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Futurlogics is a Thinking System and a Method of Research using the minds reaction to the future.

FUTURING: The Exploration of the Future vs FUTURLOGICS a System of Prospective Thinking

Futurlogics book review of FUTURING: The Exploration of the Future Categories

All comments are in parens ( ) and are current to Sept 2011

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:


The future is not what it used to be. The past is no longer prologue. This is an unprecedented age and it will be difficult to find examples in history to parallel what is happening now--let alone what will happen in the near future!

In times past, our influence upon our environment has had the impact of a butterfly upon a rock. Now, we are like the bull in a china shop. Brute force offers immediate solution; but, the side effects of using force blindly mount to threatening levels. Modern technology has delivered into our hands such power that we literally can change the shape of the planet we reside upon. We fight nature rather that use her forces to work for/with us. We expend too much energy when nature would supply our needs.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:


If brute force alone solves opposition, then brute force is all that is needed. But it solves only a few problems. Force is always limited--we always apply force with some intelligence. Also brute force applied to the intelligence of man is a cause for even greater social opposition until tyranny reigns. Seldom is brute force the best answer, as the cure is usually worse than the ailment. Technology offers a wise application of force to bring about change. Also, where people are concerned we must consider emotions and ideas. Engineering social structures is a case in point where it is obvious that brute force--or any force--will cause increasing opposition. Changing material is one thing, and changing people is something entirely different. The ratio of force to intelligence is a formula in every operation that must be considered in the light of long range effect and consequences.

Opposition to change is not always detrimental because it can be used as a pivot to effect changes that would not otherwise be possible. All change is met with opposition and this principle cannot be avoided, so the best thing we can do is use the opposition to further produce the desired goal. This is where intelligence is a prime factor in preparing. Indeed pure intelligence is a force with no opposition.

We should be informed and be aware of opposition, and this suggests the next step--feedback. We should be able to get information about our progress toward the overall goal. Communication between the implementors for reasonable assurances of acquisition of the desired goal is necessary. This all suggests a self-consciousness of action with a cognizance of all that is ongoing.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:



Sometimes a subject is best understood when contrasted against its opposite. DMP is such a subject. But what is its opposite? We are unable to see the future, we don't hear the future, we don't touch things of the future, and we can't smell or taste what has not occurred. We are unable to remember what has not yet happened. Any thinking that contains the operation of the senses, memory, etc., that is beyond the limits of a pure mental grasp is a cycle. DMP is cycle free thinking.

A cycle is thought which uses any of the observational channels of the senses or process of memory. Seeing is believing and observation is experience. If we see what we believe or think about what we see, then we are using a cycle that is the see-think cycle. If we think about what we remember, and remember what we think about, we are cycling namely the think-know cycle. In fact, the scientific method uses cycles of observation and thought. Philosophy is based upon the cycles of logic and reason. (Note: In a philosophical discussion it is not sufficient to say that an object exists simply because one sees it. There must be logical proof that it exists. In such a style of thinking certain methods of learning are excluded to enhance the use of others. i.e., reason and logic, and the purpose of philosophy is to use these methods only to attain knowledge.)

When a learning approach based upon a cycle is used to the exclusion of the other means of learning it becomes a mode of approach. Total learning is DMP where all the mind is used to intuitively arrive at knowledge. A mode is an approach to learning where only a portion of the mind process is used to arrive at knowledge. DMP is Cycle and Mode free thinking.

(I like this definition found in the Futuring book as a quick and dirty definition of the cycle in the Futurlogics. Perhaps it could be used as a definition until a deeper understanding develops in Futurlogics.)

(In futuring there is the belief that there is a continuity of the past, present, future that we can accept. When we see them or acknowledge them we see a trend. In futurlogics we see them in memory, perceptions, imagination, assumptions, and our ability to create, and the patterns of the paradigm future. These cycles, modes, models, futures, become the divisions of the futurlogical method. DMP means these trends are internalized and are tools of futuring to use the words of the futurist at World Future Society who try to keep everything externalized so there is objective discussion upon the future.)

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:


The temptations of multinational corporations to ensure the success of their plans by exercising force and market manipulation is significant in light of our discussion of the relationship of power and the intellectual process of prediction. Mind over material things is one thing, but mind over mankind is another. It is historically evident that we have dominated or used the weak to obtain power. Self-expression is an admirable quest, but if we infringe upon the self-expression of others this turns freedom into slavery. Man shaping man and social engineering, propaganda, political manipulation of the few ruling the many are serious problems that will emerge from the increase of power available to us. Plans with power should be understood so freedom can be preserved.

(Globalization through economic conquest will encroach upon personal and national sovereignties.)

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:


A system is needed to utilize our intelligence in an organized study of our future or the future.

We have an either-or situation. Either we know something about the future or we know nothing about it. The philosophy of Futurlogics takes neither position, but says that knowing does not matter, because everybody has a "future." True or artificial, it makes no difference, because we act and use these futures either because they are true or because we take them as a substitute. This makes the investigation of man and prospective thinking continuous and systematic.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:



The calculated risk, the wager, the bet, the dare, the "I'll take a chance" are conscious manifestations of the subconscious workings. As long as we believe we are safe and secure, the artificial future remains below the conscious. If the action prompted by one percept of the artificial future is deemed dangerous or extraordinary, then consciousness is brought to the fore.

Every one takes a chances--not just on cards and dice or race horses, but subconsciously. Many times it takes a lifetime to discover we assumed things would happen or had "feelings" which are no longer appropriate. The artificial future is subconscious gambling.

People who wage or bet frequently are bored with life and seek to spice up the commonplace. The gambler gets his excitement from the value of the wager. Events become interesting not for their own sake, but for the hinge on the turn of events. Those people who are emotionally anesthetized by the commonplace like to tease their artificial future to get more feeling out of the usual because the lack foreknowledge. Or they are afraid of the future.

(Chance, Chaos reveal our Artificial Futures or illusions and delusions of the future(s).


How do we know our artificial future? We need only interview the victims of a drastic life-changing event to find that it exist within us. Earthquakes and hurricanes interrupt what we supposed our future to be. They reveal to us that what we believed to be the itinerary of future events were only vain hopes. If tonight the inside of the earth were to burst like an egg, all our assumptions would be of no consequence. Doomsday talk has been around for ages. It does not alarm any experienced historian. Yet the point we silhouette against all this is that we live by assumptions so common they are taken for granted. During changes we become able to discern between delusion and illusion recognizing them for what they are.

The Artificial Future is a constellation of guesses we trust and bank our lives upon. If we have made good guesses then the artificial future will be like the real future. If we have make poor guesses the the artificial future will always bring sudden disappointments if not calamity.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:


In beginning a study of the future it would seem we have limitless starting points. Not all of these will develop into a mode. The possible attitudes, opinions, frames of mind, and definitions subject to the concept of modality eventually limit themselves. But man, being a creature of habit and economy, will settle on favorite cycles which will feedback into themselves and generate the modes we have discussed. Since we have common personality traits with similar motivations and common experiences, there are common grounds from which modes spawn, and it is because of this that special or dominant modes persist. There are six major modes which are common modal approaches to the future.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:

Visioning (They mean preliminaries to planning)


Synergy of planning cannot really be understood as a list of parts. To look at the principle of planning as anything less than a complete whole is to leave out some of the most important dimensions of the activity. However, we can, by separating the "operations," get a digestible portion of the whole. As we become more familiar we can synthesize the parts to get the feel of the total activity.

1. To begin any planning, one should determine the mode with which the future is perceived. This may be from any single mode, but should be of the general overall modes/model of Futurlogics. Decisions and judgments of variables can be simplified if the mode of perception of the general and specific aspects of the future is known consciously during the mental stage of planning. Define natural base. That is what will it be like if we do not plan or implement the plan

2. Goals, objective, missions, and requirements should be defined as well as results, effects, and desires, and these should be reduced to terminology of change mechanics. No plan is effective until specific and single aims are set. Goals should focus the activity and complement the build-up of effects that will cause the goal to be accomplished. We should see clearly where we want to go. The more clearly this is defined. The easier the plan will be developed.

3. Evaluation, appraisal, estimate of the present situation is the logical pursuant to step two. After we can clearly see the goal as well as present circumstances, We can then inventory the resources elementary to implementing our plans.

4. Compare, analyze, and study the disparity between the present state and the future stage of the desired or the required. The future state of goals achieved is compared to the present state of goals yet to be achieved. The changes needed to effect the end result of goal achievement will be evident.

5. Will the ad quo occur naturally or will intervention and energy be required to overcome obstacles and bring about the desired change at the right time? Resources at hand should be evaluated to determine, if they will be sufficient. If they are deficient, external sources must be explored. Our commitment is now determined so that we can direct activity appropriately.

6. Set the time requirements and structuring. Schedules and the sense of time, use and passage, is an essential activity. Planning organizes all the activities relative to the future and puts them into a system. What the concert is to the single musician the activity of planning is to any single activity such as waiting. Waiting activity is the scheduling the time to accomplish the goal.

7. Communicate to all who will participate the requirements to accomplish subgoals/goals. Organize, coordinate all subgoals and overall plans that systematize them into a complete, encompassing plan. Some planning begins with many specific plans that are combined in an overall super-plan. In this case, the sub-plans are formed first and the main plan organizes them. The other case is that a main plan may be so complex that in order to communicate the minor requirements to the participants, subgoals are generated to guide the subordinate activities of the constituent faction of the implementing staff.

8. Set up a monitoring feedback system to have obstacle and unforeseen events brought to the fore so that a resolution may be effected within time standards. One may set watchful eyes upon any contingency areas so that he will not be caught off guard.

9. Plan the equilibrium or life expectancy of the desired results. Once you have accomplished the goal, how long do you desire that condition to remain? If you desire only to get to the top of the mountain, then as soon as you get there you can turn around and return, saying that the goal is accomplished. But if you wish to clear a jungle for farming, you may want a permanent condition that makes permanent farming possible, and the constant fight of the encroaching jungle might prove to be an expensive output that prohibits any further agricultural projects.

(Compare the above to those proposed below in Edward Cornish book "Futuring" © 2004)

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:



We should realize that there will always be things and events that we can never create. There are limits. The ultimate limit may be man himself. God, who seems to leave us to ourselves, may one day reveal those limits. How much energy and power would it require to accomplish all the dreams of the mind? If we learn to work with nature, it may not require any energy at all, except that of intelligence. Making nature work for us is the art of creating a synthetic future we can live in. Brute force and exercising muscles in every direction with no control or forethought may produce a synthetic future which no one can tolerate.

Creativity separates man and animals. It is a great gift, but as with genius, it can be misused. We must learn to farm the deserts and the ocean, and control the weather. We must create a means of living peacefully and with freedom for all the earth's citizens. The planet becomes smaller as we gain more power to change, and as we make devices to overcome the forces of nature.

But energy is central to creativity. We must have energy, mental and physical, to create.

The planetary society will be ushered in with forecasts of doom if we continue to cheapen human life and rights. The potential, however, is utopian in scope.

The variety of our physical environment is almost beyond comprehension. Nature has both order and variety. As we learn more about our earth we gain a better perspective of the synthetic mode and Mother Nature working out her own problems. Her surprises are evidence of how dependent upon her we are.

Yet, her surprise are really no surprise, for we have seen them before. We expect most of what occurs even though precise prediction still eludes us. Perfection of these skills necessary to prognostication of time and date and place are till in the offing. Earthquakes, floods, eruptions of volcanoes, solar spots, hurricanes and such are all still in the infant stage of prediction. Shark tooth replacement, bird migration, etc., are familiar to us. Through we know these expressions of her moods, we have yet to see what she has in store for us if we tamper with intricate balances. It could be that such holocaust awaits in the wings that fear and trembling are in good taste when we approach her secret parts.

All that Mother Nature has done can only be guessed at. Her mistakes are extinct and buried. The present balance is the result of all the trial and error of the past, and long waits for renewal. The race of man is a latecomer and we haven't learned all the mistakes possible. With the threat of a unbalance ecology, the study of the natural future has been emphasized. We have been forced to eat some of our worst mistakes. A better understanding of the natural future will give us a good chance to survive on this space-island earth.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:

For centuries every new custom or invention has met opposition. During the dark ages persecution and death were the rewards of private research that brought forth new knowledge. Galileo was not warmly received as he formulated and made public his findings. The "learned community" of his time threatened his life and forced him to make a public retraction of his discoveries. Da Vinci had to write in cryptic notes to prevent censure from those who were organized to maintain the status quo.

Today, we have seen the results of invention and innovation in scientific research. New ideas are welcomed, more than they have been at any time in history. The attitude that new discoveries are useful, and not a threat, has changed us for the better. We know now, that all ways of learning are of value--if they produce results.

Self-educated persons are rare, but they have contributed greatly to our store of knowledge. The greatest thing we could learn from the self-educated is often ignored as their success is celebrated. What we miss is the manner in which they have taught themselves. When we marvel at their accomplishments, we conclude that it is a sign of their genius. Essential to learning the future is the principle of the self-taught genius.

All new knowledge initially learned from the surface will not match what we already know. Genius is the ability to simplify the new knowledge within the body of existing knowledge, so that all can understand it. Often we block many new ideas from our consciousness because we feel them to be ridiculous, impertinent, irrelevant, illogical, worthless, out of the ordinary, out of order, intrusive, etc., because we don't penetrate the surface to the fountainhead.

After, when we do receive the new knowledge, it becomes whole and logically connected. All learning has momentary confusion, while the old knowledge is broken down and the new is incorporated. After this synthesis occurs, close cycles and logic begin again until the next "stroke of inspiration." DMP, (or "genius") come along. In the meantime, perhaps we can assist this process by learning the principles of learning to be ready for the next burst of learning or “breakthrough.” A little more metacognition might help.



We cannot improve what we do not try. Exercising the methods we use now will be a beginning. It might be best to take notes in a note book specially dedicated for the purpose, however, to compare the gained objectivity in the technique and thus discern the mode that dominates our concept of the future. A futures log if you will.

1. Spare moments offer a chance to scan ahead of current events and to orient ourselves to the time necessary to predict. This is also a time when the subconscious mind is free to problem-solving and can be more easily tapped and used. Prediction should be done in a relaxed state.

2. Learn the words that express future tense so that notes can be described correctly.

3. Watch how people refer to future events, and how they express themselves to gain a "feeling" for oncoming events.

4. Periodically guess at things where minimal risk is involved to keep the mind active in prospective thought. One needn't broadcast these guesses so as to attract ridicule from others. Many a guess has led to sure foreknowledge as subsequent events proved intuitive insights.

5. Try to free the predictions from specifics and get the most general meaning and description. This prevents the prediction from becoming a self-sustaining mode; that is, deductive thought chain. Use similes and metaphors to express the prediction. The literature of the Bible is at its most powerful when parallel thought is used to express meaning. The greatest effort of prospective thought is found in the Bible, and it should not surprise us that there are verbal arts involved in these exercises that generalize our thoughts.

6. Use the techniques of brainstorming to break up rigid patterns of thought that block clear thinking. Start with the wildest flights of fancy first, then work toward the concrete and practical. The brainstorming technique can bring to consciousness many subconscious ideas which facilitate the art of foretelling, particularly of an artificial future. Reserve criticism to a specified time and place.

7. Trace the origin of your thoughts to organic origins, if you can, to see if the ideas come from “within” or “without.” ESP and DMP may be found to be real factors in your insights, and if so, being able to discern where the idea began may be a valuable clue to "contact" with futurity. Remember that no one has yet disproved these awareness'. To those who know of the reality of such things, trying to explain them to one who denies their existence is like describing color to a blind man.

8. Wait for different moods to balance the effect that emotions play in prediction. Moods are important, because they influence the content of our thoughts.

9. Assume a different role in society. Our self-concept has much to do with the direction our thoughts take. Identification with strong religious or political figure will influence our interests in special aspects of the future, which, if we identify with a condemned murderer, for instance, we may never consider. We change our opinions of ourselves with each new mood. Therefore, self-image is another dimension of DMP.

10. Do not let immediate circumstances overpower you to see things in terms of the moment. During times of prosperity people tend to see the future as prosperous. During difficult times people tend to see the doom of days to come and are pessimistic. Try to break from these overwhelming inputs of environment. Keep your head above water so you can see which way you are swimming. Don't let yourself drown in the momentary.

11. Respect others so that it will be easy to accept the self you will become. If you are tolerant with others then you will be tolerant with your potential self. We hope to be able to admire the person we will become. Be good to yourself and do things now to make it easier for you in the future. Negative procrastination will alienate you from your potential self. Sacrificing now can make things easier for you later.

12. Study the source and origin of all information that you come across to be able to validate your predictions.

13. Believe in yourself. If we have doubts we set up internal blocks that will "verify" the doubts. Belief deliberates our mental capacities. We find that using our bodies is easy as we learn to walk and function in the physical surroundings. It only takes a few years. It may take the rest or our lives to learn to use the greater percentage of our mental capacity.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:

In Futurlogics self-discovery means heuristics or the science of discovery.

It must be understood that this book contains no prophesy, no predictions or forecasts of any kind, except those used merely to exemplify the inherent principles of prospective thinking. In no way are they to be interpreted as mystical and underlying the pattern of things to come--except in the most general way. If one is seeking such, he will have to look elsewhere, as one of the tenets of this book is that the future must be a matter of self-discovery and not the prerogative of a select few dictating their vision to the many. Self-teaching must remain the core and wellspring of this writing. And the interpretation of religious writings should be left to those who have the authority to do so.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:

In Futurlogics is quoted:

Before we can improve, we should know where we are now. If in doubt, start somewhere and call it the beginning in the temporal environment any point can be defined a beginning. It is suggested to then write our beliefs of the future. This can be written in one sitting, or from notes accumulated over period. The main thing is to begin, for it is difficult to operate from a vacuum basis. After general statements concerning the future are made, we can make specific references to events we know will happen. At this point, we are not too concerned with the validity of the predictions. We are simply beginning the game and "getting the ball rolling." Reserving our negative thought should keep us from becoming mired in doubts.

Now that we have something to work with, we can put things into the true and false and needs more thinking categories. Obviously, some things will feel "farout" and others will be self-evidently true, but getting too wrapped up in judgments of truth will hamper the free flow of thought. We will pursue this effect when we discuss other techniques.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:

Chapter IV



Our memory ties us to the past, and we find continuity with the present. Indeed, we gain the meaning of things from their histories. No one will argue that studying the past will help us deal better with the present. History gives us a sense of direction and points our minds toward the right course as we look to the future. The function of history is an essential part of our dealings with the environment, especially the environment of time.

To understand the retrospective cycle of using the past to discover the future, we must understand clearly the nature and characteristics of the past.

(Notice the word continuity in the © 1983 of Futurlogics This is the very definition of the continuity mentioned in the Futuring by Edward Cornish)

(Cornish mistakenly defines Futuring as an art of converting the knowledge of the past in to knowledge of the future. In the futurlogics this is only one of six modes or channeling of the past in perceiving the future ahead. However he does recover by providing good general advice to financial lesson from history, on Page 137.)

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:


There is nothing future that will not eventually become present. All of the future can be known if we but wait and see.

Contrasted to present reality, futurity has a separation period of time between events. These periods necessitate waiting before that future reality becomes present reality. In predicting the future, we must also be aware of the waiting periods necessary before experiencing the future, as we experience present realities. The future must be waited for.


The position of the skeptic or the agnostic is that we can't know anything of the future because it is beyond our senses and therefore does not exist. This claim takes us to a point where anything that is future is a product of assumption and belief. It is seen as all a guess anyway.

The difference between the artificial future and the imaginary future is this: when we are motivated to act upon the imaginary future it becomes the artificial future. Also, the artificial future is largely a product of the subconscious mind; that is our emotions, and the imaginary future is of the conscious mind. The deciding factor is the principle of ACTION. The artificial future actionable imaginations.

Nevertheless skepticism has never built anything, created anything, dared anything, but waits for "someone else" to do it. Before we allow the negative process to operate we should give creative thoughts dominance. The absolute "knowablity" of the future doesn't matter, because either we know the future, or we must come up with a reasonable substitute. We cannot act without some kind of "future." The question becomes then, “what is the best substitute and how much should we trust this--substitute future?”

. . . Remember again Futurlogics does not care if we can actually predict or see the future in actuality as we have a future as it is part of the mental makeup. Whether the future is real or a figment of imagination it matters not.

(Anyone can predict the future if accuracy is optional.)

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:

This does not imply that the future produced by the mode(s) is not partly true. It is true in some degree history will repeat itself. Trends will and can play out. Imagining the future will bear fruit. Assuming a future is a beginning of making the future as we want it to be. And to a large degree we can direct and create our own future. Nevertheless, we must be aware of the limitations of each mode and not forget there may be the other ways.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:


The future is not what it used to be. The past is no longer prologue. This is an unprecedented age and it will be difficult to find examples in history to parallel what is happening now--let alone what will happen in the near future!

An old gentlemen, seeing the effects of inflation on his retirement, said "The future ain't what it used to be!" He expressed the need today to find a new way of approaching the future.

Everyone has an artificial future of some degree. We constantly act upon assumptions either consciously or subconsciously. It is a daily event to have these assumptions revealed as such. The old gentleman who said the "future ain't what it used to be" said it for all of us.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:


Our memory ties us to the past, and we find continuity with the present. Indeed, we gain the meaning of things from their histories.

. . . Further, logic ties all the moments of observation together so that they offer continuity to the flow of time. The observational mode fails without logic because this method considers only material environment of the present.


If brute force alone solves opposition, then brute force is all that is needed. But it solves only a few problems. Force is always limited--we always apply force with some intelligence. Also brute force applied to the intelligence of man is a cause for even greater social opposition until tyranny reigns. Seldom is brute force the best answer, as the cure is usually worse than the ailment. Technology offers a wise application of force to bring about change. Also, where people are concerned we must consider emotions and ideas. Engineering social structures is a case in point where it is obvious that brute force--or any force--will cause increasing opposition. Changing material is one thing, and changing people is something entirely different. The ratio of force to intelligence is a formula in every operation that must be considered in the light of long range effect and consequences.

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:

Previously we have not made any distinction between 'knowledge of the future' and 'foreknowledge.' Indeed, a sharp distinction at that stage was not necessary. But with the present discussion it is appropriate to point out the difference. Simply, foreknowledge is not mere data or information, but it is embodies at the same time the 'application' of that knowledge of the future to the present. A knowledge of history is useless unless we can apply it to the present. When we can relate history to the present it becomes 'experience.' Likewise, knowledge of the future, when applied to the present, becomes 'foreknowledge.' This is the ultimate aim of anyone who casts himself adrift in the ocean of the future. When we combine experience and foreknowledge, we enter the dominion of wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to apply history and futurity to the present.

It is true that our appetites sometimes exceed our capacity to consume that which we desire. Human beings are the only creatures on earth who want more than is good for their purposes. This greed affects the kind and quality of goal selection. Intemperate choice of goals will have an effect on the outcome or side effects of plans. This greed comes from a lack of foresight and fear.

(foreknowledge is the aim or goal of futurlogics rather than just foresight.)

In Futurlogics a system of prospective thinking copyright © 1983:

In order to look at the future from the standpoint of a generalist rather than that of a specialist, an overall attitude must be acquired so all the predictions of the specialized fields of research can fit into the larger scheme of things. In the academic role, the futurist will eventually come in at the end of all the other studies. Since the future is a result of all kinds of causes, the futurist should have the most expansive view of all the disciplines in education. Unbalanced input from the academic system of today from a dominant discipline is tantamount to the modal effect that we have been discussing in the distorting effect of the six modes. The psychology and mentality of today's futurist will eventually arrive at the implied meaning of DMP as it has been outlined due to the organic origins of the cycles and the mode produced from them.

Created September 28,2011 Self Teaching Publications