowments,
          if you please, and when they called upon the people to repent and
          be baptized, and they did so, they received the Holy Ghost, and
          among other things received was this principle of gathering, and
          I defy all Israel to have so gathered without these keys and been
          brought together as they are to-day. But we had no trouble in
          gathering because we had the keys. I have seen the time when the
          people were almost willing to sell themselves in order to get
          here, and you know this to be true; it is all from God.
          Our Temple building is of the same nature; we are living in the
          dispensation of the fulness of times, embracing all the powers,
          principles, doctrines and covenants since the world was, and
          among the rest is Temple building. The speaker here read from the
          Doctrine and Covenants, concluding with, "Before the great and
          terrible day of the Lord shall come, I will turn the hearts of
          the children to the fathers, and of the fathers to the children,
          etc., lest I come and smite the children with a curse." Did
          Elijah hold these keys?" He did. Did he give them to Joseph? He
          did. You will find it in the same revelation as that quotes; a
          feeling of that kind sprang up in the breasts of the Latter-day
          Saints, till we hardly know sometimes why we do so, but we do. We
          built our first Temple in Kirtland, then one at Nauvoo, and laid
          the foundation for one at Far West, Missouri; we have also built
          one here at St. George; it is a beautiful building, and we are
          performing the ordinances there for the living and the dead. Do
          any of us regret the part we have taken in it? I think not. Then
          we have been doing work on another in Salt Lake, another in
          Sanpete, and another in Cache Valley, all of which will be
          magnificent buildings when completed; not less than 500 men are
          at work on them. It looks odd to some people who don't know what
          it means, but we know because God revealed it to us; we are
          always on hand.
          The year past, 1876, feelings were stirred up in the mind of the
          President, and he called on the Twelve, the High Priests, the
          Seventies and Elders to subscribe to build the Temple at Salt
          Lake. Did they do it? Yes. You, here, did your share and gave
          means freely, as thousands did throughout the Territory. Why did
          he feel like this? Because the spirit of God prompted him. Why
          did the Seventies, Priests, Teachers, etc., respond so promptly?
          Because the spirit of God rested on them and all hands wanted to
          help build the Temples to the name of God, that we might
          administer the ordinances necessary to be performed for the
          living and the dead. If we turned our Temples over to the world
          to-day, they would not know what to do with them; they could not
          administer in the ordinances, and we should not know if God had
          not taught us; but the Gospel brings us light and places us in
          communion with the heavens through time and eternity; they tell
          us to build Temples and then instruct us how to administer in
          them for the living and the dead--that men who are placed here
          are for a certain work, and they are helping us to do our work
          and are operating with the Gods in the heavens in our behalf, and
          we for them--they without us are not made perfect, nor are we
          perfect without them. It requires union--union cemented by
          indissoluble ties; it unites us to each other and to them, and
          enables us to act intelligently, and when we get through with our
          affairs, to assist others in the accomplishment of theirs in the
          interest of God and humanity. This is not our work, nothing that
          we have done; God has done it. He wants us to help Him and He
          will help us. We can do nothing in and of ourselves, for we are
          weak and frail and need the guidance and revelation of God to
          uphold us.
          We have had a Conference here to-day, and you are more perfectly
          organized than before. The Lord some time ago wrought on the mind
          of President Young to have a more complete organization in the
          Church, and the Twelve were called on to visit the settlements
          and explain the order of the Priesthood, etc.; to organize the
          Stakes with all the officers--President and Counsel, the High
          Council and Priests under the President and the Counsel over the
          Stake--Bishops, Elders, the Lesser Priesthood, and all those
          called local authorities in their several places, and have
          everything in order; the Twelve went through the Territory, and
          assisted by the Presidency, the work was accomplished, and has
          been for some time. The quorums before you to-day are the result
          of their work. What did he know of this only as God revealed it?
          Nothing. Did Brigham Young or Joseph Smith know it? No, only as
          God revealed it. But the necessary information has been given,
          and to-day the Church is more perfectly organized than ever
          before, perhaps with the exception of the general assembly at
          Kirtland, but in some things now we are more stable and complete
          than they were even then. It is proper at the present time to
          refer to such things for instruction, though brother Richards is
          well posted in respect to these matters, and has taught you much
          in relation to them.
          In Kirtland, Ohio, we had many things revealed through the
          Prophet Joseph; we had the First Presidency over the High
          Council, and another in Missouri. Joseph Smith and his Counsel
          presided over that in Kirtland; hence some things at times took
          place that were peculiar to some people; when they were at a loss
          to find out anything pertaining to the principles and doctrines,
          the Presidency inquired of the Lord, and would get the desired
          information. Now, I would make a remark in regard to these things
          here. All the High Councils and all those holding the Priesthood,
          the Presidents and all the Bishops and their Counsel, and all
          holding positions in the Church and kingdom of God that are
          faithful, honest, diligent and upright, if they seek unto God
          they will have wisdom imparted to them under all circumstances
          and on all occasions, as to what course they should pursue, and
          it is the order of God that all should have His Spirit in
          proportion to their integrity and faith; and if one does not have
          it is because he is not diligent in seeking after such things. As
          brother Joseph F. said this morning he could have revelation for
          himself, though not to regulate the Church; it would be the
          privilege of the President of the Twelve to regulate all things
          in relation to Zion; but the other principle extends to all
          grades and all men in the Church and kingdom of God, each in his
          place, if he lives his religion and is faithful and prepared to
          receive the truths from God so that he can instruct the children
          of men. There appears at times to be a discrepancy among all of
          us, for we are all weak and infirm; and God made it so on
          purpose, that man might not glory in himself but in the God of
          I will say something in relation to High Priests, and what their
          place is in the Church. They came conspicuously before us in the
          late organizations. The speaker again read from the Doctrine and
          Covenants, "And, again, I give unto you John C. Smith," etc. What
          are they organized for? The purpose is set forth in the Doctrine
          and Covenants. They are a sort of normal school to prepare the
          people to preside; they have hardly fulfilled this; perhaps if
          they had been more active, and become acquainted with principles
          for which they are organized, we should not have to ordain so
          many High Priests from the Elders' Quorum to make Presidents of
          Stakes, Bishops, High Councils, etc.; but as it was we had to
          pick up the material where we could, and I hope we will have
          better material next time.
          I hear a great deal said about which is the "biggest" man. The
          "biggest" man makes no difference whatever. I think that the man
          who can be most like a little child will be the greatest in the
          kingdom of God. Greatness does not consist of talking of things,
          but in doing them. We are now just beginning to move; Zion is
          stretching forth and lengthening out her cords; we want no more
          baby's play, but let us have wisdom, light, revelation, and let
          the power of the Priesthood of God burn in the hearts of the
          people to waken them to a knowledge of truth; then when other
          Stakes are to be organized we can apply to this normal school and
          get men prepared. We have got a great number of Seventies, and
          the question has often arisen, Which is the biggest, they or the
          High Priests? I say I don't think it makes much difference as to
          which is the greater or smaller. I think the body of Christ was
          not one member, but composed of many parts. Now which member of
          your body would you like to be without? An arm or a leg? No, you
          want both. So does the Church. But which is the most useful? If
          you can tell me which of those members is most useful to you, I
          will let you know which is the most useful to the Church, the
          High Priests or Seventies. We ought to magnify the Priesthood we
          hold, and be satisfied with the positions we hold. We have sent a
          number of Elders on missions, whose duty it is to preach to the
          people of the earth. They go when they are called, but it is
          often hard work; they make a great many excuses--they have debts
          to settle, families to support, etc. In meeting they will talk
          about who is the "biggest," and when they are gone for a while
          they get home sick and want to return; they say "there is no
          place like home." They meet difficulties among the people, who
          don't believe much that is told them. Did they ever? Not much. We
          don't expect to gather all, we will take one of a city and two of
          a family, and bring them to Zion; and if our Elders abroad would
          be more particular, and realize that they are messengers of the
          Lord--exhibit more of the Apostolic power, and have the light of
          the Spirit of God, they would realize that they are sent to
          teach, not to be taught; they would measurably control
          circumstances, not be controlled by them altogether. Here are the
          Lamanites to attend to; when we are through with them, then the
          Jews, then the Ten Tribes, and then the earth is to be redeemed
          and the power of God prevail, and we must take a part, for we are
          not here to look so much after our own affair as to build up
          Zion. The Elders ought to reflect and say, "What can I do to help
          on the work? God inspire my heart and mind and soul, that I may
          help to build up the kingdom of God." That is the way to feel.
          Then to the High Councils of Stakes and to the Presidents of
          Stakes I would say, you ought to feel that you are servants of
          the living God, that the eye of the great Jehovah is over you,
          and be working in the interest of the Gospel. We are not here to
          build up ourselves, but to build up Zion and the kingdom of God
          on the earth, that we may magnify our calling and honor our God.
          As brother Joseph F. Said, we should not allow ourselves to be
          bartered or sold, but work for the interests of Israel.
          The Bishops of the various Wards have their place; it is their
          duty to attend to the interests of their Wards, to look after the
          temporal affairs principally, not for their own benefit, but that
          of the people. They should set patterns of all that is good and
          praiseworthy; their duty is to do justice and adjudicate in all
          matters pertaining to a Bishop's court, as a common court in
          Israel, and they ought to judge in all righteousness, fidelity,
          and truth. The Priests ought to be full of the Holy Ghost, and
          should be full of intelligence to act as watchmen over the
          people, trying to stop ill feelings, evil actions, etc. The
          Teachers ought to assist them, and visit from house to house, and
          see that no iniquity prevails. The Deacons should assist the
          Bishops in temporal affairs, and be faithful in their calling.
          Let us act together as a family in the interest of the Church and
          kingdom of God, for thereby come the blessings promised. We are
          now operating for these things, and these organizations are for
          that purpose. The Deacon who honors his calling is more honorable
          than the Apostle who does not. Can we find High Priests,
          Seventies, and Elders who don't pray? Yes, I am afraid so. And
          further, in relation to the Teachers, I will tell you my rule.
          When they come to me, I call in my family and ask them to
          instruct us and impart such information as is their duty. That is
          the way I feel towards the men who come in that capacity. They
          have a perfect right to do it, it is their duty, and they are
          always at liberty to visit my household.
          We all have a great Priesthood if we magnify it, and there is no
          little Priesthood. In relation to the young men, I would say that
          in their associations a good spirit is growing--they are waking
          up. The Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations and other
          organizations of our young men are very praiseworthy. Young men,
          the burden of the kingdom will yet roll on your shoulders, and
          you must prepare for it. If you will go to God and ask for
          wisdom, he will give it to you. Get the best books, the Book of
          Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and read our own publications,
          you will find such intelligence as you never dreamed of. Ask God
          for faith. Get all the sciences, arts, and useful learning you
          can from schools; get nothing false, but the things pertaining to
          earth and the elements, and how to use them; when you meet let it
          be in the fear of God, and he will bless you.
          A word to the sisters. They have their associations and
          societies--all of which are good and praiseworthy. They form a
          part of us, for the man is not without the woman, nor the woman
          without the man. It takes a man and a woman to make a man;
          without woman, man is not perfect; God so ordained it. We are
          aiming at celestial glory, and when we reach that exaltation,
          will we have our wives? Yes. The women have to manage household
          affairs; they must rear the children properly, and cultivate
          those principles which exalt and beautify, that all may move on
          pleasantly and harmoniously. In the Relief Societies they
          discharge their duties better than we could, because of their
          tender sympathies and gentler natures. Joseph Smith organized a
          Relief Society in Nauvoo as far back as that; Emma was president,
          sisters Whitney and Cleaveland were her counselors, and Eliza R.
          Snow secretary, who has visited you often, and whom you well
          know. They allowed the society to sleep for a while, but they are
          now waking up. What should they teach? I can't go into details,
          but they should teach dress, speak and act aright, diffuse
          correct principles, and let us have sisters growing up fit to
          associate with the angels of God. I want you to make home a
          heaven for your husbands, that when they come there they will
          feel happy, cheerful, and comfortable in their households. Do
          away with evil speaking--let love, kindness, and friendly
          feelings prevail; and if the sisters want the brethren to give
          them a few bushels of wheat to take care of, let them have it, it
          is not much, and we may some day be glad we did so. I have read
          of an extravagant man, whose wife proposed that he give her so
          much--ten or twenty dollars to keep house with, and instead of
          spending it she saved it in the Bible. Finally a financial crash
          came, and he went to his wife for consolation. She told him to
          read the Bible for comfort, and when he opened the leaves the
          money dropped out. What does this mean? he said. His wife said,
          you were careless, and I took care of the money you gave me; and
          this money saved him from ruin. Therefore let the sisters take
          care of the wheat.
          The speaker here referred to the question of using the Tithing
          for Temple building, saying if it were all paid in that was
          owing, we need ask nothing further, but such was not the case He
          then referred to the Perpetual Emigration Fund, saying there was
          over $1,000,000 due it from those who had been emigrated, and he
          hoped it would be paid without further delay. At present no
          radical changes would be made in the matter of Temple building.
          May God help Israel and prepare us for an inheritance in his
          kingdom, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, November 14, 1877
                           John Taylor, November 14, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY PRESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR,
                  Delivered in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms,
                        Sunday Afternoon, November 14, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                               GOSPEL, GOD-SUSTAINED.
          There is something novel as well as interesting in the
          contemplation of the subject that has been referred to by brother
          Folsom. The ideas entertained by the Latter-day Saints are
          different from those believed in by any other people upon the
          face of the earth; and there is a feeling and spirit resting upon
          the Saints that is not known nor experienced among any other
          people. The way we have been led is very peculiar and differs
          entirely from anything else that exists anywhere in the world.
          Our gathering together, the kind of Gospel that is preached, the
          disposition and feeling to build Temples, a strong impression
          that seems to rest upon all the people, is something in itself
          very remarkable.
          Now in relation to our gathering, who is there anywhere else in
          the world that feel as the Latter-day Saints do? You do not find
          it anywhere, and nothing but the Spirit of God operating upon the
          minds of the people could have induced them to gather together as
          they have done. This spirit was imparted, as the Holy Ghost is,
          by the laying on of hands, through the medium of the Priesthood.
          And this peculiarity seemed all the more striking at first, for
          as soon as the principle of the gathering was first preached, the
          people needed no convincing argument, for the Spirit of the Lord
          had revealed it to them, and they knew it was true. And it
          mattered not where people heard it, or in what language it was
          preached, they immediately had a strong, fervent desire to gather
          to Zion, to assemble with the Saints and worship with them. And
          however foolish many of us have acted since that time, yet these
          were the feelings that welled up in our bosoms; and they came
          because of certain principles having been developed through
          Joseph Smith. You that are acquainted with the history of Joseph
          Smith well know that in the Temple in Kirtland, among other
          visions, manifestations and administrations he received was one
          in which the Prophet Moses appeared to him, who committed to him
          the keys of the gathering dispensation. It was he who led the
          exodus of Israel in former times, and like all other men who have
          held the holy Priesthood and have been faithful in the discharge
          of their duties, he not only administered in time but continues
          to minister in eternity. And holding the keys of this Priesthood,
          he was the proper person to confer them upon the Prophet Joseph;
          and on doing so, he told Joseph, that he had bestowed upon him
          "the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the
          earth and the leading of the Ten Tribes from the land of the
          north." And this was in fulfilment of a significant scripture
          which says, "That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he
          might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are
          in heaven and which are on earth; even in him."
          Hence, after men had been baptized for remission of sins, and had
          hands laid upon their heads for the reception of the Holy Ghost
          by those holding this Priesthood and authority, of which this was
          one of the principles, they began immediately to have the feeling
          to gather to Zion. This has been spoken of by ancient men of God
          as one of the events of the latter days. One of the Prophets
          referring to it says, "I will take you one of a city, and two of
          a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give you
          pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with
          knowledge and understanding." It was through this principle and
          this ordination, with the spirit attending it, first conferred
          upon Joseph Smith, and afterwards upon the believers of the
          Gospel by obedience thereunto, through the administration of
          baptism and of the laying on of hands by the Elders, that brought
          the people together as they are to-day. Wherever this Gospel has
          been preached, believed and obeyed, this desire to leave the
          lands of their nativity, to gather with the Saints, has been
          strongly manifested; and so strong has it been, that I have had
          men offer to bind themselves to my service for quite a length of
          time, or willing to do anything required of them, provided they
          could be assisted to the gathering place of the Saints. And it
          was to meet this universal want that the Perpetual Emigrating
          Fund was gotten up, which has been the means of bringing out to
          this country thousands of people, the majority of whom, perhaps,
          by their own exertions, never could have accumulated the
          necessary amount of means to have brought themselves here; and as
          each one was required, after being assisted, to refund the amount
          received for this purpose, others could realize its benefits in
          like manner, and thus the fund became perpetual.
          Temple building is another characteristic associated with this
          Gospel that is in itself peculiar. We are here, as Jesus was, not
          to do our own will, but the will of Him who sent us; and, as he
          was, so we are expected to do and perform such things as may be
          required of us by the Almighty. This is really the position we
          occupy as Latter-day Saints, if we could fully comprehend the
          situation. There are certain powers and privileges, rights,
          immunities and blessings connected with this Gospel that do not
          exist anywhere else, and this is one of them. We are told that
          the Gospel brings life and immortality to light, and without it
          there is no correct knowledge of life and immortality. We did not
          understand either our own position, nor the position of the
          world; we could not comprehend anything of God, or the laws of
          God, or the laws of life, until we became acquainted with the
          Gospel. Every good and every perfect gift proceeds from God, in
          whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning. And the world
          generally are ignorant of God. Why? Because we are told that no
          man knows the things of God but by the Spirit of God. And if they
          cannot obtain a knowledge of God only by the spirit of God,
          unless they receive that Spirit they must remain ignorant of
          these principles. And it matters not what the learning, what the
          intelligence, what the research, the philosophy, or religion of
          man may be, the things of God cannot be comprehended, except
          through and by the Spirit and revelations of God. And this can
          only be obtained through obedience to the principles which God
          has and shall ordain, sanction and acknowledge. And hence, in
          these last times, he first communicated a knowledge of himself to
          Joseph Smith, long ago, when he was quite young. Who in that day
          knew anything about God? Who had had any revelations from Him, or
          who knew anything in relation to the principles of life and
          salvation? If there were any persons I never heard of them, nor
          read of them, nor never met them. But when the Lord manifested
          himself to Joseph Smith, presenting to him his Son who was there
          also, saying, "This is my beloved Son, hear ye him;" he then knew
          that God lived; and he was not dependent upon anybody else for
          that knowledge. He saw him and heard his voice, and he knew for
          himself that there was a God, and of this he testified, sealing
          his testimony with his blood. The evidence of the existence of
          God that he received, none but God could impart. Well, what was
          the result? He told him how others might obtain the same
          knowledge of him and of his laws; and he made him acquainted with
          a medium through which he could obtain a knowledge of these
          things. And how did he do it? By communicating unto him a
          knowledge of the everlasting Priesthood, and sending that
          Priesthood to reveal unto him the laws and the ordinances
          thereof. Hence, as early as September 21st, 1823, an angel said
          to Joseph Smith, "Behold, I will reveal unto you the Priesthood."
          He was informed there had to be a certain ordinance attended to,
          viz., baptism. And as John the Baptist had held the keys of that
          Priesthood, in generations gone and past, he was sent to confer
          upon him and upon Oliver Cowdery what is known as the Aaronic
          Priesthood, which authorized them to baptize each other for the
          remission of sins. And this heavenly messenger did come and did
          so ordain them, on May 15th 1829, saying--"Upon you, my fellow
          servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer the Priesthood of
          Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of
          the Gospel of repentance, and of baptism for the remission of
          sins; and this shall never again be taken from the earth, until
          the sons of Levi do offer again an offering unto the Lord in
          righteousness." (D C., page 100) And what next? It was necessary
          then that other institutions should be introduced and other
          principles developed; and consequently the Apostles Peter, James
          and John appeared, bringing, and conferring on their heads the
          Melchizedek Priesthood, which holds the keys of the mysteries and
          revelations of God, and by which they could lay their hands upon
          men for the reception of the Holy Ghost. And when they received
          this gift, it "brought things past to their remembrance, let them
          into all truth and showed them things to come;" it opened up
          communication between the heavens and the earth, whereby others,
          as well as Joseph Smith, could know that God lived, and obtain
          for themselves through the administration of the ordinances, a
          knowledge of their acceptance with him, and of their relationship
          to him, and also obtain a knowledge of heavenly as well as
          earthly things. So that first, Joseph Smith having received this
          knowledge that God lived, and others through the medium that God
          ordained were accorded the same privilege. Thus there was opened
          up a communication with the heavens; not only with Joseph Smith
          and Oliver Cowdery, and those immediately associated with them,
          but with those also who received the Gospel; and as the
          Scriptures say, "But as many as received him, to them gave he
          power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his
          name; which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of flesh,
          nor of the will of man, but of God." And they received that
          Spirit whereby they were able to comprehend the principles of
          truth;" and as the Apostle John says, "But ye have an unction
          from the Holy One, and ye know all things. But the anointing
          which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not
          that any man teach you: but, as the same anointing teacheth you
          of all things, and is truth and is no lie, and even as it hath
          taught you, ye shall abide in him." How did they receive this
          anointing? By repenting of their sins, by being baptized by one
          having the authority of God for the remission of sins, and by
          having hands laid upon their heads for the reception of the Holy
          Ghost. They received this spirit precisely in this manner, and
          hence they had this knowledge for themselves; which knowledge all
          Latter-day Saints have who are living their religion, walking
          humbly and obediently before God. Hence, this is a part of what
          we term the Gospel; it is part of what we call the principles of
          life, or the laws of life, for it leads to life, it leads to God,
          it leads to a knowledge of the laws of God, and a knowledge of
          the principles of truth, and to an acquaintance with those
          principles which are calculated to exalt and ennoble mankind both
          in time and through all eternity. There is nothing new in it, and
          yet there is. It is called the new and everlasting Gospel.
          Singular, that an everlasting thing should be new. But it is a
          principle that has existed with God, or with the Gods, if you
          please, in the eternities, and it has been communicated from time
          to time to the children of men. And although we have a great
          amount of intelligence, learning and science, and everything else
          considered worthy among men, yet we have nothing in all of this
          that gives a knowledge of the laws of life. It needs a
          development from God to unravel these things, and make us
          acquainted with our true position. Hence although it is new to
          us, it is nevertheless an everlasting principle. We are mortal
          and immortal beings, we have to do with time and also with
          eternity. And as the things of the future are hidden from men and
          can only be known through the medium of the Gospel, this means
          was made use of by the almighty for the introduction of the
          principles of truth and the placing of mankind in the position to
          acquire a knowledge of him and his laws. Having been put in this
          position, we, every one of us, men and women who are living our
          religion, preserving ourselves in the purity of the Gospel and
          acting honorably and honestly before God and man, have a right to
          know and understand for ourselves the principles of truth which
          we have embraced. I well remember a remark that Joseph Smith made
          to me upwards of forty years ago. Said he, "Elder Taylor, you
          have been baptized, you have had hands laid upon your head for
          the reception of the Holy Ghost, and you have been ordained to
          the holy Priesthood. Now, if you will continue to follow the
          leadings of that spirit, it will always lead you right. Sometimes
          it might be contrary to your judgment; never mind that, follow
          its dictates; and if you be true to its whisperings it will in
          time become in you a principle of revelation, so that you will
          know all things." That agrees precisely with some of the remarks
          of John in the passage I have quoted to you. "Yes, have an
          unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things, and need not
          that any man teach you; but the same anointing teacheth you all
          things." Now, that which John taught was the everlasting Gospel,
          and that which Joseph Smith taught was the everlasting Gospel.
          That which John taught has been forgotten long ago by the people,
          they are not in possession of it and consequently they cannot
          comprehend it. And hence when Joseph Smith revealed it, he
          preached the new and everlasting Gospel; new to the generation
          that lives, and everlasting because it has existed in all ages
          and times when God has revealed himself to the human family.
          But to return to this singular thing of Temple building, which I
          will refer to again. Why do we want to build these Temples? Some
          of us hardly know; but we do want to build it. What a most
          singular thing! Just consider the amount of labor that has
          already been performed throughout this Territory. Surely the
          people have some motive in view. The mechanic or the laborer does
          not go to work unless he gets a recompense of some kind. When men
          devote themselves to any kind of labor, whether mental, physical,
          mechanical or scientific, they have some particular object in
          view. So it is also in relation to these matters. I have already
          referred to it; but many of us can hardly realize why it is that
          we are engaged in these things.
          I will go back again and refer to another manifestation. We find,
          among others that appeared to Joseph Smith was Elijah the
          Prophet; and what did he come for? His special mission was to
          "turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts
          of the children to the fathers." And the same scripture informs
          us of his coming "before that great and terrible day of the
          lord." What is meant by this, say the world? It means that we are
          the offspring of God; it means, as the scriptures say, that God
          is the Father of the spirits of all flesh; it means that we have
          to do with eternity as well as time; it means that we have to do
          with things past, with things present and with things to come; it
          means that being the children of our Heavenly Father, we are or
          ought to be under his government, yielding obedience to him, and
          that we ought to operate with him in extending mercy and love and
          salvation to the living and the dead, according to certain laws
          unknown to men generally; but known unto God and now revealed
          again by him for the salvation of our race. It means that God is
          the Father of the human family and is interested in the whole of
          his progeny, these that now exist and those who have passed away.
          It means that there are certain laws in the heavens that all men
          have to do with that must be complied with, if not in time in
          eternity. It means that all men who have lived and died without a
          knowledge of the Gospel, shall be placed on the same plane as
          ourselves through the plan he has provided, giving all of his
          children, whether living or dead, and equal chance to avail
          themselves of the means of salvation; and that we are to operate
          in their behalf, working out certain ordinances for them which
          they are now incapable of doing for themselves. It means that as
          God feels interested in the welfare of all his family, men in the
          flesh who are in possession of his spirit and the light of
          eternity, having come to a knowledge of him and his eternal laws,
          should co-operate with him in the accomplishment of this object.
          And it means too that if he has conferred the Gospel and the
          power thereof and the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods,
          sending his messengers from the heavens for this purpose, that it
          is not for a phantom, it is not for a plaything to be trifled
          with at pleasure; but it is that we should operate with God and
          with the Priesthood who lived before us, in the accomplishment of
          the things of God on the earth. That is what it means. And hence,
          says he, when Elias comes he will "turn the hearts of the fathers
          to the children," etc. It is not for mankind to come and live and
          exist a little while to be blotted out and nothing more of them;
          but it is that they should be enlightened by the Spirit of God,
          that they should sympathize with and have regard for all the
          human family living and dead, feeling desirous to promote their
          happiness and welfare, as he himself does. How often when abroad
          preaching this Gospel have I heard men say, and you have heard
          the same sentiment expressed, "If this is true what has become of
          our fathers? are they to be lost forever?" And then you know they
          have certain peculiar ideas about hell and damnation, the lake of
          fire and brimstone into which a certain portion of the human
          family are to be cast to be forever burning and never to be
          consumed. And if our doctrine be true they think it would be
          cruel that this state of things should exist. Why, God is more
          merciful than man is, he possesses more sympathies with human
          nature than man does or ever did, one with another. The Lord has
          been feeling after the welfare of mankind all the day long, from
          the first commencement of the world to the present time. But
          there are certain eternal laws among the Gods in the eternal
          worlds which render if necessary that mankind shall go through
          certain ordeals and observe certain ordinances and be governed by
          certain laws before they can be exalted in the kingdom of God.
          And as Satan has been operating in opposition to the Lord's
          designs and having so far succeeded in drawing men after him, it
          became necessary that these ordinances that God has instituted
          should be introduced and that man should be governed by them.
          Hence it was necessary that a Redeemer should be provided, which
          was perfectly understood by one of the Prophets who said "Deliver
          him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom." Who was
          he? When Jesus appeared, says John, "Behold the Lamb of God which
          taketh away the sin of the world." He was the ransom. 
          What about the others, they who have died without a knowledge of
          the Gospel? They are amply provided for. The Lord has shown us
          that we must build Temples in which to officiate for them. We
          have commenced to do so, and our fathers have already commenced
          to feel after us, manifesting themselves by dreams and visions,
          and in various ways to those most interested in their welfare.
          And having inaugurated this state of things for our guidance that
          we have to-day, with Presidents, Apostles, Presidents of Stakes,
          High Councils, High Priests, Seventies, Bishops, Elders, Priests,
          Teachers and Deacons and the various organizations of the Church;
          it is for us each one to operate in our sphere under the
          direction of the Almighty; and feel not only for ourselves, but
          for others, as Abraham did, and as Isaac and Jacob did, we should
          have a desire to bless our posterity after us; and God has shown
          us how to do it, and has bestowed his Patriarchal authority with
          power to bless. He has appointed this through the Priesthood and
          sealing ordinances. That which is joined together no man can put
          asunder, and what is bound on earth is bound also in heaven; and
          also a great many other things of a similar nature in relation to
          ourselves. The moment a man gets enlightened by the Spirit of God
          and begins to comprehend himself, he begins to feel for the
          welfare of others. "I have a wife, what shall I do to save her? I
          have children, what can I do for them?" And by and by his
          comprehension expands, and he commences at once to reach after
          his father, and his grandfather, and friends and relatives, who
          have passed away; and his feelings if they were expressed would
          be, What can I do for them to help them? Yes, he has revealed to
          us that we can render valuable aid to our dead friends and
          ancestors, and, as I have said, the Lord has shown us that in
          order for them to receive the benefit of our services, Temples
          must be built, and they must be dedicated to God and accepted of
          him; and through the medium of those sacred structures and the
          ordinances performed therein, there is to be a uniting and
          welding together of all principles and peoples, and without them
          this great work cannot be done.
          Brother Folsom, who has just been speaking to you of his recent
          labors in the Manti Temple, says he never felt better in his life
          than when engaged there. What is the reason? He has been engaged
          in the service of God; and there is no happiness among men to be
          compared with the joy and satisfaction that the Gospel imparts;
          it lifts us up from the sublunary things of time and sense, and
          we feel that we are gods, even the sons of God, and that he is
          our Father; and we know that we have a hope that blooms with
          immortality and eternal lives, and we feel that we are in the
          hands of God, and that he will guide and direct us and sustain us
          and bear us off triumphant under al circumstances; and we feel
          joyous and happy in the contemplation of these things. And then
          it is necessary that the Lord should have introduced this Gospel,
          or shall I say he never could have saved the human family that
          have gone? Yes, I will say that; because there are certain laws
          in relation to these things which must be obeyed; the Lord
          himself is governed by them, and we must be governed by them. And
          hence when Elijah came and laid his hands upon Joseph Smith,
          conferring upon him that Gospel which was to turn the hearts of
          the fathers to the children, he received it, and the spirit of it
          we have received; and that is why we want to build Temples. And
          in this regard we are associated with those in the heavens in
          carrying out the plan that was contemplated and designed by the
          gods before the world was, in relation to the formation of the
          earth, and in relation to peopling it, and then with regard to
          its redemption and the salvation of its inhabitants and
          everything pertaining to it, until it shall be celestialized and
          celestial beings inhabit it. And we are operating, or should do
          so, and we will when we know ourselves, operate with the holy
          angels and with the holy Priesthood, that has existed before,
          doing our part on the earth while they are performing theirs in
          the heavens. Could we do anything unless God helped us? No, we
          could not. You might preach until the tongue cleaved to the roof
          of your mouth, urging the people to build Temples, but unless the
          spirit of Elijah rested upon them they never would do it. And
          sometimes people think now that it interferes with the dollars
          and dimes and their monetary calculations; but what of that? God
          is interested in these things, and he does not care much about
          the dollars, for the gold and the silver, and the cattle upon a
          thousand hills are his, the earth in its fullness belongs to him;
          the heavens are his throne and the earth his footstool, and he
          manages and directs according to the counsel of his own will. And
          as we send our ministers to the nations of the earth to perform
          certain missions designed by the Priesthood on the earth; so does
          God in the eternal heavens employ those of his servants around
          him in the accomplishment of the same grand object.
          Do you think that this Gospel would have stood the opposition it
          has met with, and that this people could have lived under the
          calumny and reproach, the vituperation, hatred and persecution
          that has been raised against them by men, unless God had been
          with us? No; we should have been scattered like the chaff before
          the wind, long, long ago. But God has sustained us, and has said
          to all men and will continue to say, Thus far shalt thou go and
          no farther, and here shall thy power be stayed. Our strength is
          in God, and not in man. Many and many a time have I seen the
          wrath of man turned away, when it was thought its power would
          crush us, and that too by one principle. What was that? Jesus,
          when in the flesh, taught his disciples how to pray; and the Lord
          has also instructed us how to pray. And we have the consolation
          of knowing that our prayers have availed with him, for we have
          seen our enemies foiled, frustrated, discomfited and scattered,
          who sought our destruction, and their plans utterly fail, and
          that too when to all human appearances we were going to be
          submerged and overwhelmed by their fury. And so long as we
          continue to fear Him, observe his laws and keep his commandments,
          all their plans will fail from this time henceforth and forever
          [the congregation said, Amen], for God is on our side, and He
          will uphold us and never forsake us.
          To return again to the subject of Temple building. I may talk
          about it from now until to-morrow, and then not get a quarter
          through, for there are so many things connected with it. But we
          feel now that we want to build Temples that we may administer in
          them. Brother Woodruff has been operating a long time in the
          Temple at St. George; and you have perhaps heard him testify of
          visits that he has had from the spirit world, the spirits of men
          who once lived on the earth, desiring him to officiate for them
          in the Temple ordinances. This feeling is planted in the hearts
          of the people; and the Priesthood in the heavens are watching
          over us; they are ministering spirits sent forth to minister to
          those who shall be heirs of salvation, says the Apostle; and if
          we were not the recipients of their ministrations and watchful
          care, we should be in a poor condition. They are operating in the
          heavens, and we are on the earth; they without us cannot be made
          perfect, neither we without them; it requires the combined and
          united efforts of both parties, directed by God Himself to
          consummate the work we are engaged in.
          I will here show you the difference between the operations of men
          and those of the Lord, in regard to the human family. Men make
          war one upon another, they kill and destroy and make waste. This
          work of killing and destruction is even now going on among the
          Russians and Turks. And it is only a short time since the Germans
          and French were doing the same thing; and it almost seems like
          the recollections of yesterday, when our own nation were imbruing
          their hands in each other's blood, when the cries of widows and
          orphans, of bereaved fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters
          were heard throughout our land, and when want and misery, pain
          and sorrow were depicted on the faces of so many because of man's
          inhumanity to his fellow man. What do the Scriptures say? "Whoso
          sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." What right
          has any man to interfere with the life of another man?
          Now I will go back to show you how the Lord operates. He
          destroyed a whole world at one time save a few, whom he preserved
          for his own special purpose. And why? He had more than one reason
          for doing so. This antediluvian people were not only very wicked
          themselves, but having the power to propagate their species, they
          transmitted their unrighteous natures and desires to their
          children, and brought them up to indulge in their own wicked
          practices. And the spirits that dwelt in the eternal worlds knew
          this, and they knew very well that to be born of such parentage
          would entail upon themselves an infinite amount of trouble,
          misery and sin. And supposing ourselves to be of the number of
          unborn spirits, would it not be fair to presume that we would
          appeal to the Lord, crying, "Father, do you not behold the
          condition of this people, how corrupt and wicked they are?" Yes.
          "Is it then just that we who are now pure should take of such
          bodies and thus subject ourselves to most bitter experiences
          before we can be redeemed, according to the plan of salvation?"
          "No," the Father would say, "it is not in keeping with my
          justice." Well, what will you do in the matter; man has his free
          agency and cannot be coerced, and while he lives he has the power
          of perpetuating his species?" I will first send them my word,
          offering them deliverance from sin, and warning them of my
          justice, which shall certainly overtake them if they reject it,
          and I will destroy them from off the face of the earth, thus
          preventing their increase, and I will raise up another seed."
          Well, they did reject the preaching of Noah, the servant of God,
          who was sent to them, and consequently the Lord caused the rains
          of heaven to descend incessantly for forty days and nights, which
          flooded the land, and there being no means of escape, save for
          the eight souls who were obedient to the message, all the others
          were drowned. But, says the caviller, is it right that a just God
          should sweep off so many people? Is that in accordance with
          mercy? Yes, it was just to those spirits that had not received
          their bodies, and it was just and merciful too to those people
          guilty of the iniquity. Why? Because by taking away their earthly
          existence he prevented them from entailing their sins upon their
          posterity and degenerating them, and also prevented them from
          committing further acts of wickedness. And was it just to send
          them to hell, to be eternally burning up in fire, never to be
          consumed? We do not know anything about that part of it, that is
          sectarianism, and is no part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
          Suffice it to say, they were put into prison and the doors were
          so securely locked that they could not be unfastened until the
          right time had arrived. The Prophets understood this, and spoke
          of it.
          What next? God still felt after them; and he said, in speaking of
          the Savior, that he was to come. And what to do? "To bind up the
          broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the
          opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the
          acceptable year of the Lord." This was the nature of his mission
          to the earth. And what do the Scriptures tell us he did? "Being
          put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit; by which
          also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison, which
          sometime were disobedient when once the long suffering of God
          waited in the days of Noah." Were they redeemed? Yes, if Jesus
          preached the Gospel to them, and which he most assuredly did. If
          a man kill another, does he know how to redeem him afterwards?
          No, he does not; therefore men have no right to assume the
          prerogatives of God, and hence the Scriptures say that "no
          murderer hath eternal life abiding in him." You may get the
          priest or priests to pray for him and pack him off to heaven the
          moment he breathes his last here; but such prayers avail not; he
          will never get there, but will go to the place appointed unto
          him. Here then is the difference between the dealings of God with
          man, and the dealings of man one with another. 
          We are moved upon to build Temples. There is one now building in
          Logan, Cache Valley. I was up there two weeks ago, and was much
          gratified to find the work being pushed forward so energetically
          and so spiritedly. Since the early part of June, I think upwards
          of $30,000 has been expended by the people of that and two other
          Stakes in making the necessary arrangements for the building of
          this Temple. We find the same spirit existing among them as we
          found in St. George, and in Sanpete, and here, and, in fact, as
          we find everywhere among the Latter-day Saints; and I am much
          gratified to see the people thus moved and acted upon. In the
          Millennium, a duration of one thousand years, we shall be
          actively engaged administering for the dead, and assisting God to
          fix up accounts with the inhabitants of the earth.
          Before closing I wish to add a few words in regard to matters
          associated with our position here, which is a very important one
          before angels and the people. We stand in an important position
          in this respect, we are the sons and daughters of God; if we obey
          his laws and keep his commandments, proving ourselves valiant and
          true to his cause, we shall be heirs, "heirs of God and joint
          heirs of Jesus Christ; and if we suffer with him we shall also
          reign with him, that all may be glorified together in the eternal
          worlds." Now, then, if we can perform a work of this kind, and
          secure the approbation of God, and the co-operation of the holy
          Priesthood, then we will be doing something that will not only be
          acceptable to Him and to the holy angels, but to our name, and
          fame, our honor and happiness and glory, and to the increase of
          our dominion there will be no end. But if we give way to folly
          and to vanity, to covetousness and pride or to evil, to
          wickedness or corruption of any kind, the hand of God will be
          over us, our candlestick will be removed out of its place, the
          light within us will take its departure, and darkness will take
          its place; and oh, how great will be that darkness! How often
          have I seen men whom I have known in this Church, and whom I have
          respected as honorable, make shipwreck of their faith, lose the
          Spirit of God and go into darkness. When they turn aside, after
          having received certain light and intelligence, can you lead them
          back? No, you cannot. They have no desire for it, and you cannot
          implant that desire within them. What does Paul say? "For it is
          impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted
          of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
          and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world
          to come, if they shall fail away, to renew them again unto
          repentance, seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God." We
          do not want to be in that fearful condition. Let us be careful,
          then, what we do and what we say, and how we act and live. Let us
          treat one another in a right and proper manner, not seek to
          oppress and defraud, or rob one another of property, or of honor,
          or of character, or anything else; but let us all copy after the
          Son of God, walking in all humility and meekness, feeling rather
          to suffer wrong than do wrong, and ever be desirous to promote
          each other's happiness and welfare. Do not let us be censorious,
          or oppressive, or tyrannical, or exacting; but cultivate the
          spirit of kindness and charity, and seek continually for the
          Spirit of God to lead and direct us. Every morning that we arise,
          dedicate ourselves to God, and ask his blessing upon us through
          the day, that we may be preserved from evil, folly and vanity.
          Let us be governed and influenced by the counsels we receive from
          our Bishops and presiding authorities; and let us pray for them,
          that they may be kept pure and holy; and fail not to supplicate
          the father in behalf of the Twelve, for we are poor, weak
          creatures, and need the faith and prayers of the Saints, and the
          help and favor of the Almighty, and we ask an interest in your
          prayers, that we may be led in the paths of life; for none of us
          can do anything unless God be with us.
          Brethren and sisters, God bless you, and lead you in the paths of
          life, that you may be prepared for an inheritance in the
          celestial kingdom of God, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Charles C. Rich, November 11, 1877
                         Charles C. Rich, November 11, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY ELDER CHARLES C. RICH,
           Delivered at a Conference Held in Paris, Idaho. Nov. 11, 1877.
                             (Reported by James H. Hart)
          Brethren and sisters:--I have a few remarks to make to the Saints
          this afternoon, and I trust I shall have your prayers and
          attention. I feel my weakness and that I am unable to benefit the
          Saints without the Spirit of the Lord. And the same applies to
          all who stand before the Saints, to minister in word and
          doctrine. We are taught by the revelations given us through the
          Prophet Joseph, that we should not undertake to teach without the
          spirit, and I feel that I need its influence and power, that I
          may speak such things that will be pleasing to the Lord. If I
          have any pride it is in being an Elder in the Church of Jesus
          Christ, and having the privilege of presenting the principles of
          life and salvation to the people, and in preaching the fulness of
          the Gospel that has been restored to us in the last days. Many
          seek after the honors of the world, none of which are worthy to
          be compared with the honor of serving God, in proclaiming His
          Gospel to the inhabitants of the earth. I have had the honor of
          being in this Church for many years. It has been organized
          upwards of forty-seven years. When I first received the Gospel I
          did not expect forty-seven years to pass away before the
          prophecies would be fulfilled concerning the second coming of the
          Savior, and the end of the world. I expected the Savior would
          come and reign upon the earth, before this time, as the King of
          Kings and Lord of Lords. In the revelations given to the Prophet
          Joseph, Jesus said it would be but a short time before he would
          come and take the Kingdom. We are not accustomed to hear the Lord
          speak, and when he spoke of a short time, we understood it
          according to our use of the language. Forty-seven years may
          appear a long time with us, but a thousand years is not a long
          time with the Lord. A few moments with Him is a long time with
          us. It takes a long time according to our reckoning to do the
          work the Lord has decreed concerning the children of men in this
          last dispensation. It is no small matter to preach to all nations
          and kingdoms of the earth; this has to be done; all people must
          be warned of the judgments of the Lord that are coming upon the
          earth. The sound of the everlasting Gospel must go forth to all
          nations. It is a great work for us to perform individually and
          collectively, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all
          nations, and to prepare for his coming. Some may think it a small
          work to prepare for his coming. I do not think so. I find myself
          far from being prepared. Are we worthy to be received and dwell
          where our Savior dwells? No one can dwell with him but those who
          overcome and endure to the end. It should give us more energy and
          more determination to overcome our sins when we find everything
          depends on our perseverance to the end. We should be energetic in
          doing the will of God. We find we have many things to learn, and
          we learn daily by our experience something we did not know
          before, and thus we feel our dependence upon the Lord for wisdom
          to lead and guide us into all truth. It is important we put our
          trust in God. We may have imagined that we were safe from danger
          and would stand, but difficulties crowd upon us which we had
          never considered, and we are tempted and tried to prove whether
          we are willing to stand the trials or not. It is with us like the
          parable of the sower; some seed fell on stony ground, some fell
          among thorns and so perished. So it is in the hearts of many who
          join the Church of Jesus Christ. Some seed has fallen on good
          ground, and has brought forth fruit. The Lord has said He seeks
          those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. He is no respecter
          of persons. He has no favorites--only on the principle of
          righteousness. We are all His children, one as well as another.
          His sun shines on the just and the unjust, and He causes the
          earth to bring forth fruit for the benefit of all. He is
          impartial in His character, and those who love Him and keep His
          commandments are accepted of Him. If you will not accept His
          kindness, if you will not receive His blessings, He is not to
          blame. They are offered free to all without money and without
          price. When Jesus came into the world and died for the sin of the
          world, he blotted out original sin. He did not die for us only,
          but for every creature. These are some of the characteristics of
          our Lord and Savior. We do not receive His counsels as we should.
          We are called upon to be perfect like unto Him, and to walk in
          His footsteps. To be perfect and godlike, we must do as He did
          while upon the earth, for He said, "I came not to do my will but
          the will of my Father who sent me." 
          I want to say a few words on another important subject. We are a
          people who profess to believe in revelations. I have thought many
          times that this principle was very little understood. If I can
          have the spirit to sustain me I will instruct the Saints this
          afternoon in this principle. What is the spirit of which we are
          speaking? It is neither more nor less than the Holy Spirit. I
          don't know of two kinds of Holy Spirit. It is the spirit of
          promise, the same that imparts revelation from heaven. I have
          many times heard persons deliver revelations, in which I had no
          faith whatever. It is difficult to be deceived, if we know the
          proper channel through which they are to be received. We, as the
          Church of Jesus Christ, cannot live without revelation. If we had
          no revelations in this Church, we would not be the Church of
          Jesus christ. It is important when we need revelations, that we
          understand what channel they should come through. We read in the
          early history of this Church that Oliver Cowdery, who was the
          second Apostle in this Church, was instructed on this subject,
          and it is written for our learning. The Lord told Oliver that
          Joseph was the man to receive revelations for the Church; he
          might receive revelations for himself, but those to the Church
          must come through Joseph Smith, or the leader. If we need
          revelations for our guidance, what channel should they come
          through? You have just voted to sustain the Twelve Apostles as
          Prophets, Seers, and Revelators. Brother John Taylor is the
          President of that Quorum, therefore when revelations are needed
          for the government of this Church, they will come through
          President John Taylor, as long as he lives, because he holds the
          keys of the Apostleship. He does not hold any keys or powers that
          he did not hold when President Brigham Young was alive, or any
          other keys than are held by his brethren of the Twelve; but the
          Lord will speak to us through the head of his Church, through him
          who holds the Presidency. We should all understand these
          principles that we may not be deceived, and if revelations are
          given from any other source professing to guide the Church, we
          may know they are not from God. All of us have the privilege of
          receiving revelations. For the Church? By no means; we cannot
          receive all that are necessary for the performance of our duties.
          We have here a Stake of Zion, and a presidency of this Stake. Can
          anybody receive revelations for the government of this Stake?
          Certainly not. If any person other than the Presidency should
          profess to receive revelations for its government, would you
          consider them genuine revelations? If so, you would be mistaken.
          We are entitled to the Holy Spirit to help us in the discharge of
          our duties and to teach us all that is necessary for our
          guidance. The Bishop is entitled to the spirit of revelation to
          teach him his duties, and when guided by that spirit he will
          never come in collision with those who preside over him.
          Some years ago, when I was presiding in California, evening
          meetings were established. I think it was about the time of the
          reformation. On one occasion I had been away for a short time,
          and on my return I found a large crowd on the water's edge, some
          of whom were being baptized. I think brother Hopkins was there,
          and I asked him, subsequently, what induced the people to turn
          out so suddenly; he replied that some sister had received a
          revelation the night before, commanding them to be baptized. I
          told him that if any revelation had ben given on that subject, I
          should have known it. We should seek to be governed by these
          principles, and learn to discern the spirits, and discriminate
          between that which is from God and that which is from beneath. If
          we seek unto the Lord he will give us wisdom to lead us into all
          truth. It is a serious thing to say the Lord has spoken through
          us if he has not. To say thus saith the Lord, when the Lord has
          not spoken, would subject us to his wrath and displeasure. It is
          a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. If we
          receive revelations we should be sure they are not leading us
          outside of our duties, but tend to our instruction and
          improvement and lead us to perform those duties devolving upon
          There is another matter important to the Saints, of which I would
          like to speak this afternoon; it is the subject pertaining to
          marriage. It was the first great commandment given to our parents
          in the Garden of Eden. The Lord said: "Be fruitful and multiply
          and replenish the earth." This principle, like the principle of
          revelation, should be properly understood and rightly and legally
          administered. Some persons rush into marriage hastily and
          inconsiderately, with no other consideration than that they call
          love, which frequently brings misery and unhappiness. We have to
          tell them what is wrong in relation to this principle. It would
          be unwise and unpleasant for an Elder in Israel to perform a
          marriage ceremony that could not be acknowledged in heaven. Since
          the endowment house has been closed in Salt Lake City, those
          wishing to be married according to the laws of heaven have had to
          travel down to St. George, where they can be sealed together for
          time and all eternity; for a Temple is the proper place in which
          to perform these sacred ordinances. We learn from our past
          history and experience that there have been deviations from this
          rule from time to time, according to the circumstances of the
          people, and the attention of the Twelve has been called to the
          subject, and it has been taken under advisement. We learn that
          although a Temple stood in Kirtland, still the Prophet Joseph
          gave endowments and performed marriages in Nauvoo before the
          Nauvoo Temple was built. The same was done in Salt Lake city for
          many years, and those endowments and marriages were legally
          administered; and the way may be opened by which these ordinances
          can be performed among us without having to travel to St. George
          for that purpose. This no doubt will be gratifying to the Saints,
          particularly to the young. There are ordinances that can only be
          administered in a Temple, hence the importance of completing the
          Temple so that these ordinances may be administered for the
          living and for the dead. In relation to this deviation from this
          rule pertaining to sealings and endowments, we understand that
          the Priesthood is greater than the Temple, and that which is
          sealed on earth by those holding the keys, is sealed in heaven.
          Many cannot go to St. George to receive their marriages and
          endowments, and should the way be opened by which they may be
          performed without going there, it will be appreciated, for all
          who understand the Gospel and the sacred ordinances pertaining
          thereto, would prefer to be married in the proper manner. I don't
          know how far these privileges may extend, whether they will
          extend to plural marriages or not; it will be as the Lord wills;
          should it be the case that we obtain these privileges, it will be
          no cause for slackening our labors on the Temple. Our dead
          friends are waiting for their baptisms and other ordinances,
          which can only be administered in a Temple. I cannot say any more
          on this subject until arrangements are more fully perfected.
          There is no blessing that our heavenly Father is not ready to
          bestow upon us on condition that we observe the laws and
          ordinances established for the salvation of his Saints. We are
          brought together from time to time that we may be instructed and
          learn our duties. There are many things to talk about, we have to
          select a few and pass by the rest. The principle of marriage is
          one of great importance; our young men and maidens are called
          upon to become united and to learn to live together and
          accomplish all the Lord has commanded.
          One of the Bishops remarked yesterday that the people liked
          co-operation very much when they obtained big dividends, which
          principle is very good if it is right. As Latter-day Saints we
          have to deal with the Lord; he knows our hearts and comprehends
          our thoughts, and we cannot cover up the secrets of hearts from
          him. What we do that is right will be approved; that which we do
          that is wrong will be disapproved. If we are willing and obedient
          we shall find very little trouble in co-operation. We have
          embraced it in a small way, and we are expected to handle it
          honestly; and if we do not handle it honestly, it would be better
          if we never embraced it at all. We should seek to the Lord for
          knowledge and wisdom that we may deal with each other
          righteously, that we may establish confidence in each other that
          cannot be shaken. The Lord wishes to introduce and perfect among
          his Saints the principles of union. He intends to lift his people
          up, and to make them wealthy. When his will is done among the
          Saints there will be no poor among them. When this time comes all
          will form one kingdom and serve one God. We are all entitled to
          his blessings and all should be devoted to his service.
          It is not his will that one should be lifted up and another put
          down, one be made rich and another poor. We have to keep this
          principle in view in our co-operative labors and be one, or we
          are not the Lord's. It is the purpose of the Lord to build up the
          poor, and these principles are revealed for its accomplishment.
          If twenty or thirty persons engage in business and we make them
          more wealthy, and others poor, what difference is there between
          us and the gentile world? If we do as is done in the world,
          wherein are we better than they? If we carry out the principle of
          co-operation with unselfishness of spirit and singleness of
          heart, it will build us up, and the poor also. We do not want to
          take one man's means and give to another; that is not the
          principle intended; but by uniting our means we can establish a
          store, a tannery or other business that will be profitable. If we
          do not so co-operate, others may come in who have no interest in
          our prosperity, who will trade and traffic, and when they become
          wealthy would leave us and spend their means elsewhere. This has
          been our experience in years past with those who have come among
          us with their merchandize. We can prevent this in the future by
          our co-operative institutions. It is right and proper that we
          should combine for self-defense against this world, and so
          protect our general interests.
          I cannot say much in favor of stores although it is necessary
          that we have such institutions. The grand object before us is to
          make what we need, and dispense with outside importations, as
          much as possible. We must not be content to buy and sell what we
          get abroad, we want to establish a factory, and make our own
          clothing. We don't want our wool to go abroad to be manufactured
          for us; but we must make the necessary preparations to make it up
          ourselves. We find occasionally among us one who wants to strike
          out in business on the gentile principle, and a few are always
          ready to feed and encourage an institution of that kind; but we
          must learn better and do better, and show by our faith and works
          that we will not sustain such institutions, but that we will
          serve the Lord, and sustain our brethren, and discard everything
          that is set up in opposition to the institutions of Zion. When
          the Saints are governed by these principles, then you will find a
          people who are willing to devote their energies and means to
          establish and advance our home institutions. I will say a few
          words on the subject of counsel. We are a people who profess to
          be governed by counsel. It never hurts any one to obey the
          counsels of the servants of God, but we should never ask counsel
          unless we intend to receive it; you should never ask counsel when
          your mind is made up concerning the thing you ask. The most
          important counsels are given us from the pulpit or stand, and it
          would be well with us if we obey them. King Saul inquired of the
          Lord through his Prophet concerning Israel. They had already
          determined to go to battle. The Prophet Samuel told them to go;
          they did so and got whipped. We should understand that there is
          safety in counsel, but we should seek for it in the proper
          manner, and from the proper source. We should go for counsel
          where we have the right to go. When you need counsel you should
          go to your Bishop or President, and he will give you good counsel
          if he has any to give. If the Bishop does not understand the
          matter and cannot give counsel understandingly let him tell the
          applicant that he don't know how to counsel in this matter; for
          we shall be held accountable for our acts and counsels, and for
          everything we do or say. If any persons want to know anything you
          do not know, tell them to go to some one who does know, so that
          they may not take a leap in the dark. If I were counseled to
          leave Bear Lake Valley I would leave. It is right for me to be
          governed by counsel, and if it is right for me it is right for
          you also, for this principle will apply to us all. Some have left
          Bear Lake Valley without asking counsel; I do not condemn them;
          let them do as they please; if they want counsel of me I will
          give it if I have any to give, if they do not, I wish them well;
          but I am mistaken if they do not find more or less difficulty
          where they go, but that is their affair; they are gone, and may
          they prosper.
          I have a few words to the sisters, Ladies' meeting was announced
          for Thursday next; the general report given at this Conference
          concerning the Ladies' Relief Societies, is, that they are a
          great help to the Bishops. One of the Bishops stated that they
          rendered assistance in substantial means in helping to build a
          meeting-house. I am glad to learn of their efforts in laying up
          grain. It is gratifying to see this disposition manifested among
          the sisters. If all the sisters advocate the laying up of grain
          it would not be graceful for them to say to their husbands, let
          us have a few bushels to trade out at the store. When in Salt
          Lake some time ago, a lady came round and wanted to sell some
          notions; she said she had just sold a sister twenty-five yards of
          lace, only one dollar per yard. When I see such things among the
          Saints I think it a little extravagant; it needs a great amount
          of means to support a wife who indulges in many such purchases.
          Some people have extraordinary notions concerning marriage they
          think they must have everything to start with; they don't want to
          marry unless they can have a carriage, horses, and servants, and
          many things besides; these are extravagant notions. I have heard
          it taught by the Presidency that young people should marry, and
          to commence they should have a straw bed; they should have at
          least a bed tick, and fill it with straw, and commence any way. I
          remember hearing that my great grandfather and his wife, when
          they started in married life had but one or two blankets to start
          with. They took up some land, both went to work with a will, and
          they were successful, and before they died they had become
          wealthy. They owned two large farms, good rock houses and
          property worth sixty thousand dollars, all accumulated by their
          labor, industry and economy. Many persons marry those possessing
          fortunes and soon become poor; they are almost sure to run
          through their property; they did not earn it, and they don't know
          how to use it. Concerning marriage, it must be an important
          matter for God to teach and command obedience to it. What
          constitutes its importance? In the first place a man cannot have
          an exaltation without a wife. It was some years before I learned
          the fact that I could not do much good without a wife and without
          posterity. I therefore concluded to marry. And you ladies cannot
          wear a celestial crown without a husband; if you happen to get a
          husband who is not entitled to a crown, what are you going to do?
          If I were a lady I should be careful whom I married: I should
          want to be pretty sure that the man tried to live his religion as
          revealed to us. Young folks generally marry because they love,
          sometimes because they are pretty. It is said that beauty is
          "Only skin deep," and I believe it is so, it will shortly fade
          away. We should be reasonable on this subject, as well as on
          others; but when a person is love struck, there is no reason in
          them. We should never be struck very bad. We should love so that
          we could throw him off at any time if he does not do right. Where
          is the man who understands the principles of the Gospel who does
          not want to lay a foundation for a kingdom? Some young people,
          and some older ones, appear to have but little judgment of
          marriage. When we marry it should be for time and eternity. I
          have thought many times that if a man or woman could get the Lord
          to tell them who to marry they would do well, if not, I would do
          the best I could. Father Abraham married Sarah and Hager many
          years ago, and great nations have sprung out of this marriage. If
          we do as well as he did we shall be blessed as he was blessed. I
          want to impress this upon the minds of the young and old, that we
          should labor to accomplish all the good we can in this world. We
          have encountered many things and have learned many things. We
          have learned that there is an immense amount of selfishness in
          this world, and that it is a very bad thing, and we should get
          rid of it as soon as possible. We should be as willing that
          others should enjoy the blessings of the Lord as ourselves. We
          should be as willing to bless other people as we are to be
          blessed ourselves. I want you, my brethren and sisters, to think
          of these things and treasure them up in your hearts. Whatever the
          Spirit will allow me to say to you I will say to the best of my
          ability. When Jesus came to the Nephites he found them unprepared
          to receive his words, and he said to them, "I will come again
          to-morrow; you are not prepared to receive my words." He came to
          them several times; and they became prepared, finally, to hear
          and learn, that which they were not prepared to learn before. If
          we are not prepared to receive the word of the Lord to-day, we
          may possibly be prepared to-morrow.
          I am glad to meet you, my brethren, to behold the manifestation
          of good feeling and witness your willingness to build up Zion,
          and establish righteousness on the earth. And may you continue
          faithful, that you may be happy and prosperous and realize all
          the promises. It is promised that the Saints shall be the richest
          of all people, and to realize this promise, we must be guided by
          those placed to lead us. This is the principle of safety and
          success. Any other course will produce sorrow. That God will
          bless the Saints in this Stake of Zion and all his people, is my
          prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Pratt, December 2, 1877
                            Orson Pratt, December 2, 1877
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ORSON PRATT,
             Delivered in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms, on Sunday
                            Afternoon, December 2, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                          EARTH--THERE IS A SPIRIT IN MAN.
          I will call the attention of the congregation to a passage in the
          prophecy of Joel, second chapter, commencing with the 28th verse:
          "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my
          spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall
          prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men
          shall see visions;
          "And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days
          will I pour out my spirit.
          "And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth,--blood,
          and fire, and pillars of smoke.
          "And the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into
          blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come."
          These words were spoken by the inspired man long before the first
          coming of our Savior; they refer to the future condition of the
          world, a state of things that has never been known to have
          existed upon our earth since the Prophet lived here. All flesh
          should be under the influence of the Spirit of God, and not only
          all human flesh, but also the animal creation, and all things
          living. The effect of the outpouring of this Holy Spirit upon
          mankind will be to cause the young people to prophecy, making
          revelators of them, and the older ones to dream dreams. This
          prophecy was quoted by the Apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost,
          when under the influence of the same Spirit. It was not referred
          to, however, with the intention of declaring its fulfillment at
          that time, but merely to inform the unbelieving Jews that it was
          the same Spirit which Joel spoke of. It will be remembered that
          on the morning of the day of Pentecost, about 120 disciples had
          received this Spirit. On that occasion, while assembled in the
          Temple, it operated so powerfully upon them, that the illiterate
          and unlearned were enabled to speak in different languages, and
          that it manifested itself in the form of cloven tongues, like
          fire in appearance. The people who witnessed these operations
          marveled and wondered exceedingly. But some were inclined to
          evil, and accused these men of God of drunkenness. It was then
          that the Apostle Peter, in order to correct any false impression
          upon the minds of the congregation, arose, and after denying the
          accusation of these evil-disposed persons, said, "This is that
          which was spoken by the Prophet Joel," quoting the prophecy
          nearly word for word.
          Some have supposed that the prophecy was then fulfilled. It is
          very evident to every one who will reflect for a few moments,
          that such was not the case, but that the Spirit which rested upon
          those one hundred and twenty was the same Spirit that should, in
          the last days, be poured out upon all flesh. It is still further
          evident that it was not then fulfilled, as appears from the
          following: "I will show wonders in the heavens and in the
          earth--blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be
          turned into darkness, and the moon into blood," etc, having
          reference to His second coming, when these great events should
          take place. It is generally believed, by the various Christian
          churches, that there are to be no more revelations, or visions,
          or dreams, given by the Spirit of God, and this belief has been
          entertained for generations by millions of people terming
          themselves Christians. But when this prophecy is really
          fulfilled, all men and women upon the earth will become
          revelators, receiving from the heavens information and knowledge
          by the power of that Spirit poured out upon them. I think our
          present Bible will then be greatly enlarged, should their
          revelations be written.
          Before all flesh receive the Spirit of God, the kingdom of God is
          to appear upon the earth. The work is to be commenced, and his
          Spirit poured out upon a few, preparatory to the coming of the
          Son of Man, that there may be Prophets and revelators again on
          the earth, and the true Church of God again exist among men, as
          anciently. The time having fully arrived, in this the 19th
          century, for the prophecies to be fulfilled, in regard to the
          setting up of the latter-day kingdom, the Lord and his angel, as
          predicted in the 14th chapter of John's Revelations, revealed the
          original plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated by
          inspiration and the aid of the Urim and Thummim, is found to
          contain the fullness of the Gospel of the Son of God, as revealed
          in ancient times to the Israelites of this western hemisphere,
          the forefathers of our Indian race. They understood the Gospel
          and also the law of Moses, the latter of which they had kept for
          nearly 600 years before Christ. After His crucifixion and
          resurrection from the dead, they were favored with His personal
          ministry; the Gospel was taught them in great plainness, and
          twelve men were chosen on this continent, and commissioned to go
          forth and preach the fullness of the Gospel to all the
          inhabitants of the land. These Twelve men, like the Apostles of
          the eastern hemisphere, preached faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,
          and baptism by immersion in water for the remission of sins, and
          the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost; and
          upon those who believed and obeyed, the Spirit of the Lord was
          poured out to a very great extent. They had visions, and dreams,
          and revelations, and great manifestations of the power of God,
          and the people generally of both North and South America were
          converted and were taught and instructed in the things of God.
          Yet this did not include all flesh, and therefore did not fulfil
          the prophecy of Joel.
          The Lord has brought to light these ancient records, containing
          the fullness of the Gospel, which he has commanded to be preached
          and published to every nation and in every tongue upon the face
          of the earth, that all of his numerous children may have the
          opportunity to hear, and, through obedience to its requirements,
          may receive the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, which should reveal to
          them the mind and will of God concerning them, and lead them in
          the path of truth. This command strictly specifies that this
          Gospel is to be preached to all the world, but first to the
          Gentile nations, and when they are fully warned, and their times
          are fulfilled, then the Lord will declare the law and the
          testimony sealed, so far as preaching any more to them is
          concerned; and he will once more commission his servants to go to
          the Jews, the House of Israel, whom the Lord will prepare,
          through his own power and wisdom, to receive the message, and not
          reject it as they anciently did. Scores of thousands, among the
          different nations, have already received the ministry of the
          Gospel, revealed by the angel, and they have been filled with the
          Holy Ghost, according to the promise made to every soul who will
          believe and repent of his sins; and they have measurably become
          revelators and prophets. This, therefore, is the beginning of the
          great latter-day work, which will never end, until all flesh,
          that will not be destroyed from the face of the earth by the
          judgments spoken of, will be made partakers of this same Spirit,
          and it will have the same effect promised.
          You may ask, Why it has not been the case since the first century
          of the Christian era? Why it has not been fulfilled among the
          various Christian denominations of our globe? Why they have not
          received dreams, and visions, and revelations by the power of the
          Holy Ghost? It may be a mystery to some, why so long a period
          should have elapsed among the people of the different nations,
          during which they have had no revelations, no visions, no
          prophecies, no voice of God. The reason of this, as revealed by
          the Lord, is because the people did turn away from the ancient
          Gospel; they did, as had been predicted they would do, change the
          ordinances and break the everlasting covenants; they did
          apostatize from the truth so that the authority of the
          Apostleship ceased among them; the authority to baptize no longer
          existed, the authority to lay on hands that they might receive
          the Holy Ghost no longer existed, and they were no longer able to
          minister authoritatively in the name of the Lord in any of the
          ordinances of the Church. There were many good moral people that
          lived. But where was to be found the Church organized according
          to the New Testament pattern, with Apostles, living Apostles
          receiving revelation from heaven, and possessing the power that
          those anciently possessed? You could find churches in abundance,
          which were called Christian churches--thus denominated by
          themselves, some called by certain names and some by others; all
          of them believing in separate, distinct doctrines which
          characterized them; one believing one principle of the Gospel,
          and another believing some other; one believing in one mode of
          baptism, another in some other; one receiving part of the Gospel,
          and another claiming some other part. This was the condition of
          the Christian nations when the Lord sent his angel to reveal the
          fulness of the Gospel to Joseph Smith, a mere boy, who was raised
          up specially by the hands of God to bring to light another
          record, who was raised up specially by the hands of God to bring
          to light another record, agreeing with the one which already
          existed, called the New Testament; not another Gospel, but the
          same gospel taught to another branch of the house of Israel. Our
          Heavenly Father is not a respector of persons; he respects one
          branch of the house of Israel just as much as another; and
          inasmuch as he did by his own power, according to their own
          records, bring a remnant of the tribe of Joseph out of the land
          of Jerusalem to this continent, he had as much regard for them as
          he had for the Jews, and as he had for the ten tribes who were
          taken away from the land of Palestine some 720 years before
          Christ. They were led away to the north country, but where, we do
          not exactly know. He had equal respect to all these branches of
          the seed of Israel; and as all had a knowledge before their
          dispersion about the coming of the future Messiah, it would be
          perfectly reasonable that when he should come to suffer and be
          crucified for the sins of the world, the Jews, only a portion of
          Israel, should not be the only portion who should be favored and
          blessed with his personal ministry; it is perfectly reasonable
          that he should go to the ten tribes, and also come to this great
          continent, where a part of one tribe existed, and minister to
          them. You know Jesus himself says, "I am not sent but unto the
          lost sheep of the house of Israel." Not merely to the Jews, for
          they were only a part of them, he had others dispersed in various
          countries, and upon the islands of the seas? and inasmuch as they
          all had a knowledge of the coming of Christ, and that he would
          offer the great last sacrifice, thereby doing away with the rite
          of sacrifice which they had for so many generations held sacred,
          it would seem consistent that he should inform them in whatever
          land they might have been, that the true Messiah had come and
          offered himself, and therefore they should no longer offer up
          beasts and birds as sacrifices, but forever afterwards believe in
          Him. It is also just as reasonable, that a branch of Israel,
          existing thousands of miles from Palestine, having the personal
          ministry of Christ, would, keep a record of his teachings, just
          as much as they did in the land of Jerusalem; and that his
          teachings would be just as sacred, when written, as the New
          Testament is. And it is again just as reasonable that they should
          receive the same gospel and the same spirit, and that the same
          effects should be produced among them, as among these at
          Jerusalem. Jesus informs us too in St. John's Gospel, that he had
          other sheep besides those at Jerusalem. The passage reads: "Other
          sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring,
          and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one
          shepherd." He did not go to the Gentiles, as they were not the
          "other sheep" referred to; they were never denominated in any of
          the Scriptural writings as the sheep of Israel, they were always
          called by their own name. But the sheep that Jesus speaks of were
          those he meant to visit; "they shall hear my voice"--that is, he
          would minister to them, and they would see Him and they would
          hear His voice. And the instruction that he gave, they were
          commanded to write, with a view of its coming forth in the
          latter-days, preparatory to the time when "the earth shall be
          filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters
          cover the sea; not merely the knowledge of God contained in the
          Jewish record, but the knowledge of God contained in all the
          records. The Book of Mormon informs us that the ten tribes in the
          north country will have a record as well as the Jews, a Bible of
          their own, if you please. Indeed Jesus after having instructed
          the remnant of Joseph upon this land and revealed to them His
          gospel, said to them, "But now I go unto the Father, and also to
          show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost
          unto the Father, for He knoweth whither He hath taken them." And
          it was predicted concerning them by one of the ancient American
          prophets, who lived in those days, that when God should bring
          these ten tribes from the north country, they would bring their
          records with them. And it should come to pass that they should
          have the records of the Nephites, and the Nephites should have
          the records of the Jews, and the Jews and the Nephites should
          have the records of the lost tribes of the house of Israel, and
          the lost tribes of Israel should have the records of the Nephites
          and the Jews. "It shall come to pass that I will gather my people
          together, and I will also gather my word in one." Not only the
          people are to be gathered from the distant portions of our globe,
          but their records, or bibles, will also be united in one.
          In the good old book believed in by the world of Christianity, we
          have a prophecy which may be found in the 37th chapter of
          Ezekiel, concerning the uniting together of two of the records. I
          will read the prophecy. "The word of the lord came again unto me,
          "Moreover, thou Son of Man, take thee one stick, and write upon
          it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel, his companions;
          then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick
          of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions.
          "And join them one to another into one stick, and they shall
          become one in thine hand.
          "And when the children of thy people shall speak unto thee,
          saying, Wilt thou not show us what thou meanest by these?
          "Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will take the
          stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes
          of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the
          stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in
          mine hand.
          "And the sticks wherein thou writest shall be in thine hand
          before thine eyes." 
          Why was he commanded to do this simple thing, for surely it would
          be considered simple in our day for a man to take two sticks,
          writing upon one for Judah, and upon another one for Joseph, and
          then joining the two sticks together, and holding them up in his
          hands to become one? If we were to undertake to preach in this
          way the people would think we were insane. But it was a familiar
          way by which the Lord intended to instruct his people, and the
          interpretation is this: These two sticks were to represent what
          the Lord would do. Says he, "When the children of thy people
          shall speak unto thee saying, Wilt thou not show us what thou
          meanest by these two sticks, that they become one in thine hand,
          Thus saith the Lord God, Behold I, (not Ezekiel) will take the
          stick of Joseph, etc." And what will you do with it? I will put
          it with the stick written upon for Judah, and will make them one
          in mine hand. And the sticks whereon thou writest shall be in
          thine hand before thine eyes;" one being a representation of the
          other. But when will it take place? Read the next verse.
          "And say unto them, thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will take the
          children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone,
          and will bring them into their own land:
          "And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains
          of Israel; and one king shall be king to all, and they shall no
          more be two nations, neither shall they be divided into two
          kingdoms any more at all:
          "Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols,
          nor with any of their transgressions: but I will save them out of
          their dwelling places, wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse
          them: so shall they be my people, and I will be their God."
          Has this been fulfilled? Has He done this for the House of
          Israel, scattered among the heathen, bringing them back and
          making them one nation in the land and upon the mountains, with
          one king to reign over them all? Has there ever been a period
          since the twelve tribes lived, some two thousand five hundred
          years ago, that the House of Israel has been made one? It is very
          well known that such things have not yet taken place. But the
          prophecy will be fulfilled, and that too in our day. The Lord
          will gather the ten tribes from the north, and the House of Judah
          from the four quarters of the earth whither they be gone, and
          will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own
          land, making of them one nation under one king never more to be
          divided, neither, says the Lord, shall they anymore defile
          themselves with their detestable things, etc. "And they shall
          dwell in the land that I have given unto my servant Jacob,
          wherein your fathers have dwelt, etc." It is not a spiritual
          thing, it is natural, and will take place even as it is written.
          How will He accomplish this work? In the very way He has pointed
          out in this chapter? He will take the stick, or records, of
          Joseph written upon for Joseph, and join it with that of the
          Jews, written upon by the Jewish nation: and when they become one
          in His hand, then He will bring Israel from the four quarters of
          the earth and fulfill all that has been said concerning them.
          Here (holding the Book of Mormon in his hand) we present a record
          of this American continent, a history of a branch of the tribe of
          Joseph, for nearly 600 years before Christ, and until 420 years
          after Christ, a history of the Lord's dealings with them from the
          time they left Jerusalem until one of their principal nations
          fell in battle, because of their apostacy; and the descendants of
          the remaining remnant are this degenerated people we call
          Indians, who still exist. Their record has been brought to light;
          the Lord has done it, not Joseph Smith. He has already united the
          record and testimonies of Joseph with those of Judah that we may
          have additional evidence that Jesus is the Christ, that we may
          have the testimony of two great nations--the Jewish nation and
          the nation of Joseph that dwelt on this land, and which
          afterwards became a "multitude of nations," according to the
          blessing pronounced by the ancient patriarch Jacob, when blessing
          his two grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Here we find on this
          continent a multitude of nations, and when we come to examine the
          language they all speak, we find that it evidently sprang from
          the same source. Antiquarians who have searched diligently into
          this matter, all testify to this one fact--that their language
          evidently sprang from the same source. It is also stated by them
          they must have lived for many generations on this continent in
          order to have become so diversified in their several tongues. You
          know where people have no written language, as we have, that it
          will become corrupted, and as they separate from each other, as
          the Indian race has done, it will corrupt itself more and more.
          When you come to trace the languages spoken by the aborigines of
          our country, you will find that they have the same origin; also
          that this "multitude of nations" are the descendants of Joseph,
          in fulfillment of the promise God made him through his father
          Jacob. Patriarchs used to bless their children in ancient days
          and tell them what would come to pass in the latter days. Jacob
          so blessed his twelve sons; and when he came to Joseph he
          pronounced a peculiar blessing upon his head. It reads--"Joseph
          is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well, whose
          branches run over the wall;" signifying that a portion of his
          seed would not always stay with the main body of his people, but
          would branch off, "run over the wall," depart out of the land of
          Jerusalem. "The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the
          blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bounds of the
          everlasting hills; they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on
          the crown of the head of him, that was separate from his
          brethren." Jacob's progenitors were Abraham and Isaac. What
          blessings were given to them? Palestine. But says the Patriarch,
          I have a greater blessing, it has prevailed above that of my
          progenitors. How much above theirs? Unto the utmost bounds of the
          everlasting hills. Said he, I will give this to you, Joseph; or,
          "they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the
          head of him that was separate from his brethren." How marvelous
          are the dealings of God with man in bringing to pass the
          prophetic utterances of his servants! There was another blessing
          pronounced upon his head by Moses, before he was taken out from
          the midst of Israel, which was very distinct from the rest of the
          tribes. It reads--"And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be
          his land, for the precious things of heaven. And for the precious
          things of the earth and fulness thereof." As much as to say, his
          land shall be very choice. Instead of being blessed with lands
          side by side with the rest of the tribes, he was to be a fruitful
          bough by a well, whose branches run over the wall, unto the
          utmost bound of the everlasting hills, and there he should be
          blessed with all kinds of climate; the temperate and the torrid
          zone; the blessings of the earth and fulness thereof, so far as
          the temperate zones are concerned; then the blessings of the
          earth, so far as the torrid zone is concerned.
          Here then we perceive with all these predictions and prophecies
          that the Lord in his providences has so wrought among the
          Israelites as to fulfill these promises to the very letter. They
          should not be blessed with the blessings of the earth only, but
          "Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of
          heaven." What would you consider the precious things of heaven? I
          should say that the revelations given from heaven to his
          descendants would be as precious as anything that could be
          bestowed upon them. Why then should it be thought unreasonable
          that these prophecies in relation to the descendants of Joseph
          should be fulfilled, that the Lord should bring forth these
          precious things in the latter days, under the name of the record
          of Joseph, in order that it might go forth as testimony in
          connection with the Jewish record, first to the gentiles, and
          then to the house of Israel, that the way may be prepared, that
          the kingdom that was to be set up in the last days, might
          increase upon the earth, in fulfillment of the prophecies of
          Daniel, even until the kingdom and the greatness of the kingdom
          under the whole heavens should be given to the Saints of the Most
          High. If God intends to set up a Kingdom represented in the Book
          of Daniel by a "stone cut out of the mountains without hands,"
          and that Kingdom is to extend until it becomes, as he saw it in
          vision, as a great mountain filling the whole earth, it will no
          doubt be but a preparatory work for the second advent of his Son,
          so that when He comes in all His glory, in the clouds of heaven,
          accompanied by the prophets, and apostles, and revelators, and
          the rest of the Saints to reign on the earth, it is reasonable to
          suppose that the Kingdom to be set up would have prophets, and
          revelators, and inspired men, old men dreaming dreams, and young
          men seeing visions. And in this way, when Jesus descends with his
          resurrected Saints finding a Kingdom prepared for him composed of
          those who have the Spirit of God in their hearts, he will
          commence his reign--his universal reign upon the earth, over all
          the Saints living. Then will be fulfilled that part of the
          prophecy of Daniel, "And the Kingdom and dominion," not only the
          Kingdom, but the dominion, also, "And the greatness of the
          Kingdom under the whole heavens shall be given to the people of
          the Saints of the Most High, whose Kingdom is an everlasting
          Kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him." That is,
          all people then living will be under this one King of Kings, he
          will reign in the midst of his people, the resurrected Saints,
          and the Saints then living. And all flesh will have the Spirit of
          God poured out upon them.
          I said "all" flesh including the flesh of the animal as well as
          human. This has been clearly spoken of in the prophecies. That
          is, in those days when "the earth shall be full of the knowledge
          of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea," then the "lion shall
          eat straw like the ox." His nature will be so susceptible to the
          Spirit of God that it will be entirely changed, instead of his
          preying upon other animals and devouring their flesh, he will
          feast upon the vegetable kingdom, just as he did in the morning
          of creation. When the earth was first made, all things were
          pronounced very good; it issued forth from the hand of the
          Creator in a very perfect condition, but when man fell, a change
          came over, not only man, but also the animal creation, and the
          vegetable kingdom came under the curse, and the power of Satan
          was exercised upon the earth, enmity was introduced between man
          and the animals. But the time will come, when the Spirit of God
          will be poured out upon all flesh and "The wolf shall lie down
          with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and
          the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a
          little child shall lead them," etc. That will change the fall of
          creation or at least, the living portion of it. The curse then
          will be removed. It will be like the garden of Eden, and Jesus
          will be here, and he will teach his people, fulfilling what is
          written in the sacred Scriptures about his reign of a thousand
          years. The Saints then will be resurrected, and they will also be
          the inhabitants of this globe. They are singing about it in
          heaven, while their bodies are sleeping in the grave. Read the
          5th chapter of John's Revelations, that will give you an idea
          what the Saints of heaven anticipate. The words of the new song
          which John heard them sing, were: "Thou art worthy to take the
          book, and to open the seals thereof; for thou wast slain, and
          hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and
          tongue and people and nation. And hast made us unto our God kings
          and priest; and we shall reign on the earth!" They hope for it;
          they sing about it; they expect it, just as much as we hope to go
          with them, and mingle with them, and just as much as we have
          faith that we will, when we lay our bodies down in the grave, go
          to our former abode where we once were, to the mansions prepared,
          and that we will join with the heavenly hosts. We will not forget
          the earth; it is our native abode; but instead of forgetting it,
          we will join with them in their new song, and with them we will
          look forward with joyful anticipation to the day when we shall
          return to reign on the earth, having been made kings and priests
          unto our God. And Jesus and the Twelve Apostles will be in our
          midst. And we have an account of their thrones. "And Jesus said
          unto them, Verily, I say unto you, that ye which have followed
          me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man shall sit in the
          throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones,
          judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Then the twelve tribes will
          come back, and twelve men sitting on twelve thrones, in the land
          of Palestine, will reign over them. The Twelve disciples raised
          up in this land, 1800 years ago, are to have their thrones; who,
          after being judged themselves by the Twelve at Jerusalem, will
          sit upon their thrones and will judge the remnant of the tribe of
          Joseph. And they will have that work to do in the eternal worlds.
          The Priesthood is not given for a few years and then to cease;
          but all the servants of God who have ministered here below by
          authority of the Priesthood will continue their work among
          immortal beings, and among those living who will not have been
          changed to the immortal state. Some think that when Jesus comes
          all that are then living upon the earth will be changed. There is
          no Scripture to this effect. But there is a Scripture that says,
          the Saints living will all be "changed in a moment, in the
          twinkling of an eye, at the last trump." When the first trump
          sounds, at the coming of the Savior, they will not be changed,
          but they will be caught up, but when the graves of the Saints are
          opened and they come forth as immortal beings they will be
          quickened, not made immortal, renewed in a measure, and they will
          be taken up with those who will ascend out of their graves to
          meet Jesus, and descend with him. And the immortal ones will
          multiply and spread forth so that the many places depopulated in
          consequence of the great judgment that will precede his coming,
          will become inhabited by their numerous children during the
          millennium, filling up the different parts of the earth. So that
          when the thousand years are ended, and Satan is again loosed, he
          will find a large number who have not been tempted by him, and he
          will use his cunning among them, and will succeed in leading more
          or less astray. He will gather up his numerous hosts from the
          four quarters of the earth, and will encompass the camp of the
          Saints. The Saints will then gather from abroad, as they now do,
          and they will have to pitch their tents while doing so; and
          Satan's army will also compass the beloved city to destroy the
          people of God; but fire will come down from God out of heaven,
          and will devour them. And the beloved city and the righteous will
          be taken to heaven; and after the thousand years are ended the
          earth will pass away. This earth that will be sanctified and
          purified and blessed with the presence of Jesus, and upon which
          the immortal and resurrected Saints will live and reign as kings
          and priests; this earth because of the fall and the curse that
          came upon it, will have to undergo a greater change, the same as
          our bodies and will pass away. There will be no place found for
          it, as an organized world: it will exist in an elementary
          condition, all of its elements scattered through space, until the
          Lord sees proper to gather them together by his power, and forms
          an immortal earth, an earth free from the curse, free form the
          effects of the fall, restored as it was in the beginning. This
          then will be the new earth and the new heaven, whereon the
          righteous only will dwell. The beloved city will descend upon
          this eternal earth, and it will then become one of the heavenly
          mansions, whereon the Saints that are prepared will reign forever
          and ever.
          This is our eternal home then; we are not to look for a heaven--
                      "Beyond the bounds of time and space,
                       Where human mind can never trace."
          We are not to go further than our thoughts can carry us, to some
          remote unknown place, concerning which there has been no
          revelation given. But we will return to our earth, and then will
          be fulfilled that part of the vision where John says, "And I
          heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the Tabernacle
          of God is with man, and he will dwell with them, and they shall
          be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their
          "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there
          shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall
          there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away."
          Why? Because all its inhabitants then will be immortal, and the
          earth itself will be celestial, consequently there will be no
          more funerals, nor any cause for mourning: "Behold I make all
          things new," said he that sat upon the throne.
          That will be the history of this little creation of ours; it is
          only one out of the immensity of creations that God has made, all
          of which have their times of redemption, having to pass through
          similar changes as those which I have alluded to; and the people
          inhabiting them have to learn by a school of experience; they
          have their joys and sorrows as well as we, because they, like us,
          could not acquire the necessary experience in any other way to
          fit them for the society of the heavenly hosts.
          When, according to the prophecy of Joel, God bestows visions and
          revelations upon his sons and daughters, and dreams, by the same
          Spirit, upon the old men, they will acquire more knowledge in a
          very short time, than could be learned by studying the best of
          books that are possessed by the colleges and institutions of
          learning all over the world. We have to study for years in order
          to learn one branch, mathematics for instance, viz: geometry,
          conic sections, calculus, etc.
          It takes years of study to acquire a knowledge of them, and about
          the time we have partially mastered them, we are old men, ready
          to pass away from this state of existence. But when the time
          shall come that the Spirit of the living God shall be poured out
          upon all flesh, in a very few moments of time the Lord could
          unlock the mysteries and treasures of the earth, so that we could
          understand not only the geographical surface of the earth, but be
          able, by the power of vision, to behold every particle of it
          inside as well as outside, and also the law that governs its
          elementary portions, nearly all of which is now closed from our
          mortal vision. We can only go about so far with our natural
          sight; but there is a faculty in every man and woman which is now
          sleeping in a dormant state; and as soon as it is touched by the
          spirit of the Lord, we shall be enabled to see a new world of
          things as it were, mysteries will be opened up and we will
          perceive naturally as if they were written, and in this way we
          shall be able to learn very rapidly indeed. If we want a
          knowledge of this world or of ourselves, when our spirits were
          born, or if we desire to know things that took place before the
          foundations of the world were laid or the nucleus was formed,
          when the sons of God shouted for joy, if we desired to know these
          things it would only be necessary for the spirit of the Lord to
          touch the vision of our minds and light up our understanding and
          we could gaze upon things past or thousands of generations of
          worlds before the earth was made, and we could see the succession
          of worlds that have been and were in existence long before this
          earth was formed, we could see the ordeals through which they had
          passed, see them brought into existence and passing through their
          several changes and finally become glorified celestial mansions
          in the presence of God. By this same spirit spoken of by Joel, we
          could look forward into the distant future and behold new worlds
          formed and redeemed, and not only this, but see and understand
          the laws by which they were made, and the object and end of all
          these creations, being touched by the finger of the Almighty and
          lighted up by the Holy Ghost. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Erastus Snow, June 3, 1877
                             Erastus Snow, June 3, 1877
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ERASTUS SNOW.
               Delivered at Provo, on Sunday Afternoon, June 3, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          The house is so crowded that in order for all to hear it will be
          advisable that each one keep as quiet as possible.
          In my remarks yesterday forenoon I alluded briefly to the subject
          of the United Order, as I understood it. In the minds and
          feelings of some the United Order is a sensitive topic: but this
          is chiefly for the want of a proper understanding of the
          revelations of God, and the obligations of the Gospel which we
          have embraced, for the want of understanding what the Lord has
          purposed to accomplish through this Order. In one of the
          revelations contained in the Book of Covenants is to be found
          these words: "Except ye are one in your temporal affairs, how can
          ye be one in obtaining heavenly things?" This oneness referred to
          is variously understood, ofttimes construed according to the
          peculiar views and notions of men and women, who do not take the
          broad, comprehensive view, as the Lord does, and intended we
          should do, and who do not comprehend the revelations and the
          manner in which the Lord purposes to deal with his people.
          Under the operations of the United Order the ancient Nephites
          were said to be the best and most prosperous people on the earth;
          it was said of them, as of no other people we read of, that there
          were neither rich nor poor among them; that they dwelt in peace
          and righteousness, and every man dealt honestly with his
          neighbor. The fact that every man dealt honestly with his
          neighbor, necessarily implies individual responsibility and
          stewardship. The Book of Mormon tells us further that after a
          period of one hundred and sixty-five years living in this state,
          there began again to be disunion, and they began to cease to have
          everything in common; a certain class began to wear jewelry and
          costly raiment; class distinctions began to spring up, some
          exalting themselves over their fellows, and they commenced to
          build up societies and associations and classes which were graded
          by their wealth. And thus they grew from bad to worse, until the
          judgment of God fell upon them to their utter destruction. Those
          who are inspired by the Holy Spirit to comprehend the dealings of
          God with his people, both ancient and modern, may be able to look
          forward to the future and behold a prosperous and happy people
          that shall be one in temporal things, and rich in the enjoyment
          of heavenly things, and among whom there will be no poor or rich,
          having all things common, so far as property is concerned, when
          no one will say "this is mine, and I have a right to do just as I
          please with it."
          And yet to my mind this state of things will not necessarily be
          incompatible with individual responsibility and stewardship. It
          will merely imply that advanced condition of the people, that
          will enable them to seek each other's welfare, and build each
          other up instead of pulling each other down, in order that they
          may rise upon the ruins of their fellows. And that which they
          possess, or are stewards over, will be held in trust, from the
          Lord, accounted for to Him, and to His servants who shall be over
          them in the Lord. This state of things will be such as Brother
          Cannon referred to this morning; when there will be no temptation
          placed before the people to take advantage of their neighbor,
          because there will be nothing to be gained by it; there will be
          no temptation to steal or plunder, for if they need anything for
          their personal comfort, it could be supplied them with all good
          feeling; and he that would take stealthily that which would be
          given to him freely and abundantly, would be a consummate fool,
          or grossly wicked. This state of things also pre-supposes a
          disposition on the part of all to do their duty; to be saints in
          very deed, to be industrious, to be frugal, using their gifts and
          talents for the common welfare, to be ready to serve where they
          are best fitted to serve; in a word, to be the servants and
          handmaidens of the Lord, instead of serving themselves and having
          a will of their own contrary to the will of heaven, and
          determined to follow that if they have to go to hell for doing
          it. We are, some of us at times apt to think that this state of
          feeling is necessary to constitute us good democrats; in other
          words, unless we have this kind of feeling of "doing as we damn
          please"--you will please pardon the expression--we are not men,
          that this is the only way we can give expression to our manhood.
          To me this is worse than folly; it is ignorance of the true
          spirit of manhood. A Saint will say, "I have no will of my own,
          except to do the will of my Heavenly Father who has created me.
          True, he has given me an agency and this will, but he has given
          it to me to see what I will do with it, how I will use it; and I
          have been instructed from heaven sufficiently to know and
          understand that it is for my best interest to allow this will to
          be subservient to the will of my Father; it is best for me so to
          live and so to seek his face and favor, that I may know and learn
          what his will is concerning me, and that I may be ready to do it,
          holding my will in subjection to his. "Well, then, how can you be
          an independent man? Surely you cannot be an independent man
          unless you resist everybody's will but your own." If good and
          evil is placed before us, does not the person who chooses the
          good and refuses the evil exhibit his agency and manhood as much
          as the man who chooses the evil and refuses the good? or is the
          independence of manhood all on the side of the evil-doer? I leave
          you to answer this question in your own mind. To me, I think the
          angels and saints and all good people have exercised their agency
          by choosing the good and refusing the evil; and in doing so they
          not only exhibit their independence and manhood as much, but show
          a much higher and greater nobility of character and disposition;
          and I leave the future to determine who are wise in the choice of
          their freedom and independence. Joshua said to ancient Israel:
          "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve; if the Lord be God, serve
          him; if Baal, serve him. But as for me and my house, we will
          serve the Lord." I think what we need to learn are the true
          principles that shall lead us to peace, to wealth and happiness
          in this world, and glory and exaltation in the world to come. And
          that if we can learn these principles, and receive them in good
          and honest hearts, and teach them as our faith, and practice them
          in our lives, we shall show our manhood, our independence and our
          agency as creditably before the angels and the Gods, as any
          wicked man can, in refusing the good and cleaving to the evil,
          exhibit his before the devil and his angels.
          Now the Latter-day Saints are gathering from all nations and
          tongues, with divers customs and habits and traditions, and we
          have brought them with us, unfortunately we could not leave
          ourselves behind, while we gathered to Zion. Having brought
          ourselves along we have the labor of separating the follies of
          Babylon, the traditions of the fathers and ever foolish way,
          learning something better as fast as we can; and this is the duty
          that is upon us. Many sermons would be necessary to teach us this
          lesson; we shall need the lesson often repeated before we can
          learn these principles and practice them thoroughly; we shall
          need a great deal of self-control, and a great deal of effort on
          the part of the brethren to help us, and by mutually assembling
          together, by doing business together, by learning correct
          principles and then living them. One thing is certain, that if
          God accomplishes with the Latter-day Saints what the prophets
          have foretold, and establishes his Zion, and he makes them a holy
          nation, a kingdom of priests, a peculiar people to himself, as he
          has promised, it will not be by our clinging to Babylon and to
          her foolish ways, and imitating the evil and foolish things of
          the world. But what we have proved and know to be good, hold fast
          to it; but lay aside that which tends to evil. We must become a
          people within and of ourselves, sooner or later, and learn to be
          self-reliant and self-sustaining; this we cannot do as
          individuals nor as an individual community, but by combining our
          energies as a whole, we may eventually arrive at this. To
          accomplish it requires a united effort, concerted action and
          perseverance, a long pull and a pull altogether. Disunion and
          pulling against each other will only retard it; we need never
          think we can truly enrich ourselves by plundering each other by
          carrying on merchandising, and importing the products of the
          labor of other men while our own brethren at home are idle,
          hungry, naked and destitute. Merchants and middlemen are
          necessary evils, their legitimate sphere is interchanging
          commodities between the producing classes. The Lord has taught us
          that by and by he will waste away the wicked and ungodly, or they
          will devour and destroy each other, when the righteous shall be
          gathered out through the preaching of the Gospel. And He designs
          his people to prepare while there is time, and while he gives
          them bread to sustain themselves. But if that time should come
          suddenly upon us in our present condition, who would be prepared
          for it? If the news was to reach us that Babylon was really going
          down, that a general war had overtaken her, causing distress of
          nations, and the closing up of her manufactories, and the
          struggle between capital and labor were again renewed, causing
          domestic and national trouble, and as a consequence we found our
          foreign supplies cut off, how many would begin to pray that
          Babylon might be spared a little longer? The sisters would begin
          to cast their eyes around to see where they were to get their
          pans and kettles, their stoves and articles of domestic use; the
          farmers would think it very hard that mowers and reapers, plows
          and harrows could no more be found on the market; and the
          mechanic would find too that his business was affected for the
          want of tools; and how the ladies would feel when they found that
          their hats and bonnets and fine apparel were no longer to be
          purchased. The real value of Provo Factory would then be
          appreciated, and it would not be considered transcending to say,
          that it was worth more to the county than all the merchants in
          Utah. It is true, it does not net as large dividends to the
          stockholders, as these merchants get who enrich themselves by
          encouraging the vanity and foolishness of the people. The Provo
          Factory takes the raw material produced at home, and converts it
          into the useful articles of clothing for the people, and that
          mainly by the labor of your own citizens. The same might be said
          correspondingly of every other branch of home industry. They
          ought to be encouraged by the masses of the people; they ought to
          be multiplied and increased among us by our united efforts, for
          they produce our wealth. What is wealth? Does it consist of gold
          and silver? No. Let this Territory be filled with gold, and war
          prevail outside and all intercourse be cut off, what would we do
          with it? It would be a medium of exchange, and as such would
          facilitate home trade; but nothing further. There is no real
          wealth in metallic or paper currency, in drafts, letters of
          credit, or any other representative of value. At best they are
          only the representatives of wealth, though convenient in carrying
          on our trade. But the real wealth may be summed up in a few
          words, to be the comforts of life; that is to say what is needed
          for us and our families and those depending upon us. How are
          these obtained? We might say money, when we have the money to
          exchange for them, and when these commodities are to be bought.
          But were do they come from? They are not in the market unless
          somebody has produced them; if in the shape of food, some farmer
          has raised it; if clothing, some manufactory has produced it; if
          boots and shoes, somebody did the work. It is the labor of men's
          hands with the aid of machinery that produced these articles; if
          not by the labor of our community, by that of some other; and if
          we are dependent upon other people then are we their servants and
          they our masters. The Southern States in the late civil war were
          whipped by the Northern States, why? There may be some general
          reasons, but you may say, speaking on natural principles they
          were not sufficiently self-sustaining. They relied mainly upon
          their cotton, and a few other products of the earth, mainly
          fruits of their close labor; they had few manufacturing
          establishments. They sent the raw material to other States and
          countries, and these worked it up, sending back to them the
          manufactured articles. No nation under heaven can long thrive,
          and continue this state of things. Just as soon as their trade
          was interfered with, their domestic institutions broken into, and
          the country blockaded, preventing the export of their raw
          material, and the import of manufactured goods, they were brought
          to the verge of ruin. 
          This subject of home-manufacture has become somewhat hackneyed.
          When will we cease to talk about it? When the necessity ceases to
          exist, when we will have learned to apply these principles in our
          daily lives and conduct. The greatest lack among us is the means
          to employ our idle hands. We should be able to afford every man,
          woman and child in our community profitable employment; were we
          able to do this, we would by wisely and prudently directing that
          labor become a thriftier, wealthier and happier people, of whom
          it might be said, there were no poor among us. Comparatively
          speaking, we can say now there is no abject poverty among us, yet
          we are far from enjoying that which is our privilege to enjoy,
          and that which we have comes from abroad and we are striving for
          money to pay for it. Crops are mortgaged or sold to our creditors
          in advance for articles of foreign manufacture. I was told that
          Sanpete County owed for sewing machines alone from forty to fifty
          thousand dollars; and I was told by brother Thatcher of Cache
          Valley, that forty thousand dollars would not clear the
          indebtedness for sewing machines. The irrepressible sewing
          machine agents have ravaged our country, imposing themselves upon
          every simpleton in the land, forcing their goods upon them. Tens
          of thousands of dollars are lying idle in the houses of the
          Latter-day Saints to-day in this article alone; almost every
          house you enter you can find a sewing machine noiseless and idle,
          but very seldom you hear it running; and all of which were
          purchased at enormous figures, and now the patent rights having
          expired, they can be bought for less than half the prices paid
          for them. And in this way many of our agricultural machines are
          obtained; we should be properly classified in our labor, so that
          our investments in agricultural and other machinery could be kept
          in constant use in the season thereof, and then well taken care
          of, as property ought to be, instead of allowing them to be
          exposed to the storms of winter, as many are, and get out of
          repair. Some have thought we need but few factories to-day; I may
          be mistaken, but I am under the impression that every factory in
          the Territory, except yours, before the last wool was brought
          into market, had to stop running for want of material. The wool
          that should have supplied them was shipped out of the country,
          gone abroad to afford other hands employment, and the goods
          brought back made up ready for wear, to sell to you. You not only
          buy back again your own product, but you buy the labor of foreign
          manufacturers, and pay the transportation both ways, all the
          expenses of the merchants or middlemen who handle the wool, and
          sell you the clothes, while your own wives and children are idle
          at home, and your own factories standing still for want of wool.
          Is this the way to get rich? The same may be said with regard to
          the manufacture of leather. Our hides and skins either rot upon
          the fences, or are gathered up and sold mostly to men who ship
          them to other countries to be tanned and worked up into harness
          and boots and shoes, which are brought back for you to wear; so
          that you are buying back your own hides and skins, in the shape
          of these manufactured articles, and paying the cost of the
          transportation and the profits of the middle-men, besides
          employing strangers, while our own bone and sinew too often are
          engaged either digging a hole in the ground or lounge around the
          street corners for something to turn up.
          During the last sixteen years I have been engaged laboring and
          counseling and trying to assist my brethren in Southern Utah to
          become self-sustaining, and as much as they canto develop the
          resources of the country. We have began a great variety of
          associations which are incorrectly called co-operative
          institutions, but in reality they are only combinations of
          capital. I have sought for the last six or eight years to start
          cooperative institutions; that is to say associations of
          laborers, workmen's and workwomen's associations, associations to
          derive benefits from a combined effort, and by the unity of labor
          accumulate material manufacturing them into useful articles for
          the common good, and then to induce those who begin to gather
          together a little surplus of capital, to encourage these labor
          associations, by letting them have a little means to help them to
          start. But the great difficulty I have had to fight against has
          been the ignorance of the laborers, their inability to make their
          labor pay for itself, and their unwillingness to be put to the
          test. They prefer some one to raise the capital to be invested in
          the enterprises, and employ them and pay them big wages; and if
          we have not the money necessary, they would have us borrow it at
          big interest, and establish shoe-shops, and woolen-factories and
          other various branches of industry, fitted up with the latest
          improved machinery, and they will say, "Let us work by the day or
          piece, and be paid our wages every Saturday night; and then let
          us have a store to spend our money at, that we might do as our
          fathers used to do in the old countries we came from." This is
          the spirit of the working classes of the old world, and I said
          before, unfortunately we brought ourselves with us when we
          emigrated to the new world. They do not seem to know that our
          capitalists are generally men who have lived closely, have walked
          instead of rode, and through the dint of perseverance and the
          study of economy, have accumulated a little means, and that such
          men are not willing to put their money at the mercy of laborers
          who have not sense enough to take care of it, or to preserve
          intact the capital invested, let alone increasing it. This, I
          say, is one of the great difficulties we have met with throughout
          this country, in attempting to start home industries. Everybody
          is willing that somebody else should furnish the means and assume
          the responsibility; in other words, "if you have anything to give
          us, we are willing to take it." If we work we must have from
          three to five dollars per day, whether you make anything out of
          the business or not; we would not want to work for any less, and
          when we have got it instead of buying articles of home
          production, we will buy those imported from foreign countries."
          Do all the people feel and act like this? O, no; but I think
          nearly all of us have indulged more or less in that folly. There
          are not many of us that say by our acts "we desire to do away
          with the antagonism between capital and labor." There are not
          many capitalists in our community; if we counted out a dozen,
          that would be about all. We are so evenly balanced, that it might
          even be said of us now, that we have neither rich nor poor among
          us. The little capital we have, compared with the many who think
          themselves poor, would be a mere breakfast spell if turned loose
          among a greedy horde; I include myself of course. When I say,
          greedy horde, I mean we are ignorant of the laws of life and true
          liberty, that which is needed among us for our own good. We
          should look and see how we can make ourselves useful in producing
          something, and not waste our time either in digging holes in the
          ground in the hopes of finding something, or laying in our nest
          with mouth wide open like young robins, for something to be
          dropped in. This is not the way to become a self-sustaining,
          wealthy and happy people. Will we form our associations and
          establish home industries? Will we tan the hides that come off
          our cattle and our sheep, and goats and other animals, making
          them into leather, and then work it up into boots and shoes and
          harness and so forth; or will we suffer them to be shipped out of
          the country for others to do it for us? Will the sisters ask
          their husbands and fathers to plant out mulberry trees along the
          water ditches, where the willows are now growing, so that you may
          secure food for the silk-worm? A little while ago we had lots of
          worms, but nothing to feed them. Let the sisters raise the worms,
          and commence their little associations for feeding them, that you
          may have silk to manufacture your ribbons and dresses. This
          climate is adapted to the silk-worm, the growth of the mulberry,
          and the feeding of the worms, and the manufacture of the silk.
          Let us then have silk manufactures, let us all say, we will bless
          this enterprise with our faith; and let the men encourage the
          sisters by planting the trees for them and affording them every
          facility within their power. You may say, this is a hard way of
          getting silk. I assure the Latter-day Saints, that it will be
          harder by and by when Babylon goes down. We had better improve
          the time and use the elements now within our reach. Let us
          multiply our factories, and work up our wool at home, and cease
          employing spinners and weavers at distant parts of the world,
          while our own people are hunting for something to do, and crying
          "hard times," or wasting their time hunting for minerals. I will
          venture to say that nine-tenths of the property under mortgage
          and to be sacrificed in Salt Lake City, and in fact throughout
          the Territory, is sacrificed at the shrine of this wild-cat
          speculation. One of the best shares in any bank is a plowshare,
          and the best speculation we can go into, is to raise from the
          elements around us the things necessary to supply our daily
          wants. Everything produced at home, furnishes employment for idle
          hands, and stimulates the production of some other articles. Let
          home manufacture, and the production of raw material from the
          elements, be our watchword, that employment may be furnished our
          sons and daughters, and those who shall come unto us from distant
          lands. Let us too establish reasonable and consistent fashions
          within ourselves, and cease patronizing the fashions of the
          wicked world.
          Now, referring to what we call the United Order, what is it? I
          will tell you. It is to live at home and sustain ourselves. It is
          not to hunt after capital as we would a fat goose to eat it up,
          and when eaten to hunt another the next day, for fat geese are
          not so plentiful. Our true policy is, learn how to produce and be
          sure to produce a little more than we consume; and if we only
          produce five cents a day in something more than we consume, we
          will soon be rich. But if we all consume five cents a day more
          than we produce, how long before we shall all be poor? We are
          poor already when we commence that system. It is a great lesson
          to impress upon the minds of this great people, gathered from all
          nations and tongues, to induce them to live at home and support
          themselves, to depend upon their labor for their subsistence,
          instead of hunting for somebody to devour. Many of the people may
          say, I do not want to be eaten up by the rich. I can tell you
          there is a heap of us for the rich to eat up, and there are not
          many rich to do it. My opinion is the scare is the other way, for
          as I have said, the few rich among us are only a breakfast spell.
          How long do you think it would take if we were all producers, and
          converting the raw materials into useful articles, to become a
          self-sustaining people? And then if we heard of Babylon's
          downfall, we would not of necessity lift up our hands and cry, "O
          Lord spare her a little longer, we are not ready for her to go
          down, we should suffer from the want of boots and shoes, and for
          our clothing, and our machinery, and so forth." The United Order
          is designed to help us to be self-reliant and to teach us to
          understand what it costs to produce that which we consume, One of
          the chief obstacles in the way of our progress towards becoming a
          self-sustaining people is the lack of this understanding among
          the people. They cling to the habits and customs of Babylon that
          they have learned abroad--the laborer wishing to eat up the
          capitalist, and the capitalist constantly guarded for fear he
          should be drawn into close quarters, and then to succumb to the
          demands of operatives. This is the way of the world, and the
          warfare that is going on all the time; and why? Because they
          comprehend not how to promote their mutual interests;
          covetousness of capital on one hand, and covetousness of labor on
          the other, each trying to enrich itself at the expense of the
          other. Most of the Saints, when they embraced the Gospel, partook
          of its true spirit, opening their hearts and hands, and those who
          had it to spare, used their means to gather up the poor; and when
          they landed among us were generally on a common level. And hence
          the necessity of our labor, and through our labor accumulate
          capital instead of needless expenditures, exhausting the results
          of our labors and getting us into debt. Learn to live within our
          means that there may be a little increase, that we may have
          something wherewith to purchase improved machinery, and extend
          our industries until we shall be able to supply our every need.
          And that we may learn these lessons, and profit by them for the
          mutual benefit of the Saints, and the advancement of the Zion of
          our God, I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Joseph
          F. Smith, September 30, 1877
                         Joseph F. Smith, September 30, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY ELDER JOSEPH F. SMITH,
                  Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City,
                        Sunday Afternoon, September 30, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                             ETC.--"MORMONISM" IMMORTAL.
           F. Smith
          I fear I shall not be able to make myself heard by this vast
          congregation. I have not been accustomed lately to address so
          many people; but on the contrary, a very few in a place at a
          time. It is difficult for me to speak so that all may hear me
          distinctly, in this immense house. Besides, I have not been in
          very good health of late, having had an attack of sickness since
          my return home, which has drawn heavily upon my strength.
           F. Smith
          I am thankful that I have been privileged to meet with you
          to-day, under so favorable circumstances as those which surround
          us; although in common with the Latter-day Saints, I cannot but
          regret the cause of my presence among you. I left my home and
          friends here, but a few months ago, for Europe, expecting to fill
          a mission there of two years and perhaps much longer. But soon
          after hearing of the death of our departed President, Brigham
          Young, Brother Orson Pratt and I received a cablegram from our
          Brethren, the Twelve, inviting us to return home. As soon,
          therefore, as circumstances permitted, we were on our way hither,
          making the journey from England to this city in about fifteen
          days. We had rather a rough passage across the Atlantic, having
          experienced equinoctial gales and heavy seas for the first few
          days, which made it very disagreeable; the remainder of the
          voyage, however, was comparatively pleasant, and the trip from
          New York here very much so indeed.
           F. Smith
          For the past few months I have been engaged preaching the Gospel
          in England, as opportunities presented for me to do so. I did not
          travel very extensively, as my limited time and other
          circumstances did not warrant it.
           F. Smith
          I was pleased, in July last, to meet in Liverpool Brother Orson
          Pratt, who came to England to publish the Book of Mormon and the
          Doctrine and covenants in phonetics, or phonotype. He was
          diligently engaged prosecuting this work at the time the sad news
          of the death of the President reached us. Arrangements had been
          so far completed that the type was mostly obtained and delivered
          at our office, and preparations were nearly made for the
          commencement of this work. But as Brother Pratt is here, I will
          leave his mission and labors for him to narrate himself.
           F. Smith
          I can say, in all consciousness that during the time I have been
          absent from home, I have felt as strong a desire in my heart as I
          ever did, for the advancement of the kingdom of God, and the
          spread of the Gospel among those who sit in darkness. And I feel
          that I have done the best I could under the circumstances to
          carry out my desires.
           F. Smith
          As missionaries we have labored unceasingly through England,
          Scotland and wales during the past summer, availing ourselves of
          every opportunity of holding meetings in the streets, on the
          squares, and in whatever places we could procure for the purpose;
          the Elders going around from house to house to notify the people
          and invite them to attend. The brethren have labored diligently
          and unceasingly the past summer, endeavoring in this way to
          spread the Gospel. In many places very encouraging success has
          crowned their labors; in many instances congregations, numbering
          from one to three thousand persons, have assembled in the public
          parks, and upon the commons, to listen to the Elders preaching.
          It is true, that so far we have seen but little immediate fruits
          of this labor; but we feel that the seed is being sown, that it
          will fall in more or less good soil, and in due season it will
          bring forth fruit meet for repentance.
           F. Smith
          The European mission to-day if I am to speak my feelings plainly
          upon the matter, is in a very low condition--that is, speaking of
          Great Britain. Whereas, on the Continent and throughout
          Scandinavia, the work is flourishing. In some places in Germany,
          which have been impenetrable heretofore, the Gospel is now
          preached. There have been recently a number of baptisms in and
          adjacent to Berlin; and we feel encouraged in our labors in that
          country, knowing that efforts have been made so long and so
          persistently to open up the Gospel to that nation, without
          accomplishing anything.
           F. Smith
          The object of sending Elders forth to the nations of the earth is
          to preach the Gospel, that the world may know the truth as it is
          in Christ Jesus, and through obedience thereto be gathered to the
          people of God, and be saved in His kingdom. We are thankful that
          we are engaged in the great latter day work, that God our
          heavenly Father is at the head, and has decreed to carry it forth
          to a successful consummation. Therefore, so long as we put our
          trust in Him, doing the best we can to accomplish His purposes,
          we may rest content that all will be well.
           F. Smith
          I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
          Saints from my childhood; and ever since I began to investigate
          for myself, I have been satisfied with my religion; I have been
          perfectly confident that I was engaged in a righteous cause,
          having had every assurance that it is the work of God and not of
          man; and that it is the business of the Almighty so sustain it,
          choosing and using the instruments best suited to accomplish His
          purposes that were at His command. I believe He has ever done so,
          and will continue to do so until He completes His undertaking. As
          Latter-day Saints we have every reason to rejoice in the Gospel,
          and in the testimony we have received concerning its truth. I
          repeat, we have reason to rejoice and to be exceeding glad, for
          we possess the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy, which
          the world know nothing about, nor can they without obedience to
          the Gospel.
           F. Smith
          Jesus thoroughly understood this matter, and fully explained it
          when he said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the
          kingdom of God." On first reflection, it would seem that anything
          so clear, reasonable and tangible could be easily made plain to
          the understanding of all men. Hence the feeling that has prompted
          many of the Latter-day Saints to believe, after their minds have
          been enlightened by the Spirit of God--everything being made so
          plain and clear to them--that they had only to tell their friends
          and kindred what they had learned and they would gladly receive
          it. But how disappointed, after they had presented to them the
          truths of heaven in simplicity and plainness, to hear them say
          "We cannot see it!" or perhaps bitterly oppose it, which is by
          far the most common practice of the world. They cannot understand
          it. Why? Because, as Jesus has said, no man can see the kingdom
          except he is born again. You may preach the Gospel to the people,
          but unless they humble themselves as little children before the
          Lord, acknowledging their dependence upon him for light and
          wisdom, they cannot see or sense it, although you may preach to
          them in as great plainness as it is possible for the truth to be
          conveyed from one person to another. And should any believe your
          testimony it would only be belief. They would not see as you
          see--nor comprehend it as you do--until they yield obedience to
          the requirements of the Gospel, and through the remission of
          their sins receive the Holy Ghost. Then they, too, can see as you
          do, for they have the same spirit; then will they love the truth
          as you do, and may wonder why they could not comprehend it
          before, or why it is that there can be anybody with common
          intelligence that cannot understand truth so plain and forcible.
           F. Smith
          I have been preaching for a few months past to the world, and
          perhaps it would not be amiss to dwell for a few moments upon
          some of the principles of the Gospel, as though I were talking to
          strangers, notwithstanding I feel I am in the presence of the
          Latter-day Saints.
           F. Smith
          About the first question an honest enquirer would ask would be:
          What is your religious belief? or, What are the principles of the
          Gospel as you understand them? I do not propose to tell you all
          about the Gospel in one discourse, but I may tell you a few of my
          thoughts upon some of its principles, which are essential not
          only for the Latter-day Saints to know, but for all the children
          of men, in order to be saved in the kingdom of God.
           F. Smith
          First, then, it is necessary to have faith in God, "faith being
          the first principle in revealed religion, and the foundation of
          all righteousness."
           F. Smith
          Faith in God is to believe that he is, and "that he is the only
          supreme governor and independent being, in whom all fullness and
          perfection and every good gift and principle dwells
          independently," and in whom the faith of all other rational
          beings must centre for life and salvation; and further, that he
          is the great Creator of all things, that he is omnipotent,
          omniscient, and by his works and the power of his Spirit
           F. Smith
          Not only is it necessary to have faith in God, but also in Jesus
          Christ, his Son, the Savior of mankind and the Mediator of the
          New Covenant; and in the Holy Ghost, who bears record of the
          Father and the Son, "the same in all ages and forever."
           F. Smith
          Having this faith, it becomes necessary to repent. Repent of
          what? Of every sin of which we may have been guilty. How shall we
          repent of these sins? Does repentance consist of sorrow for wrong
          doing? Yes; but is this all? By no means. True repentance only is
          acceptable to God, nothing short of it will answer the purpose.
          Then what is true repentance? True repentance is not only sorrow
          for sins, and humble penitence and contrition before God, but it
          involves the necessity of turning away from them, a
          discontinuance of all evil practices an deeds, a thorough
          reformation of life, a vital change from evil to good, from vice
          to virtue, from darkness to light. Not only so, but to make
          restitution, so far as it possible, for all the wrongs we have
          done, to pay our debts, and restore to God and man their
          rights--that which is due to them from us. This is true
          repentance, and the exercise of the will and all the powers of
          body and mind is demanded, to complete this glorious work of
          repentance; then God will accept it.
           F. Smith
          Having thus repented, the next thing requisite is baptism, which
          is an essential principle of the Gospel--no man can enter into
          the gospel covenant without it. It is the door of the Church of
          Christ, we cannot get in there in any other way, for Christ hath
          said it. "Sprinkling," or "pouring," is not baptism. Baptism
          means immersion in water, and is to be administered by one having
          authority, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
          Holy Ghost. Baptism without divine authority is not valid. It is
          a symbol of the burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and must
          be done in the likeness thereof, by one commissioned of God, in
          the manner prescribed, otherwise it is illegal and will not be
          accepted by him, nor will it effect a remission of sins, the
          object for which it is designed, but whosoever hath faith, truly
          repents and is "buried with Christ in baptism," by one having
          divine authority, shall receive a remission of sins, and is
          entitled to the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.
          Only those who are commissioned of Jesus Christ, have authority
          or power to bestow this gift. The office of the Holy Ghost is to
          bear record of Christ, or to testify of him, and confirm the
          believer in the truth, by bringing to his recollection things
          that have passed, and showing or revealing to the mind things
          present and to come. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,
          whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all
          things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have
          said unto you." "He will guide you into all truth." Thus, without
          the aid of the Holy Ghost no man can know the will of God, or
          that Jesus is the Christ--the Redeemer of the world--or that the
          course he pursues, the works he performs, or his faith, are
          acceptable to God, and such as will secure to him the gift of
          eternal life, the greatest of all gifts.
           F. Smith
          "But," says an objector, "have we not the Bible, and are not the
          Holy Scriptures able to make us wise unto salvation?" Yes,
          provided we obey them. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of
          God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
          for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be
          perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." The "good
          works" are the great desideratum. The Bible itself is but the
          dead letter, it is the spirit that giveth life. The way to obtain
          the Spirit is that which is here marked out so plainly in the
          scriptures. There is no other. Obedience, therefore, to these
          principles is absolutely necessary, in order to obtain the
          salvation and exaltation brought to light through the Gospel.
           F. Smith
          As to the question of authority, nearly everything depends upon
          it. No ordinance can be performed to the acceptance of God
          without divine authority. No matter how fervently men may
          believe, or pray, unless they are endowed with divine authority
          they can only act in their own name, and not legally nor
          acceptably in the name of Jesus Christ, in whose name all these
          things must be done. Some suppose this authority may be derived
          from the Bible, but nothing could be more absurd. The Bible is
          but a book containing the writings of inspired men, "profitable
          for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction in
          righteousness;" as such we hold it is sacred; but the spirit,
          power and authority by which it is written cannot be found within
          its lids, nor derived from it. "For prophecy came not in old time
          by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved
          by the Holy Ghost." If by reading and believing the Bible this
          authority could be obtained, all who read and believed would have
          it--one equally with another. I have read the Bible, and I have
          as good reason for believing it as any other man, and do believe
          it with all my heart; but this does not give me authority to
          teach men in the name of the Lord, nor to officiate in the sacred
          ordinances of the Gospel. Were the Scriptures the only source of
          knowledge, we would be without knowledge for ourselves, and would
          have to rest our hopes of salvation upon a simple belief in the
          testimonies and sayings of others. This will not do for me; I
          must know for myself, and if I act as a teacher of these things,
          I must be clothed with the same light, knowledge and authority
          those were who acted in a similar calling anciently. Else how
          could I declare the truth and bear testimony as they did? What
          right would I have to say "thus saith the Lord," and call upon
          man to repent and be baptized in the name of the Lord? or, that
          "This Jesus hath God raised up (from the dead) whereof we all
          (the Apostles) are witnesses." And, therefore, let all men "know
          assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus," who was crucified,
          "both Lord and Christ?" No man, without the Holy Ghost as enjoyed
          by the ancient Apostles, can know these things, therefore cannot
          declare them by authority, nor teach and prepare mankind for the
          salvation of God. God Almighty is the only source from whence
          this knowledge, power and authority can be obtained, and that
          through the operations of the Holy Ghost. The Scriptures may
          serve as a guide to lead us to God, and hence to the possession
          of all things necessary to life and salvation, but they can do no
           F. Smith
          Having profited by this example, and done the works commanded by
          both Christ and his apostles, ancient and modern, I am happy of
          the privilege to declare to the inhabitants of the earth that I
          have received this testimony and witness for myself. I do know
          that these things are true. Jesus my Redeemer lives, and God hath
          made him both Lord and Christ. To know and to worship the true
          God, in the name of Jesus--in spirit and in truth--is the duty of
          man. To aid and qualify him for this service is the duty and
          office of the Holy Ghost. Man may fail through faltering and
          unfaithfulness, but the Spirit of God will never fail, nor
          abandon the faithful disciple. I can say as one who has tried the
          experiment--for it may be called an experiment to the
          beginner--that all who will take the course and accept the
          doctrine thus marked out will, through faithfulness, become
          acquainted with the truth, and shall know of the doctrine,
          whether it be of God or of man, and will rejoice in it as all
          good, faithful Latter-day Saints do.
           F. Smith
          Here is an ordinance which we are now administering, the
          Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; it is a principle of the Gospel,
          one as necessary to be observed by all believers, as any other
          ordinance of the Gospel. What is the object of it? It is that we
          may keep in mind continually the Son of God who has redeemed us,
          from eternal death, and brought us to life again through the
          power of the Gospel. Before the coming of Christ to the earth,
          this was borne in mind by the inhabitants of the earth to whom
          the Gospel was preached, by another ordinance, which involved the
          sacrifice of animal life, an ordinance which was a type of the
          great sacrifice that should take place in the meridian of time.
          Hence, Adam, after he was cast out of the Garden, was commanded
          to offer sacrifices to God; by this act he, and all who
          participated in the offering of sacrifices, were reminded of the
          Savior who should come to redeem them from death which, were it
          not for the atonement wrought out by him, would forever exclude
          them from dwelling in the presence of God again. But in his
          coming and death, this commandment was fulfilled; and he
          instituted the Supper and commanded his followers to partake of
          this in all time to come, in order that they may remember him,
          bearing in mind that he had redeemed them, also that they had
          covenanted to keep his commandments and to walk with him in the
          regeneration. Hence it is necessary to partake of the sacrament,
          as a witness to him that we do remember him, are willing to keep
          the commandments he has given us, that we may have his spirit to
          be with us always--even to the end, and also that we may continue
          in the forgiveness of our sins.
           F. Smith
          In various dispensations there are various differences in regard
          to certain requirements of the Gospel. For instance, in the day
          of Noah, when he preached the Gospel to the antediluvian world,
          he was given a special commandment, to build an ark, that in case
          the people would reject him and the message sent unto them, that
          himself and all who believed on him might be saved from the
          destruction that awaited them. In this dispensation there is a
          principle or commandment peculiar to it. What is that? It is the
          gathering the people unto one place. The gathering of this people
          is as necessary to be observed by believers, as faith,
          repentance, baptism, or any other ordinance. It is an essential
          part of the Gospel of this dispensation, as much so, as the
          necessity of building an ark by Noah, for his deliverance, was a
          part of the Gospel of his dispensation. Then the world was
          destroyed by a flood, now it is to be destroyed by war,
          pestilence, famine, earthquakes, storms, and tempests, the sea
          rolling beyond its bounds, malarious vapors, vermin, disease, and
          by fire and the lightnings of God's wrath poured out for
          destruction upon Babylon. The cry of the angel unto the righteous
          of this dispensation is, "Come out of her O my people, that ye
          partake not of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plages."
          We believe also in the principle of direct revelation from God to
          man. This is a part of the Gospel, but it is not peculiar to this
          dispensation. It is common in all ages and dispensations of the
          Gospel. The Gospel cannot be administered, nor the Church of God
          continue to exist without it. Christ is the head of his Church
          and not man, and the connection can only be maintained upon the
          principle of direct and continuous revelation. It is not a
          heritory principle, it cannot be handed down from father to son,
          or from generation to generation, but is a living vital principle
          to be enjoyed on certain conditions only, namely--through
          absolute faith in God and obedience to his laws and commandments.
          The moment this principle is cut off, that moment the Church is
          adrift, being severed from its ever-living head. In this
          condition it cannot continue, but must cease to be the Church of
          God, and like the ship at sea, without captain, compass or
          rudder, is afloat at the mercy of the storms and the waves, of
          ever contending human passions, and worldly interests, pride and
          folly, finally to be wrecked upon the strand of priestcraft and
          superstition. The religious world is in this condition to-day,
          ripening for the great destruction which awaits them, but there
          is an ark prepared for such as are worthy of eternal life, in the
          gathering of the Saints to the chambers of the Almighty, where
          they shall be preserved until the indignation of God is passed.
           F. Smith
          Marriage, is also a principle or ordinance of the Gospel, most
          vital to the happiness of mankind, however unimportant it may
          seem, or lightly regarded by many. There is no superfluous or
          unnecessary principle in the plan of life, but there is no
          principle of greater importance or more essential to the
          happiness of man--not only here, but especially hereafter, than
          that of marriage. Yet all are necessary. What good would it be to
          one to be baptized and receive not the Holy Ghost? And suppose he
          went a little further and received the Holy Ghost, thereby
          obtaining the testimony of Jesus, and then stopped at that, what
          good would it do him? None whatever, but would add to his
          condemnation, for it would be as burying his talent in the earth.
          To secure the fulness of the blessings, we must receive the
          fulness of the Gospel. Yet men will be judged and rewarded
          according to their works. "To him that knoweth to do good and
          doeth it not, to him it is sin." Those who receive a part of the
          Gospel with light and knowledge to comprehend other principles,
          and yet do not obey them will come under this law, hence
          condemnation will be added unto such, and that which they did
          receive may be taken from them and added to them who are more
           F. Smith
          Obedience is a requirement of heaven, and is therefore a
          principle of the Gospel. Are all required to be obedient? Yes,
          all. What against their will? O, no, not by any means. There is
          no power given to man, nor means lawful to be used to compel men
          to obey the will of God, against their wish, except persuasion
          and good advice, but there is a penalty attached to disobedience,
          which all must suffer who will not obey the obvious truths or
          laws of heaven. I believe in the sentiment of the poet:
           F. Smith
          "Know this, that every soul is free,
                 To choose his life and what he'll be;
                 For this eternal truth is given,
                 That God will force no man to heaven.
                 He'll call, persuade, direct aright,
                 Bless him with wisdom, love and light.
                 In nameless ways to be good and kind,
                 But never force the human mind."
           F. Smith
          Is it a difficult task to obey the Gospel? No. It is an easy
          matter to those who possess the spirit of it. Most of this
          congregation can testify that the Gospel "yoke is easy and the
          burden is light." Those who have embraced it will be judged
          according to their works therein, whether they be good or evil.
          To such as are untrue to their covenants, it may be said by and
          by, "depart from me!" In vain will they plead their former good
          works, and faith. Why? Because the race is not to the swift nor
          the battle always to the strong, but to him that endures faithful
          to the end. We must save ourselves from this untoward generation.
          It is a continual labor, but the strength of the righteous will
          be sufficient for their day. Jesus said, "in my Father's house
          there are many mansions. There is a glory, or mansion, of which
          the sun is typical, another of which the moon is typical, and
          still another like unto the stars, and in this latter the
          condition of its occupants will differ as the stars differ in
          appearance. Every man will receive according to his works and
          knowledge. "These are they who are of Paul and Apollos, some of
          one and some of another, some of Christ, some of John, of Moses,
          Elias, Isaiah and Enoch, but receive not the Gospel nor the
          testimony of Jesus." Thus impartial justice will be meted out
          unto all, and none will be lost but the sons of perdition.
           F. Smith
          Let us treat with candor the religious sentiments of all men, no
          matter if they differ from ours, or appear to us absurd and
          foolish. Those who hold them may be as sincere as we are in their
          convictions. It is well to prove all things, so far as we can,
          and be sure to hold fast to that which is good, no matter where
          we find it. Ridicule is not likely to convince a man of his
          error, or if it does, it may destroy his respect and love for its
          author, and if he has truth, his victim will most likely spurn
           F. Smith
          I desire to say that my faith in this work is as firm or firmer
          than ever. My heart is in it, and I know truly it is the kingdom
          of God. These things of which I have been so imperfectly
          speaking, I know to be the truth,--Bible truth, Gospel truth, and
          are essential to the salvation of mankind. I am not deceived in
          this but know whereof I speak. My religion teaches me to do good,
          to be at peace with my neighbors, at least not to infringe upon
          their rights nor trespass upon their property, and even to endure
          wrongs from them rather than do them wrong, or even demand from
          the trespasser what I might deem full justice. It teaches me to
          trust in the justice of the Almighty, and to rest my cause in his
          hands. It enjoins honesty, sobriety and industry. It forbids
          profanity, lying, adultery, deceitfulness, and vile cunning.
           F. Smith
          It gives true enlightenment to the mind and exalts the low and
          debased who will hearken and obey it. The observance of the
          Gospel will make good men of bad ones, and better men of good
          ones. It will make good citizens, good fathers, husbands, wives
          and children, good neighbors, a good people, an enlightened, pure
          and high minded community, a blessed state and a prosperous
          nation. Obedience to the Gospel will save the world from sin,
          abolish war, strife and litigation, and usher in the millennial
          reign. It will restore the earth to its rightful owner, and
          prepare it for the inheritance of the just. These are all
          principles of that same Gospel of Christ, and the effects which
          will flow from their acceptance and adoption by mankind. Jesus
          taught them, and on one occasion the people took up stones and
          were about to stone him for it. When he said, "Many good works
          have I shewed you from my Father, for which of those works do ye
          stone me?" He had done many good works, taught them a many good
          things, and for this they were about to stone him. The Latter-day
          Saints could with propriety address themselves in like manner to
          the world, but more especially to our own nation. We have done
          many good things, have tried to do no harm, have suffered the
          spoilation of our goods without retaliation, have been driven
          from place to place. Our Prophets and leaders have been slain,
          and you still persecute us, and are not satisfied. For which of
          the good works we have done do ye these things? I know they will
          say, "for your good works we do not hate or persecute you, but
          for your blasphemy, and because you say you are the people of
          God." This was about what the Jews said to Jesus, but it did not
          change the fact that he had told them the truth, or that he had
          done the many good works among them which he did, nor that it was
          for these they hated and crucified him. What did the Savior or
          his disciples do to injure mankind? Nothing. But much to benefit
          them; yet they were hated, persecuted, hunted and destroyed. What
          have the Latter-day Saints done to injure anybody? absolutely
          nothing, but a great deal to benefit humanity. I am at the
          defiance of the world to prove to the contrary. We have gathered
          our people by thousands out of poverty and distress from many
          nations to these valleys where they are now enjoying good homes,
          the sweets of liberty and plenty. Aside from religion, that is an
          inestimable blessing to them. But we have also taught them good
          principles and doctrines, and they are happy, honest, industrious
          and prosperous.
           F. Smith
          We have labored diligently to advance in the scale of
          intelligence. Our schools compare favorably with any in our broad
          land; our children are as intelligent, and we are the pioneers of
          true and enlightened civilization in the Western States and
          Territories. Through our industry and enterprise, cities, towns
          and villages have sprung up in the wilderness, and the deserts
          and waste places have been made fruitful and to blossom as the
          rose. Can there be any wrong in all this? "But," says one, "it is
          not for this you are persecuted, it is for your religion." What,
          then, in the name of reason, is there in our religion that we
          should be persecuted for it? Is it because we believe in the Lord
          Jesus Christ? The Christian world also profess belief in him, and
          we believe in him as much as they do and a little more. Is it
          because we believe it is necessary to repent of sin? Certainly we
          have a right to do this. Is it because we baptize for the
          remission of sin? Christ commanded it, and laid it down as the
          law. Then what can it be that so distinguishes us from the people
          of the world, and that moves their hatred toward us? Is it
          revelation from God to man? Perhaps so.
           F. Smith
          Some forty years ago, the great cry against Joseph Smith was "He
          believes in revelation!" and this was considered a crime. But
          very soon after, others who were not "Mormons" commenced to have
          "revelations," and seemingly the stream has so enlarged that
          to-day the world is full of "revelation." So our belief in
          revelation is not now considered so much of a crime as formerly,
          and therefore it can be no longer the object of persecution, for
          we would have as good a right to persecute them, as they would to
          persecute us on that score. We do not believe in these
          "revelations" of the world, no more than they do in ours. We
          believe them to be bogus, but we are quite willing that others
          should enjoy their opinions. We believe that while they have
          rejected the true light, they are found willing and ready to be
          thus deceived, by false and delusive spirits, just as the
          Prophets have foretold would be the case. (See 1 Tim., 4th chap.,
          1st verse, and 2 Tim. iii, 1). The revelations given through
          Joseph Smith are full of light, knowledge and wisdom, because
          they emanated from God. What has Spiritualism done for the world?
          Can it boast of bringing life and immortality to light? I have
          yet to learn that a single principle has been developed from this
          source that will save mankind, or exalt them to the presence and
          glory of God. Yet they have a right to their convictions, and we
          grant it cordially. We have the same right.
           F. Smith
          But says one, "You have dodged the main question; it is polygamy
          that causes all the trouble!"
           F. Smith
          This is the mind of our enemies generally, yet nothing can be
          more fallacious; those who assert this only expose their
          ignorance. The fact is that since the announcement and practice
          of that principle by this people, their persecutions have been
          comparatively trivial and harmless to what they were, before it
          was even known to themselves.
           F. Smith
          But the plural marriage of the "Mormons" now seems to form one of
          the strongest pretexts for the bitterness of our enemies, and the
          thoughtless readily fall into the ranks of the maligners of this
          principle. Did they ever stop to reflect as to what harm this
          principle and practice has done? Let me ask the ladies in this
          vast audience, Have any of you, or do you know of any woman who
          has been compelled to practice polygamy among this people? Or who
          has been compelled even to marry at all? I think not. Has plural
          marriage deprived any woman of a home, of husband or children?
          Has it promoted immorality or vice? No, it has not. Has it sown
          the seeds of corruption and death among the people? On the
          contrary it has promoted healthy, robust and vigorous increase,
          and the laws of life and health. Can the Elders of this Church be
          accused of going to the Gentiles for their wives and daughters?
          No, for we think we have better ones at home, we have not the
          least occasion to go abroad. So far as relates to this matter we
          are independent of the world. We are willing to let them and
          theirs alone, and mind our own business, while we respectfully
          request them also to attend to their own affairs.
           F. Smith
          The real facts are, the Latter-day Saints have embraced the
          unpopular doctrine of Jesus Christ, have received the keys of the
          Holy Priesthood--heaven's delegated authority to man, and are not
          ashamed of the gospel, knowing it to be the power of God unto
          salvation. Hence the Devil is enraged, and although they will not
          believe it, this professedly pious, hypocritical world are moved
          with hatred towards, the work and the people of God, instigated
          by the spirit of him whose servants they are. "By their fruits ye
          shall know them."
           F. Smith
          They predict our downfall, but they will not live to see their
          predictions fulfilled. The wicked may rage and imagine they can
          successfully measure arms with the Almighty, but he will hold
          them in derision and laugh when their fear cometh, while the
          kingdom of God will continue to progress until his purposes are
          consummated as has been decreed. 
           F. Smith
          It is vain for the world to hope that "Mormonism" will die with
          President Brigham Young. When the Prophet Joseph Smith was
          assassinated the press and pulpit universally joined in
          predicting the end of "Mormonism". But instead of their being any
          truth in their predictions, "The blood of the martyrs was the
          seed of the church;" for the church grew as fast as it had ever
          done before, and it took deeper and firmer root. Men were no
          longer dependent upon the Prophet, the man of God to guide them;
          they began to stand upon their own foundation, to seek more
          earnestly after God themselves, and to know for themselves, and
          not to be dependent upon the voice of man. Hence they grew in
          faith and in power, the truth sinking deeper into the hearts of
          the people who remained true to the Lord, and they a comparative
          handful, have succeeded in building up the church as it exists
          to-day in these valleys. Are we now going to be scattered to the
          four winds because one or two distinguished men should pass away?
          No, the seed has fallen into good ground, and it will germinate
          and mature; the priesthood itself is still with us, the authority
          is here, and in obedience to the command of God, we will continue
          to go forth and organize and establish the kingdom, never more to
          be thrown down or given to another people, until all is
          consummated and finished. This is the work of God, and not of
          man. Man is incompetent to direct and manage it. He will not
          suffer man to arrogate to himself the honor of doing it. The
          honor belongs to him and he will take it to himself.
           F. Smith
          This is my faith in the Gospel. It fills my soul with joy and
          gratitude to God my heavenly Father, and I desire to increase in
          the truth, to become better, more faithful and diligent in
          overcoming every weakness, that I may be worthy to stand in the
          position I occupy in the church of the living God. This is the
          way we should all feel; and we should, above all other
          considerations, be determined to cleave to the gospel, building
          our faith upon the rock, not upon the arm of flesh. Let us humble
          ourselves before God, seek unto him continually with prayerful
          hearts, be diligent in the observance of our covenants, and he
          will bear us off triumphant over every opposing foe and every
          power that undertakes to measure arms with him and his cause.
          This is my testimony, and this is my exhortation to the
          Latter-day Saints. I pray God to bless his people, and to bless
          his servant brother Taylor, who stands at the head of the Quorum
          of the Twelve Apostles, who now preside over the Church of Jesus
          Christ of Latter-day Saints in all the earth. May the Lord bless
          him, prolong his life and give him power and wisdom to stand in
          his place and calling and to magnify the priesthood conferred
          upon him; may his brethren stand with him in one solid phalanx,
          united as one man, even as God the Father and Jesus and the
          heavenly hosts are one, and I tell you the whole people will be
          united and rejoice in the truth. That God may bless the faithful
          everywhere and enable them to keep sacred the covenants they have
          made with him, is my earnest prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / George
          Q. Cannon, July 21, 1867
                           George Q. Cannon, July 21, 1867
                          DISCOURSE BY ELDER GEO. Q. CANNON,
               Delivered in the Bowery, Salt Lake city, July 21, 1867.
                            (Reported by David W. Evans.)
                                       OF THE
          It has been very interesting to me, and no doubt it has to all
          who have been present, to listen to the remarks of our brethren
          this morning, in relation to the principles of the Gospel as
          taught by us, and their experience in this work. While Brother
          Lawrence was speaking in relation to our position in Nauvoo, my
          mind reverted to the time when we left there, and to the
          reluctance displayed by many of our people to cross the river and
          take their journey westward. It required a great amount of faith
          on the part of the people, to venture into an unexplored and
          desert country to attempt again to build up homes, and to perform
          the labors enjoined upon us by God, our Heavenly Father. There
          was a cry of exultation went up throughout all that country when
          we were broken up, and the hope was indulged in by all who were
          inimical to us, that the solution of the Mormon problem had been
          arrived at, and that the subject of Mormonism might henceforth be
          dismissed from every mind. We had gone forth into the wilderness,
          and it was not at all likely that we would ever trouble
          civilization again. It was naturally supposed, by those who knew
          but little of us, that we must be quite as bad as we had been
          represented to be; and if we were, of course we had nobody to
          steal from in the wilderness but ourselves; nobody to aggress and
          prey upon but ourselves, and these being our characteristics, as
          they believed, they very naturally came to the conclusion that we
          would quarrel one with another, and the result would be our
          extermination through our own quarrels, or that we should fall an
          easy prey to the Indians. How these anticipations have been
          realized, the lapse of twenty-one years has proved. For a number
          of years after leaving Nauvoo we were not deemed particularly
          worthy of notice. Men's minds were attracted in other directions,
          and our operations here, being so far removed from all
          communication with them, were almost overlooked. But time has
          wrought great changes, not only with us and in our position, but
          also in the position and feelings of the world by which we are
          surrounded. Instead of being regarded as a people scarcely worthy
          of notice, we now, through the blessings of our Heavenly Father,
          inhabit a large Territory, and if we are alluded to at all by the
          world, it is in a national capacity. Have these changes been
          accidental and unlooked for? Did no one anticipate such results
          as we now behold being wrought out? Or were they anticipated
          years and years ago by those most familiar with the genius and
          organization of the kingdom of God? Those who are not familiar
          with our early history have but to read the utterances of those
          who were engaged in the founding of this work, to become
          convinced that they were anticipated long ago by those who
          contemplated the future growth and development of the kingdom of
          God. There is no feature connected with our circumstances to-day
          that has not been familiar for years to the minds of those who
          have contemplated the future of this work. When the church was
          organized, and a small house would hold all its members,
          predictions were indulged in that the circumstances of to-day but
          partially fulfil, and years will yet have to elapse before they
          are completely fulfilled. Our Heavenly Father poured out his
          spirit upon his servants in the beginning, which enabled them to
          comprehend the work he had established on the earth, and through
          the spirit of prophecy and revelation they could plainly see the
          great results which would be wrought out through the faithfulness
          of the people of God. Can we now see the limit of this work? Is
          the horizon of our vision bounded by those things actually
          transpiring around us, or do we still stretch forward to a
          future, for this people, too glorious for description? I do not
          suppose there is one here who has ever thought on this great
          subject and attempted to grasp the circumstances by which we are
          surrounded, that has not stretched forward in delightful
          anticipation of the glorious future that awaits the people of
          God, if they are only faithful to the truth that he has committed
          unto them. Would to God that all the inhabitants of the earth
          could see and comprehend these things! Would to God that they
          would divest themselves of their prejudices and preconceived
          ideas, and that they would calmly look truth in the face and
          reflect upon the work that God, our Heavenly Father, is
          performing in the midst of the nations of the earth! If they
          would do this, they might avoid a great many difficulties into
          which they will otherwise be inevitably involved. It is no more,
          nor no less, true to-day, than it was thirty-seven years ago,
          that God has stretched forth his hand to accomplish a great and a
          mighty work, that shall stand for ever, and shall not be given
          into the hands of another people; but it will go on increasing
          and spreading abroad, until it has accomplished that for which it
          was destined by our Almighty Father. I say it is as true now as
          it was then, and no more true to-day than then, and they who pay
          heed to it then have never had cause to regret doing so; and they
          who give heed to it to-day will never have cause to regret it in
          the future. To us who are familiar with this work, and understand
          the operations of the spirit, and can see the design of God, our
          Heavenly Father, it seems strange that mankind should be so
          indifferent to so great a work as this in which we are engaged.
          Yet it is so. You would imagine that men going forth with the
          proclamation that the elders bear would receive everywhere that
          attention that the importance of their proclamation demands, at
          least until men were satisfied in their own minds of the truth or
          falsity of the message they bear. But this is not the case. No
          man ever calmly sat down with a prayerful heart to examine the
          claims of this work, popularly termed Mormonism, who did not rise
          from the investigation convinced that there was a power, an
          influence and a spirit accompanying this work, that he had never
          met with before. Are they who investigate the ones who fight
          against this work, and persecute and slay the servants of God?
          No; they who do this are the ignorant, who have never
          investigated, or, having investigated and embraced it, have
          afterwards apostatized, and have thus become two-fold more the
          children of hell, through rejecting the truth. God our Heavenly
          Father has commenced a great and mighty work, and has given the
          strongest kind of evidence in favor of it, if the inhabitants of
          the earth would only receive it; but their condemnation will
          consist in their rejection of this work and the evidence of its
          truth which is spread before them. The whole history of this
          people, from the commencement until the present time, affords
          abundant evidence of the divinity of the work in which we are
          engaged. When our elders go forth into the world men cry aloud
          for miracles, for some supernatural manifestation of power, that
          will convince them that we are the people we profess to be. Jesus
          said, "A wicked and an adulterous generation seek a sign, but no
          sign shall be given them save the sign of the prophet Jonah." But
          God, our Heavenly Father, has nevertheless left his handwriting,
          as it were, to be seen by all the nations of the earth on the
          work that he has established. Divinity is marked in ever feature
          of this great work; in every step of its progress, from its
          commencement until the present time, we see divinity exhibited,
          and the power of God manifested in its preservation, growth and
          development. What is it that brings this people from the nations
          of the earth, binds them together, and makes a unit of the people
          of the various nationalities here assembled together? Is it the
          power of man? Is it delusion? or, Is it a manifestation of the
          restoration of that power bestowed upon men in ancient days, and
          which has been so long withdrawn from the earth? Why is it that
          we love one another? Is it as the Apostle John said, "We know
          that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the
          brethren?" We love one another because we have bowed in obedience
          to the truth which God has revealed, and through the reception of
          the Holy Spirit of promise we have the love of God in our hearts.
          If mankind loved the truth and would examine these things, they
          would see something desirable about this work, and they would be
          prompted to investigate. But the difficulty now is, as it has
          been in every age when God has attempted to establish his work
          upon the earth--men in general are blinded by the traditions of
          their fathers. This, and the love of ease, and popularity, and
          other worldly objects that surround them, prevent men from seeing
          the work of God in its true light, and blinds them to their
          highest interests. They cannot see how they are going to receive
          any benefit from this work. That which is material is right
          before them, and they can understand the material advantages
          accruing to them through not obeying this work; but the
          advantages and blessings that would result from obedience are
          hidden from their sight, being discernible only by the light of
          the Spirit of God. Yet there is this peculiar feature about the
          work of God to-day, more especially than at any other time since
          the days of Enoch, that they who embrace it not only receive the
          Spirit of God, with its gifts, but they also receive blessings of
          a temporal nature, which they would never receive outside of it.
          Those who have joined the church, as a mass, have been benefitted
          temporally, though at the time of rendering obedience, they
          probably could not see how advantages of this nature could
          result. They could see that their names would be cast out as
          evil, that they would be hated of all men, persecuted and
          probably driven from place to place, but how they would be
          blessed temporally they could not see. But God, our Heavenly
          Father, has held in reserve until these days great and glorious
          blessings for his people, who are faithful to the truth. He has
          reserved for his Saints the kingdom and the greatness of the
          kingdom under the whole heavens. Not something beyond the bounds
          of time and space, not something that we will inherit in eternity
          alone; but he has also temporal advantages to bestow upon his
          people here. A great many people imagine that we hold these out
          as inducements to get people to join the Church; but they who
          join the Church for the love of these things, and with a desire
          to obtain them, are invariably disappointed. If people join the
          Church of God with any other motive than to embrace the truth and
          to be associated with the people of God, and to receive the
          spirit of the Gospel, they are invariably disappointed; but when
          they come in for the love of the truth, willing to take upon them
          the cross of Christ, and endure all the persecutions incident to
          the life of a Saint, submit, to the contumely and privation that
          in the providence of God they may be called to endure, God thus
          tests their faith, and if they continue faithful he will bestow
          upon them every blessing promised to the most faithful.
          The work in which we are engaged differs in some respects from
          the work in which the Apostles were engaged in the days of Jesus
          Christ. Many things operated against them that we have not to
          contend with. They had to scatter out and preach the Gospel in
          various places; they could not gather together with the same
          facility that we can. But God, our Heavenly Father, reserved
          this--the land of promise--for the especial purpose of building
          up his kingdom in the latter days. As the "Book of Mormon"
          informs us, it has been hid from the eyes of the generations of
          men for this purpose. If it had not been thus hidden the nations
          of the earth would have overrun the land until there would have
          been no foothold found for the establishment of the kingdom of
          God upon it. But the Lord concealed it, from the days of the
          flood, from the eyes of men, excepting those whom he led hither;
          as we are informed by the "Book of Mormon" that no nation after
          the flood, knew anything about this land; although I believe it
          is said in the Norwegian Antiquarian researches, that this land
          was visited by the Icelanders in the eleventh century. But there
          is nothing authentic in this. But be that as it may, this land
          was kept secret until Columbus was moved upon by the Spirit of
          God, to go forth and penetrate the western ocean. Then the land
          was settled and a government was formed under the protecting
          aegis of liberty, and a place was found for the establishment of
          the kingdom of God, to which the Saints from every nation under
          Heaven could gather together. Hence we are surrounded by many
          more favorable circumstances than they who preceded us in the
          work of God in the days of Jesus and the Apostles. They did not
          possess the advantages that we enjoy; but we have them, and our
          Heavenly Father intends that we shall possess them, and that we
          shall build up his kingdom on the earth, establish righteousness
          and bring about that improvement alluded to by brother Jesse N.
          Smith, in his remarks. Our circumstances, then, being different,
          we can indulge in anticipations no other people have ever been
          able to indulge in, unless it be the people of Enoch and the
          Nephites, to whom Jesus appeared on this Continent.
          Those who investigate the Gospel with a desire to keep the
          commandments of God, as I have remarked, rise from its
          investigation with convictions of its truth, for an honest man
          can not go to the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ, and ask Him
          respecting this Gospel without receiving a knowledge for himself
          that it is true. In my preaching to the world, I have many times
          dared them to this test, that if they would go in honesty before
          the Lord and ask Him in the name of Jesus Christ to show to them
          the truth of this Gospel, I would pledge myself that the Lord
          would show them and they would become convinced that the
          principles we taught were indeed the principles of life and
          salvation. No person ever investigated this Gospel with that
          spirit without being convinced of its truth, because our Heavenly
          Father bestows upon every one who embraces it with the right
          spirit a knowledge of the truth. What a glorious privilege it is
          to have this knowledge bestowed upon us. This testimony emboldens
          us to declare to the inhabitants of the earth, no matter to what
          nation we may be sent, that if they will embrace the truth, as it
          is taught by the Elders of this church, they shall know for
          themselves that this is the work of God. This testimony it is the
          privilege of all to possess. It is this that binds us together,
          and gives the Priesthood influence over the Saints of God. My
          brethren and sisters, it is only by faithfulness that we can
          retain this knowledge. A man may be an Apostle and may have had
          the administration of holy angels, and the heavens opened to his
          view, and behold the things of eternity, but if he is not
          faithful himself, pursuing a right and proper course before God,
          he cannot retain his standing in this church and keep that
          knowledge God has given him undimmed by error; but errors will
          creep into his heart and false spirits take possession of him,
          and sooner or later he will become alienated from the work of
          God. We should every one be careful on these points. This is the
          work of God, and there is a well-established principle upon which
          we can remain connected with it, and that is by being true and
          faithful to the principles which God our Heavenly Father has
          revealed. We cannot grieve the Spirit of God with impunity; we
          cannot indulge in frivolity nor in anything that is wrong without
          driving that spirit from us with its holy and sweet influence. We
          should seek, therefore, as individuals, whether Apostles, High
          Priests, Seventies, High Councillors, Elders, Priests, Teachers,
          Deacons or members of the Church, to have the spirit of our holy
          religion continually resting upon us. How can we retain this? Can
          we retain it by being negligent and indifferent to its claims? Do
          men gather earthly riches around them by being negligent? We all
          know that, as a rule, the man who is the most diligent in
          business is he who gains the greatest amount of profit for his
          labor; we are proving this every day in earthly business, and if
          necessary in earthly business, it is equally so in the things of
          the kingdom of God. The men and women who most diligently keep
          the commandments of God, offer up prayers in sincerity, not with
          their lips, but with their hearts, making it a rule to live near
          the Lord, are they who retain the light of the Holy Spirit; and
          they are they who, when persecution or affliction comes, feel
          that God is near to them; and that when they pray He is not afar
          off, but He hears their prayers and pours consolation, peace, and
          every good gift upon them, and they can rejoice from morning to
          night among the changing vicissitudes to which we are exposed in
          this mortal life. My brethren and sisters, we are commanded not
          to give the whole of our attention to the accumulation of earthly
          things; we are commanded also to lay up treasures in heaven. We
          are required to build up Zion on the earth; then let us take a
          course that will ensure to us the blessing and favor of God our
          Heavenly Father, that our prayers and thanksgiving may be
          acceptable before Him. We should do this, especially when we
          reflect upon the nature of the work in which we are engaged, and
          the nature of the opposition with which we have to contend. We
          have the whole world to contend with to a certain extent, or
          rather, we have to defend ourselves against the whole world; they
          are combating us. There are probably thousands of honest men and
          women in the world who manifest no disposition to prosecute or
          oppose us; but this is not the case with the majority. There is a
          spirit of opposition to this work gone abroad in the world; and,
          as in the beginning, we had a township to meet and contend with,
          afterwards a county and counties, then a State, and ultimately we
          had a nation, so to speak, in arms against us; so in the future
          we will have the whole world to contend with. Not only this
          nation, but every nation on the face of the earth will manifest
          greater or less opposition to us as a people, and we will have a
          thousand things to contend with. Why? Because Satan has influence
          over the hearts of the children of men; he has power with them,
          and so long as there is a foot of this earth upon which he can
          maintain foothold, so long may we expect warfare, and find
          difficulties to contend with, and it will only be by the power of
          God manifested in our behalf that we will overcome. This warfare
          will not be a contest with cannons, rifles, or earthly weapons of
          war, so much as a moral warfare. We are engaged in a great moral
          warfare; it is by the exercise of moral force that we are going
          to achieve the victories that God our heavenly Father has
          promised us. We may be threatened, as we have been, with weapons
          of war, and it will doubtless be necessary, so long as we have an
          existence on the earth, to be prepared for every contingency.
          This will no doubt be necessary, but the day is probably far
          distant when we will have to shoulder weapons and engage in
          actual warfare. I look for a moral contest, a moral triumph, and
          moral victories, gained by the force of truth, and the exercise
          of those Godlike qualities with which we have been endowed by our
          heavenly Father. And when the great victory is achieved, there
          sill be no blood to mourn over, no sorrow to be indulged in, and
          nothing to prevent us from building the Temples of God, as was
          the case with David, because he was a man of blood. I anticipate
          that we will be free from this, and that we like Solomon, can go
          forward and build the Temples of God according to His
          commandments. While brother Henry W. Lawrence was talking about
          the Temple in Nauvoo, I felt to echo the sentiment I have heard
          expressed by President Young respecting that Temple. I am glad it
          is destroyed; I am glad that it was burned and purified by fire
          from the pollution our enemies inflicted upon it, and I am glad
          there is nothing of it left; and I would prefer that this Temple
          in course of erection here, should never be completed, and that
          we should never build another, than to see those holy places
          built by God's commands, pass into the hands of our enemies and
          be defiled by them.
          May God bless you, my brethren and sisters, and enable us to be
          faithful and true in keeping His commandments, is my prayer for
          Christ's sake. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Pratt, December 9, 1877
                            Orson Pratt, December 9, 1877
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ORSON PRATT,
                    Delivered in the Twelfth Ward Meeting House,
                       on Sunday Afternoon, December 9, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          Since coming to this stand I have been reminded of a certain
          passage contained in the "Book of Mormon" (commencing on page
          161,) which I will read.
          "Now, as soon as Ammon had read the record, the king inquired of
          him to know if he could interpret languages, and Ammon told him
          that he could not. And the king said unto him, being grieved for
          the afflictions of my people, I caused that forty and three of my
          people should take a journey into the wilderness, that thereby
          they might find the land of Zarahemla, that we might appeal unto
          our brethren to deliver us out of bondage; and they were lost in
          the wilderness many days, yet they were diligent, and found not
          the land of Zarahemla, but returned to this land, having traveled
          in a land of many waters; having discovered a land which was
          covered with the bones of men, and of beasts, etc., and was also
          covered with ruins of buildings of every kind; having discovered
          a land which had been inhabited with a people who were as
          numerous as the hosts of Israel. And for a testimony that the
          things that they have said are true, they have brought
          twenty-four plates, which are filled with engravings, and they
          are of pure gold. And, behold, also, they have brought breast
          plates, which are large, and they are of brass and of copper, and
          are perfectly sound. And again, they have brought swords, the
          hilts thereof have perished, and the blades thereof were cankered
          with rust; and there is no one in the land that is able to
          interpret the language, or the engravings that are on the plates.
          Therefore I said unto thee, canst thou translate? And I say unto
          thee again, knowest thou of any one that can translate? For I am
          desirous that these records should be translated into our
          language; for, perhaps, they will give us a knowledge of the
          remnant of the people, who have been destroyed, from whence these
          records came; or, perhaps, they will give us a knowledge of this
          very people who have been destroyed; and I am desirous to know
          the cause of their destruction.
          "Now Ammon said unto him, I can assuredly tell thee, O king, of a
          man that can translate the records; for he has wherewith he can
          look and translate all records that are of ancient date; and it
          is a gift from God. And the things are called interpreters and no
          man can look in them, except he be commanded, lest he should look
          for that he ought not, and he should perish. And whosoever is
          commanded to look in them, the same is called seer. And behold,
          the king of the people who is in the land of Zarahemla, is the
          man who is commanded to do these things, and who has the high
          gift from God. And the king said that a Seer is greater than a
          Prophet. And Ammon said that a Seer is a Revelator and a Prophet
          also; and a gift which is greater can no man have, except he
          should possess the power of God, which no man can; yet a man may
          have great power given him from God. But a Seer can know of
          things which have passed, and also of things which are to come,
          and by them shall all things be revealed, or, rather, shall
          secret things be made manifest, and hidden things shall come to
          light, and things which are not known shall be made known by
          them; and also things shall be made known by them which otherwise
          could not be known. Thus God has provided a means that man,
          through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh
          of great benefit to his fellow-beings.
          "And now, when Ammon had made an end of speaking these words, the
          king rejoiced exceedingly, and gave thanks to God, saying,
          doubtless a great mystery is contained within these plates, and
          these interpreters are doubtless prepared for unfolding all such
          mysteries to the children of men. O how marvellous are the works
          of the Lord, and how long doth he suffer with his people; yea,
          and how blind and impenetrable are the understandings of the
          children of men, for they will not seek wisdom, neither do they
          desire that she should rule over them. Yea, they are as a wild
          flock which fleeth from the shepherds, and scattereth, and are
          driven, and are devoured by the beasts of the forest."
          The instructions that are imparted here, which I have just read,
          are of importance to the children of men. We are here taught
          about a very great, and precious, and high gift that come from
          God--the gift of being a Seer, a Revelator, a Prophet, and
          inspired man. Not only to receive revelation from God, but to
          interpret revelations given to other Prophets who lived in times
          before, bringing to light knowledge, and intelligence, and
          wisdom, and the dealings of God with the human family, among more
          ancient people. This gift if more fully explained in the "Book of
          Mormon" than in the Jewish record. We have in the Jewish record,
          the Bible, some information in relation to the instrument here
          called interpreter, but which is called in that record by another
          name, namely, Urim and Thummim.
          It was a gift that was exercised in the days of Moses, among the
          house of Israel: it was a gift specially given to Aaron, the
          brother of Moses, who was appointed the chief priest over all the
          tribes of Israel. The Lord saw proper to give him instructions in
          relation to the duties of his office and calling, how he should
          be clad--what kind of priestly garments he should wear, what he
          should perform in administering certain ordinances and how he
          should perform them; and also gave unto him some instruction in
          regard to the breast-plate, that was called the breast-plate of
          judgment. The reason of this was, that Aaron was appointed to be
          a judge among the children of Israel, occupying a similar place
          among that people that the President of the Bishopric occupies in
          the Church. But he was blessed above those who have been ordained
          to the same calling in this dispensation, for he was in
          possession of the Urim and Thummim, and by virtue of this
          instrument he could inquire of the Lord in relation to every case
          that should be brought before him for adjudication. The judgment
          of man is naturally very weak and imperfect, and inasmuch as
          Aaron was required to judge the people of God, it was of the
          utmost importance that all his decisions should be given in
          righteousness, that there should be no imperfections connected
          with them, and for that reason the Lord gave express instructions
          to Aaron, through his brother Moses, to have a breast-plate. In
          this breast-plate were twelve stones, representing the Twelve
          Tribes of Israel, and in the centre of these rows of stones the
          Urim and Thummim was placed, and when he was required to render
          judgment upon any matter, he inquired of the Lord through it, and
          was enabled to give decisions according to the word of the Lord.
          We have other accounts given in the Bible concerning the exercise
          of this same gift. David was blessed with this gift, and when
          Saul was pursuing him from place to place, seeking his life, he
          would inquire of the Lord, by means of a similar instrument, and
          receive revelations. The nature of his inquiries was--Would Saul
          go to such a city seeking him? Would the people of such a city
          deliver him into his hands? and the Lord would answer him, and he
          of course would govern himself accordingly. This gift seems to
          have been of frequent occurrence among the Israelites in their
          several generations, down to a few centuries before the coming of
          Christ. Then it seems that Israel so far transgressed the law of
          heaven, and so far strayed from the Lord that the Urim and
          Thummim was taken from their midst, as you will find mentioned by
          one of the Prophets in the Jewish Bible; it was taken from them,
          and they were to abide many days without this instrument, also
          without a king and without sacrifices, and eventually the
          ordinances of God were to be taken from them. In other words,
          they were to be left without revelators, without prophets,
          without an inspired king to rule over them, all of which has been
          fulfilled for many centuries in the dispersion of the descendants
          of Jacob from their land of promise, among the nations
          whithersoever they are driven, without having any king; they do
          not offer sacrifices as anciently; they have no priest with the
          breast-plate of judgment, and Urim and Thummim to inquire of the
          It seems that the Lord manifested himself to the people of this
          great western continent in a similar manner. Here he raised up
          Prophets, and here they were in possession of an instrument,
          although not called strictly by the same name, yet an instrument
          evidently designed by the Almighty as a medium of communication
          to his people. King Mosiah, who lived some time after the
          Israelites came to the American continent, some few centuries
          before the first coming of Christ, he had this great gift. Ammon,
          a servant of God, who explained this gift to King Limhi, tells us
          the nature of the gift. He informs us that Mosiah had wherewith
          he could look and interpret writing and engraving of ancient
          date. It seems that forty-three of the people of King Limhi had
          been sent from the kingdom where they resided, which was down at,
          or near Equador, in South America, to search the land which they
          had left some two or three generations before; and they lost
          their way in the wilderness, and failed to find Zarahemla, the
          land they were seeking, which was in the northern part of South
          America. They passed by the land through a wilderness country,
          and it appears that they went into North America. They found all
          the land which they explored covered with ruins of buildings and
          cities, and they found the bones of men and animals, and among
          other things they found twenty-four plates which were of pure
          gold, on which were engravings, which they brought, among other
          things, to King Limhi. He at that time was a righteous man, as
          well as most of his people, and they were exceedingly anxious to
          know the interpretations of the engravings, believing that they
          would give some account of the people who had occupied the
          country where they were found. They wanted to know what had
          become of so great a people, for evidently it appeared to them
          they had been very numerous. And it was for this purpose that
          Ammon was questioned. Ammon was a man who had been sent up in the
          mean time from the northern portions of South America, called
          Zarahemla, and he informed King Limhi that the King of Zarahemla
          had this high gift from God, that he was a seer, and could, by
          using the interpreters, interpret ancient languages. Hence the
          rejoicing of the king, because there was a man who could give
          them the information they were so anxious to find out.
          Afterwards we have a history in the "Book of Mormon," of the
          people of King Limhi having been driven out by some of the wicked
          portions of the people. He came to the land of Zarahemla, taking,
          with his colony, these twenty-four plates, and asking King Mosiah
          to translate them into the Nephite language. He did so; and they
          gave an account of a people--who came from the tower of Babel, at
          the time of the confusion of tongues; that they landed upon this
          north country, called North America, and dwelt here some sixteen
          or seventeen centuries, and they were part of the time a
          righteous people, and a part of the time wicked. And many
          Prophets existed among the ancient colony, and they kept their
          records, some upon metallic plates and others upon other
          materials. There was a Prophet at the time of the destruction of
          this first colony whose name was Ether. He wrote an abridgment of
          the Jaredites, also an account of their coming to this land from
          the tower of Babel; he wrote also concerning the creation of the
          world, and the doings of the Lord from the beginning down to the
          building of the great tower, this short account was given on
          these twenty four plates. And there is also given in the "Book of
          Mormon," by Moroni, the man who hid up the plates from which the
          book was translated, a very short sketch of the history of this
          first colony that came from the tower, under the name of the
          "Book of Ether." And in this Book of Ether we find that they had
          some thirty kings from the time they left Babel, and that they
          were finally destroyed because of great wickedness, to fulfil a
          prophecy and decree which the Lord made when he was bringing them
          forth to this land. The decree was that if they or their
          descendants should fall into wickedness and become fully ripened
          in iniquity, that the Lord would utterly destroy them, and bring
          forth another people to possess the land in their stead.
          Accordingly these twenty-four plates mentions their overthrow,
          how they were destroyed; also some mention is made of their most
          eminent Prophets, and much instruction is given in regard to the
          coming to this land of this first colony, how they were brought
          here by the Lord from the tower, and how, in passing through the
          valley called Nimrod, the Lord himself went before their camp in
          a cloud, teaching them and instructing, and leading them, the
          same as he afterwards led the children of Israel. And he brought
          them to great waters, where they were commanded of him to build
          vessels, which they did, eight in number, by which, under the
          particular care of the Almighty, they were brought across the
          great Pacific, as we now term it, taking them three hundred and
          forty-four days, and finally they landed upon the western coast
          of North America, as near as we can determine from this book, in
          Mexico, south of the Gulf of California. And that when the
          brother of Jared was coming to this land the Lord gave him some
          very remarkable visions, and, among other things he gave him the
          Urim and Thummim, prepared two crystal stones in two rims of a
          bow, and sanctified them, and showed to the brother of Jared many
          marvellous things, some of which I will read, for the instruction
          of those who have not, perhaps, given their attention to these
          I will read first how the Lord lighted up the eight vessels in
          which the colony from the tower came.
          "Howbeit, ye cannot cross this great deep, save I prepare you
          against the waves of the sea, and the winds which have gone
          forth, and the floods which shall come. Therefore, what will ye
          that I shall prepare for you that ye may have light when ye are
          swallowed up in the depths of the sea?"
          Their barges were so constructed that they could dive under the
          waves and be brought up again, and thus they were driven by the
          force of the winds for 344 days.
          "And it came to pass that the brother of Jared, (now the number
          of the vessels which had been prepared was eight,) went forth
          unto the mount which they called the mount Shelim, because of its
          exceeding height, and did moulten out of a rock sixteen small
          stones; and they were white and clear, even as transparent glass;
          and he did convey them in his hands up on the top of the mount,
          and cried again unto the Lord saying, O Lord thou hast said that
          we must be encompassed about by the floods. Now behold, O Lord,
          and do not be angry with thy servant because of his weakness
          before thee; for we know that thou art holy and dwellest in the
          heavens; and that we are unworthy before thee; because of the
          fall, our nature has become evil continually; nevertheless, O
          Lord thou hast given us a commandment that we must call upon
          thee, that from thee we may receive according to our desires.
          Behold, O Lord, thou hast smitten us because of our iniquity, and
          hast driven us forth, and for these many years we have been in
          the wilderness; nevertheless thou hast been merciful unto us. O
          Lord, look upon me in pity, and turn away thine anger from this
          thy people, and suffer not that they shall go forth across the
          raging deep in darkness, but behold these things which I have
          moulten out of the rock. And I know, O Lord, that thou hast all
          power, and can do whatsoever thou wilt for the benefit of man;
          therefore touch these stones, O Lord, with thy finger, and
          prepare them that they may shine forth in darkness; and they
          shall shine forth unto us in the vessels which we have prepared,
          that we may have light while we shall cross the sea. Behold, O
          Lord, thou canst do this. We know that thou art able to show
          forth great power, which looks small to the understanding of
          You can see from the very language itself, what great confidence
          this man of God had in relation to the doings of the Lord. It was
          not a thing that looked impossible to him for the Lord to touch
          these sixteen stones, two of which were to be placed in each
          vessel, one at each end. He knew the Lord could touch them, and
          that it was possible for him to cause them to shine forth in
          these vessels, giving them light while they crossed the ocean.
          "And it came to pass that when the brother of Jared had said
          these words, behold, the Lord stretched forth his hand and
          touched the stones, one by one, with his finger; and the vail was
          taken from off the eyes of the brother of Jared, and he saw the
          finger of the Lord; and it was as the finger of a man, like unto
          flesh and blood; and the brother of Jared fell down before the
          Lord, for he was struck with fear. And the Lord saw that the
          brother of Jared had fallen to the earth; and the Lord said unto
          him, arise, why hast thou fallen? And he said unto the Lord I saw
          the finger of the Lord, and I feared lest he should smite me; for
          I knew not that the Lord had flesh and blood. And the Lord said
          unto him, because of thy faith thou hast seen that I shall take
          upon me flesh and blood."
          It must have been the spirit of our great Redeemer whose finger
          he then saw, thousands of years before he came and took a body of
          flesh and bones.
          "And never has man come before me with such exceeding faith as
          thou hast; for were it not so, ye could not have seen my finger.
          Sawest thou more than this? And he answered, nay Lord, shew
          thyself unto me. And the Lord said unto him, believest thou the
          words which I shall speak? And he answered, yea, Lord, I know
          that thou speakest the truth, for thou art a God of truth, and
          canst not lie. And when he had said these words, behold the Lord
          showed himself unto him, and said because thou knowest these
          things, ye are redeemed from the fall; therefore ye are brought
          back into my presence; therefore I shew myself unto you."
          You know that one of the penalties of the fall was, then man
          should be shut out from the presence of God, by this mortal
          tabernacle; but this man, because of his knowledge and the great
          faith he had obtained, had the vail removed and was restored back
          again to the presence of God, as man was before the fall.
          "Behold, I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the
          world to redeem my people."
          The Lord had the plan already laid before this world was made, or
          brought into existence. And it was all understood in the councils
          of eternity about the Lord's coming in the meridian of time to
          take upon himself flesh and blood. It was understood that he
          should suffer death, and be as a Lamb slain from before the
          foundation of the world, in the mind of God.
          "Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son. In me
          shall all mankind have light, and that eternally, even they who
          shall believe on my name; and they shall become my sons and my
          daughters. And never have I showed myself unto man whom I have
          created, for never has man believed in me as thou hast. Seest
          thou that ye are created after mine own image? Yea, even all men
          were created in the beginning, after mine own image. Behold, this
          body, which ye now behold, is the body of my spirit," (not a body
          of flesh and bones, but the shape, the stature and form of the
          body of his spirit, a pure and immortal body,) "and man have I
          created after the body of my spirit; and even as I appear unto
          thee to be in the spirit, will I appear unto my people in the
          "And now, as I, Moroni, said I could not make a full account of
          these things which are written, therefore it sufficeth me to say,
          that Jesus showed himself unto this man in the spirit, even after
          the manner and in the same likeness of the same body even as he
          showed himself unto the Nephites."
          The Nephites were Israelites to whom Jesus appeared after his
          "And he ministered unto him, even as he ministered unto the
          Nephites; and all this, that this man might know that he was God,
          because of the many great works which the Lord had showed unto
          him; and because of the knowledge of this man, he could not be
          kept from beholding within the vail; and he saw the finger of
          Jesus, which, when he saw he fell with fear; for he knew it was
          the finger of the Lord; and he had faith no longer, for he knew;
          nothing doubting; wherefore, having this perfect knowledge of
          God, he could not be kept from within the vail; therefore he saw
          Jesus, and he did minister unto him. And it came to pass that the
          Lord said unto the brother of Jared, behold, thou shalt not
          suffer these things which ye have seen and heard, to go forth
          unto the world, until the time cometh that I shall glorify my
          name in the flesh; wherefore ye shall treasure up the things
          which ye have seen and heard, and shew it to no man."
          It seems that the Lord did not wish to show these things to
          others, when the people had not sufficient faith. These things
          were too great and glorious for them at that early period of the
          world, to be made acquainted with. But at a certain time, when
          his name should be glorified in the flesh, and after he should
          rise from the dead, then he would permit these things to come
          forth, which he did among the ancient Israelites on this
          continent; they were then translated into the Nephite language
          and brought to light. But the Lord said unto the brother of
          Jared: "And behold, when ye shall come unto me ye shall write
          them and shall seal them up that no man can interpret them; for
          ye shall write them in a language that they cannot be read. And
          behold, these two stones will I give unto thee, and ye shall seal
          them up also, with the things which ye shall write. For behold,
          the language which ye shall write, I have confounded, wherefore I
          will cause in my own due time that these stones shall magnify to
          the eyes of men, these things which ye shall write. And when the
          Lord had said these words, he showed unto the brother of Jared
          all the inhabitants of the earth which had been, and also all
          that would be; and he withheld them not from his sight, even unto
          the ends of the earth." What a great gift it is to know and see
          by the enlightenment of the Spirit, by vision, things that have
          taken place from the beginning of this world; to see, for
          instance, all the inhabitants of the earth that had been prior to
          the day that the Lord gave this vision; and then all the
          inhabitants of the earth that should be, even to the end of the
          world. For he had said unto him, in times before, that if he
          would believe in him, that he could show unto him all things--it
          should be shown unto him; therefore the Lord could not withhold
          anything from him, for he knew that the Lord could show him all
          things. And the Lord said unto him, write these things and seal
          them up, and I will show them in my own due time unto the
          children of men.
          And it came to pass that the Lord commanded him that he should
          seal up the two stones which he had received and show them not,
          until the Lord should show them unto the children of men. And the
          Lord commanded the brother of Jared to go down out of the mount
          from the presence of the Lord, and write the things which he had
          seen; and they were forbidden to come unto the children of men,
          until after that he should be lifted up upon the cross; and for
          this cause did King Mosiah keep them."
          I told you that Mosiah was a righteous man, and a revelator as
          well as a king, who dwelt on this American continent some few
          centuries before Christ, and when he interpreted the history of
          the people, he did not interpret these things that the brother of
          Jared saw in this great vision; the Lord would not permit him to
          do so.
          "That they should not come unto the world until after Christ
          should show himself unto his people. And after Christ truly had
          shown himself unto his people, he commanded that they should be
          made manifest."
          They were translated after Christ first appeared to the Nephites,
          and probably sent abroad among the Nephite nation. The Prophet
          Moroni says, "And now, after that they have all dwindled in
          unbelief, and there is none, save it be the Lamanites, and they
          have rejected the Gospel of Christ; therefore I am commanded that
          I should hide them up again in the earth. Behold, I have written
          upon the plates the very things which the brother of Jared saw."
          A great many, in reading this record carelessly, would wonder why
          it was that a part of these plates should be sealed, and why
          Joseph Smith should not be permitted to break the seal. It was
          because, in this great revelation, the sealed portion of the
          plates from which the Book of Mormon was taken, contained this
          great vision, given to the brother of Jared. Joseph was not
          permitted to translate it, neither to break the seal of the book;
          it is to be reserved to come forth in due time.
          The Prophet Moroni further says, "And there never was greater
          things made manifest, than that which was made manifest unto the
          brother of Jared; wherefore the Lord hath commanded me to write
          them, and I have written them. And he commanded me that I should
          seal them up; and he also hath commanded me that I should seal up
          the interpretation thereof; wherefore I have sealed up the
          interpreters, according to the commandment of the Lord. For the
          Lord said unto me, they shall not go forth unto the Gentiles
          until the day that they shall repent of their iniquity and become
          clean before the Lord; and in that day that they shall exercise
          faith in me, saith the lord, even as the brother of Jared did,
          that they may become sanctified in me, then will I manifest unto
          them the thing the which the brother or Jared saw, even to the
          unfolding unto them all my revelations, saith Jesus Christ, the
          Son of God, the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all
          things that in them are. And he that will contend against the
          word of the Lord, let him be accursed; for unto them will I show
          no greater things, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father
          of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are.
          And he that will contend against the word of the Lord, let him be
          accursed; for unto them will I show no greater things, saith
          Jesus Christ, for I am he who speaketh; and at my command the
          heavens are opened and are shut; and at my word the earth shall
          shake; and at my command the inhabitants thereof shall pass away,
          even so as by fire; and he that believeth not my words, believeth
          not my disciples; and if it so be that I do not speak, judge ye;
          for ye shall know that it is I that speaketh at the last day.
          "But he that believeth these words which I have spoken, him will
          I visit with the manifestations of my Spirit, and he shall know
          and bear record."
          Now, I want to appeal to the Latter-day Saints who occupy this
          room, whether this promise has been fulfilled to you, or not? I
          will read it again. "But he that believeth these words which I
          have spoken, him will I visit with the manifestations of my
          Spirit, and he shall know and bear record." It does not say, he
          shall merely have an opinion and bear record, but he shall know
          and bear record. Do you know that this book (the Book of Mormon)
          is true, Latter-day Saints? Do you know that what I have been
          reading are the words of the Lord? If you have believed these
          things with all of your hearts, and complied with the commands of
          the Most High, manifesting your faith by your works, then you
          have been put in possession of this knowledge, and you know, by
          the Spirit which he has poured out from heaven upon you, that
          they are true, and in force to all the world, and this Spirit
          gives you a knowledge concerning all truth. You are not like
          those who have no revelation of whom the ancient Apostle speaks,
          who were "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge
          of the truth;" but you are of those, if you keep the commandments
          of God, who are not only learning from the word of God, but have
          a knowledge of all revealed truth by the power of the Spirit, the
          Comforter, which is a revelator, an unction to all those who
          receive it; and they are able to bear record of the things which
          they formerly believed to be true. The Lord has thus raised up a
          great cloud of witnesses in connection with scores of thousands
          of others to bear record of the truth, in this last dispensation
          of the fullness of times. "For, because of my Spirit, he shall
          know that these things are true; for it persuadeth men to do
          good; and whatsoever things persuadeth men to do good, is of me;
          for good cometh of none, save it be of me. I am the same that
          leadeth men to all good; he that will not believe my words, will
          not believe me that I am; and he that will not believe me, will
          not believe the Father who sent me. For behold, I am the Father,
          I am the light, and the life, and the truth of the world. Come
          unto me, O ye Gentiles; and I will show unto you the greater
          things, the knowledge which is hid up because of unbelief. Come
          unto me, O ye house of Israel, and it shall be made manifest unto
          you how great things the Father hath laid up for you, from the
          foundation of the world; and it hath not come unto you, because
          of unbelief. Behold, when ye shall rend that veil of unbelief
          which doth cause you to remain in your awful state of wickedness
          and hardness of heart, and blindness of mind, then shall the
          great and marvellous things which have been hid up from the
          foundation of the world; yea, when ye shall call upon the Father
          in my name, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, then shall
          ye know that the Father hath remembered the covenant which he
          made unto your fathers, O house of Israel; and then shall my
          revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John,
          be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see
          these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they
          shall be made manifest in very deed; therefore, when ye shall
          receive this record, we may know that the work of the Father has
          commenced upon all the face of the land. Therefore, repent, all
          ye ends of the earth, and come unto me, and believe in my Gospel,
          and be baptized in my name; for he that believeth, and is
          baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not, shall be
          damned; and signs shall follow them that believe in my name. And
          blessed is he that is found faithful unto my name at the last
          day, for he shall be lifted up to dwell in the kingdom prepared
          for him from the foundation of the world. And behold, it is I
          that hath spoken it. Amen." 
          I have read these things because I am fully aware that there are
          in the Church of Latter-day Saints many persons who are very
          careless about reading the "Book of Mormon." It is one of the
          greatest treasures, so far as books are concerned, that has been
          given to mankind for almost 1,800 years. It contains the things
          of God in great plainness, so easy of comprehension that the
          child who reads can understand it. And yet, how many there are of
          the Latter-day Saints who suffer this book to remain upon their
          shelves, week after week, without ever reading a page of these
          precious things. I have also read these things for the benefit of
          strangers who may be present on this occasion. It is not to be
          expected that they will read it, for they do not believe it is a
          divine record; they do not believe that God has spoken, or that
          Joseph Smith was raised up to bring it forth to the children of
          men, by the power of the Urim and Thummim. It is not expected,
          therefore, that they will read a work that they have no faith in.
          They do not want to have faith in it, they do not consider it a
          matter of sufficient importance even to enquire of the Lord
          whether it is true or not. And yet, sometimes they may have, for
          a few moments, a feeling in their hearts that they would like to
          know what is contained in the "Book of Mormon;" hence, I have
          read this that you may have an idea what is contained in this
          book, on which the Latter-day Saints found their faith, as well
          as on the Bible.
          You will perceive, Latter-day Saints, how this Urim and Thummim
          was formed in the first place. It was not something that existed
          on the earth in a natural state, it was something made by the
          Lord. He is a good mechanic, he understands how to make things.
          He made the heavens and the earth, he made many worlds that we
          see roll as it were, upon their wings in the midst of space. He
          made the garments that first clothed Adam and Eve; and he made a
          very beautiful garden, and planted it with a variety of trees,
          and caused them to bear fruit, and that they should have seed
          within themselves. He understands how to do such things; he is
          not like many of us, who, after attempting to do certain things,
          fail for the lack of knowledge; but when he undertakes to do a
          thing, he does it in the best manner possible, and what he makes
          is made perfect. And if afterwards his handiwork becomes
          imperfect, it is because of the curse that comes upon the earth
          in consequence of sin. He made the Urim and Thummim, and we have
          an account of his making it in the words which I have been
          reading. Two crystal stones that he gave unto the brother of
          Jared were made by him. When ye shall write thee things, ye shall
          seal them up, also the interpreters until the Lord shall see fit,
          in his own due time, to reveal them to the children of men.
          Perhaps some of you may ask when this great revelation, that was
          given to the brother of Jared, will be revealed. I wish I could
          answer the question; I cannot answer as to the year, for I do not
          know. I may, however, answer you in general terms. If you will
          turn to the "Doctrine and Covenants," you will there find a
          revelation, given in the year 1829, to Hyrum Smith, who went down
          from Manchester, Ontario County, N. Y., to Susquehanna County,
          Pennsylvania, to visit his brother, Joseph, who was then engaged
          in the work of translating the "Book of Mormon." When Hyrum
          arrived in the presence of his brother, he felt anxious to know
          what the Lord had for him to do, or if it would not be well for
          him to commence to preach, bearing testimony to the manuscripts
          of the "Book of Mormon," etc. He finally desired that his brother
          should inquire of the Lord, through the Urim and Thummim, what he
          wished him to do. The Lord gave a revelation, telling him he was
          not to preach his word at that time, that the time had not come.
          He had not received the ordination authorizing him to preach,
          neither had the Church been organized on the earth. The Lord told
          him, however, of certain things he should do. He said, "Study my
          word which hath gone forth among the children of men, and also
          study my word which shall come forth among the children of men,
          or that which is now translating, yea, until you have obtained
          all which I shall grant to the children of men in this
          generation, and then shall all things be added thereunto." After
          the generation living in 1829, some forty-eight years ago, is all
          accomplished, then we may look for the revelation which the
          brother of Jared obtained upon the mount, then we may look for
          the things he saw when the Lord showed him all the children of
          men that had ever been upon the earth from the beginning of
          creation down to his day, and also that would come upon the earth
          down to the end of time. In showing him these things, I do not
          think he merely gave him this to satisfy his curiosity, for no
          man, we are told, had ever before witnessed such great things,
          and the Lord could not withhold them from him, because of his
          great faith. I do not believe, either, that this great man would
          have sought the Lord seeking to satisfy curiosity: but I told
          you, and I do believe, that He revealed to him many of his great
          and marvellous purposes in relation to the inhabitants of the
          earth in relation to his future dealings with the nations of the
          earth, in relation to the rise of his kingdom in the latter days,
          as now taking place. I have no doubt he saw every particular as
          they have occurred, since 1830 to the present time. He saw our
          history and our travels and our persecutions; and he also saw the
          state of darkness that the world would be in before the Lord
          would set up this Church upon the earth again, and the
          persecutions that would come upon the former-day Saints, and how
          the Church would fall away and the Priesthood be taken away from
          among men; all these things were manifested to him, and he was
          commanded to write them. And if we had these things now which he
          wrote, I have not the least doubt we could read the future
          history of this Church, just the same as we can its past history;
          we could understand all the particulars until the wicked shall be
          destroyed from the earth, and we could see our future travels and
          our future tribulations and persecutions, and also our blessings
          that shall come upon us after the days of tribulations are ended;
          we could behold the glory of God that would rest upon Zion, and
          the resurrection of the righteous dead, and the coming of the
          Church of the First Born in the clouds of heaven, in connection
          with Jesus, and the coming of the ancient day Zion. All these
          things, I have no doubt, were revealed to this man of God, and
          were commanded to be written, and will come forth when the
          generation has fully past away that were living in the year
          1829--forty-eight years ago.
          As regards the number of years by which a generation shall be
          measured, we have no special definite, period given to us by
          revelation; the Lord speaks in terms that are general in relation
          to generations. Among the Nephites, immediately after Christ's
          appearance to them, a generation was a hundred years, and in the
          fourth generation they were destroyed, as a nation; except some
          few who went over to the Lamanites. We find generations numbering
          from father to son, and from son to grandson, etc., and when we
          come to average generations, according to the statistics of
          nations, we find them to be about thirty years to a generation;
          but when the Lord speaks in general terms, and says, This
          generation shall not pass away, until a House shall be built to
          his name, as is given in this "Book of Covenants," and a cloud
          should rest upon it; in that case I do not think he is limited to
          any definite period, but suffice it to say that the people living
          in 1832, when the revelation was given, will not all pass away;
          there will be some living when the House spoken of will be
          reared, on which the glory of God will rest. Already forty-five
          years have passed away since that revelation was given,
          concerning the building of that House. And when he says to Hyrum
          Smith, "Study my word, etc., until you have obtained all which I
          shall grant unto the children of men in this generation," I do
          not know how long that generation was intended, in the mind of
          God, to be, and I do not think there is any person in the Church
          that does know, unless the Lord has revealed it to him. But we
          have every reason to believe that the time is not far distant,
          and that there are some living among the young now upon the
          earth, that will live to behold great numbers of revelations
          given, and will behold other books come forth and other records
          translated by the Urim and Thummim, that same instrument that
          Joseph Smith used in the translation of the "Book of Mormon,"
          which will again come forth and be revealed to the seer and
          revelator that God will raise up by which these ancient records
          will be brought to light. Then these great things will be known,
          then we shall rejoice in the greater fulness of knowledge and
          understanding, according to the promise; and when we rend that
          veil of unbelief, spoken of in the "Book of Mormon," and when it
          is taken away from our midst, and we exercise faith in God, even
          as the ancient man of God, the brother of Jared, did, then will
          the Lord reveal to this people what was shown to this man. And if
          it were important for him, in the early ages, to understand the
          great things of the latter-days, how much more important it is
          for us who are living, as it were, just preceding the coming of
          the Son of Man; and if ancient men of God were privileged and
          blessed in understanding the things of the future, how much
          greater blessing it will be to us, inasmuch as these things are
          at our doors. 
          I believe I will make a few more remarks in relation to this same
          revelation that is to be given. In the second book of Nephi, the
          11th chap., we have some account of what the Lord is going to do,
          referring to the things which the brother of Jared saw. The
          prophecy I am about to read was delivered nearly six centuries
          before Christ, by a man whose name was Nephi, whom the Lord
          brought out from Jerusalem, in connection with his father's
          family and some others, landing them on the western coast of
          South America where they formed a colony. Before he got here, he
          had a great revelation, and also after coming here. I will
          commence at the 17th paragraph of the vision he had.
          "And it shall come to pass, that the Lord God shall bring forth
          unto you the words of a book, and they shall be the words of them
          that have slumbered."
          He was prophecying of the last days, of the time when the Book of
          Mormon should be brought forth to the inhabitants of the earth.
          "And behold the book shall be sealed: and in the book shall be a
          revelation from God, from the beginning of the world to the
          ending thereof." This is the part that is sealed. "Wherefore,
          because of the things which are sealed up, the things which are
          sealed shall not be delivered in the day of the wickedness and
          abomination of the people." That agrees with what I was telling
          you about the generation that is passing away. The people who are
          wicked shall be swept away from the earth, and those who remain
          that are righteous will have this great revelation unsealed to
          them. "Wherefore the book shall be kept from them." The Lord did
          not suffer these plates to go among the wicked, for he well knew
          that they would have destroyed them for the sake of the gold upon
          which they were written. "But the book shall be delivered unto a
          man, and he shall deliver the words of the book, which are the
          words of those who have slumbered in the dust; and he shall
          deliver these words unto another; but the words which are sealed
          he shall not deliver, neither shall he deliver the book." I wish
          to state here for the information of those who do not understand,
          that before Joseph Smith translated the part that was unsealed,
          he copied some of the words and sent them by Martin Harris to the
          city of New York to have them exhibited to the learned, to see if
          they could read them. "For the book shall be sealed by the power
          of God, and the revelation which was sealed shall be kept in the
          book until the own due time of the Lord they may come forth; for
          behold, they reveal all things from the foundation of the world
          unto the end thereof." We will get some knowledge of the purposes
          of God, not only in relation to the six thousand years past, but
          for the thousand years to come, after the revelation is given
          showing forth the purposes and designs of the great Jehovah in
          relation to this creation. "And the day cometh that the words of
          the book which was sealed shall be read upon the house tops; and
          they shall be read by the power of Christ; and all things shall
          be revealed to the children of men which ever have been among the
          children of men, and which ever will be, over unto the end of the
          earth. Wherefore, at that day, when the book shall be delivered
          unto the man of whom I have spoken, the book shall be hid from
          the eyes of the world, that the eyes of none shall behold it,
          save it be that three witnesses shall behold it, by the power of
          God, besides him to whom the book shall be delivered; and they
          shall testify to the truth of the book and the things therein.
          And there is none other which shall view it, save it be a few,
          according to the will of God, to bear testimony of his word unto
          the children of men; for the Lord hath said, that the words of
          the faithful should speak as if it were from the dead. Wherefore,
          the Lord God will proceed to bring forth the words of the book;
          and in the mouth of as many witnesses as seemeth him good will he
          establish his word; and wo unto him that rejecteth the word of
          That gives us a little more light upon the same subject. When
          that is brought forth, I expect that the same Urim and Thummim
          which the Lord gave to Joseph Smith will come forth with these
          plates, and they will be translated, but by whom I know not. Who
          will be the favored Seer and Revelator that will be raised up
          among this people to bring this revelation to light, is not
          revealed to me. And not only this revelation, but those
          twenty-four plates of gold which contain the doings of the old
          Jaredite nation that inhabited this North American continent; at
          present we have only an abridgment, not a hundredth part of their
          history. These plates of gold will come forth, as well as many
          other records kept by the first nation--the Jaredites, that came
          here; and I have no doubt that the Lord will give the Urim and
          Thummim to translate them. And not only these, but the lord
          intends, in this dispensation in which you and I live, to
          overwhelm the whole earth with a flood of knowledge in regard to
          himself, in regard to his purposes and designs, and in regard to
          the future glories and blessings that are ordained for the
          Latter-day Saints, in regard to the preparations of the earth for
          the thousand years of righteousness to come. Hence these plates,
          these great numbers of plates, that were kept by the kings of the
          Nephites and by many Prophets before and after Christ, as well as
          those sealed records of which I have been speaking, will all come
          to light; we then will have revelations of heavenly and earthly
          things, and the designs and purposes of God. We will have,
          perhaps, the most complete history of this continent that there
          is in existence of any other nation or kingdom on the earth.
          Moreover, we have abundance of promises that God has made to us,
          in this book called the Doctrine and Covenants, given through the
          Prophet Joseph, concerning other records besides those I have
          named, that were kept by the Jaredites and the Nephites, a record
          for instance back so far as the days of Enoch. You might say,
          they did not know how to write in those days. But the Bible
          indicates that they did know, and speak about the book of the
          generations of Adam even before the flood. Furthermore, we have
          an account that three years prior to the death of Adam, he called
          together the righteous of his posterity, he called also the High
          Priests of that day, into a certain valley, called Adam
          Ondi-Ahman, which is located about fifty miles north of Jackson
          County, or what is now called Davis county, Missouri. Here
          assembled the righteous of his posterity for eight generations,
          and he pronounced upon them his last blessing, as the grand
          patriarch of the whole. And he stood up, notwithstanding he was
          bowed down with age, before the vast body that were gathered on
          that occasion, and prophesied of all things of importance that
          should transpire among his seed, and the nations that should
          spring from him, down to the very end of time. These things, it
          says, were written in the book of Enoch, and are to be testified
          of in due time. When we get that, I think we shall know a great
          deal about the ante-diluvians, of whom at present we know so
          Then there is still another record to come forth. John the
          Baptist is said by the highest authority to be one of the
          greatest Prophets ever born of a woman; but we have very little
          written in the Jewish record concerning him. We have a revelation
          in the Doctrine and Covenants concerning the record of John, that
          great Prophet. And we are promised that if we were faithful as a
          people, the fullness of the record of John shall hereafter be
          revealed to us. When we get this, I think we shall have still
          more knowledge in regard to doctrine and principle, and things
          that are great and marvelous, of which we know very little, if
          anything about. This is not all. The Lord has told us that he
          would bring forth those brass plates that Lehi and the families
          that came with him from Jerusalem, some six hundred years before
          Christ, brought with them, which contain the history of the
          creation, and the writings of inspired men down to the days of
          Jeremiah; they came out in Jeremiah's day. We are informed in the
          "Book of Mormon" that they contained many prohecies very great
          and extensive in their nature. And when these plates, now hidden
          in the hill Cumorah, are brought to light we shall have the
          history of the Old Testament much more fully, with the addition
          of a great many prophecies that are not now contained in that
          record. The prophecies of Joseph in Egypt were very great, and we
          are told in the "Book of Mormon" that there were a great many
          given to him. When we have all those, also the prophecies of
          Neum, a great Prophet who prophecied concerning Christ; also
          those of Zenos and Zenock, and others of which only bare
          reference is given; and then again when the ten tribes of Israel
          come from the north country, they will bring with them their
          records which they have kept since seven hundred and twenty years
          before Christ, which will contain an account of the hand dealing
          of God among that lost people, which doubtless will be
          exceedingly interesting as well as instructive.
          Shall we stop here? No, the time will come when this people will
          become more fully revelators, and Prophets, and Seers themselves,
          and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God, and even
          out of the mouth of babes and sucklings will the Spirit of God
          reveal things that have been kept secret from the foundation of
          the world; they will utter forth the things of God, helping to
          fill the earth with the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the
          great deep.
          We might now stop and say no more about the bibles that are yet
          to come. From what little I have said the strangers present may
          begin to believe the truth of that Scripture which says, "And
          there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if
          they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world
          itself could not contain the book that should be written." The
          Lord has not, because of unbelief and wickedness of the people,
          permitted these things to come forth to be trampled under the
          feet, as swine would trample jewels under their feet. But as soon
          as the righteousness of the people shall warrant, he will reveal
          these hidden treasures of knowledge, and they will understand and
          comprehend the great things of God; and not only will records be
          brought forth, but the minds of men, and minds of women, and
          minds of children, and the minds of all the people who believe,
          will be like a fountain of light and intelligence, and they will
          be able to comprehend all records and books inspired from on
          Sometimes, when I reflect upon these things in the spirit, it
          seems as though I can scarcely wait for the present generation to
          pass away, without seeing the Latter-day Saints in possession of
          these great things. They will surely come! Rest assured,
          Latter-day Saints, that these things will be fulfilled, yea,
          every jot and title; and every record that God has commanded to
          be kept among the ancient seers and revelators, will be brought
          to light in this last dispensation, and none need think that the
          lord is trifling with us, for these things will be made manifest.
          May God bless you is my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Brigham Young, April 22, 1877
                            Brigham Young, April 22, 1877
                    Delivered at Richfield, Sevier County, Utah,
                        on Sunday Afternoon, April 22, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                         SAY THE HIGH PRIESTS AND SEVENTIES.
          I am very much gratified in the opportunity of appearing in this
          house again. I am disposed to say a few words to you. I have not
          time to instruct you in all things, nor to say all I wish to say.
          Do just as well as you know how in all things, never permitting
          yourself to commit an act unless the Spirit of God within you
          justifies you in doing it. And if you live every day of your
          lives according to the best light and understanding you possess,
          glorifying God, our Heavenly Father, just as far as your
          knowledge extends, I will promise you eternal life in the kingdom
          of God. This is saying a great deal, it is a very important
          discourse embodied in a few words. The grand difficulty with the
          people is they do not do quite as well as they know how; it is
          that which hinders us from accomplishing the work given us to do.
          Now let me say to you, my brethren and sisters, if you live
          according to the light within you, you will be of one heart and
          one mind; your interests and labors will be one, and you will
          take hold with all the power God has given you to consummate this
          great and glorious work committed to our charge. When we become
          one we shall have a heaven here upon the earth. Do you think that
          in the family of heaven dwelling in the presence of God there is
          any jarring, bickerings, contentions, fault-finding, or distrust
          in the Priesthood? No. It is true we are in a world of darkness,
          and we have a great many weaknesses, temptations and annoyances
          all tending to lead us astray. But if we do as well as we know
          how, we shall accomplish the work.
          I have been spending the winter in St. George. Our Temple there
          is finished, which is the first completed Temple built to the
          name of the Most High, in which the ordinances for the living and
          the dead can be performed, since the one built by Solomon in the
          land of Jerusalem, that we have any knowledge of. The Nephites
          may have built Temples, and in all probability they did, but we
          have no account of them. We enjoy privileges that no other people
          enjoy, or have enjoyed. In the days of Solomon, in the Temple
          that he built in the land of Jerusalem, there was confusion and
          bickering and strife, even to murder, and the very man that they
          looked to to give them the keys of life and salvation, they
          killed because he refused to administer the ordinances to them
          when they requested it; and whether they got any of them or not,
          this history does not say anything about.
          We enjoy the privilege of entering into a Temple, built to the
          name of God, and receiving the ordinances of his House, with all
          the keys and blessings preparatory of entering into the "lives;"
          we also enjoy the privilege of administering for our fathers and
          mothers, our grandfathers and grandmothers, for those who have
          slept without the Gospel.
          You can understand why it is that the press of our nation is so
          ready to cry out against the "Mormons;" why it is that these poor
          Latter-day Saints are not considered fit to live, why they ought
          not to enjoy the common blessings of citizenship, and why the
          wicked would, if they could, deprive this whole people of their
          rights and privileges, and destroy their leaders from off the
          earth? It is evidence to all Latter-day Saints, if they have
          hearts to understand, that God is with this people, and that the
          Evil One is using the same means now, as he always has done, to
          oppose Him. We ought to be thankful that we are worthy to receive
          these persecutions. And I can promise you, that if we exercise
          patience and faith, and attend faithfully and diligently to the
          work given us to do of the Father, that they will work out for us
          as more excellent degree of glory and exaltation. Consequently it
          becomes us to be patient, trusting in God and the promises he has
          made unto us.
          I was about to say to you, that our labors during the time I have
          spent in St. George, are perfectly satisfactory to me; and I
          believe we have all the evidence we can ask for, that the Lord is
          satisfied. And now that we have succeeded so well in building one
          Temple, we feel encouraged to continue our labors in the same
          direction until we shall have built and finished others. We want
          to commence another one in your region of country, at Manti; and
          we intend to lay out the ground when we reach there on our way to
          the city. We have, traveling with us, in our company, Elder
          Parry, the man who had charge of the rock-work of the St. George
          Temple; he is on his way to Manti, to work on the Temple to be
          built at that place. We expect to say to the Latter-day Saints,
          Rear these walls forthwith, and complete this building, that you
          may enjoy the blessings therein promised.
          Brethren and sisters, live your holy religion that the spirit of
          truth, of virtue and of holiness may burn within you, that your
          only desire may be to do the will of the Father in the literal
          building up of this his kingdom on the earth. Say your prayers,
          and increase your faith in the Lord and in his promises made to
          the faithful. Bring up your children in the love and fear of the
          Lord; study their dispositions and their temperaments, and deal
          with them accordingly, never allowing yourself to correct them in
          the heat of passion; teach them to love you rather than to fear
          you, and let it be your constant care that the children that God
          has so kindly given you are taught in their early youth the
          importance of the oracles of God, and the beauty of the
          principles of our holy religion, that when they grow to the years
          of man and womanhood they may always cherish a tender regard for
          them and never forsake the truth. I do not wish you to lay the
          stress and importance upon outward ceremonies that many do. There
          are those belonging to what is called the Mother Church who say
          give them the care and training of children at from three to
          seven years old, and they could so ground them in their faith,
          that they for ever afterwards, would remain good Catholics. The
          secret of their great success is no doubt in their strict
          observance of outward ordinances and ceremonies. But while they
          go to one extreme in the observance of ceremony, making bigots of
          their children, (for one of the earliest recollections of the
          child, who is reared in Catholicism, is the use of the sign of
          the cross) many of the Latter-day Saints go to the other, failing
          entirely to impress the minds of their children with that degree
          of reverence and sacredness that belongs to the ordinances of our
          Church. Parents, teach your children by precept and example, the
          importance of addressing the throne of grace; teach them how to
          live, how to draw from the elements the necessaries of life, and
          teach them the laws of life that they may know how to preserve
          themselves in health and be able to minister to others. And when
          instructing them in the principles of the Gospel, teach them that
          they are true, truth sent down from heaven for our salvation, and
          that the Gospel incorporates every truth whether in heaven, in
          earth, or in hell; and teach them too that we hold the keys of
          eternal life, and that they must obey and observe the ordinances
          and laws pertaining to this holy Priesthood, which God has
          revealed and restored for the exaltation of the children of men.
          If I were to ask the High Priests of this district, Do you pray
          in your families before going to work, or before sit around the
          breakfast table? Do you kneel down in humility and meekness, with
          the faith that the Father requires at your hands to ask him in
          the name of Jesus, to bless and preserve and give you grace
          according to your day; and do you do this before retiring to bed?
          Seventies, do you call upon the Lord morning and evening? The
          Lord says, I will be sought unto by my people for the blessings
          that they need. And instead of our classing prayer among the
          duties devolving upon us as Latter-day Saints, we should live so
          as to deem it one of the greatest privileges accorded to us; for
          were it not for the efficacy of prayer what would have become of
          us both as a people and as individuals?
          I do not feel disposed to preach a lengthy sermon to you, but we
          feel in our hearts to say, God bless you, peace be to you. I do
          not expect to come to see you as often as I have done, my health
          will not permit of it. My voice is good, I feel as though I could
          make myself heard a mile off, but my system is almost worn out;
          yet I expect to work right in the harness until I am called for
          to go hence. I am so thankful we have completed our Temple, it is
          the greatest blessing that could be bestowed upon us, I know of
          nothing that could equal it. But we are not satisfied with this
          one, we must hurry the buildings of another one, and thus another
          one and so on, and perform the great work therein that is
          required at our hands. Let us live so that we may be worthy to be
          owned of the Lord, and to be received into the fulness with him.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Wilford Woodruff, September 16, 1877
                        Wilford Woodruff, September 16, 1877
                  Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City,
                        Sunday Afternoon, September 16, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          It is with much pleasure and satisfaction I again stand before
          the Saints of God in this Tabernacle. A year nearly has passed
          since I enjoyed this privilege, my labors having been directed
          elsewhere. Whatever I may say to you depends entirely upon the
          dictation of the Holy Spirit. And I may say that we all need the
          inspiration of the Almighty to dictate us, whether we preach or
          listen, and not only in our public gatherings but in all of our
          labors connected with the building up of the kingdom of God, yes,
          just as much as the Saints of God did in every past age and
          I can truly say as the Apostle Paul said, "For I am not ashamed
          of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto
          salvation to every one that believeth." I am not ashamed of what
          the world is pleased to call "Mormonism;" I am not ashamed of any
          revelation that God has given unto the Latter-day Saints, through
          the mouth of modern Prophets; I am not ashamed to acknowledge
          myself a firm believer in the literal fulfilment of the Bible, as
          well as every communication of God to man, although I am well
          aware that the Scriptures have been more or less spiritualized by
          the whole Christian world, especially during the last hundred
          years. I believe that holy men of old wrote and spoke as they
          were moved upon by the Holy Ghost, and that they meant what they
          said and said what they meant, and that the Apostle Paul spoke
          truly when he said, "that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any
          private interpretation." The Lord has taught us in a modern
          revelation contained in this book, the "Doctrine and Covenants,"
          that it matters not whether he speaks from heaven by his own
          voice, or by the ministration of angels, or by the mouth of his
          servants when they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost, it is all
          the same the mind and will of God; and although the heavens and
          the earth pass away, my words would not fall unfulfilled.
          I desire more particularly to address myself, this afternoon, to
          the Latter-day Saints; and at the same time if any of the
          strangers present can receive any benefit from my re marks, I
          shall be glad of it.
          Our position, to-day, before the heavens and the earth and before
          each other, reminds me of days that are past and gone. On the
          20th of July, 1847, I brought our late President Young in my
          carriage through Emigration Canyon into this valley, which was
          the first time he set foot upon this land. The question has been
          often asked by strangers who visit our city, why did Brigham
          Young pick upon this spot to build a city? Because it was shown
          him before he came here. But when we came to this country, what
          did we find here? A barren desert, as barren as the desert of
          Sahara; and the only signs of life were a few black crickets,
          some coyote wolves, and a few poor wandering Indians. To-day we
          may travel from Paris in the north of our Territory to St. George
          in the south, a distance of some 500 miles, and see on every hand
          towns and villages, gardens, and orchards, fields and crops; we
          behold a people industrious and happy, building their own
          dwelling-houses, meeting-houses, school-houses, tabernacles and
          Temples, and improvements and enterprises are constantly going
          on. And all this within so short a time. What does this mean?
          What does it bespeak to the strangers who visit our Territory,
          and in fact to the whole world, and to heavenly as well as mortal
          beings? It is evidence that God has set his hand to fulfil the
          prediction contained in the Bible, that he has commenced the work
          of uniting the record or stick of Joseph with that of Judah; that
          the set time has come for him to favor Zion. And how have these
          things come to pass and what was the origin of this peculiar
          system that presents itself now to the inhabitants of the earth,
          which found a resting-place in the wilds of this desolate,
          uninhabited land, and which has already produced such marvellous
          results? It was performed in a very singular manner, to begin
          with. As the Lord ever has done in attempting to establish his
          rule and government on the earth, he chose the weak things of the
          earth, and them he will use to confound the wisdom of the wise.
          He manifested himself to a boy in his teens, and also sent an
          angel to him on several occasions, in fulfilment of the
          revelation to John the Revelator, and of the inspired words of
          many other Prophets and Apostles who have spoken concerning the
          marvellous work and wonder of the latter-days. But says the
          world, "We do not believe that." We understand that perfectly
          well; we do not expect you to receive the Gospel of the Son of
          God with the same readiness that you believe the falsehoods and
          misrepresentations that are constantly made about it. The world
          ever has opposed it, and we expect to meet all manner of
          opposition until the final triumph of right over wrong, of truth
          over error. We might commence with father Adam and trace it down
          to the present time, and we would find that the same spirit of
          opposition and of persecution followed the people of God in every
          age, as exists to-day against us, as a people. And so natural is
          it for the devil to oppose every move that the Lord makes towards
          reclaiming and redeeming the earth, that men are often found to
          denounce the "Mormons" and their religion when they know nothing
          either of us or our tenets. The Savior of the world himself was
          denounced as a deceiver, as an imposter; why? Because those who
          raised this cry against him knew him not, and those who re-echoed
          it took not the trouble to ascertain whether it was true or
          false. And it has been precisely in the same way that the names
          of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young have been had for evil by the
          masses of this enlightened age. The Savior said of those that
          rejected him, that he was hated by them because he testified of
          their works, which were evil. And so verily it might be said of
          those who decry against the men who, in this respect have not
          been more favored than their Master. Through them light has
          dawned upon the world, and because men choose darkness rather
          than light, their deeds being evil, they find their opposite in
          "Mormonism," and in all those who faithfully adhere to it and
          advocate it.
          Through this boy, inexperienced and unlearned as he was, the Lord
          organized this Church on the 6th day of April, 1830, with only
          six members; and it can be said of him as of no other man in
          Christendom, that he was the instrument in the hands of God of
          presenting to the world a system of religion, a Church
          organization complete with all the keys and powers of the Holy
          Priesthood, and that through him has been imparted to the
          religious world more light and knowledge than all the professors
          of religion combined, with all their boasted intelligence and
          learning. And when he published to the world this new yet old
          doctrine, even the everlasting Gospel, it was found to agree
          precisely with that taught by the Savior, and the Church
          organization was after the same pattern as the one instituted by
          Him, although the Gospel had not been preached since it was
          driven away from the earth by the iron hand of persecution. One
          of the peculiar features in the faith of the Latter-day Saints is
          that we believe there is but one Gospel, that there never has
          been nor never will be any other, and that that Gospel never
          changes from one generation to another, and that it consists of
          the simple principles taught by the Savior and contained in the
          New Testament, which principles never deviate one from another.
          The first was faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; the second was
          baptism in water by immersion for the remission of sins, and then
          the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost; and
          this was the kind of doctrine taught by Christ and his Apostles,
          and this was the doctrine that Joseph Smith preached. In doing so
          he stood alone in the world, and he had to meet the traditions of
          eighteen hundred years, traditions which had been handed down
          from generation to generation, which were entirely opposed to the
          doctrine which the Lord had revealed to him, and which he was
          commanded to preach. You and I were taught from our youth that
          there was no such thing as new revelation, it was all done away;
          and this same tradition is being imbibed by the youth of
          Christendom to the present time. Ask the ministers, the men to
          whom people look as their spiritual guides, why they do not enjoy
          the gifts and graces and the light of revelation from heaven, and
          what is the universal reply? It is in substance, "Oh, these
          things are all done away, they are no longer needed; it was
          necessary that they should exist in the dark ages of the world
          but not in these days of the blaze of Gospel light." Whenever God
          had a Church upon the earth--these gifts were enjoyed by the
          people. The sick were healed of their sickness, the lame were
          made to walk, the blind to see, the dumb to speak, etc., through
          the administrations of those among them who held the Priesthood,
          which authorizes men to act in the name of the Lord; and without
          it no man ever did or ever can officiate in the ordinances of the
          House of God. And I cannot believe that there is an
          honest-hearted man anywhere who possesses any portion of the
          spirit of the Lord, and who has any faith in the revelations of
          God, who can believe that men, whether of high or humble birth,
          learned or unlearned, would be divinely called to minister in the
          things of God, unless they were endowed from on high with the
          same power that the ancient Apostles possessed.
          Well, the Prophet Joseph Smith lived fourteen years after he had
          organized the Church; and during that time the work spread over
          the United States, and to some of the foreign nations and islands
          of the sea. And when he had done this, he had a mission the other
          side of the vail, as well as this. Here again we widely differ
          from other religious denominations. As I before intimated, the
          world of mankind do not comprehend "Mormonism;" the people are as
          ignorant of the Gospel to-day as Nicodemus was when he inquired
          of the Savior what he should do to be saved. And I will here say
          that the answer which Jesus made him in that early day is
          strictly applicable to all who are now seeking the same
          information. "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be
          born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." And no man from
          Father Adam to the present time ever understood the principles of
          the Gospel, unless he received the testimony of Jesus through
          obedience thereto.
          We are living in the dispensation which Daniel saw in prophetic
          vision, when the kingdom of God was to be established upon the
          earth, whose dominion is to have no end, and when the greatness
          of the kingdom is to be given to the Saints of the Most High, to
          posses it for ever and ever. Who are the Saints of God, I may
          ask? Every honest soul who on hearing the gospel preached,
          receives it and obeys it, and uses his energies to consummate its
          establishment upon the earth.
          The Prophet Joseph was moved upon by divine inspiration in the
          establishment of this Church. And before his death he called the
          Twelve Apostles together, whom he had called to the ministry by
          revelation, intimating that he was going to leave them, that he
          would shortly be called home to rest. And he talked with them and
          instructed them for weeks and months in the ordinances and laws
          of the Gospel; and he sealed upon their heads all the Priesthood,
          keys and powers that had been conferred upon him by the angels of
          God. And then, in addressing them he said, "Brethren, no matter
          what becomes of me, or what my fate may be, you have got to round
          up your shoulders and bear of this kingdom; the God of heaven
          requires it at your hands. I have desired," said he, "to see the
          Temple completed, but I shall not be spared to see it, but you
          will." Although he spoke so plainly to us, intimating that his
          end drew near, we could no more get it into our hearts that he
          was going to be martyred, any more than the Apostles could
          comprehend the meaning of the savior when he told them he was
          going away, and that if he did not leave them, the comforter
          could not come. When the Messiah was crucified his followers felt
          sorrowful and disappointed, because they expected him to release
          them and their nation from the Romish yoke. And so helpless did
          they feel themselves when denied his society, that even Peter,
          the first among the Apostles, proposed that they return to their
          nets, that instead of pursuing the high calling of "fishers of
          men," that they again become common fishermen. They comprehended
          not the words of the Savior to them. But after his death, he
          appeared to them, and they began to understand then what he had
          previously told them. We did not understand either what Joseph
          meant when he told us he was going to be taken away. But so it
          was, and when it came, we knew too well his meaning, for sorrow
          and gloom rested upon all Israel. The question may be asked, Why
          was this necessary? There may be more than one reason; one,
          however, is, the dispensation already ushered in is the
          dispensation of the fullness of times; and like preceding ones,
          the men who have been called upon to open them up, had to seal
          their testimony with their blood, Joseph had to do the same. But
          those who took his life, and those who assented to it, will have
          to pay the bill. He held the keys of the Priesthood, and had a
          work to perform in the spirit world, as Jesus had. When he was
          put to death, and while his body lay in the tomb, he went to the
          spirit world to introduce the Gospel to the spirits there, that
          they might have the opportunity of either receiving or rejecting
          it, and be judged according to men in the flesh. And it will be
          the privilege of every son and daughter of Adam, sometime of
          their life, either in the body or in the spirit, to hear the glad
          tidings of great joy proclaimed to them, for God is just and is
          no respector of persons. Joseph, then, standing at the head of
          this dispensation holds the keys of the Priesthood pertaining to
          this time, and it was a duty that the God of heaven required of
          him to open up the Gospel to those in the spirit world who had
          not received it. And there is no greater duty resting upon the
          Later-day Saints to-day than that of building Temples, and
          officiating therein for the dead as well as the living. Said
          Paul, in support of this doctrine, "Else what shall they do which
          are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are
          they then baptized for the dead?" There is no doubt or obscurity
          in the minds of the Latter-day Saints respecting this principle,
          it has been made plain unto our understanding by the light of
          revelation. The adversary, well knowing the nature and importance
          of the mission of this Prophet of God, put it into the hearts of
          wicked men to kill him, and in taking his life they thought they
          were putting an end to "Mormonism." They reasoned from their
          human standpoint, for such might have been the case if this work
          were the creation of man. But the hand of God was over him and
          the work that he established, and it is his work and he directs
          it, and those who want to find fault with it, or any part of it,
          should enter complaint against God, for he is its Author; we are
          merely the instruments in his hands in carrying it on.
          After the martyrdom of our beloved Prophet, the Twelve Apostles
          stepped forward, in the magnitude of their calling, and assumed
          the Presidency of the Church, and, as a Quorum, they led it, with
          President Young as President of that Quorum, for several years
          before there was an organization of the First Presidency; and
          when this organization was effected, with Brigham Young as
          President of the Church, he continued to preside for the space of
          thirty-three years, until the time of his death, notwithstanding
          the combined efforts of the Adversary and wicked men to destroy
          him from off the earth. His works are before you; they are before
          the heavens and the earth, and all men. The entire Territory
          bears marks of his genius and enterprise; and the Lord certainly
          crowned his labors with success, as he has blessed the labors of
          his brethren who have not spared their hands or their hearts in
          assisting him. And instead of the work of the latter-day
          stopping, or its progress being retarded in consequence of the
          death of our beloved President, it will move forward with
          accelerated speed, until Zion arises in beauty, and power, and
          dominion, in fulfilment of the inspired words of Prophets and
          Seers who have spoken, and who, while wrapt in heavenly vision,
          saw our day.
          It cannot be a very great while before many of us will follow
          him. I have traveled with him for some forty-four years of my
          life, and during those years I have never known him to waver or
          flinch in the performance of his duties. He has performed an
          honorable mission to earth, and while his body sleeps his spirit
          lives, and he continues his labors, strengthening the hands of
          Joseph, and Hyrum, and Jedediah, and Heber, and George A., and
          all those who have been true and faithful to God and to man while
          upon the earth, who are now engaged in the same great cause of
          redemption and salvation. Although President Young has finished
          his earthly career and mission to this earth, the work has only
          commenced. The Gospel must be thoroughly and faithfully preached
          to every nation under heaven, and the Lord holds us responsible,
          for verily the trust has been imposed upon us, and it behooves us
          to see to it. I have traveled more or less for the last forty
          years, without purse or scrip, and I have been sustained by the
          hand of the Lord, and so have my brethren. Our Elders who are
          called constantly from the plow and the workshops to go forth
          into the world and preach the Gospel, traveling form place to
          place on foot, without purse or scrip, and although they are not
          trained in colleges or seminaries of learning, yet they are
          sustained and enabled to cope with the learned and wise, and the
          honest in heart receive their testimony, which is accompanied by
          the Spirit of God, and the Holy Ghost.
          Before I close, I want to say one thing to the Latter-day Saints,
          which is resting upon my mind. President Young having now passed
          away, his labors with us have ceased for the present. He, with
          his brethren, built and completed one Temple, also laid the
          foundation for one at Manti and one at Logan, and besides a great
          deal of work has been done on the one in this city. He left this
          unfinished work for us to carry on to completion; and it is our
          duty to rise up and build these Temples. I look upon this portion
          of our ministry as a mission of as much importance as preaching
          to the living; the dead will hear the voice of the servants of
          God in the spirit-world, and they cannot come forth in the
          morning of the resurrection, unless certain ordinances are
          performed, for and in their behalf, in Temples built to the name
          of God. It takes just as much to save a dead man as a living man.
          For the last eighteen hundred years, the people that have lived
          and passed away never heard the voice of an inspired man, never
          heard a Gospel sermon, until they entered the spirit-world.
          Somebody has got to redeem them, by performing such ordinances
          for them in the flesh as they cannot attend to themselves in the
          spirit, and in order that this work may be done, we must have
          Temples in which to do it; and what I wish to say to you, my
          brethren and sisters, is that the God of heaven requires us to
          rise up and build them, that the work of redemption may be
          hastened. Our reward will meet us when we go behind the vail.
          "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea,
          saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their
          works do follow them."
          We have labored in the St. George Temple since January, and we
          have done all we could there; and the Lord has stirred up our
          minds, and many things have been revealed to us concerning the
          dead. President Young has said to us, and it is verily so, if the
          dead could they would speak in language loud as ten thousand
          thunders, calling upon the servants of God to rise up and build
          Temples, magnify their calling and redeem their dead. This
          doubtless sounds strange to those present who believe not the
          faith and doctrine of the Latter-day Saints; but when we get to
          the spirit-world we will find out that all that God has revealed
          is true. We will find, too, that everything there is reality, and
          that God has a body, parts and passions, and the erroneous idea
          that exist now with regard to him will have passed away. I feel
          to say little else to the Latter-day Saints wherever and whenever
          I have the opportunity of speaking to them, that to call upon
          them to build these Temples now under way, to hurry them up to
          completion. The dead will be after you, they will seek after you
          as they have after us in St. George. They called upon us, knowing
          that we held the keys and power to redeem them.
          I will here say, before closing, that two weeks before I left St.
          George, the spirits of the dead gathered around me, wanting to
          know why we did not redeem them. Said they, "You have had the use
          of the Endowment House for a number of years, and yet nothing has
          ever been done for us. We laid the foundation of the government
          you now enjoy, and we never apostatized from it, but we remained
          true to it and were faithful to God." These were the signers of
          the Declaration of Independence, and they waited on me for two
          days and two nights. I thought it very singular, that
          notwithstanding so much work had been done, and yet nothing had
          been done for them. The thought never entered my heart, from the
          fact, I suppose, that heretofore our minds were reaching after
          our more immediate friends and relatives. I straightway went into
          the baptismal font and called upon brother McCallister to baptize
          me for the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and fifty
          other eminent men, making one hundred in all, including John
          Wesley, Columbus, and others; I then baptized him for every
          President of the United States, except three; and when their
          cause is just, somebody will do the work for them.
          I have to felt to rejoice exceedingly in this work of redeeming
          the dead. I do not wonder at President Young saying he felt moved
          upon to call upon the Latter-day Saints to hurry up the building
          of these Temples. He felt the importance of the work; but now he
          has gone, it rests with us to continue it, and God will bless our
          labors and we will have joy therein. This is a preparation
          necessary for the second advent of the Savior; and when we shall
          have built the Temples now contemplated, we will then begin to
          see the necessity of building others, for in proportion to the
          diligence of our labors in this direction, will we comprehend the
          extent of the work to be done, and the present is only a
          beginning. When the savior comes, a thousand years will be
          devoted to this work of redemption; and Temples will appear all
          over this land of Joseph.--North and South America--and also in
          Europe and elsewhere; and all the descendants of Shem, Ham, and
          Japheth who received not the Gospel in the flesh, must be
          officiated for in the temples of God, before the Savior can
          present the kingdom to the Father, saying, "It is finished."
          May God continue to bless us, and guide and direct our labors, is
          my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / George
          Q. Cannon, October 8, 1877
                          George Q. Cannon, October 8, 1877
                         DISCOURSE BY ELDER GEO. Q. CANNON,
                  Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City,
                          Sunday Morning, October 8, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          Our Conference is a most important one, one that doubtless will
          be long remembered by those who have participated in its
          deliberations and actions. It is not often that we, as a people,
          have been called upon to pass through such circumstances as those
          which have surrounded us for the past four or five weeks. Twice
          in our history, during the past forty-seven and a half years,
          have we been called to mourn the loss of him who has led the
          cause of the Holy Priesthood upon the earth. At both times the
          blow has fallen, it may be said, unexpectedly upon us; it was
          particularly so at the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith, for
          he had passed through so many difficulties, and had so many
          narrow escapes, and so many deliverances from perils of the most
          menacing character, that the Latter-day Saints had been led to
          regard him as almost invulnerable, and that his life would be
          spared to a good old age, if not to the winding up scene. His
          martyrdom, then, fell as a very unexpected blow upon the people.
          It was a dreadful shock, for which a great bulk of the Latter-day
          Saints were unprepared. It is true that many were warned,
          especially those who were abroad among the nations preaching;
          they had dreams and manifestations of the Spirit concerning the
          terrible calamity. But those at home were scarcely prepared.
          Evidences came so quickly, one after another, that there was
          scarcely an idea among the people that his arrest, or his
          delivering himself up as he did, would terminate in such a
          catastrophe. The Church itself was so unprepared, by any previous
          experience, for the steps that were necessary to carry on the
          work that the Lord had established, and of which he had been the
          I will remember the feelings that were experienced upon that
          occasion; how men's minds wondered, and the surmises that were
          indulged in; the guesses, the anticipations, some thinking one
          man would be chosen, and others that some one else would be. Many
          of the people were at an entire loss to know who would take
          charge of the Church affairs. And while they were not satisfied
          with Sidney Rigdon, nor his preaching, nor his propositions; a
          great many were undecided in their minds as to who would be the
          leader, or who would have the right to stand at the head. When
          the Twelve returned and their voices were heard in the midst of
          the people; when President Young stood before the congregation
          and spake to the people, doubt and uncertainty and every kindred
          feeling vanished, and every one who had a sufficient portion of
          the Spirit of the Lord recognized in him the man whom the Lord
          had chosen to lead and guide his people, instead of the martyred
          For the first time in the history of the Church, the Twelve
          Apostles stepped forward and took the charge of affairs, by the
          authority of the Apostleship, and the authority which they had
          received from the Prophet Joseph. And for a little rising of
          three years they led and guided the Church, until the Lord
          inspired his servant Brigham, to organize a First Presidency of
          the Church. This experience has been most valuable to us under
          our present circumstances. Men have looked back to the past; they
          have remembered what was done at the period to which I refer, and
          doubt uncertainty and hesitation have not existed to any extent;
          in fact, have not existed at all in the minds of those of long
          experience in the Church. The Twelve Apostles have the authority
          to lead and guide, to manage and direct the affairs of the
          Church, being the Quorum standing next to the First Presidency.
          Naturally it falls to them to step forward once more and assume
          the direction and control, to dictate and counsel and to
          regulate, so far as may be necessary, everything connected with
          the organization of the people, and the proclamation of the
          Gospel among the nations of the earth.
          Although the blow has been a heavy one, and has fallen
          unexpectedly upon us, it seemed to me, during the past summer, in
          watching President Young, in listening to him, in associating
          with him, that he had obtained a new lease of life. He had not
          been able to speak for years in public assemblies with the ease
          to himself that he had done since that last winter. It seemed
          that he had overcome his weakness, a weakness of the stomach from
          which he suffered when he spoke to large congregations, and his
          bodily health appeared to be as perfect as it could be for a man
          of his age; this being the case, it was a very unexpected thing
          for him to pass off so suddenly. But in looking back at the
          circumstances that surrounded him and that surrounded the Church,
          and the labors that were so essential for him to perform, we can
          now understand why it was that he was so greatly strengthened,
          that he had such vigor not only in speaking, but in performing
          the labors of traveling and visiting the various settlements,
          that he enjoyed. I do not believe myself that President Young
          could have felt as happy, as I know he does feel, had he left the
          Church in the condition it was in when he commenced his labors
          last spring. I am convinced that it has added greatly to his
          satisfaction; it has been a fitting consummation to the labors of
          his long life that he should be spared to organize the Church
          throughout these valleys in the manner in which it now is
          organized. It was remarked by brother Pratt, in his discourse,
          that at no time since the first organization of the Church have
          the Latter-day Saints been so well organized; everything set in
          order so completely as we now see them. This is his experience
          and his testimony; and you know he has been familiar with the
          Church from nearly the first of its organization to the present
          time. And I believe this would be the testimony of every man of
          years belonging to the Church. And I am thankful this day that
          President Young was spared to accomplish this work, that the Lord
          gave him the bodily vigor and the mental capacity sufficient to
          enable him to close up the labors of his earthly career in so
          fitting a manner.
          He has marked out the path for the Twelve to pursue. And I was a
          number of times impressed during the summer that the spirit he
          possessed in relation to these matters impelled him to hurry them
          up, and have everything attended to quickly; almost a feeling of
          restlessness was manifested by him (which was so contrary to his
          usual calmness of manner), to have the work of organization
          completed. I have been reminded a number of times of the same
          spirit that rested upon the Prophet Joseph; he seemingly could
          not rest, he was constantly stirring up and urging the Twelve to
          step forward and assume the responsibility that lay upon them,
          and to impart to the people the knowledge that the Lord had given
          to him, and to bestow upon the servants of God the keys and the
          authority of the holy Priesthood in its fulness. And President
          Young manifested the same spirit. He lived to receive Elder
          Taylor and the brethren of the Twelve who accompanied him after
          their return from organizing the last of the Stakes of Zion, and
          to confer with them. In a few hours afterwards he took his exit.
          At no time probably in the history of the Church have the Saints
          been so calm and so serene, manifesting so little concern in
          relation to the way matters should go, and the affairs of the
          Church be conducted, as they have on this occasion. It has seemed
          as though the Lord has prepared the people for these things. He
          has poured out upon us the spirit of union that has not been
          enjoyed, probably, to so great an extent at any time in our
          history. There are great labors assigned to all of us in every
          department of the Priesthood. If we take up the work and carry it
          forward in the spirit with which it has been committed to us by
          him now that he has gone from our midst, the Lord will continue
          to be with us, and to bless us as he did him. For He was with him
          all his life; He was with him in counseling the people; He was
          with him in prophecying to the people, and in teaching them and
          directing them in their temporal as well as their spiritual
          labors. And the Lord crowned his life with success, and his
          labors with blessing; and they who sustained him and obeyed his
          counsel have been prospered in every instance; and when they
          received the counsel in a proper spirit, and carried it out as it
          was given to them, they and the Church prospered under his
          presidency and administration; and it has gone forth in power and
          majesty, and in such a way as to bring conviction to the hearts
          of thousands of people that there is a power connected with this
          system called "Mormonism," not comprehensible to any who do not
          view it by the Spirit of God. I feel that we, as a people, should
          take hold of this work; that we, as Apostles, that we, as
          Seventies, and as High Priests, as Elders, as Priests, Teachers
          and Deacons, should take hold of this work in earnestness and in
          zeal, and carry it forward as our Prophet and file leader did
          during his lifetime; that we should take it up where he laid it
          down, and carry it on until the end is reached, and the full
          consummation of all things is accomplished; seeking to have the
          spirit that animated him, and to follow him as he followed
          Joseph, as he honored Joseph, as he revered Joseph, as he upheld
          Joseph, as he maintained Joseph, touching doctrine and counsel,
          so that it appears to me if we are animated by the Spirit of God
          we will honor him and follow in his footsteps, as he followed
          Joseph, and as Joseph followed Christ. When we do this, and take
          hold of this work with the earnestness and zeal which should
          characterize our actions, the Spirit and power of God will rest
          upon us, and he will bear us off as he has borne them off who
          preceded us; he will not desert us, nor leave us in any position
          where we will be destitute of help.
          I listened with a great deal of pleasure to that portion of
          brother Pratt's discourse which I heard, in relation to the
          Apostleship and the authority of the Apostleship, and the right
          of the Priesthood to rule and to govern. There have been a great
          many ideas afloat in the minds of men concerning this work, and I
          suppose I have been interrogated I might say thousands of
          times--at any rate I have been interrogated upon this point more
          than any other namely. Who will succeed President Young in case
          he dies? The Latter-day Saints who have had experience in this
          matter have not had occasion to ask this question; but many
          inexperienced Saints had it in their hearts, wondering what shape
          affairs would take in case anything were to happen to the
          President of the Church.
          Every man who is ordained to the fullness of Apostleship, has the
          power and the authority to lead and guide the people of God
          whenever he is called upon to it, and the responsibility rests
          upon him. But there is a difference, as was explained by brother
          Pratt, that arises in some instances from seniority in age, in
          other instances from seniority in ordination. And while it is the
          right of all the Twelve Apostles to receive revelation, and for
          each one to be a Prophet, to be a Seer, to be a Revelator, and to
          hold the keys in the fullness, it is only the right of one man at
          a time to exercise that power in relation to the whole people,
          and to give revelation and counsel, and direct the affairs of the
          Church--of course, always acting in conjunction with his
          fellow-servants. And while we say that the Twelve Apostles have
          the right to govern, that the Twelve have the authority, that the
          Twelve Apostles are the men who preside--when we say this, we do
          not mean that every one of the Twelve is going to give revelation
          to this great people, that every one of the Twelve has the right
          to counsel and dictate and regulate the affairs of the Church as
          emergencies may arise, independent of the rest. The Church is not
          governed like Zion's Co-operative Institution, by a Board of
          Directors; this is not God's design. It is governed by men who
          hold the keys of the Apostleship, who have the right and
          authority. Any one of them, should an emergency arise, can act as
          President of the Church, with all the powers, with all the
          authority, with all the keys, and with every endowment necessary
          to obtain revelation from God, and to lead and guide this people
          in the path that leads to the celestial glory; but there is only
          one man at a time who can hold the keys, who can dictate, who can
          guide, who can give revelation to the Church. The rest must
          acquiesce in his action, the rest must be governed by his
          counsels, the rest must receive his doctrines. It was so with
          Joseph. Others held the Apostleship--Oliver received the
          Apostleship at the same time that Joseph did, but Joseph held the
          keys, although Oliver held precisely the same authority. There
          was only one who could exercise it in its fullness and power
          among the people. So also at Joseph's death, there was only one
          man who could exercise that authority and hold these keys, and
          that man was President Brigham Young, the President of the Quorum
          of the Twelve whom God had singled out, who by extraordinary
          providence had been brought to the front, although many were
          ahead of him according to ordination at one time and another.
          Now that he has gone, one man only can hold this power and
          authority to which I refer, and that man is he whom you sustained
          yesterday, as President of the Quorum of the Twelve, as one of
          the Twelve Apostles and of the Presidency, John Taylor by name.
          When revelation comes to this people, it is he who has the right
          to give it. When counsel comes to this people, as a people, it is
          he who has the right to impart it; and while the Twelve are
          associated with him, one in power, one in authority, they must
          respect him as their President, they must look to him as the man
          through whom the voice of God will come to them, and to this
          entire people. By extraordinary providence he has been brought to
          the front. Men have wondered at it, why it was so. It is easy of
          explanation. There was a time when three living Apostles, three
          Apostles who now live, whose names were placed above his in the
          Quorum of the Twelve. But when this matter was reflected upon,
          President Young was moved upon to place him ahead of one, and
          afterwards ahead of two others, until by the unanimous voice of
          the Apostles he was acknowledged the Senior Apostle, holding the
          oldest ordination without interruption of any man among the
          Apostles. Not that he sought it; not that he endeavored to obtain
          it; not that he begged for his place, for it is due to him to say
          to this congregation today, that no man has been more modest in
          urging his claim or setting forth his right than he. But
          President Young was led by the Spirit of God, as we do verily
          believe, to place him in his right position; and two years ago
          last June, in Sanpete, he declared in a public congregation that
          John Taylor stood next to him; and that when he was absent it was
          his right to preside over the Council. We little thought then, at
          that time, that there would be a necessity so soon arise when he
          would be required to exercise that power, that authority and
          right. Most of the people could very readily imagine that
          President Young would have outlived President Taylor, but the
          Lord has ordered otherwise.
          In relation to ordination, a great many people have imagined that
          it was necessary to ordain a men to succeed another, that it
          would impart a particular efficacy or endow him with some
          additional power. Ordination is always good and acceptable;
          blessings and setting apart are always desirable to those who
          have to go forth to prepare them for God's service; but it is not
          necessary that an Apostle should be ordained to stand at the head
          of the people. When the exigency arises, he has already got the
          fulness of authority, and the power of it. I was told of a dream
          that a person had shortly after the death of the Prophet. A
          person dreamed that a certain man had been set apart by the
          President, and the keys had been given him; and that President
          Young came and said that he had given to this person the keys.
          Now, that of itself, to a person understanding the principle,
          would carry its own contradiction with it. The man dreamed of was
          already an Apostle, holding and exercising the keys of the
          Apostleship; and therefore it would not be necessary for
          President Young to confer again upon him the keys. If every man
          of the Twelve but one were slain, the one remaining would have
          the right to organize a First Presidency of the Church, to choose
          Twelve Apostles, and to organize the Church in its fulness and
          power, and to preside over it. And his acts would be accepted of
          the Lord, and binding upon the people. This is the authority of
          the Apostleship. If every Apostle anciently had been slain but
          John the Revelator, as they all were, and there had been faith
          and men enough left, he would have had the right to ordain other
          Apostles, and set in order the entire Church, and carry forward
          the work as the Lord should dictate it. So in our day. As I have
          stated, it is not necessary for a man who has received this power
          and these keys to be ordained and set apart to act; he can act in
          any position. President Young, when he chose brother George A.
          Smith to be his First Counselor, in the place of Heber C.
          Kimball, did not lay his hands upon his head to confer upon him
          any additional power or authority for the position, because
          brother George A. held the Apostleship in its fulness, and by
          virtue of that Priesthood he could act in that or in any other
          position in the Church. He chose other assistant Counselors; he
          did not set them apart, there was no necessity for it, as they
          already held the Apostleship. And if he had, he could only have
          blessed them; he could not bestow upon them any more than they
          already had, because they had all that he himself had, that is
          when he chose them from the same Quorum. He did choose several of
          his assistant Counselors from the Quorum of the Twelve; he did
          not put his hands upon them to set them apart, nor to give them
          the authority and power to act as his Counselors; they already
          held it.
          It is well for the Latter-day Saints to understand the principles
          of the Holy Priesthood, and the power thereof, that it may be
          known by you where the authority rests, who has the right to
          teach and guide and counsel in the affairs of the kingdom of God.
          The Lord has revealed it in plainness, so that a way-faring man,
          though a fool need not err therein. Was it necessary that Elder
          Taylor should be set apart to preside over this people? was it
          necessary that the Twelve Apostles should be set apart to preside
          over this people? No it was not, for they already possessed the
          power, authority and ordination. Was it necessary for the Prophet
          Joseph Smith to set apart Brigham or Heber or Willard, or any of
          the rest of the Twelve Apostles? No, for the same reason, they
          had received the fulness of the Holy Priesthood, the full
          endowment and the keys, and the authority, and the fulness of the
          Apostleship; therefore it was not necessary. It might have been
          done; there would have been no wrong in doing it; there would be
          no impropriety in blessing a man; there would be no impropriety
          in a man like Joseph or Brigham, favored of God with the power to
          move the heavens to bring down blessings upon the children of
          men; I say, there would be no impropriety in such men laying
          their hands upon any man and blessing him; the Lord would bless
          him, if he were thus blessed. But I am now speaking of the
          authority and power of the Holy Priesthood. The blessing of such
          men or by such men, would not bestow upon him any additional
          authority or any more keys, presuming that he already had
          received the fulness of the Apostleship. Some may feel that the
          Lord should raise up a man by special manifestations of power to
          preside over his Church--they having an expectation of that kind.
          Whenever the Lord does it will be because of there being a
          necessity for it, and whenever there is a necessity for it, it
          will not be made plain through one of the Twelve aside from the
          President, it will not be made plain through a Seventy, it will
          not be made plain through a High Priest, through an Elder,
          through a Patriarch; it will come as all revelations from the
          Lord come, to be binding upon this people, through the voice of
          him whom the Lord chooses to be his voice, sanctioned by the
          Twelve Apostles. Hear it, O Israel! and remember it. Have I the
          right to say who shall preside over this people? No. Although an
          Apostle, holding the keys with my brethren and being side by side
          with them, having equal authority with them. Why? Because I am
          not chosen by the Lord to be his mouthpiece to the Latter-day
          Saints; what I mean by this, to give them revelation. It is my
          right to instruct and teach, to labor and to counsel; but it is
          not my right to organize a First Presidency for this Church,
          neither is it the right of any other man, excepting him whom the
          Lord has chosen the President of the Twelve, with that Quorum
          standing as the First Presidency. A day or two ago, a man came
          here and notified the President of the Twelve that he was to be
          the successor to Brigham. The most charitable construction you
          can put upon such speeches is that the man is crazy. Whenever the
          voice of the Lord comes upon such a subject, it will come with
          the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost and with much
          assurance, and every Latter-day Saint on the earth will receive
          it, because the Spirit of God will bear testimony to our spirits
          that it is from Him, so that we cannot be deceived. It is our
          privilege to so live that we know the voice of the true shepherd,
          and can not be deceived by those who profess to have revelation
          and have authority, when they have it not. And every man and
          woman in this Church should so live that when they hear the true
          voice, they will know it as they would know the voice of their
          nearest friend, and not be deceived or led astray. Well but, says
          one, Why cannot you organize a First Presidency now, if the
          Twelve have this authority? Do you want to know the reason,
          brethren and sisters, why we do not take such a step? I suspect
          you would like to know why a man and his two Counselors are not
          singled out, called and set apart by the voice of the people at
          this Conference, as the First Presidency of the Church? The
          reason is simply this: the Lord has not revealed it to us; he has
          not commanded us to do this, and until he does require this at
          our hands, we shall not do it. For the present, it seems to be
          the mind and will of God, as manifested to us, that the Twelve
          should preside over the Church. And until he does reveal unto his
          servants that it is right and proper that a First Presidency
          should be organized again, we shall wait, we shall do nothing of
          that kind. When the voice of God comes, when it shall be the
          counsel of our Heavenly Father that a First Presidency shall be
          again organized, the Quorum of the Twelve will be organized in
          its fullness as before. Therefore you can wait, as well as we,
          for the voice of the Lord; and when it does come, whenever it
          will be, you will see the Church take action in this matter; but
          until then, Latter-day Saints, you will be governed by the
          authority that already exists. If three men have the right to
          govern, certainly twelve men, all possessing the same keys, have
          that right and that authority. Then let us wait the good pleasure
          of the Lord, and cease surmises, and cease indulging in vain and
          foolish ideas upon these subjects.
          I pray God to bless you, and pour out his Spirit upon us all, in
          the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, October 21, 1877
                            John Taylor, October 21, 1877
                          DISCOURSE BY PRESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR,
               Delivered in the Ogden Tabernacle, on Sunday Afternoon,
                                  October 21, 1877.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          I am happy to meet with the brethren and sisters at this
          conference. Since I was last here we have had to suffer the loss
          of our venerated and beloved President Brigham Young, which cast
          a gloom over the feelings of the Saints throughout the Territory,
          and made us feel sorry. His demise, with that of others, however,
          is among the evidences that are necessarily associated with human
          affairs, and is something over which we have no control, for the
          Lord manages such things according to the counsel of his own
          I remember the time very well when Joseph Smith was taken from
          us, not however in the manner that President Young was, but by a
          ruthless mob, meeting his death at the hands of assassins. But
          these things are matters, although of great importance to us, yet
          relatively they have not a very great deal to do with the
          building up of the Church and kingdom of God upon the earth, and
          with His work in which we are all engaged.
          When the Lord revealed the everlasting Gospel to Joseph Smith, he
          unfolded unto him his purposes and designs in relation to the
          earth whereon we live, and gave unto him a knowledge of his law
          and the ordinances of the Gospel and the doctrine thereof. It was
          not for the object simply of elevating him as a man, but it was
          done for the interest of society, in the interest of the world,
          and in the interest of the living and the dead, according to the
          decrees and designs of Jehovah which he formed before the world
          rolled into existence, or the morning stars sang together for
          joy. The Lord had his designs in relation to the earth and the
          inhabitants thereof, and in these last days he saw proper to
          reveal and restore, through his servant Joseph Smith, what we
          term the new and everlasting Gospel; new to the world at present,
          because of their traditions, their follies and weaknesses, and
          their creeds, opinions and notions, but everlasting because it
          existed with God, and because it existed with him before the
          world was, and will continue when change shall have succeeded
          change upon this earth, and when the earth shall have been
          redeemed and all things made new, and while life and thought and
          being last, and immortality endures. Therefore, although the
          Gospel is new to the world, it is everlasting. And it was
          introduced, as I have stated, in the interests of humanity--our
          fathers, the ancient Prophets and Apostles, and men of God who
          have lived in the various ages of the world, who have
          administered in the holy Priesthood while they lived upon the
          earth, and who are now administering in the heavens, and who had
          a hand in the introduction of this work, together with God our
          heavenly Father, and Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant; and
          to-day they feel interested in the rolling forth of this work,
          and in the accomplishment of these purposes which God designed
          before the foundation of the world. And it is to God and his Son,
          and to these men, that we are indebted for the light and the
          intelligence that has been communicated to us, and to them we
          shall be indebted through all time for the same kind of knowledge
          and intelligence to sustain and direct us.
          We talk sometimes about the organization of our Church, and about
          a First Presidency, and about Apostles, and Patriarchs, and High
          Priests, and Seventies, and Elders, etc.; but who knew anything
          about any of these offices, their rights and privileges, etc.,
          until God revealed it? Nobody. And this is not only so with
          regard to the several offices of the Melchizedek or higher
          Priesthood, but it is also the case with those of the Aaronic or
          lesser Priesthood. These are things that were not originated by
          man, they came to us through revelation from God, and hence we
          are indebted to the Lord for them, and also for all the knowledge
          we possess in relation to them. Who taught us anything about the
          Gathering, and why are we here to-day? What brought us here, and
          under what influence did we come, and by what principle were we
          united as we find ourselves at the present time? You who are
          familiar with the history of the Church know that there was a
          Temple built in Kirtland, Ohio, and that while the Prophet Joseph
          Smith and Oliver Cowdery were seated in their proper places in
          that Temple, there were several important personages appeared to
          them, and gave unto them several keys, powers and privileges, and
          that among these heavenly beings was Moses, who represented what
          is termed the Gathering dispensation. His mission to earth was to
          restore the keys of the Gathering dispensation, which should
          gather Israel from the four quarters of the earth, and also
          restore the ten tribes. You who have not read this for
          yourselves, you will find it in the new edition of the Doctrine
          and Covenants; I refer you to it and recommend you to read it.
          Moses conferred these keys of authority upon the prophet Joseph
          Smith, and he afterwards conferred them upon the Twelve Apostles
          and others, who when they were ordained received them as part of
          their ministry and priesthood, to prepare them for the work that
          was to be done. And when these elders went forth in the
          performance of their duties, calling upon the people among whom
          they traveled to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus
          Christ for the remission of their sins, promising believers that
          they should receive the Holy Ghost, in obedience to the gospel
          requirements, they laid their hands upon their heads confirming
          them members of the church and also conferred the Holy Ghost, and
          they received it; and among other things they received was the
          principles of the Gathering. And it was universally the case, and
          they hardly knew why it was, that among their first desires after
          their confirmation, was a wish to gather to Zion; and no one that
          remains faithful to the cause ever remained satisfied until he
          did gather with the saints. I would defy the world and all the
          Elders of Israel to have gathered this people together, as we now
          are, unless these keys of the Gathering had been restored to
          earth, and the people had received the spirit of it through the
          proper channel. But as is was, there was no trouble at all, so
          far as their willingness was concerned. I have seen many of them
          after baptism almost ready to sell themselves in order to have
          the chance of coming to Zion. And you elders, who are my hearers
          to-day, have witnessed the same, and many of you were doubtless
          numbered among those of whom I speak, who were so extremely
          anxious to gather.
          We are living in what ancient men of God have been pleased to
          term the dispensation of the fulness of times, which embraces all
          previous dispensations and all the priesthood that has ever
          before existed on the earth. And among other means that God will
          make use of to accomplish his purposes is that of Temples; and
          the spirit of Temple-building comes in the very same way as that
          of gathering together, and this accounts for our desire to assist
          in erecting Temples. The Lord, through the prophet Malachi, in
          referring to this feature of the great Latter-day work says
          "Behold, I will send, you Elijah the prophet before the coming of
          the great and terrible day of the Lord. And he shall turn the
          heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the
          children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a
          curse." Did Elijah hold these particular keys of the priesthood?
          He did. And did he confer them upon Joseph Smith? Yes, he did. An
          account of this too will be found in the reference I have already
          given you. Did the Latter-day Saints generally manifest any
          particular desire to build Temples before the prophet Elijah
          came? No; but ever since this desire and feeling has existed in
          the minds of the Latter-day Saints. It might appear very foolish
          to other people, but to us it is both consistent and necessary.
          The first Temple we built was in Kirtland, Ohio; the next was in
          Nauvoo, Illinois, and a foundation of a third was laid in Far
          West, Missouri. Since our coming to Utah, we have built one
          Temple in St. George and a beautiful building it is; and in that
          Temple are now performed ordinances for the living and the dead.
          And let me ask, if any present in this large assembly to-day
          regret in the least having contributed to it. I do not think for
          a moment that there is a man or woman that does. We have already
          expended a large amount of means on the Temple now being
          constructed in Salt Lake City; and still we have commenced two
          other such buildings, one in Manti and the other in Logan, all of
          which will be magnificent buildings when completed; I suppose
          there are not less than five hundred men employed on these
          buildings, in this Territory. It looks odd and simple, the world
          does not know what it means; but we know, for God has revealed it
          to us; and he has not only revealed it, but he has put it here
          (pointing to the heart), and we cannot get rid of it.
          In the year 1876, President Young was strongly impressed with
          this feeling, and he requested the Twelve to call upon the High
          Priests and Seventies, and the Elders to subscribe towards
          carrying forward the Temple in this city. Was the call responded
          to? Yes; the various quorums throughout the length and breadth of
          the Territory willingly contributed and a very material advance
          has been made in the construction of that building. Why did
          President Young feel so? Because the spirit of God rested upon
          him, prompting him to move in this direction. Why did the
          brethren of these several quorums so readily respond to the call?
          Because the same spirit rested upon them; and hence we find that
          the First Presidency, the Twelve, and the Saints generally, are
          all interested in this movement, evincing the same desire to
          accomplish this work of Temple building, as the saints of foreign
          lands do to gather to Zion. What object have we in view in doing
          this? That we may administer the ordinances which the Lord has
          revealed unto us, and which, according to his command, must be
          done in Temples built to his name. If we were to turn over today
          these buildings to the religious world, they would know no more
          how to use them legitimately, than a baby would know what to do
          with algebra; neither would we had not the Lord taught us by
          revelation from heaven. The Gospel brings life and immortality to
          light; it places us in communion with the heavens, the Priesthood
          there and the Priesthood here working harmoniously together, we
          being taught of them are enabled to accomplish what the Lord
          required of us.
          We, as intelligent beings, made in the image of our Creator, are
          placed here upon the earth to accomplish a certain work, that we
          may operate with the Gods in the eternal worlds, through the
          light of revelation that God has given unto us, and that he will
          continue to give us, until all things designed by him pertaining
          to this earth and its inhabitants shall be accomplished. In other
          words, they are helping us to do our work, by communicating to us
          principles we require to know, and also by operating in our
          behalf, while we are operating for them, and their children, who
          are our fathers. As the Scriptures say, "that they without us
          should not be made perfect," it is requiring a union of the
          heavens and the earth, forming a grand co-operative society, if
          you please, connected together by indissoluble ties, by the gift
          of the Holy Ghost, the light of revelation and the power of God.
          Thus we are united to each other and to them, and are able to act
          intelligently, doing works that will be approved in heaven which
          are connected with the interests of God and the interests of
          It is not our work, it is not anything we have done, but it is
          God that has done the whole of it, he having called upon us to
          help him a little in our weak way; and inasmuch as we seek
          continually to do his will, he will help us, for in and of
          ourselves we can do nothing, no not any of us, for we are all
          poor, weak, erring human beings, constantly needing his
          sustenance, aid and guidance.
          The various quorums of the Priesthood, which have been presented
          to you this afternoon, give a more perfect representation of your
          Stake than has been given before. And I am pleased to say that
          this extended organization of the Priesthood exists among all the
          Stakes--some twenty in all--throughout the Territory. It may be
          proper on the present occasion to refer to some things connected
          with the organization of our Church for our information; although
          I presume a good deal of similar instruction has already been
          given you by brother Richards, who is very conversant in such
          matters. Yet it is very desirable that the Saints generally, as
          well as the Twelve and leading Elders, should become familiar
          with these things and have a correct understanding of them; and
          it will do no harm to again talk on some of them.
          In Kirtland, Ohio, a great many things were revealed through the
          Prophet. There was then a First Presidency that presided over the
          High Council, in Kirtland; and that High Council and another
          which was in Missouri, were the only High Councils in existence.
          As I have said, the High Council in Kirtland was presided over by
          Joseph Smith and his Counselors; and hence there were some things
          associated with this that were quite peculiar in themselves. It
          is stated that when they were at a loss to find out anything
          pertaining to any principles that might come before them in their
          councils, that the presidency were to inquire of the Lord and get
          revelation on those subjects that were difficult for them to
          comprehend. And I would make a remark here in relation to these
          things, that all High Councils, and all Presidents of Stakes and
          Bishops, and in fact all men holding the Priesthood, who are
          humble and faithful and diligent and honest and true to the
          principles of our religion, if they seek unto God with that faith
          that he requires of us, he will give them wisdom under all
          circumstances and on all occasions, and the Holy Spirit will
          never fail to indicate the path they should pursue. This is the
          order of God in relation to these matters, that every man holding
          any position in the Church, through his faithfulness, shall have
          his Spirit commensurate to the duties devolving upon them, to
          enable them to magnify their calling to the acceptance of God and
          their brethren. And if such men do not enjoy this blessing, this
          divine assistance, it is because they do not "live godly in
          Christ," because they do not seek unto him in humility and
          lowliness of heart, making it their daily study to observe the
          laws of God and the rights of their fellow-men. It is true, we
          all of us have certain infirmities and foibles, and as you heard
          this morning, God has placed them upon us that man should not
          glory in himself, but that he might depend upon and glory in the
          God of Israel; but it is our duty to overcome them, and learn to
          subject our will to that of our Heavenly Father, and continue on
          in the way to perfection.
          There is a matter that has of late become a subject of a good
          deal of conversation, and it occurs to my mind to refer to it,
          namely that of the High Priesthood, or the place and calling of a
          High Priest. In the revelation on this subject I find these
          words: "And again, I give unto you Don C. Smith, to be a
          President over the Quorum of High Priests, which ordination is
          instituted for the purpose of qualifying those who shall be
          appointed standing presidents or servants over the different
          Stakes scattered abroad." What are they organized for? It is
          instituted for the purpose of qualifying those who shall be
          appointed standing presidents over the different Stakes scattered
          abroad. A sort of a normal school, if you please, to prepare men
          to preside, to be fathers of the people. Have they fulfilled
          this? Hardly; perhaps many of them have not thought about it; but
          if they had reflected more upon these things, and humbled
          themselves before God, and met together often to talk over the
          principles of the Gospel, manifesting an eager desire to become
          acquainted with doctrine, and using due diligence in seeking for
          wisdom from the best of books and every available source, I do
          not think we should have taken so many men from among the
          Seventies and Elders to make of them Presidents and Bishops and
          Councilors, as we have been obliged to do. But instead of the
          High Priests pursuing this course, many of them have indulged in
          much unnecessary talk about which was the biggest, a High Priest
          or a Seventy. I can answer that question for you, my brethren: If
          you will take a little child among you, and on comparing
          yourselves with it, can find the one most like unto it--the one
          who is the most honest, truthful and child-like, such a man
          should be classed among the greatest in the kingdom of God. It is
          not talking about these things that qualifies men for positions,
          but doing them.
          We are only just starting in on the great work before us. Zion is
          bound to spread and grow; her cords will be lengthened; but we
          must be energetic and alive to the duties devolving upon us,
          always keeping in mind the object to be accomplished, and in
          order to facilitate things and to meet the mind and will of God,
          and that his work may be cut short in righteousness, we must
          operate together. And not, what? "Lullaby baby on the tree top,
          when the wind blows the cradle will rock." We have had enough of
          that; let us now begin more earnestly to seek after the wisdom
          and power of God and the light of revelation, so that the love of
          God may burn in the hearts of the people, and awaken them up to
          an understanding of the principles of eternal truth. This is what
          we want. And if they do this, magnifying their calling, then when
          other Stakes are to be organized and other changes made, all we
          will have to do will be to go to the High Priests for such
          persons to fill such offices that rightly belong to the High
          Priesthood. And the question that has agitated the minds of the
          Seventies and High Priests will no longer trouble them, for all
          will then more clearly perceive that Church or body of Christ is
          as the body of man, composed not of one member, but many. For
          instance, there is the head, there are the eyes, there is the
          nose, the mouth, there are the ears, the arms and hands, the legs
          and feet, all of which are members of the human body; which of
          these would you like to be without? Supposing you had to part
          with one of your legs, or one of your arms, you would of course
          want to retain the most useful of the two; but if you will tell
          me which of the two is the most useful to the human body, then I
          will tell you which is the most useful to the body of Christ, the
          High Priests or the Seventies. I do not think, however, we need
          discuss this question; but rather let us magnify the Priesthood
          we hold, seeking to acquire a proper fitness for the positions we
          Now, I will tell you something I have noticed lately. We call
          upon Seventies, and sometimes upon High Priests to perform
          missions abroad, but how is it with them? They generally go, but
          it is often a hard squeak. One man has a roof to put on a house,
          another is perhaps building a new house, or his business is in
          such a flourishing condition as to need his personal
          superintendence; another has perhaps "bought five yoke of oxen,"
          and he must needs "go to prove them; and another has perhaps
          "married a wife, and therefore" would like to be excused. And
          still such men generally have quite an opinion of themselves, and
          they are ofttimes anxious to know which is the biggest, they or
          somebody else. And when such men do go upon missions, they are of
          very little account, they are ready to find excuses not to go,
          and just as ready to find excuses to return, and are soon
          reconciled to the fact that "there is no place like home," and
          that "Jordan is a hard road to travel;" they have all kinds of
          difficulties to encounter, meeting with lions in their way, etc.
          Did you ever remember the time when the Elders felt a desire to
          preach the Gospel, and men were ready with open arms to receive
          those who proclaimed it? I believe the Scripture to be true
          to-day which says, "I will take you one of a city and two of a
          family, and I will bring you to Zion." We profess to be Apostles
          of the Lord bearing his Gospel message to the nations of the
          earth; then let us exhibit a little more of the apostolic power
          and zeal when we go out among our fellow-men, realizing that we
          have got the light and life and power of God with us; and that we
          are sent to teach and not to be taught of men, to control
          circumstances, in a great measure, by the power of the
          Priesthood, instead of allowing ourselves to be controlled so
          much. We have not got through with the work, we have only just
          commenced it. Here are our fallen brethren, the Lamanites. What
          an extensive work opens up among them, which must yet be done,
          but which will not fairly commence until we approximate to the
          consummation of our mission to the Gentile world. And when we
          shall have introduced more fully the Gospel, and developed the
          purposes of the Almighty to this Branch of Israel, the Jews will
          be ready to receive the servants of God and the Gospel, which
          will then be proclaimed to them. And when we get through with
          Israel, there will remain the ten tribes to be restored, the
          earth to be redeemed and the kingdom of God to be established
          thereon; all of which must be done in order that the Scriptures
          may be fulfilled, and the designs of God consummated. Our work is
          mapped out before us, it is all designed and planned by him who
          rules above, and it is time that every Elder in Israel fully
          understood this fact that the Latter-day Saints have got to take
          a part in all this work, and that we are not here to attend to
          our own personal affairs merely, but, we are called to look after
          the interests of God, to build up his Zion and establish his
          kingdom on this his earth.
          There is another class of men--the Elders of Israel--that play a
          most important part. They are very numerous, and it is time that
          they commenced to feel after God, and to think and reason and
          reflect: "What can I do to help to build up the kingdom of God
          temporally and spiritually. O God, inspire my heart with light
          and revelation, that I may magnify my calling, honor my position,
          teach the principles of righteousness, and help to build up thy
          kingdom on the earth." This is the way they should feel.
          And I might refer to Presidents of Stakes and to our High
          Councils; how ought they to feel? That we are the servants of the
          living God; that the eye of the great Jehovah is over us, and
          that we are operating in the interests of Zion and for her
          welfare in all things pertaining to time and eternity. If they do
          not do this, God will be after them, and they will feel his hand
          upon them. For as I have said, we are not here to build up
          ourselves, but to build up Zion and establish the principles of
          righteousness upon the earth. That is our calling, that is what
          the Priesthood is conferred upon us for, and it behooves us to
          magnify it and honor our God. Be governed by integrity and
          truthfulness, and never allow yourselves to be bartered or sold
          in the interests of anybody, but operate for Israel, doing
          justice before God and the angels and all good men.
          And then we have our Bishops; they have their place in our midst,
          to attend to the interests of their several Wards, to look more
          particularly after the temporal affairs of the people, and act
          and counsel them as fathers for their good; and not in their own
          interests, but for the good and benefit of the hole. And then, in
          the capacity of High Priests, to take charge of meetings, and
          instruct and counsel those of their wards, always setting a
          pattern in all that is upright, good and noble, saying to the
          people, Follow me, as I follow Christ. And as common judges in
          Israel, they should be jealous of the people's rights,
          adjudicating all matters that may come before them in all
          Then we come to our Priest, and what are they to do? I do not
          think I need tell you, for I have heard brother Richards tell
          you. They should visit from house to house, and see that there
          are no hard feelings existing in those households, or between the
          inhabitants of different households; and such men ought to be
          full of the Holy Ghost, standing as watchmen over the flock
          committed to their care, trying to put things right, and to keep
          them right. The Teachers should be their assistants, whose duty
          it is to see that there is no iniquity of any kind, and that
          righteousness and truth prevail among the people. And then, the
          Deacons should be active in their place and calling, standing
          side by side with the Bishops, assisting them in all their
          temporal duties, operating together as one family. And then
          everything will move on harmoniously and pleasantly, for through
          these ordinances come the blessings, we are told in the
          revelation; and without them the power of godliness is not
          manifested to men in the flesh. God placed in the Church,
          Apostles, Prophets, etc., for the perfecting of the Saints, for
          the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ;
          that we may all grow together to a perfect man, to the full
          measure of the stature of Christ. This Priesthood and our Church
          organization are introduced for this purpose, not to make big men
          of some, and little men of others; for I tell you, I would rather
          see a deacon magnify his calling, than an Apostle who treats his
          indifferently. We must seek to magnify our offices, and not
          expect our offices to magnify us.
          I will here refer to the young people. I find a very good spirit
          growing up through the Territory, associated with the Young Men's
          and Young Women's Improvement Societies. It is very gratifying,
          and we trust that the youth of Zion will continue to search after
          God and a knowledge of his ways, for I want to say to you young
          men, that by and by the burden of this work will fall on your
          shoulders, and it is pleasing to God and all good men, that you
          should prepare yourselves for the labor and responsibility to
          which you are fast approaching. And I wish to say to you further,
          that if you will go before the Lord in all humility, and ask him
          for wisdom and intelligence, your prayers will be herd. You are
          commanded to search after wisdom from the best of books, and also
          through faith; and I will promise you that diligent study of our
          own works will place you in possession of a fund of knowledge
          that you never dreamed of. And then devote your leisure time to
          the acquisition of such useful knowledge as can be obtained
          through the schools, and from works on the sciences; but do not
          be led by their nonsense, and skepticism, and false theories. And
          in doing this, seek earnestly for the Spirit of God to aid you,
          to enlighten your mind, that you may the better comprehend truth,
          and be able to discard error. And when you meet together, let
          your hearts be set on the worship of God, and you will grow up in
          his fear, and your delight will be in doing good and laboring in
          the interest of his cause on the earth.
          Now a few words to the sisters. They have their Relief Societies
          and Retrenchment Societies, and their Mutual Improvement
          Societies, all of which are very laudable and praiseworthy. You
          heard quoted this morning that the man was not without the woman,
          nor the woman without the man, in the Lord. Or in other words, it
          takes a woman and a man to make a man. Did you ever think about
          that, that without a union of the sexes we are not perfect? God
          has so ordained it. And therefore do we expect to have our wives
          in the future state? Yes. And do wives expect to have their
          husbands? Yes. Are we engaged in building up the kingdom of God?
          Yes. What have we to do? Why, our sisters have to learn to manage
          their household affairs in a proper manner, and to train their
          daughters in such a manner as will prepare them to become mothers
          in Israel, competent to attend to the various duties and
          responsibilities which must sooner or latter devolve upon them in
          the household, and also cultivate their nobler qualities,
          calculated to elevate and exalt woman in the estimation of God
          and man; and not only your daughters, but sons also; begin early
          to teach them meekness, kindness and gentleness, and withhold not
          from them such training as will give them an acquaintance with
          the common branches of education, and, if possible, afford them a
          knowledge of science, and of music, and everything that will have
          a tendency to lead their minds to find enjoyment in the
          development of the mind, but be sure and have for your base, or
          foundation, the early cultivation of the virtues, and a due
          regard to their superiors, as well as reverence for God an sacred
          things. And what next? Teach others who lack the opportunity that
          your children may possess. Sisters, you are eminently constituted
          for this work. God has given you both the desire and ability to
          do it; you can enter into the sympathies of others, and you can
          better appreciate their feelings than we men can, and you are
          altogether more competent to minister in such affairs. Hence the
          Prophet Joseph Smith, in his day, organized a Female Relief
          Society; some of you sisters now before me I remember seeing
          present on that occasion. Sister Emma Smith was President of that
          Society, sister Whitney, now of Salt Lake City, was one of her
          Counselors, sister Cleveland was the other Counselor, and sister
          Eliza Snow was Secretary. This movement, under the auspices of
          the Relief Societies, was allowed to sleep for a while, but it
          has again began to awaken, and great good is being accomplished.
          And what do we want to teach our good sisters? I do not propose
          to go into details, but will merely say they should be things
          most elevating and useful. Teach them to cook aright, to dress
          aright, and to speak aright; also to govern their feelings and
          tongues, and unfold unto them the principles of the Gospel. Let
          the elderly ladies teach the younger ones, leading them on in the
          paths of life, that we may have sisters growing up, whose
          goodness and praiseworthy principles will make them fit to
          associate with the angels of God. And if you persevere in this
          good work, God will bless you and your efforts. Let male and
          female operate together in the one great common cause. Sisters,
          let it be your daily study to make your homes comfortable, more
          and more pleasant and agreeable, in fact, a little heaven on
          earth. And brethren, let us treat our wives properly, and prepare
          proper places for them; be kind to them, and feel to bless them
          all the day long. Do away with unkind or harsh words, and do not
          allow hard feelings to exist in your hearts, or find place in
          your habitations. Love one another, and by each trying to enhance
          the welfare of the other, that element will characterize the
          family circle, and your children will partake of the same
          feeling, and they in turn will imitate your good example, and
          perpetuate the things they learn at home.
          There is another subject I wish to refer to, which was introduced
          this morning by brother Joseph F. Smith. He said, in speaking on
          Tithing, that if all of the brethren would pay their Tithing,
          there would be no need to call for donations. I am precisely of
          the same opinion. But then all of you have not done this, neither
          do you do it. "But are you in hopes that something of that kind
          will be accomplished?" Yes, of course we are. Well, how is it now
          with our Temple affairs, there has been a change made in relation
          to these matters? The High Priests and Seventies were called upon
          to contribute in this direction, and they did it, and did well,
          which is praiseworthy. If I remember correctly, the whole amount
          subscribed during the year was some sixty-three thousand dollars,
          and this act not only facilitated the building of the Temple, but
          also rendered employment to a great many of our brethren. Now,
          President Young, before he left us, said that after the Stakes of
          Zion were organized, these subscriptions should be made through
          the Bishops, instead of through the Presidents of these several
          Quorums. Some would be ready to suggest that we do away with
          that, and use the Tithing instead. I am, as I have said, in hopes
          that we will be able to do that by and by, but I do not think you
          can to-day. We wish to take a steady, even course, and advance in
          improvements gradually, as our way shall open. I will show you
          what effect these sudden changes has. We talk about the
          Seventies, and the High Priest and Elders, and what they have
          done. But it is not generally known that the result of that
          sudden change was that Bishop Hunter had to furnish supplies for
          50 or 60 men out of the Tithing Office. And our experience
          convinces us that any sudden changes in relation to these
          matters, might prove disastrous, causing perhaps the stoppage of
          some of our works.
          I find there is considerable means owing by the Church, and I
          will speak a little about that, believing as I do that in making
          such things public, that all may have an understanding of our
          position. There were some propositions made to the Twelve, when
          they were in Cache Valley, lately, the substance of which was in
          the form of a request that the Tithing of that Temple District,
          comprising three Stakes, be used on the Temple now building.
          This, doubtless, seemed very desirable to them, but some of us
          thought, and so expressed ourselves, that if this request were
          granted, then the people of the other two Temple districts would,
          of course, want the same favor extended to them, which could not
          well be denied. And if this were done, how could we meet all the
          other expenses? Perhaps some of you wise men can tell me; the
          brethren of Cache Valley could not. There are thousands of
          dollars owing in different directions, which I am constantly
          called upon to meet, and if our resources were stopped, we could
          not carry out certain public labors required of us, and should be
          unable to pay our debts. But, with the hearty and continued
          co-operation of my brethren, I am in hopes that we will so work
          things before very long, that we shall be able to ease up in some
          of these matters, and have things move along a little more
          agreeable. We do not wish anybody to feel oppressed or crowded,
          but, on the other hand, we want to feel as we sing sometimes--"We
          are the free-born sons of Zion," etc.; and that it is "All free
          grace and free will." I mention these things to show you that
          there are responsibilities that many of the people little dream
          Bro. Joseph mentioned one thing this morning to which I think I
          should have demurred a little, and I think you will when I tell
          you. In speaking about the poor people, that they seemed to get
          along very well, etc., and that it was necessary sometimes for
          the Lord to humble the rich, etc., which things are spoken of in
          the "Doctrine and Covenants." But what of some of the
          others--those who cannot be said to be either rich or poor? I
          want to refer to an item. There is owing to the Perpetual
          Emigrating Fund Company, upwards of a million of dollars; the
          nature of this indebtedness you are acquainted with. Certain
          brethren have been assisted here and you have joined in rendering
          that assistance. They have since come in possession of means and
          property of various kinds, but they have not settled for their
          emigration indebtedness. And this debt has increased to this
          enormous sum, and it hangs in this position to-day. Is this
          right? Is it just? I am inclined to think, with the president of
          the company, that if we only have the patience, the thing will be
          completely hung by and by, it is only a question of time. But
          then this state of things I look upon as an outrage to the
          community, and a greater outrage to the good and worthy poor who
          are ungathered, who are crying for assistance. And the Church has
          listened to these cries, and has advanced a large amount of
          means, at one time and another, to do what these once-poor people
          should have done, but have not done. Now I would ask, shall these
          things continue? I hope not; I trust that those who are indebted
          to this Fund will have more "bowels of compassion." How anxious
          you were, when in foreign lands, to get to Zion; and you felt
          when assistance reached you, that one of the first things you
          would do, would be to extend the same to others. Let us be
          reminded of these obligations, and see that they are paid.
          There is another subject I want to speak on, that is our school
          operations. You have elected me Superintendent of Common Schools,
          and I feel a good deal of interest in the welfare of Common
          Schools, and also in all of our institutions of learning, where
          good education can be had, for I feel interested in our youth,
          and I take this opportunity to speak to the whole country in
          relation to this matter. I can perceive quite an interest in
          educational matters, manifesting itself in our brethren who
          preside here; and I am much gratified in it. I hope that this
          whole county will go at this matter in all good faith, and where
          you lack good school-houses put them up; and when you have
          already the school-house, but lack the furniture, get it and try
          to make the school-house comfortable for the children; and then
          good teachers who are good Latter-day Saints. Shall we have them,
          or shall we employ teachers that will turn the infant minds of
          our children away from the principles of the Gospel, and perhaps
          lead them to darkness and death? Some say, "You ought to be very
          generous, quite as liberal and generous as others." I think so.
          But if some of these liberal people, who talk so much about
          liberality, would show a little more of it, we would appreciate
          it a little better. I would like to know if a Methodist would
          send his children to a Roman Catholic School, or vice versa? I
          think not. Do either send their children to "Mormon" schools, or
          employ "Mormon" teachers? I think not. Do we object to it? No, we
          do not; we accord to all classes their rights, and we claim
          rights equal with them. Well, shall we, after going to the ends
          of the earth to gather people to Zion, in order that they may
          learn more perfectly of His ways and walk in His paths, shall we
          then allow our children to be at the mercy of those who would
          lead them down to death again? God forbid! Let our teachers be
          men of God, men of honor and integrity, and let us afford our
          children such learning as will place our community in the front
          ranks in educational as well as religious matters. But would we
          interfere with other religious denominations? No. Prevent them
          from sending their children where and to whom they please? No. Or
          from shipping where they please? No. I would not put a hair in
          their way, nor interfere with them in any possible way; they can
          take their course, and we want the same privilege.
          With regard to some of these other things which I have referred
          to, I would say: We wish to continue on as we have done, and as
          soon as we can see our way out, we will make things more
          agreeable. These are my feelings; but in the meantime, there will
          be no radical changes. We started in with the intention of
          carrying out the views of President Young, and we purpose to do
          it; but should we, by and by see a better way, one that suits us
          better, that would be more pleasant all around, we will then
          adopt it. In the meantime, we will stick to the rod of iron, and
          humble ourselves before God, seeking to do His will in all
          things; and by and by, when we shall have done our work on earth,
          will obtain an inheritance in the celestial kingdom of our
          Father. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Charles C. Rich, February 10, 1878
                         Charles C. Rich, February 10, 1878
                          DISCOURSE BY ELDER CHARLES C. RICH,
                Delivered at the Quarterly Conference Held in Paris,
                     Bear Lake County, Idaho, February 10, 1878.
                            (Reported by James H. Hart.)
          Brethren and sisters, I am pleased to have the opportunity of
          meeting with you in Conference. I have enjoyed myself very much
          while listening to the reports of the Bishops, and also to those
          who have addressed us. We have had some excellent instructions
          during the Conference. I am glad to meet so many of the Saints. I
          will say, however, that I feel of myself very weak, and I desire
          the prayers of the Saints, that I may be able to instruct you. I
          desire to speak to your edification, but that depends upon the
          Holy Spirit, without which no one can instruct and edify the
          Saints. I trust the Spirit of the Lord will be with us this
          afternoon, that I may, peradventure, be a means of blessing and
          building you up in the principles of the Gospel. I will read, for
          your instruction, from the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and
          will give you some keys by which you may unlock the treasures of
          the Gospel. Page 424, new edition: "Mine house is a house of
          order, and not of confusion," etc. Page 421: "All blessings are
          predicated on law," etc. I have read these passages because to me
          they are important, and they are important to you also. We learn
          from the revelations we have just read, that it was ordained
          before the foundation of the world how the blessings of the
          Gospel were to be obtained, and why some people could not attain
          to certain blessings. We are told they could not obtain these
          blessings because they did not abide by the law. As Latter-day
          Saints, it is important that we understand the principles of
          salvation, that we may be enabled to comprehend and obtain all
          the keys, principles, and blessings pertaining thereto. It was a
          long time after the Prophet Joseph Smith had received the keys of
          the kingdom of God, and after Hyrum and others had received many
          blessings, that the Lord gave Joseph a revelation, to show him
          and others how they could ask for and receive certain blessings.
          We read in the revelations of St. John, that the Saints are to
          receive a white stone, "and in the stone a new name, which no man
          knoweth save him that receiveth it." Joseph tells us that this
          new name is a key-word, which can only be obtained through the
          endowments. This is one of the keys and blessings that will be
          bestowed upon the Saints in these last days, for which we should
          be very thankful.
          In the first instructions we received from the Elders, we were
          told we must repent of our sins and be baptized, in order to
          receive the Holy Spirit, and that we had no claims upon the Lord
          for his Spirit, until we had complied with the requirements made
          of us. I remember very well my feelings upon this subject before
          I obeyed the Gospel. I studied carefully, anxiously, and
          prayerfully, that I might know if it were the Church of Jesus
          Christ. I did not want to run any risk in the matter, and remain
          in uncertainty. I was willing to do anything that would give me a
          knowledge of the truth. I was willing to receive it through the
          ministration of an angel, through direct revelation, or by any
          other way, but I did not want to be deceived. Every time I
          reflected carefully upon the subject, I came to this point--the
          conditions upon which the promises have been made are,
          repentance, baptism, and imposition of hands. The spirit would
          then whisper, you have not been baptized, you have not obeyed the
          Gospel; but when I had complied with the law, then I had a
          perfect claim to the blessings and the promises, and did receive
          them, and obtained a perfect knowledge of the truth, and could
          then bear a testimony of it to all the world. I mention these
          things to show you the principles we have to act upon in order to
          obtain the blessings of salvation and eternal life. And I can
          testify that the Lord has fulfilled his promises, and has poured
          out his Spirit upon the people, through baptism and the laying on
          of hands. So we see that the keys given for our introduction into
          the Church of Jesus Christ, are as effectual in this our day as
          they were in the days of the former Apostles. Some might say, Why
          would not some other ordinance do as well? Simply because these
          were the principles ordained for that purpose before the world
          was. It is not a new feature in the Gospel, something started a
          few years go. From what I have read, we find they are eternal
          principles; that they existed and were ordained for our salvation
          before the foundation of the world, and cannot be changed. We
          must comply with the principles of the eternal law, in order to
          obtain eternal blessings. I want to impress these principles upon
          your minds, for there is no "think so" and "guess so" about these
          things, for the Lord himself has decreed them, and I bear record
          that they are true. I hope these principles will make a lasting
          impression upon your minds, that you may devote yourselves more
          fully to the service of the Lord, and faithfully obey all the
          commandments which he has given us, and may give us hereafter.
          There is another principle to which I will call your attention;
          that is, the pre-existence of spirits. Before we came into this
          world we had an existence with the Father in the heavens. We are
          eternal beings. How do you know that? one might say. We know it
          by the revelations of Jesus Christ, which bring life and
          immortality to light. It was revealed to Abraham and many of the
          ancient Prophets, and it has been revealed unto us in these the
          last days. We are told that before the inhabitants of the earth
          had an existence in the flesh, they had an existence in the
          spirit world; and that it was necessary to come into this world
          and be clothed with mortality. And why was it necessary? Because
          we could not attain to an exaltation without coming here. Many
          people think this is a world of sorrows, and a very horrid world
          to live in. So it may seem to some people, but I think that it is
          a glorious world, for it is here we are enabled to obtain our
          blessings and endowments. We come into this world weak and frail
          mortals. We have an agency given us, with an opportunity of doing
          good and evil. We are invited to obey the Gospel, which embraces
          principles that will endow the willing and obedient with
          exaltation and eternal life. But our agency is not taken from us.
          We have placed before us light and darkness, the bitter and the
          sweet, exaltation and degradation, life and death, and we have
          reason and intelligence given us, by which to judge and choose
          for ourselves. By choosing the good and obeying the principles of
          truth, we are entitled to the spirit of revelation, and by that
          spirit only can we know God the eternal father, and his Son Jesus
          christ. Is it not important that we should know God? Surely it
          is; for to know God, and his Son Jesus Christ, is eternal life.
          So notwithstanding we have our trials and sufferings here, we
          have joys and happiness likewise, and we learn to discern and
          appreciate the difference between good and evil. An opportunity
          is also afforded us in this world to increase in faith and
          wisdom, and in all that leads to exaltation and eternal life. And
          we are told that all the intelligence we gain in this world will
          rise up with us in the resurrection. Now, who is there among the
          Saints that does not want to learn something concerning the
          principles of life and salvation? We should, above all people, be
          diligent in seeking to know the principles of truth, that we may
          obtain eternal life. We can use the keys and principles that we
          have received to obtain this knowledge, and what is there
          pertaining to the Gospel that we cannot learn if we are faithful?
          If we do not know all that is necessary for our advancement, it
          is our privilege to go to some person who does know. And when we
          understand how to use the keys and principles ourselves, we can
          then teach others, for all who have received the Gospel are
          expected to practice its principles in their lives, and to devote
          their energies and lives to the establishment of truth and
          righteousness upon the earth. Are we doing this? Are we doing our
          duty as Saints of God? Or are we passing away our time idly and
          indifferently? If so, we are doing ourselves an injury, and we
          thus deprive ourselves of the blessings promised to the faithful.
          There is another great principle often brought before us, that
          may be considered a very common principle. It is the principle of
          Union. We are told by the Savior that we must be united, or we
          are not his. Does this concern us as Latter-day Saints? I think
          it does, but some do not seem in any way concerned about it,
          notwithstanding the word of the Lord, that otherwise we "are none
          of his." How can we be united so as to be acceptable to God? We
          have to be united, not merely in doctrinal matters, but in every
          other way. So far as doctrine is concerned, we are pretty well
          united, but not so in our temporal affairs. But we may become
          united in our temporal affairs, if we are willing to learn some
          practical lessons that have been taught us, and uniting in their
          execution; by entering into them with all our heart and our
          means, we may then be united in temporal matters also. There is
          but one way to be united, according to the will of God, and that
          is by being dictated in our affairs by the Spirit of the Lord.
          When we were baptized we received the spirit of the Gospel, and
          by that spirit we obtained a knowledge of its truth. And the same
          spirit we then received, if it continue with us, will lead us
          into all truth and reveal to us things to come. We have need of
          revelation at every step after we are baptized, for when we take
          a step it ought to be a right step, and the only right step we
          can take will be one that is in accordance with the principles of
          truth, as dictated by those authorized to teach and instruct the
          Saints. This is the only principle on which we can be united, and
          when this principle fully is carried out, then perfect union will
          exist among the Saints.
          I remember once being sick, but I scarcely realized that I was
          sick, for my mind was bright and active. During the night the
          Spirit rested upon me, and the principles of the Millennium were
          opened up to me. It seemed to me that all was happiness and
          union. Now what will it require to bring about the Millennium? In
          the first place every man will have to learn his duty, and do it.
          Each one must study his neighbor's interest as well as his own.
          No one will do that which would conflict with his brother's
          interest, and no man would wilfully infringe upon his neighbors's
          rights and privileges. Now if all had learned their duty and were
          doing it faithfully, it would bring about a reign of peace and
          righteousness, and knowledge would cover the earth. If these
          principles were understood and carried out, we should have no
          reason to find fault with each other. Are we seeking after these
          things? I trust we are, and I feel rejoiced at the progress we
          are making as a people, although we come far short of that we
          should attain unto. We must have our minds fixed on this subject,
          and be determined to receive these truths, and live for them.
          This should be our first and last thought every day, and we
          should not be contented till we realize our desire in
          righteousness. Some persons think that a few prayers offered to
          the Lord will be all-sufficient in securing their salvation. It
          is very good to pray, but something is required besides praying;
          for example, we must be baptized, for that ordinance has been
          instituted for the remission of sins. We need endowments and
          ordinations, and they can only be administered by those holding
          the Priesthood, for without these gifts we could not obtain a
          celestial crown. We bestow the Priesthood on many young men, to
          bring them up and qualify them for future usefulness. We want our
          washings and anointings, and how can we receive them without some
          one to administer them to us? And no one could give them without
          divine authority. The same words might be used, and the same
          ordinances administered in the same way precisely, but they would
          be of no avail whatever, without the priestly authority. Our
          baptisms, confirmations, ordinations and endowments can only be
          administered by those who are ordained and set apart to
          administer them. The law must be complied with concerning these
          things or the ordinances are void and of no effect. Temples have
          to be built in which some of these ordinances must be performed.
          Who is to dictate concerning their construction and management?
          The Lord himself controls these things, and authorizes whom he
          Some might ask, Why not baptize for the dead, and give endowments
          in this meeting-house? Just simply because the Lord has not so
          ordered it. The way and manner in which these ordinances have to
          be performed have been determined in the eternal world, and
          unless you comply with the requirements and obey the law, you
          cannot obtain the keys, and without the keys you cannot pass by
          the angels and the Gods in the eternal worlds. For example, you
          cannot attain to an exaltation without a wife, or wives; and you
          ladies cannot be exalted without a husband. "For man is not
          without the woman nor the woman without the man in the Lord." So
          said the Apostle Paul. What, then, will be the situation of those
          who remain single, and do not attain to an exaltation? We learn
          from the revelations that they will be angels. Some People think
          that angels are the most exalted and glorious beings in the
          eternal world; but this is a mistake. If it will satisfy any of
          you to receive that glory it will not satisfy me. Now we
          understand that in order to obtain an exaltation we must have a
          wife, and we have to comply with the celestial law, so as to have
          her in the eternal world. In the first place, we must receive her
          from the man whom God has authorized and appointed to seal for
          time and eternity, otherwise we have no claim on her in the
          eternal world. Perhaps some do not care much about the other
          world. Such persons remind me of a man I knew in California, who
          became acquainted with and courted a lady whose husband was dead.
          He was told that the lady was sealed to another man for eternity;
          he replied he did not care, all he wanted was to marry her for
          this life, he did not care about the other world. Such a man will
          not attain to an exaltation. Some persons may be satisfied
          without a complete exaltation. I do not feel so. I feel my
          unworthiness and my inability to speak as I would like, and if I
          did not know it was my duty, I would shrink from this
          undertaking; but I feel it my duty to declare faithfully the
          counsels of God, to instruct the Saints in their duties, and tell
          them how they can obtain salvation. When I have done this I have
          done my duty. Every man and woman can obtain and enjoy the spirit
          of revelation, so as to guide them in the path of duty, and if we
          are all guided by the same spirit, and all our actions are
          dictated by its influences, we shall then enjoy happiness and
          We have co-operative institutions established among us, and if
          they are conducted properly they will be a blessing to us. How
          shall we carry on our co-operative institutions so as to be
          approved of heaven? They must be dictated by the spirit of
          revelation, for unless they are dictated and controlled by that
          spirit they are in danger of being overthrown. If we build up
          institutions on any other foundation they will be overthrown
          sooner or later. If we establish our institutions according to
          the principles of revelation, they will be approved by the
          Almighty, and they will be preserved when he overthrows the
          kingdoms of this world. Who would not like to see the
          co-operative institutions growing up among us, built upon a firm
          foundation? We should look well to the foundation on which we
          build, for unless we act upon correct principles we cannot expect
          to prosper. The building that is reared properly will stand the
          winds and storms and will be firm and solid. Time will tell
          whether we build by the spirit of revelation or otherwise. You
          may be assured that if we do not our building will be overthrown.
          We are dependent on the almighty for the breath of life, for the
          bread we eat, and for every blessing we enjoy. We need not feel
          in any way troubled when we see a man lifted up in his feelings,
          and act as though he was some great person. We are all of us,
          mere worms of the dust, and at best are poor dependent creatures;
          but some men appear to grow larger and larger in their own
          imagination, and when we see a man ascending higher and higher in
          his own conceit, it is not always wise to pull him down suddenly,
          but give him a lift, and when he gets so high that his head
          swims, we can then help him gently down. We must learn to be
          humble, meek and lowly, or we cannot enjoy the spirit of the
          There is another thing I wish to mention, and that is the manner
          in which we should treat each other. The principle was advanced
          anciently, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
          This principle is as binding upon us, as it was upon the people
          in former days, and we need as much urging to observe it as they
          did. How would we do with the Lord if he were here? We have his
          word for it, that forasmuch as ye do it unto one of the least of
          these my disciples ye do it unto me. If we see a brother
          mistreated, we do not like it, and we feel to take his part. If
          we do not like to see a brother mistreated, we should be the more
          careful not to mistreat each other, for it is displeasing to the
          Lord. What can we say concerning these things? We can say
          "straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth to the
          lives, and few there be that find it." Do we all want to find it?
          I do. And you do, then let us seek diligently that we may find
          the right way--the way God has pointed out. He has made it plain
          before us, and has told us the manner in which he is willing to
          bestow his blessings upon us. And if we do not obtain them it
          will not be his fault. What would be the condition of society if
          these principles were fully carried out? We would find a brother
          and a friend in every place where God is known. No one would have
          any disposition to wrong his neighbor. No one would seek to
          injure his brother or sisters. Would it not be good to live in
          such society? Instead of men striving to take advantage of their
          fellow men, and seeking to aggrandize and build up themselves at
          the expense of others, they would seek to build up and enrich
          others as well as themselves, and instead of hungering and
          thirsting after the perishable things of this life, they would
          hunger and thirst after righteousness.
          We read in the "Book of Mormon" that Jesus told the Nephites to
          return home, for they were not prepared to receive his words.
          They went home and they did prepare their hearts for the
          reception of the truth. Why do we not receive more truth than we
          do? We hear a great many teachings and counsels from the servants
          of God. And why do we not receive more? Peradventure we are not
          prepared to receive it. Why does not the Almighty bestow on us
          more light, truth, intelligence and other blessings he is able to
          bestow? It is because we are not prepared to receive them. We
          have more offered now than a great many can receive because their
          hearts are unprepared, they are filled with the spirit of the
          world, they have lost sight of the principles of salvation, and
          do not comprehend them. You may have heard these things preached
          many times before, but if you have not received them and made
          them your rule of action, it would have been better for you if
          you had never heard them.
          We have been taught that we have a great work to perform in
          working out our salvation, in promoting that of our families, and
          securing the salvation of our dead friends. We cannot leave any
          of these things undone and feel justified before God, and before
          our dead friends when we meet them in the other world, and if we
          do not feel justified we shall not feel very happy.
          An opportunity is now offered by brother Cummings, by which some
          of us may obtain our genealogies, and we should improve it as
          much as possible. I feel happy in being able to send to the
          States where many of my ancestors have lived and died, so as to
          get the names of many of my dead friends, that I may do a work
          for them that they had no opportunity of doing for themselves. We
          have the privilege of being baptized for our dead, and performing
          other ordinances for them, and thus become saviors on Mount Zion.
          There is a great labor to be performed by every faithful Saint.
          There is no time to waste in foolishness. There is too much time
          wasted in frivolity and nonsense. It is important that we make
          good use of the time allotted us in this probation, for we
          understand that we shall be judged according to the deeds done in
          the body. We have placed before us good and evil--that which
          tends to exalt and dignify, and that which tends to corrupt and
          degrade. And we are expected to overcome evil, and not allow the
          evil to overcome us. For example, we find too often persons who
          can be overcome with whiskey, and by that means they destroy
          their usefulness in the Church of Jesus Christ; they have been
          tried in this matter, and have made a failure. I would say to
          such, do not receive nor partake of that which leads to
          destruction. Hundreds and thousands have been overcome by this
          evil, and are now suffering the consequences of their folly. We
          should be prepared to resist every evil, if we do not we shall
          bring trouble upon ourselves. It will not be because we do not
          understand the laws of God, but because we do not observe them. I
          trust my brethren will remember these things, and that they will
          make a lasting impression on your minds. I want you to remember
          that you are eternal beings, that God is eternal, and that the
          principles he has revealed to us are eternal--that you have an
          opportunity of receiving them, and that you must give an account
          of all your actions, and will be rewarded according to the
          principles of righteousness.
          We have learned that there is a warfare between good an evil, and
          we are free to choose the one or the other. We have learned what
          is required of us, and what our privileges are as Saints of God;
          and if we do not receive and obey the principles of truth, and
          secure the blessings of salvation for ourselves, and for our
          dead, we shall know it when we get into the eternal world; we
          shall know that we have failed to comply with the condition on
          which they are promised. Don't you think we shall be sorry when
          we discover what we have lost? I think we shall. And how long
          shall we be sorry? Can we think of any time in future ages when
          we will not be sorry if we lose this opportunity of obtaining
          salvation? When we have sorrowed for thousands of years, we shall
          still be sorry if we neglect this great salvation; we shall
          forever sorrow if we do not improve our opportunities and lay
          hold of eternal life. I want you to think of these things, for
          now is the time to avoid the trouble that might come upon us, and
          to secure our future happiness and exaltation, by carrying out
          the principles revealed for our salvation.
          The Lord has greatly blessed us, and we have great reason to
          thank him for our homes in these mountains. We have been led by
          him in all our travels, and he has blessed us in all our labors.
          We have reason to thank him more abundantly for the fullness of
          the Gospel, and for the promise of eternal life. We are told by
          him that it is his business to provide for his Saints. Now the
          better Saints we are, the better the Lord will provide for us. He
          has told us through his Prophet, that his Saints shall be the
          richest of all people. But here comes the question, are we his
          Saints? It should be remembered that we must be one, or we are
          none of his; and to become one, we must allow the Lord to dictate
          all our actions and lead us in his way. If we have our own way we
          shall do as the world does. The Lord wants to build up a people
          like the people of Enoch, who had no poor among them. If it was
          necessary that such a condition of society should exist then, is
          it less so now? The nations of the earth, and the large cities of
          the United States, are crowded with the poor and indigent,
          thousands and millions among them suffer for want of bread; how
          thankful we ought to be for our condition in these mountains,
          where we enjoy peace and plenty, and if not very rich we are not
          very poor. It is written that against none is the Lord
          displeased, but against those who do not acknowledge his hand in
          all things. And those who feel themselves poor, should
          acknowledge in it the hand of the Almighty and be comforted, for
          poverty is a most excellent thing; 'tis the poor in this world's
          goods, but the rich in faith, who are the heirs of the kingdom.
          Poverty has been one of the greatest blessings that could be
          conferred upon us. If we had been rich we might have gone to the
          devil long ago. But being poor we had to hold on to the kingdom
          of God, or nothing. Many men, when they get wealthy, apostatize,
          because they love their money more than the Almighty. When we
          love the Almighty more than we love money, or anything else, then
          perhaps he will entrust us with riches, but may the Lord keep us
          from becoming rich, if riches would tempt us to forsake the
          truth, and hinder us from serving him and keeping his
          commandments. Poverty is a great blessing, if in our poverty we
          learn to serve God. And riches are also a great blessing if we
          make a good use of them. When the time comes that the Saints can
          be intrusted with riches, the lord will give them all they need,
          for they all belong to the Almighty. I am blessed with a Rich
          name, but I have been through poverty myself, and I know how it
          feels. I trust I have gained some good by my experience. Have I
          anything to complain of. Certainly not. I have no fault to find
          with the providences of God, who doeth all things well.
          Soon after my return from a mission to England, I was called to
          Bear Lake Valley to superintend the settlement of the Saints in
          this country. I felt that it was right that I should come here,
          not because I could live better here than any other place, but
          because this was my place and field of labor. And there is one
          good thing we should all learn, that is, always to be contented
          where the Lord has placed us. But I want to be in a better
          country says one. Well, I think you will get into a better
          country bye and by, but I would recommend you not to be in too
          great a hurry. I don't want to dictate the people too much, but I
          am willing to counsel you for your good, if you are willing to
          take my counsel, all right, you will be blessed in your
          obedience. I would like to pour out blessings upon the Saints.
          There are many things that occur to my mind that I cannot say to
          you, but that which the spirit dictates that I will communicate.
          I have nothing in my heart but the best of feelings towards the
          Some people think I am a poor financier! Perhaps I am. There are
          some persons who are such good financiers that they take all the
          wool and part of the hide with it. Now I would not like to
          financier in that way. And if I don't fleece any one, and take an
          advantage of those with whom I deal, I shall have nothing to
          regret, and shall enjoy a clear conscience; but if I do these
          things it will have a bad effect in this world and worse in the
          next. Perhaps those who financier so closely to the injury of
          their neighbors will not feel so well about it in the next world.
          If they have deceived and taken advantage of us in our
          necessities, they will not feel so well about it, if they should
          meet us in the other world. I could tell a story. I think I will
          do so. I could mention names. You understand that when a man dies
          and leaves this world, he don't take his family with him, but
          they are left to the care and protection of others. A certain
          good man died and left a large family. A near relative took
          charge of the family and removed them to a certain town, built a
          grist mill, from which the family was supplied with the necessary
          bread. He built the first mill in that town, and it was a
          blessing to the people as well as to the family of our decease
          brother. By and by a few persons concluded to build another mill,
          and in order to get the grinding they resolved to build another
          mill. The consequence was the first mill failed to supply food
          for the widows and fatherless children. These brethren expect to
          go into the eternal world. Will the head of this family be there?
          He certainly will. And how will these brethren feel when they
          meet him? I don't think they will feel very happy.
          The effect produced by their financiering was that of taking the
          bread from the fatherless children. Will they feel as well as
          though they had not done it? I think not. I was always sorry when
          I thought of these circumstances and their effects. These things
          will have to be met somewhere. The God we profess to serve lives
          and takes notice of our actions, and if we do wrong we shall have
          to meet it sooner or later. Then let us do to others as we would
          have others do unto us. But do not suffer transgressors to
          deprive you of any blessing, but rather suffer wrong than do
          wrong. Deal righteously with each other, and so establish
          confidence by your good works. Do not take any right or privilege
          from any man or woman. Not from a gentile? No! take no right from
          any man. I would not like to infringe upon any man's rights. If
          we do the Lord will hold us accountable in the day of judgment.
          He causes the sun to rise upon the evil and the good, and sendeth
          rain upon the just and on the unjust. And as the Lord dealeth
          will all the children of men, so should we deal with each other.
          I have detained you longer than I expected. My prayer is that the
          Lord will bless you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Joseph
          F. Smith, April 11, 1878
                           Joseph F. Smith, April 11, 1878
                                  FUNERAL SERVICES
                         PREACHED BY ELDER JOSEPH F. SMITH,
              Over the Remains of Emma, Daughter of Elder Daniel H. and
                 Emeline Wells, on Thursday Morning, April 11, 1878.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                            ALL--ORDINANCES FOR THE DEAD.
           F. Smith
          While sitting listening to the singing, it occurred to me that,
          in making a few remarks on this occasion, I would read part of a
          revelation given to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
          Saints on the 27th of December, 1832, believing that we may
          derive some comfort and encouragement, as well as enlightenment
          by doing so.
           F. Smith
          He then read section lxxxviii, Doctrine and Covenants, new
          edition, from the 3rd to the 32nd verse inclusive.
           F. Smith
          These are the words of God unto us, words that were not spoken in
          some remote period of the world, and handed down to us by the
          traditions of our fathers, but they are the words of the Almighty
          spoken directly to our brethren chosen by God to be his
          mouthpiece and revelators to the people of this time. They are,
          therefore, words of truth, and of eternal life, words upon which
          we may rely with the utmost confidence, without doubt or
          misgiving, or fear of yielding to the caprice of vain philosophy,
          for they are not the words of man, but of God.
           F. Smith
          It is well for us to realize, if we possibly can--and we can if
          we enjoy a sufficient portion of the Spirit of God--that we are
          living in an age in which the father in heaven has deigned to
          visit his children, making himself known by declaring his law and
          his word, by his own mouth and by his own presence. If we could
          always realize this, it appears to me that we would place greater
          reliance upon the words of eternal life which have come unto us;
          we would thereby be induced to live so near to the Lord, and be
          so faithful in the discharge of our duties, as the covenant
          people of God, that our hearts would burn with grateful joy, we
          would be inclined to that which is pleasing and acceptable unto
          the Lord, all the day long, and we would eschew oven the
          appearance of evil. In all the varied scenes of life, we would
          never forget him, disobey his will, nor neglect a duty; but we
          would abide in the covenant of the Gospel, in the love of God and
          of our fellow-creatures, doing the works of righteousness, not
          omitting to improve an opportunity to do good. It is necessary
          for us to understand these things and bear them in mind, in order
          to abide the law which has been given unto us, a portion of which
          I have read to you; and which is necessary for us to obey, in
          order to be found keeping the celestial law, and in order to be
          quickened by that glory, that our souls, which are our bodies and
          spirits, may be redeemed and restored to life and immortality, to
          possess crowns of glory and exaltation, which are to be had only
          in the celestial kingdom; in other words, that we may be
          quickened by the celestial glory and receive a fullness thereof,
          according to this revelation.
           F. Smith
          God has given laws to govern all his works, and especially has he
          given laws to govern his people, who are his sons and daughters.
          We have come to sojourn in the flesh, to obtain tabernacles for
          our immortal spirits; or in other words, we have come for the
          purpose of accomplishing a work like that which was accomplished
          by the Lord Jesus Christ. The object of our earthly existence is
          that we may have a fullness of joy, and that we may become the
          sons and daughters of God, in the fullest sense of the word,
          being heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ, to be kings
          and priests unto God, to inherit glory, dominion, exaltation,
          thrones, and every power and attribute developed and possessed by
          our heavenly Father. This is the object of our being on this
          earth. In order to attain unto this exalted position, it is
          necessary that we go through this mortal experience, or
          probation, by which we may prove ourselves worthy, through the
          aid of our elder brother, Jesus. The spirit without the body is
          not perfect, it is not capacitated, without the body, to posses a
          fullness of the glory of God, and, therefore, it can not, without
          the body, fulfil its destiny. We are fore-ordained to become
          conformed to the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ; and in order
          that we may become like unto him, we must follow in his
          footsteps, even until we sanctify ourselves by the law of truth
          and righteousness. This is the law of the celestial kingdom; and
          when we die, its power will bring us forth in the morning of the
          first resurrection, clothed with glory, immortality, and eternal
          lives. Unless we do keep the law that God has given unto us in
          the flesh, which we have the privilege of receiving and
          understanding, we cannot be quickened by its glory, neither can
          we receive the fullness thereof and the exaltation of the
          celestial kingdom.
           F. Smith
          "There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the
          foundations of the world, upon which all blessings are
          predicated; and when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by
          obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."
           F. Smith
          We must, therefore, learn the laws of heaven, which are the laws
          of the Gospel, live and obey them with all our hearts, and in
          faith abide in them, perfecting ourselves thereby, in order to
          receive the fulness of the glory of that kingdom.
           F. Smith
          I make these remarks, not to the departed, but to the living--to
          you as well as myself, who still tarry in the flesh, to battle
          with the weaknesses and infirmities of human nature, who have yet
          to learn by experience, that we may be instructed in the things
          necessary to know, in order that our course here may secure unto
          us the greatest reward in the presence of our Father and God.
           F. Smith
          We have not met here to brood over our sorrows in this our
          temporary loss--in thus being deprived, perhaps only for a little
          while, of the society and companionship of a daughter, a sister,
          a friend; for tears are partially dried and sorrow is greatly
          ameliorated in the fact that our loss is her gain. She has been
          released from a world of sorrow, anguish and pain, and rests from
          her earthly labors. Blessed is her condition, for she has
          performed her mission to earth, she has made her name honorable
          amidst the honest and true of God's people, she has fought the
          good fight, and has now taken her departure, gone to her old home
          from whence she came. What has she lost? Simply the society of
          her earthly friends, but not to the extent that we miss her; for
          I believe the greater can always comprehend the lesser, but the
          lesser can only comprehend the greater as it may be revealed by
          glimpses from time to time by the Holy Spirit. While we are in
          mortality we are clogged, and we see as through a glass darkly,
          we see only in part, and it is difficult for us to comprehend the
          smallest things with which we are associated. But when we put on
          immortality, our condition will be very different, we ascend into
          an enlarged sphere; although we shall not become perfect
          immediately after our departure from the body, for the spirit
          without the body is not perfect, and the body without the spirit
          is dead. The disembodied spirit during the interval of the death
          of the body and its resurrection from the grave is not perfect,
          hence it is not prepared to enter into the exaltation of the
          celestial kingdom; but it has the privilege of soaring in the
          midst of immortal beings, and of enjoying to a certain extent,
          the presence of God, not the fulness of His glory, not the
          fulness of the reward which we are seeking and which we are
          destined to receive if found faithful to the law of the celestial
          kingdom, but only in part. The righteous spirit that departs from
          this earth is assigned its place in the Paradise of God; it has
          its privileges and honors which are in point of excellency, far
          above and beyond human comprehension; and in this sphere of
          action, enjoying this partial reward for its righteous conduct on
          the earth, it continues its labors, and in this respect is very
          different from the state of the body from which it is released.
          For while the body sleeps and decays, the spirit receives a new
          birth; to it the portals of life are opened; it is born again
          into the presence of God. The spirit of our beloved sister in
          taking its departure from this world is born again into the
          spirit world, returning there from the mission it had been
          performing in this state of probation, having been absent a few
          years from Father, Mother, kindred, friends, neighbors, and from
          all that was dear; it has returned nearer to the home-circle, to
          old associations and scenes, much in the same way as a man who
          comes home from a foreign mission, to join again his family and
          friends and enjoy the pleasures and comforts of home. This is the
          condition of her whose remains now lie before us, or of every one
          who has been faithful to virtue and purity, while traveling here
          below; but more especially of those who while here had the
          privilege of obeying the Gospel, and who lived true and faithful
          to its covenants. They instead of continuing here among the
          things of time, surrounded as we are with the weaknesses of a
          fallen world, and subject to earthly cares and sorrows, are freed
          from them to enter a state of joy, glory and exaltation; not a
          fulness of either, but to await the morning of the resurrection
          of the just, to come forth from the grave to redeem the body, and
          be reunited with it, and thus become a living soul, and immortal
          being never more to die. Having accomplished its work, having
          gone through its earthly probation, and having fulfilled its
          mission here below, it is then prepared for the knowledge and
          glory and exaltation of the celestial kingdom. This Jesus did;
          and he is our fore-runner, he is our exemplar. The path which he
          marked out we have got to walk in, if we ever expect to dwell,
          and be crowned with him in his kingdom. We must obey and put our
          trust in him, knowing that he is the Savior of the world.
           F. Smith
          It is not a difficult thing for me to believe this; I read the
          Bible in which I find narrations of many of his doings, sayings,
          precepts, and examples. And I do not believe that any upright,
          honest man or woman, possessing common intelligence, can read the
          Gospels of the New Testament and the testimonies therein given of
          the Savior, without intuitively feeling that he was what he
          professed to be. For every upright, honest person is possessed,
          more or less, of the Holy Spirit, and this holy messenger in the
          hearts of men bears record of the word of God; and when all such
          read these inspired writings, with honesty of heart and meekness
          of spirit, divested of prejudices and the false conceptions
          arising from traditions and erroneous training, the Spirit of the
          Lord bears witness in unmistakable language that burns with
          conviction, therefore, I believe that Jesus was the Christ, the
          savior, the only begotten of the Father; and this too through
          reading the Bible. But do we depend upon the Bible for this
          conviction and knowledge? No, thank the Lord we do not. What else
          have we to impart this knowledge and confirm this testimony? We
          have the "Book of Mormon," the "stick of Ephraim," which has come
          to us by the gift and power of God, which also testifies of him,
          and which reveals an account of his mission to and dealings with
          the inhabitants of this continent, after this resurrection from
          the dead, when he came to this land to visit his "other sheep,"
          to unite them in the one fold, that they might also be his sheep
          and he their great shepherd. Besides the conviction that the Book
          itself carries with it, we have the collateral testimony of him
          who translated it, who sealed his testimony with his blood; also
          that of other witnesses, who testify to the whole world that they
          saw the plates and the engravings thereon, from which the Book
          was translated, these plates were shown them by an angel of God,
          who declared that the Book had been translated correctly by the
          gift and power of God; and in obedience to divine command these
          witnesses bear record of what they saw and heard.
           F. Smith
          Here, then, are two witnesses--the "Bible" and the "Book of
          Mormon," both bearing record of the same truth, that Jesus was
          the Christ, that he died and lives again, having burst the bands
          of death and triumphed over the grave. This latter additional
          evidence the Latter-day Saints have of this fact, over and above
          that possessed by the Christian world who do not believe in the
          "Book of Mormon."
           F. Smith
          But is this all? No. We have here another book, the "Doctrine and
          Covenants," which contains revelations from God through the
          Prophet Joseph Smith, who lived contemporary with ourselves. They
          are Christ's words, declaring that he was the same that came to
          the Jews, that was lifted up on the cross, was laid in the tomb,
          burst the bands of death and came forth out of the grave. That he
          was the same who came to the Nephites upon this continent; who,
          when about to take his departure from them, declared that he was
          going to visit the ten tribes whom the Father had led away,
          having the same purpose in view that he had in visiting the
          Nephites. Here, then is another testimony of this divine truth;
          hence we have three witnesses. In the mouth of two or three
          witnesses, we are told, all things shall be established; and by
          the testimony of two or three witnesses shall we stand, or be
           F. Smith
          But would this satisfy me? It might, if I could obtain no further
          light or knowledge. But when greater light comes, and I have the
          privilege to make myself possessor of it, I could not remain
          satisfied with the lesser. We could never be satisfied nor happy
          hereafter, unless we receive a fulness of the light and blessings
          prepared for the righteous. This, in part, will constitute the
          misery, sorrow and anguish of the condemned--those who reject the
          truth when it is offered to them, for their eyes will be opened
          to behold, in part, the greater light, exaltation and joy which
          they might have attained unto, but which is irretrievably lost,
          to them, because of their disobedience and wrong doings. Then I
          say we cannot be satisfied with anything short of a complete
          salvation in the kingdom of God our joy cannot be full unless we
          obtain a fullness of knowledge. Hence I am not satisfied with the
          Bible the "Book of Mormon," nor the "Doctrine and Covenants." All
          these three are not sufficient for me, for the reason that
          greater privileges have been revealed to man, and they are within
          the reach of all that live upon the earth. Therefore, I could not
          rest satisfied with myself until I had fully availed myself of my
           F. Smith
          It is given to us to know these things for ourselves. God has
          said he will show these things unto us; and for this purpose the
          Holy Ghost has been imparted to all who are entitled to it
          through submission, which bears record of the Father and the Son,
          and also takes of the things of God and shows them unto man.
          Convictions that we may previously have had respecting the truth
          the Holy Ghost confirms, giving us a positive assurance of their
          correctness, and through it we obtain a personal knowledge, not
          as one that has been told, but as one that has seen, felt, heard,
          and that knows for himself.
           F. Smith
          Then, in standing before you, my brethren and sisters, as a
          humble instrument in the hands of God, I testify, not by virtue
          of the knowledge I may have derived from books, but by the
          revelations of God to me, that Jesus is the Christ. I know that
          my Redeemer lives; I know that although the worms may destroy
          this body, that I shall in my flesh see God, and I shall behold
          him for myself and not for another. This light has come to me,
          and is in my heart and mind, and of it I testify, and through and
          by it I testify, and I know whereof I speak. God has called me,
          in connection with my brethren, to this mission, and this is our
          testimony to the whole world. I therefore say, there is no death
          here, instead of death it is life to the departed. That which we
          call death is merely the slumber and rest of this mortal clay,
          and that only for a little season, while the spirit, the life,
          has gone to enjoy again the presence and society of those from
          whence it came, and to whom it is joy again to return. And this
          will be the condition of the righteous until the morning of the
          resurrection, when the spirit will have power to call forth the
          lifeless frame to be united again, and they both become a living
          soul, an immortal being, filled with the light and power of God.
          I am a witness of these things. Am I alone? No; there are tens of
          thousands to-day that can bear this testimony. They, too, know it
          for themselves; God has shown it to them, they have received the
          Holy Ghost, which has born witness of these things in their
          hearts, and they likewise are not dependent upon books, nor upon
          the words of another, for they have received a knowledge from God
          themselves, and know as he knows, and see as he sees in relation
          to these plain and precious things.
           F. Smith
          What reason have we to mourn? None, except that we are deprived
          for a few days of the society of one whom we love. And if we
          prove faithful while in the flesh we will soon follow, and be
          glad that we had the privilege of passing through mortality, and
          that we lived in a day in which the fullness of the Everlasting
          Gospel was preached, through which we will be exalted, for there
          is no exaltation but through obedience to law. Every blessing,
          privilege, glory, or exaltation is obtained only through
          obedience to the law upon which the same is promised. If we will
          abide the law, we shall receive the reward; but we can receive it
          on no other ground. Then let us rejoice in the truth, in the
          restoration of the Priesthood--that power delegated to man, by
          virtue of which the Lord sanctions in the heavens what man does
          upon the earth. The Lord has taught us the ordinances of the
          Gospel by which we may perfect our exaltation in his kingdom. We
          are not living as the heathen, without law; that which is
          necessary for our exaltation has been revealed. Our duty,
          therefore, is to obey the laws, then we shall receive our reward,
          no matter whether we are cut down in childhood, in manhood or old
          age; it is all the same, so long as we are living up to the light
          we possess, we shall not be shorn of any blessing, nor deprived
          of any privilege; for there is a time after this mortal life, and
          there is a way provided by which we may fulfil the measure of our
          creation and destiny, and accomplish the whole great work that we
          have been sent to do, although it may reach far into the future
          before we fully accomplish it. Jesus had not finished his work
          when his body was slain, neither did he finish it after his
          resurrection from the dead, although he had accomplished the
          purpose for which he then came to the earth, he had not fulfilled
          all his work. And when will he? Not until he has redeemed and
          saved every son and daughter of our father Adam that has or ever
          will be born upon this earth to the end of time, except the sons
          of perdition. That is his mission. We will not finish our work
          until we have saved ourselves, and then not until we shall have
          saved all depending upon us; for we are to become saviors upon
          Mount Zion, as well as Christ. We are called to this mission. The
          dead are not perfect without us, neither are we without them. We
          have a mission to perform for and in their behalf; we have a
          certain work to do in order to liberate those who, because of
          their ignorance and the unfavorable circumstances in which they
          were placed while here, are unprepared for eternal life; we have
          to open the door for them, by performing ordinances which they
          cannot perform for themselves, and which are essential to their
          release from the "prison-house," to come forth and live according
          to God in the spirit, and be judged according to man in the
           F. Smith
          The Prophet Joseph Smith has said that this is one of the most
          important duties that devolves upon the Latter-day Saints. And
          why? Because this is the dispensation of the fullness of times,
          which will usher in the millennial reign, and in which all things
          spoken by the mouth began, must be fulfilled, and all things
          united, both which are in heaven and in the earth. We have got
          that work to do, or at least all we can of it, leaving the
          balance to our children, in whose hearts we should instil the
          importance of this work, rearing them in the love of the truth
          and in the knowledge of these principles, so that when we pass
          away, having done all we can do, they will then take up the labor
          and continue it until it is consummated.
           F. Smith
          May the Lord bless this bereaved family and comfort them in their
          deprivation. Those who die in the Lord shall not taste of death.
          When Adam partook of the forbidden fruit he was cast out from the
          presence of God into outer darkness; that is, he was shut out
          from the presence of his glory and the privilege of his society,
          which was spiritual death. This was the first death; this indeed
          was death; for he was shut out from the presence of God, and ever
          since Adam's posterity have been suffering the penalty of this
          spiritual death, which is banishment from his presence and the
          society of holy beings. This first death will also be the second
          death. Now we look upon the mortal remains of our departed
          sister; her immortal part has gone. Where? Into outer
          darkness?--banished from the presence of God? No, but born again
          into his presence, restored, or born from death to life, to
          immortality and to joy in his presence. This is not death, then;
          and this is true in relation to all Saints who die in the Lord
          and the covenant of the Gospel. They return from the midst of
          death to life, where death has no power. There is no death except
          to those who die in sin, without the sure and steadfast hope of
          the resurrection of the just. There is no death where we continue
          in the knowledge of the truth and in hope of a glorious
          resurrection. Life and immortality are brought to light through
          the Gospel, hence there is no death here; here is peaceful
          slumber, a quiet rest for a little season, and then she will come
          forth again to enjoy this tabernacle. If there is anything
          lacking in regard to ordinances pertaining to the House of the
          Lord, which may have been omitted or not reached, those
          requirements can be attended to for her. Here are her father and
          mother, her brothers and sisters; they know the course to pursue,
          they know the ordinances necessary to be performed in order to
          secure every benefit and blessing that it was possible for her to
          have received in the flesh. These ordinances have been revealed
          unto us for this very purpose, that we might be born into the
          light from the midst of this darkness--from death into life.
           F. Smith
          We live then, we do not die, we do not anticipate death; but we
          anticipate life, immortality, glory, exaltation, and to be
          quickened by the glory of the celestial kingdom, and receive of
          the same, even a fullness. This is our destiny: this is the
          exalted position to which we may attain, and there is no power
          that can deprive or rob us of it, if we prove faithful and true
          to the covenant of the Gospel.
           F. Smith
          That the Lord may bless, comfort and solace the family of his
          servant, who are called to lament this momentary loss, that in
          the midst of their affliction, while their sorrow finds no relief
          in tears, they may bow obedient to Heaven's will, and in
          gratitude and thanksgiving, praise Him "from whom all blessings
          flow." And that the Lord may help us to be faithful, is my
          prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Erastus Snow, March 3, 1878
                             Erastus Snow, March 3, 1878
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ERASTUS SNOW,
          Delivered in the Meeting House, Beaver City, Beaver County, Utah,
                          on Sunday Morning, March 3, 1878.
                           (Reported by Josiah Rogerson.)
          "And God said, let us make man in our own image, after our
          likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
          and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all
          the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the
          "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created
          he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them,
          and God said unto them, be ye fruitful and multiply and replenish
          the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the
          sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing
          that moveth upon the earth."--Gen. iii, 26-28.
          In Gen. v, 1, 2, we read, "This is the book of the generations of
          Adam: In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God
          made he him, male and female created he them, and blessed them
          and called their name Adam in the day when they were created."
          All mankind feel instinctively that there is a God. I admit that
          many people try to reason themselves out of the idea and into a
          state of infidelity, or into atheism, but it is very hard for
          them to do it, or to satisfy themselves that they are correct
          when they think they have done it. And the universal feeling that
          may be set down to be common to all nations and people bearing
          the human form, is that there is a God; and there is a yearning
          after him, and a desire to worship him, however difficult it may
          be to satisfy themselves of the manner in which they may worship
          him acceptably.
          On one occasion our Lord and Savior said to the people among whom
          he ministered, "Ye worship ye know not what, but we (speaking of
          himself and his disciples and followers) know whom we worship,
          and we speak the things we have heard of him, and we know what we
          speak, and yet you receive not our testimony."
          The Jews were in possession of many laws and regulations given to
          their fathers, and they were taught the true and the living God,
          but darkness covered their minds, and many of them walked in
          darkness at noonday, and enjoyed not the true light, as it was in
          Christ, pertaining to themselves and to their heavenly Father.
          Heathen nations, as they are termed by Christians, have less
          definite ideas of their Creator, though all of them entertain the
          common notion of the Deity, and seek to worship him, though it
          may be in a crude way, and very undefined. Sometimes they are
          accused of worshipping the work of their own hands--images made
          of wood, of stone, iron and brass, and various other materials,
          and other nations, tribes and tongues are accused of worshipping
          animals of various kinds. They have their sacred elephants,
          crocodiles, or other beasts of the earth, whom they learn either
          to love or fear and worship, either as "friend" or "foe." Yet
          when we become acquainted with these nations and find out their
          inward faith, we find that none of them look upon these as
          anything but representations of Deity. They do not see deity
          before them, they do not walk, and talk, and converse, and eat,
          drink, and sleep with the being whom they have in their minds as
          God, but they set up before them something they can see, to
          represent him, and as soon as they begin and rear up before them
          some representation of Deity--one representative they consider to
          be about equal to another, and if it is the work of men's hands,
          it is something that corresponds to their ideas of a Deity, and
          whether it be in his exact likeness or not they know not--not
          having formed a personal acquaintance with him, nor having any
          likeness of him, from which they can pattern after--one image
          answers as well as another, or one representation as well as
          another. But all these are but representations of Deity. And no
          nation has been found upon the earth, tribe or tongue, but what
          have some mode of worship, or some faith in the Deity, and feel
          the need of honoring a superior Being.
          This craving of the human heart is universal; and education does
          not remove it. It is not confined to barbarous tribes and less
          cultivated people. All nations may have their sceptics, and in
          many enlightened nations of modern times, there is an evident
          tendency to infidelity; yet those who seriously entertain doubts
          of the existence of a Supreme Being, are generally those who have
          a smattering of learning and have become mad in this particular.
          The thorough scientist is forced to recognize the existence of
          the Great Supreme. They cannot get around it, or arrive at any
          other conclusion, than that the great wheel of nature is moved by
          an over-ruling hand, and the regularity and uniformity that is
          found in all her laws, are traceable to that Supreme Being, and
          unaccountable upon any other principle. It is almost impossible
          for them to arrive at any other conclusion, and where, in the
          history of the world, is it chronicled of any great astronomer
          that he was an infidel? any one that has the mind, and whose
          researches have enabled him to stretch out and begin to
          comprehend and fathom the greatness of the works of creation,
          that has not in the most humble and reverential manner
          acknowledged God? Those who deny him as I said before are those
          that have a partial education; and a little learning is
          intoxicating to the brain.
          As the great English poet says:
                 A little learning is a dangerous thing!
                 Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring; 
                 Those shallow drafts intoxicate the brain, 
                 And drinking largely sobers us again.
          It is those that gain a little knowledge, and begin their
          researches in various branches of science, but do not fathom
          them, who are bewildered in their imaginations, and they tend to
          infidelity. There is a theory in the human mind--I will say with
          a certain school of modern philosophers--to satisfy themselves
          and justify their infidelity; the bent and tendency of their
          inclinations is that way. But it is probable that the crude,
          undefined devices and erroneous notions and ideas of modern
          Christianity touching the Deity leads to this infidelity, as much
          as anything else. The advocates of Christianity are in a great
          measure to blame. When we begin to scan the teachings and enquire
          into the views of the leading divines of modern times, and
          examine their articles of faith and their discipline, the
          teachings of different Christian denominations on the subject of
          the Deity, we do not wonder that the reflecting, careful thinker,
          should repudiate their crude notions.
          The old Catholic Church, who call themselves the Holy Mother
          Church, the English Church and the Lutheran Church, the two most
          extensive branches of dissenters from the Catholic Church, and
          the most of the lesser Protestant denominations, all declare to
          their followers that God is a spirit, without body, parts and
          passions. Some leave off the word passions, but they all say he
          is without body, or parts; and when they attempt to locate him,
          they locate him nowhere. His centre is everywhere his
          circumference is nowhere. His form may be best described in the
          quaint language of Parley P. Pratt, "A footless stocking without
          a leg," sitting upon the top of a topless throne, far beyond the
          bounds of time and space; that heavenly unknown place that some
          crazy poet sung about. And we are asked to believe in, render
          obedience to and worship this being. The careful thinker says, "I
          cannot; it is impossible for me to believe in a being that has
          neither body, parts nor passions, and that is located nowhere; I
          cannot conceive of him." The elaborate thinker says, "I cannot
          conceive of any such being, nor can anybody else conceive of him.
          It is not within the sphere and range of our comprehension." It
          is simply nothing at all; and in the exercise of his reasoning
          faculties, he chooses to disbelieve in their dogmas, and is set
          down by them as an infidel. Yet the true philosopher is not an
          infidel. He is only infidel to those vague ideas and theories
          that are in themselves monstrosities. Yet in the absence of true
          religious teaching, and being taught by the Christian world that
          the Scriptures do not mean what they say, and must be taken in
          some mysterious sense, they come to the conclusion that they do
          not know anything about the true character of the Deity, and it
          is not their province to teach him, only as they learn to know
          him in scanning his works. But in scanning his works we learn
          that he is a Being of order and law, and that all things are
          governed by law. Whether the minutest atoms that are examined
          under powerful glasses in the molecular world, that are
          scrutinized by the aid of the microscope, or whether we study the
          works of God in the vast unnumbered worlds that are rolling in
          the midst of the power of God, we find the same order. "All
          things are governed by law."
          If we study physiology or anatomy, we are led to exclaim with the
          Psalmist of old, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made,' and see a
          beautiful harmony in all the parts, and a most exquisite design.
          This is proven by an examination of the various parts of the
          human form. And every organ adapted to its special use, and for
          its special purpose, and combining a whole, a grand union--a
          little kingdom composed of many kingdoms, united and constituting
          the grand whole, the being we call man, but which in the language
          of these Scriptures was called Adam--male and female created he
          them, and called their name Adam, which in the original, in which
          these Scriptures were written by Moses, signifies "the first
          man." There was no effort at distinguishing between the one half
          and the other, and calling one man and the other woman. This was
          an after distinction, but the explanation of it is--one man, one
          being, and he called their name Adam. But he created them male
          and female, for they were one, and he says not unto the woman
          multiply, and to the man multiply, but he says unto them,
          multiply and reproduce your species, and replenish the earth. He
          speaks unto them as belonging together, as constituting one
          being, and as organized in his image and after his likeness. And
          the Apostle Paul, treating upon this subject in the same way,
          says that man was created in the likeness of God, and after the
          express image of his person. John, the Apostle, in writing the
          history of Jesus, speaks in the same way; that Jesus was in the
          likeness of his Father, and express image of his person. And if
          the revelations that God has made of himself to man, agree and
          harmonize upon this theory, and if mankind would be more
          believing, and accept the simple, plain, clear definition of
          Deity, and description of himself which he has given us, instead
          of hunting for some great mystery, and seeking to find out God
          where he is not and as he is not, we all might understand him.
          There is no great mystery about it; no more mystery about it than
          there is about ourselves, and our own relationship to our father
          and mother, and the relationship of our own children to us. That
          which we see before our eyes, and which we are experiencing from
          time to time, day to day, and year to year, is an exemplification
          of Deity.
          "What," says one, "do you mean we should understand that deity
          consists of man and woman?" Most certainly I do. If I believe
          anything that God has ever said about himself, and anything
          pertaining to the creation and organization of man upon the
          earth, I must believe that Deity consists of man and woman. Now
          this is simplifying it down to our understanding, and the great
          Christian world will be ready to open their mouths and cry,
          "Blasphemy! Sacrilege!" Open wide their eyes and wide their
          mouths in the utmost astonishment. What! God a man and woman? The
          Shakers say he was, and Ann Lee says, "Christ came in the form of
          a man in the first place, and now comes in the form of a woman,"
          and she was that form.
          Then these Christians--they say he has no form, neither body,
          parts nor passions. One party says he is a man, and the other
          says he is a woman. I say he is both. How do you know? I only
          repeat what he says of himself; that he created man in the image
          of God, male and female created he them, and he called their name
          Adam, which signifies in Hebrew, the first man. So that the
          beings we call Adam and Eve were the first man placed here on
          this earth, and their name was Adam, and they were the express
          image of God. Now, if anybody is disposed to say that the woman
          is in the likeness of God and that the man was not, and if vice
          versa, I say you are both wrong, or else God has not told us the
          truth. I sometimes illustrate this matter by taking up a pair of
          shears, if I have one, but then you all know they are composed of
          two halves, but they are necessarily parts, one of another, and
          to perform their work for each other, as designed, they belong
          together, and neither one of them is fitted for the
          accomplishment of their works alone. And for this reason says St.
          Paul, "the man is not without the woman, nor the woman without
          the man in the Lord." In other words, there can be no God except
          he is composed of the man and woman united, and there is not in
          all the eternities that exist, nor ever will be, a God in any
          other way. I have another description: There never was a God, and
          there never will be in all eternities, except they are made of
          these two component parts; a man and a woman; the male and the
          female. Some of those who are disposed to cavil will say, how
          will you explain the idea of a plurality in the female
          department? Here opens a subject involving philosophy and the
          philosophical propagation of our species, and it involves the
          great principles of virtue, and the laws that govern, or should
          govern through all eternity the commerce of the sexes; and the
          more they are scanned in the light of true philosophy and
          revelation, the more it will be proven that the superior wisdom
          of Jehovah has ordained that in the higher type of the Godhead,
          they are not limited in their union of the sexes; I refer to the
          female principle. On the other hand all the laws governing the
          commerce of the sexes, and the results flowing from them in the
          procreation of our species, show that the violation of the laws
          that God has ordained to govern and control the commerce of the
          sexes, produces disease, death and deterioration of the human
          family; deteriorates the vital power and physical strength and
          longevity, and tends to weaken, lessen and destroy the human
          race, instead of building up, and sustaining and strengthening;
          while on the other hand, the strictly confining of a woman to one
          husband, tends to all that is lovely, to family organization and
          government, and the classification of human beings in groups, in
          families and kingdoms, tends to increase the vital powers,
          endurance and long life; and in every sense accomplishes the
          great object of creation.
          There is a theory put forth by Mr. Darwin, and others, that is
          the school of modern philosophers, which is termed in late years,
          the theory of Evolution, that man in our present state upon the
          earth, is but the sequence and outgrowth of steady advancement
          from the lowest order of creation, till the present type of man,
          and that we have advanced step by step from the lowest order of
          creation till at last man has been formed upon the earth in our
          present sphere of action; in short, that our great-grandfathers
          were apes and monkeys. And how much satisfaction these
          philosophers have in the contemplation of their grandfather
          monkeys, we are left to conjecture; but such are the theories put
          forth by some of our modern philosophers. But we find nothing on
          the earth, or in the earth, nor under the earth, that indicates
          that any of these monkeys or apes, or any other orders of
          creation below man have ever accomplished any great exploits. So
          far as the history of this earth is known, whether written or
          unwritten, or whether written in volumes of books, whether
          engraven upon metallic plates, or whether found impressed in
          rocks, neither geologists, nor any other scientists have ever
          been able to show us any great exploits of any of these inferior
          grades of being to indicate that there was any such vitality in
          them, as to develop in their future progress, the present order
          of beings we call man. But if there is any truth in the history
          given us by Moses this being we call man, is only God in embryo.
          And Moses tells us that the Creator conversed with this man whom
          he called Adam, consisting of male and female. He conversed with
          them, showed himself to them, spoke with them at different times,
          gave them instructions, gave them his law, visited them
          repeatedly in their new home, in the place we call the Garden of
          Eden, the garden that the Lord planted for man--eastward in Eden.
          And after he was driven out from the face of his Creator, from
          the Garden, and the vail was drawn between him and his Creator,
          yet from time to time God was wont to draw aside that vail and
          show himself, and we not only find that Adam and Eve had frequent
          intercourse with their Creator and talked with him personally as
          we talk with our children and they with us; but we find many of
          Adam's descendants obtained like privileges of seeing their
          Creator, and speaking with him, receiving instructions from him.
          Enoch, the seventh from Adam, it was said walked with God, and
          enjoyed this privilege for three hundred years. From time to time
          the vail was drawn aside, and whenever he desired, and it was
          expedient to receive instructions and counsels from his father
          and Creator he enjoyed this privilege, and the Father came and
          showed himself to him and spoke with him. The same may be said of
          Noah and of Abraham, who conversed with him, and the Scriptures
          tell us, furthermore, that Abraham killed the fatted calf, and
          prepared savory meat for a meal, and set before him and he ate
          with him.
          Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, the
          Scriptures tell us; and she bare record of it, and there were
          many witnesses of this fact, and the record teaches us that he
          was begotten by the power of God, and not of man, and that she
          had no intercourse with mortal man in the flesh until after she
          gave birth to the Savior, who is called the Son of God. I will
          also say that Adam was called the Son of God.
          Matthew, in giving the genealogy of Jesus Christ, traces it back
          from his mother, through the lineage of the fathers, back to
          David, from David to Abraham, from Abraham to Noah, and Noah to
          Adam; when he gets back to Adam he says "Which was the Son of
          God." But Jesus was begotten by the power of and not by mortal in
          the flesh. And the New Testament tells us that God sent his angel
          to visit this beautiful Virgin Mary, and to make known unto her
          that she was chosen of the Lord to be the Mother of Jesus who
          should be the Savior of this people. And the messenger or the
          angel sent to her was designed to prepare her mind, her heart and
          her faith for this great work unto which the Lord had chosen her.
          And he said unto her, "The Holy Ghost shall come thee, and the
          power of the Highest shall overshadow thee, and therefore that
          Holy Thing that shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of
          God." this Jesus, therefore, partook of this divine nature; he
          partook also of the human, the mortal, through the mother. And
          because he had partaken of the human--the mortal through the
          mother, he became subject unto death, the same as all other
          mortal beings; for death passed upon our first parents, Adam and
          Eve, through their partaking of the fruits of the earth, their
          systems become infected by it, and the blood formed in their
          veins, and composed of the elements of the earth, which they
          partook, and these contain the seeds of dissolution and decay.
          And this blood, circulating in their veins, which was made up of
          the fruits of the earth--those things of which they partook--that
          formed their flesh, and made the deposits that constituted their
          muscle, and their bones, arteries and nerves, and every part of
          the body, became mortal and this circulating fluid in their
          systems produced friction which ultimately wore out the machinery
          of their organism, and brought it to decay, that it became no
          longer tenable for their spirits to inhabit, and death ensued;
          and this was the decree of the Father, "In the day you partake of
          this fruit, you shall die." But this death was the death of the
          mortal, and not the immortal. The dissolution of the mortal
          tabernacle, which was the outer covering of their spirit. As I
          said, man was created, male and female, and two principles are
          blended in one; and the man is not without the woman nor the
          woman without the man in the Lord; and there is no Lord, there is
          no God in which the two principles are not blended, nor can be;
          and we may never hope to attain unto the eternal power and the
          Godhead upon any other principle. Not only so, but this Godhead
          composing two parts, male and female, is also composed of two
          elements, spiritual and temporal. Or in other words, two
          organisms; the one capable of dwelling within the other. The
          spirit dwelling within the outer tabernacle, answering to the
          spirit what our clothing answers to this body, as a covering and
          shield and protection. The spirit is also an element. It is not
          an immaterial nothing as some imagine. We read about material and
          immaterial things, and such terms are used by men for the want of
          more suitable language to correctly represent ideas; but in truth
          there is no such thing as immaterial substance. Though we are
          told that God is an immaterial substance, and you read the
          philosophic descriptions of the Deity by some of these learned
          divines, and it is all simmered down to an immateriality or
          nothing at all. But there is no such thing as immaterial
          substance in the strict sense of the word; and immateriality when
          rigidly defined is another definition for nothing at all. But we
          use these terms only comparatively to compare one thing with
          another, and we say that one thing is material because we can
          touch it with these hands, and we can handle it with these mortal
          bodies, we can see it with these mortal eyes, and it is visible
          to the sight, touch and so on, and hence we call it material; and
          what is not visible to these natural eyes, and what these coarse
          hands cannot fell, we call that immaterial or intangible; but
          these are only comparative terms.
          If the veil were drawn aside, and we could see the spirits of
          those that once have lived here in the flesh, and that have
          passed behind the veil, or have been separated from their
          tabernacles, and now exist in the spirit world, if the vail was
          drawn aside and we could see them, if this second sight, this
          spiritual sight was enjoyed by us, that we could look through the
          eyes of our spirits instead of through the eyes of our earthly
          tabernacles, and could see these spirits and converse with them,
          we should find we could talk with them, and we would not talk
          through the organs of speech either. We could talk thorough other
          organs. This tabernacle may be upon the couch, the eyes closed,
          and all the sensibilities of the tabernacle suspended for the
          time being, and yet the organism of life may be kept up by the
          circulation of the blood, and the motion of the heart, the
          machinery of our organism may be kept in motion, and for the time
          being, kept from decay and dissolution, while the spirit is
          conversing with spirits. This some call a trance. In the
          scriptures, and other places it is called a vision. It is simply
          the spirit within us enjoying a higher privilege of conversing
          with spirits, seeing spiritual things and conversing with spirits
          or immortal beings; but they neither converse through these
          organs of speech, nor see through these natural eyes, but they
          see through the eyes of their spirit, and converse with the
          organs of speech that belong to the spirit, and if the spirits of
          men did not possess the faculties and power of communication, and
          conversing and carrying on conversation with each other before
          they came into this tabernacle they never would speak in this
          tabernacle. This is only an art; this art of speech--this power
          of sight--of hearing. Speech is not something peculiar to the
          tabernacle and belonging to this tabernacle. It belongs to the
          spirit, and the spirit teaches the tabernacle; and the spirit
          makes use of the tabernacle. When once it finds itself embodied
          in this tabernacle, it begins to use the fingers and hands of the
          tabernacle, and makes these its servants. The moment it is
          separated this tabernacle lies senseless. It has mouth and teeth
          and tongue and organs of speech, but it cannot use them. It has
          eyes, but it cannot see. It has ears but it cannot hear, and it
          has no power of using these organs. It cannot set itself in
          motion, it cannot keep itself in motion; it is the spirit that
          does all this. And when the spirit is separated from the
          tabernacle it still retains the power of seeing, hearing,
          feeling, tasting, smelling and conversing; but the tabernacle
          loses all these powers, the moment the spirit takes its
          Now what is this spirit? Is it an immaterial substance? No? As I
          said before, that is only another definition of nothing at all.
          It is a being precisely as we are seen here to-day; and if you
          ask, "How does brother Snow's spirit look when it is
          disembodied?'? Why, you just look at me now, and you can answer
          the question. How does the spirit of my wife look? Why, just look
          at her and see. And if we were both disembodied at the same
          instant, we should scarcely know that we were changed any more
          than we would if we both started out of the door at the same
          instant and found ourselves outside, looking at each other, and
          do not see very much difference between us than what there was
          when we were both inside the house. Whether inside or out of it,
          we are the same beings. Conversing together? Yes. Looking at each
          other? Yes. The same feature exactly. Our tabernacles are formed
          for our spirits, yes, expressly for our spirits. But why were
          they not all made alike? Why were they not all made just six feet
          high? and why were they not all, in every respect, all the same
          length; limbs, likeness, the same; the same length of an arm? You
          may just as well ask the tailor, "Why do you make different sized
          coats and pants?" And say to the milliner also, "Why do you make
          different sizes of dresses and other garments?" And their answer
          is, because I have so many different persons to fit, and I make
          the garment to fit the person. And that is the answer concerning
          the tabernacles. They are made to fit the spirits. I say,
          therefore, that God not only includes within himself the male and
          female principle, the same as man does, but it also includes the
          two elements which we call spirit and tabernacle, and these are
          only comparative terms to illustrate in a crude way the idea of
          the two principles, the spirit being of finer material,
          possessing greater intelligence, more fully developed, and
          organized for greater and more glorious works.
          Now touching the doctrine of mortality and immortality. Says one,
          "What is mortal and what is immortal?" These are only comparative
          terms, again; the same as we use temporal and eternal. Time means
          temporal--short lived. Immortal means that which reaches forward
          into eternity? And what is eternity? Why it is another term which
          we use--a comparative term to measure time, and we say time and
          eternity. And then the scriptures use other terms, eternities,
          and from eternity to eternity; while these are only so many
          definitions, of divisions of duration. But the scriptures tell us
          that time only is measured to man, that is to say, time as a term
          is used in reference to the short period belonging to mortality,
          while eternity is used in the measure of the time of the Gods,
          from one period to another, and the vastness of eternity none can
          comprehend. It is illustrated by Abraham, by the figure of a
          ring. He marks a round ring to give an illustration of his views
          of eternity. You may start anywhere on that ring and undertake to
          find the end, and you cannot, for it has none. You may have a
          starting point any place on the ring, but you cannot have any
          stopping place, and so the Scriptures in another place, more
          expressly use the term, that the course of God is an eternal
          round, and therefore it is called eternity. But this course of
          God being "One eternal round," is marvelous in our eyes, and who
          can comprehend it? But we see, yes, we see right before us
          to-day, his image, man--male and female.
          The first pair placed here was on a farm he had prepared for
          them; an earth he had organized for them, and where he gave them
          dominion as gods over it, as rulers over the earth and all things
          therein. Lucifer, who fell from heaven, when these evil spirits
          we read of rebelled against God the Father, and his angels that
          fell with him, set about the opposition of this earth and to
          wrest the dominion from Adam, and he has been trying it ever
          since, from the beginning till the present, to wrest the dominion
          of this earth from Adam and his posterity, and the only means by
          which he expects or hopes to accomplish it is, in short, to take
          possession of the tabernacles of Adam, which means a man and his
          wife--male and female, whom he called Adam, and rule the earth,
          and make the earth and the fullness thereof his servants. He has
          sought to do this, but he will not accomplish that evil design,
          for the Father has provided a way of thwarting him. The Savior
          will displace him. The name of Jesus has power over all these
          evil spirits, Lucifer and all the hosts of hell who are cast down
          to the earth, and have set up their abode in the tabernacles of
          men, and in many instances they have succeeded. They do not
          altogether get possession of the tabernacles of men, only in
          isolated cases. There are cases in which it seems that these
          spirits so far control the tabernacles of men as to find the
          natural spirit that owns these tabernacles and suspend the
          operations of their functions, and usurp the control of the
          functions of the body, and make these organs of speech speak the
          language of devils, and make these tabernacles perform the wicked
          works of the evil one; while the spirit that owns, and should
          control this tabernacle, is bound, as it were, hand and foot; and
          where these powers and functions are thus suspended in these
          isolated cases, we call them maniacs, because their natural
          powers are suspended, and they are under the dominion of devils.
          But others, and this embraces all of us, are more or less
          influenced by evil spirits, that prompt and lead to passions, and
          the lusts of the flesh; and to do many things in violation of the
          true laws of life and health, and of peace and glory and
          exaltation, and these evils to which we are prompted through the
          influence of these spirits are designed, little by little, to
          bring us into bondage, to sin and death, and to him who has the
          power of death, which is the devil.
          Now the term devil we use also as a term representing a power
          that is at the head of the rebellion against God our Father. A
          power that stands at the head of that organized rebellion. A
          power that governs all evil spirits. He is called in the
          Scriptures that old Serpent, the devil, and Satan, and Lucifer,
          and a variety of names. These are applied to him, and all
          representing the chief power over that organized rebellion, that
          governs and controls these evil spirits, and that power holds the
          power of death over mortality, and over man in the flesh. And why
          and how do they obtain that power? I have said by influencing the
          parents in the first place, and then by influencing their
          posterity after them, and violating the laws of their being, and
          thereby subjecting themselves to dissolution and death. The form
          of this organism does not necessarily imply dissolution and
          death. It is only the materials that enter into it that implies
          this, and that brings it about. The seeds of dissolution and
          decay are planted here, as I said, through the influence of this
          evil one leading us to violate the laws of our being, and which
          brings death in its train. The Father, in his economy, has
          foreseen this, and has provided a way of escape, provided a
          deliverance. He has provided the resurrection, a period when the
          spirits which are unclothed in death when the natural death
          comes, and which is the separation of the spirit from the
          tabernacle, when this natural death comes which unclothes this
          spirit and leaves it in its native state unclothed, he has
          appointed a time when it shall be clothed upon the second time,
          and then in immortality, with tabernacles incorruptible,
          undefiled, that fadeth not away. And this is the second clothing;
          this is immortal. This incorruptible is free from the coarser
          elements that enter into these mortal tabernacles, and free from
          these seeds of dissolution and decay, and those things that wear
          out, and destroy this tabernacle, that perish with their using.
          Herein then is life. We eat and drink and live, and yet that very
          eating and drinking destroys us. We partake of the fruits and
          elements of the earth, and that build up these mortal
          tabernacles, and when they have been built up to a certain stage,
          the very process by which we build them up destroys then again,
          and they perish with the using. They are worn out in the objects
          for which they are created. Just like our clothing, boots, and
          shoes, and hats, do they perish with their using. Not so with the
          immortal; the spirit is clothed upon with the immortal
          tabernacle. Is it like the mortal? Yes; and yet unlike, like so
          far as the form is concerned; the form and organism constituted
          to the spirit, and to the labor which has to be performed
          throughout eternity; but not composed of perishable materials.
          That immortal tabernacle, that incorruptible, will have no blood
          circulating in its veins. That is free from the gross elements of
          this earth, from the fruits of this earth, from the grains and
          vegetables of this earth.
          We have a sample of this immortal in our Lord Jesus Christ. He
          was raised from the dead after he had lain in the tomb for three
          days. We are told in the Scriptures that he was quickened by the
          power of the Father, who raised him from the dead; and he looked
          as he did when he perished, his features were the same. He showed
          himself to his disciples after his resurrection, on numerous
          occasions. First, he showed himself to Mary, near the tomb where
          he was raised. When Mary came to the tomb at early dawn, she saw
          two angels by the tomb, and they said unto her, "whom seek ye?"
          (of course they knew whom she sought, but they spoke to draw her
          out,) and she, supposing them to be the guards, in the grey dawn
          of the morning looked in the door of the tomb, and saw he was
          gone. There was the winding sheet, and the napkin that had been
          about his head neatly folded and laid down, but no Jesus was
          there, and in her disappointment and grief, she turned to go
          away, and saw two men which were supposed to be the guards, and
          said, "If you have borne him hence, tell me I pray you where you
          have lain him." They replied, "Jesus has risen; as he said unto
          you when he was living; go and tell his disciples that he is
          risen" and as she turned to go away Jesus was by her. She met
          him, saw that he looked just as he did when he died, and she
          recognized him instantly. And as she made the motion towards him,
          as if she would seize him by his feet and worship him; says he,
          "Touch me not, I have not yet ascended to my Father, I have just
          risen, I must go and report myself to my Father, and then I will
          come and visit you, but you cannot touch me yet. But go and tell
          my disciples I go before them into Galilee, as I promised them,
          and I will go to my Father." After a little he showed himself to
          his disciples. He appeared to two of them the same afternoon, as
          they were journeying out of the village, a few miles out of the
          city, talking and conversing with them by the way side, and
          discovered himself to them in the act of breaking bread. Then he
          departed from them. The next time he appeared unto eleven of the
          disciples as they were gathered together in a room, and
          instructed them. But Thomas called Didymus was not present, and
          when these told him that they had seen the Lord he could not
          believe it, he says, "I must not only see him myself before I
          believe, but I must feel the prints of his wounds, where the
          nails were driven through his hands and feet, thrust my hands in
          his side, and feel the hole that was made by the spear when the
          soldiers thrust it into his side, and drew out his heart's blood.
          Unless I can do this I will not believe." So the next time the
          disciples were together, and Thomas was with them, Jesus came
          into their midst and showed himself to them again, and the first
          thing he said was, "Thomas, come here, stick your fingers in the
          holes in my hands, thrust your hands into my side, feel the wound
          as it was made by the spear in my side, feel the print of the
          nails in my hands and feet, and doubt not but be believing." Not
          a word had been said, but Jesus heard his words, and knew the
          thoughts of his heart, and it took him unexpectedly. Now come,
          come said he, "Now apply the test you demand. Feel the print of
          the nails in my hands and feet, and thrust your hands into my
          side, and doubt not but be believing." Thomas saw that the
          thoughts of his heart were known and heard, and the words of his
          mouth were known and read, and he at once exclaimed, "Lord! It is
          enough. Well, says Jesus, "Thomas, you believe now that you have
          seen, but blessed are those who shall believe and have not seen."
          Now, the first time Jesus appeared to his disciples they thought
          it was a spirit that had appeared to them, and to show them that
          he had his tabernacle with him, he says, Bring me something to
          eat, and I will prove to you that there is something more than
          spirit in me, "What have you to eat?" And they answered, "we have
          got some fish here and some honey." "Bring me some fish and honey
          comb." And he took some of the fish and some honey and eat it
          before them. Now, says he, "be believing; the spirit has not
          flesh and bones as ye see me have."
          Here was an immortal being raised from the dead. In what did that
          tabernacle differ from the mortal tabernacle? Was there a change
          wrought upon it? Had it the same eyes in its sockets, same tongue
          in its head, same hands and feet, with the same holes made by
          driving the nails through them, the same hole made in its side by
          the spear that was run into it? Says he, "spirit has not flesh
          and bones as you see me have," and he used the same teeth, the
          same organs, and eat before them, and showed them that there was
          his tabernacle. Then wherein did he differ from the mortal
          tabernacle? I answer, the blood was spilled, and that the purpose
          of the Father might be accomplished, he caused the soldiers to
          run the spear into his vitals that they might draw out the last
          drop of his heart's blood. And when he was raised from the dead
          he was quickened by the spirit, by the spirit and power of the
          Father, and the life that was in him was not the life infused by
          the circulation of the blood, it was not that that kept the
          machinery of this organism in motion, it was the element called
          spirit. And this is the essential difference between the mortal
          and immortal.
          As I said, a union of two principles--the refined element that is
          organized into spirit, and the grosser element we call
          tabernacle, organized as an outer clothing, the two united and
          blended together, and the two principles, male and female,
          united. And for what purpose? Why, we see here, for the purpose
          of procreation; for the purpose of endless increase, and the
          building up, and enlarging, and extending the kingdoms and
          dominions of eternity. Else why are all these vast creations, the
          shining orbs, that indicate to feeble man on this lower earth the
          existence of these glorified worlds! Why all this if there were
          not the works of the Gods of eternity going on, and that
          continually? And the need and extent thereof, none can tell; and
          to use the language of Enoch, the seventh from Adam, said he, "If
          the particles of this earth were numbered, and millions of earths
          like this, it would scarcely be a beginning to the number of thy
          creations, and thy hand is over them all." And this is the object
          we worship. And, notwithstanding the Apostle Paul says, "There
          are Lords many and Gods many, yet" said he, "unto us there is but
          one God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," and that is
          enough for us. And we may say to every child, though there are
          fathers many and mothers many, but to you there is but one, and
          that is enough, that is enough for you. Honor your father and
          your mother, and let your father and mother honor their father
          and mother, and this is the chain of the Priesthood, and power
          let down from the eternities to man on the earth. And may God
          enable us to grow in this chain, and climb higher and higher,
          onward and upward, and work ourselves up to the eternal power and
          godhead. I repeat to you what the Apostle Paul said to the
          Ephesians, in his epistle to them; says he, "Brethren, let the
          same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, when he found
          himself in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal
          with him." But, says the narrow-minded bigot sectarian, What
          blasphemy? for man, in the form of God, to aspire to be equal
          with him! That is precisely the exhortation of St. Paul to his
          former-day Saints. Shall we continue in the estimation of Jesus
          for applying the same truth to us, or using the same exhortation
          that Paul did to his brethren? And St. Paul understood what he
          declared, and he wished to instil this same faith and feeling in
          numbers of his brethren, and cherish the same feeling, hope and
          aspiration, and labor and aspire to rise up and become one with
          God, because, says he, "You are his image, and you are his." Why?
          We may aspire to be equal with him, and that is not robbery. Yes,
          Jesus, who found himself in the form of God, though it not
          robbery to become equal with him. How can that be? I ask if any
          son robs his father if he grows up to become equal with him;
          attains to all the perfections of his father; attains to all
          knowledge, all wisdom, all understanding, all power, and performs
          as great works as his father performed? Did he rob his father of
          anything? Has his father lost anything because the son has
          attained to the same greatness, glory and perfection? No! The
          Scriptures tell us that God, in bestowing blessings, loses
          nothing. In giving it does not impoverish him, and in withholding
          it does not enrich him. He can impart light, truth, knowledge,
          power, wisdom, understanding, ability, lift up and exalt his
          creatures, and make them like unto himself, and instead of losing
          anything he is greatly enriching himself. He is enlarging and
          extending his dominions, he is multiplying his kingdoms, and his
          offsprings, over which he is extending his benign influence, and
          blessings, and glory, and honor, for ever and ever. Then, says
          the Apostle Paul, Why your narrow-mindedness, Let the same mind
          be in you that was in Christ, who, finding himself in the form of
          God, thought it not robbery to become equal with him, growing up
          unto Christ, our living head, and that is the object of the
          organization of the Priesthood on the earth, and the
          classification, and organization of the Church of Christ upon the
          earth. It is not to exclude and send down to damnation, to hell,
          everybody that does not subscribe to our ideas and beliefs in an
          instant, nor in a day, week, month, nor a year, nor in this short
          life time; but it is to gather out men and women, and locate and
          organize them, and classify them together, and instruct them, and
          lead them on and inspire them with faith, and build them up, and
          teach them the laws of life and health, and lift them up that
          they may exercise faith, and lay hold upon the promises of God
          and climb up upon this chain that is laid down from the Gods of
          eternity to their children on earth. Climbing by this chain till
          they are built up in Christ, our living head, and become one with
          Christ Jesus, for, says the Apostle Paul, We are heirs of God and
          joint heirs with Jesus Christ.
          Now, again, that same Paul says, in the same epistle to the
          Ephesians, that Christ set in his Church first Apostles, secondly
          Prophets, and thirdly Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, and
          gifts and healings. All these hath he placed in his Church for
          the perfecting of the Saints, and for the work of the ministry,
          and for the perfecting of his people, that they may grow up unto
          Christ, our living head, and all the parts being fitly joined
          together may become perfect in him. Here are the objects of this
          organization of this Priesthood, and the ordinances thereof, and
          the power of godliness, that is made manifest unto man in the
          flesh, and through it to urge them on, faster, further and
          further, until they shall attain to this fullness of eternal
          power and the Godhead. And that we may not lose sight of this
          high calling of God in Christ Jesus, which has come down unto us,
          and that we may not turn back to the beggarly elements of the
          world, but cast away the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of
          life, and all the vanities and follies of this mortal state, and
          learn to appreciate our true position, and our high and holy
          calling, and labor to perfect ourselves through the Gospel, and
          in obedience to his ordinances, till we shall become heirs of God
          and joint heirs with Christ, rising up to the eternal power and
          Godhead and the perfection that is in him, is my prayer, through
          Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Pratt, 1878
          Delivered at the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms, Salt Lake City,
                          Sunday Afternoon. --------, 1878.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                           CREATIONS--SPIRITUAL FACULTIES.
          These words are found in the 5th verse of the 1st Epistle of
          John: "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all."
          Inasmuch as God is represented to be a being full of truth, full
          of knowledge and intelligence, having almighty power, we would
          naturally suppose that he was also a God of light, that is full
          of the principle of light; and that there is nothing too deep for
          him to understand, or too great for his understanding to
          comprehend or reach. He being full of light, there can be no
          darkness in him. Indeed, he is spoken of by James as the "Father
          of lights." In other words, his offspring, his children, his sons
          and daughters, partake of a portion of that light which dwells in
          the Father; the same as our children, born unto us, partake, in
          some respects, of the light and intelligence which dwells in
          their parents. All creatures that we are acquainted with, that
          have life, and being, and power to move upon the earth, have a
          degree of light, a degree of understanding, and that light or
          understanding is meted out to them, according to the decree of
          heaven, and according to the condition in which they are placed,
          to fill the object of their creation.
          The Lord does not intrust a fullness of light to any of his
          creatures in this world, not even his own sons and daughters have
          this privilege, while in this mortal state of existence. It seems
          to be in accordance with the great purpose of Jehovah, to place
          his own children here in this creation and impart to them a very
          small degree of light and truth. They are required to improve
          upon this degree of light, adding thereunto understanding,
          knowledge and truth. Some, in reflecting upon this subject, might
          ask the questions, "if the Lord is an almighty being, possessing
          all power, and is full of intelligence, knowledge and truth, and
          if we are his children, why did he not impart unto us the
          fullness of this light in the beginning of our existence in this
          world? why should he give us little by little? why are we not
          born with an understanding of all things past, all things
          present, and all things to come?" To my mind these questions are
          easily answered. The Lord designed, in placing his children here
          upon this creation, that they should not only attain to great
          knowledge, and understanding, and wisdom, but that they should
          show themselves approved in every sphere in which they might be
          placed. Where little is given, but little will be required. And
          having determined in his own purpose and mind that they should be
          agents to themselves, he designed to try them in their agency,
          with a small degree of light and truth at first, to see how they
          would act in relation to the degree of intelligence given; in
          other words, to see whether they would make a good use of the
          same, exercising their agency in doing that which is right,
          cleaving to that which is good, and resisting evil of every kind.
          And then having been found worthy he would impart a greater
          degree of light, and impart to them greater knowledge concerning
          himself, and his purposes, and his ways, and the works of his
          hands. If we were created with a fullness of knowledge, it would
          be very difficult for us to conceive how it could be possible, to
          use this agency properly before the Lord. It is true we would be
          placed in possession of a vast amount of information concerning
          the past present and future, but being agents to ourselves we
          might, peradventure, use this knowledge in a manner to do great
          injury. Therefore the Lord determined that we should only be
          intrusted with a little information, and with an agency to use it
          according to his mind and will.
          We are the sons and daughters of God, just as much so as the
          children, present this afternoon, are the sons and daughters of
          their parents, and in the same light, that we are the children of
          our earthly parents, so are the children of men the offspring of
          the Almighty. He is our Father in the full sense of the word, and
          we were begotten by him, and born to him, not in this probation,
          but in the world prior to the existence of this one--in our
          former or first estate. There we were born, there we were
          begotten, there we received a spiritual existence in the image of
          God, we were then without flesh, without bones, without the
          organization we now are in possession of. When I speak of a
          spiritual existence, do not misunderstand me, I do not mean the
          kind of existence spoken of in the writings of many theologians
          in which the spirits of men are represented as occupying no
          space, and as having no relation to duration or time. Such an
          existence is inconceivable; it is absurd in its very nature, to
          suppose that there can be any existence, either in an immortal
          form, or in the present form of body and spirit, as persons
          occupying no space; it is one of the greatest absurdities ever
          invented by intelligent beings. Yet this is incorporated in the
          articles of faith of some of the Christian societies and
          especially in their theological writings. They try to make
          spiritual existence as mysterious as they possibly can, and often
          declare our Father and God to be a person, and yet, according to
          their articles of faith, he is said to be without body, parts or
          passions, as though we could comprehend the existence of
          something without a body or parts.
          Some of you, my hearers, may be surprised, especially the rising
          generation growing up in these valleys, when I tell you that
          there are millions of Christians (so called), who believe that
          God occupies no space, that is, as a body, and yet is a person.
          You read the 39 Articles of the Methodists, which are more or
          less copied from those of the Church of England. In the Methodist
          discipline it reads: We believe in one God, consisting of three
          persons, without body, without parts, without passions.
          In reading these things when a boy, and not having reflected
          much, I thought, of course, it was one of the mysteries which we
          were not permitted to understand. I did not then perceive the
          absurdity of the idea, incorporated as one of the articles of
          faith of a great and numerous religious body. But after I grew up
          to manhood, and reflected upon these things, and began to try to
          grasp in my mind and comprehend, in some measure, a being
          consisting of two other beings beside himself, and yet having no
          body, I could not do it. It was a contradiction in my mind,
          something that did not look consistent; and especially when they,
          in order to make the thing so plain, in their estimation, that
          nobody might misunderstand them, declare that he has no parts.
          Consequently he does not occupy any portion of finite or infinite
          space. However minutely we may divide a cubic inch of space,
          though separated into millions of parts, yet every one of these
          minute portions are parts of the cubic inch; and when you speak
          about that which has no parts, then you come to the
          representation of nothing; then you come to the modern Christian
          God, as represented in their discipline, and in their articles of
          faith. I have ofttimes wondered how it is, that there are so many
          who believe in these absurd ideas; men of intelligence, men that
          would scorn to believe such principles connected with natural
          philosophy, and with the sciences of the day, yet so mistaken in
          their minds, and so infatuated by false religious, as to conceive
          of the existence of a being that has no parts.
          Now let me say something about that being, the subject of our
          text. "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." Does he
          exist as a person? Yes. Has he a Son called his Only Begotten?
          Yes. Did his Son have a body? Yes. We have, this afternoon been
          celebrating the Lord's Supper, and commemorating his broken body,
          that was crucified for us. Had he parts? Yes, and those parts
          occupied space just the same as all the children of men? Yes. Was
          he about the common height of men? Yes. Had he dimensions? Yes, a
          body and parts. And yet we are really told that God consists of
          three persons without body or parts. Is Jesus one of these three
          persons? They will tell you so, and that these three have one
          body. How did the Jews crucify him when he had nothing to
          crucify? Please do not blame me for speaking of these
          absurdities. But what says the Scriptures in regard to these
          matters. Paul, in speaking of Jesus, says, he was "the brightness
          of his (Father's) glory, and the express image of his person."
          The martyr Stephen, in his last dying testimony said, "Behold, I
          see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right
          hand of God." How many persons did Stephen see? Two; and the Son
          was standing on the right hand of the Father. Then we have
          testimony to show that the Father has a right hand, and it would,
          therefore, be fair to infer that he has a left hand also. But let
          me refer you back to a very early period just before, and
          immediately after man first appeared on our earth; among other
          things that are said of him, you will find these words: "And God
          said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." And then
          it says, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of
          God created he him." Hence, whenever we have had any account
          given us of heavenly beings appearing to man on the earth, they
          have always come in the form of man. For instance, the Lord and
          two other heavenly personages appeared to Abraham, who besought
          them to tarry until something could be prepared for them to eat;
          and we are told that "a calf, tender and good," was killed and
          dressed, and cakes also were prepared, which, together with
          butter and milk, constituted the meal, and that they did eat. Can
          you conceive of a more ridiculous idea than for a person without
          body or parts to sit down to a meal and eat? You may say, these
          were angels; but you will find by reading the whole of this
          chapter that I have quoted from, namely: the 8th of Genesis, that
          after the repast, they proceeded on their way towards Sodom,
          accompanied by Abraham, and that two of the persons went ahead
          leaving the Lord himself in conversation with Abraham, both of
          them in the same human form.
          Again, we are informed that seventy of the Elders of Israel, at a
          certain time, went up into Mount Sinai, where "they saw the God
          of Israel;" and they describe his person, and also the appearance
          of the ground upon which he stood. Jacob also tells us that he
          saw God face to face; and we have many declarations made by many
          of the ancient Prophets to the effect that they saw him. Isaiah
          speaks of having seen him, and says that his train filled the
          Temple; he was accompanied by a numerous host of heavenly beings.
          In all of the references, the Lord appears as a man, they saw him
          as a man, and those who saw him describe him as a man, as having
          a head, eyes, ears, mouth, etc., in common with the human family,
          his children. The difference, however, between man and God does,
          not consist so much in the personal form, as in the vast,
          immeasurable amount of knowledge and information in possession of
          the Father, while we, his offspring, have but little, a very
          limited amount, comparatively the same as our little children:
          they have power to move their limbs, and that information
          apparently is all that they have; their minds are much limited,
          indeed, and they have to learn by actual experience. They at
          first learn something that concerns them; they have to learn the
          nature of their sight, and that is not correct at first, but by
          experience they learn to compare things, and also find the
          distances of things. For instance, a little child taken to the
          door and seeing the moon shining in the heavens, puts forth its
          little hand to reach that luminary; it does not know the distance
          of objects, until it learns by experience. And hence it seems we
          have been placed in the first conditions of knowledge, and we
          have to cultivate this knowledge by degrees--from one degree to
          another, until we arrive to manhood and womanhood; and some
          continue to cultivate knowledge and information until they become
          old and gray-headed. But some learn much faster than others, from
          either natural advantages, or those of method. But there is a
          certain school far superior to any schools established among men.
          It is this. The Lord has taught us that if we, his children, will
          only repent of our sins--when I speak of repentance, I mean a
          reformation, a putting away of sin; when we do this with all our
          hearts, and are immersed in water for remission of our sins, we
          have the promise that the Holy Ghost shall be given to us. This
          is a blessing that the natural man is not acquainted with; but
          when he become a spiritual man, so far as learning is concerned,
          he comes in possession of a power he never knew before to any
          great extent; in other words, he is baptized with the Holy Ghost.
          What does this do for the education of the children of men? Far
          more than our academies do. Our children have, by hard study,
          year after year, to acquire their learning in these human
          institutions; hard thinking is necessary, reasoning, gaining
          little by little, and it frequently requires many years of close
          application to become what is termed a learned man--a man that
          understands the sciences, that has worked his way through the
          various departments of mathematics, and perhaps geology, and
          mineralogy, and all the sciences, such as are usually taught in
          universities. But the man filled with the Holy Ghost has got the
          advantage of students who graduate at our universities. Why?
          Because he can learn more in ten minutes, in regard to many
          things, than another, not so favored, can in all his life.
          Indeed, he can learn some things by the operations of the Holy
          Ghost, which no natural man or woman could learn, however gifted
          they may be. You may inquire where they could learn these things?
          I answer, by the revelations of the Holy Ghost, which brings to
          light many things that are past, and shows things that are in the
          future. The Lord is just as able to show one of his pupils, who
          will take the necessary steps to be taught, what will take place
          a year, or ten years, or a hundred, or a thousand or more years
          hence, as the principals in our universities are to teach persons
          concerning things present. God is not confined to the present, or
          to things immediately concerning his pupils, or those who may
          enter into the university he has prepared, but he opens the past
          and future to the minds of men, just as Jesus promised his
          disciples, when he was about to leave them. "Howbeit when he, the
          Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; and
          he will show you things to come."
          Supposing then that the children of God, who are counted worthy
          to be in possession of the Holy Spirit, should comply with all
          his commandments, and become revelators, and supposing they
          should inquire about the condition and formation of the earth,
          when the Lord rolled it into existence, also about the changes
          that have come upon it, how easy it would be for the Lord to show
          them, in a moment, almost in the twinkling of an eye, all about
          it, giving the whole history of its condition, before and when it
          was first formed. Geologists may study, year after year, all the
          best works they can obtain, concerning the geological phenomena
          of our globe; they may speculate and say, the earth is several
          millions of years old, founding their speculations upon
          geological appearances; they may say, that it must have passed
          through successive changes for millions of years. But after all,
          what do they really know? They may have a very imperfect idea in
          relation to the surface of the earth; but they do not know
          anything about the depths, underneath this superficial
          stratum--the great interior; they have only a faint idea of
          certain very limited localities--a few surface scratches, and
          almost infinitesimal in thickness. From these uncertain data they
          have drawn their conclusions concerning the age of the earth.
          Supposing persons, under the influence of the Spirit of the
          living God, should behold how many of these changes have been
          brought about, and how great revolutions have taken place, since
          the earth was last organized out of pre-existent and eternal
          materials; supposing they should behold the solid earth gradually
          emerging from its watery envelope, and becoming one land, the
          waters gathered together into one place--not into two places, not
          into different oceans, seas and lakes, but into one place,
          leaving the dry land in one place. Supposing they should still
          further see by the power of the Holy Ghost, this dry land, after
          a few thousand years, separate into great continents, not by long
          gradual phenomena, in the nature of geological periods, but by
          the immediate power of the great Creator; supposing again, that
          the ocean should change from its location, and land, in many
          places, should be brought to light. Supposing again, that they
          should behold in vision, mountains sink, forming deep valleys,
          and valleys rise up, forming high mountains. Supposing again,
          that they were to see many parts of these continents sink, and
          lakes appear in the sunken portions; and supposing too, they were
          to behold great and important changes, at different times,
          wrought upon the dry land, and upon the parts called ocean,
          changing places by degrees. 
          Now, a geologist would say that all these things, and all these
          revolutions were brought about by gradual and slow changes;
          whereas the man of God, being taught by the Holy Ghost, would say
          that these things were accomplished in a comparatively short
          period of time. Which of the two would be most correct, the man
          who speculates from the little he can find out from the surface
          examination of our little globe, or the man who, by the power of
          the living God, penetrates in vision, into the depths of the
          earth, and also beholds those various revolutions which have
          taken place upon the surface of the earth?
          Then again, when it comes to astronomical phenomena, we are
          taught that there are very slow climatic changes taking place,
          which occupy very long periods, during which, the northern and
          southern hemispheres of our globe, are alternately affected with
          extremes of heat and cold. It is true, there are causes of an
          astronomical character, which, if permitted to act through
          immense periods, would necessarily produce alternate extremes of
          temperature in the two polar hemispheres. It is also true, that
          differences of temperature in the two hemispheres, would
          necessarily diminish the polar ice in one, and increase it in the
          other; thus there would necessarily result a continued change of
          sea level--a change in the earth's center of gravity--a rising of
          the ocean in the colder hemisphere, a corresponding retirement of
          the ocean in the warmer, giving rise to glacial and inter-glacial
          periods of great length.
          But all these great phenomena could also be brought about, in a
          few thousand years, by simply and alternately changing the angle
          between the planes of the earth's orbit and the equator. He who
          formed the universe holds the regulating key in his own hand. By
          his almighty power it was organized; by his law it is governed;
          by his good will and pleasure it passes through great changes; by
          his decree it will pass away and be renewed. Which gives the post
          information, that which comes from God, direct by the power of
          his Spirit--revelation from heaven,--or that which comes from
          mere speculation, based upon some uncertain data, that may be
          correct, and that may not be correct? I would say, give me the
          privilege of being taught from on high, give me the privilege of
          being taught by that being who knows and comprehends everything
          pertaining to this creation, and knows the changes that it has
          undergone, and how long the earth has continued in its present
          condition, or nearly in its present condition.
          We infer from this good book, called King James' translation of
          the Bible, that a few thousand years ago the earth was formed.
          And many have supposed that it was then formed out of nothing. I
          need hardly say to this congregation, that no such nonsense can
          be found in the Scriptures; but in the creeds of men, may be
          found this idea set forth, that God created all things from
          nothing. Now, how do the founders of these creeds, as well as
          those who believe in them, know that he did such a thing? Have
          they any revelation, from the first chapter of Genesis to the end
          of the revelations of St. John, which states or intimates that
          the Lord made the earth out of nothing? Not one. This is the
          addition of man; this is a tradition formed by uninspired
          articles of faith and discipline to govern people in their
          religious ideas; whereas the word of God says nothing of the
          kind. The materials out of which this earth was formed, are just
          as eternal as the materials of the glorious personage of the Lord
          himself. Now, he consists of a body and parts, and not only of
          parts but passions. He has the passion of love, so much so that
          he is called a God of love: hence this nonsense about God having
          no parts nor passions is among the inventions of human wisdom.
          This being, when he formed the earth, did not form it out of
          something that had no existence, but he formed it out of
          materials that had an existence from all eternity: they never had
          a beginning, neither will one particle of substance now in
          existence ever have an end. There are just as many particles now
          as there were at any previous period of duration, and will be
          while eternity lasts. Substance had no beginning; to say that
          laws had no beginning would be another thing; some laws might
          have been eternal, while others might have had a lawgiver. But
          the earth was formed out of eternal materials, and it was made to
          be inhabited and God peopled it with creatures of his own
          There have been many people in this world so limited in their
          information and knowledge, in consequence of tradition and false
          creeds, and catechisms, that they really believe that our earth
          is the only creation that exists on which inhabitants dwell, that
          the stars were made to shine for the benefit of our earth, that
          the sun and moon were made especially for us, and that the earth
          is the great central standard, and that all things were made for
          its benefit. But I am happy to say, that these ideas are fast
          getting out of date, and that people are beginning to learn that
          God is not so limited in his power as to confine himself to a
          creation so little and insignificant as that of our earth. There
          is an infinitude of space, boundless in every direction. In other
          words, when I say boundless, I mean that it is impossible for us
          to limit any bounds to that space. Has this space materials
          existing in it? Yes. (So far as our telescopes are able to
          penetrate, and some of them go very far indeed.) You take Lord
          Ross' six foot reflector, and point it towards yonder heavens,
          and you find new systems, new universes, as it were, revealed.
          What are these worlds? They are mighty globes. To say they are
          like our globe would not be correct; for if they were only little
          specks like our little earth, they could not be seen. But they
          are mighty suns, like our sun in yonder firmament. Our sun is
          over twelve hundred thousand times larger than our earth; and
          those distant bodies that are seen--some of them by the naked
          eye, and others by the aid of powerful glasses, are worlds of
          great magnitude. For what purposes were all these mighty worlds
          framed? What object had the Lord in view in their creation? Was
          it to satisfied a few individuals that should dwell upon this
          little earth that the Lord made them to twinkle in yonder
          heavens, to shine by night? Was that the main object that he had
          in view? No; he had a greater and more glorious object than that.
          He has created worlds without number, that is they cannot be
          numbered by us; millions on millions have been discovered by the
          aid of glasses, but those are only a beginning of the immensity
          of the worlds in existence; and he has made them to be inhabited
          by his own offspring, or own children, his own sons and
          daughters, intelligent beings designed to be brought up and
          eventually to be made like him. You know our children become like
          their parents in many respects; and you know, too, that it is the
          hope of all parents that their children, if they live, and are
          properly educated and trained, will grow up to be good men and
          women, and that they will possess the same intelligence, if not
          more, than their parents. And we also see other kinds of beings
          brought forth in the likeness of their parents; the lion begets a
          lion, not a lamb; and so with every species of beings that exist,
          each begets his own likeness. And why not we, the masterpiece of
          the creations of our Father, grow up unto all that fullness of
          eternal knowledge and truth which he himself possesses. If he is
          full of light, and in him there is no darkness at all, why not
          his children, if they be educated and taught properly, and prove
          themselves acceptable and worthy before him, be brought up, in
          due time, and be made like him, on the same principle that all
          other things beget their like. It is true, we are now fallen
          beings, we have departed from our Father, we have transgressed
          his holy laws, we have been thrown into unhappy circumstances, in
          consequence of the transgression of our first parents, in the
          Garden of Eden, and hence, darkness reigns over this little
          creation, and has taken possession of mankind; but as they were
          immortal when placed in the garden, and death had no power over
          them, so must their offspring (if they were permitted to have
          any) have been immortal and not subject to death. But by the
          fall, death came; by sin and transgression men became subject to
          death, and consequently this world of our became a fallen world.
          Our first parents were in the immediate presence of God, their
          Father; they could behold him and converse with him face to face,
          before the transgression. But how changed everything became! they
          were not only cast out of the garden, but out of the presence of
          their Creator and God; cast out from the presence of celestial
          beings--cast out into a world of darkness, there to learn by sad
          experience many lessons, which we, perhaps, never could have
          learned, had we still continued to dwell in our former condition.
          Now this, no doubt, has been done in wisdom. When we occupied our
          first estate, dwelling in the presence of the Father, before this
          world was created, we were without bodies of flesh and bones, but
          possessing parts and passions then as much as we do now; we were
          there as intelligent spirits, in our present form and shape, but
          although we had no bodies of flesh and bones, that spiritual
          substance of which our spirits were formed had a form, and that
          form was after the likeness and image of God, the Father. But if
          we had continued to dwell there for innumerable millions of
          years, we never could have learned, in that state of existence,
          many things that we are being taught in this fallen world. We
          might have seen other worlds formed: we might have had some idea,
          perhaps, of their condition and of their misery and wretchedness,
          and we might have had some idea of the awful calamities that
          happened to the bodies of other fallen creations; but then there
          are many things that intelligent beings cannot learn without
          experiencing the same. For instance, we can learn a great many
          things by our reflective powers, without the aid of natural
          senses; we might, by reason alone, find out some obtuse problems
          of mathematics; we might, by reason, too, comprehend more or less
          of the revolutions and mechanism of our celestial system; we
          might, by a pure process of reason, find out all the principles
          of geometry, and the differential and integral calculus and many
          other principles of mathematics. But there are some things we
          might never find out by the process of reason. For instance:
          suppose we were created in the celestial world without a
          knowledge of that which we term pain, could we learn to sense it
          by seeing others suffer? No, no more than a person born in a
          dungeon and kept there until he reached the years of manhood,
          without the least gleam of light, could, while in that condition,
          be instructed about the principle of light. Why could he not be
          instructed? Because it is something he never has experienced. You
          tell him that light produces beautiful colors, such as red, blue,
          green, etc., what would he know about these colors? Nothing at
          all; his experience has not been called to grasp them; such a
          thing as a ray of light never penetrated his dungeon. But when he
          is permitted to experience the nature of light, when he sees the
          various colors, he then learns something which he never could
          reason out. So with regard to ourselves. We, in our first state
          of existence, never having seen misery among any of the immortal
          beings, and never experiencing it in our spiritual personages,
          how could we know anything about it? I do not think we could
          possibly comprehend the nature of it. We could not reason out the
          difference between happiness and misery. Why? For the want of
          experience. It was for this reason that God the Father caused the
          tree bearing forbidden fruit to be placed in the garden. This
          tree was not placed beyond Adam's reach, but it was found in a
          conspicuous place--in the midst of the garden, so that man, by
          his agency, might bring upon himself his own misery, and by that
          means he would be able to distinguish between happiness and
          misery. The Lord prepared everything, and he made special
          reference to the tree of knowledge of good and evil, forbidding
          Adam to eat of it, saying that in the day he eat the fruit of
          that tree he should surely die. But then, what did Adam know
          about death? Such a penalty could not be understood by him; the
          only way possible for him to conceive of it was through vision,
          and the probability is he did not know anything about it. But he
          was his own agent, and he exercised that agency by putting forth
          his hand and partaking of the fruit: both he and his wife eat the
          fruit, and thus transgressed the law of God. Then the earth
          became fallen, and all the inhabitants thereof have inherited the
          effects of the fall, through these two fallen beings. Death is
          not something we bring upon ourselves, but we are sure to die
          because our first parents rendered themselves mortal; before that
          they were immortal. They made themselves mortal by partaking of
          the forbidden fruit, transgressing the law of heaven and we are
          the inheritors of these calamities and these penalties, the same
          as children are susceptible of parental diseases, and frequently
          inherit, for many generations, evils that their forefathers were
          in possession of. We learn quite an experience here: we learn
          what it is to be miserable, we learn what it is to be unhappy,
          and we can now contrast misery with happiness; and we can say in
          our hearts, if I could only get rid of sickness, and pain, and
          sorrow, the effects of this death, how I could appreciate it! We
          often give expression to such feelings, when we are deeply
          afflicted. The Lord intends to free us, if we keep his
          commandments, after having suffered sufficiently long through
          this state of sickness and feebleness, this state of suffering
          and sorrow, which we have endured for so many years. He intends
          to bring us forth triumphant over the grave, bring up our bodies
          from the tomb, restoring our spirits to immortal bodies, as Adam
          was in the Garden of Eden, and make us immortal and eternal in
          our nature. Then we shall know, by experience, how to appreciate
          as well as distinguish between happiness and misery, and be as
          the gods, knowing good and evil. Is this lesson necessary? Yes,
          suppose the Lord were to appoint to you a kingdom; suppose he
          were to say to you, "Son, yonder are materials which you may
          organize by my power into a world; and you may place upon it your
          own offspring, as I did my offspring upon the world upon which
          you dwelt." What kind of person would you be if you had no
          experience? What? Go and create a world, and then people that
          world with your own offspring, and not know the difference
          between good and evil, between sickness and health, between pain
          and happiness, having no knowledge of these by experience. I
          think that such a one would not be fit to be entrusted with a
          world that was to undergo and pass through the same ordeals that
          our creation is now experiencing.
          As Latter-day Saints, we look forward to the future with a great
          deal of pleasing satisfaction, when we shall come forth from the
          grave, and our vile bodies be changed and fashioned after His
          most glorious body; and this is what the Scriptures set forth and
          testify of. Hence, when the materials of our body shall come
          together again to be reorganized, our bodies will be a little
          different to what they are now. Blood will not then flow in the
          arteries and veins of the immortal male and female; for blood
          leads to death--leads to change; but instead of blood will flow
          the pure Spirit of the living God. This is referred to in the
          37th chapter of the prophecy of Ezekiel, as follows:
          "The hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the
          Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley
          which was full of bones and caused me to pass by them round
          about; and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and,
          lo, they were very dry. And he said unto me, Son of man, can
          these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest. Again
          he said unto me, prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O
          ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God
          unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you,
          and ye shall live. "And I will lay sinews upon you, and will
          bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath
          in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
          "So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there
          was a voice, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together,
          bone to his bone.
          ""And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon
          them, and the skin covered them above: and there was no breath in
          "Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of
          man, and say unto the wind, Thus saith the Lord God: come from
          the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they
          may live.
          "So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into
          them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, and exceeding
          great army." That was a vision of the resurrection. The
          interpretation is given in the following verse. The children of
          Israel at that time disbelieved more or less in the resurrection,
          which was taught by their Prophets; and they began to say in
          their hearts, "Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are
          cut off for our parts."
          "Therefore, (says the Lord) prophesy and say unto them, Thus
          saith the Lord God: Behold, O my people, I will open your graves,
          and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into
          the land of Israel." When the Lord brings up the children of
          Israel out of their graves, he will do it just as Ezekiel saw it
          in vision. The materials that form the bones will come together:
          first, the anatomy or framework, the most part of the system;
          then the flesh, afterwards the skin, and then the Spirit of the
          living God will enter into them, and they will live as immortal
          beings, no more to be subject to death. And when they leave,
          instead of going away off to a heaven inconceivable, such as we
          find in the articles and creeds of men--a "heaven beyond the
          bounds of time and space," a place supposed to be beyond
          infinity, they will actually come here and be brought to the land
          of Israel, as immortal beings, male and female. They will have
          kings and priests among them, and they will reign on the earth.
          And if you want to know how long, you can learn it from the
          revelation which John had. He says, "a thousand years." But that
          "the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years
          were finished." After the thousand years here referred to, this
          earth will die; it will pass through a change similar to that or
          our bodies; it will pass away, as an organized world, but not a
          particle, however, will be destroyed or annihilated; it will all
          exist, and when it is resurrected again, it will be a new earth.
          Then those immortal beings who come up out of their graves, at
          the beginning of the thousand years, will again descend from
          heaven upon the new earth; and the earth will be eternal; and the
          beings that inhabit it will be eternal. And the earth will at
          that time have no more need of the light of a luminary like our
          sun, or any artificial light, for it will be a globe of light;
          for when God makes this earth immortal, he will make it glorious
          like the inhabitants that will be permitted to live upon it. They
          will become immortal, and be crowned with crowns of glory, light
          will radiate from their personages and countenances; so will the
          earth radiate its light, and shine forth in celestial splendor. I
          will not say as the splendor of our sun, for it is not a
          celestial body. Although the light of the sun is very glorious,
          it will not begin to compare with that of this earth, when it
          becomes celestial and eternal and is lightened by the presence of
          God the Father. It is doubtful whether the children of mortality
          on other worlds, will ever behold the light of this earth, after
          it is made eternal, unless they happen to catch a glimpse of it
          by vision. God dwells in a world of light too glorious for mortal
          eyes to behold, unless aided by the Spirit of the living God.
          Let me say a few words on these different worlds of which I have
          spoken. They are stretched out in the immensity of space, are
          infinite in every direction, and they are inhabited. I doubt very
          much, whether any of these worlds are celestial. I do not think
          we could behold them, unless by vision, if they were celestial.
          They are worlds in various stages of progression, some more
          glorious than others, inhabited by beings prepared to dwell upon
          them, beings who are the sons and daughters of God, or the sons
          and daughters of his children. If God is our Father, and we
          become like him, we may have our attributes greatly enlarged,
          sufficiently to prepare us to occupy a greater sphere of
          existence, to become rulers and creators under the command of
          God, being one with him, as the Father and the Son are one, to
          carry out his law and eternal purposes. Not only are present
          worlds existing, but worlds without number have existed from all
          ages of eternity, in their various stages of progress from the
          infinite duration of the past, and are peopled by the children of
          God--his own offspring, or the offspring of those who have become
          Gods. Besides, these worlds will exist for ever, and there still
          remains no end, as it were, to the materials which will yet be
          organized into worlds, for the materials are infinite in
          quantity; they cannot be exhausted. And do these worlds
          communicate one with another? Why not; is the Lord limited in the
          process of communication? We find that man, poor, weak, fallen
          man, is now able to communicate from one end of the world, on
          which we live, to the other; and why not immortal beings
          communicate from world to world. If they were limited, then they
          would partake more of the nature of mortality. But they are not
          limited in their communications. There is a faculty in mankind
          which, when lighted up by the Spirit of God, can not only pierce
          in vision through millions of miles of space, but can also hear
          through millions of miles of space. Indeed, the progress of man,
          in this the nineteenth century, shows to us, in a very forcible
          manner, what may be hereafter in our more perfect state. What a
          wonderful thing it was to the whole world, a few years since, to
          communicate their thoughts, by the means of electric wires,
          sending them from city to city, from state to state, and then
          across the great ocean to foreign countries, and that too almost
          momentarily! If people had been told some fifty years ago that
          such wonderful developments would take place, in so short a time,
          they would have laughed at and even derided the idea; but now it
          is an accomplished fact. Who, some two years ago, would have
          supposed that the senses of the ear could have been awakened by
          sounds transmitted some hundreds of miles distant? And yet this
          is now done by the aid of the telephone; and although the
          discovery is yet only in its infancy, the human voice is heard
          distinctly, and readily recognized at that distance.
          Now, supposing we were immortal beings, and we stood upon one
          celestial world, away in a distant part of space, and others
          dwelling upon another celestial world innumerable miles distant
          from us, there may be a process by which we could communicate one
          to another, and ideas be exchanged, from world to world, without
          adopting the slow progress of communication by light or
          electricity. Well, says one, "I thought that light was
          transmitted more rapidly than anything that we could conceive
          of." Light proceeds from one luminary to another, at the rate of
          185,000 miles per second. Can anything be swifter than this? Do
          you suppose the Lord would reveal all his resources to us? I
          think not; I believe that when the children of men become
          immortal and eternal, their privileges will be enlarged; and
          those powers of nature, and laws of which we have such a limited
          understanding, will become greatly multiplied and enlarged. There
          may be a process of communication by means of celestial, heavenly
          light, that will far outstrip the natural light which proceeds
          from yonder luminaries in our heavens. It may be that this
          natural light travels very slowly, compared with the light that
          proceeds forth from celestial worlds, wherever they may be
          situated. Then again, if immortal beings on celestial worlds can
          hear, and see, and communicate with each other, would it not be
          just as pleasant as though they were associated together in the
          same room? What difference can it make, seeing that distance is
          no impediment to them? This is the destiny of these worlds that
          twinkle in the firmament of heaven; they will finally arrive at
          that state of perfected existence, unless they forfeit their
          privileges through transgression; all that do not forfeit these
          privileges will be exalted to them; and they will be sanctified;
          they will be full of light, like unto the sea of glass, that John
          the Revelator saw, upon which the redeemed were permitted to
          dwell, whom he saw and heard, singing the songs of Moses and the
          Lamb. What a happy state and condition, not only to study these
          things pertaining to this little world we inhabit, but to extend
          our researches to our neighboring worlds, learning the laws,
          institutions, and governments of the peoples that inhabit them,
          also their history, and everything pertaining to them, and then
          extend our researches still further. Let me here quote from one
          of the revelations given anciently to Enoch, and revealed anew,
          in these latter days to Joseph Smith. Enoch, we learn, was
          favored with a great and glorious vision; he saw the different
          worlds, and saw the Lord and other glorious personages who were
          weeping over the fallen sons and daughters of this world. This
          astonished Enoch; he was astonished beyond measure, to think that
          there should be so many worlds in existence, and all passing
          through certain changes and degrees of changes, and yet the Lord
          should weep over the fallen sons and daughters of this little
          planet. So he inquired about it, asking how it was that the
          heavens wept and shed forth their tears like rain upon the
          mountains; saying, Thou art holy from all eternity to all
          eternity; and were it possible for man to number the particles of
          this earth and a million of earths like it, it would not be a
          beginning to the number of thy creations, and yet thou art there
          and thy bosom is there, how is it that thou canst weep! It was
          marvelous to him, why the Lord should weep over so small a
          creation, when there were so many others. The Lord then told him
          concerning the wickedness of the people who existed before the
          flood; he told him of their abominations and sinful practices.
          And then he further tells him, that his eyes could pierce all the
          creations which he had made, showing how powerful are the eyes of
          the great Jehovah, that he can behold all these creations;
          however numerous, and can behold all that transpires upon them.
          There is one thing connected with this same revelation, to which
          I wish also to call your attention; it is in regard to the fallen
          condition of many of these creatures. Notwithstanding the
          unnumbered worlds which have been created, out of each one of
          these creations the Lord had taken Zion (in other words a people
          called Zion) to his own bosom. What does this signify? Are were
          not to understand that all these creations were fallen worlds.
          Why did he not take them all? Because they were not all worthy,
          because being fallen, they did not keep his commandments, because
          they did not exercise their agency to worship God; for that
          reason he did not take them all to himself. He did not qualify
          them and make them one in him, as Jesus is one with the Father;
          he did not make them like him in all respects, to go forth and
          make new creations and people them. I mention these things to
          show that we have, in the revelations that God has given, many
          indications, that there are worlds beside our own that are
          fallen; also that we may see that the Lord has one grand method,
          for the salvation of the righteous of all worlds--that Zion is
          selected and taken from all of them. And reasoning from analogy,
          may we not, with propriety believe, that these fallen creations,
          after fulfilling their temporal destiny, will be changed, and
          become the celestial abodes of their respective Zions? Let us,
          for a moment, consider the planets of our solar system, namely,
          Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune--the
          great primary planets of our system; are these made for nothing?
          No. What has the Lord said to us, Latter-day Saints, concerning
          these planets? He says, all these are kingdoms, to which he has
          given laws. And he likens these worlds, or kingdoms, unto a man
          having a field, and he sent forth his servants to dig in this
          field. To the first he said, "Go and labor in the field, and in
          the first hour, I will come unto you, and ye shall behold the joy
          of my countenance. And he said unto the second, go ye also into
          the field, and in the second hour I will visit you with the joy
          of my countenance; and unto the third and so on unto the twelfth.
          And the lord of the field went unto the first in the first hour;
          and tarried with him all that hour, and he was made glad with the
          light of the countenance of his Lord; and then he withdrew from
          the first, that he might visit the second also, and so on unto
          the twelfth." This withdrawing from one, to go to another is
          something which I will explain. Why was it necessary, that there
          should be a withdrawal of the presence of the Lord in visiting
          the different worlds? I think it was necessary, so far as
          mortality is concerned, and indicates that the inhabitants of
          these different planets are fallen, as we are. It does not say
          so, in so many words, but I can see that they must be fallen, and
          for that reason the Lord withdraws his presence from them, and
          visits them in their hour, and time, and season, and then
          withdraws from them, leaving them to ponder in their hearts the
          commandments given them. If they were immortal beings and
          celestial in their nature, the Lord would not act with them thus,
          for then they would always be in this presence, whether they are
          beings of one world or another, or whether the worlds upon which
          they dwell are as numerous as the sands upon the sea shore; when
          they become celestial the veil that obscures the view of mortals
          is removed, and it makes no difference whether a world be one
          million, a hundred million, or a million million of miles distant
          from another, if the veil is taken away, they are still in each
          other's presence.
          There is a spiritual faculty of seeing, different from that of
          the natural sight, a power of discerning through space, by which
          celestial beings can see innumerable millions of miles in
          distance, just as easy as mortals can see ten feet with their
          natural vision. To be in the presence of God, then, is simply to
          have the veil withdrawn, which will be done when we prove
          ourselves worthy of celestial glory. If the worlds of which I
          have spoken, pertaining to the planetary system, were celestial
          worlds, occupied by celestial inhabitants, they would all the
          time be in the presence of their Father, and there could be no
          withdrawing from the first, to visit the second, etc., according
          to the revelation from which I have quoted. His method of
          conveying intelligence is far more rapid that that of light.
          Light, how slow! Only 185,000 miles in a second. It would take
          three and a half years at that rate for light to come from one of
          the nearest fixed stars. A long time to wait, especially if you
          were in a hurry to get an answer to any message you may send; you
          would have to wait three and a half years for the message to go,
          and probably for the same time, for the returning answer. Now,
          the Lord has powers beyond those with which we are acquainted. He
          has almighty powers. He has only intrusted us his children of
          mortality with a knowledge of some of the more gross principles
          and laws of this fallen creation, and when we, through hard
          study, search out the relation of one law to another, we think we
          are learned men; but I think when we learn in that great
          university the sciences of which the Lord our God is the great
          Teacher, we shall learn more rapidly and comprehend more easily
          the things of his kingdom, than we now do the things of time.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Wilford Woodruff, April 6, 1878
                           Wilford Woodruff, April 6, 1878
           Delivered at the Annual Conference, Saturday Morning, April 6,
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                       BUILDING AGAIN--BLESSING AT ST. GEORGE.
          The very fact that we have a people, that we have a Zion, that we
          have a kingdom, that we have a Church and a Priesthood which is
          connected with the heavens, and which has power to move the
          heavens, and that we know that the heavens are communicating with
          us, directing the performance of this great latter-day work in
          which the Latter-day Saints are engaged, this very fact alone
          should fill our hearts with humility before the Lord our God, and
          it should continually remind us in our reflections and feelings
          of the responsibility we are under both to Him and to one
          another, and also of our dependence upon him for all the
          blessings we enjoy of a spiritual as well as a temporal nature.
          The prayer offered up by brother Pratt filled my mind with
          reflections of the past. Almost half a century has expired since
          the Prophet of God organized this Church upon the earth; but he
          and most of the men who labored prominently with him, in laying
          the foundation of this Church, are not with us to-day, their
          voices are hushed in death, they have finished their earthly
          work, having labored a series of years, and are now the other
          side of the vail. There are but two of the first Quorum of the
          Twelve with us in the flesh, and only two of the second Quorum.
          And this speaks in loud and forcible language, at least it does
          to me, that what we have to do in the interest of the great cause
          of salvation, we should perform it faithfully and diligently,
          making the very best use of the few remaining days we have yet to
          labor in the flesh.
          While I refer to the absence of our brethren whose works remain
          and whose memories are cherished, I am fully conscious this
          morning that we who are left are not laboring alone, nor
          particularly for our own benefit, in a temporal point of view;
          but I realize that we are called and ordained of God to labor
          with him and the heavenly hosts, in the accomplishment of his
          purposes, the bringing forth and establishing of his Zion and
          Kingdom in the earth, and all that has been designed to be
          consummated in this the dispensation of the fullness of times. I
          also sense that when I and my brethren who still remain shall
          pass away, we shall go as others have done--we shall not take
          this world or any part of it with us. When Joseph Smith died,
          Nauvoo remained, he did not take it with him; when President
          Brigham Young died, Salt Lake City still remained, and when we
          join them we shall leave behind us the things of time, even as
          Jesus did himself who was the founder of the earth. This truth
          itself should incite the Latter-day Saints to reflection, it
          should indelibly impress upon our memories, the fact that we are
          working for something far greater, in real worth, than dollars
          and cents, houses and lands, and this world's goods. We have been
          gathered here in our present condition by the commandment and by
          the inspiration of the Lord, to continue the work that others
          commenced, and like them we must improve the time in doing what
          is required of us, working faithfully for God and his Kingdom
          while the day lasts.
          I know, you know, and all Israel knows who have received the
          fullness of the everlasting Gospel in this last dispensation of
          God to man, that this is the work of God and not of man; we
          understand this perfectly. This Church and Kingdom has been
          organized by the administration of angels from God. The
          organization of this Church has been governed and controlled by
          revelation and upon no other principle, and what has already been
          accomplished since our existence, as a church, reveals the
          handiwork of God, for no man could have done what has been done
          unless God were with him. I rejoice to have the privilege of
          meeting with so many of my brethren and sisters, and that I have
          the privilege of bearing testimony to the divinity of this
          latter-day work, and of the principles of salvation revealed from
          God to man. The scene I behold this morning, and that which I
          behold in traveling through the extent of this Territory, speaks
          to me in very loud language that it is in fulfilment of the
          designs of God, and the revelations of Jesus Christ, which are
          recorded not only in the Bible, or on the stick of Judah, but
          also in the Book of Mormon, or stick of Joseph in the hands of
          Ephraim, as well as in the New Testament, and those revelations
          of modern date as those of ancient time, have been sealed with
          the blood of him who brought them forth, and this testimony
          therefore is in force to all the world. The Lord is not trifling
          with this generation, neither is he trifling with the Saints or
          with the world of mankind. During the last 48 years the Gospel
          has been preached to this generation, and this work will continue
          preaching to the Gentiles, until the Lord directs otherwise. The
          harvest is ripe, and he, the Lord, said, through the Prophet
          Joseph, he that would thrust in the sickle and reap was called of
          God. And some have continued to labor faithfully almost from the
          organization of this Church to the present time--almost half a
          century. I think it a great blessing and privilege to stand in
          the midst of the people of God in this age of the world to preach
          the Gospel of Jesus, and to labor to build up Zion, in obedience
          to this commandments, and to carry out his purposes in the day
          and age in which I live. We, as a whole people, should certainly
          exercise our faith in God and in the revelations, more especially
          those that immediately refer to our present condition; no matter
          where they are found, in any of the records of divine truth. The
          Lord has said unto us, through Joseph Smith, that it matters not
          whether he speaks unto the children of men by his own voice or by
          the ministrations of angels, or whether by the voice of his
          servants, that it is all the same, it is his word, his mind and
          his will to those to whomsoever it comes; and that although the
          heavens and the earth pass away, not one jot or tittle of his
          word shall remain unfulfilled.
          I am a believer in this revelation and also in the records which
          are left for us to pursue, the inspired words of ancients as well
          as modern Prophets; and I also believe that they will have their
          fulfilment in the due time of the Lord, and that no power on
          earth can prevent it. And I do not believe there has been a
          revelation given from God to man, from the days of father Adam to
          this hour, but what has had its fulfilment, or will have, as fast
          as time will admit; and we are every day of our lives making
          history, and we are also fulfilling the prophecies of Isaiah and
          many other ancient men of God, who were permitted in vision to
          see our day.
          I know we live in a day of infidelity; I know that darkness
          covers the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people; I
          know that the Lord is angry with the wicked, and withholding his
          Spirit from the inhabitants of the earth; I know that light has
          come into the world, and that men love darkness rather than
          light, because their deeds are evil. But as a servant of the
          living God I will say that, notwithstanding all the unbelief of
          this wicked generation--the Christian, the Jewish and the pagan
          world, together with the combined efforts of the devil and wicked
          men, the fulfilment of the purposes of God in their times and
          seasons cannot be frustrated. These volumes of revelation are
          written on the pages of divine truth as in letters of fire, and
          they will have their fulfilment whether men believe or
          disbelieve, for they are the words of God.
          It is a great work, an almighty work; it is a work different from
          that of any dispensation which God has given to man. When I look
          upon these Latter-day Saints I cannot help contemplating our
          calling and the labor required at our hands, and, when I am
          reminded of the account that we have all got to give before the
          judgment seat of God for the use we make of our own time and
          talents, and the gifts of God and the holy Priesthood, and the
          work of our God which has been committed to us, I feel to ask,
          What manner of men ought we to be. Our souls should be open to
          the building up of this Kingdom of God, and we should continue
          with increased diligence to rear towards heaven these Temples of
          our God, the foundation of which we have laid and commenced to
          build upon, so that all Israel who dwell here may enter into them
          and attend to the ordinances of the house of God. And I again say
          to the Latter-day Saints, this work the God of Israel requires at
          your hands. This requirement is not confined to the Twelve, the
          President of Stakes and the Bishops, but it is binding upon every
          man who has entered into covenant with the Lord our God, and I
          trust that one and all will willingly share this responsibility,
          and not for a moment permit this work to drag or appear laborious
          to perform.
          I thank the Lord my God that my ears have been saluted with the
          sound of the Gospel, and that I have had the privilege of reading
          the revelations of God to us, and I know that, as an individual,
          I am held responsible for my duty to Him. We have a harvest to
          reap both sides of the vail. We have already done considerable
          work on this side, by way of preaching the Gospel to the nations
          of the earth, as commanded to do by God. Well do I remember the
          early experience of the first Elders of the Church, how we
          traveled afoot for sands of miles, without purse or scrip, with
          valise in hand, and many times having to beg our bread, from door
          to door, in order to impart to the people a knowledge of the
          Gospel. Our Garments are clear from the blood of this generation,
          and the testimony of these Elders will yet rise in judgment
          against this generation to condemn them. Notwithstanding the
          unbelief of the Christian world, and notwithstanding the warfare
          that may be waged against God and his Christ, Zion will be
          redeemed and his kingdom will be established never more to be
          thrown down. He holds the nations in his own hands, and he also
          has his Saints in his holy keeping, and he will continue to guide
          and direct and sustain his people, until they consummate all unto
          which they have been ordained. 
          Look at these valleys! When we came here in 1847, they were
          barren and desolate, without the least sign or mark of
          civilization. Today our Territory is filled with villages, towns
          and orchards, and the land is brought under a good state of
          cultivation, inhabited by a civilized race. Who are they? Sons
          and daughters of the Lord Almighty; they are a people that have
          been, as corn sifted in a sieve, among the Gentile nations, and
          called out by the proclamation of the everlasting Gospel. The
          Lord chose a boy from the humble walks of life, and endowed him
          with intelligence and power to commence this great work, and also
          to send forth others throughout this and to other nations bearing
          the message of life, and this people opened their hearts to
          receive it, and were baptized in water for remission of sins, and
          received the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy
          Ghost. They have been born of the Spirit, and they have seen the
          kingdom of God, and they have received ordination in order to
          enter into it. And when they enter into it, they have the spirit
          of it, and this makes the difference between the Latter-day
          Saints and the former-day Saints. No man can see the kingdom of
          God unless he is born of the Spirit; and this is wherein these
          Latter-day Saints have faith in God, and observe the signs of the
          times, and trust in him by this principle. Their prayers have
          ascended in the ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth, asking for things
          which they stood in need of; and he has answered our prayers and
          he has continued to sustain us until the present time. I ask, my
          brethren and sisters, will the Lord withhold now his hand, will
          he now close the heavens, withdrawing the power by which we have
          been upheld? No, he will not; his hand will continue over us if
          we be true to him and the laws he has given unto us. He has
          decreed before the foundation of this world, before the fall of
          man, that in the dispensation of the fulness of times, he would
          gather unto himself all things, both things which are in heaven
          and things on the earth. He is doing it, although the world
          generally does not know it.
          Now, brethren and sisters, I do not wish myself to occupy all
          your time this morning, but I want to say to you that our
          position, our calling, our religion embrace the noble work of
          God, both temporal and spiritual, which rests upon us. We have to
          go forth with our hands and build up Zion. Zion will be built up;
          Zion will be redeemed, and she will arise and shine and put on
          her beautiful garments; she will break from off her neck her
          yoke, and she will be clothed with the glory of our God. Zion has
          been sold for naught; she will be redeemed without money; she
          will arise in her beauty and glory, as the Prophets of God have
          seen her; she will extend her borders and strengthen her stakes,
          and the God of heaven will comfort her, inasmuch as we will unite
          together to carry out his purposes. 
          I see nothing to tempt me or you to turn aside from the work
          given us to do. The Prophets have predicted that every weapon
          that is formed against Zion shall be broken, and this is in
          accordance with the revelations of God to us. He will continue
          this work and direct its onward course, but he expects us to
          continue to reclaim the waste places, and to continue to build
          Temples and also to impart of our substance. And I wish all
          Israel to understand that when we impart of our substance to
          build Temples that we do not do it to benefit the Lord at all, he
          had his endowments a long time before we were born, and also
          passed through his probation. We are his children, he wishes to
          exalt us back to his presence, and he knows very well we are
          obliged to walk in the same path and receive the same ordinances
          in order to inherit the same glory that surrounds him. And when
          we erect Temples in which to perform ordinances for the living
          and the dead, we do it to benefit our own blessed selves. I want
          salvation, I wish to inherit eternal life, I wish to get back to
          the presence of God from whence I came, when I have finished my
          probation in the flesh. And I believe that I desire nothing in
          this respect but what you also wish. Then I know that it requires
          my diligence and my constant labor and study, the little time I
          have to spend in the flesh, to do all I can to build up Zion and
          to establish the Church and the kingdom of God upon the earth. If
          we can only obtain eternal lives we shall attain to the greatest
          of God's gifts to man. Our Savior our Heavenly Father, the angel
          Gabriel, Peter, James and John, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young,
          are not coming back to build our Temples for us, they are not
          coming to settle new country and open up new roads, plant out our
          trees, build up and beautify this land, this is our part of the
          work, and we have got it to do, working while we live, and when
          we go away we shall move on exactly as others have done, leaving
          our houses, our gardens, our flocks and herds, and all our
          earthly interests behind us. And when we go to the spirit world
          and our eyes are opened on eternal lives, we shall all marvel at
          the way in which our lives have been spent. There is a veil over
          all the earth, it is ordained of God that it should be so, and
          the fact of it being so will prove all of his children whether we
          will abide in his covenant even unto death or not. And those who
          are not willing to abide in their covenant unto the end for the
          building up of the kingdom of God, are not worthy of a place with
          God and with the Savior and those who have sealed their testimony
          with their blood.
          I pray the Lord to bless you and all those who may attend this
          Conference, and also the brethren who may address you; and trust
          that our prayers may continually ascend into the ears of the Lord
          on behalf of Zion and her speedy redemption.
          I will say before closing, that I have just returned from St.
          George, where I have been laboring in the Temple. The work of God
          continues there; as a general thing we have as much labor as the
          Temple is capable of sustaining. The spirit of the work does not
          lag. And I can safely add that just as quick as the people get
          the Temple done at this place, the way will opened before them,
          they will feel the responsibility of attending to the work so
          essentially necessary to be done on behalf of those who have
          lived and passed away without having had the privilege of
          receiving the blessings of the Gospel; and as their time and
          attention will be occupied in this direction will they perceive
          the importance as well as the magnitude of the work. There are
          many to-day who stand in need of this assistance, and as I have
          often said, so say I again to this body of Latter-day Saints,
          that this labor devolves upon us, and God requires it at our
          hands. The Prophet Joseph may turn the keys in the spirit world,
          and he and those engaged with him may preach to the spirits in
          prison, but they can not baptize them nor confirm them, nor
          administer offices of the endowment. Some person or persons
          dwelling in the flesh must attend to this part of the work for
          them; for it takes just as much to save a dead man who never
          received the Gospel as a living man. And all those who have
          passed away without the Gospel have the right to expect somebody
          in the flesh to perform this work for them, Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, April 8th, 1878
                            John Taylor, April 8th, 1878
                         DISCOURSE BY PRESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR,
                    Delivered at the Conference, Salt Lake City,
                         Sunday Afternoon, April 8th, 1878.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                                INSTITUTIONS OF ZION.
          I shall feel very much obliged, while I attempt to address you;
          if you will keep as quiet as possible; because it is quite a
          labor to speak to so large a congregation, and unless quiet and
          order is preserved, it is impossible for all the people to hear.
          I have been very much interested and edified in listening to the
          remarks made by the brethren since we have assembled together in
          this Conference. And I have been very much pleased in witnessing
          the union and general feeling of interest manifested among the
          people to attend these meetings. It is evidence to me that the
          people feel interested in these great and eternal principles
          developed through our holy religion, and that they have a desire
          to yield obedience to the law of God and to keep his
          commandments. And in that alone is our safety, our happiness, our
          posterity, and our exaltation, as a people; for we derive every
          blessing we enjoy, whether of a temporal or of a spiritual nature
          from our heavenly Father; and without him we can do or perform no
          good work, for in him "we live and move and have our being," and
          from him, and through him we receive all blessings pertaining to
          this life, and we shall hereafter, if we possess eternal lives,
          inherit them and obtain them through the goodness, mercy and
          long-suffering of God our Eternal Father, through the merits and
          redemption of Jesus Christ our Savior.
          It is not in man to direct, to manage and control affairs of the
          Kingdom of God. No man ever did possess that power, nor will he,
          unaided by the power of the Almighty. All nations and all peoples
          are more or less under his direction and control, although many
          of them do not know it. He raises up one nation, and puts down
          another, he debases the proud and exalts the humble at his
          pleasure, and he pursues that course among all the peoples and
          nations of the earth, as seemeth best unto him; and all nations
          and all peoples are his offspring and he is the God and Father of
          the spirits of all flesh, and feels an interest in the welfare of
          all the human family. He has been in the ages that are past, and
          he is in the present age doing all that he can to promote the
          happiness and well-being of the human family. This does not
          always appear to men of superficial minds, the dealings of God
          with man are not always comprehended. But he nevertheless does
          control the destinies of all peoples; and if in many instances it
          does not seem for their present benefit, yet as mankind are
          eternal beings, having to do with eternity as well as time, when
          the secrets of all hearts shall be developed and the actions of
          gods shall be made known and fully comprehended in the future
          destinies of the races of men, it will be found that the Judge of
          all the earth has done right.
          The Lord has in these last days, for his own special purpose, and
          also in the interest of humanity, revealed himself from the
          heavens, made manifest his will to man, sent his holy angels to
          communicate and reveal unto us his children certain principles as
          they exist in the bosom of God, and he has pointed out the way
          whereby we may secure our happiness and an eternal exaltation in
          the celestial Kingdom of God. He has been pleased to restore
          again the everlasting Gospel in all its fullness, with all its
          riches, and blessings, and power, and glory. He has organized his
          Church and Kingdom upon the earth; he has chosen men as he did in
          former times to be the bearers of his message of life and
          salvation to the nations of the earth. He has, through these
          instruments, instructed us, and gathered us together, as we are
          found here today, from the different nations where the Gospel
          reached us. He has brought us here according to certain eternal
          principles which he had in his mind before the world was, and
          according to certain councils that existed in the heavens among
          the gods, who have been operating upon and with the human family
          from the commencement to the present, and will until the winding
          up scene. 
          The work that we are engaged in is not the work of man, it did
          not originate with man, it was not found out by him. It is the
          work that has been prophesied of by all the holy prophets that
          have lived on this continent, on the continent of Asia, and in
          the various portions of the earth. As the Apostle Paul describes
          it, it is "the dispensation of the fulness of times spoken of by
          all the holy prophets since the world was." And anything that we
          may have received--any light, any intelligence, any knowledge of
          the things of God, have emanated and proceeded from him. He saw
          and comprehended the fitting time for this work to commence; he
          prepared the way by once more opening the heavens, by revealing
          himself and his Son Jesus, and by afterwards sending holy angels
          to communicate his will and his purposes and designs to the human
          family. It therefore did not originate with us, nor with any sect
          or party or people, for nobody, not even Joseph Smith, or Brigham
          Young, or any of the Twelve Apostles knew anything about the
          great principles that were stored up in the mind of God. It was
          the mind and will and revelations of God, made known to the human
          family, in the first place to Joseph Smith, and through him to
          others. And when the Elders of this Church went forth to the
          nations of the earth, as bearers of the gospel message, if they
          had gone upon their own responsibility they could have
          accomplished nothing. But having been chosen and set apart of the
          Lord, they went forth as his messengers, without purse or scrip,
          trusting in Him. And he opened up their way and prepared their
          path, as he said beforehand that he would. "Behold," said he, "I
          send you forth to the nations of the earth, and my Spirit shall
          go with you, and my angels shall prepare the way for you." I send
          you forth not to be taught, but to teach, not to be instructed by
          the world of mankind or the intelligence of the world, but by the
          wisdom and intelligence and power and spirit which I shall give
          you, and it is through and by this influence that we have been
          gathered together. And why are we gathered? These Elders could
          not have gathered you unless God had been with them; they could
          not have influenced you to come here unless the Spirit and power
          of their mission had been with them. But the Lord said in former
          years through his prophets, "I will take you one of a city, and
          two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give
          you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with
          knowledge and understanding." And through the operation and
          influence of the Spirit of the living God, manifested through the
          priesthood, God's ministers on the earth, you have been brought
          together as you are to-day. But why should we be thus gathered
          together? That there may be a body of people found to whom God
          can communicate his will, that there might be a people who should
          be prepared to listen to the word and will and voice of God: that
          there might be a people gathered together from the different
          nations who, under the influence of that spirit should become
          saviors upon Mount Zion; that they might, under the inspiration
          of the Almighty, and through the power of the Holy Priesthood
          which they should receive, go forth to those nations and proclaim
          to the people the principles of life, that they might indeed
          become the saviors of men. And if we could fully comprehend our
          position, we should see things very differently from what we now
          do. If we could comprehend our relationship to God, to each
          other, to his church upon the earth, and also the greatness and
          magnitude of the work in which we are engaged, and the
          responsibilities that devolve upon us as Elders in Israel, as
          Saints of the Most high God, we should see things in a very
          different light from what we now do. We are not here, as they say
          in the Church of England, to "follow the devices and desires of
          our own hearts;" we are not here to pursue our own individual
          interests and emoluments, we are not here merely to attend to our
          own secular affairs, but to learn the laws of life, and then
          teach the people the way of salvation. There was an old saying
          among ancient Israel: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one
          Lord, and thou shalt worship the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
          with all thy mind, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength,
          and him only shalt thou worship." And Jesus, in after time, added
          a little more to this: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
          God is one, and they who dwell with him are one. Those who will
          inherit the celestial kingdom will be one when they get there;
          and we, as a people, ought to be one--one in faith, one in
          principle, one in practice, one in our interests, one in our
          associations with each other and in our families, one with God,
          one with the holy angels, one in time, and one in eternity.
          To bring about a union of this kind, the principle of baptism has
          been introduced that we all might be baptized into one baptism,
          by the laying on of hands, and through the various orders of his
          Priesthood, we all partake of the same spirit; and being brought
          into union and communion with God, that we all might feel after
          God, that the tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands might
          be brought into connection with the Almighty, whose prayers could
          ascend into the ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth. And for the
          accomplishment of this purpose, he selected Joseph Smith to be
          the first Apostle in his Church: he was called "not by the will
          of man," nor by the power of man, nor by the intelligence of man,
          but by God who revealed himself unto this young man, as also the
          Savior, committing unto him a mission to perform to the
          inhabitants of this earth. He was endowed with power and
          authority which was given him for that purpose, that he might be
          the legitimate representative of God upon the earth. He also
          taught him how to organize his Church, and put him in
          communication with many of the ancient Prophets who have long
          since passed away, who also communicated with him, and revealed
          unto him further the plan and design of the Almighty in relation
          to this earth, and the salvation of all who would listen to the
          principles of truth.
          The nations of the earth have their representatives, their
          ministers, their plenipotentiaries, empowered and sent forth by
          the recognized authority of the several nations. He was the
          representative of God, his credentials came from God, and his
          mission extended not to one nation only, but to all nations; and
          he was authorized to establish and organize what was termed the
          Church and Kingdom of God upon the earth. And every step that he
          took, every principle that he inculcated, and every doctrine that
          he taught, came from God by the revelations of God to him, and
          through him to the people. He selected others by
          revelation--Apostles, High Priests, Seventies, Bishops, Elders,
          Priests, Teachers and Deacons, also High Councils, and Bishops'
          Councils, and Patriarchs, and all the various authorities and
          organizations of this Church. Joseph Smith neither knew how to
          select men, whom to select, nor what their offices should be
          until it was communicated by the Lord. And yet we find that these
          principles revealed to him, agree with those that existed in
          former ages whenever God had a Church or people on the earth. And
          hence the ushering in of the Gospel simply means the revelation
          of the will of God to man; it simply means the placing of mankind
          in communication with the Lord that he may not be governed by his
          own follies or notions or theories, but by the will and word of
          God. And the examples that you heard referred to here, of our
          Stakes, with their Presidencies, together with the Bishops and
          their Council, etc., is a part of the system of heaven, as it
          exists in the eternal worlds; and the Priesthood that we hold is
          the everlasting Priesthood, and it administers in time, and it
          will administer in eternity; and a knowledge of the works that we
          are now engaged in, in regard to the building of Temples and
          administering therein, all came from God, and are a part of the
          eternal system. Who knew about them until God revealed it?
          Nobody. Who knows how to administer acceptably in these Temple
          without revelation? Nobody but those to whom it has been
          communicated, it came from God. And our preaching to the living,
          and our administering for the dead are all of them parts and
          parcels of the same concern. The fact is, we are in a state of
          probation; we have enlisted under the banner of the Almighty; we
          have dedicated ourselves to him for time and for eternity, and he
          expects it at our hands that we be true to the trust conferred
          upon us, that we be faithful to our obligations and fulfil them,
          that we honor our God, that we magnify our callings and
          Priesthood, and that we stand forth among the people and before
          the nations, as the representatives of God upon the earth. We
          have a similar view to that of the Apostle Paul, who said when
          addressing himself to the Corinthians: "Ye are not your own, for
          ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body,
          and in your spirit, which are God's." We have enlisted in a work,
          have engaged in a warfare that will last while time shall be, and
          if we live our religion and keep his commandments, the principles
          that we are in possession of will bear us off triumphant over
          death, hell and the grave, and land us among the just, among the
          celestial host that dwell with our Father in heaven. We really
          have no time to attend to those trivial affairs, that some people
          seem to think ought to occupy so much of our time. I wish now,
          while we are together to talk upon some general principles
          associated with the Priesthood which has been conferred upon us.
          It was said of ancient Israel, if they had kept the commandments,
          that he would have made out of them a kingdom of Priests. We are
          literally a kingdom of Priests to-day. Our business is not to
          follow our own will, our own desires and plans, but to seek to
          know and to do the will of God, to carry out these principles
          which he has revealed, and in this is our happiness and
          exaltation in time, and will be throughout the eternities that
          are to come.
          We ought to be operating with God, and with the holy angels; we
          ought to be feeling after them, we ought to be operating with the
          ancient Priesthood that have lived before--the Patriarchs, the
          Prophets, the Apostles, and all those men of God who have lived
          and died in the faith who act with God our heavenly Father, and
          with Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant. We ought to be
          operating with them in establishing righteousness throughout the
          earth, not nominally, but really; we ought to be laboring in
          conjunction with them in saving the living, not to make it a
          hardship and a trouble and a toil; something that we can hardly
          endure to go through; but on the contrary, feeling it an honor to
          be associated with the interests of God and bearers of the
          message of life and salvation, and also seeking for wisdom, and
          intelligence, and power, and revelation from God to carry out his
          will and designs, and to accomplish his purposes upon the earth.
          Will his purposes be accomplished? They will. Will the Gospel
          grow, spread and increase? I tell you, in the name of Israel's
          God, it will. will the time come when every fictitious thing will
          be removed, when light and truth shall prevail, and when the
          kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our God and
          his Christ? I tell you it will, and God will hasten it in his
          time. And this priesthood and this people are to be the
          instruments, in the hands of God, in connection with the
          priesthood who have gone before, who are now operating in their
          sphere, as we are in our's. The Lord hath so ordained, says the
          Apostle, "that they, (referring to the dead) without us should
          not be made perfect;" neither can we without them be made
          perfect. There needs to be a welding and uniting together, that
          in all of our doings as God's servants and representatives, we
          may be influenced and directed from above, being united with the
          Gods in heaven we may become one in all things upon the earth,
          and afterwards one in the heavens. And says the Lord, "If ye are
          not one, ye are not mine." Everything that tends to divide the
          people, as you heard this morning, proceeds from beneath, and
          those that are engaged in it are the emissaries of the devil; for
          as he is the father of lies, so he is the father of division,
          strife and discord. But union, peace, love, harmony, fellowship,
          brotherhood and everything honorable, noble and exalting,
          proceeds from God; these are the principles that we ought to seek
          after and to disseminate as far as we can everywhere and among
          all peoples. And then when we have done that work, turn our
          attention to the building of temples and minister in them for the
          dead, that we may operate with the fathers in the interest of
          their posterity, helping them to perform that for their posterity
          which they were not able to do.
          And in regard to the world, what ought our feelings to be towards
          them? A feeling of generosity, a feeling of kindness, a feeling
          of sympathy, with our hearts full of charity, long-suffering and
          benevolence, as God our Father has, for he makes his sun to rise
          on the evil as well as the good; he sends his rain on the unjust
          as well as the just. And while we abjure the evils, the
          corruptions, the fraud and iniquity, the lasciviousness and the
          lyings and abominations that exist in the world, whenever we see
          an honorable principle, a desire to do right, whenever we see an
          opening to promote the happiness of any of these people, or to
          reclaim the wanderer, it is out duty to do it, as saviors on
          Mount Zion.
          Will they have trouble? Yes. Will there be tribulations? Yes.
          Will nation be arrayed against nation? Yes. Will thrones be cast
          down and empires destroyed? Yes. Will there be war, and carnage,
          and bloodshed? Yes. But these things are with the people and with
          God. It is not for us; we have a mission to perform, and that is
          to preach the Gospel and introduce correct principles, to unfold
          the laws of God as men are prepared to receive them, to build up
          his Zion upon the earth, and to prepare a people for the time
          when the bursting heavens will reveal the Son of God, "and when
          every creature on the earth and under the earth will be heard to
          say, blessing and glory, and honor, and power, and might, and
          majesty, and dominion be ascribed to him that sits upon the
          throne, and unto the Lamb forever."
          Will this people grow and increase? Yes. And the time will
          come--it is not now, we are not prepared for it--when calamity
          and trouble and bloodshed, confusion and strife will spread among
          all the nations of the earth. The time will come, and is not far
          distant, when those who will not take up the sword to fight
          against their neighbors, will have to flee to Zion for safety.
          That was true some time ago, and it is nearer its fulfilment by a
          great many years than at the time it was first uttered.
          What are we here for? To build up or aggrandize ourselves? No,
          but to build up the Church and kingdom of God upon the earth, and
          to spread the light of truth among the nations. That is our duty,
          and also to pray for the revelations of God, that the Spirit and
          power of God may rest upon us, that we may comprehend correct
          principles and understand the laws of life, to guide and guard
          and protect the ship Zion from among the rocks and shoals and
          troubles that will sooner or later overcome this nation, and
          other nations, and prepare ourselves for the events that are to
          come. We ought to be men of honor, of honesty, of integrity,
          having our eyes single to the glory of God. That is the duty of
          these Apostles, and not to act with a view for their own
          aggrandizement, and for the obtainment of filthy lucre, or
          anything else pertaining to this world. We brought nothing into
          this world, we can take nothing out. It is for us to operate for
          God and in the interests of his Church and kingdom.
          And what of these other brethren, the High Priests? They have a
          mission to perform, and that is to make themselves acquainted
          with the laws, doctrines, ordinances and government of the Church
          of God upon the earth, that they may be prepared, when called
          upon, to fulfil the duties and responsibilities devolving upon
          them. I will here read part of a revelation which indicates the
          nature of these duties. "And again I give unto you, Don C. Smith,
          to be a President over a Quorum of High Priests, which ordinance
          is instituted for the purpose of qualifying those who shall be
          appointed standing Presidents over the different stakes scattered
          abroad." Hear it, O ye High Priests! This is the prominent duty
          devolving upon you. The position you occupy is a sort of a normal
          school, if you please, to prepare those who are in it and are
          taught in it, that when they shall be called to hold official
          places in the various stakes of Zion, they may be prepared to
          magnify them. How was it when we were engaged organizing these
          stakes, were these brethren prepared? No, many of them were not
          by any means. One was engaged on his farm, another was tied up in
          his merchandising, another had bought five yoke of oxen and had
          to prove them, and another had married a wife and he could not
          come. And we, therefore, had to go outside of the High Priests,
          whose legitimate business it was to occupy these positions, and
          call other men and ordain them High Priests, and set them apart
          to preside in these stakes, as Presidents and Bishops and
          Councilors, having to take them from among the Seventies' and
          Elder's Quorums, because the High Priests were not prepared to
          magnify their legitimate calling; whereas, if they had been doing
          their duty, living their religion, and meeting together in
          prayer, and examining the doctrine of Christ, instead of being
          engaged almost exclusively in many of these other matters, they
          would have been prepared to step forward and magnify their
          calling. There are many other stakes to be organized. Prepare
          yourselves, you High Priests, for the duties and responsibilities
          that may devolve upon you, that the Church of God may be
          strengthened in all its parts, and every man in his place, all
          prepared to magnify their calling.
          Then, again, there are seventies; I think there are some
          seventy-six quorums of seventies. Does their duty consist merely
          in making their own plans and calculations, such as to go on a
          farm and live there all their life time, attending to their own
          individual affairs, or pursue any other avocation without
          considering the obligations they are under by virtue of their
          Priesthood, and calling? I tell you nay. We have something else
          to do. I read in the revelation touching this matter, when the
          seventies were ordained, "they were to ordain more seventies
          until there should be seven times seventy, if the labor in the
          vineyard required it." They were to do this if the labor in the
          vineyard required it." In whose vineyard? Their orchards and
          farms? I do not read it so. Does this refer to their
          merchandizing? It does not so read. In looking after their own
          affairs or emoluments? That is not what I read; but for the labor
          of the vineyard. Whose vineyard, then? The vineyard of the Lord.
          But it seems that a great many of the Seventies have no more idea
          of going into the vineyard of the Lord, than if they held no such
          Priesthood or calling; they do not seem to comprehend their
          duties, nor their responsibilities. Hear it, O ye Seventies! you
          are called and set apart by the Priesthood, to act under the
          direction of the Twelve, to go forth as His messengers to the
          nations of the earth. Do you believe it? This is your calling.
          Prepare yourselves for it. I do not want Elders coming to me, as
          some have been doing, after having been called upon missions
          saying, I pray thee have me excused. And I call upon the first
          President of the Seventies to instruct the various Presidents of
          Seventies, and they in turn the members of their several quorums,
          in regard to their duties; and to live themselves so that the
          spirit of the living God may rest down upon them, that they may
          indeed be qualified to teach their brethren what their duties
          are, that they may prepare themselves to magnify them. Instead,
          therefore, of every one seeking his own individual gain from his
          own quarter, let every man feel that he is a servant of the
          living God, a messenger to the nations of the earth, and that
          when the Lord calls upon him, through the proper authority, to do
          a certain work, he must obey, and that readily and willingly!
          These are the duties and responsibilities that devolve upon you,
          my brethren of the Seventies.
          And it is the duty of the Elders also to magnify their callings;
          to feel after God and to seek instruction from Him, and to
          magnify their calling and Priesthood at home or abroad, being
          governed by the Holy Priesthood, in regard to their duties, that
          they may be acceptable to the Lord, and magnify their callings
          with all diligence and fidelity, and then it is the duty of the
          Presidents of Stakes to look after the interest and welfare of
          their own people under their Presidency, not in a formal manner,
          but as interested in their welfare, having a lively desire to
          benefit and build them up, both spiritually and temporally, and
          perfect them in righteousness, purging out when necessary the
          ungodly, lifting up and exalting the poor, and blessing and
          benefiting everybody according to the principles of righteousness
          and truth, guarding their virtue and their honor, and see that
          men are honorable, that they regard their word of more value than
          their bond, that all people may rely on them; men who, in the
          language of the Prophet, will swerve to their own hurt and change
          not, and who will do that which is right and equitable before
          God. It is their duty, and the duty of the Bishops and also that
          of the High Priests and Seventies and Elders operating with them,
          to look after the poor and see that they are provided for. Do not
          let us have anybody crying for bread, or suffering for the want
          of employment. Let us furnish employment for all, divide up our
          farms and plan and devise liberally that all who need work, and
          want to be employed, may find labor. And I now call upon the
          Presidents of Stakes throughout Zion to give this matter their
          serious and earnest attention. We have land in abundance, water
          in abundance, and means in abundance; let us utilise them for the
          common weal. Talk about financiering! Financier for the poor, for
          the working man, who requires labor and is willing to do it, and
          act in the interest of the community, for the welfare of Zion,
          and in the building up of the kingdom of God upon the earth. This
          is your calling; it is not to build up yourselves, but to build
          up the Church and kingdom of God; and see that there is no cause
          for complaining in all your villages and cities and
          neighborhoods. Let us take hold together for the accomplishment
          of this object, and pray God to give us wisdom to carry it out,
          and he will pour upon us blessings that there will not be room
          enough to contain.
          Again, we have what is called a Perpetual Emigration Fund. I wish
          to draw the attention, not only of the Presidents of Stakes but
          of the Bishops of the various wards, and of the whole people, to
          the responsibilities that devolve upon us in relation to this
          matter. We seem to be dwindling down in some of these matters,
          and I am sorry to say that there is a great lack of that
          integrity and interest that we would like to see manifested among
          our brethren. There are those here who have assisted with their
          means to the amount of upwards of a million dollars, which is
          unpaid by those who received the benefit of it. It was the
          calculation that this means should be used to bring those of our
          brethren to this land, who needed and were worthy of this
          assistance, and when you who were thus assisted were in distant
          lands praying and wishing to be gathered to Zion, this help came
          to you and you were brought here; and instead of paying this your
          honest debt, you go to work and build up yourselves, without
          meeting your obligations, what is the result? Those of your
          brethren who still remain, who are just as worthy as you to be
          gathered to Zion, are left to cry for assistance. I am daily in
          receipt of letters from different parts of the earth, asking to
          be thus assisted pleading: "we want to gather with the Saints,
          can't you help us?" Yes, we can if you who owe the Fund will pay
          your honest debts, we can then meet all these requirements. And I
          call upon the Presidents of Stakes and upon the Bishops to look
          after these things, and see that these obligations are met, that
          the poor from abroad may not cry in vain; but that we may help
          them, and then they return the amount advanced to them to assist
          others, and thus keep the work rolling in the same direction. And
          if this duty is not performed, how can we expect the blessing of
          God to rest upon us?
          We are engaged quite extensively in the erection of Temples. We
          are building one here, and also one in Cache Valley, and another
          in Sanpete, and if we had time, and it was considered advisable,
          we could read the report read setting forth the receipts and
          disbursements of these places; and I presume we shall, before the
          Conference adjourns. Suffice it to say, with all our backwardness
          in some other things, there are a great many of the Latter-day
          Saints who are doing all they can in every laudable enterprise. I
          presume at the present time there is not less than 500 men
          engaged in rearing the walls of these Temples. And men are taking
          hold of it with energy, doing all they can in many instances, but
          not in all by a great deal.
          Then in regard to our Tithing operations, Bishop Hunter informs
          me that many of the people are very negligent in regard to this
          matter. Now, I would say in behalf of the people, that perhaps
          there may be a partial excuse for some of these things. We have
          had a very stringent time for a number of years past, a financial
          crisis has prevailed in the eastern States for some years now,
          and almost every paper reports the failure of mercantile and
          business institutions--of the failure of one firm after another;
          and we have been subject, more or less, to these depressions. The
          fact also must be considered that great exertions have been made
          in the building of the St. George Temple, and also the three
          Temples now under way, which have already exhausted considerable
          means furnished chiefly by the people residing in those Temple
          districts. I must give the people credit for their zeal and
          energy in this direction, which we must all acknowledge is very
          commendable and praiseworthy. And, perhaps, in the performance of
          this labor may have done the best they could, and possibly
          circumstances have so overruled that they find themselves hardly
          able to meet their Tithing, for as a rule it is those who take
          delight in observing the law of Tithing that subscribe to these
          other calls. We do not wish to crowd or press upon the people;
          but rather let us take things easily and deliberately, seeking
          always to break off the yoke of him that is bound, letting the
          oppressor go free. And let our sympathies be extended towards the
          widow and the orphan; and while we are building Temples, paying
          our Tithes and offerings, and doing the best we can before God
          and man, we will let that go for the present, and when we get
          into more favorable circumstances we will do better. At any rate,
          we will keep doing with a long pull and a strong pull, and a pull
          altogether, as one in the interests of all Israel. But we must
          not forget our duties to the Lord.
          I would say in this connection that there are three of the Twelve
          appointed to superintend the erection of these edifices in these
          outside districts, and then there are those residing here
          attending to home affairs. And we are seeking to act in concert
          and do the very best we can. Some people have an idea that these
          Temples ought to be built from the proceeds of the Tithing; I do
          not object to it in the least, providing you will only pay your
          Tithing. But we cannot build Temples with something that exists
          only in name. You deal honestly with the Lord, handing over in
          due season that which belongs to his storehouse, and then we will
          show you whether we can not build Temples, as well as do
          everything else that may be required with it. In the mean time,
          we have got to do the best we can in these matters; and as we are
          personally interested in these things, as well as our brethren,
          the departed dead who have gone before us, and who depend upon
          this being done, we feel a strong desire to carry out these
          projects; and this feeling, I am happy to say, exists throughout
          all Israel.
          We want also to be alive in the cause of education. We are
          commanded of the Lord to obtain knowledge, both by study and by
          faith, seeking it out of the best books. And it becomes us to
          teach our children, and afford them instruction in every branch
          of education calculated to promote their welfare, leaving those
          false acquirements which tend to infidelity, and to lead away the
          mind and affection from the things of God. We want to compile the
          intelligence and literacy of this people in book-form, as well as
          in teaching and preaching; adopting all the good and useful books
          we can obtain; and what we need and cannot obtain, make them. And
          instead of doing as many of the world do, take the works of God,
          to try to prove that there is no God; we want to prove by God's
          works that he does exist, that he lives and rules and holds us,
          as it were, in the hollow of his hand. For it is very unfair for
          man to take the works of God to try to prove that there is no
          God. But then it is only the fool that has said in his heart,
          there is no God. I would like to talk upon this subject if time
          would permit.
          I am pleased to see the exertions made by the young men's and
          young women's mutual improvement associations, to benefit and
          bless the rising generation of our people. And I am also pleased
          to witness the degree of intelligence and studiousness manifested
          by our young people; it is creditable and praiseworthy. We want
          to lead them on and encourage them in the study of correct
          principles, so that when the responsibility of bearing off the
          Church and Kingdom of God shall pass from us to them, they may be
          prepared for it, and carry on the work to a glorious and
          triumphant consummation. And that we may stand in regard to
          education and literacy, the sciences, the arts and intelligence
          of every kind, as high above the nations of the earth, as we do
          to-day in regard to religious matters.
          And before closing I would refer briefly to the ladies' relief
          society. We are told that, "The man is not without the woman, nor
          the woman without the man in the Lord." She is spoken of as a
          helpmeet to her husband. I remember the organization of the first
          Relief Society in Nauvoo, by the Prophet Joseph Smith; to-day we
          find them spreading all over the land, and the benefits of their
          labors are widely realized. Our sisters are doing a noble and
          commendable work in writing and publishing, in visiting the sick
          and needy, and ministering to their wants, and showing kindness
          and benevolence towards the suffering and distressed, and also
          advocating principles that are honorable and praiseworthy before
          God and man, calculated to elevate and bless their sex. And I say
          to the sisters, God bless you in your labors of love, and in your
          enterprise, continue to press forward in your good work, and the
          Lord will bless you and your posterity after you; for you are
          mothers in Israel who are raising up kings and priests unto the
          Most High God. See that your children are taught aright, and that
          they grow up in virtue and purity before the Lord. Teach them
          good principles, never mind so much about the fashions; but let
          economy, industry, charity, kindness and virtue be early
          impressed upon their minds, and try to love your sons and
          daughters, and to lead them in the paths of life. I should like
          to speak of our Sunday Schools and other institutions, but time
          will not permit. I have talked long enough. God bless you, in the
          name of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Pratt, October 7, 1867
                            Orson Pratt, October 7, 1867
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ORSON PRATT,
          Delivered in the New Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, October 7, 1867.
                            (Reported by David W. Evans.)
                     GOD--THE TRUTH IN REGARD TO HIM--MAN IN HIS
          Never having had the opportunity of speaking to so large a
          congregation as the present, or at least in so large a house as
          the one which we are now assembled, I do not know whether I shall
          be able to adapt my voice so as to make the congregation hear me.
          I know the object of coming to meeting and preaching is to hear
          and to be edified and instructed more perfectly in the things
          pertaining to God and to godliness, and in our duties before the
          Lord. When I look upon this large tabernacle, which has been
          erected here in these high regions of our globe, I am forcibly
          reminded of the sayings of two of the ancient prophets, Isaiah
          and Micah, both of whom have spoken of an event that was to take
          place in the latter days. I will quote their sayings, for the
          language of both is almost identical. "It shall come to pass in
          the latter days that the mountain of the House of the Lord shall
          be established in the tops of the mountains." I have often
          wondered when I have read this portion of Scripture, what was
          meant by the mountain of the house of the Lord being erected, or
          established, in the tops of the mountains. The mountain of the
          house of the lord is something, it seems, that God himself would
          establish in the mountains. When I entered this Territory in
          August last, on my return from my last mission, I beheld from the
          mouth of Parleys Canon the top of this building very prominent.
          It seemed to rear itself up above the surrounding buildings, and
          it was easily to be seen. It looked very much like an artificial
          mountain erected here, or like some of those mounds that we see
          down on the Missouri River, that were made by the ancient
          inhabitants of our country, only it is much larger and higher
          than some of them. Whether this is really what the prophet in
          ancient days meant, it is not for me to say, I only say that the
          shape of this buildings reminds me, or suggests to me what was
          prophesied anciently; but whether or not it is the fulfilment of
          that prophecy I do not know.
          I will take this opportunity to express my gratitude and feelings
          of thanksgiving to the Almighty, that he has enabled this people
          to erect unto him so large a building in which they can assemble
          to worship his great and holy name. The Lord, in ancient days,
          when he constructed temples and tabernacles, did honor them by
          his presence. No doubt on some occasions his presence was made
          more manifest than on others. Oftentimes we read that the power
          and the glory of God, as manifested in his tabernacles and
          temples were so conspicuous that the people could behold them
          with their natural eyes. I do not say that this was the case
          under all circumstances, and in all houses that were built unto
          the name of the Lord. Many temples and houses were built on the
          American continent by the remnant of the House of Israel, to whom
          this land was given. It is not recorded whether the Lord
          manifested himself in all these houses or not; but it is recorded
          that at the temple which was built in the land Bountiful, in the
          northern part of South America, the Son of God, himself, did show
          forth his power and his glory to a certain congregation assembled
          in and around about the temple. Jesus, after his resurrection
          from the dead, was sent by his Father from the heavens to the
          American continent, to a congregation of two thousand and five
          hundred souls, men, women and children, who where assembled
          together for the purpose of worshipping God the Father in the
          name of Jesus. Consequently God did respect this temple built on
          the American continent, as well as the great temple built by
          Solomon in the days of old. When Solomon had built the temple, he
          spread forth his hands to the heavens, and prayed to the Father,
          in the presence of the congregation of Israel that was assembled,
          and the spirit of the Lord was poured out in such a wonderful
          manner that the people, through their faith, beheld the power and
          the glory of God as they were manifested in that temple. By this
          the people knew that God respected his own house. So it was in
          the days of Moses. When they journeyed in the wilderness, God
          commanded the Children of Israel to build a tabernacle. He gave
          them a pattern thereof. In that tabernacle the Lord showed forth
          his power among Israel. It became visible not only on the inside,
          but on the outside the glory of God was made manifest and rested
          upon it. By this the Children of Israel knew that God was near
          unto them. They not only believed, but the testimony manifested
          before their eyes gave them a knowledge that God was in the midst
          of their camp; although through their wickedness, unbelief, and
          darkness of mind God withdrew his immediate presence from the
          midst of the congregation, and Moses only was permitted to see
          the Lord and talk to him face to face, yet the display of God's
          power and glory was so great that the Children of Israel knew
          that God was near them.
          The question may arise, Will there be a time again when the glory
          of the Lord will be manifestly visible to and his voice heard by
          his people? I answer, yes. God has promised this in the last
          days. There is no doubt, as was said yesterday by Brother
          Kimball, that heavenly messengers hover around the congregation
          of the Saints here assembled. I have no doubt of this in my own
          mind, thought I have not seen them and you may not have seen
          them; yet that God who has seen your labors and diligence in
          building a house to his name, has no doubt sent heavenly
          messengers to hover around us, to bluff off the powers of
          darkness, that seek to darken the minds of the people, and to
          close their hearts against understanding. The time will come when
          the faith of this people, the pure in heart, will be sufficiently
          great that when they build a house to the name of the Lord, and
          do not suffer any unclean thing to enter therein, that the lord
          will come and grace it by his presence, as well as by the
          presence of his angels. That will be the time when the pure in
          heart, who enter into the house of God, will behold his face. O!
          what a grand, glorious, happy privilege that will be to the sons
          and daughters of the Most High, to behold the face of him who
          created them, the father of their spirits, who created them
          before the foundation of the world. How great and glorious a
          privilege for the sons and daughters of God who are now shut out
          from his presence! For this cause the people of God are commanded
          at all times to build a house to his name, that he may reveal
          those ordinances devised by him for the salvation of the children
          before the world were laid.
          I know there are some people who do not believe God has a face
          like unto man, or in other words that we are in his image and
          likeness. There has been a great variety of views among the
          inhabitants of our globe in regard to the being or beings whom
          they have worshipped and called God. Some have believed that he
          was an immaterial being. Some have believed that he had no
          properties, perfection or qualities in common with any other
          substance in nature; that he was entirely separated from all
          material nature. This seems to be the view of the great mass of
          the Christian world at the present day. Some two hundred millions
          of the inhabitants of our globe consider that God is something
          altogether indefinable, incomprehensible, a person, and yet has
          no parts; consisting of three persons, Father, Son and Holy
          Ghost, and yet no part of these persons. That is a horrible idea
          in my mind. My mind is so constructed that, with all my reading
          and meditation, I never could conceive of a being of that
          description, and yet it is incorporated in the articles of the
          Church of England, also in the Methodist discipline, and is in
          accordance with the views of almost all the Christian world at
          the present day. "God consists," say they in their creeds, of
          three persons without body parts or passions." I do not wish to
          dwell upon this long; it is so inconsistent, so very absurd, so
          contrary to all intelligence, reason and revelation that I am
          willing to throw it by without contemplating it for any length of
          time. I merely mention it to call to your mind the
          inconsistencies of the religious world who profess Christianity.
          One of these persons, called the Son, without body and without
          parts, was actually crucified, died and was buried in a tomb, and
          the third day he rose again, and with his body ascended into
          heaven, when he did not possess a body. If anybody can believe
          such nonsense, they are perfectly welcome to it, only keep it
          away from me. I want nothing to do with it. I never expect to
          worship such a being here on earth or throughout all the future
          ages of eternity. I have no reverence whatever for such a being,
          for I do not believe that such a one ever existed only in the
          hallucinations of disordered minds.
          Perhaps the strangers who are present, if any there be, may be
          led to inquire what kind of a being do the Latter-day Saints
          worship? Let me reply according to my understanding. I believe
          that God--I mean God the Father is a material personal being;
          that he has a body and a spirit united together; that his spirit
          within his body is material; that he is a personage just as much
          as every man in this congregation is a personage; and let me go
          still further and say that he is a personage of flesh and of
          bones. Perhaps that may shock the ideas of some of the outsiders
          and they may think that to get over their immaterial god, without
          body or parts, we have gone to the other extreme. Well, whether
          it is to the other extreme or not, I wish to state to you my
          views, and I think they correspond with the views of the servants
          of God.
          God is a being, then, who has a tabernacle of flesh and bones in
          which his spirit dwells; and this flesh, bones and spirit are
          material. Strangers may be anxious to know something more about
          this personal being whom we call God the Father. We are told that
          in the beginning man was created in the image of God, and we are
          also told that Jesus the Son of God, was the express image of His
          Father. The doctrine that man, in his form and shape is in the
          image of God, may be or may seem something new and strange to
          those who are not acquainted with the principles in this church.
          But why should not men resemble God is the question, seeing that
          we are his offspring? Would you expect that sons and daughters of
          this world would be like a horse or like the fowls of the air or
          the fish of the sea? Or would you expect them to resemble their
          parents, and be in their image and likeness? Do we not see in the
          animal creation--of which the human species is said to be a
          part--a likeness between the parent and the offspring certainly
          we do. If then this law prevails among all animated beings here
          on the earth, why should we imagine God to be entirely distinct
          and different from his own sons and daughters? Why not believe
          that there is a resemblance between them and him. When we look at
          our fellow man we behold him erect in the form of God. To be sure
          there may be many deformities among men and women, produced in
          many instances, perhaps, by wickedness, disease and by accident;
          but in the general outline there is resemblance among all the
          human species, and there should be in as much as their Father and
          God is indeed their Father, as any in this congregation are the
          literal fathers of their children. We, who compose this
          congregation, are all one family, and only a very small portion
          of the family of our Father and God. But when did he beget us? I
          answer before this world was made; not our flesh and bones, but
          that being called man that was created in the image and likeness
          of God and who dwells in his mortal tabernacle. That being is the
          offspring of God; we were all begotten by him before this world
          was made. We then dwelt in his presence and could behold his face
          as sons and fathers here on earth can behold each other. We then
          partook, in a measure, of his glory, and were acquainted with the
          glory and power of his kingdom. We were present with him in the
          grand and magnificent work of creation, and we saw and rejoiced
          in his handiwork. We sang praises in the presence of our Father
          and God; before we had tabernacles of flesh and bones. We then
          assembled ourselves together as we do here on the earth; we then
          accompanied our Father and God and his Son Jesus Christ, on the
          grand and glorious mission of the formation of the world we now
          inhabit. Did we know anything about the object for which this
          world was created? Yes, we knew that it was created expressly for
          us, and we sang and rejoiced over it as much as the people of God
          now rejoice, when they erect a temple or tabernacle to his name.
          When you erect a tabernacle to the Most High, you expect to enter
          at times, and be feasted with the words of eternal life, and to
          partake of the blessings of God. So it was in regard to the
          creation of this world. We were there and I think all this
          generation among all nations, kindreds, tongues and people were
          present on that occasion. Shall I limit it to this generation?
          No; I believe all the sons and daughters of God who had proved
          themselves faithful were assembled on that occasion. I do not
          include in this number the one third part of the family that
          fell, but the two-thirds who kept the law of their first estate
          who were really and truly accounted the sons and daughters of
          God, the thousands and millions who inhabit this globe besides
          the generations of the past and all future generations. Think of
          this and try to conceive in your heart the magnitude of the great
          army of the sons and daughters of God assembled at the time the
          foundations of this world were laid.
          The Lord put a very curious question to the old patriarch, Job,
          on a certain occasion. Job had been praising up the works of God,
          and so far as his narrow mind would permit him, he tried to
          magnify the greatness of his power; but, by putting a few
          questions to Job the Lord showed to him that his wisdom and
          knowledge were but foolishness in the sight of his creator. Said
          the Lord, "Where were you, Job, when I laid the foundation of the
          earth, and the corner stones thereof? Where were you, Job, when
          the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted
          for joy?" I do not know that Job understood the pre-existence of
          man, it might not have been revealed to him; at any rate he left
          the Lord to answer the question on the subject, knowing that he
          would give information on the matter that he, Job, could not
          give. If Job had been a sectarian, how easily he could have
          answered this question! "Why, Lord," Job could have said, "I did
          not exist then, and why do you ask me such a question?" But Job
          very well understood that there must be something in the
          pre-existence of man, or the Lord would never have put such a
          question to him. The very question itself implied the
          pre-existence of Job at the time the foundations of the earth
          were laid, and it also implied a knowledge on the part of all the
          sons of God of the objects of the creations of this world; for if
          they had had no such knowledge, why should they have joined
          together in singing the songs of heaven on account of it? Well,
          then, we have come to the point, namely, that we did exist in the
          image and likeness of God before the foundations of the world
          were laid, and this is what is meant when the Lord says to his
          only begotten Son on the sixth day of creation, "Let us make man
          in our image and in our likeness, and give him dominion over the
          fish of the sea, over the fowls of the air, the beasts of the
          earth, and over all the earth to subdue it," and so forth. So God
          created man male and female. He did not tell us all the
          particulars of the creation--that we were born male and female in
          the spirit world, and so on, but yet there are many sayings which
          indicate that such was the fact. For instance, in the books of
          Moses and in the books of the New Testament we read that God is
          the Father of all our spirits, that we were begotten sons and
          daughters unto God. The vision given in 1832 to our Prophet,
          Joseph Smith, shows this matter more clearly. Besides showing the
          vast number of worlds that the Lord had created, the voice of the
          lord, in that vision, declares that all the inhabitants of all
          those worlds were begotten sons and daughters unto God. The Book
          of "Mormon" bears testimony to the same great doctrine. You who
          are familiar with that book will recollect reading in the book of
          Ether how that the brother of Jared fell to the earth with fear
          when he saw the finger of the Lord, after the veil fell from his
          natural eyes. And the Lord spoke to him, saying, "Why hast thou
          fallen?" Then the brother of Jared answered, "I saw the finger of
          the Lord, and I knew not that the Lord had flesh and bones." It
          did resemble flesh and bone, but he, doubtless, thought it was so
          in reality, whereas it was the body of his Spirit. Then said the
          Lord, "I am he who was prepared from the foundation of the world
          to redeem my people; I am Jesus Christ; I am the Father and the
          Son, and the body which thou now beholdest is the body of my
          spirit. Seest thou not that thou art created after the body of my
          spirit, and all men," says Jesus to the brother of Jared, "have I
          created in the beginning after the image of the body of my
          spirit." This, I believe, is the only passage in the Book of
          "Mormon" that directly teaches the pre-existence of man.
          Well, that body--the body of the Lord--that the brother of Jared
          saw, was a personal body. It had fingers, a face, eyes, arms,
          hands, and all the various parts which the human body has, so
          much so that he thought it was really flesh and bones, until he
          was corrected and found that it was the spirit of Jesus, that
          same spirit, says, Jesus, which, in the meridian of time, should
          come and take a body, and die for the sins of the world. These
          beings, who, in the beginning, were created after the image of
          the spirit of Jesus, had a probation; they had law; they had
          intelligence. It was called their first estate. They were agents
          there just as much as you and I are here. They could obey the law
          that was given to them, or they could disobey that law. I have
          already alluded to a third part of the great family, who did not
          keep their first estate. What become of them? They were thrust
          down, and thus came the devil and his angels. Jude says they were
          reserved in chains of darkness, until the judgment at the great
          day. That was their doom; their transgressions were so
          great--sinning against God the Father, whom they could behold,
          and against the person of his Son, whom they could also
          see--disobeying the most sacred of all laws--seeking to dethrone
          the Almighty, and to take the power from that Being who had
          begotten them, into their own hands. For this they were thrust
          down, and were called Perdition, and the heavens wept over them.
          I do not know how faithful the remainder of the spirits were;
          that is not for me to say. I do not know whether they
          transgressed any of the laws of God, or not in their first
          estate. If they did, one thing I do know, and that is, that they
          understand about Jesus and his atonement; for he was as a Lamb
          slain from before the foundation of the world, and inasmuch as he
          suffered in spirit as well as in body, I do not know but his
          sufferings in spirit would redeem them in their first estate as
          well as us who sin here in the body. I do not pretend to say that
          such was the case. Suffice to say, that the plan of redemption
          was known by them, and suffice it to say again, that they were
          faithful enough to retain their position in their first estate,
          and to have the privilege of coming forth in this world, and
          taking upon themselves tabernacles, or bodies, and having a
          second estate. We also read that all who come into this world
          were innocent. That shows that they never had sinned, or if they
          had, that they had been forgiven and made innocent. Which way it
          was I do not know. If they had sinned and were all made innocent
          through the blood of the atonement, and through the sufferings of
          Jesus in the spirit, as well as in the flesh, that would prepare
          them to come into this world without having any stain upon them.
          But if they never transgressed the law, never went beyond its
          bounds, or limits, they would be sanctified, purified, perfected,
          saved and be innocent by keeping the law. But let us come down a
          little further. When we came forth into this world, and took upon
          ourselves bodies of flesh, they were fallen bodies--subject to
          pain, sickness, sorrow, mourning, trials, and finally death, or
          dissolution. This death that came upon the bodies of the children
          of men, was brought to pass by the transgression of one man and
          woman, that is, by our first parents; as it is written, "By the
          transgression of one sin entered the world, and death by sin." It
          matters not whether it is the little infant that dandles on the
          knee that has never sinned, or the youth, the middle-aged or the
          old, all have to feel this great penalty that has been inflicted
          upon all the posterity of Adam by reason of his transgression.
          Now, there is a question that has often been asked of me by the
          Latter-day Saints, and by those outside of this Church--"Why is
          it that infants, who have never sinned, should die? Why should
          they be subject to death because their father some six thousand
          years ago sinned and transgressed?" I answer this by asking you a
          question, Why is it that children, oftentimes to the third,
          fourth and fifth generation, suffer form lingering diseases here
          in this life, because their forefathers were licentious, and
          broke the laws of life and happiness? Why, it is hereditary, is
          it not? Is it just that they should suffer, because their parents
          or some of their progenitors have sinned? No, it is hereditary.
          Why, then, may not all the inhabitants of the world, whether in
          their infancy or not, inherit death as well as these children who
          suffer through diseases entailed upon them by their forefathers?
          Not as a matter of justice particularly, but something that comes
          upon them in consequence of the fall of man. It is handed down
          among them. Now, that would be a very unpleasant condition if
          they were always to remain in that state. They are plunged into
          slavery, as it were, by one man; hence the Redeemer steps forth
          and rescues them from that slavery. When I say rescues them, I do
          not say that he does it at once, before they have had a chance to
          know the difference between good and evil, between the bitter and
          the sweet, to contrast between happiness and misery. It is wisdom
          that they should suffer, even should it be from hereditary
          disease, that they may gain experience. But I will tell you what
          he rescues them from, by his atoning blood. He breaks the bands
          of death and rescues them from the power of the grave, which, but
          for that, would have held the infant as well as the middle-aged
          in their power eternally. There is such a thing as a father,
          through his foolishness, plunging not only himself but all his
          children into a slavery from which he cannot redeem himself or
          them, so far as their bodies are concerned; but with Adam's
          children this was the case with both their bodies and spirits,
          for the Book of "Mormon" says that all mankind, through Adam's
          transgression, became subject not only to a temporal death--the
          separation of the body and spirit, but also to a spiritual death,
          eternal in its nature. If there were no atonement--no sufferings
          and death of our Redeemer--no infinite atonement to rescue men
          from the grave, their spirits, in consequence of the slavery
          entailed upon them by their first parents, could not have been
          rescued from eternal death. Could they have delivered themselves?
          No. They were in captivity--slavery--and their master, the devil,
          was there to bind them in that slavery. Could they turn the key
          of the prison doors and run back again? No! Could they say to the
          grave, Yield up my body and let me go again into the presence of
          my Father and God? No; there were potent enemies who had endless
          power over them had it not been for the atonement.
          We are taught in the revelations of God that Jesus suffered the
          pain of all men. You will find it in the teachings of Jacob, the
          brother of Nephi, in the Second Book of Nephi. "He suffered the
          pains of all men, women and children, says Jacob. What was this
          great suffering for? That the resurrection might come unto all
          men, women and children; that Jesus might have power to say to
          the grave "restore those captives you have taken, behold I have
          redeemed all whose bodies slumber in the grave. I have power to
          bring them forth by virtue of the atonement I have made."
          Could man have redeemed himself? Could one man have shed his
          blood for another, and said to the grave give up your dead? No.
          Why not? Because all were fallen; all were under the dominion and
          power of Satan. All were spiritually dead--dead to things
          pertaining to righteousness. It was universal eternal death. A
          being greater than man was required to redeem him, hence Jacob
          says, in the passage to which I have already referred, in
          relation to the atonement, "that it must be infinite." Wherein
          was the Son of God infinite? In the first place, he was begotten
          different from you and me. We were begotten by a mortal father,
          but Jesus was begotten by an Immortal Being, his Father and God.
          If then his body was begotten by that Being, do you not see that
          his body in that respect differed from ours? It is true that he
          inherited the same as we do so far as his mother was concerned,
          but on the part of the Father he was superior. Hence, being
          begotten by an Infinite Being, he could do that which no other
          man could do--redeem from spiritual death and the captivity of
          Satan. Hence it is said that "through Jesus came life and light
          into the world." If it had not been for Jesus, darkness would
          have reigned eternally over this creation.
          Talk about works of righteousness redeeming us without the
          atonement! Why the thing is preposterous in the highest degree.
          Why? Because we were spiritually dead, and can a person who is
          dead work righteousness? Can a person who is dead to everything
          good, holy, upright and Godlike, who is in captivity to Satan,
          work righteousness? Could a feast of salvation be prepared for
          him in that dead state, unless there was some redemption or
          atonement made to bring life to the world to impart to the human
          family? Light and life have come upon all men. Jesus is that
          light and life; He is the light and life of all things; and by
          reason of that light and life which he has purchased for us by
          his own blood, you and I have the privilege of working
          righteousness, which we never would have had without the
          atonement. We could not have done anything acceptable in the
          sight of God, without his atoning blood. That is the very
          foundation of the redemption of the children of men; without it,
          this would have been a lost and fallen creation, and not one
          could have been saved.
          But let us pass on a little further. You recollect in the former
          part of my remarks, I was speaking about the personality of God.
          Now let us come along to the plan of redemption, and see how it
          is that we are exalted and brought back into the presence of God,
          and become as it were, gods, then we can form some idea
          concerning our Father and God. We are instructed, and we believe,
          that all of us who believe in Jesus Christ, in his sufferings and
          death, and receive the benefit of his atonement, will, if we
          remain faithful, be exalted into the presence of that being who
          is our Father, and that we will be made like unto him, and be
          crowned with glory, and shall have the privilege of sitting down
          with the Son upon his throne, as he has overcome, and has sat
          down with his Father upon his throne, and that we will become one
          with him, as he is one with the Father. We believe we will be
          perfected, purified and cleansed in him, and made not only the
          sons of God, but grow up unto him in all things, that we may
          become Gods like unto our Father who begat us.
          This is consistent with analogy. Analogy shows that sons here
          upon the earth, grow up and become like their parents. Why then
          should we set a barrier between the sons of God, who are redeemed
          through the atonement, and their restoration to the mansions
          where they formerly dwelt? Why should we erect obstacles, and set
          a barrier so that we cannot become like him? Analogy would say at
          once that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see
          him as he is. Analogy would say that when he shall redeem our
          bodies from the grave, that he will fashion them after his own
          glorious body, and clothe them with power and glory, even as He
          is clothed with glory and power, in the presence of his Father
          and our Father and God.
          But says one, if you adopt that sentiment, then your people
          believe in a plurality of gods, and we have all been taught in
          the Christian world that there is but one personal God, or rather
          three persons in the Trinity--the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
          Well, these three are called one, are they not? Yes, they are
          called one. Jesus prays that all his disciples may be made one,
          as he and the Father are one. If ever that prayer is answered,
          then, in one sense of the word, there would only be one God, but,
          in another sense of the word, there would not only be three, but
          a great many personal beings called gods. Let us for a few
          moments refer to that glorious saying in the revelations of St.
          John. In the visions of eternity that were shown to John, he
          beheld things that were to take place in future generations.
          Among other things that were shown to him, were the one hundred
          and forty-four thousand, standing on Mount Zion, who had been
          redeemed from among men. Who were they? Let us look at the
          inscription that John says was written on their foreheads. That
          will tell us that the name of their Father was written there.
          What was his name? God, translated into the English language.
          Ahman in the pure language. The Father's name John saw inscribed
          on the foreheads of the hundred and forty-four thousand who were
          singing the new song before the Lord. What would you think if you
          were to have the future opened to you as John had, and could see
          these men with the word God, inscribed in bright and shining
          characters upon each of their foreheads? Would you think that God
          was making fun of them by putting such an inscription there?
          Would you suppose the inscription was a mere form without any
          meaning? No: every man permitted to see these things would at
          once say, "They are gods having been redeemed, and made like
          their Father." This is what we believe. Then, when we come to
          personality, we not only believe in our personal Father, in His
          Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost, as personages, but we
          also believe that in the eternity of eternities, in the heaven of
          heavens there will be innumerable millions of persons who will
          occupy that exalted station--each one being a personal god, as
          much so as the God of this creation--the Father of our spirits
          If time permitted, we might bring up the revelations of heaven,
          given in these days as well as anciently, in regard to the
          representations which God has given of Himself, not only
          representing himself by his person, but also by his attributes.
          But this is a subject upon which we do not feel to dwell at this
          time. Suffice it to say, that God has said that he is light and
          truth; that he is a spirit: that he dwells in tabernacles and
          temples, and so forth. I do not know, but that in my teachings in
          years past, when teaching upon these two distinct subjects, I may
          have left an impression upon the minds of the people that I never
          intended to convey in reference to the qualities, perfections,
          glories and attributes of these personages, for attributes always
          do pertain to substances, you can not separate one from the
          other. Attribute can not exist without substance; everywhere it
          shows its bearing and relation to substance and person, and if in
          any of my preaching or teachings I have ever conveyed the
          impression that attributes could exist separate and apart from
          substances I never intended to do so. I do not know that I have
          ever declared any such in my writings. I have said that God is
          love, and that he is truth because the revelations say so. I have
          said that he oftentimes represents himself by his attributes. The
          same as when he says I am in you; but he does not mean that his
          person, his flesh and bones are in us. When Jesus says I am in
          the Father, he does not mean that his person is in the Father.
          What does he mean? He means that the same attributes that dwell
          in his own person also dwell in the person of the other. I think
          I have heard this doctrine taught from the commencement, by the
          authorities of this Church, and I think it is taught, more or
          less, now, almost every Sabbath day. We are exhorted to develop
          and perfect those attributes of God that dwell within us in
          embryo, that we may more and more approximate to that high state
          of perfection that exists in the Father and the Son.
          Attributes belong, in all cases, in this and all other worlds, to
          personages and substances, and without personages and substances,
          they cannot exist. In the "Kingdom of God," published in October,
          1848, I have set forth the personality of the Father and the Son,
          and the glorious attributes that pertain to each. And again in
          many of my writings, to which I might refer, and could perhaps
          give the page, I have taught the same thing, and my views to-day
          concerning this matter are just the same as they were then, and
          then the same as they are now; only I think, by searching more
          fully, I have progressed and obtained some further light and
          information more than I had twenty or twenty-five years ago. I do
          not know, that, in my remarks this morning, concerning the
          atonement, and the personalities and glorious attributes of God,
          I have varied in my views from those of the rest of the
          authorities of the Church. If I have I hope they will correct me
          and tell me wherein I am wrong, for it is my desire, and ever has
          been, to go in accordance with the revelations of heaven, to
          abide in the word of God, and to have that word abide in me.
          We are taught that the words of truth have power. The word of God
          we are commanded to live by. In one of the revelations we are
          taught and commanded that we shall live by every word that
          proceeds from the mouth of God, for says the revelation "the word
          of God is truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, and whatsoever
          is light is spirit, even the spirit of Jesus Christ, and the
          spirit gives light to every man that comes into the world, and
          the spirit directs every man through the world who will hearken
          to it; and he that hearkens to the voice of the spirit comes to
          God, even the Father, and he teaches him of the covenant which he
          has renewed and confirmed upon you for your sakes, and not for
          your sakes only, but for the sake of the whole world."
          Now, I want to abide in that. If the word of the Lord is truth,
          and whatever is truth is light, and whatever is light is spirit,
          I want to embrace it, and hold fast to it. Again, he says, when
          giving a revelation to the servants of God: "That which you hear
          is the voice of one crying in the wilderness? In the wilderness
          because you cannot see him. My voice because my voice is spirit,
          and my spirit is truth, and truth abides forever and has no end."
          I desire to abide in it for ever and ever. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Erastus Snow, January 20, 1878
                           Erastus Snow, January 20, 1878
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ERASTUS SNOW,
                  Delivered at the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms,
                         Sunday Afternoon, January 20, 1878.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                              DEVELOPED BY INSPIRATION.
          "And God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness;
          and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the
          fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and
          over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
          "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created
          he him; male and female created he them.
          "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and
          multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have
          dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
          and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." Gen. i,
          26, 27, 28.
          "This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God
          created man, in the likeness of God made he him."--Gen. v, 1.
          "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for
          in the image of God made he man."--Gen. ix, 6.
          Those who believe in the Christian religion, and in the divinity
          of the mission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, believe also
          the words of the Apostle Paul, speaking of him in this wise: That
          he was in the likeness of his Father, and the express image of
          his person. And the accounts we have of Jesus represent him as
          being physically and in all essential parts, in the likeness of
          man. That he ate and drank, and partook of the elements that
          enter into the composition of our earthly tabernacle, that he was
          subjected to pain and to the infirmities of our flesh, and that
          he suffered all things that we are subject to in the flesh; that
          this mortality was subject to pains and penalties of death in
          him, as well as in mankind generally. In this particular his
          divine origin did not exempt his mortal tabernacle from the laws
          that govern our flesh, only in that, the Spirit from on High was
          given him without measure, and he had strength to withstand every
          form of temptation, and was able to obey the law pertaining to
          his existence here without committing sin. Otherwise there was,
          so far as his person and outward appearance was concerned, no
          essential difference between him and Adam's race generally.
          There are a great variety of ideas and notions prevalent in the
          world at the present time, pertaining to the origin of man, and
          attributes of the Deity. There seems to be an instinct in man
          everywhere among all nations and peoples to worship a superior
          being. In this particular Christian nations are not an exception.
          True, in heathen countries, a variety of images, representations
          of Deity are set up for the people to worship, or to pay some
          deference unto them, as unto Deity. But the thinking portion of
          all these nations who encourage these various representations of
          Deity, do not for a moment admit that these gods, as they are
          sometimes called, made by man's hand, of wood and stone, or other
          material, are really gods, or that they are worshipped as gods;
          but only the embodiment of the idea of a Deity, a representation
          of a superior being. And the fact of this prevailing sentiment of
          mankind and the universal necessity of doing homage to a
          superior, however crude and indefinite this idea is, and however
          varied in the minds of men in the different nations of the earth,
          yet, taken as a whole, it is the impress of Deity upon all that
          bear his form in the earth, recognizing him as Deity; as a
          Superior Being. With many Christian sects of our time, and for
          generations past, the idea of Deity has seemed to be very
          undefined.--Many philosophers and divines have attempted to
          describe Deity. We have it set forth in many Christian catechisms
          and articles of faith. God was a being without body, parts or
          passions. This, for many generations has been taught by the
          Established Church of England, and by most of the Protestant
          sects, both in Europe and America; Deity is described by them as
          "a spiritual immaterial substance." This word substance is used
          in connection with the word "immaterial." A spirit immaterial,
          and yet a substance! I have never yet found a philosopher that
          was able to describe a substance that was not material. The idea
          of a Deity that cannot be located anywhere, that has no form or
          substance, or materiality, and described as a spirit! It is the
          best definition, to my mind, of nothing at all, like the quaint
          familiar phrase, "a footless stocking, without a leg."
          If we believe there is any truth in the writings of Moses, the
          Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles, and the teachings of Jesus, if
          we would indeed be consistent Christians and receive the writings
          of the fathers, and believe what was said unto them, we must
          believe that man is made in the image of God, and consequently
          that we are of the same species as the gods. However child-like
          and feeble we are in this condition of mortality, we are
          nevertheless descended from the gods, made in their image and
          after their likeness. 
          And when Luke, in giving us the genealogy of Jesus Christ, traces
          his lineage back through his mother to David, who was the son of
          Jesse, and so on, he traces his descent until he reaches Abraham,
          who was the son of Terah, and so on to Noah, who was the son of
          Noah, who was the son of Lamech; and when he reaches Adam, the
          first of our race, he says of him, "which was the son of God."
          Oh, says one, we are told that Adam was created, not born. This
          is something I am not disposed to dwell upon much at this time.
          You can think of this as you please, whether he was created or
          born, or whether a man, because he is born, is not created. I do
          not understand the term creation as meaning something suddenly
          made out of nothing. I believe man that is born is as much
          created as the thing which is made in a mould and turned out to
          dry, which we call an adobie. It matters not whether it takes a
          few minutes to make it, or a longer period--it is created or
          made. And the term create I understand to be synonymous with the
          verb to make, and what is made is created, and what is organized
          is formed. And when it is written that God formed man in his own
          image and likeness, it does not describe the time or manner, but
          simply the fact of having made or created man in his own image.
          It has been ofttimes expressed by the religious teachers of the
          Christian world, that God created all things in six days, and on
          the seventh day he rested. We read in this first chapter of
          Genesis, that in six days the Lord created the heavens and the
          earth. Now modern scientists attempt to confute this history
          given by Moses, by demonstrating that the earth has been formed
          through the operations of a long process of natural laws, and
          that it never could be brought into its present condition in six
          days. Of course, those who reason thus assume that the days here
          spoken of were periods of the same duration as the days counted
          out to us by the revolution of the earth on its axis, every time
          it turns upon its axis and marks the day and night. But I must be
          allowed to call attention to this one fact, that in the beginning
          of this history Moses tells us that when God first organized or
          created the elements of this earth, that it was without form and
          void; that is to say it was without its present form, and that
          darkness was upon the face of the abyss. Then how were the days
          reckoned? Until our earth assumed its position among the planets,
          and began to perform its revolutions, and the earth was so far
          completed as to assume its position among the heavenly orbs, and
          perform its revolutions as now, present modes of reckoning time
          could not be appointed to man--either our days or months or our
          years, all of which are determined by the revolutions of the
          earth upon its axis, and the moon around the earth, and the earth
          in its orbit around the sun. But what is the rule or measure of
          time by which God reckons his labor and work? Is it the time
          measured to the inhabitants of Mars or the little planet Mercury
          that describes its revolution around our sun in less than three
          months, and counts out four of its years while we upon the earth
          are counting one? Or is it after the time appointed for a more
          distant orb of our system, that is 160 or more of our years, in
          performing their revolutions around the sun, thus counting out
          its single year? Or were the days reckoned after the great cycle
          of the multitudes of systems moving in space around the common
          Philosophers and astronomers have not lived long enough upon this
          earth, or kept a record of the heavenly bodies long enough to
          make any calculation of the length of this period. There is,
          however, one saying of Apostle Peter which reads--"Be not
          ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a
          thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." But whether
          that has any reference to the days that Moses speaks of, in which
          the Lord was engaged in the formation of this earth, we are not
          told. But be the periods longer or shorter, which the Lord called
          six periods, or days, in which he did his work, is of very little
          importance to us. Nor is it worth our time toquestion or contend
          with geologists or modern scientists as to the duration of these
          periods. It is a fact that the earth exits, and that it has its
          sphere in which it moves, and that it is appointed for the abode
          of man, and that we are here, and the fathers have told us we
          have descended from the Gods. And that when God said to his
          associates, let us make man in our image, after our likeness, he
          was not alone. And as Paul said, "there be gods many and lords
          many," but so far as we are concerned, there is given unto us one
          God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And it matters not
          how many more, nor where they are located, nor what might be the
          extent of their power and dominion. We cannot comprehend it, we
          are mere infants, comparatively speaking, our ideas just
          beginning to learn how to shoot; we are striving to grasp the
          little within our reach, and we find we can but grasp a little;
          and it is in vain to attempt to look back to the beginning, if
          there is any, or to look forward to the end, if there is an end.
          But we are taught that the works of God are one eternal round,
          and there is neither beginning nor end.
          We may jocosely ask ourselves the question, Which was first the
          goose or the egg? And again, Does the pumpkin produce the seed,
          or does the seed produce the pumpkin? You can answer the question
          just as you please, either in the affirmative or negative, and
          either or both would be, in one sense, correct. But say you,
          "That is not enough for us, we want to know where and how the
          first pumpkin was produced." That is something we cannot tell,
          nor any other mortal being; you might just as well ask, when the
          last pumpkin will be produced. It is something that is absolutely
          incomprehensible, because their is neither beginning nor end, it
          is beyond the reach of human ken. But we accept the effect; we
          are here; the creation is a reality. We see a variety of solid
          rocks, and ask, How are they formed? Geologists undertake to tell
          us, and they refer us to the Book of Nature. But they are like
          other school-children; they make a great many mistakes in
          reading. What they read correctly is correct; what they read
          incorrectly is incorrect. "It is as it is, and it can't be any
          tisser." And it is folly for geologists, or any other class of
          scientists, to assume that they know it all, or that they have
          read the Book of Nature from beginning to end, and comprehend it
          through and through.
          Mr. Darwin, and a kindred school of modern philosophers, would
          fain try to impress upon us their theory of evolutions, and would
          have us believe we are descendants from, and only a little in
          advance of our ancestor, the monkey; and that other inferior
          grades of animals are aspiring to become monkeys; they fail to
          demonstrate their theories, simply because they are not
          We see an endless variety in the creations before us, variety in
          every species of animal life, and in every species of the
          vegetable kingdom, and the same may be said of the heavenly
          bodies. And so far as man is concerned, though evidently of a
          common origin, yet the variety is almost as great as the number
          of individuals; and though the general features of the face are
          substantially the same, yet that variety is so great that no two
          can be found exactly in every respect alike. No mother that has
          produced from her womb twins, however near they may approach each
          other, was ever at a loss to discern some difference by which one
          could be distinguished from the other. Nor even in the vegetable
          kingdom can we find this law of endless variety violated, nor yet
          in the animal kingdom. Where do you find any species except man
          endowed with the capacity of subduing the earth, and controlling
          the elements upon it? Moses tells us that God said unto man, have
          thou dominion over the earth and subdue it, and exercise dominion
          over all the lesser species of animal life, and over the fruits
          and herbs which shall be given to you for meat." Has any other
          branch of the animal kingdom done this? When man is first ushered
          into being, he seems more helpless than the calf or the goat, but
          in his progress and development he exhibits the power of the
          Gods; he seizes the elements, and commands them into form and
          shape to suit his convenience, and to serve his purposes; not
          only does his superior intelligence cause the king of beasts, and
          all branches of the animal kingdom, to crouch beneath him, but
          every element found to exist is at his service; by reason of this
          divinity in him, in its exercise and development, he chains the
          lightning, and makes it his servant to flash his thoughts or
          mandates over the earth; he touches the steam and makes it a
          motive power to waft him over land and sea. He makes all the
          elements within his reach subserve his purposes, and he invents
          the means by which he controls and handles them. I use the word
          "invent" because it suits the pride and vanity of a man a little
          better; but the more appropriate term, I should say is,
          inspiration, for no great truth was ever revealed to man that was
          not an inspiration. And when Watt's, watching the trembling of
          the tea kettle lid, caused by the power of steam, conceived the
          idea of utilizing that power, was it invention or inspiration?
          When Newton, on seeing the apple fall from the tree, by
          questioning in his mind why it should fall downwards, why not fly
          upwards, or to the left or right, his mind was being led on from
          this simple observation to the comprehension of one truth after
          another until he was able to give to the world the laws of
          gravitation; and from that to searching out the laws governing
          the planets, so that astronomers to-day can make mathematical
          calculations of the future movements of the heavenly bodies, with
          much greater accuracy than the superintendent of the Utah
          Southern Railroad can calculate the speed of his train. Was this
          inspiration or was it invention? 
          When the fathers that labored to bring forth and develop truth,
          whether scientific or religious--for I hold all truth to be both
          scientific and religious; in other words, true religion embraces
          all truth, for it emanates from god, who is the fountain head of
          all truth, or in other words, who is in possession of all truth
          that is possible for us to reach at least. And for me to say that
          he has got to the end, I would no more attempt to say it, than to
          say that you or I have got to the end. It is not for me, in my
          imagination and folly, to place any bounds to or drive a pin to
          lariet the gods to.
          But we see that this being called man, said to have been formed
          in the image of God, that he possesses the power of improvement,
          of advancement, ad libitum, and who shall set the bounds to the
          advancement and improvement of man any more than the gods of
          eternity? The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Phillipians,
          says, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus;
          who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal
          with God." "Oh blasphemy!" the narrow-contracted bigot will cry,
          "blasphemy! Paul, you naughty fellow, you had better take that
          back. What, to exhort your brethren to cultivate the same mind
          and feeling, and desire and ambition, as were in Christ Jesus,
          who, when he found himself in the form of God, thought it not
          robbery to be equal with God! What an idea! Does not every father
          expect his son to grow up and become his equal? and does not
          every son born aspire to become like his father? And the child
          looks in the face of the mother, as the dearest creature it knows
          anything about, regarding her perhaps as perfect; her word is
          law, it knows no other. "Let this mind be in you, which was also
          in Christ Jesus." And as he thought it not robbery to be equal
          with God, when he found himself in the form of God, don't you
          think differently. Why? Shall we not rob him? Oh no, we could not
          do it. Giving does not impoverish him, withholding does not
          enrich him. He is able to impart that which he possesses, if we
          are capable of receiving, and as fast as we are ready to receive,
          he is abundantly able to impart; he is not impoverished, while we
          are enriched; while we have waxed greatly, he has grown no less.
          And this he has ordained for those whom he has formed in his
          image and likeness. But, says the world, "These are things we
          cannot comprehend." Very true, we cannot see the end of it; but
          we can see a little of it, if we cannot comprehend the whole. We
          may stand and look upon the chain, revolving and endless, and as
          it turns we may count the links, but we cannot find the end of
          it, neither can we tell the beginning. But we see the links, and
          it is a matter of very little importance to us whether we know or
          not how many links compose the chain, as long as we see that the
          eternal is one eternal round. We need not to try to find the end,
          we cannot do it, nobody ever did, and nobody ever will, simply
          because there is no end. And is you want to know which pumpkin
          produced the first seed, and which seed produced the first
          pumpkin, we say that neither you nor anybody else can tell, they
          cannot point to the time when there was either one or the other.
          But there was a time when we began to exist, was there not? Yes.
          Our spirit? Yes. Our earthly form? Yes. Will there be a time when
          our bodies will cease? Oh, Yes; that is something of daily
          occurrence, mankind coming and going. And so with all the
          creations of our hands. This house, in which we meet, when was
          this created? Oh, about 15 or 20 years ago, I know better; my
          knowledge of timber teaches me that the very trees from which the
          lumber was made, were several hundred years old. And the
          geologist will take you to the hills or along the beach and point
          out to you the evidences in nature of the long periods that must
          have elapsed since the formation of the sedimentary rocks, to say
          nothing about the primary rocks. And they will tell you that the
          period alluded to in Moses, in the history of Adam, and to the
          creation is scarcely a cypher compared with the period in which
          these elements of the earth have been coming into shape. What is
          all that to do with the great grand principle. We will say that
          the component parts of every implement formed by the ingenuity
          and labor of man are far older than the implement itself. A lady
          who makes a pound-cake, does it perhaps in a few hours; but the
          man that has not seen it made, and who knows not the course from
          whence it came, sees a raisin in the cake. Oh, (says he) madam,
          how old is this cake?" "I made it yesterday," is the reply. "Oh,
          but madam, this raisin grew on some vine surely, and my knowledge
          and experience teaches me that vines do not grow in a day." But
          the lady insists that she made the cake yesterday, saying "If you
          wish to know how I compounded it, step into my kitchen and you
          will readily learn all about it." By and by we may be permitted
          to step into the Lord's kitchen or laboratory, there perhaps
          commence to take lessons in these matters, as we now may by
          stepping into the iron-masters shop, there to learn how he takes
          the different classes of ore, and by putting them through a
          certain process they are formed into pig or railroad iron. He
          speaks, he directs, and out comes his material at his command. We
          go into his shop and learn how this is done; we have not got far
          enough yet to know how these materials were brought together, how
          they were compounded. But it is enough for us to know that it has
          been done, and that somebody has done it; and we might as well
          say the railroad iron had no creator, nobody to design it, or
          command the elements to go together, as to say there is no God,
          because we have not the privilege of going right straight into
          his laboratory to find out how he commanded the elements
          together. We go down to the sea coast of old Salem or Boston; we
          see ships start out to sea properly officered and manned, under
          sail or steam, or both. In the course of a month, the same
          vessels return to port; and by and bye they make another voyage,
          in about the same time. We see other ships start out, and it is a
          much longer or shorter time before they return. We know not where
          they have been or the several orbits in which they have been
          moving, but we know that they return. And although we may not
          know whither they have been, or whence they came, the time they
          have made, etc., the crew that manned them, and the captain that
          steered them, and the power behind them, all that commands them,
          know all about it. And yet our own observations should teach us
          that there was somebody that directed them, their movements were
          not the work of change, but of design; that others perform their
          work and somebody has proposed it. And although we may not be
          able to measure the distance of the heavenly bodies, nor
          comprehend the extend of their revolutions, we see and know
          enough to convince us that they are all regulated by and subject
          to law; so that their laws are so well understood as frail mortal
          man, that even the number of them can be counted, and their
          movement understood, and their times and periods calculated.
          Now, would not a man be as senseless to say, there is no God, as
          to say, there is no shipmaster that guides the course of the
          vessel, and no shipowner that controls them. Their periods are
          appointed by him who lists to direct them. So with man. As the
          Apostle Paul has said: "He giveth to all life, and breath, and
          all things."
          And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all
          the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before
          appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.
          What is the fountain from which we drink knowledge, is it from
          books? I say yes, if we have within us the inspiration that
          enables us to cull the good from the bad, the truth from the
          error, storing up that which is worth retaining, and casting away
          the dross. For we find that books are ofttimes a labyrinth of
          folly and human weakness; for men write as they talk, and they
          talk as they think. And when they think wrong, they talk wrong
          and write wrong. What is the standard of truth? Our Father and
          without him there is no sure standard for us. Though there are
          many of our own species before us, that are advancing, that are
          climbing onward and upward in the scale of intelligence and
          power, and we are striving to follow after and learn of them, yet
          the inspiration of the Almighty is the only true source of
          knowledge. As Job says, "But there is a spirit in man; and the
          inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." It is the
          candle of the Lord, and his spirit lights it. Proud, haughty,
          self-conceited men, do, often ignore this source of knowledge,
          and when they are recipients of his grace and inspiration, their
          hearts are too proud to acknowledge it. And if any have been
          inspired a little ahead of them, or have been favored with one
          idea in advance of their own, they, in their pride and bigotry,
          rise up and resist it. Thus it was when Galileo, whose mind had
          been susceptible to the inspirations of the Almighty, revealed to
          the world that the earth moved upon its axis. "Blasphemy!" they
          cried; and the power of the Romish Church was brought to crush
          the boy. And so it has ever been when prophet, seer, revelator,
          philosopher, or sage has given utterance to inspiration beyond
          his fellows; opposition was rife against him. "We cannot stand
          this innovation! Away with! Kill him, we can't endure it!" This
          is why the seed of Abraham killed the ancient prophets, and why
          they persecuted Jesus: and it is also the self-same reason why
          the prophet Joseph Smith was martyred; he went a little beyond
          his fellows in his theory of God, and eternity and immortality
          and godliness, and his theory of human associations and morals.
          He was a little in advance of the men of his time, and therefore
          they could not endure it. "Let him be slain, and let his people
          go to the wall! What is the matter? "O, they marry their wives!
          they father their children, they honor and care for them, instead
          of casting them into the mire and filth of the streets to perish!
          The women they marry they take truly to their bosoms, and love,
          honor and cherish, and sustain and bless them, instead of
          secretly stealing round, more like low, crouching brutes then
          men, to seduce the fair daughters of Eve; and when they have
          gratified their lust, cast them off and their offspring, to be
          forever looked upon with reproach. O, you Latter-day Saints, we
          can't endure you! you will not descend to a level with us we
          congressmen are after you, we will teach you morals! No matter
          how many mistresses you may have, we do not enter any complaint
          against that phase of it, the bills we have introduced are not
          intended to prevent your having and keeping as many courtesans as
          you may choose to, but it is to prohibit your marrying them!"
          Brethren and sisters, I will not detain you longer. God bless
          you. Let us be men and women, true to ourselves, true to our God,
          true to the holy religion we have received, and by and by, those
          who now scorn, revile, abuse, belie, defame, and seek to trample
          us in the dust, will honor our memory and bless our children.
          That heaven may protect us is my prayer, in the name of Jesus.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Pratt, April 7, 1878
                             Orson Pratt, April 7, 1878
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ORSON PRATT,
                 Delivered at the Annual Conference, Salt Lake City,
                           Sunday Morning, April 7, 1878.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          I will call the attention of this large assembly to the latter
          part of a very important and extensive parable, recorded in the
          Book of Mormon.
          The speaker read from the Book of Mormon, commencing at the 128th
          I have read these words of the ancient prophet, to whom it seemed
          good unto the Lord to reveal his purposes and designs in regard
          to the inhabitants of this earth, by means of the trees of the
          vineyard, calling the house of Israel, the literal descendants of
          Israel, the natural trees of his vineyard; and the other nations,
          whom we term Gentiles, as the wild branches of the wild olive
          I have read only a small portion of the latter part of this
          extensive parable, that part which more particularly relates to
          the great work which we, as Latter-day Saints, are now performing
          in the earth.
          Forty-eight years ago, yesterday, after this Book had been
          printed making known this great parable to the people, the Church
          arose, consisting of only six individuals. From that time until
          the present, as the Church has grown and extended its borders,
          the Lord through his servants, has been organizing his
          Priesthood. We speak of the Church being organized on the 6th day
          of April, 1830, and of it consisting then of only six members. No
          one could expect that with that very small number there could be
          a very perfect organization. But so far as there were individuals
          introduced into the Church, on the day of its organization, the
          Lord gave a revelation concerning their duty. And after the
          Church had extended forth its borders, and a few hundred
          individuals were gathered unto it, in the year that it was
          organized, a still further organization took place; and it was
          but a few years until the Church stood forth in a more perfect
          organization then it had on the day of its foundation. Twelve men
          were called to be Apostles according to a certain prediction
          given some ten months before the organization of the Church.
          About this same period of time the first seventy elders were
          chosen, which perfected the organization still more. And also in
          those early days the High Priesthood, after the order of
          Melchizedek was made manifest more fully and men were ordained to
          that order of priesthood. In those early days also the Lesser
          Priesthood, or the priesthood after the order of Aaron was made
          manifest more perfectly in the eyes of the people, bishops were
          called and their duties defined, requiring them to manage, in
          conjunction with the higher authorities, the temporal concerns of
          the Church. This organization continued to increase and grow, and
          become more and more perfect, until finally, temples were built
          to the name of the Lord, when the duties of these various
          councils of priesthood were, in a greater degree, made manifest
          before the people. The teachings were many that were imparted in
          those days, and a union began to exist among the Saints of God,
          such as had not been known among the inhabitants of the earth for
          many long generations.
          After the completion of the Temple at Kirtland, and this more
          perfect organization had been established, the Saints of God
          began to increase and multiply to that extent that the Lord saw
          proper to place them in a country and land by themselves, where
          they could have a chance to enlarge their borders, to lengthen
          the cords of their habitation, to break forth on the left and on
          the right, and where there might be a majority in the land, and
          where they might have the privilege of serving the Lord their
          God, according to the dictates of their conscience.
          Thus you see our Heavenly Father has been at work among this
          people, and with this people, for almost one half of a century,
          bringing together, gathering the branches of the wild olive tree
          from the distant nations of the earth and grafting them in and
          making them, as it were, one body, on this great western
          You may ask, what great purpose the Lord has in thus organizing
          his people, year after year. The answer is, to accomplish a very
          important object, namely to make them like unto one body, that
          there may be a most perfect union from the highest officer in the
          Church down to the lowest member; that there may be no disunion,
          no division of feeling or sentiment in regard to doctrine or
          ordinances or in any of the principles pertaining to the Gospel
          of the Son of God; and that there may be no division in our
          political ideas and sentiments, but that a perfect oneness may
          exist in the heart of every male and female, from the gray headed
          old man down to the little child, that one feeling and one spirit
          may pervade the whole body, that they may be equal and bring
          forth the natural fruit again. That is the object; that is the
          reason why you behold the organization such as now exists
          throughout all these mountain regions. When has the Church, from
          its commencement exhibited what we now behold in all parts of our
          land--stakes of Zion having jurisdiction over every branch in the
          Church in these mountains, and over every family and every
          individual. And every one of these stakes has its presiding
          officer with his two councelors; and is also composed of numbers
          of wards over which bishops, with their counselors are appointed
          to preside.
          What is the duty of the presiding officers of these stakes? To
          see that all things under their watchcare are conducted according
          to the order of God, to look to the spiritual concerns first,
          that pertain to their stake, and to see that the high priests,
          the seventies, the elders, the priests, the teachers, and the
          deacons are all doing their respective duties, according to the
          requirements of the Most High; and then they act as the presiding
          authority and power over the bishops that may be in the several
          wards of their stakes, seeing also that they are in the
          performance of their duty, in relation to temporal matters. And
          then all the other authorities under these presiding officers of
          stakes are to see that those, under their immediate watch-care,
          are performing their duties, according to the laws of heaven
          which have been revealed for our guidance.
          When all things are in proper working order, and when every
          bishop is living his religion, and has the spirit of his
          bishopric resting upon him, and he fully understands the nature
          of his duties, everything in regard to temporal affairs will move
          like clock-work, and there will be no running down, as it were,
          of the clock, no deranging of the machinery, but every part will
          fulfil that which is required of it in relation to its particular
          calling, and all these various quorums of priesthood will strive
          to stir up the people to a oneness in regard to spiritual things;
          thus we keep spiritual and temporal things running parallel to
          each other, connected more or less together. So that the whole
          church becomes like unto one body, they become equal. "And the
          root, and the top thereof is equal." Indicating, when these
          things are carried out strictly, that the branches will not have
          power to overrun and grow beyond the strength of the root;
          neither would the roots have power to outgrow the branches. The
          husbandmen trimmed up the trees of the vineyard, and they pruned
          them; or in other words, the servants of the Lord teach the
          people, and instruct them, so that they may become one in all
          things. What! become one in our views in regard to politics? Why
          not? One may say, If you undertake to carry out such views of
          union in regard to political affairs, you will all vote the same
          ticket; there will be no division nor disunion throughout all the
          Church organization, and would not such a state of things be
          antagonistic to the genius of our American government? Wherein, I
          would ask, would it be contrary? Is there any principle connected
          with our government that would forbid us, as a people, becoming
          so united? Does the constitution of our country in any one
          particular prohibit American citizens from uniting and casting a
          solid vote in favor of any eligible candidate who may be
          regularly nominated, say for the position of President of the
          United States? I know of no such restriction; there is none.
          Supposing, then, that all the states of this union at the next
          general election, should, without one dissenting voice, conclude
          in their own minds to vote for one and the same individual,
          making him our president, what part or portion of the
          Constitution of our country would be violated by such a united
          effort? None whatever; because it is the privilege of the people
          to unite or divide as they may choose, there being no compulsion
          one way or the other.
          Which is calculated to produce the greatest good, union
          throughout all the states, concentrated not only upon the
          president, but upon the governors, and all of our political
          officers, or disunion and party strife. Everybody would certainly
          agree with me in saying that union in such matters would be the
          best calculated to promote the interest and common good of our
          government and people; that to be without a single dissenting
          voice in our election affairs from Maine to Texas, from the
          Atlantic to the Pacific, all concentrating themselves upon the
          officers they want, and then vote for them unanimously would be
          carrying out the form of the American government in its
          perfection. But our fathers, who framed that Great instrument of
          nationality--that instrument by which all classes of people are
          protected in their rights-- provided for disunion, if the people
          should feel disposed to introduce it. Showing that they were
          permitted to dissent and vote for as many candidates as they may
          choose to nominate.
          But in the Church of the living God, according to the oneness
          required by the Lord of heaven, we should act unitedly in all
          things. Some may have an idea that if we are only united about
          some of the spiritual things of the kingdom that is all the union
          needed among us. I do not know of any one principle, or subject,
          connected with the building up and advancement of the kingdom of
          God upon the earth, upon which we have a right to be disunited.
          The law of God is of such a nature, when complied with strictly,
          as to unite us not only in the first principles of the
          Gospel--faith, repentance and baptism, and confirmation, and upon
          doctrine and spiritual things generally, but also in regard to
          the cultivation of the earth, the raising of flocks and herds,
          manufacturing, and all kinds of mechanical business, and also
          with regard to our political affairs and everything with which we
          have to do here in this temporal probation. There are some great
          political parties very much united, and how diligently they
          strive to make themselves still more united. The Republican and
          Democratic parties vie with each other in their efforts to elicit
          they sympathy of a majority of the people, in order to become the
          dominant party. Hence the great number of political agents, that
          go forth throughout the country stump speeching, as well as other
          means that are resorted to for this purpose. Is there anything in
          the Constitution of our country prohibiting them from striving to
          bring about disunion? No, not in the least. Neither is there
          anything written that would forbid the Methodists, the Baptists,
          the Presbyterians, or any other religious society throughout the
          confines of this great republic, from striving with all their
          might to vote with one heart and one mind, both in regard to
          their political and their church affairs. 
          That is what we are striving to do. We are laboring in faith and
          with much assurance, that the day will dawn upon Israel, when
          this people will attain to a perfect oneness, so much so that not
          a dissenting voice will be heard or raised, in regard to things
          religious or secular, from one end of the Territory to the other.
          This union exists in the eternal worlds. If you should dwell
          there for the period of ten millions of ages, you would see no
          dissension among those who dwell in yonder celestial worlds. If
          the affairs of a celestial world were divided into different
          departments, calling one political and another religious, and so
          on, you would find the whole body, both religious and political,
          vote for the same ticket, if I may be allowed the expression;
          they would be agreed, of one heart and one mind. This oneness
          among the people of God must be attained in this world, in order
          that His purposes may be brought about, respecting man and the
          earth on which he lives.
          How much reason have we to rejoice that our fathers, a little
          over a century ago, began to consider the importance of being
          free and untrammelled in regard to their religious ideas and
          opinions; and that by having their feelings so deeply impressed
          upon their minds, they were enabled to get out that great
          instrument of liberty which guarantees to this great nation
          to-day civil, political and religious rights.
          Our enemies would try to frighten us, by representing before the
          Congress of the United States there is a union among those
          Latter-day Saints, and that all vote one way. Supposing we admit
          this to be true, ought not Congress to rejoice exceedingly to
          think that there is one portion of the people under the flag of
          this great and glorious republic, that have strength of mind
          sufficient to be united on politics. I presume the Republican
          party of our government, that has some hundreds of thousands
          united with them, rejoice exceedingly to think that they have as
          much union among them as they have; and it is their constant
          labor and study to use and devise every means in their power to
          maintain and, if possible, increase this union. And so we intend
          to use every lawful (not unlawful) means in our power to keep the
          people united upon one platform, religiously and politically, and
          also in every other position in which we may be placed.
          Remember the parable I have read in your hearing, which was
          printed in the Book of Mormon, before we had on existence as a
          Church. The servants labored in the vineyard with their mights.
          What for? To prune up the trees, to graft them into their proper
          place, that they may bring forth that fruit which was most
          precious to the Lord from the beginning and the fruit become like
          unto one body. And the roots and the top thereof were equal. And
          the blessings of the Most High began to be made manifest upon the
          fruits of the vineyard, and they began to grow and extend
          themselves, their branches spreading upon the face of the whole
          earth. What will be the final result of all this? I will answer
          in the words of Daniel the prophet: "I beheld until the kingdom,
          and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven was given
          unto the Saints of the Most High." And what became of the other
          kingdoms, empires, republics and governments, generally
          instituted by men? I will again answer you in the words of the
          same prophet: "They became like the chaff of the summer threshing
          floors, and the wind carried them away, that no place was found
          for them." Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / L. W.
          Hardy, May 15, 1878
                              L. W. Hardy, May 15, 1878
               Made at a Meeting Held in Nephi, on Wednesday Evening,
                                    May 15, 1878.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                                 BISHOP L. W. HARDY.
          Brethren and sisters, I am pleased to meet with you, and to see
          so many present. I am requested to occupy ten minutes time, which
          I propose to devote to the subject of Tithing.
          Tithing is a law of God which we are required to obey, and it
          isbinding upon all the Latter-day Saints, the poor as well as the
          rich. In some places the widow, who depends upon the Church for
          support, pays one-tenth of her income as Tithing. And this course
          I would recommend to all in similar circumstances, for it is only
          in compliance with the law that we can expect to obtain the
          blessings promised. And the poor woman herself is not the only
          one that is blessed by taking this course, but her children, if
          she has any, are taught a lesson that will not be forgotten, and
          they will always have pleasure in its contemplation, as long, at
          least, as they are worthy the name of Latter-day Saint, say
          nothing of the influence for good which she wields among those of
          more favorable circumstances. It is not the amount that we pay,
          but it is the honest Tithing, paid willingly and in the faith and
          spirit of the Gospel, that the Lord requires, no matter how small
          it may be; and then, on the other hand, it matters not how large.
          The Savior, when on a certain occasion he sat near the treasury,
          looking at the people how they cast in money--and we are told
          that many that were rich cast in much, but, notwithstanding, the
          poor widow who came along and threw in her two mites, which only
          make a farthing, contributed, he said, more than they all. "For
          all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did
          cast in all she had, even all her living." The Lord acknowledges
          the honesty of the heart by providing for and blessing us with
          the necessaries and comforts of life; and he will continue to do
          so, as long as we fear and obey him with all our might, mind and
          strength. He will not fail in the fulfilment of his promises,
          inasmuch as we are found worthy before him. It is not only our
          duty to pay our Tithing, but our offerings too, that our poor may
          be fed and clothed, and their hearts made glad. It is just as
          binding upon us to look after our poor, as it is to be baptized
          for the remission of sins. How do you think, brethren, the Lord
          would regard us if the cries of the widow and the orphan, the
          aged, and the halt and the blind, were to ascend into his ears,
          while we heed them not? I tell you he would not own us as his
          people, neither could he pour out his blessings upon us. Then pay
          your Tithes and your offerings, and be blessed. Attend your fast
          meetings, and bring in your offerings in the time thereof, that
          the poor may rejoice and feel that they are not neglected. Why,
          if every man and woman fulfilled his and her duty in this
          respect, your offerings would be piled up so high that there
          would not be poor enough to eat them, and you would be sending up
          to Bishop Hunter asking him to send you some poor people to eat
          them up. We are a blessed people, we enjoy peace and plenty,
          while millions of our fellow beings to-day know not what it is to
          enjoy either. But supposing we all were prompt and faithful in
          paying our Tithes and offerings, how do you think it would be
          with us? Why, He would be mindful of his promise to fulfil it; He
          would "open to you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a
          blessing, that there would not be room enough to receive it." And
          further, he says to those who comply with this law, "I will
          rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the
          fruits of your ground," etc. Then pay your Tithes and your
          offerings, that the blessings of God may be upon us and our land,
          and upon our orchards, and that the hearts of the poor may be
          made to rejoice, and that Temples may be reared to his holy name,
          and the work of the Father may go on to its consummation. I
          doubt, my brethren, whether a man can save himself, much less
          prove a savior to his dead, who neglects to Tithe himself. Well,
          I see that my time has expired. God bless you. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Erastus Snow, May 15, 1878
                             Erastus Snow, May 15, 1878
                                 ELDER ERASTUS SNOW.
          I propose to continue the subject that has been alluded to.
          In a very early period of the history of this Church, when in its
          infancy, the Lord said unto us, in a revelation which is
          contained in the Doctrine and Covenants, "He that is Tithed shall
          not be burned." In several of the revelations the subject of
          Tithing is referred to in a general way; but the special
          revelation on that subject was given at Far West, Missouri, in
          July, 1838, in answer to the question, "O Lord, shew unto thy
          servants how much thou requirest of the properties of thy people
          for Tithing." And by this revelation we learned that we were
          required to consecrate all of our surplus property for the
          purposes mentioned therein, and after doing that to pay annually
          one-tenth of our increase. This means increase from every source.
          For instance, if a man depend only upon the labor of his own
          hands, than one-tenth of his earnings would be his lawful
          Tithing. But if in addition to this he possess teams or employ
          other labor, then the increase of such labor should also be
          Tithed. Again, if he should be engaged opening up farms, building
          or making other improvements, thus accumulating a surplus around
          him, one-tenth of the increase of such property would be due, as
          Tithing, as well as a tenth of his labor combined. Then again,
          should part of his surplus property be in such a condition as to
          enable him to invest it in any branch of business, one-tenth of
          the profits arising therefrom is due as Tithing; or should he
          have money loaned out on interest, on every dollar so accumulated
          the sum of ten cents belongs to the Lord, in accordance to his
          law regulating the Tithing of his people; and so on, this law
          strictly applying to our income derived from every source.
          It is not, as some verily suppose, the Tithing of what you may
          have left after deducting all of your expenses; or in other
          words, after spending all you can. There are some calling
          themselves Latter-day Saints who try to appease their conscience
          in the belief that Tithing means the tenth of what may be left
          after deducting all expenses, which would amount to this: "What
          we cannot spend we will give a tenth of that as our Tithing." How
          much, my brethren and sisters, do you think the Lord would get if
          all of us felt and acted so? This is not the law of Tithing; all
          who aim to comply with it after this manner deviate from its true
          reading. We are required to pay the tenth of our increase, or
          interest, or income, which is our Tithing, and which is necessary
          for the general welfare in building Temples, sustaining the
          Priesthood, administering to the poor, etc., while we retain the
          nine-tenths for the sustenance of ourselves and families, etc.
          Brother Hardy expressed himself doubtful whether men who ignored
          this law of Tithing could save themselves, much less save their
          dead. I will here say, that when this law of Tithing was
          revealed, in 1848, the Lord said, "This shall be a standing law
          unto them forever," and "shall be an ensample unto all the Stakes
          of Zion." And we are also told that all who observe not this law
          should not be found worthy to abide among the people of God. And
          the Lord further says, "If my people observe not this law, to
          keep it holy, and by this law sanctify the land of Zion of unto
          me, that my statutes and my judgments might be kept therein, that
          it may be most holy, behold, verily, I say unto you, it shall not
          be a land of Zion unto you" This was the word of the Lord to his
          people at that early day, and it has never changed, but is in
          force to this day and will remain so forever. Unless certain
          conditions are complied with, this chosen land cannot be a land
          of Zion unto us.
          After this law was given unto us we were driven from Missouri,
          and we built a Temple at Nauvoo. And when that Temple was so far
          completed that a baptismal font could be established in the
          basement, and the Latter-day Saints began to have access to the
          same, the Prophet Joseph instructed the brethren in charge, to
          the effect that none should be allowed to participate in the
          privileges of the House of God excepting those who shall produce
          a certificate from the General Church Recorder, certifying to the
          fact that they had paid up their tithing. How many of these old
          Saints have yet preserved among their old papers certificates of
          this character, issued by Brother Wm. Clayton. And should any
          have had access to the privileges of the House of the Lord either
          on behalf of themselves or their dead, without having complied
          with this law, thus securing unto themselves, in a legal and
          proper way, the right of the Temple, they would be like thieves
          and robbers that enter not into the sheepfold by the door, but
          climb up some other way. And the time will come when such persons
          will be treated as thieves and robbers--bound hand and foot and
          cast out again. This is the testimony I wish to add to the
          remarks of Brother Hardy.
          That we may be more diligent and faithful in the observance of
          the laws of God than in the past; and that through faith and good
          works we may be able to see as God sees us, and be Latter-day
          Saints indeed and of a truth, is my prayer. And by thus placing
          ourselves in a condition to receive, we will see if he does not
          fulfil his promise, by opening the windows of heaven and pouring
          out a blessing such as we can hardly contain. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, May 15, 1878
                              John Taylor, May 15, 1878
                                 PREST. JOHN TAYLOR.
          I am pleased to have the opportunity of meeting with the brethren
          in this place. As we are only making a passing visit, being on
          our way to Sanpete, we have not time to make very long speeches.
          I have been interested in the remarks which have been made, and I
          presume you have been also.
          In regard to our religion and our feelings about tithing, and in
          fact everything else, we need to act conscientiously before God,
          and as honest men, without any equivocation of any kind. In
          regard to our doctrine and the principles we believe in; in
          regard to our deal and intercourse with all men everywhere; in
          regard to our associations with our families and with one
          another, we ought to really be what we profess to be--Latter-days
          Saints. And not only have the profession, but seek to posses the
          principles that all good Latter-day Saints ought to be in
          possession of, and which are our privilege to possess. It is
          quite possible that we may deceive one another; but it is not
          always that we succeed in doing that. We often try, but we make a
          poor out at it, for people generally are not so much deceived as
          we may think. It is true they may not say anything, but at the
          same time they keep up a loud thinking about it. But if we do
          manage to deceive each other we cannot deceive God. And what is
          the use of making a profession of anything unless we carry it
          out. Why are we here? Because we embraced the Gospel, and because
          we believe this was the land of Zion. Why do we attend to Temple
          ordinances? Because we believe they are ordained of God, and are
          necessary for our welfare and the welfare of our progenitors. Why
          do we build temples? Is it to appear liberal towards these
          institutions, in the eyes of our brethren? It should not be. But
          it should be because we believe it to be a duty devolving upon
          us, and because, as Elders in Israel, the Lord expects us to do
          it, because it is a part of the plan of salvation ordained of God
          for the living and the dead; and because it is expected to carry
          out his purposes in regard to the world in which we live, and
          that we should operate and cooperate with the Priesthood behind
          the veil, in all sincerity and honesty before God in all that we
          do to this end, for as one of old said, in contemplating these
          things, "hell and destruction is without a covering before thee,"
          and how much more so are the hearts of the children of men. And
          how pleasing it is to operate with our Heavenly Father in all
          sincerity; how pleasing it is to feel that God is our Father, and
          that we are his children, that we are his covenant people, and
          that we are engaged doing his work. We should be honest with
          ourselves, honest with our families, honest with each other and
          honest with our God, and in all the various relations of life.
          The subject of tithing has been referred to. We profess to
          believe in it, and therefore we should carry it out. If we do not
          believe in it, let us be frank enough to say so, and quit. We
          profess to have faith in God, and that it is our duty to call
          upon him morning and evening. [missing] I did not believe that
          the Lord would hear me, I would not trouble myself about calling
          upon him. But I do believe that the Lord says: "Ask, and it shall
          be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be
          opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that
          seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or
          what man is there of you, who if his son ask bread, will he give
          him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
          etc." Jesus tried to impress this principle upon the people in
          his day; but it is difficult for us at times to realize it. And
          again he instances the widow and the unjust judge, showing that
          by continual prayer, importuning the Father, in the name of
          Jesus, in faith that he will hear us, our prayers will not be in
          vain. We should feel that God is our father and that we are his
          children, and that he has promised to listen to our prayer, and
          that we are called upon to be obedient to his will and to carry
          out his designs. And then we ought, in order that our prayers may
          be effectual perform the various duties devolving upon us, such
          as have been referred to, and we should be honest and honorable
          in our dealing one with another. If we try to defraud our
          brother, how can we expect God to bless us in that, for he is a
          child of our Heavenly Father just as much as we are. And being
          his child he feel interested in his welfare, and if we try to
          take advantage to the injury of the Lord's child, do you think he
          would be pleased with us? Formally, according to the Mosaic law,
          if a man stole anything he would make him restore it four fold.
          That was a law of carnal commandments and ordinances. And we are
          living under a more elevated law, and occupying a higher position
          than the Children of Israel did. We want to be just and generous
          to each other, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
          heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all
          thy strength. This we are told is the first commandment. And the
          second is like unto it, namely, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as
          thyself." Do we do this? If we did, then how pleasantly we could
          come before the Lord. Yet, if we were living our religion,
          possessing the light and intelligence of God, we would do so.
          But, to go a little further, quoting from the injunction of Paul:
          "Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in
          honor preferring one another." Could you go that, do you think?
          There would first have to be a little change among some of us.
          Yet those were the principles taught by some of the former-day
          Apostles, and it is just as true to-day as it was then. There is
          something very pleasing in these things; and if we could only
          carry them out how pleasant it would be; we would have confidence
          in every man. We sing sometimes something like this--and we sing
          it quite glibly too: "When every man, in every place shall meet a
          brother and a friend." Do you ever remember hearing folks sing
          that? If we were one and all, so united as to inspire that
          confidence in all our acts and doings, so far as we were
          concerned in our immediate vicinity, every man would meet a
          brother and a friend; and the same would also be said of our
          sisters. These are the kind of feelings the Gospel ought to
          inspire in our hearts: love for one another, a feeling of
          interest in one another's welfare and so fulfil the law of
          Christ--the law of the Gospel.
          And then men should feel right towards their wives and treat them
          in kindness and with regard, not allowing our love to wear out.
          We might have been a little foolish in our younger days, when
          doing our courting, paying to much attention to the object of our
          affection, whereas, by and by, we pay too little attention. We
          should so live that our love for each other can increase all the
          time and not diminish, and have charity in our bosoms so that we
          may bear with one another's infirmities, feeling that we are the
          children of God, seeking to carry out his word and will and law.
          And then treat everybody right. What, the Gentiles? Yes,
          certainly; it would be a pity if we could not afford to treat
          everybody honorably and right. These "damned Gentiles," as you
          are sometimes pleased to call them, are the children of our
          Heavenly Father. What was the Gospel introduced into the world
          for? What was the promise made to Abraham? "In thy seed shall all
          the nations of the earth be blessed," not cursed. What was the
          mission that Jesus gave to his disciples? "Go ye into all the
          world and preach the Gospel to every creature." What, to the
          Gentiles? Yes; were not you among that class when the Gospel
          reached you? Yes, you were, and if the elders had not gone out to
          preach the Gospel you would not have been here? Well, shall we
          treat men aright here. Certainly; but that is not to say you
          shall be governed by any of their meanness or corruption. God
          sends us to teach, not to be taught or to be influenced by
          anything improper or impure; he sends us to elevate the standard
          of truth and to act the part of a friend to all men, but not to
          be partakers of their sins, or mix up with them in their vice and
          contentions; but preserve our bodies and spirits pure together,
          that we may be the children of God without rebuke in the midst of
          a corrupt and perverse generation. What would I do with the
          hungry? I would feed them. What if they were not good people?
          Yes, you and I can well afford to treat everybody right. God
          makes his sun to shine on the evil as well as the good, and he
          sends his rain on the just and the unjust. But do not descend to
          their evils and wickedness and corruptions, nor to the evils and
          wickedness of those who call themselves Latter-day Saints, who
          are not, who do not keep the commandments of God.
          I am a believer in the things the brethren have been speaking
          about, they are matter of fact principles. There are some
          Christian people in this world who, if a man were poor or hungry,
          would say, let us pray for him. I would suggest a little
          different regiment for a person in this condition: rather take
          him a bag of flour and a little beef or pork, and a little sugar
          and butter. A few such comforts will do him more good than your
          prayers. And I would be ashamed to ask the Lord to do something
          that I would not do myself. Then go to work and help the poor
          yourselves first, and do all you can for them, and then call upon
          God to do the balance. So with the building of our Temples and
          everything else. Never mind so much about the prayers; prayers
          are all very well in their place. There is an old saying which is
          not without meaning; it is "Yankee doodle, do it." Let us do
          something and feel that we are men among men, and that we are
          prepared to fill the various responsibilities devolving upon us,
          and then things will move along right enough. We get excited
          sometimes and want to do everything in a rush. Why the world was
          not built in a day, neither does winter change into summer in a
          day, it takes time. When it begins to get a little warm in the
          spring you begin to plow, and when you cast in the seed you do
          not expect to reap on to-morrow; but you wait, and by and by the
          grain begins to shoot, and everything looks beautiful and green,
          and when it commences to head out, you begin to talk about the
          harvest. There is, however, an overwhelming power, which is the
          power of God, at the back of it, which gives life and vitality to
          all nature; and it moves gradually and slowly, but surely. We
          want to grow in grace and in the knowledge and love of God in the
          same way.
          We have commenced to built up the Kingdom of God, and like the
          grain of mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds, it
          will grow and extend until the whole earth shall be full of the
          knowledge of God, and the kingdoms of this world become the
          kingdoms of our God and his Christ and he will reign forever.
          We will try to be united, and purify ourselves and purify our
          families, and purge out iniquity from our households. We will try
          to have a conscience void of offence towards God and man. We will
          try to magnify that priesthood God has conferred upon us. And we
          will go on from truth to truth; from intelligence to
          intelligence, and form wisdom to wisdom until we see as we are
          seen and know as we are known. We will operate together, and with
          all Israel and with the gods in the eternal worlds, and with the
          patriarchs, prophets and apostles, and all the holy men of God
          who have lived before us, in assisting to bring to pass all the
          designs of God of which the prophets have spoken, and in building
          up the Zion of God, in redeeming the earth and establishing the
          kingdom of God thereon.
          May God bless you and lead you in the paths of life, in the name
          of Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Lorenzo Snow, April 21, 1878
                            Lorenzo Snow, April 21, 1878
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER LORENZO SNOW,
             Delivered in the Tabernacle, Ogden City, Sunday Afternoon,
                                   April 21, 1878.
                             (Reported by James Taylor.)
          I will read, this afternoon, a few verses of the revelation
          commencing on page 345 of the new edition of the Book of Doctrine
          and Covenants:
          "1. Verily I say unto you who have assembled together, that you
          may learn my will concerning the redemption of mine afflicted
          "2. Behold, I say unto you, were it not for the transgressions of
          my people, speaking concerning the church and not individuals,
          they might have been redeemed even now.
          "3. But behold, they have not learned to be obedient to the
          things which I required at their hands, but are full of all
          manner of evil, and do not impart of their substance, as becometh
          Saints, to the poor and afflicted among them.
          "4. And are not united according to the union required by the law
          of the celestial kingdom.
          "5. And Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of
          the law of the celestial kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her
          unto myself.
          "6. And my people must needs be chastened until they learn
          obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer."
          I wish to remind my brethren and sisters, in the first place,
          that we are dependent for our information and intelligence upon
          the Spirit of God, which may be in us, if properly cultivated, a
          spirit of inspiration, of revelation, to make manifest clearly to
          our understanding the mind and will of God, teaching our duties
          and obligations, and what is required at our hands. And, on
          occasions of this kind, when we are assembled together to learn
          the will of God, it is of importance that we exercise faith, and
          have the spirit of prayer, that the Lord will cause something to
          be said that will instruct, and give us such information and
          knowledge as will be of use and service in our daily walk and
          under the circumstances that surround us.
          We need assistance. We are liable to do that which will lead us
          into trouble and darkness, and those things which will not tend
          to our good, but with the assistance of that comforter which the
          Lord has promised his Saints, if we are careful to listen to its
          whisperings, and understand the nature of its language, we may
          avoid much trouble and serious difficulty.
          We are told in these verses which I have read, that the Saints in
          former days were driven from the land of their possessions
          because they lacked that union which was necessary for their
          safety and salvation, and preserve them upon this land which the
          Lord designed to give them for an inheritance. They were not
          united according to the union which was required by the celestial
          law. And we are told here that Zion cannot be built up upon any
          other principle or foundation. This is the subject that concerns
          every Latter-day Saint, and is well worthy of deep reflection,
          and we should seek the spirit of inspiration, that we may
          understand it properly, and how it may, perhaps, effect us in our
          present situation.
          There are principles which are revealed for the good of the
          people of God, and clearly manifest in the revelations which have
          been given; but in consequence of not being more persevering and
          industrious, we neglect to receive the advantages which they are
          designed to confer, and we think, perhaps, that it is not
          necessary to exert ourselves to find out what God requires at our
          hands, or in other words, to search out the principles which God
          has revealed, upon which we can receive very important blessings.
          There are revealed, plainly and clearly, principles which are
          calculated to exalt the Latter-day Saints, and preserve them from
          much trouble and vexation, yet, through lack of perseverance on
          our part to learn and conform to them, we fail to receive the
          blessings that are connected with obedience to them. These
          principles of union, which the Latter-day Saints in former times
          ignored, and in consequence of disobedience to them, were driven
          from Missouri, are called by different names--United Order, Order
          of Enoch, the principles of Union of the Celestial Law, etc. When
          we search the revelations of God in regard to them, we see that
          wherever the Gospel of the Son of God has been revealed in its
          fulness, the principles of the United Order were made manifest,
          and required to be observed. The system of union, or the Order of
          Enoch, which God has taken so much pains to reveal and make
          manifest, has been, and is, for the purpose of uniting the
          Latter-day Saints, the people of God, and preparing them for
          exaltation in his celestial kingdom, and also for the purpose of
          preparing them here on this earth to live together as brethren,
          that they may become one in all matters that pertain to their
          worldly affairs, as well as their spiritual interests, that they
          may become one--one in their efforts, one in their interests--so
          that there shall be no poor found in the midst of the Latter-day
          Saints, and no monied aristocracy in the midst of the people of
          God, but that there should be a union, an equality. Before this
          Church was organized, in April, 1830, there were given
          revelations touching the United Order; and from the day the first
          revelation was given in regard to these principles, there have
          been given a great number of revelations making the principle of
          the United Order very plain to the understanding of those who
          wish to comprehend them. The principles and system have been
          pointed out in various revelations very distinctly, so that the
          Saints might not err. The Lord has shown us that he considered
          this order no small matter, but a subject of vast importance; so
          much so, in fact, that he has pronounced severe penalties on
          those who disobey its principles, and promised most important
          blessings to those who receive it and conform to its
          requirements. Doc. and Cov., page 327, 276, 258, 264.
          The Latter-day Saints, no doubt, have made very great
          improvement, and advanced considerably beyond the point the
          Saints reached when they were in Missouri, and were chastened in
          consequence of their not having conformed to the principles of
          union, as required; but when we see these sacred principles
          disregarded, to a certain extent, so much as they are, we wonder
          why it is so, and how it is that they are so much neglected, so
          much ignored--principles of such vast importance to our
          exaltation and glory, and for our safety, and on account of
          disobedience to which the Lord could not sustain and defend his
          people in the State of Missouri, but suffered them to be overcome
          and expelled by their enemies.
          The Lord, when he counseled that Jackson County should be
          purchased by the Saints, was very strict in regard to the manner
          in which they should observe the principles of union; and he
          called one of his servants, and told him that he would make him
          an example in regard to what would be required of those who
          should go up to the land of Missouri to receive their
          inheritance. That was Martin Harris. (Doc. & Co., sec. 58, page
          203, verses 35 and 36.) The Lord said: "It is wisdom in me that
          my servant Martin Harris should be an example unto the Church,
          inlaying his monies before the Bishop of the Church. And also,
          this is a law unto every man that cometh unto this land to
          receive an inheritance; and he shall do with his monies according
          as the law directs."
          Now, here is one of the first principles of the United Order, and
          it was made and ordained a law by every person, and every one was
          required to observe it, who should be privileged to go to the
          land of Missouri to receive an inheritance. But this, I think,
          will apply, not only to those who should go to the land of
          Missouri, but to the people of God in every land. Wherever there
          is a people of God, the principles of the United Order are
          applicable, if they would receive and obey them. Some have
          thought that the United Order was to be kept only by the people
          who should go up to the land of Missouri. Now this, I believe, is
          incorrect. It would seem very singular that the Latter-day
          Saints, when they receive the Gospel, should not have the
          privilege of uniting themselves, according to the principles of
          the celestial law, and that Jackson County should be the only
          place where this law might be observed. I shall not have time to
          pursue this subject so particularly as I would wish, I will
          simply refer to some revelations in regard to the matter.
          In Kirtland, Ohio, there was a United Order established under the
          direct influence and instructions of Joseph Smith. He received
          revelations from the Lord in regard to this subject. And there
          was not only a United Order established in Kirtland, but there
          was also a United command of God to be established in a locality
          about fifteen or twenty miles from Kirtland, in a town called
          Thompson. And the Lord gave his servant, Edward Partridge, the
          first Bishop of this Church, revelations and important
          instructions in reference to organizing a Branch of the Church
          into the United Order in that township. And Edward Partridge
          needed these instructions, because it might well be understood
          that he, of himself, would not be able to understand the mind and
          will of God touching what was required according to the
          principles of the celestial law. Therefore, the Lord told him it
          was necessary that he should receive instructions in these
          principles. And he gave him instructions, and told him that it
          was necessary that the people should be organized there according
          to his law, otherwise they should be cut off. And he told him,
          furthermore, that it was their privilege to be organized
          according to the celestial law, that they might be united upon
          those principles. And also, in this revelation, he told Edward
          Partridge that he should have the privilege of organizing, for
          this was an example unto him, in all other places, in all other
          churches. So it was not confined to any particular locality, to
          Kirtland, nor to Thompson, nor to Jackson County; but in that
          revelation it was told the Bishop that this should be an example
          unto him in organizing in all Churches. So that wherever Edward
          Partridge should find a Church, he would have the privilege of
          organizing them according to the United Order, the Celestial Law,
          or the Order of Enoch.
          Now, we might ask ourselves, would it be supposable that there
          could be any transgression or that we would offend God in
          ascertaining what the United Order is, and then conforming
          ourselves to its requirements, as near as possible?
          In the days of the Prophet Ezra, the Jewish nation, for many
          years, had been in captivity, and in transgression, and been
          permitted to be destroyed, and driven from their locations by
          their enemies. Well, Ezra, on a certain occasion, saw proper to
          bring them together and build Jerusalem that had been thrown
          down. The Lord aided him in this work; and after they had been
          successful in building the walls, they commenced reading the laws
          and revelations of God; and they found that the people were in
          great transgression, and in disobedience to a very important and
          sacred law, and that was in regard to their inter-marriages with
          aliens. They discovered that there had been a law given in the
          days of Moses, that they should not give their daughters to the
          sons of aliens, neither should they take the daughters of aliens
          to their sons. Well, when Ezra made this discovery, and found
          that the people had been inter-marrying to quite an extent, he
          was in consternation. He sat down, plucked the hair from his
          head, and his beard from his face, and rent his garments; and
          called upon his God to forgive the people. Well, finally, the
          prophets, and chief men were called together and had a
          consultation; and then the people were called together, and they
          had a very grievous time in making the thing right wherein they
          had transgressed his holy law; and however unpleasant the
          requirements were in regard to making this right, it was
          considered absolutely important to have the blessings of God, and
          be approved of him. Now, I do not say, when we come back again to
          our subject, the principles of the United Order, that this might
          be our position with reference to our obedience to it. But I
          would say this, however, that if these principles of the United
          Order were so important in former days, and the Lord by some
          thirteen revelations or more, has made them manifest to his
          Saints, and the results of disobedience were such as we see, why
          should we not consider them of some importance at the present
          time? And would the Lord find fault with the people, if the
          Latter-day Saints would strive with all their hearts to conform
          to them? And would we not feel ourselves better prepared to go
          back and build up Jackson County, the Centre Stake of Zion? Would
          we expect to go back unless we complied with the law in all
          things, and in consequence of disobedience to which, the people
          were expelled from that country?
          It is argued by some that when the principle of tithing came in,
          it supersede the principles of the United Order. The law of Moses
          was given to be school-master, to bring the people to a knowledge
          of the Son of God, and induce them to obey the principles of the
          fulness of the Gospel. The higher law was given to the children
          of Israel when they were first delivered from Egyptian bondage,
          but in consequence of their disobedience, the Gospel in its
          fulness was withdrawn, and the law of carnal commandments was
          added. Now, do you imagine that there would have been any wrong
          if the people wanted to find the principles of the higher law and
          obey them as near as circumstances would admit? Do you suppose it
          would have been wrong to search out the fulness of the Gospel,
          while living under the Mosaic law? But, in the Book of Mormon we
          find this point more fully illustrated. We find that the
          inhabitants of this continent had a knowledge of the fulness of
          the everlasting Gospel and were baptized for the remission of
          sins, many generations before Jesus came into the world. We find
          that Alma was baptized in the waters of Mormon, and some four
          hundred and fifty other individuals. Alma, by his energy and
          perseverance, had discovered the fulness of the Gospel and
          obtained revelations from the Lord, and the privilege of
          observing the Gospel in all its fulness and blessings. Do you
          think the Lord was angry with them? They were under the Mosaic
          law, and yet considered it a blessing to observe the higher law.
          Now I will say in regard to the matter of tithing, I think that
          law was given to the Latter-day Saints, one object being to
          prepare them for, and conduct them to, the United Order, that
          they might not fall into the same error as the people who were
          driven from the State of Missouri, but gradually be inducted into
          these higher principles. There is nothing more elevating to
          ourselves and pleasing to God than those things that pertain to
          the accomplishment of a brotherhood. Wise men, for centuries,
          have sought to bring this about, but without success. They had
          not the ability, the wisdom, the intelligence, nor the authority,
          to bring the people up to that standard, that they could become a
          united brotherhood. All their efforts were ineffectual. But the
          Lord will be successful; and he will prepare the Latter-day
          Saints that these principles will be in their hearts when they go
          back to Jackson County. Remember, while the Gospel in its fulness
          was observed by Alma and his brethren, and by many thousands in
          different ages of the world, they lived under the Mosaic Law, and
          cannot the Latter-day Saints under the law of tithing, observe
          the fulness of the gospel? If we allow that we are under the
          principle of the law of tithing, is there any harm in our
          complying with the principles of the United Order?
          I am aware that it is unpleasant in the ears of some individuals,
          to hear about the principles of the United but take the
          Latter-day Saints, generally speaking, throughout the various
          settlements of this Territory, their hearts seem to be drawn out
          in reference to this principle. When President Young first came
          into these mountain valleys, he was impressed with the importance
          of this principle, and he took the first steps for the
          accomplishment of this union. There are hundreds and thousands of
          individuals that came into these valleys at that time, who
          conformed to the first principles of this union. There are many
          of us that consecrated all that we possessed, and this is the
          first step in regard to the United Order. It is very possible
          that there may have been some neglect in carrying forward this
          principle, as, perhaps, we might have done. This I would not say
          particularly, but there may have been fault in us, in this matter
          in not carrying out what we commenced. In things that pertain to
          celestial glory there can be no forced operations. We must do
          according as the Spirit of the Lord operates upon our
          understandings and feelings. We cannot be crowded into matters,
          however great might be the blessing attending such procedure. We
          cannot be forced into living a celestial law; we must do this
          ourselves, of our own free will. And whatever we do in regard to
          the principles of the United Order, we must do it because we
          desire to do it. Some of us are practising in the spirit of the
          United Order, doing more than the law of tithing requires. We are
          not confined to the law of tithing. We have advanced to that
          point that we feel to soar above this law. Now, we have thousands
          and tens of thousands, and I might say millions of dollars, that
          have been appropriated by the Latter-day Saints in various
          directions. We have appropriated tens of thousands of dollars for
          the gathering of the poor and the building of tabernacles, and
          for many other things that might be mentioned. When we do this,
          we act up to one of the principles that pertain to this United
          The Lord, in Kirtland, established a United Order. He called
          certain individuals, and united them by revelation, and told them
          how to proceed; and every man who would subscribe fully to the
          United Order will proceed in the same manner. He told those
          people and the Church afar off, to listen and hearken to what he
          required of men in this Order, and of every man who belonged to
          the church of the living God--that all that they received above
          what was necessary for the support of their families, was to be
          put in the Lord's storehouse, for the benefit of the whole
          Church. This is what is required of every man in his stewardship.
          And this is a law that is required to be observed by every man
          who belongs to the church of the living God. [Book Doc. and Cov.,
          p. 234.] Now, this is one of the main features of the United
          Order. We are not going to stop here, in these valleys of the
          mountains. Many of us expect to go forth and build up the centre
          stake of Zion; but before we are called, we must understand these
          things, and conform to them more practically than many of us do
          at the present time.
          We are told in one of these revelations that it is necessary that
          we should be equal. If we are not equal in temporal things, we
          cannot be equal in spiritual things. Men on whom God has bestowed
          financeering ability are the men that are wanted at this
          time--that God wants, and whom he would wish to call to step
          forth in the accomplishment of this great union. Now we call men
          at our conferences and send them forth to preach the gospel to
          the nations of the earth. They go forth in the strength and power
          of God, depending upon the Holy Spirit, to assist in the
          accomplishment of the work. In regard to the building up the
          kingdom of God here at home, persons who have the ability are the
          one who should step forward in things that would lead the
          Latter-day Saints to this union. It would be of more value to
          them than all the things of earth. The blessings of God upon them
          in time and eternity would well repay them to step forth and
          labor for the Zion of God. We are told that the priesthood is not
          called to work for money, but to establish Zion. What a lovely
          thing it would be if there was a Zion now, as in the days of
          Enoch! that there would be peace in our midst and no necessity
          for a man to contend and tread upon the toes of another to attain
          a better position, and advance himself ahead of his neighbor. And
          there should be no unjust competition in matters that belong to
          the Latter-day Saints. That which creates division among us
          pertaining to our temporal interests should not be. The Lord
          considered this union a matter of importance, and he uses strong
          expressions in reference to it. Speaking in regard to those who
          should disobey the principles of the United Order after receiving
          it, the Lord says, "I have decreed in my heart that any man among
          you that shall break the covenant by which you are bound, he
          shall be trodden down by whomsoever I will." [p. 337....] And he
          says, in regard to some parties who turned away from this
          principle, "I have cursed them with a sore and grievous curse."
          He says in another revelation, showing the sacredness of this
          order, "Therefore a commandment unto you, and he who breaketh it
          shall lose his standing in the church, and be turned over to be
          buffeting of Satan." [p. 258.] These are severe penalties, but it
          is in consequence of his desire to prepare a people for celestial
          glory. Now, shall we say that these matters do not pertain to us,
          and that we shall leave them until we go back to Jackson County?
          I have sometimes thought that if the Latter-day Saints did not
          open their eyes and attend to these things very strictly, we
          should hardly escape these afflictions, but be persecuted as were
          our brethren in Missouri. After the instructions we have received
          during the last forty years, shall we say that we cannot conform
          to these principles? Shall we say that we shall ignore their
          glorious principles that pertain to this exalted brotherhood?
          Now, we are trying to do something in Brigham City in the
          direction to this order; but there seems to be the greatest
          difficulty with ourselves, when we come to these temporal
          affairs. Our old ideas of things have a wonderful influence over
          us, that it seems a difficult matter to break the crust, and
          conform wholly to the requirements of the United Order. We have
          arrived at certain points of union in our city; but I do not wish
          to speak about our affairs there in any spirit of boasting, for
          when I consider the sacredness of these principles, and the
          importance of them, I feel my insufficiency and unworthiness. To
          engage in this labor seems to be a great and sacred undertaking.
          President Young used to say, "Why, up there in Brigham City
          Brother Snow has led the people along, and got them into the
          United Order without their knowing it." But I can see many things
          that we are very short of accomplishing. We have not entered into
          the fulness of the principles of the United Order, but we talk
          about them, and many of us try to conform to them, and get the
          spirit of them in our hearts. Now we number about three thousand
          souls, and we have moved along so far as this--I presume it is a
          little further than you have in Ogden--there is but one store in
          our city where imported goods are bought, and this belongs to the
          people. Now that is consider towards a union in a people of three
          thousand, to be agreed to do their trading in one place--that
          there should be one mercantile establishment. Now, you have more
          than one store in Ogden. Then, we have united a little further;
          we have but one tannery in our city of a population of three
          thousand. We have but one shoemakers' establishment--an
          association of shoemakers, consisting of about thirty persons.
          There is no competition in this business. I suppose you have more
          than one in Ogden; but you are a greater people than we are,
          several times over. They all purchase their boots and shoes at
          this industrial department, and thus the men engaged in this
          business are sustained by the people, according to their
          covenants; and there are no other shoemakers in that locality.
          Well, we have united together on another point, that is, in a
          woolen factory and shepherd. We met with a loss of some fifty
          thousand dollars in the burning of our factory, and the
          destruction of our crops by the grasshoppers. There are no rich
          people in Brigham City, but the people, through their union, have
          erected another building, much better than the one destroyed. We
          expect to have the factory in operation about the first of July.
          This shows some proof of the advancement of the people. This
          achievement is not in consequence of the people there having
          money; but this work--this amazing work, as I consider it--has
          been accomplished in consequence of the advancement that the
          people have made in this union. Well we have but one blacksmith
          shop in that city; some twelve or fifteen work in this
          establishment, and the people sustain them in their operations.
          Those engaged in the various branches of labor feel confident
          that the people will patronize them, and carry out what they have
          agreed in this particular, and they do not trouble themselves
          about any other employment, or business. There is but one
          furniture shop in Brigham City, and the people sustain those
          engaged in that business. I suppose you have more than one. There
          is but one tin shop, and it is patronized by all the people of
          Brigham City. There is but one lumbering department there, and
          the people sustain the parties who are employed in that business.
          Some eighty or one hundred persons are engaged during the
          lumbering season. The mills are owned by the people, and there is
          no competition. There is but one millinery shop in that city, and
          it is sustained by the people. You have more than one here;
          perhaps you ought to have. There is but one tailor's shop in
          Brigham City, and the people employed in that business are
          patronized by the whole people. I might mention a great many
          other businesses, but will leave that subject now.
          Now, for the people in Ogden and the people in other settlements,
          it would be a good thing to unite together to supply themselves
          with their clothing, food, furniture, building materials, and
          with everything that pertains to their comfort and convenience,
          without being under the necessity of employing, or using, those
          things that are imported. You have a great many wide-awake,
          financeering men in Ogden, very intelligent men, who are full of
          wisdom and stir, and have the principles of the Gospel in them.
          You are ahead of the people of Brigham City in this respect, but
          we are ahead of you in some other respects. In proportion as a
          man possesses a knowledge over his brethren, we should be more
          anxious to accomplish good for Zion; and he should be the one to
          set a proper example for the union of the people. I believe if
          the Latter-day Saints would go forward and establish the United
          Order in their midst more than they do, the Lord would more
          abundantly sustain and bless us, and provide remedies against the
          evils to which we are exposed--persecution and difficulties from
          outside, that we will not talk about to-day.
          The sisters here in Ogden are accomplishing considerable in
          regard to the United Order. They are uniting themselves together
          to do a great work. I do not know but what they, in connection
          with others, will be, more or less, the salvation of Zion; and it
          is a good thing for them to persevere, and for some of the
          brethren to follow their good example in this respect.
          A great deal might be said in regard to the principles of the
          United Order, that I do not feel to talk about this afternoon,
          but I do feel to urge on those brethren who have the means and
          are in circumstances, to search out the mind and will of God in
          regard to these matters, and let us try to build up Zion. Zion is
          the pure in heart. Zion cannot be built up except on the
          principles of union required by the celestial law. It is high
          time for us to enter into these things. It is more pleasant and
          agreeable for the Latter-day Saints to enter into this work and
          build up Zion, than to build up ourselves and have this great
          competition which is destroying us. Now let things go on in our
          midst in our Gentile fashion, and you would see an aristocracy
          growing amongst us, whose language to the poor would be, "we do
          not require your company; we are going to have things very fine;
          we are quite busy now, please call some other time." You would
          have classes established here, some very poor and some very rich.
          Now, the Lord is not going to have anything of that kind. There
          has to be an equality; and we have to observe these principles
          that are designed to give every one the privilege of gathering
          around him the comforts and conveniences of life. The Lord, in
          his economy in spiritual things, has fixed that every man,
          according to his perseverance and faithfulness, will receive
          exaltation and glory in the eternal worlds--a fulness of the
          Priesthood, and a fulness of the glory of God. This is the
          economy of God's system by which men and women can be exalted
          spiritually. The same with regard to temporal affairs. We should
          establish the principles of the United Order, that give every man
          a chance to receive these temporal blessings. I do not say that
          it would be proper to give a man just baptized the fulness of the
          Priesthood at once. Neither would it be right to give a man who
          has just come from the old country the home and possessions of
          him who has been here and labored and toiled for years to
          accumulate them. It would not be right for the possessor to step
          out of his house, and let the one who has never labored and
          toiled go in and take his place; but this man who has got the
          blessings of God around him, should be willing to sacrifice a
          portion of his surplus means to establish some industry, that
          this poor man can work and obtain a good remuneration for his
          labor, that he can see comfort and convenience before him, by
          persevering as he has done who has been thus blessed. This is the
          spirit and aim of the United Order, and that we should endeavor
          to establish. We should employ our surplus means in a manner that
          the poor can have employment and see before them a competence and
          the conveniences of life, so that they may not be dependent upon
          their neighbors. Where is the man who wants to be dependent upon
          his neighbors or the Tithing Office? No! He is a man, and is the
          image of God, and wants to gather the means around him, by his
          own, individual exertions. Blessed of God, are we, who have
          surplus means, and we should be willing to employ those means
          whereby such individuals may have, as before mentioned. The
          United Order is not French Communism. It is not required of those
          who possess the means of living to expend those means among those
          who know nothing about taking care of and preserving them. But
          let no man be oppressed and placed in circumstances where he
          cannot reach forth and help himself.
          Well, I wanted to say a few things by way of suggestion to the
          brethren. May God bless his people in Ogden. Take the Book of
          Doctrine and Covenants, trace the subject of the United Order,
          and you will find it explained fully. And there need not be any
          difficulty in regard to what is required at our hands.
          May we so live as to be worthy of a standing in the presence of
          God. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Orson
          Pratt, June 16, 1878
                             Orson Pratt, June 16, 1878
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER ORSON PRATT,
           Delivered in tye Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday Afternoon,
                                   June 16, 1878.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          A very strange thing has happened in our day--a work that is
          considered by the Latter-day Saints, and by all people, to be a
          marvelous work and a wonder; something almost entirely unexpected
          by the great mass of the human family, something which our
          fathers were not looking for has happened in the land. What is
          it? God has sent an angel from heaven. What, an angel in the
          latter-days come from heaven! Yes. What a strange thing! How
          different from the traditions of our fathers, for seventeen
          centuries past! Tell people of this generation that God has sent
          a holy angel communicating his will to man, and they will be
          ready to laugh you to scorn. They have formed an idea in their
          own hearts that angels were no more to minister to the human
          family. No messages from heaven to be sent by them; no voice of
          the Lord to be heard again speaking to man on the earth; no more
          revelations to be given; no more Prophets to be raised up, and no
          more Seers and Revelators to make known and proclaim the will of
          heaven to the people. Such were the traditions of our fathers;
          such were the traditions of some two or three hundred millions of
          people, calling themselves Christians. Speak to them about more
          of the word of God to be given to the human family, the universal
          idea and exclamation of the nations of Christendom would be, "the
          canon of Scripture is full." Who told them this? From what source
          did they get their information. Did the Lord ever reveal this to
          them, or is it a creation of their own imagination? Did you ever
          hear a single individual, even the most learned and wisest of
          them, prove this assertion by the divine writings? Did you ever
          hear of any lay member, minister or priest, having substantiated
          these ideas and traditions in accordance with Scripture and
          reason? Never, never. And the simple reason why is, because they
          have no proof or evidence to sustain their position. There is not
          a man living, however learned he may be, however familiar with
          the Scriptures of divine truth he may be, that can bring one
          idea, by way of proof, to support these traditions. And yet, how
          general and universal these things have been circulated among the
          nations, and imbibed by the human family as though they were real
          When the Latter-day Saints came forth forty-eight years ago,
          testifying that God had sent an angel from heaven, how
          unexpected, how strange to this generation! Say they, "The Lord
          once had a religion on the earth, and angels were included as
          part and portion of the blessings connected with it; but now we
          do not need them." Why? "Because we are so enlightened. We have
          studied the Scriptures and become so effectually acquainted with
          them, and also with science and everything else, that we do not
          need further instruction from the Almighty; we do not need
          Prophets in our day to foretell the future; we do not need
          Revelators to come forth and manifest to us the word of God. Shy,
          we are so enlightened! The blaze of Gospel light is shinning
          forth so brilliantly, we can get along with human learning
          without any revelation from the heavens." Have I not expressed
          before this congregation, the real ideas of the two or three
          hundred millions of Christendom, so called, that live in the
          various civilized nations?
          Now let us go back to the real principles of the Gospel to find
          out whether they countenance and embrace the visitation of
          angels. History informs us, that before the flood angels
          conversed with men, as one man would with another. And we find
          that Abraham and Enoch conversed with God; and through faith
          Enoch was translated from mortality to immortality. At the time
          of the deluge, we learn there was one man upon the earth that
          received new revelation from heaven, and that he and seven others
          who believed on his word, were the only ones worthy to be spared
          from the terrible judgment which, for the time being, put an end
          to wickedness upon the earth.
          A Revelator was spared--the only man among them who could commune
          with the heavens, and receive information from on high.
          After the days of the flood, we learn that the Lord made to
          Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, great and most precious
          promises--promises concerning things of eternity and things of
          the earth. These men were called and esteemed the "friends of
          God;" they were perfect in their day, and they were Revelators,
          to whom angels came and ministered the words of eternal life.
          They were the only ones who received instruction from heaven by
          new revelation, and who were counted worthy in that day to enjoy
          the divine approbation, and to be called his friends.
          So likewise we may come down to the days of Moses, and the
          children of Israel who were in Egypt. Did the Lord bless them? He
          did. In what way? By speaking himself, and also by sending angels
          to administer in their midst; by communicating revelation by day
          and by night while the children of Israel sojourned in the
          wilderness; by revelation they were taught in all the ordinances,
          and by revelation they journeyed; and when the Lord commanded
          them to pitch their tents, they remained in such a place until
          another revelation was given. Angels communicated the things of
          God to that people, after they were brought to the Promised Land,
          and from generation to generation the Lord sent forth his angels
          to minister among his people. Prophet after Prophet was raised up
          in their respective generations to declare the word of the Lord
          in the midst of all Israel; and such men were regarded as the
          mouthpieces of God. And so it was continued until a few centuries
          before Christ. Then came a day of darkness; then came a time
          when, because of the wickedness of the people, no angels were
          sent, no Revelators or Prophets were raised up in the midst of
          the people. The consequences were, the people were left to
          themselves without the guidance of new revelation, and instead of
          building up and establishing the kingdom of God, they created
          man-made systems, dividing off into sects and parties, such as
          Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenees, etc., numbering a great many
          different denominations. And they estranged themselves so far
          from the ways of God, and became so wicked, and Satan had so much
          control over them, that when Christ came preaching to them the
          everlasting Gospel in all its simplicity and plainness, he found
          them in such a condition as to love darkness rather than light,
          and they were fully prepared to imbrue their hands in the blood
          of the Savior of the world.
          We find that after Christ had established his Church, that angels
          continued to minister; and one of the Apostles, on a certain
          occasion exhorted the former-day Saints to be careful to
          entertain strangers; for in so doing some had entertain angels
          unawares. And we find that, during the first century of the
          Christian era, angels frequently appeared; and revelations were
          also given by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost which rested
          upon the Apostles, for the guidance of the Church. Paul also
          testifies of angels in this wise: "Are they not all ministering
          spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of
          salvation?" Showing to us clearly and plainly that these
          celestial inhabitants of heaven,--these pure sanctified beings
          that dwell in the presence of God were sent forth as authorized
          ministers of God to those who should be heirs of salvation here
          upon the earth. But by and by, after the first century of the
          Christian era, the heavens became as brass over their heads
          again. The voice of inspiration was heard no more, neither did
          the voice of angels salute the ears of mortals. No visions among
          the people, the vail of darkness that hung over them, in
          consequence of the Lord's withdrawing his ministering agency from
          the earth, so befogged their minds, that they could no longer
          gaze upon the glorious future.
          This state of apostacy continued, until about the last half
          century of the Christian era, and it prevailed more or less among
          all people. And the priests, to whom the people looked for
          spriritual light and instruction, have persisted one and all in
          teaching the people, from generation to generation, that the
          Bible was full, that the canon of scripture was closed, and that
          it was no more necessary for angels to communicate with man, nor
          that the miraculous gifts and graces, that once adorned the
          Church, should be continued. The people settled down to this
          belief without any evidence or testimony of its truthfulness and
          it became a widespread and popular tradition; and the children
          even down to our day, have inherited these notions and traditions
          of their fathers without once questioning them; they are born in
          the children, as it were, and they are educated and trained in
          this belief, and hence it has become deeply rooted, and most
          difficult for them to rid themselves of.
          But again the long, long silence has been broken, again the voice
          of angels has saluted the ears of mortal man, and that too in
          fulfilment of a prophecy uttered by John the Revelator, while
          under banishment upon the Isle of Patmos. While there suffering
          for the gospel's sake, the Lord showed unto him by vision, things
          that should take place upon the earth. And among other things
          that passed before him, he saw that, after a length of time the
          darkness that would necessarily follow the rejection of the
          Gospel by both Jew and Gentile, and that must come upon the face
          of the whole earth, would be gradually dispelled by a heavenly
          communication from God to man. And from the 14th chapter of
          Revelations we learn the manner in which this message should come
          from the courts of heaven. John speaks of the event in this wise.
          "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the
          everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
          and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue and people, Saying
          with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to him; for the hour
          of his judgment is come," etc. Strange as it may seem, this angel
          spoken of, has flown from heaven to earth, parting asunder the
          vail of superstition, ignorance and doubt, and bringing with him
          from his celestial abode, glad tidings of great joy, duly
          authorizing man on the earth to preach the same to all peoples of
          every nation. This Gospel committed by the angel has been
          preached among many nations wherever they would receive the
          bearers of this heavenly message, there the voice of inspired men
          has been heard; and this missionary labor has been faithfully
          prosecuted during almost one half of a century. And the Gospel
          will be preached until every nation and tongue and people upon
          the face of our globe shall have the privilege of hearing this
          glorious angelic message.
          "But," says one, "this is your testimony; you say that an angel
          has come, but we do not know it; you say that he has brought the
          everlasting Gospel, but we do not know it. What evidence have you
          to give us, that we may know for ourselves that an angel has
          really come bearing this message?" I will tell you how you may
          prove it, how every son and daughter of Adam now living may know
          whether there has been a divine message, called the everlasting
          Gospel, sent from heaven to the inhabitants of the earth by a
          holy angel. Do the will of your Father in heaven; call upon his
          name, and inquire of him, saying in your hearts: O Lord, hast
          thou indeed sent forth from the heavens thine angel, according to
          the prediction by thy servant John, bringing to man on the earth
          the everlasting Gospel? And hast thou commanded it to be preached
          to every people, nation and tongue under the whole heavens? If
          you do this in all honesty of heart and purpose, you may all know
          for yourselves. "What! does the Lord give us knowledge in our day
          by seeking unto him in prayer?" Why not? Did he not anciently, in
          every dispensation from the beginning down to the closing up of
          the first century of the Christian era, impart a knowledge
          concerning the truth? He did; and that same God that gave a
          knowledge to his people anciently, will give a knowledge to you,
          provided you will comply with his will. "But," you may say, "in
          order that we may put such a question to the Lord, we would like
          to have some testimony, sufficient at least to encourage us in
          making this inquiry." I do not know how much you want. So far as
          external evidence is concerned, he gave abundance of it before
          this Church arose. The Lord did not suffer the Book of Mormon to
          be sent forth to the nations to be published to all people, until
          he gave a testimony to certain individual witnesses. How many?
          Four persons at least--the translator of the book, Joseph Smith,
          and three other persons, Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and David
          Whitmer. They know of a surety, and have given their testimony in
          the beginning of this record. Here, then, are four witnesses.
          What does Jesus say? "That in the mouth of two or three witnesses
          every word shall be established." He saw proper, however, to give
          four. "But," inquires one, "may not these four witnesses have
          been mistaken?" Let us examine into the nature of their
          testimony, to see if there is any possibility of their being
          mistaken. Joseph Smith, one of these witnesses, testifies that
          the angel came down from heaven, and that his countenance was
          like lightning, and the glory of God shone round about him. And
          the angel told him to go to a certain hill, not far from his
          father's house, in the town of Manchester, Ontario County, in the
          State of New York, where he should find these ancient
          records--plates of gold, containing the everlasting Gospel, which
          was anciently preached among the inhabitants of this continent.
          He obeyed; he went and found the records in the very place which
          had been shown him in vision by the angel. Was there any
          possibility of Joseph's having been deceived? We say, No; the
          circumstances were such as to preclude the possibility of any
          such deception. The angel also told him that with these plates
          there was an instrument called the Urim and Thummim, which would
          enable him to translate the records into our language. Joseph
          accomplished the work of translation between the years 1827 and
          1830, through the use of this instrument, which had been hidden
          up with the plates. Could he be deceived, when he got the plates
          before him, intently looking upon the peculiar characters
          engraved upon them, and also upon that most singular instrument,
          the Urim and Thummim? Every man of common sense, possessing the
          least degree of judgment, will at once say that it was not
          possible, under these circumstances, for him to be deceived; that
          the testimony given is true, and the message divine, or else he
          was a bold impostor, a man that came forth purposely to deceive
          the people.
          Now in regard to the other three witnesses. They testify that in
          the year 1829, after the plates had been translated, that an
          angel of God appeared unto them, clothed in light and glory, and
          holding these plates in his hands, turned them over leaf after
          leaf, showing them the characters engraved thereon. And they also
          say that while they stood gazing upon this heavenly being,
          clothed in his glory, in the act of showing them these gold
          plates, they heard a voice out of the heavens proclaiming to them
          that the plates had been traslated correctly, by the gift and
          power of God. And what they saw and heard they bear testimony to,
          which is addressed to all peoples of every nation to whom this
          record--the Book of Mormon--should go. Let me ask, Was there any
          possibility of their being deceived? If there was, then we might
          say all men of ancient times who professed to have seen angels
          were deceived themselves. But I do not see that anything could be
          more positive. The promise had been given that there should be
          three witnesses raised up to bear testimony of the truth of these
          records, which purport to be a history of the aborigines, or the
          ancient Israelites, that inhabited this country. The Lord did
          send the angel; they saw him come down from heaven; they saw the
          light and glory that radiated from his countenance; they heard
          the words of his mouth; they saw the plates in the hands of this
          heavenly personage, and they could distinguish the characters
          engraven thereon; and they also heard the voice of the Lord
          commanding them to bear testimony to all peoples of what they had
          seen and heard. They could not have been deceived, it was utterly
          Then here are four witnesses, all bearing testimony to the
          divinity of this work. And, as I have already quoted to you, the
          Savior has said, that every word shall be established by the
          mouth of two or three witnesses. The Lord, therefore, did not
          raise up this Church, he did not commence the organization
          thereof until he had given sufficient evidence to a sufficient
          number of witnesses to commence the establishment of this work.
          Again, Joseph Smith was commanded of the Lord to show these
          plates to eight other persons who, besides the three referred to,
          also became witnesses to this work. And their published testimony
          is, that they saw the plates and handled them, and they saw the
          peculiar writing theron, which they say had the appearance of
          curious and ancient workmanship. And notwithstanding some of
          these witnesses have fallen by the wayside, having been overcome
          by the power of the Adversary, rendering themselves unworthy of
          the fellowship of the Latter-day Saints, not a single one of them
          has ever been known to deny the testimony which they have borne
          concerning this marvelous occurrence. Here, then, are twelve
          witnesses. Is not this external evidence sufficient to satisfy
          every inquiring soul whose heart is honest before the Lord? But I
          will refer you to still more. When this work was first published,
          the Lord called upon these men to go forth among the people,
          proclaiming the Gospel which they themselves had received,
          promising that all who would yield obedience thereto should
          receive the Holy Ghost, which should confirm, to the entire
          satisfaction of the believer, the testimony of these Elders. And
          when this Holy Spirit descended upon such people, they knew for
          themselves that these men were servants of the living God, and
          that the power that rested upon them was indeed the Holy Ghost,
          of which they had read in the Scriptures. How did they know this?
          Because it manifested divers gifts. It enabled them to lay their
          hands upon the sick, rebuking in the name of Jesus the disease,
          and the sick were restored to health. You may say imagination had
          something to do with this; the sick imagined themselves better,
          and consequently they got better. But let me testify that little
          infant children, not capable of exercising the powers of
          imagination, have been healed in the same manner, and by the same
          power, which was the power of Almighty God manifested through his
          servants. And these first Elders of the Church were thus enabled
          to convert to a knowledge of our faith, multitudes of people who,
          like themselves, could bear testimony to the divinity and
          truthfulness of this latter-day work, having received the
          convincing assurances of this Comforter, which bears record of
          the things of the Father. And in this manner this whole community
          have received the knowledge they testify of, and hence we become,
          to use a Biblical term, a great cloud of witnesses, whose
          testimony is in force to the whole world, whether they receive it
          or reject it.
          I have now laid before you evidence sufficient to excite the
          principle of faith in your hearts, provided you have a genuine
          desire to know of the doctrine we teach, as to whether it be of
          God or man. You have the testimony of twelve men to begin with,
          besides the testimony of scores of thousands of men and women
          that have received the Holy Ghost through obedience to the
          requirements of the Gospel, whose knowledge of this latter-day
          work enables them also to testify to the truth of it. And the
          testimony of this people speaks as with the voice of thunder to
          all nations and tongues, to the effect that God has spoken from
          the eternal worlds, and that he has sent his angels again to
          earth to commit to man the everlasting Gospel. If so remarkable a
          testimony of twelve men, together with the united testimony of a
          community so large as we are, is not sufficient to create faith
          in your hearts that God has indeed commenced his great and
          marvelous and strange work and a wonder in our day, then what
          would awaken up the people to a sense of the fact? There can be
          no excuse for those who hear and reject the testimony and
          teaching of the Elders of this Church, for the cry has been
          raised these many years, and it cannot but have a striking effect
          upon all honest-hearted people, because of its singularity and
          fairness, for the promise is, if you have sufficient faith to
          call upon God and ask him, you yourselves may obtain a testimony,
          and you can receive that which supercedes faith or belief--you
          can know of a surety that he has indeed visited the earth again
          in these the last days by his angels, and that Joseph Smith was
          and is a Prophet of the living God, and that the doctrines we
          teach are not of man but of God; and they will prove the savor of
          life to those who obey, and of death to those who reject them.
          Therefore as I said in the commencement of my remarks, a
          marvelous thing has occurred in the land! a wonderful work has
          made its appearance! The heavens no longer keep silent! Prophets
          again are heard among the people! The inspiration and power of
          the Holy Ghost rests upon the servants of God, and his power is
          made manifest among the various nations again, as in olden time,
          in healing the sick, causing the lame to walk, the blind to see,
          and the deaf to hear, and in pouring out his Spirit upon the
          children of men, as he did in former dispensations of the world!
          Is not this, then, sufficient to wake up the honest-in heart
          among the people? If it is not, then I know of nothing that is
          likely to do it. Will it be by the fulfilment of the Prophets,
          that have been spoken of by the former speakers? when the hand of
          judgment shall be laid upon the nations, and the fierceness of
          his wrath he made manifest, wasting away the disobedient and the
          wicked, and the earth becomes depopulated of all excepting the
          righteous? This will be a testimony they cannot resist. But such
          testimony will not always be unto salvation. It will be the
          testimony of judgment that will overwhelm them, in a time, too,
          they think not of; a time when they will be crying all is peace
          and safety--lo! sudden destruction is at their doors; and thus
          the Scriptural saying will be literally fulfilled, "As the days
          of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be,"
          etc. When that unfortunate, but disobedient and wicked people,
          the Ante-diluvians, were sinking in the waters, they could then
          say, "I know that Noah is a Prophet, and that the message he has
          declared in our ears for these many years is divine." But alas!
          it was too late; they rejected the message, paying heedless
          regard to it as well as to him who preached the Gospel to them;
          they would not call upon God in all honesty of heart, but they
          considered Noah deceived; they obeyed not, and were destroyed by
          the mighty flood. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Wilford Woodruff, June 30, 1878
                           Wilford Woodruff, June 30, 1878
            Delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Sunday, June 30,
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          There is a principle that I feel disposed to say a few words on,
          in connection with what brother Rich has been saying, and that is
          the principle of faith.
          [The speaker then read the 11th chapter of Hebrews.]
          I have taken the liberty of reading this catalogue of blessings
          which ancient men of God obtained through the principle of faith;
          which principle is as much needed to-day by the people of this
          generation, as by any people at any age of the world. We might
          continue the chapter of results and operations of the principle
          of faith to the present day. For by faith Joseph Smith received
          the ministration of God out of heaven. By faith he received the
          records of Nephi, and translated them through the Urim and
          Thummim into our own language, and which have since been
          translated into many different languages. By faith he made the
          foundation of this Church and kingdom, just as much as Noah, by
          faith, built the ark, and received the fulness thereof. By faith
          he prophesied, leaving a record, a testament which has been given
          through his mouth to the inhabitants of the earth, and which
          contains the revelations of God yet to be fulfilled. The testator
          is dead, but his testament is in force to all the world. By faith
          the Elders of this Church left their homes and families, and
          went, when called upon, to foreign nations without money and
          without learning or experience, to preach the Gospel of the
          kingdom without price to this generation, and warning the
          inhabitants of the earth of the judgments of God which await the
          world, and which must overtake the wicked. Faith is necessary on
          the part of the Latter-day Saints, say nothing about the outside
          world, in order to read and believe the records of divine truth
          which have come unto us; and it requires faith on the part of the
          Christian world to really believe this record, the Bible--to
          believe that the Lord, through his servants, really means what he
          says, and says what he means. It requires faith on the part of
          the Latter-day Saints to perform their duties acceptably before
          God, for we, in this dispensation, must walk by faith and not by
          sight, just as much as the people of God in any previous
          dispensation. And this principle we should exercise and live by.
          Some of the revelations which God has given unto us point to the
          future condition of the world, and foretell what must shortly
          befall the world of mankind. These predictions were uttered by
          holy men as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and although
          the men themselves have passed away, not one jot or tittle of
          their words will fail in their fulfillment. Notwithstanding all
          the unbelief and infidelity of the modern world, there is not a
          man living that can place his finger upon the first revelation of
          God to man, from the days of father Adam to the present time, but
          what has had or is having its fulfillment as fast as time and
          opportunity admit of. God lives. These revelations which have
          been given through men who were inspired of the Holy Ghost, will
          have their fulfilment, even if the results should effect the
          destruction of the generation now living. When Jesus brought the
          Gospel to his father's house--the Jews, they rejected him and the
          words of life he taught them. He found them intently looking
          forward to the coming of their Shiloh in the person of a king, a
          ruler who should posses great power, even power sufficient to
          deliver them from the Romish yoke. They never once dreamed that
          he would appear in their midst as the babe of Bethlehem, who
          should be born in a stable, and cradled in a manger, a man who
          should know sorrow, and who should be acquainted with grief, and
          who should choose as his disciples illiterate fishermen of low
          degree. And although he was their Savior King who would have
          redeemed them, and delivered them, and given unto them the Gospel
          of peace and of liberty, yet they in their vanity and pride
          despised him, and persecuted him, and at last shed his blood. But
          was there a word ever uttered by him concerning their Temple or
          nation but what met with its fulfilment to the very letter? The
          history of the Jews, which chronicles the days of their glory and
          power, when they held the Urim and Thummim, the ephod, the
          Priesthood, and when they offered sacrifice, taken in connection
          with the prediction of Jesus foretelling their downfall and
          dispersion, is of itself sufficient to teach every infidel mind
          that there is truth in the revelations of God to man. The Jews
          have been trampled under the feet of the Gentiles for the last
          1,800 years, fulfilling, too, what Moses said of them; and they
          have been overthrown as a nation, and led captive unto other
          nations, and are held in scorn by the Gentiles even to the
          present hour. And you may begin at the beginning, taking, for
          instance, those great cities that figured anciently in their
          splendor and magnificence, and which were built to defy all time,
          such as Nineveh, Thebes, Tyre and Sidon, Memphis and Babylon.
          Where are they, and what become of them? They are gone, their
          history buried as if it were, in oblivion, and that too in
          fulfillment of prophesy. Yes, the words of some poor honest
          prophet or apostle raised up to declare the Gospel to the
          inhabitants thereof, but whom they despised and rejected, have
          met with their fulfilment, and the disobedient and wicked have
          passed away to be judged according to the deeds done in the body.
          And you may trace the history of the world from father Adam to
          the present time, and I can defy any man to point to a single
          prediction, uttered by inspired men raised up of God, but what
          has or will come to pass in its time and season. And if the
          Gentiles to-day would read these revelations of God, and
          exercises faith in them, they would no longer wonder when they
          come among us, to see these valleys, for 600 miles, filled with
          cities and towns, gardens and orchards, temples and tabernacles,
          and with comfortable dwellings. But the fact is, unbelief has
          overwhelmed the Christian world, and man has spiritualized the
          Scriptures until there is no faith in him, and he has no faith in
          God, nor in the literal fulfilment of his revelations to man.
          That is what ails the world to-day. The predictions of the Bible
          never would have been fulfilled, had not the Lord, in these last
          days raised up a prophet as an instrument in his hands to again
          establish his Gospel on the earth, and gather together the house
          of Israel to the valleys of these everlasting hills, according to
          his decree to old father Jacob; and his seed have yet to make
          this western desert to blossom as the rose, bringing forth "the
          fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together, to beautify the
          place of my sanctuary." The whole history of this people has been
          foretold by the prophet Isaiah, thousands of years ago; and it
          has been a steady growth from the commencement to the present And
          will the Lord stop here? No; whether men believe or not, this
          Zion so often spoken of in holy writ, has got to arise and put on
          her beautiful garments; these mountain vales have got to be
          filled with the saints of God and temples reared to his holy
          name, preparatory to the time when "the Gentiles shall come thy
          light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising" And this time
          will come when the nations are fully warned by the preaching of
          the servant of God, and his judgments commence to the poured out
          upon the world, in fulfilment of the revelations of St. John.
          Faith then is what the unbelieving world needs to exercise in God
          and in his revelations to man; but as I have said, whether we do
          it or not, our unbelief will never turn the hand of God to the
          right or the left.
          God has restored again his Gospel. He has raised up men and
          commanded them to go forth and preach it to the world, and they
          have been engaged doing so now for nearly half a century, ever
          since the organization of this Church. It was organized by
          revelation, with prophets, apostles, pastors, teachers, helps and
          government, and the principles of it were taught by revelation,
          the same as Jesus and the Apostles taught them there is no change
          whatever. The Lord never revealed but one Gospel the inhabitants
          of the earth, in any age of the worlds, nor never will; the
          Gospel is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever, and the
          principles thereof are faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, believing
          that he is, and that he believed and died as a ransom for the
          sins of the world; and baptism for the remission of sins, being
          immersed and buried in water, by one having authority of God,
          that you may raise in newness of life, in fulfilment of the
          testimony of Jesus, and then receive the Holy Ghost by the laying
          on of hands confirming the believers members of his Church. And
          when you are born of the water and the Spirit, you can enter into
          the Kingdom of God, and being born of the Spirit, you can see the
          Kingdom of God. And such believers, when they receive the Holy
          Ghost receive the inspiration and revelation and light of it. Our
          eyes and ears may be deceived by the cunning and machinations of
          man; but the Holy Ghost never deceives anybody. It bears record
          of the Father and the son, and it bears record in the Gospel to
          those who possess it. The Lord never had a church on the face of
          the earth, from its first organization until to-day, unless that
          church was organized by revelation, with prophets and apostles,
          pastors, teachers, helps and governments endowed with the Holy
          Priesthood--that power delegated from God to man, which
          authorized him to act for God; and without this Priesthood no
          man, from the day the world rolled into existence has any right
          to administer in any of the ordinances of his holy house neither
          has any man a right to that Priesthood save he be called of God
          as was Aaron who, we are informed was called by revelation. What
          is the priesthood for? It is to administer the ordinances of the
          Gospel, even the Gospel of our Father in heaven, the eternal God,
          the Eloheim of the Jews and the God of the Gentiles, and all he
          has ever done from the beginning has been performed by and
          through the power of that Priesthood, which is "Without father,
          without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of
          days, nor end of life," and the administration of his servants
          holding this priesthood is binding, being the savor of life unto
          life or death unto death. It was by virtue of this priesthood the
          twelve apostles anciently went into the world to preach the
          Gospel, and it was because of this priesthood which they held
          that men, in rejecting them, rejected Him who send them and
          consequently brought upon themselves condemnation. Light has
          again come into the world; but men love darkness rather than
          light because their deeds are evil. Hence condemnation rests down
          upon the world, for the consequences of rejecting the Gospel must
          overtake the world in this the last dispensation, just as much as
          they did in former ones, in the days of Noah and Lot and those of
          the Savior.
          As I before stated, so say I again, the Gospel of Christ requires
          faith all the day long, for no man can continue faithful to the
          end without it. God has set his hand a second time to build up
          that kingdom which Daniel was permitted to see in vision, and to
          establish that Zion in the mountains which Isaiah saw. He has set
          his hand, for the last time, to gather together all things which
          are in heaven and on earth which are in Christ, unto himself. The
          day has come when the Lord has sent forth a proclamation to warn
          the nations to prepare for his second coming; and the signs of
          both heaven and earth all indicate the coming of the Son of man,
          which is near at the door. No man knows the day or the hour when
          Christ will come, but the generation is clearly pointed out, the
          fig tree is leaving, and great changes are near at hand. Great
          Babylon is coming in remembrance before God, and the Lord has
          called upon the inhabitants of the earth who are very wicked, to
          repent of their sins and turn unto him. The generation in which
          we live is a wicked and an adulterous generation, and wickedness
          and abomination of every kind are increasing, and the earth has
          commenced to groan under the evil practices of man. The heavens
          are in pain over the disobedience and unrighteousness of the
          children of men, and the angels, we are told, are waiting in
          their places in the temple for the time to come when they will be
          called upon to go forth and reap down the earth. Judgments await
          the world, but they heed not, and apparently do not care. With
          fire and sword the Lord will plead with all flesh, and as the
          prophet has said respecting this event, "the slain of the Lord
          will be many;" and these things will overtake the world in an
          hour when they expect them not, when they will be crying peace,
          but alas, peace will have departed from them, and they left to
          devour and destroy each other. All these things are foretold and
          many of them are written in these revelations given in our day,
          and they are already being fulfilled before our eyes; and they
          will continue to be fulfilled, until all that is spoken of shall
          have come to pass. Therefore, I want to say to the Latter-day
          Saints: exercise faith in God, and exercise faith in his
          revelations, and read them and ponder over them, and pray
          earnestly that you may have a correct understanding of all that
          God has revealed, that you may grow in the light and knowledge of
          God, and see the importance of living your religion and of living
          uprightly before him; for all men, both Jew and Gentile, Saint
          and sinner, will be judged according to the deeds done in the
          body, and for the opportunities which we have of informing
          ourselves of the will of God concerning us, which we allow to go
          unimproved, we cannot be held guiltless. It certainly becomes us,
          who have named the name of Christ, to walk uprightly before God,
          for we cannot escape his chastening hand if we reject the light
          we have received. Our condemnation will be far greater than those
          who never embraced the principles of the Gospel, if we
          apostatize, or through indifferent carelessness we allow the
          cares and things of this world to choke down the good seed
          planted, we have "tasted the good word of God, and the powers of
          the world to come;" we "know the Master's will," and if we do it
          not we will be "beaten with many stirpes." The religious world
          talk about nonessentials, there are no such things existing in
          the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. He requires us to obey the same
          laws that he himself obeyed, and which he taught in his day. Why
          did he go into Jordan to be baptized of John? To fulfill all
          righteousness. It was a righteous law, it belonged to him, and
          his example is in force to all the world. No man can enter into
          the kingdom of God except he is born of the water and of the
          Spirit. Men may be judged and their bodies lie in the grave until
          the last resurrection, to come forth and receive of a telestial
          glory, but no man will receive of the celestial glory except it
          be through the ordinances of the House of God. Jesus performed
          that act that he might set the example; he was the way for others
          to follow. The Jews, as I have said, rejected him and the Gospel
          he brought to them, and they shed his blood. They have been
          paying the penalty of their misdeeds for the last 1800 years. It
          costs something to shed innocent blood, it costs something to
          shed the blood of prophets and apostles. And I have sometimes
          taken the liberty, before strangers as well as Latter-day Saints,
          to express my views in regard to shedding the blood of Joseph
          Smith and other prophets. It has cost this nation four years'
          war, laying in the dust nearly a million and a half of men, and
          it has also cost millions upon millions of dollars, creating a
          debt which it will never live to pay. This is the faith of
          Wilford Woodruff, and I think I have a right to exercise my faith
          in this matter. I say then, it costs something to shed the blood
          of righteous men in this as well as in previous generations.
          My testimony is that judgments await Babylon, judgments await the
          Christian world, and if people will read their Bible, they will
          see these declarations written down, and these judgments will
          increase until the world is cleansed from wickedness, And I say
          to all the world, Repent of your sins, and be baptized for the
          remission of them, that you may receive the Holy Ghost by the
          laying on of hands, and be saved in the kingdom of God. Without
          complying with these requirements, you nor I can never go where
          God and Christ dwell, worlds without end, for these things have
          been made known to us by ancient and modern prophets.
          Therefore, yours, as well as my eternal destiny, our future
          position throughout the ages of eternity, depend upon the few
          hours, the few days, the few weeks we spend in the flesh. If I
          ever obtain a full salvation it will be by my keeping the laws of
          God. If I sin against God and man, I shall have to foot the bill;
          it will be so with you and with the whole world. This is the
          Gospel of Jesus Christ; this is the Zion of God, and what you see
          already accomplished in this desert land is really in fulfilment
          of the revelations of God. The hand of God has guided this Church
          from its incipiency to the present time. God will continue to
          direct its affairs, and there is no power on the earth or under
          the earth that can ever stop its progress, for he himself, has
          decreed that the Zion of the latter-days shall never be
          overthrown; but on the contrary, as he has said through the mouth
          of the Prophet Isaiah, "For the nation and the kingdom that will
          not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly
          wasted." Pretty strong doctrine to be taught by a humble man of
          God. Nevertheless, time will bring it about and it is not in the
          power of man to prevent it. I am a believer in revelation. I am a
          believer, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, with
          every particle of spirit in me, that God will bring about,
          literally and to the very letter, all that he has spoken through
          his servants, ancient and modern.
          By way of concluding my remarks I wish to bear testimony to this
          congregation and to the strangers present, that Joseph Smith was
          a prophet of the living God; he was raised up by the Lord, and
          laid the foundation of this Church. He lived to accomplish the
          work he was raised up to do. He received the keys of the
          Priesthood from under the hands of Peter, James and John, and
          those pertaining to the gathering of scattered Israel, from under
          the hands of Moses, the leader of ancient Israel. Elijah, or
          Elias, also visited him and bestowed upon him the keys to "turn
          the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the
          children to the fathers," which was in fulfilment of a prediction
          by the Prophet Malachi. He also received the keys of the Aaronic
          Priesthood under the hands of John the Baptist, which Priesthood
          pertains to the temporal government of the Church. After
          performing his work he sealed his testimony with his blood,
          passed behind the vail, and he with his brethren who have also
          gone, is still engaged in carrying on the same great work. He
          still labors by virtue of this Priesthood which he received on
          earth, and which he will continue to hold, worlds without end.
          And this will be the case with every faithful man of God who
          magnifies his calling and Priesthood here below. 
          May God bless you, my brethren and sisters and friends, with his
          Holy Spirit, and give you faith in him, and in his revelations,
          that you may be led to do his will while you live upon the earth.
          But whether you live to be thus favored or not, my testimony is
          that they will have their fulfilment. Even so, amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / John
          Taylor, June 16, 1878
                             John Taylor, June 16, 1878
                           DISCOURSE BY ELDER JOHN TAYLOR,
                    Delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City,
                           Sunday Afternoon, June 16,1878.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
          As has been remarked by one of the speakers, a great deal might
          be said upon the principles of the gospel of the Son of God. The
          heavens and the earth are full of intelligence, and God ruler
          over and directs the affairs of nations as well as those of
          individuals and people; and whatever may be our peculiar notions
          or ideas of other men and their profession, the time will come,
          and is not far distant when the secrets of all hearts will be
          revealed, and when all of us, Latter-day Saints and others; Jews
          and Gentiles, peoples who now live, those that shall live and
          those who have lived, will be judged, not according to their
          peculiar theories, ideas, or notions, but according to the
          principles of eternal truth as it exists in the bosom of God, or
          is manifested by his eternal laws.
          He has from time to time revealed his will to mankind, and he has
          in these last days revealed himself to the human family and the
          men to whom he has revealed himself in the different ages,
          comprehend all the principle of truth and the laws of God alike,
          so far as they were understood by them, having been taught by the
          same Lord and instructed from the same source, and had
          intelligence from the same fountain, they have comprehended,
          according to the positions which they have occupied, and so far
          as revealed unto them, alike, whether they were things pertaining
          to the living, or the dead, or to the various kingdoms that exist
          in the eternal worlds, telestial, terrestrial or celestial as the
          case might be, and as it may have been revealed unto them; but no
          man in any age of the world has understood anything pertaining to
          God and godliness only as it has been revealed unto him by the
          Lord. "For what man knoweth the things of a man, save by the
          spirit of a man which is in him: Even so the things of God
          knoweth no man, but by the Spirit of God." And hence it is
          impossible under certain circumstances, for mankind to judge
          correctly of these principles. For although the Lord has given
          unto every man a portion of his Spirit to profit withal, no
          matter who he may be, or what clime he may live in, yet at the
          same time, if he does not improve upon this manifestation of the
          Spirit of God, and cultivate correct principles, it would be
          impossible for him to comprehend the things of God.
          Jesus, when upon the earth, said, "My sheep hear my voice and
          know me and follow me; but a stranger will they not follow, for
          they know not the voice of a stranger." It may appear singular,
          and it does to the minds of many when they reflect upon the
          various dispensations of God to man, and the position that the
          various nations of the earth have occupied in the different ages
          of time. All men have knowledge, more or less, and feel a
          reverence for the Divine Being, which is manifested in various
          forms of worship. But there are few men, comparatively, who have
          understood correctly the relationship, that exists between God
          and man. Such has been the power of the adversary, and so
          profound has been the darkness of the human mind, and so great
          the disparity between God and his creatures here upon the earth,
          that the light, effulgence, glory and intelligence that exists
          with him and with those by whom he is surrounded, has been little
          understood by man upon the earth, grovelling in the midst of
          darkness, weakness and imperfections. Combatting continually with
          evil and with the powers of the adversary it seems almost
          impossible for man to foster and maintain these high aspirations
          and feelings which the gospel alone can inspire, placing man in
          his true position before God, and causing his anticipations and
          hopes to ascend to those high, magnificent and glorious
          principles that exist in the bosom of God, and in the bosom of
          those intelligences with whom he is surrounded. Nothing but light
          and revelations, nothing save the manifestations of the Spirit of
          God, nothing but communication from him can bring man into
          relationship with him. It is impossible. And hence the theories,
          wild notions, erratic views and peculiar feelings that prevail
          among men, yes, among the wisest of men--among statesmen, and
          kings, and emperors, and potentates, and governors, and rulers,
          as well as among divines, priests and people; and how different
          the sentiment! How widely apart are the religious beliefs, forms
          of worship and ordinances of all of them! What peculiar darkness
          is manifested in relation to these things, in comparison to many
          other things with which we are acquainted!
          When we talk about practical matters of fact, the laws of nature
          and of matter, the motions of this and other planets; or when we
          reflect upon the various organizations of matter, and of man, and
          of the brute creation, we see and comprehend in part concerning
          the laws by which they are governed. And although we may speak in
          different languages, yet at the same time we arrive, in a great
          measure, at the same conclusions in regard to most of these
          prominent facts; we agree in regard to these matters. But when we
          come to Jesus and God, we are altogether dissimilar. What is the
          matter? We do not comprehend the law, we have not been taught by
          the same rules, the principles of instruction are not within our
          reach, we wander in the dark and act foolishly and ignorantly in
          relation to these matters. But if we were taught in these schools
          as we are taught in the schools of science, and art, and
          literature, we could comprehend things alike; and not until we
          have a teacher, not until we have those who are competent to
          teach, who understand the laws of life and the principles of
          salvation, can we, no matter what our intelligence otherwise may
          be. Until then we shall have to grope in the dark, live in the
          dark, and when we leave this world we must, according to the
          saying of an eminent philosopher, "take a leap in the dark." We
          comprehend nothing of our origin, of the object of our existence,
          or of our destiny; neither can we comprehend it unless God
          reveals it.
          He has, as before stated, in different ages of time manifested
          his will to certain individuals, and he has sent them forth to
          make known his will to the human family. And they declare certain
          principles, simple in themselves, yet emanating from God, which
          are calculated to enlighten, to impart intelligence; to bring him
          into relationship with the Almighty, to give him a knowledge of
          God, of the Savior, of his own being and the object of God in
          creating the earth and man upon it, and also of the destiny of
          the earth, the world in which we live, and all its inhabitants.
          These things, however, are almost too simple for the human mind,
          mystified and befogged by false theories and notions; they are
          almost too simple for them to bow unto. What is it? Jesus said to
          his disciples in former times, "Go ye into all the world and
          preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is
          baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be
          damned." He gave unto them power to lay their hands upon
          believers and impart to them the Holy Ghost, which placed them in
          communion with God, and whose faith, as we are told, "entered
          within the veil, whither Christ their forerunner had gone." And
          still the words that these men preached, as Jesus himself
          expresses it in referring to the same thing, were not his own,
          but the Father that dwelt in him; he did the works. And we are
          told that when those ancient men of God preached, their words
          went with power and with much assurance, and the Spirit of God
          and with the Holy Ghost, to the convincing of those who desired
          to know the truth and be governed thereby. What was the result?
          This confusion heretofore existing among them departed; they were
          no longer split up into sects and parties, but they had "one
          Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God, the Father; of whom
          are all thing;" precisely the same as we have in all the works of
          nature, in all organized matter. There are certain eternal,
          unalterable, unchangeable laws by which it is governed; and no
          chemist or philosopher can change these laws; they are eternal,
          inexorable, and always produce the same results.
          We think these things correct upon natural principles; why not in
          regard to these higher principles which God has revealed to the
          human family? We read of men in former times who said they gazed
          upon the Lord; they saw him, and his train filled the Temple. But
          says one, "I do not believe it." Who cares whether yes do or not?
          that does not invalidate the fact. Your ignorance in regard to
          these matters does not affect in the least, the great truths of
          God. And unless you yourselves have had some revelation to show
          you that this statement is incorrect, it is foolishness in any
          man to dispute these principles thus communicated. We understand
          these things, having obeyed the law. What do you understand? What
          does man know? Nothing, only some few principles pertaining to
          the laws of nature. Who organized these laws? That very being
          whom we affect to despise. Who organized the universe? Who makes
          this planet and other planets revolve in their several orbits,
          and by what influence and power are they governed? By a power far
          greater than we know anything about. What can we do? Where is
          there a philosopher that can organize a blade of grass, or a
          grain of sand producing the material to make it from? You cannot
          find them. The great Creator, who governs and regulates these and
          other systems, has given a law to man telling him how to approach
          him, and showing him the means whereby he can obtain intelligence
          from him; and he is able to carry out that law, for he
          comprehends it. And what is it? Why, "Repent, and be baptized
          every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission
          of sins, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost." And what shall
          that do for you? It shall take of the things of God and show them
          unto you. But you would learn it in some other way, would you?
          You cannot do it. That is the way God has appointed, and man may
          exert all his influences and bring into requisition all his
          talents and powers, but he never can obtain it only in the way
          which God has appointed. I have a watch. The man who made it
          tells me if I would keep it going, I must wind it up every day.
          But suppose I should want it to go in some other way, would it
          go? No. Should I blame the maker then? Certainly not; in fact,
          you might consider me a fool for not carrying out the maker's
          instructions. And when God points out a path whereby we can
          obtain a knowledge of him and of his laws, that is the way to
          receive it, if we receive it at all.
          The laws of matter and of mechanism are unchangeable, and so are
          the laws pertaining to life, and also the medium of communication
          between God and man. And hence Paul, after speaking some time to
          a congregation that he was addressing, said the words that we
          speak unto you, we speak by the power of God and by the Holy
          Ghost, and with much assurance. And then in speaking of these
          things, he says, Ye are my witnesses. Who? Those who received his
          word and obeyed it. You are my witnesses, as also is the Holy
          ghost that bears witness of us. He had the living witness within
          him; and they among themselves had this evidence. And John, in
          speaking to some of his disciples said, "But ye have an unction
          from the holy one, and ye know all things." "Ye need not that any
          man teach you; but the same anointing teacheth you all things,
          and is truth, and is no lie." And in speaking to the people, Paul
          said, "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and
          steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; whither
          the forerunner is for us entered."
          This, Latter-day Saints, is your privilege. You have embraced the
          same Gospel; you have been baptized into the same baptism, have
          partaken of the same hope, and are in possession of the same
          spirit. Do not allow your feelings to be overturned; do not give
          way to the follies and delusions of men, nor to the powers of
          darkness, but maintain your integrity before God in all fidelity;
          and live your religion, keeping the commandments of God, and your
          faith will be as the faith of the just, that shines brighter and
          brighter until the perfect day.
          God bless you and lead you in the path of life, in the name of
          Jesus. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 / Daniel
          H. Wells, June 1, 1878
                            Daniel H. Wells, June 1, 1878
                         [From the "Territorial Enquirer."]
                        Delivered in the Provo Meeting House,
                           Saturday Morning, June 1, 1878.
                            (Reported by John C. Graham.)
                          REVEALED ORDER--THE UNITED ORDER.
          There is an opposition to the Lord having on the earth a people,
          called by his name and doing his will. It has been so from the
          beginning. The Lord never had a people who were received with
          open arms by the world, admired, cherished and respected; on the
          contrary they have been persecuted or totally destroyed from off
          the earth. The wicked have invariably prevailed over the good; it
          might almost be said that the first bad man killed the first good
          man. The Latter-day Saints have had the same experience to pass
          through, and when a time of comparative peace has come around, as
          it has sometimes, they are apt to ask, "What is the matter? Have
          we lost our faith, that the Adversary should thus let us alone?"
          There will come a time, however, in the history of the Saints,
          when they will be tried with peace, prosperity, popularity and
          The world look with terror toward that period when the Lord's
          purposes in regard to building Temples predominates, when
          universal peace is established, and the sceptre of righteousness
          is wielded. The world would not like any religious power to
          predominate on the earth, and rightly, too, considering the
          tyranny and despotism that have marked the history of religious
          rule. We find, in days past, that various religious influences
          have swayed the sceptre in a most unrighteous manner, made
          captive the human will, and men have been forced to yield
          submission to the most oppressive measures. The religious wars
          have been more terrible in their effects, caused more bloodshed
          and sorrow, than all the others put together. A gradual but sure
          relief from religious rule and dictation has been brought about,
          until the nations of the earth are made free. No wonder, then,
          that the people look with ill favor upon any one religious
          element gaining ascendancy over the other. As the old saying
          goes, "A burnt child dreads the fire."
          In this country there is no religious power predominating, but
          now that the kingdom of God is established this opposition is
          brought about and is felt even to a greater extent than before.
          The world is jealous of its growing power and, hence, its bitter
          and unrelenting opposition. So opposed have men been to the
          increase and spread of religion as a political power that in many
          places no person holding a religious office has been permitted to
          hold a position of trust or profit under the government. It was
          for this same reason that the name of God is not mentioned in the
          Constitution of the United States. The Puritan Fathers suffered
          from religious oppression, and rather than be made to bow the
          head or the knee when mentioning the name of Jesus Christ, or
          being compelled to place the cross on their churches, as was and
          is still customary with the Roman Catholic church, they sought
          elsewhere that toleration they could not obtain in their native
          land; but singular to say, after the lapse of time, when the
          colonies were founded, they were unwilling to accord unto others
          of different faiths to their own, that religious freedom for
          which they themselves had forsaken fatherland, and expelled from
          the colonies all who differed with them in religious point of
          Besides this intolerance there is another reason why religion has
          become so distasteful to many people, and why the nations have
          eschewed religion from their councils. Because these teachers and
          professors of religion are without the knowledge of God, and
          their ideas and doctrines have been so far different to the
          written word, that reasonable people say, "Humbug!" and fly to
          the other extreme and become infidels. After witnessing the
          strife and variety of forms, and being unable to gain assurance
          from such sources respecting the realities of the future, they
          say, "We don't know anything about it; we'll live good moral
          lives and all will be well.
          The greatest difficulty the elders have to contend with in the
          world is this wide spreading infidelity, brought about by the
          assumptions of so called religious teachers. Now, the Lord has
          restored his Holy Priesthood, his mind and will,--the glorious
          Gospel which is "the power of God unto salvation," and fearful of
          losing what power they hold over the minds of men, these
          self-elected teachers and priests have combined to oppose it.
          Now, in order to understand the principles of the true and
          everlasting Gospel, we must look at them by the spirit of God,
          for "the things of God knoweth no man except by the spirit of
          God." A man cannot understand the things of man with the spirit
          of a horse or an ox; then how can a man understand the things of
          God except by the spirit of God,--a higher grade of intelligence.
          By that Spirit, the Bible, with all its apparent inconsistencies,
          is made plain to the human mind. People have misconstrued, have
          turned the truth into lies and perverted the Gospel of Christ.
          When a Latter-day Saint has conformed to the ordinances of the
          Gospel and received the Holy Ghost, the Bible has seemed a new
          book to him, although, in his childhood he may have perused its
          pages over and over again. The light and intelligence of the
          Spirit has beamed upon his understanding, so as to enable him to
          form a just and correct conception of its sacred truths.
          Through the great variety of forms systems and creeds, infidelity
          has been brought about. The true plan, as revealed to the
          Latter-day Saints, is sufficiently ample to save all men, but the
          plans and creeds of men are not ample to any great extent, even
          if they were true. Take the Catholics, for instance; they consign
          to perdition all but themselves, contrary to the meaning of the
          term Catholic, which is universal; but they have become
          sectarian. The plan designed in our pre-existent state has been
          ignored, but in this dispensation it has been restored and we can
          see wherein it is ample to provide for the salvation of the
          children of men. It is to be preached to all nations, and those
          who will accept it may be redeemed and exalted. Then why should
          people be afraid of the government of God? It is bound to come
          and rule. When it is established in its greatness, glory and
          power it will be the most efficient and complete government on
          the face of the earth. People are afraid of the government of
          God, even some Mormons (I will not say Latter-day Saints,) lest
          some man or men get undue authority. Some persons in the Church
          think that an Apostle or a Bishop has no right to interfere in
          temporal things; that their business alone is to look after the
          spiritual affairs, and their temporal affairs they can attend to
          themselves. It is very possible some of these men understand
          financial matters better than the servants of the Lord; but it
          should not be forgotten that the spirit of God and the Holy
          Priesthood will qualify men for all positions of life. People
          can, through these agencies, acquire superior intelligence to
          administer in the things of this world, and it must be done
          before the eternal riches are conferred upon this people, because
          the light of heaven is superior to that of the world. The
          kingdoms of this earth are to become the kingdoms of our God and
          his Christ. I look for this government to come through the Holy
          Priesthood, and to exercise power in temporal, political and all
          other things,--a government that will extend to all men their
          rights and privileges.
          Confusion reigns over the face of he whole earth. Look at the
          combinations and warfare being waged one against another; capital
          against labor, and labor against capital, There are thousands of
          broad acres lying uncultivated, and yet men are going without
          bread to eat. We hear of organizations parading the streets, with
          banners on which are inscribed the words, "Give us Bread; Labor
          or Blood!" There should be no strikes for higher wages--no strife
          between capital and labor. The labor of men should command a
          subsistence, and if everything is regulated, as it would be under
          the government of God, there would be no hard times, no
          complaints, no strikes, no warfare.
          There is plenty of unoccupied land in this country and any man
          can get a piece of it. "But," says one, "I have no team, nor seed
          to plant, and no money with which to buy either. What can I do?"
          You can take up a piece of land, get your citizenship papers; and
          the moment you do so, you have the right to file upon it, and
          have two or three years in which to pay for the land. No other
          person can go to the Land Office and take that land away from
          you. In Order to get a start, you can work for your neighbor and
          for your labor get the privilege of using his team, plough and
          seed, and afterwards attend to it yourself. You have then bread
          enough for yourself and family for one year. A man, by this
          course, forms the nucleus of his prosperity, wealth and
          comparative independence. Subsequently he gathers around him the
          comforts of life; he gets a cow, a pig or two, and a few
          chickens. This position in life is much more self-reliant and
          independent than employment by the day, week or the month in
          cities or overcrowded business centres. There, when a day's labor
          stops, the supply stops; but when you have your own source of
          supply, and your labor temporarily fails, you still have plenty
          of grain, and other produce of the farm by which you can get
          President Young gave more houses to the poor than all the
          societies in the world, and laid the foundation of a great
          nation--a kingdom--even the kingdom of God. All these stakes of
          Zion are strengthening with the saints of God. Is it the
          outsiders who come here to Utah that build up the country? No;
          the material prosperity of Zion is alone attributable to the
          labors of the Saints, guided and directed by the Almighty. It is
          they who are to be found in the nooks and corners--in all
          directions--wherever there is a spring or a bit of land--building
          up, making the earth bring forth its products, and strengthening
          and enlarging the borders of Zion. It does my heart good to see
          the settlements extending, even to the remote corners of the
          Territory. Besides, this class of the Latter-day Saints, who are
          branching out and developing remote sections of the country, are
          generally the most faithful, hardworking and industrious of the
          community. Some of the people think that the Lord is not showing
          the signs of his coming; they get disheartened; they expect to
          see some great apostle come from heaven with the mysteries of the
          Kingdom. Now the church and kingdom of God is to be built up by
          our practical efforts. Industry should be employed in Zion, and
          the labor of the people ought to be put to the best possible
          practical use. This has everything to do with the kingdom of God,
          and this is where we require revelations of God--to teach us how
          to build up his temporal work. We do not raise feed enough for
          our teams; we do not cultivate as much as we ought, and do not
          know how to cultivate that that we have. All these things should
          be known, as they tend to the building up of the kingdom of God.
          We require intelligence to guide the cultivating hand. I contend
          it is building up God's kingdom to make a yard of cloth, to build
          school houses, to cultivate the earth, and to practically apply
          every conceivable plan of life necessary for our common
          subsistence; and in order to accomplish these things we must have
          intelligence that comes from heaven,--that is, if we desire to
          exceed our fellows. Until we know how to properly accomplish and
          apply all these things the Lord will never hand over to us the
          riches of the earth. As it is we have not sufficient of the
          Spirit of the Lord to entitle us to this great blessing. As soon
          as he finds out he has got a people who will hold what he gives,
          he will bestow it, and when he knows that they will apply it to
          his glory. Why could not we establish the United Order among the
          people? Because we did not know how to do so, and I have not seen
          a man who knew how, and for the reason that we were not prepared
          to receive it. When the Lord finds he has a people who will not
          give them over to the devil and waste them, then he will bestow
          the eternal riches, but this will not be done, and cannot be done
          consistently, until he has a people who will use them for the
          glory of his kingdom.
          I think the Saints are on the road of improvement. Their labors
          are being directed to the welfare of Zion; but there is yet a
          great deal of unemployed labor that can be made available to that
          end. We should open up new industries, when others fail to employ
          all the material at command. When one branch is overdone, open up
          another and thereby find the means of employment for those in
          need of it. It has been thought that labor-saving machinery and
          railroads have injured us. It is not so; men should go at
          something else, and so keep on, constantly turning our attention
          to something that will pay better and accomplish more.
          The time will come when the thread will be cut, but I think we
          could live if the thread were cut tomorrow. We can produce
          everything, except perhaps what are called the luxuries; still we
          would suffer much inconvenience. There are a great many things we
          would have to do without, and if the thread were cut we would
          have to do a great many things that we now neglect to do. We
          should not be forever dependent on Babylon. Call them little
          things if you please, but they are as essential to the building
          up of the kingdom as they are to any other kingdom on the earth.
          Wickedness is permitted only to try men and women,--to prove
          their integrity. If we could have learned and accomplished all
          things just as well in the spirit world as here on the earth, do
          you think the Lord would have sent us to this world of sorrow and
          wickedness? Jesus had to pass through these ordeals, in order to
          get an exaltation. Then let us apply our labors to the
          circumstances and requirements which surround us, and serve
          God--if we believe there is a God--and use all our abilities for
          the accomplishment of his purposes, that we may pass on to glory,
          and exaltation in his kingdom, which may God grant. Amen.
          Journal of Discourses / Journal of Discourses, Volume 19 /
          Charles C. Rich, June 30, 1878
                           Charles C. Rich, June 30, 1878
                         DISCOURSE BY ELDER CHARLES C. RICH,
                    Delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City,
                               Sunday, June 30, 1878.
                            (Reported by Geo. F. Gibbs.)
                                     A BAD ONE;
          I am thankful to have the opportunity of meeting with the
          Latter-day Saints, this afternoon in this Tabernacle. I trust
          that I may be able to impart a few words of instruction to you,
          inasmuch as I shall be assisted so to do by the Holy Spirit;
          without this aid, I am aware that I would not be qualified to
          speak to your edification.
          We have met this Sabbath day for the purpose of offering up our
          Sacrament to the Most High God, to worship him; and while we are
          thus engaged, let me request you, my brethren and sisters, to
          call in the wanderings of your minds, and implore His Holy Spirit
          to rest upon us, that our worship may be acceptable unto the
          Lord, and truly beneficial unto ourselves; for, as we have
          learned, all blessings flow from Him, and that we are dependent
          upon him for every good thing that we receive.
          We are a blessed people in having received a knowledge of the
          plan of salvation; for we are in a position to improve our
          condition, day by day, by the instruction we receive, inasmuch as
          we are desirous to be found obedient to all the requirements of
          God concerning us. We have commenced to walk the straight and
          narrow way which, we are told, leads to the exaltation and
          continuation of the lives, and few there be that bind it. The
          fact of our having found the way of life, ought to inspire in our
          hearts a desire to learn all that is necessary for us to know in
          order to enable us to continue in the way, serving our God with
          all our hearts. I presume these are the feelings of my brethren
          and sisters present today. You, doubtless, want to know what the
          Lord requires of us, in the hope of overcoming every imperfection
          and folly, and every evil that we are subject to while in the
          The Lord has told us in our day, through the mouth of his servant
          Joseph, that a man cannot be saved in ignorance. This one item
          itself is very important for us to continually bear in mind, for
          it is calculated to stimulate us to seek after that knowledge and
          wisdom that come from God, which will enable us, under all
          circumstances, to decide between right and wrong, and eventually
          lead us back to His presence. And, having attained to a portion
          of that knowledge that we are seeking after, we are doubtless
          willing to live according to and practise it in our lives. For
          everything that is right and pleasing in the sight of God, is not
          likely to produce an evil; on the contrary, its natural fruit is
          good. By doing right, by carrying out the will of God, we injure
          nobody; but on the other hand, we are then in a condition to
          bless and benefit others. We have already demonstrated this fact.
          We all know that the more nearly we live to the Lord, the better
          we feel, and the greater the degree of happiness that exits in
          our midst, and we exert an influence for good wherever we go. I
          have known people whose religious belief has led them to imagine
          that salvation was not to be obtained short of what we term the
          spirit world. But we have learned that the principles of
          righteousness produce happiness in this world as well as in the
          world to come.
          So far as the religious world is concerned it seems to be
          perfectly understood by all classes and all denominations, that
          it makes but little difference what mode of worship is chosen or
          adopted, so that the individuals themselves are suited; the idea
          as to whether the service they aim to render Him be acceptable
          and approved of him or not, does not seem to be worthy of their
          consideration, in fact it is never questioned.
          There were many creeds exiting when the Savior was upon the
          earth, having for the foundation of their faith the Old
          Testament. Since his day many have had, and do have an existence,
          and the saying of the Savior is just as applicable to-day as when
          he spoke it. "Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which
          leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Jesus told it
          precisely as it is, and he knew whereof he spoke. The Christian
          world, as a whole, will find when they get through with this
          life, that this, as well as many other sayings and teachings of
          the Savior, is full of significance, and they will find out, too,
          that it is true, a truth that cannot be changed or done away. It
          is not everybody that will find the gate, neither will the creeds
          of men nor the notions of men enable them to find it. God himself
          has a voice in the matter; he has provided the way, it is
          according to his appointment, which is no more or less than the
          plan devised and foreordained in the heavens and before the
          foundations of the earth. This Gospel plan cannot be changed or
          altered; it is the "narrow way" and the only way by which man can
          serve God acceptably. If, therefore, it be according to the plan
          that men, in order to become bearers of his message, should first
          themselves obey certain unchangeable requirements, and then be
          commissioned of him, before they could be authorized to preach
          his word and will to their fellow men, and thereby become
          virtually his servants, such requirements must be complied with,
          it will never do for individuals who disregard these requirements
          and who are wholly unauthorized of him, to go forth and act as
          ministers sent of God to declare the way of life to the children
          of men. Neither would it answer for persons to accept the
          doctrines of these men, however popular and acceptable to man
          they may be, for God, with whom all of us have to do, will not
          countenance them. The service we render him must be done
          according to his will, if done in some other way, he will not
          approve of it. The ordinances pertaining to his holy Temples must
          be performed only as he has directed, and in the place that he
          has commanded, unless the Lord reveals otherwise. This is
          consistent with reason. If we, for instance, employ people to
          serve us, we want to dictate their labors, and we want them to do
          just as we wish them, and not as they may desire to do. And how
          much more so with our heavenly Father. If our services be not
          acceptable to God, we are not serving him; then whose servants
          are we? Says the Savior, "he that gathereth not with me
          scattereth abroad. And again, "he that is not for me, is against
          me." And the Apostle Paul says, "Know ye not, that to whom ye
          yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye
          obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto
          righteousness." Therefore, my brethren, let us duly consider the
          importance of this, fearing the services we do may not be of
          "obedience unto righteousness," and consequently lost unto us,
          and prove to be in opposition to the will of our heavenly Father.
          We must conform our will unto his will; the Savior himself did
          this, and he sought to do no more, nor no less. And if we serve
          him acceptably it must be as he is pleased to direct, not as we
          might please unless we please to do as he wishes us to do.
          When we understand the true position we occupy as the children of
          God, and not of this world, we shall find that we occupy a
          peculiar position.
          We have to learn something, and we have to learn through the
          proper channel what the Lord requires of us; and when we have
          learned this, we must be ready and willing to comply with it,
          whatever it may be. And if the world did but know it, this is the
          mission given unto us to this earth, that we might learn, in this
          earthly school, things we could not learn elsewhere. And in order
          that we may learn correctly we must be willing to be taught by
          those who are competent to teach, and we must accept and study
          the lessons provided for us.
          Nearly half a century ago, when the Lord first commenced to
          reveal the principles of salvation to us his children, he began
          to tell us what was coming upon the earth; he predicted the
          overthrow of the kingdoms of this world, and he commissioned and
          sent forth his servants to bear testimony of his second coming
          and reign on the earth. He told us of earthquakes, of famine and
          pestilence, and of other judgments that must eventually overtake
          the wicked in their unrighteousness, and that was said at a time
          when the world was crying peace. But people are as blind
          concerning the fulfilment of prophecy in these days as they were
          anciently, when the Savior said of them "they seeing see not; and
          hearing they hear not, neither do they understand." Such has been
          the condition of all generations, notwithstanding the
          revelations, given to them have been plain and positive, and many
          have been fulfilled and many are being fulfilled. As it was with
          the overthrow of the Jews, so will it be in these last days. The
          Lord will fulfil his word, and he will fulfil all that he has
          said concerning his coming, whether we are prepared or not. He
          will overturn the kingdoms of this world, and will establish his
          kingdom, and the world of mankind cannot prevent it. It is for us
          to prepare ourselves for the dispensation of his providences by
          doing right, not by thinking so, or guessing so, or may be so,
          but by knowing what is right. We have the opportunity to learn
          what right is, and what is required of us, and we have the power
          to do it; and if we do not do it, surely we shall be found
          wanting. In comparison, we will be like unto the foolish virgins
          whose lamps had gone out, and who, when the time came for them to
          appear ready to go forth to meet the Bridegroom, whom they were
          waiting for, found they had no oil in their lamps; and while they
          were seeking to renew their stock, the bridegroom came and they
          were too late to meet him. There are a great many things
          pertaining to us, Latter-day Saints, that should occupy our
          serious attention. It is an easy matter to make mistakes unless
          we are very careful; and if we do make mistakes we will find
          ourselves more or less injured, and astray from the right path,
          and devoid of that portion of the Holy Spirit that we otherwise
          might enjoy.
          So far as this world is concerned, some people look upon it as a
          horrid world, a world full of pain, sorrow and suffering. I do
          not regard it as such. I consider it a blessed world, a glorious
          world, which affords us very many privileges. What other place is
          there besides this world where we can obtain remission of sins?
          That ordinance belongs to this life and this world and to no
          other. And a great many things pertaining to this world we can do
          here, but which we cannot do after we pass behind the vail. If we
          attend to the duties of this life in the time and season thereof,
          not leaving undone anything which we are able to do, all will be
          well with us hereafter; but if we fail in the performance of our
          duties here, we certainly shall regret and perhaps mourn our
          negligence when we shall have passed away; and besides we shall
          then have to depend upon others to do things in our behalf, which
          we might have done ourselves. Let us improve our opportunities
          here, and appreciate them as fully we ought to. They are great
          and glorious, and if we not make a good use of them, we will
          certainly be sorry when we pass away, and what makes it more
          serious is that we do not know when, if ever, we shall cease to
          be sorry. This probation is short, and when we shall have done
          everything in our power to do, using our very best exertions to
          fulfil every obligation and duty, we shall then no more than be
          prepared. The more we learn and understand pertaining to the
          things of God, the more sensible we will become of the importance
          of being careful and determined, on our part, never to yield to
          the spirit of indifference or be guilty of committing an act that
          is wrong. We should be astonished if a messenger from the eternal
          world could be influenced to commit an act of folly or wrong. As
          saints of God we ought to be so firm, and have that
          determination, in connection with our knowledge, that we could
          not be moved by any influence or power to do a wrong, however
          trivial. What is at stake in regard to this matter? Everything so
          far as our exaltation is concerned. This is something that we
          should think of and bear in mind in all our associations and
          situations in life, being careful and cautious that we do not
          produce an evil that will live longer than we do. Seeing that we
          are all the time subject to temptation, and consequently to do
          wrong, we ought to be determined in our own hearts, never to
          allow any wrong that we may do to live longer than we do; let us
          see that no evil, however small, finds place in our hearts; but
          rather cultivate the good fruit in all of our associations in
          this life, feeling thankful that we have the privilege of
          laboring for the cause of right and truth, and of developing
          these principles within use.
          We are called upon now to build Temples. I can say with great
          pleasure that, so far as my knowledge extends among the
          Latter-day Saints, that they, as a whole, are willing to perform
          this labor. We have, through the goodness and mercy of God,
          learned that Temples are for an important use, and that without
          them we cannot, in our present condition, receive certain
          blessings necessary to our salvation and exaltation in the
          Kingdom of God. Why so? Because the Lord has ordained that those
          blessings shall be administered in such places, and which, if not
          performed as he has directed, are without effect. These are
          things that we understand, because the Lord has enlightened us
          through his Holy Spirit. It has been a common saying in the world
          that the Latter-day Saints were led blindly of the Prophet
          Joseph; after his death it was said they were the dupes of the
          Prophet Brigham; and now it may be said that we yield blind
          obedience to President Taylor. But, as Latter-day Saints, we
          understand it is every man's privilege and every woman's
          privilege to know for themselves that these men were and still
          are servant of the living God, and that it is, therefore, God who
          leads and directs them. And if any belonging to this church are
          not satisfied on this point, it is because they are not living up
          to their privileges; and to all such, if there be any, I would
          say it is time you were obtaining this knowledge; it is time that
          every man and woman, claiming membership in the church and
          kingdom of God, were enabled to rise up and bear testimony to the
          world, if necessary, that they do know that God has set his hand
          to build up his kingdom, and that it has been established in the
          earth in our day, and that we have been permitted to receive it.
          When we can bear this testimony, it will not be, "I guess so," or
          "May be so;" but it will be "Verily, thus saith the Lord."
          I can say now, as I have often said before you and before the
          world, that I know for myself that God has established his
          kingdom on the earth in these days, and that he requires
          obedience to the laws of his kingdom and that he not only
          requires it, but that it is our duty to willingly and gladly
          submit to his will whatever it may be, for he can require nothing
          of us only that which will be for our good, and that, too, which
          we must perform in order to purify ourselves to enter into the
          Celestial kingdom. "Well," one may say, "But the world do not
          believe it." I know the world did not believe Noah, when he
          preached unto them for the space of 120 years that if they did
          not receive his testimony, the Lord would send a flood of water
          upon them. The world did not believe Jesus the Son of God, when
          he told them the future of Jerusalem. I know, too, that, so far
          as history informs us, the world never has received the
          testimonies of the servants of God, neither do they believe now
          what is being preached to them by his servants. But for all that
          the Lord has always fulfilled his word, and by it the righteous
          have been saved, and the disobedient destroyed. And we know that
          he will bring to pass all that has been spoken by the mouth of
          his servants, whether the world believe or not. And, as the
          people of God, who have been simple-minded enough to receive the
          message he has sent unto us, we have the consolation of knowing
          that while wickedness and abomination and all who delight
          therein, will be swept away from the earth; according to the
          decree of the Almighty, his saints, with their children, will
          live to increase and spread abroad and ultimately fill the whole
          earth. Let us cultivate within us the knowledge of God, by living
          according to the light we have received; and let us ever
          appreciate the privileges that this world affords us of learning
          good and evil, and of being able to distinguish between that
          which is right and that which is wrong. We have the power, if
          faithful, to overcome evil and opposition and all the powers of
          darkness, and of sanctifying ourselves before the Lord through
          his truth, and of preparing ourselves while on this earth to
          inherit his glorious presence in the world to come.
          That this may be our happy lot, is my prayer in the name of
          Jesus. Amen.